ST. GERTRUDE SCHOOL Guided by Faith, Committed to Excellence Dufferin- Peel CDSB

Dufferin-Peel CDSB
Guided by Faith, Committed to Excellence
St. Gertrude School
815 Ceremonial Dr.,
Mississauga, ON
L5R 3S2
905 568 7660
905 568 8194
T. De Vellis Carino
M. Diab
A Prayer for the Virtue of Respect
Dear God,
You have done such a marvelous job of creating us and the world around us.
Among Your greatest gifts are our friends and acquaintances. They are the
yeast in the dough of life. They make life lively and interesting. We come to
You now asking for the grace and strength to keep a sense of respect. We hope
that by recognizing and honoring the shared Spirit in everyone we meet, we
can contribute to making our school a safer, more caring, more inclusive
community. May Your gift of respect help us to live each day with the
confidence that we are in the company of people who are not strangers but
who are our spiritual brothers and sisters. We ask this in the name of Jesus
our Brother, who lived to show us Your way.
M. Sgambelluri
M. Cherubino
Brampton Central
L. Papaloni
T. Thomas
St. Francis Xavier
905 890 5290
Rev. Msgr. Edgardo Elias
Salazar Pan
Council Co-Chairs
S. Joseph
R. Ballantyne
Principal’s Message
It’s hard to believe we are now in the month of February. This means we have
completed half the school year here at St. Gertrude. The students have been very busy
with their studies and extra-curricular activities. We would like to thank the parents
for their support through this first term reporting process. We believe as the Ministry
believes that “when parents are engaged, students improve, classrooms improve,
schools improve and the entire community benefits”.
We are thankful for the many dedicated teachers who work diligently to
provide a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment with a focus on continued
improvement. Our staff works selflessly to bring special clubs, sports and events to
our school.
Thank you to our families for their generous support of various Council and
School initiatives. We are especially looking forward to your participation in our
Mardi Gras dance-a-thon coming up on Shrove Tuesday, March 4 2014.
T. DeVellis-Carino, Principal
M. Diab, Vice Principal
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Guided b y Faith, Committed to Excellence
When you send forth your spirit you renew the
face of the earth. Psalm 104:30
Lent consists of two parts: the first being the forty
days between Ash Wednesday and Passion
Sunday (Palm Sunday). The second part of Lent is
the time of Passiontide or Holy week. This year the
Liturgical Season of Lent begins on Wednesday,
March 5, 2014, Ash Wednesday.
What does the word “Lent” mean? Why have we
given this name to the time of preparation before
Easter? Lent comes from an old word meaning
“springtime.” During the spring, daylight increases,
trees begin to bud and flowers start to appear. The
new life that comes to the world each spring is like
the renewal of life that comes when we pray and try
harder to follow Jesus.
The ashes on Ash Wednesday serve two
1. They symbolize, and remind us, that something
must die in order to bring about new life.
2. They are a symbol of sorrow and repentance
for sins committed. Historically, ashes were
placed on peoples’ foreheads as a sign of
On Wednesday, March 5th, all students from JK to
Grade 8 will participate in Ash
Wednesday liturgies. Students will receive ashes,
reflect on readings and pray together as a faith
community in preparation for Lent and the Easter
Let us now pray...for the virtue of respect so that
everyone we meet will feel like we are their brother
or sister in Christ. AMEN
Congratulations to our Grade 2 students who
received the Sacrament of Reconciliation
January 16th at St. Francis Xavier Church
Let us now pray...for the virtue of kindness so that
everyone we meet will feel like we are looking out for
their good. AMEN
Parents can be helpful in addressing positive
behaviours that will allow their child to build lasting
friendships. Helping children
understand how to treat one
another and how to value and
make friends are important,
positive steps in eliminating
isolating behaviours.
1. Show them kindness and respect.
2. Stick up for them.
3. Be supportive when your friends need help and
4. Tell the truth, but be kind about it.
5. If you hurt a friend, say you are sorry.
6. If you make a promise, keep it.
7. Put some effort into friendships: otherwise your
friends might feel neglected.
