The Viking News Weekly UPDATE March 1, 2015 issue #23 Virtue of the Month: KINDNESS We will be celebrating the virtue of Respect, as a school community, on Friday, March 27 @ 11:15 a.m. in our gymnasium Georges Vanier School Prayer Lord, in the morning as we start this day, We take a moment to bow and pray. We start with thanks, For all your kind and loving ways. And now as we begin our day, Watch over us as we work and play. We ask you to help us respect and love one another, And all we meet during the day. Hold our families and school staff in your hands, As we follow, in your commands. Teach us to love you more than before, Through random acts of love and kindness. Guide us to VISIT be like Georges Vanier, And make a difference by Helping the poor, the needy, the sick and the homeless. We ask this through Jesus, Our Lord. Amen PLEASE BE ADVISED! For assistance please call… School # 905-792-2251 School secretary: Mrs. Fay School principal: Mr. Maiolo Superintendent: Mrs. Oude-Reimerink Trustee: Mr. Xaviour School Parish: St. John Fisher Pastor: Fr. Grima A Prayer for Lent Almighty and Everlasting God, You have given the human race Jesus Christ our Savior as a model of humility. He fulfilled Your Will by becoming Man and giving His life on the Cross. Help us to bear witness to You By following His example of suffering and make us worthy to share in His Resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen. “Go Make A Difference” Milk available daily at 12:40p.m. Front foyer. $1.00 (chocolate or white milk) Kiss’N’Ride Reminder: PLEASE do not park in the Kiss’N’Ride lane (morning or afternoon). If you need to leave your vehicle for any reason, please find a parking spot at the side of the building. (Parking Lot). Children’s safety is a priority at all times while on school property. Thank you for your assistance. PEEL POLICE as well as By-law Enforcement Officers have dropped in and will be patrolling and enforcing by-laws with reference to parking illegally. Please do not park and/or leave your vehicle in Kiss’N’Ride at ANYTIME! VIOLATERS will be ticketed DRESS FOR THE WEATHER We respectfully remind you to ensure that your children come to school dressed warmly to participate in recess activities. When weather conditions are severe, we may reduce the outdoor playtime, or have indoor recess entirely. Fresh air and exercise are vital components for successful learning, so we will endeavour to have children play outside whenever possible. Help your children come to school appropriately dressed with scarves, hats and mittens on those really chilly days! For health and safety reasons and to help keep the school safe and clean, we ask all students to have indoor shoes. Thank you for your support in this matter. School WEBSITE: Follow us on twitter: @thevikings28 WEDNESDAY, March 25th Reconciliation for students in grade 6, 7, 8. This will take place in our school library. 1. Eco-Challenge 2015 March dates: Our school Eco-team has been busy preparing for this moment…a 4-week Eco-School Challenge! It all starts on Monday, Feb. 2 and will include such activities as Ban the Bottle, Wasteless Wednesday’s, conserving energy challenges, National Sweater Day, Eco-trivia and an art contest. Mon March 16-Fri. March 20 March Break Mon March 23 School Council Meeting Fri March 27 Virtue Assembly @ 11:15 p.m. Tues. March 31 Lenten Mass @ church 10 a.m. Holy Week starts on Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday) Holy Thursday Liturgy at 1:30 p.m. in our gym, April 2 Good Friday (April 3 –no school) Easter Sunday (April 5) Easter Monday (April 7 – no school) SHOOL COUNCIL MEETING Monday, March 23 @ 7pm 2. SHARELIFE NICKEL DRIVE As we move into our second week of Lent, we have put out a challenge to our students to collect nickels to donate to ShareLife. Information about this Catholic Charity has been sent home with your child. You can also visit the ShareLife website at: Thank you for your support! Sports this month at VANIER: Intermediate Boy’s and Girl’s Basketball. Intramurals for grades 1-6 students.