A MESSAGE FROM GEORGES VANIER ECOTEAM We would like to thank our Georges Vanier community for participating in our Eco Challenge and also the Eco Art Competition. A big congratulations goes out to the following the students and/or class that won our Art Competition. In 1st place – Mrs. Carvalho’s Grade 5 Class, with a wonderful depiction of palm tree with pterodactyls. In 2nd place- Mrs. Rigsby’s Kindergarten Class with a beautifully crafted train using only items in the garbage and recycling bin. And lastly, in 3rd place- Hailee Manosca in grade 8 with a gorgeous handcrafted flower made of newspaper. The EcoTeam and our school community is so very proud of you! We would also like to congratulate the Eco Challenge winners of 2015. These classes demonstrated commitment to saving energy, excelled in waste minimization and eco trivia! In 1st place – Ms. Esposito and Ms. D’Onofrio’s grade 4 class; in 2nd place – Mrs. Baltazar’s grade 6 class and in 3rd place - Ms. Pizzani’s grade 1 class! Keep up the good work! Earth Week 2015 is a time to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment, sustainable living and earth awareness. Environmentalists all over the world will recycle and conserve energy this earth week! Earth Week runs from April 20th to April 24th and Earth Day is April 22nd. This year Georges Vanier promoted Eco awareness by having an Earth Day Assembly followed by Brampton Spring Clean-up just outside our school.