8. Don’t try and change your friends; accept them
the way they are.
9. If a friend hurts you and apologizes, accept the
10. Treat your friends the way you want them to treat
Online Application forms deadline:
February 24 2014 at 2:00 pm
To access the on-line application, please visit,
Scroll down to
“French Immersion Registration”
“ French Immersion On-line application”
You will receive an email to confirm receipt.
Merci Beaucoup!
Guided b y Faith, Committed to Excellence
February is “Black History Month.” This is a time
to celebrate the many achievements and
contributions of Black Canadians, who throughout
history have done so much to make Canada the
culturally diverse, compassionate and prosperous
nation we know today. It is also an opportunity for
the majority of Canadians to learn about the
experiences of Black Canadians in our society
and the vital role this community has played
throughout our shared history.
Each year, all Grade 3 and 6 students in Ontario
are assessed in reading, writing and mathematics.
Developed by the Education Quality and
Accountability Office (EQAO) and after consulting
with more than 1,000 teachers, as well as parents
and the broader community across Ontario, these
assessments go beyond traditional tests of the
past. Their ultimate purpose is to improve student
EQAO assessment f is scheduled as follows:
Grade 6, June 2-6 2014
Grade 3,June 9-13 2014
We ask that parents of students in these grades
ensure that their children are in attendance during
these weeks.
Visit DPCDSB on the web for Board and School
profiles at
The boys and girls in Grades 7 and 8
are continuing intermural play in
preparation for team selection.
Junior boys and girls teams have
been chosen and are preparing for
upcoming tournaments.
Go Gators!!
Our students and teachers have been active, not
only in the classroom, but in the gym, hallways,
and library. Some of the activities that students
are currently involved in include:
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Science Olympics
Hockey Fever
Student Council
Dance Clubs
Olympic Fever
Art Clubs
Fitness Team
Chess Club
Youth Faith Ambassador
Basketball Teams-Intermediate/Junior
Raptors Game Community Event
As part of the language curriculum, our students in
Grades 4-8 will be involved in planning, preparing and
presenting speeches. A student from each
classroom will be selected to represent
their classmates in the
gymnasium. Our school competition will
be held on Monday, February 11, 2013.
The Junior competition will be held in the morning,
8:45-10:00 and the
Intermediate competition, 12:30-!;30 pm. Currently all
students are diligently preparing their speeches.
Good luck to all.
February 25 2014, 9:00-10:25 am
Peel Public Health will be reviewing immunization
records of all students.
Peel Public Health must have proof that your child has
been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to the
Ontario Immunization Schedule.
If you receive a letter, please ensure that your child
has received the required vaccine(s), then give the
date(s) your child received the vaccine dose(s) to
Peel Public Health immediately to update your child’s
For more information, please call Peel Public
Health at 905-799-7700.
Or visit
Translation services are available.
Guided b y Faith, Committed to Excellence
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Everyone wants a peaceful school yard full of
students who play nicely with each other and show kindness and acceptance to all. As parents you want your
children to be respected and to show
respect to others. Throughout the year we focus on
many activities that will assist children in playing safely
and respectfully. At regular meetings our staff is inserviced on active school yard supervision; they are alert
to activities that indicate unsafe play. The school staff is
diligent in watching for unsafe play or yard conditions,
and playful activity that may lead to aggressive behaviour.
Cold and flu season is back and so too are
children’s illnesses. Please use discretion in
keeping your child home to recover. A sick child is not in
a state to learn but is in a position to infect others. Remember, if your child is well enough to attend school, he/
she is expected to participate fully in the school day. This
includes outdoor play at recess. If there is a medical reason why your child must remain indoors, we require a
Doctor’s note.
Given all of this, it is recognized that children are children
and do not always make safety conscious decisions. Be
it at home or at school, accidents can happen and the
best of children can sometimes place themselves in
harmful positions.
Like you, the staff of St. Gertrude want children to have
fun at recess while practising safe, active and appropriate
play. In order to achieve this goal we share with you
some of the practices we reinforce during announcements, within our classrooms and while on recess supervision. Your assistance in reinforcing these rules will help
in keeping all the children safe while at school… and
maybe while playing in your neighbourhood as well!
 Respect each other with kind words and
helpful actions
 Allow others to play in games.
 Play fairly and safely.
Stay away from ball games in progress
Respect school property and the environment.
Line up quietly when the bell rings.
Avoid rough and aggressive play
Avoid throwing snowballs/ice.
Be creative and have fun in the snow; build
structures or interesting shapes/sculptures.
Unless the temperature is -25 degrees
Celsius or colder, children will be going
outside for recess. Waterproof outerwear,
hats, gloves and boots will keep them
warm and dry. As well, all students must have indoor
footwear. This is imperative in the event of an emergency evacuation, since students will not have time to put on
their boots if they have to evacuate the building. Please
send your child to school with extra socks, as these tend
to get wet very easily.
DPCDSB is on Twitter!!! Follow us at
For safety reasons, no child should bring
medication to school without prior approval from the office. The school will store necessary prescribed medication upon the return of the “Request for Storage and Distribution of Prescribed Medications” form, which has been
filled out, signed by the parents and physician and returned to the school. Without the proper board documentation, school staff cannot distribute medication
of any kind.
Please visit
to gain information about the school, parish and
ECO news!
Congratulations to many of our families now receiving an
electronic version of our newsletter! If your would like to
be part of our electronic community, please contact the
It is the school’s expectation that all students arrive
on time and be prepared for class. Late
arrival is a disruption to the class and your
child is missing valuable instruction time.
Please ensure that your child arrives at
school no later than 8:20 in the morning
and 12:20 in the afternoon so that they will
be present to join their class for entry. Late arrivals
must report to the office for a late slip. Younger students will be escorted to class by a staff member or
peer buddy. Parents are not to escort students to
class as this causes additional disruption to the
learning environment.
FDK soft entry plan
Parents and guardians of our Full Day Kindergarten classes who arrive before 8:20 am, are encouraged to participate in the soft entry plan. Between 8:05– 8:20 am, FDK
parents/caregivers may enter the kindergarten courtyard
and proceed to the coat room to assist their child. Late
arrivals must report to the office. Students will be
escorted to class by a staff member.
Guided by Faith, Committed to Excellence
There may be days during the upcoming winter
months when inclement weather presents a potential
safey hazard to our students. It is essential that
parents and children discuss the procedures that
they wish to follow for safe arrival at home. For
students that do not take the bus please determine:
 the best way to walk home
 with whom the child should walk
 where the child should go if there is no one home
 how the child should find help if wind and snow
are so strong that they cannot see the way home.
For students who take the bus, please
be reminded that bad weather may
cause delays for student pick up at bus
stops. Please ensure that your child
has a safe place to go if the bus is late or does not
arrive. If you notice that a student is stranded at a
bus stop, please attempt to contact the child’s parent. It is not recommended that parents volunteer to
drive another child to school without the permission
of the child’s parent. If you decide to transport your
child to school because buses have been cancelled,
please ensure that you have made arrangements for
their return home at the end of the school day. On
inclement days, please: Listen to the radio for bus
cancellations. If possible, arrange for car pooling. For information relating to transportation
Please do not cross the lanes of traffic immediately
in front of our front doors. We would appreciate
parents walking their children to either end of our
driveway, and entering our property at these points.
Please do not cross the Kiss ‘N Ride lanes in the
area of the flagpole, as the moving traffic can be
dangerous. We have also noticed that cars are entering through the pylons at the end of the day. The
pylons are there to remind parents that they are not
to enter the driveway after 2:40 p.m. Cars are also
stopping in the driveway to pick up children from the
Kindergarten area after school. This is a no parking
area. Please be advised that we have your children’s safety as our first priority. Please be reminded
that children should not be dropped off before 8:05
a.m. as there is no teacher supervision until this time.
Also, please do not obstruct our neighbours’ driveways when waiting for your child(ren).
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A gentle reminder that St. Gertrude school is an
allergy aware school and although we appreciate
the thoughtfulness of parents sending in food
items, due to food allergies, it is against school
policy to share any food items.
Items such as pencils or stickers can be sent to
school to acknowledge special occasions such as
birthdays or Valentine’s Day.
Thank you for your consideration and
co-operation in making our classrooms safer for all
Coming soon…..March 4, 2014!
Mardi Gras Dance-a-thon!
Please help us make this a great success by
helping your child collect pledges from friends,
co-workers and family. Reminder that students
are not to go door to door for pledges.
We are also looking for donations to award as
prices. If you would like to make a donation or
help with this fundraiser, please contact the
school office.
The next school council meeting will be held on
Tuesday, February 11, 2014 6:30 pm
All are welcome to attend!
Thank you to all our volunteers for their valued
efforts. We are always looking for additional
volunteers. If you have your Criminal Reference
Check completed and can offer one or more
mornings a week, we would be happy to speak to
you about an opportunity to volunteer.
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Guided b y Faith, Committed to Excellence
February 3:
February 4:
February 5:
February 6:
February 7:
PIZZA lunch
Virtue Assembly
Report Cards go home
SUB lunch
Interview Evening
Olympic Spirit Day ( wear red & white)
February 9:
First Holy Communion Prep Mass
@ St. Francis Xavier Church 1:30 pm
February 10:
Rosary club - thank you to St. Francis Xavier Parish
for providing rosaries for our students and to staff J.
Cristante and J. Thomas for leading the prayer club.
February 21:
Peace Garden Project
Sponsored by The Innovation Grant and the School
This project is a
beautiful example of
collaboration at St.
Gertrude school.
February 25:
February 26:
PIZZA lunch
Junior Girls POD tournament
School Council Meeting 6:30 pm
Public Speaking Competition
PIZZA lunch
School Reconciliation
Junior Boys POD tournament
Valentine’s Day / Cookie Day
Family Day– NO school
JR. Girls Family Tournament
SUB lunch
Junior Boys Basketball
Int. Basketball Game @ ACC
Jr. Boys Family Tournament
Jr. Science Olympics
Pyjama Day
PIZZA lunch
Blue & White Day
25th Anniversary Spirit Day
Public Speaking competition ( French)
Toronto Marlies Game @ Ricoh Centre
February 27:
February 28
Raptors Basketball Game Night
Oscar Day
March 2:
First Holy Communion Prep Mass
@ St. Francis Xavier Church 1:30 pm
March 3:
March 4:
March 5:
March 5:
March 6:
March 7:
March 10-14
March 17:
March 17:
March 19:
PIZZA lunch
Mardi Gras dance-a-thon
SUB lunch
Ash Wednesday
ShareLife - Beach Volleyball
($2 Donation Requested)
MOU day – NO School
MARCH BREAK - No school
Confirmation Retreat
PIZZA lunch
SUB lunch
March 19:
March 20:
Gr. 8 students visit St. FX SS
Lenten Mass @ 9:30 am, St. FX Parish
March 24:
March 31:
PIZZA lunch
PIZZA lunch
Thank you to School Council for sponsoring the
Stained Glass Project. Intermediate students
continue to work in collaboration with artist, Mr.
Bruzzese to complete the next phase of this project.
February 11:
February 12:
February 14
February 17:
February 18
February 19:
February 19:
February 20:
In honour of our
school’s 25th Anniversary, students
worked with artist Ms.
Wheatcroft from Visual Arts Mississauga to design
and create an art installation for our peace garden.
Our peace garden is in need of plants and other
natural features. If you would like to
help us with this “greening” project,
please contact our school office.
February 24:
February 25: