Index A Guide to the Index The index is arranged in word-by-word order (so that New York would appear before Newark). Acronyms are listed unexpanded and the ellipsis (… ) and asterisk (*) have their usual meanings, indicating omissions and variant endings respectively. A ABS function, 818 accent-insensitive sorting, 133 accent-sensitive sorting ALTER TABLE command and, 701 Collation Designator, 12 CREATE TABLE command and, 699 sort order choice, 107, 108 Access databases Error 7399 and, 545 Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider and, 529 migrating data to SQL Server 2000, 60 ACID transaction properties, 242 ACOS function, 818 active/active failover clustering, 551 active/passive failover clustering, 551 ActiveScripting and proxy accounts, 204 ActiveX components and sp_oa* stored procedures, 865 ActiveX replication controls, 426 generating dynamic snapshots, 473 ActiveX scripts ActiveX Script Transformation Properties dialog, 580, 592 configuring the ActiveX Script Task in DTS Designer, 570 programming DTS workflow, 607 SQL Server Agent job type, 212 Actve Directory, linked server connectivity, 531 ADD CONSTRAINT clause, ALTER TABLE command, 702 adding CHECK and DEFAULT constraints, 703 adding UNIQUE constraints, 704 Additive Conflict Resolver, 453 advanced options, sp_configure, 69 reasons to disable, 70 Advanced tab, SQL Server Agent dialog, 199 Affinity Mask Option, 70 AFTER triggers, 736 firing order, specifying, 741 for DELETE, creating, 739 for INSERT, creating, 738 for UPDATE, creating, 738 agents agent types and their parameters tabulated, 508-512 configuring agent profiles, 507 merge replication, 424 queues updating, 425 snapshot replication, 421 transactional replication, 423 viewing in Replication Monitor, 439 aggregate functions, 793-800 AVG function, 794 BINARY_CHECKSUM function, 794 CHECKSUM function, 795 CHECKSUM_AGG function, 797 COUNT function, 797 COUNT_BIG function, 798 GROUPING function, 798 MAX function, 798 MIN function, 799 STDEV function, 799 STDEVP function, 799 SUM function, 799 using the COMPUTE keyword, 782 using the DISTINCT keyword, 752 using the GROUP BY clause, 772 VAR function, 800 VARP function, 800 views and, 710 alerts adding using Enterprise Manager, 206 alert schedules for log shipping, 631, 635 alert system stored procedures, 231 Alert System tab, SQL Server Agent dialog, 200 checklist of recommended alert situations, 208 scripting, 226 SQL Server Agent primary function, 197 aliases client-side aliases, 662 column aliases using for derived columns, 753 using in correlated subqueries, 779 using table aliases with joins, 763 ALL operator, 769 using with GROUP BY, 772 using with subqueries, 779 allocation allocation checking for allocation errors, 349 checking a filegroup, 352 checking for database objects, 347 Allow Updates Option, 72 ALTER COLUMN clause, ALTER TABLE command, 700 dropping the ROWGUIDCOL property, 701 ALTER DATABASE command ADD FILEGROUP extension, 172 adding files using, 135 ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT database option, 148 ANSI_NULLS database option, 149 ANSI_PADDING database option, 149 ANSI_WARNINGS database option, 150 ARITHABORT database option, 150 AUTO_CLOSE database option, 143 AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS database option, 143 AUTO_SHRINK database option, 145 AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS database option, 144 changing database collation, 111 checkpoints issued following, 293 CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL database option, 151 CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT database option, 145 CURSOR_DEFAULT LOCAL | GLOBAL database option, 146 generating using a Transact-SQL script, 861 MODIFY FILEGROUP extension, 173, 174 NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT database option, 151 OFFLINE | ONLINE database option, 139 QUOTED_IDENTIFIER database option, 152 READ_ONLY | WRITE_ONLY database option, 140 RECOVERY FULL | BULK_LOGGED | SIMPLE database option, 147 RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS database option, 153 REMOVE FILEGROUP extension, 179 removing files using, 137 SINGLE_USER | RESTRICTED_USER | MULTI_USER database option, 140 TORN_PAGE_DETECTION database option, 148 WITH clauses, 140 ALTER FUNCTION command, 731 ALTER PROCEDURE command, 721 use by the Object Browser, 655 ALTER TABLE command adding columns to existing tables, 699 adding computed columns, 795 adding constraints to an existing table CHECK and DEFAULT constraints, 703 UNIQUE constraints, 704 adding primary and foreign keys to an existing table, 702 changing column collations, 112, 701 changing column definitions, 700 constraints, dropping, 700 constraints, enabling and disabling, 704 dropping columns, 700 DBCC CLEANTABLE and, 361 dropping the ROWGUIDCOL property, 701 triggers, enabling and disabling, 742 ALTER TRIGGER command, 740 ALTER VIEW command, 717 Analysis Services installation, 13 service pack installation and, 26, 29 annotated schemas, XSD, 934 anonymous subscriptions Create Publication Wizard, 437 independent distribution agents, 487 ANSI SQL-92 DECLARE syntax, 852 946 ANSI_DEFAULTS option and implicit transactions, 243 ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT database option, 148 ANSI_NULL_DFLT_OFF | ON user options, 101 ANSI_NULLS option, 100, 102, 149 distributed queries and, 522 indexed views and, 714 ANSI_PADDING option, 100, 102, 149 ANSI_WARNINGS option, 100-102, 150 distributed queries and, 522 ANY operator, 769 using with subqueries, 778 APP_NAME function, 830 application roles, 368, 384 activating with encryption, 385 applications, sharing database servers, 85 ARITHABORT option, 101, 102, 150, 348 ARITHIGNORE user option, 101 artificial keys and the IDENTITY property, 694 AS clause, column naming and renaming, 753 ASCII function, 800 ASIN function, 819 asterisks see also wildcard characters. selecting all columns, 750 asynchronous cursor population, 76 ATAN function, 819 ATN2 function, 819 atomicity cells, first normal form requirement, 842 transactions, 243 attachable subscription databases, 495 Attempt to repair... option, database maintenance plans, 335 attribute-centric mapping, OPENXML, 941 attributes, XML, 932 auditing information audit tables and triggers, 412 C2 Audit Mode Option, 73 security auditing with SQL Profiler, 406 authentication modes pre-installation checklist and, 10 selecting with the Pull Subscription Wizard, 461 SQL Server 2000 installation, 12 AUTO mode, FOR XML clause, 935 AUTO_CLOSE database option, 142 virus scanning software and, 36 AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS database option, 143 AUTO_SHRINK database option, 144 AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS database option, 144 autocommit function, JDBC driver settings, 282 autoexec stored procedures, Scan for Startup Procs Option, 97 autogrow option creating databases, 128 service pack installation and, 27 automation object loading in-process and out-ofprocess, 865 autostart option, configuring SQL Server Agent, 198 Averaging Conflict Resolver, 453 AVG function, 794 AWE (Address Windowing Extensions) and named instances, 20 AWE Enabled Option, 72 B-tree index structures B background services, configuring Windows 2000 for, 36 BACKUP commands, 293 BACKUP DATABASE command differential backups, 303 examples, 300 parameters, 298 syntax, 298 BACKUP LOG command Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, 332 examples, 302 parameters and syntax, 301 SQL Server 2000 log truncation and, 170 backups see also recovery plans. backup and recovery plans, 35 backup sequences illustrated, 287 creating a named backup device, 296 differential backups, 288 using Transact-SQL, 303 Enterprise Manager and, 293 erasing content or appending, 300 estimating requirements, pre-installation, 5 storage requirements, 7 files for, prior to security patch installation, 32 files or filegroups, using Transact-SQL, 303 full backups, 287 performing with Transact-SQL, 298 Media Retention Option, 88 methods available in SQL Server 2000, 287 offline backups, 289 partial restores to new databases, 320 reminder checklist, 304 restoring a database, 305 using Transact-SQL, 313, 316, 317 restoring a file or filegroup, 320 restoring from multiple backups, 316 restoring other versions to SQL Server 2000, 42 restoring the master database from, 30, 31 restoring the model and msdb databases, 31 restoring, mark points and, 248 snapshot backups, 289 specifying, for log shipping, 629, 630 striped backups, 294 system databases should follow user databases, 304 transaction log backups, 287 using Transact-SQL, 301 troubleshooting DTS packages, 622 utilities, post-installation checks, 37 VLDBs, using filegroups, 170 Windows 2000 backup tool, 289 batch files, unattended installation, 16 batch separator alternative to the GO keyword, 227 batches, 863 embedding strings in parentheses after EXEC, 863 BCP (Bulk Copy Program), 50-54 format file creation, 51 moving SQL Server 6.5 logins and passwords, 40 snapshot replication and, 421 suspect databases and, 325 sysxlogins table, log shipping, 633 BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION command, 253 introduced, 245 BEGIN keyword, 845 BEGIN TRANSACTION command example, 245, 246 introduced, 245 syntax, 246 WITH MARK extension, 248 BETWEEN operator, 769 BIGINT data type COUNT_BIG function and, 798 value range and physical storage requirements, 119 BINARY BASE 64 keyword, FOR XML AUTO, 937 binary checksums, 497 BINARY data type, 121 binary files, recovering corrupted files, 323 binary filestreams, IMAGE, TEXT and NTEXT functions, 836-840 binary sorting Collation Designator, 12 sort order choice, 107, 108 BINARY_CHECKSUM function, 794 BIT data type, 120 black box traces, 895 blocking, 267 causes of long-term blocking, 268 Enterprise Manager display, 263 identifying and resolving, 268 using Enterprise Manager, 271 JDBC driver settings and, 282 reason for long- duration queries, 894 SET LOCK_TIMEOUT option, 266 transactions requiring user feedback, 268 troubleshooting, 281 book inventory system, illustrating transactions, 241 BookRepository database, 131 BookRepositoryUK database, 132 Books Online counter logs, 886 database size estimation, 123 deadlocks, 273 DTS custom tasks, registering, 620 DTSTransformStatus constants, 592 Enterprise Edition memory utilization, 34 installation recommended, 11 makepipe utility, 23 replication system tables, 513 security audit data, 409 setup files, creating manually, 16 sp_addmergesubscription stored procedure, 496 sp_dbcmptlevel stored procedure, 26 bottlenecks detecting with counter logs, 883 I/O bottlenecks, 884, 885 identifying using System Monitor, 873 memory bottlenecks, 884 network bottlenecks, 884 bound connections, 283 BREAK keyword, 848 broadcasts and hidden instances, 662 browse compliant tables, 783 B-tree index structures, 731 947 buffer cache buffer cache buffer cache hit ratio, 885 alerts and, 208 paging and, 883 memory allocation Min and Max Server Memory Options, 84 placing tables in, using DBCC PINTABLE, 708 removing clean buffers, 870 bugs data type mismatch, sp_OA stored procedures, 865 DBCC DBREINDEX on indexed views, 357 deferred name resolution and sp_depends, 746 DTS connections to FTP, 570 DTS Designer mail profiles, 595 Rebuild Master utility, 114, 322 slow response times with linked server operations, 546 sp_processmail stored procedure, 221 SQL Mail with Windows Messaging and Outlook, 218 UDFs used with CASE statements, 727 xp_sendmail stored procedure, 217, 220 bulk copy processing, Transform Data Properties dialog, 586 bulk inserts, 54 alternative to DTS transform data task, 587 configuring the bulk insert task, 596 performance impacts of constraints and, 709 removing an index to boost performance, 733 bulk loading, SQLXML Bulk Load Utility, 934 bulk update locks, 255 compatibilities, 256 bulk-logged recovery model, 290 @@BUSY function, 816 C C2 Audit Mode Option, 73, 895 CAL (Client Access Licenses), 10 calculated columns see computed columns. cardinality, columns for indexing, 919, 925 Cartesian products, 762 CASCADE parameter, 399, 402 cascading changes, 691 cascading triggers, 737 Using Nested Triggers Option, 89 CASE … ELSE expressions, 844 CASE command and UDF bug, 727 case conversion LOWER and UPPER functions, 804 trim string transformation, 584 case-sensitive sorting Collation Designator, 12 creating an example database using, 133 sort order choice, 107 case-sensitivity osql utility, 648 scripting out logins and passwords, 40 CAST function, 809 CDOSYS (Collaborative Data Objects) e-mail, 218 CD-ROMs, bug affecting Rebuild Master, 114, 322 CEILING function, 819 central publisher, local distributor and central publisher, remote distributor models, 420, 421 948 central publisher, remote distributors model, 421 change tracking and full-text indexing, 666, 672 change detection using the BINARY_CHECKSUM function, 794 using the CHECKSUM_AGG function, 797 CHAR data type, 121 CHAR and CHARINDEX function, 801 CHECK constraints, 692 adding to an existing table, 703 checkpoint event, 94 checkpoints, 292 CHECKSUM function, 795 checksum validation of replicated data, 497 CHECKSUM_AGG function, 797 Client Configuration Utility, 661 Client Connectivity see also MDAC; ODBC drivers; OLE DB providers. DB-Library clients, 385 ensuring, 23 installing only, 18 Client Network Utility, 662 client statistics function, Query Analyzer, 915 Client Utilities, installing only, 17 client-side aliases, 662 client-side processing, SQLXML, 934 client-side traces, 406 CLOSE keyword, closing cursors, 856 clothing catalog example, data driven query task, 590-593 Cluster Administrator, 553 installing virtual servers, 555 cluster groups, 550 quorum drive use, 553 cluster-aware applications see failover clustering. clustered indexes, 731, 917 see also indexed views. CREATE INDEX statement, 735 creating indexes in Enterprise Manager, 187 defragmenting heaps, 360 effect of rebuilding, 922 indexed views and, 714 selecting columns for, 733 update frequency and, 919 CmdExec and proxy accounts, 204 COALESCE function, 830 code injections and security patches, 32 code page IDs and names tabulated, 107 COL_LENGTH function, 827 COLLATE command, 113 creating an example database using, 133 Collation Designator settings, 12 SQL Collations and, 115 Collation property, Enterprise Manager, 182 COLLATIONPROPERTY function, 113 collations, 106-116 column, changing, 112, 701 column, designating when creating tables, 699 column, differing from defaults, 111 compatability issues, 108 servers used for replication, 429 setting linked server options, 525, 533 database, changing, 111 consistency collations (Cont'd) database, differing from server defaults, 110 incompatibilities between databases, 127 server default collation, changing, 114 server default collation, viewing using SELECT SERVERPROPERTY, 109 using sp_helpsort, 109 setting on SQL Server installation, 12 setting servers to default, 3 SQL Collation compared to Windows Collation, 108 column aliases derived columns and, 753 use within correlated subqueries, 779 column constraints, 685 Column Order dialog, Transform Data Task properties, 581 column permissions, user-defined database roles, 381 columns adding to existing tables, 699 cardinality and choice for indexing, 919 changing collations, 112, 701 changing definitions, 700 column_id parameter, sp_trace_setevent, 899, 900 defining collations, 699 displaying column data for linked server tables, 540 modifying properties when creating tables, 181 reclaiming space after dropping columns, 361 removing from existing tables, 700 renaming, 743 resizing example using ALTER TABLE, 701 setting non-default collations for, 111 COLUMNS information schema view, 841 columns list, INSERT commands, 784 COLUMNS_UPDATED() function, 739 COM (Component Object Model) exposed by DTS, 563 COM automation, 865 command line utilities see also dtsrun; osql. makepipe and readpipe utilities, 23 odbcping utility, 23-24 relog.exe, 878 SQLDIAG, 659 COMMIT TRANSACTION command, 245 comparison operators sp_trace_setfilter stored procedure, 901 use of the < and <= operators, 768 compatibility issues and collations, 108 Component Checker and MDAC setup, 23 composite keys, 685 COMPUTE keyword, 782 aggregate functions for each change in column grouping, 782 not allowed in cursors, 853, 854 computed columns see also indexed computed columns. creating using DDL, 686 creating with ALTER TABLE, 795 creating with CREATE TABLE, 687 Formula property and, 182 SELECT computations as alternatives, 686 CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL database option, 151 CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL user option, 101, 102 concatenation NULL values, 862 PRINT statement example, 862 use in Transact-SQL scripts, 861 concurrency problems, 254 transaction isolation levels preventing each, 256 conditional processing see control-of-flow commands. @configurename and @configurevalue arguments, sp_configure stored procedure, 68 configuring SQL Server, 67 Affinity Mask Option, 70 Allow Updates Option, 72 AWE Enabled Option, 72 C2 Audit Mode Option, 73 Cost Threshold for Parallelism Option, 74 Cursor Threshold Option, 75 Default Full-text Language Option, 76 Default Language Option, 77 Fill Factor Option, 78 Index Create Memory Option, 81 Lightweight Pooling Option, 81 Locks Option, 82 Max Degree of Parallelism Option, 83 Max Text Repl Size Option, 86 Max Worker Threads Option, 86 Media Retention Option, 88 Min and Max Server Memory Options, 84 Min Memory Per Query Option, 88 Network Packet Size Option, 89 Open Objects Option, 90 options available, 70-102 Proirity Boost Option, 91 Query Governor Cost Limit Option, 92 Query Wait Option, 93 Recovery Interval Option, 94 Remote Access Option, 95 Remote Login Timeout Option, 95 Remote Proc Trans Option, 96 Remote Query Timeout Option, 96 Scan for Startup Procs Option, 97 Set Working Set Size Option, 97 Two Digit Year Cutoff Option, 98 User Connections Option, 99 User Options Option, 100 using Enterprise Manager, 67 Using Nested Triggers Option, 89 using sp_configure, 68 conflict histories, 494 conflict resolvers, 453, 491 connection objects, DTS, adding and configuring, 565 Connection tab, SQL Server Agent dialog, 201 connection types, DTS, icons tabulated, 568 connections, binding to other open transactions, 864 @@CONNECTIONS function, 815 connectivity issues and named instances, 21 connectivity utilities Client Network Utility, 662 Server Network Utility, 661 consistency checking for consistency errors, 349 transaction property, 243 949 CONSTRAINT keyword CONSTRAINT keyword, CREATE TABLE command applying a CHECK constraint, 692 defining a foreign key reference, 689 defining a ROWGUIDCOL column with NEWID(), 698 designating a primary key, 685 designating a UNIQUE constraint, 686 constraint violations and DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS, 344 constraints CHECK constraints, 692 adding to an existing table, 703 choice between triggers and, 709, 737 column and table constraints, 685 DEFAULT constraints adding to an existing table, 703 disabling and enabling, 704 dropping, using ALTER TABLE, 700 foreign key references, 689 foreign keys adding to an existing table, 702 listing, for a table, 707 performance impact, 709 primary keys, 684 adding to an existing table, 702 UNIQUE constraints, 686 adding to an existing table, 704 contacts, recovery plan, 286 CONTAINS predicate, full-text indexes, 672 CONTAINSTABLE function, full-text indexes, 674 context switching Affinity Mask Option and, 71 Lightweight Pooling Option and, 81 CONTINUE keyword, control-of-flow commands, 848 control panel method, uninstalling SQL Server, 18 control-of-flow commands, 846-850 BREAK keyword, 848 CONTINUE keyword, 848 IF ... ELSE keywords, 846 RETURN keyword, 849 WHILE keyword, 847 CONVERT function, 809 copy column transformation, Transform Data Task properties dialog, 580 Copy Database Wizard, 49 DTS transfer tasks, 602 copy SQL Server objects task, DTS, 594 correlated subqueries, 779 JOIN clause alternative, 779, 780 corruption, recovery from database, 321 COS function, 820 Cost Threshold for Parallelism Option, 74 COT function, 820 COUNT function, 797 COUNT(*) function using the GROUP BY clause, 772 COUNT_BIG function, 798 counter logs, 874 detecting bottlenecks, 883 displaying the results, 882 interval settings, 877 scheduling, 879 setting up for local or remote machines, 875 covering indexes, 917 950 CPU (Central Processor Unit) estimating hardware needs, 5 utilization, counters, 885 @@CPU_BUSY function, 815 CREATE DATABASE command example using parameters and options, 131 examples, 130-133 setting database collations, 110 syntax, parameters and options, 129 Create Database Diagram Wizard, 194 Create Dynamic Snapshot Job Wizard, 473 Publication Properties dialog, 474 Set Job Schedule dialog, 474 Specify Job Name dialog, 475 CREATE FUNCTION command creating inline UDFs, 728 creating multistatement UDFs, 729 creating scalar UDFs, 727 CREATE INDEX command, 733 editing in Enterprise Manager, 187 logging, 291 placing an index in a different filegroup, 735 Create New Transformation dialog box, DTS Designer, 576 CREATE PROCEDURE command, 719 Create Publication Wizard, 429 configuring merge replication, 448 conflict resolvers, 453 multiple updates option, 451 configuring transactional replication, 440 Customize the Properties of the Publication dialog, 435, 447 defining dynamic filters, 469 Default View Article Properties dialog, 433, 443 Enable Dynamic filters dialog, 470 Filter Table Rows dialog, 471 Optimize Synchronization dialog, 472 Select Publication Type dialog, 430, 440, 448 Specify Articles dialog, 432, 441, 449 Specify Subscriber Types dialog, 431, 441, 449 Table Article Properties dialog, 433, 444, 449 interactive conflict resolvers, 491 Transform Published Data dialog, 431, 440, 464 Updateable Subscriptions dialog, 430, 440 Validate Subscriber Information dialog, 471 CREATE STATISTICS command, 925 changing column definitions and, 700 CREATE TABLE command, 682 CHECK constraints and, 692 computed columns, 687 DEFAULT property, 693 defining column collations, 699 designating a primary key, 685 foreign key constraints, 689 IDENTITY property, 694 ON DELETE CASCADE, 691 ON UPDATE CASCADE, 691 placing a table in a filegroup, 688 placing text or images in a separate filegroup, 688 recursive relationships and, 690 ROWGUIDCOL property and, 698 setting non-default collations for a column, 111 temporary tables, 705 database options CREATE TRIGGER command, 737 audit table example, 413, 416 INSTEAD OF triggers, 739 CREATE VIEW command, 712 creating partitioned views, 715 distributed partitioned views, 716 SCHEMABINDING clause, 713 CROSS JOINs, 762 CUBE GROUPING function and, 798 using with GROUP BY clauses, 773 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function, 831 CURRENT_USER function, 831 cursor data type variables, 857 cursor event category, SQL Profiler, 888 cursor processing and set processing 283, 852 Cursor Threshold Option, 75 CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT option, 100, 145, 252 CURSOR_DEFAULT LOCAL | GLOBAL option, 145 @@cursor_rows function, 856 cursors, 852 alternatives to, 887 closing, 856 creating with the DECLARE statement, 852 cursor data type variables, 857 CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT example, 252 deallocating, 856 fetching, 855 naming conflicts, 145 opening, 854 performance impact within queries, 886 performance impact within triggers, 737 system stored procedures and, 857 custom see user-defined. custom tasks, DTS, 620 D data cleansing, 63 data driven query task, 589 example, 590-593 data integrity, merge replication, 450 Data Pump Interface, 572 data pump phases, Transform Data Task Properties dialog, 575 data source selection, DTS Import/Export Wizard, 43 data transfer options, migrating databases, 56 Data Transformation Query Designer, 573 data type definitions, XMLDATA keyword, FOR XML, 937 data types, SQL Server, 119 changing column definitions and, 701 column size and performance, 684 CONVERT and CAST functions, 809 fixed-length and variable-length, 684 full-text indexing supported types, 663 guidelines on selecting, 684 Hungarian notation reflects, 682 mismatch, bug affecting sp_OA stored procedures, 865 replication considerations, 426 tabulated, 683 user-defined data types conversion in Create Publication Wizard, 433 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 193 Database Access tab, SQL Server Login Properties dialog, 371 database compatibility, 25 database diagrams, Create Database Diagram Wizard, 194 database event category, SQL Profiler, 888 Database Hammer tool, 85, 87 Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, 327, 628 see also log shipping. Add Destination Database dialog, 630 Backup Disk Directory dialog, 331 Database Backup dialog, 330 Database Integrity dialog, 329 Log Shipping Schedules dialog, 631 Log Shipping Thresholds dialog, 631 Maintenance Plan History dialog, 334 naming, 334 pre-configuation requirements, 627 Reports to Generate dialog, 333 Select Databases dialog, 628 Specify the Log Shipping Monitor ... dialog, 632 Specify Transaction Log Backup ... dialog, 629 Transaction Log Backup dialog, 332 Update Data Optimization Information dialog, 328 database maintenance plans Change free space per page percentage to fill factors and, 80 configuring log shipping properties, 636 investigating failures, 336 recommendations, 335 setting up, 326 database migration, 37 best practices, 55 restoring other versions to SQL Server 2000, 42 upgrading to SQL Server 2000, 55 scripting out objects and transferring data, 56 using the Upgrade Wizard, 55 database objects, 743 accessing meta data information schema views, 840 allocation and integrity checking for, 347 changing the name of a user created object, 743 changing the object owner, 746 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 180-193 displaying information about object dependencies, 745 displaying information about objects, 744 extended properties, 857 meta data functions, 827 naming and the Object Browser, 654 Open Objects Option, 90 querying meta data, 746 scripting with the Object Browser, 656 database options ANSI SQL options, 148-153 auto options, 142-145 configuring with ALTER DATABASE, 138 cursor options, 145-146 properties of the DATABASEPROPERTYEX function, 153 recovery options, 146-148 state options, 139-142 viewing using DATABASEPROPERTYEX, 153 viewing using DBCC USEROPTIONS, 155 951 database recovery plans database recovery plans see recovery plans. database roles displaying, 382 displaying members, 383 fixed database roles tabulated, 367 user-defined database roles, 366, 368 database server sharing with other applications, 85 DATABASEPROPERTYEX function, 133 viewing database options using, 153 databases adding data or log files to using Enterprise Manager, 134 using Transact-SQL, 135 creating using Enterprise Manager, 126 creating using Transact_SQL, 129 simple example based on model, 130 using a filegroup, 132 with a different collation, 133 with files on separate partitions, 131 with multiple data and log files, 132 with specific size settings, 131 estimating size and growth, 123-126 investigating with sp_helpdb, 160 removing files from using Transact-SQL, 136 using Enterprise Manager, 135 renaming, 160 system databases, 126 DATALENGTH function, 831 date functions, 811-814 DATEADD function, 811 DATEDIF function, 812 DATENAME function, 812 DATEPART function, 813 DAY function, 813 GETDATE function, 813 GETUTCDATE function, 814 MONTH function, 814 YEAR function, 814 Date Time String Transformation Properties, Transform Data Task properties dialog, 581 DATEADD function, 811 DATEDIF function, 812 @@DATEFIRST function, 815 DATEFIRST option, 157 DATENAME function, 812 DATEPART function, 813 DATETIME (Earlier Wins) and DATETIME (Later Wins) Conflict Resolvers, 453 DATETIME data type migrating to character formats, 581 value range and physical storage requirements, 120 datetime values advisability of four-digit years, 98 formats of, and CONVERT function, 810 formats of, and SET LANGUAGE option, 158 SET DATEFIRST option, 157 Two Digit Year Cutoff Option, 98 UTC values, 814 DAY function, 813 DB_ID function, 828 DB_NAME function, 828 db_owner role distinguished from dbo user, 137 fixed database roles tabulated, 368 952 DB2, OLE DB provider parameters for, 528 DBA role backup, recovery and maintenance, 285 SQL Server Agent and, 197 DBCC * commands, outputting results in tabular form, 355 DBCC CHECKALLOC command, 340 repair options, 342 DBCC CHECKCATALOG command, 344 DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS command, 344 DBCC CHECKDB command alternatives, 350 checking space with ESTIMATEONLY, 349 Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, 329 database objects, 347 DBCC CHECKALLOC and, 340 disabling parallelism, 354 repair options, 349 DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP command, 352 disabling parallelism, 354 DBCC CHECKIDENT command, 697 DBCC CHECKTABLE command, 350 disabling parallelism, 354 repair options, 352 DBCC CLEANTABLE command, 361 DBCC DBREINDEX command, 356 Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, 328 DBCC INDEXDEFRAG and, 358, 360 DBCC SHOWCONTIG example using, 922 upgrading to SQL Server 2000, 348 DBCC dllname (FREE) command, 725 DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS command, 870 DBCC FREEPROCCACHE command, 723, 870 DBCC INDEXDEFRAG command, 358 script to run on all tables, 360 DBCC INPUTBUFFER command, 265 cursor fetching example, 855, 856 identifying and resolving blocking, 269 SQL Server error log output, 273 DBCC LOGINFO command, 292 DBCC OPENTRAN command displaying the oldest running transaction, 249 WITH TABLERESULTS extension, 250 DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER command, 265 DBCC PINTABLE command, 708 DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS command, 927 DBCC SHOWCONTIG command effect of rebuilding a clustered index, 922 fragmentation and, 916, 920 sample output, 921 script relevant to DBCC INDEXDEFRAG, 360 DBCC SHRINKDATABASE command, 164 Database Maintenance Plan Wizard and, 328 results of options, 164 SQL Server 2000 log truncation and, 170 DBCC SHRINKFILE command, 166, 167 SQL Server 2000 log truncation and, 170 DBCC SQLPERF command, 161 DBCC TRACEON and DBCC TRACESTATUS commands, 272 DBCC UNPINTABLE command, 708 DBCC UPDATEUSAGE command, 162 DBCC USEROPTIONS command, 155, 243 DROP PROCEDURE command DB-Library clients and application role encryption, 385 dbo (database owner), changing, 137, 378 @@DBTS function, 815 DDL (Data Definition Language), 681 statement permissions, 393 DEADLOCK_PRIORITY option, 157 enabling trace flags, 274 deadlocks, 267 alerts and, 208 capturing deadlock activity using SQL Profiler, 275 causes, 268 identifying and resolving, 271 tips for avoiding and minimizing, 282 trace file output showing a deadlock, 278 troubleshooting, 281 DEALLOCATE keyword, removing cursor references, 856 DECIMAL data type, 120 DECLARE command creating cursors, dual syntax, 852 table variables, 706 DEFAULT and DEFAULT VALUES keywords, INSERT commands, 785 DEFAULT constraints, adding to an existing table, 703 default database, changing for a login, 373 Default Full-text Language Option, 76 default instances, SQL Server 2000 installation, 11, 20 Default Language Option, 77 DEFAULT property, CREATE TABLE command, 693 Default Value property, Enterprise Manager, 181 defaults, creating with Enterprise Manager, 193 deferred name resolution, 745 defragmentation utilities, 356 defragmenting heaps, 360 DEGREES function, 820 DELETE commands, 788 deleted virtual table, 737 deletes based on search criteria from another table, 788 cascading changes, 691 data driven query task optimized for, 589 delimiters and the QUOTENAME function, 806 denormalization, 844 denormalized data and views, 709 DENY keyword object permissions, 398 statement permissions, 397 dependencies bug affecting dropped tables, 746 displaying, for database objects, 745 failover clustering server groups, 556, 559 normalization and, 842, 843 derived columns, 753 see also aggregate functions; computed columns. derived tables, 764 detaching databases restoring other versions to SQL Server 2000, 42 uninstalling service packs, 29 deterministic functions, 714 deterministic UDFs, 726 diagnostic information, SQLDIAG utility, 659 diagram creation with the Diagram Wizard, 194 DIFFERENCE string function, 802 differential backups, 288, 289 restoring a database from, 316 using Transact-SQL, 303 Diffgrams, 934 Directive values, FOR XML EXPLICIT, 938 dirty read concurrency problem, 254 Disable Publishing and Distribution Wizard, 512 uninstalling service packs, 29 DISABLE_DEF_CNST_CHECK user option, 100 disaster recovery see recovery plans. disconnected edits, 595 disk queue length, 884 disks activity, using @@TOTAL_READ and @@TOTAL_WRITE, 817 activity, using STATISTICS IO option, 912 adding to a virtual server group, 559 backups to, 300 should precede tape backups, 304 disk dependencies, 556, 559 disk space allocation consistency checking, 340 requirements and file placement, 6 utilization by Microsoft Clustering Services, 549 DISTINCT keyword SELECT statement, 751 use with aggregate functions, 752 COUNT function, 797 distributed partitioned views, 711 creating, 716 federated database servers, 9 requirements, 716 distributed queries see also linked servers. executing ad hoc queries, 536 executing with linked servers, 534 OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE functions, 521 require ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_WARNINGS, 522 troubleshooting, 543 viewing a query plan, 536 distributed transactions see also DTC. REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS option, 253 distribution, disabling on a server, 512 distribution agent, shared or independent, 487 distributors, elements of replication topology, 420 division by zero, ARITHABORT option, 150 DLL files extended stored procedures reference, 724 listing, 724 unloading from memory, 725 DML (Data Manipualtion Language), 749 see also DELETE; INSERT; SELECT; UPDATE. commands that can use locking hints, 257 domain controllers and failover clustering, 555 domain integrity CHECK constraints and, 692 foreign key constraints, 689 DROP COLUMN and DROP CONSTRAINT clauses, ALTER TABLE command, 700 DROP FUNCTION command, 731 DROP INDEX command, 735 DROP PROCEDURE command, 722 953 DROP STATISTICS command DROP STATISTICS command, 926 DROP TABLE command, 704 DROP TRIGGER command, 740 DROP VIEW command, 718 DSN-less connections, 530 DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator) distributed partitioned views require, 716 immediate updating option and, 430, 459 installing virtual servers, 555 Lightweight Pooling Option and, 81 Remote Proc Trans Option and, 96 REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS option, 253 DTS (Data Transformation Services), 563 compared with BCP and BULK INSERT, 56 core functionality, 563 Create Publication Wizard and, 431 database recovery and, 287 log shipping transfer tasks, 632 registering a custom task, 620 transferring jobs using, 227 transforming data within publications, 464-468 DTS Designer, 564-612 ActiveX Script Task Properties dialog, 571 adding and configuring a connection object, 565 BCP format file creation, 52 configuring the bulk insert task, 596 configuring the copy SQL Server objects task, 594 configuring the data driven query task, 589 configuring the dynamic properties task, 604 configuring the execute package task, 597 configuring the execute process task, 587 configuring the execute SQL task, 588 configuring the message queue task, 598 configuring the send mail task, 595 configuring transfer tasks, 602 configuring workflow, 606 Connection Properties dialog, 565 documenting using DTS Designer, 622 executing multiple tasks in parallel, 611 execution contexts, 609 execution options, 564 external, execute package task and, 597 options for saving, 563 package owner passwords, 613 package user passwords, 613 reassigning owners, 622 scheduling as jobs, 614 setting properties at runtime, 604 transferring between servers, 621 troubleshooting, 622 site, 622 DTS tree view, scheduling packages automatically, 614 dtsrun utility, 616 examples, 617 generating a dtsrun string with dtsrunui, 619 scheduling DTS packages using, 615 scheduling DTS packages with DTS tree view, 615 security contexts for DTS pacakages, 610 dtsrunui utility, 619 duplicate indexes, 919 duplicate values duplicate rows and the UNION operator, 780, 781 removing using the DISTINCT keyword, 751 durability transaction property, 243 dynamic filters, 468 adding during the creation of a publication, 469 adding manually, 471 dynamic snapshots and, 473 dynamic properties task, DTS Designer, 604 ensuring it runs first, 605 Package Properties dialog, 604 troubleshooting DTS packages, 622 dynamic snapshots, 473 advanced connection properties, 567 Create New Transformation dialog box, 576 disconnected edits, 595 documenting DTS pacakages, 622 DTS Package Properties dialog, 611, 612 File Transfer Protocol Task Properties dialog, 568 launching in Enterprise Manager, 564 registering and unregistering a custom task, 620 Transform Data Task Properties dialog, 574-587 Destination tab, 574 Lookups tab, 585 Options tab, 586 Transformations options, 577 Transformations tab, 575-584 .dts files archiving, 622 DTS packages can be saved to, 564 DTS Import/Export Wizard, 43-48 migrating data from Access databases, 60 migrating data from Excel spreadsheets, 64 migrating SQL Server 6.5 databases, 57 options tabulated, 46, 47 uses copy SQL Server objects task, 594 DTS Package Transfer Logins Task, 38-40 DTS packages adding a new task, 568 configuring for log shipping, 632 configuring package properties, 611 954 E Edit Destination Databases dialog, 636 Edit SQL field, creating indexes in Enterprise Manager, 187 editors, osql utility, 648 element-centric mapping, OPENXML, 941 elements, XML, 932 root and child elements, 933 e-mail integration, 216-222 processing incoming e-mails with SQL Mail, 221 send mail task, DTS Designer, 595 use of alternative solutions, 218 using Exchange Server, 216 emergency mode and suspect databases, 325 empty folders, bug with DTS connections to FTP, 570 EMPTYFILE option, DBCC SHRINKFILE command, 168 encryption activating application roles with, 385 use of SSL, 364 END keyword, 845 English Query how to install, 14 service packs and, 26 Error message 1205 Enterprise Manager Add Column to Replicated Table dialog, 484 alerts, adding, 206 application roles and, 384 Attach Subscription Database dialog, 495 backups with, 293 blocking, 271 database collations, setting, 111 database compatibility, setting, 25 database maintenance plans Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, starting, 628 plan failures, 336 setting plans, 327 database objects, creating, 180-193 database users creating, 376 removing, 377 databases, creating, 126 defecting a target server, 225 detaching databases, 29 Distribution Database Properties dialog, 504 DTS Designer, launching, 564 dynamic snapshots, generating 473 filegroups changing for an existing index, 178 changing for an existing table, 177 placing a table in, 174 placing an index in, 176 files adding data or log files using, 134 removing data or log files, 135 setting data and log file locations, 34 shrinking data files using, 165 jobs adding and configuring, 211 transferring with DTS, 227 full-text indexing, 664 populating a catalog, 667 linked server, adding, 522 Linked Server Properties dialog security settings, 522, 524 server option settings, 525 locking activity, viewing, 262 log shipping properties, configuring, 636 logins creating, 369 removing, 373 merge replication configuring, 448-456 viewing conflict histories, 494 modifying tables using, 182 MSX servers, configuring, 223 named backup devices, creating, 296 named instances, registering, 21 passwords, changing or adding, 375 publication properties, configuring, 481 Publication Properties dialog configuring attachable subscription databases, 495 Publication Properties -Test dialog, 483, 485 publications, creating and managing, 502 Publisher and Distributor Properties dialog, 504, 505 setting agent profiles, 507 pulling a subscription, 460 pushing a subscription, 456 reattaching databases, 31 Replication Monitor, viewing, 439 replication topology roles, configuring, 504 replication wizards, launching, 501 restoring a database, 305 scripting jobs, operators and alerts, 226 server options, configuring Affinity Mask Option, 71 Allow Updates Option, 72 Default Language Option, 77 Fill Factor Option, 80 Max Degree of Parallelism Option, 84 Max Worker Threads Option, 87 Media Retention Option, 88 Min and Max Server Memory Options, 85 Min Memory Per Query Option, 89 Network Packet Size Option, 90 Proirity Boost Option and, 91 Query Governor Cost Limit Option, 92 Recovery Interval Option, 94 Remote Access Option, 95 Remote Query Timeout Option, 97 Set Working Set Size Option, 98 Two Digit Year Cutoff Option, 99 User Connections Option, 99 User Options Option, 102 Using Nested Triggers Option, 89 show multi-phase pump, configuring, 575 snapshot replication, configuring, 429-438 SQL Mail and SQLAgentMail, setting up, 217 SQL scripting functionality, 48 SQL Server, configuring, 67 SQL Server Agent, configuring, 197 SQL Server Agent operators, adding, 210 SQL Server error log, reading, 234 transactional replication, configuring, 440-448 user-defined database roles, creating, 379, 381 user-defined error messages, creating, 677 user-defined filegroups, adding, 171, 172 entity integrity primary keys and, 684 UNIQUE constraints and, 686 equality operator, 767 @@ERROR function, 815 rolling back transactions, 247 error handling ActiveX error tasks and precedence constraints, 607 sp_OA stored procedures, 869 syntax and runtime error effects in batches, 863 transactions, using XACT_ABORT, 249 Transform Data Properties dialog, 586 error logs SQL Server Agent, 230-231 changing names or locations, 231 introduced, 199 viewing and interpreting, 230 SQL Server error log, 234 output from deadlocks with trace flags enabled, 273 reinitializing using Query Analyzer, 235 setting the number of logs to keep, 235 Error message 115, 543 Error message 137, 864 Error message 201, 720 Error message 208, 236, 319, 746 Error message 229, 204 Error message 245, 809 Error message 446, 127 Error message 1204, 82 Error message 1205, 271 955 Error message 3154 Error message 3154, 640 Error message 3266, 304 Error message 4208, 302 Error message 7133, 839 Error message 7201, 95 Error message 7277, 522 Error message 7303, 544 Error message 7306, 544 Error message 7314, 544 Error message 7321, 544 Error message 7356, 544 Error message 7357, 545 Error message 7391, 545 Error message 7392, 545 Error message 7399, 545 Error message 7403, 546 Error message 7413, 546 Error message 8114, 546 Error message 8134, 815 Error message 8501, 546 Error message 8645, 93, 209 Error message 8649, 159 Error message 8653, 321 Error message 9002, 209 Error message 14157, 210 Error message 15028, 546 Error message 15183, 378 Error message 16917, 253 Error message 17824, 91 Error message 20512, 518 Error message 20515, 518 Error message 20536, 210 Error message 20574, 210 Error message 20578, 210 Error message 21054, 518 Error message 50001, 204 error messages changing logging status, 236 creating user-defined error messages, 677 @@ERROR function, 815 linked servers, tabulated, 543 logging user-defined error messages, 238 online resources on, 518, 622 recommended for raising alerts, 209 errors and warnings event category, SQL Profiler, 888 ESCAPE operator, 770 ESTIMATEONLY option DBCC CHECKALLOC command, 342 DBCC CHECKDB command, 349 events event_id parameter, sp_trace_setevent, 896 SQL Profiler event categories, 887 Excel spreadsheets Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider and, 529 migrating data to SQL Server 2000, 64 Exchange Server, SQL Mail and SQLAgentMail requirements, 216 exclusive locks, 255 compatibilities, 256 example, 261 EXEC command, 863 956 execute package task, DTS Designer, 597 execute process task, DTS, 587 execute SQL task, DTS, 588 execution contexts, DTS packages, 609 security contexts and, 609, 610 troubleshooting DTS packages, 622 execution plans example before use of Index Tuning Wizard, 923 example following use of Index Tuning Wizard, 924 graphical query plan tool distributed query example, 536 making reusable with sp_executesql, 861 parallel execution plans, 74 Max Degree of Parallelism Option and, 83 precompiled for stored procedures, 718 viewing for distributed queries, 536 viewing with SET SHOWPLAN_ALL option, 904 viewing with SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON, 796 EXISTS keyword, 780 EXP function, 820 expiry quotas, push subscriptions, 481 explicit global variables, 612 EXPLICIT mode, FOR XML clause, 937 explicit transactions, 245 expressions, using subqueries in place of, 779 extended properties adding to a table column, 859 defining with the Object Browser, 656 managing with the Object Browser, 860 user defined meta data, 857 extended stored procedures see also xp_. adding, 724 calls viewed as non-deterministic, 726 COM automation with sp_oa*, 865 listing, 725 listing DLL references, 724 naming, 106 removing, 725 unloading DLL references, 725 extents extent switches and external fragmentation, 920, 921 page allocation units, 122 external fragmentation, 356, 920 F failover clustering, 549 active/passive and active/active setups, 551 adding disk resources, 559 alternative to replication, 419 Cluster Administrator, 553 cluster meta data, 553 full-text indexing and, 672 installing a virtual server, 555 installing service packs for virtual servers, 557 limitations, 553 log shipping compared to, 626 monitoring configurations post-installation, 559 pre-installation checklist, 554 SQL Mail and SQLAgentMail not fully supported, 560 SQLDIAG utility and, 661 troubleshooting, 560 foreign keys failover clusters memory availability and, 73 service pack installation and, 29 SQL Mail not fully supported, 216 support by SQL Server 2000 editions, 8 fastload option, Transform Data Properties dialog, 586 fault tolerance, data and log file placement, 2 federated database server support by SQL Server 2000 editions, 9 fetch operations, cursors, 853 FETCH command, 855 @@fetch_status function, 855 fiber mode, SQL Mail not supported in, 220 fiber mode scheduling and the Lightweight Pooling Option, 81 file extensions, 122 file placement common installation problems, 2 disk and disk array requirements, 6 post-installation checks, 34 Tier 1 and Tier 2 strategies, 6 file shares see folder shares. file sizes AUTO_SHRINK database option, 144 setting maximum, 128 file system fragmentation, 356 File Transfer Protocol task, DTS Designer, 568 FILE_ID function, 828 FILEGROUP_ID and FILEGROUP_NAME functions, 829 filegroups, 122, 170 allocation and structural checking for, 352 backing up using VLDBs, 170 backups using Transact-SQL, 303 changing, for an existing index, 178 changing, for an existing table, 177 creating a database using, 132 making read-only, 174 partial restores to new databases, 320 placing a table in a filegroup, 174, 175, 688 placing an index in a different filegroup, 735 placing an index in a filegroup, 176 placing text or images in a separate filegroup, 688 primary filegroups, 170 removing, 179 restoring using Enterprise Manager, 306 restoring using Transact-SQL, 320 user-defined filegroups, 171, 172 checking for errors, 353 making the default filegroup, 172 FILEPROPERTY function, 829 files backups using Transact-SQL, 303 read file transformation, DTS, 583 recovering from file loss, 321 restoring using Enterprise Manager, 306 restoring using transaction logs, 324 restoring using Transact-SQL, 320 shrinking, with DBCC SHRINKDATABASE, 164 write file transformation, DTS, 584 fill factor field, creating indexes in Enterprise Manager, 187 Fill Factor Option, 78 changing free space in Database Maintenance Plans, 80 performance considerations, 79 fill factors creating indexes in DDL, 735 Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, 328 page splitting and, 886 read-only tables, 917 rebuilding indexes, 916 filters configuring replication properties, 485 defining in the Create Publication Wizard, 435 dynamic filters and merge publication, 468 merge replication extending by joining to a related table, 485 sp_trace_setfilter stored procedure, 901 firewalls client connectivity problems and, 23 installing virtual servers, 556 MS DTC and firewalls, 545 Server Network Utility and, 661 firing order, triggers, 741 first normal form, 842 fixed database roles, 367 displaying for a database, 382 displaying members, 383 displaying permissions, 392 full listing, 391 fixed server roles, 366 displaying permissions for, 389 listing, 388 listing members, 390 fixed-length columns, 684 FLOAT data type, 120 FLOOR function, 821 flow control see control-of-flow commands. FMTONLY option, 157 ::fn_helpcollations() function, 108 fn_listextendedproperty function, 859, 860 fn_trace_getinfo function, 902 fn_trace_gettable function, 903 folder shares log shipping and, 627, 641 post-installation checks, 33 replication snapshot files, 428, 429 FOR clause FOR BROWSE not allowed in cursors, 853, 854 FOR XML, 935 BINARY BASE 64 keyword, 937 example using FOR XML EXPLICIT, 938 introduced, 934 modes, 935 XMLDATA keyword, 937 XSD alternative, 934 SELECT statements, 783 FORCEPLAN option, 157 foreign key constraints CREATE TABLE command and, 689 DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS command and, 345 recursive constraints, 690 foreign keys adding to an existing table, 702 creating a reference, using Enterprise Manager, 189 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 189 957 format files format files, BCP, 51 Formula property, Enterprise Manager, 182 four-part names defining distributed partitioned views, 716 error 7321 and, 544 referencing linked servers, 534 FoxPro, OLE DB provider parameters, 531 fragmentation and DBCC SHOWCONTIG, 916, 920 free pages and alerts, 209 free threading support and DTS ActiveX tasks, 572 FREETEXT predicate, WHERE clause, 675 FREETEXTTABLE function, 676 FROM clauses SELECT statements aliasing tables, 763 creating an empty table, 757 derived tables and, 764 use of OPENXML, 941 use with UPDATE statements, 787 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) task in DTS Designer, 568 full backups, 287 performing with Transact-SQL, 298 FULL OUTER JOINs, 761 full recovery model, 290 setting databases to, using a script, 861 full scans and alerts, 208 full-text indexing, 663 adding columns, 671 configuring using stored procedures, 668 creating in Enterprise Manager, 664 Default Full-text Language Option, 76 enabling a base table, 670 migrating, 672 performance impacts, 668 querying, 672 inflectional forms, 673 proximity searches, 673 scheduling updates, 666 Full-Text Indexing Wizard, 664-667 Select a Catalog dialog, 665 Select an Index dialog, 665 Select or Create Population Schedules dialog, 666 Select Table Columns dialog, 665 full-text search support, SQL Server 2000 editions, 9 functionality checklist, linked servers, 521 @@functions, 814-818 @@BUSY function, 816 @@CPU_BUSY function, 815 @@DATEFIRST function, 815 @@DBTS function, 815 @@ERROR function, 815 functions usable with cursors, 855 @@IDENTITY function, 815 @@IDLE function, 816 @@LANGID function, 816 @@LANGUAGE function, 816 @@LOCK_TIMEOUT function, 816 @@MAX_CONNECTION function, 816 @@MAX_PRECISION function, 816 @@NESTLEVEL function, 816 @@OPTIONS function, 816 @@PACK_RECEIVED function, 816 @@PACK_SENT function, 816 @@PACKET_ERRORS function, 817 @@PROCID function, 817 958 @@REMSERVER function, 817 @@ROWCOUNT function, 817 @@SERVERNAME function, 817 @@SERVICENAME function, 817 @@SPID function, 817 @@TEXTSIZE function, 817 @@TIMETICKS function, 817 @@TOTAL_ERRORS function, 817 @@TOTAL_READ function, 817 @@TOTAL_WRITE function, 817 @@TRANSCOUNT function, 818 @@VERSION function, 818 fuzzy searches, full-text indexes, 675 G GAM (Global Allocation Map) pages, 122 GETANSINULL function, 831 GETDATE function, 813 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function and, 831 updating example, 787 GETUTCDATE function, 814 global temporary tables, 705 global variables see also @@functions at functions. DTS Package Properties dialog, 612 Execute Package Task, DTS, 598 execute SQL task, DTS, 588 Execute SQL Task, DTS, 589 GO keyword alternative batch separators, 227 ending batches with, 863 job scheduling problems, 226 table variables and, 706 GOTO keyword, 248 GRANT EXEC permissions, xp_sqlmaint, 339 GRANT keyword object permissions, 395 statement permissions, 394 granularity hints, 258 graphical display, counter logs, 882 graphical showplan, 906 managing indexes and statistics, 912 operators and icons tabulated, 907 tool tips tabulated, 907 graphical tools see also Books Online; Client Network Utility; DTS Designer; Enterprise Manager; Query Analyzer; Server Manager ; Server Network Utility; SQL Profiler. support by SQL Server 2000 editions, 9 grid format, displaying results in, 70, 749 GROUP BY clause, 772-776 indexed views and, 714 query hints and, 791 using the HAVING clause, 775 using with ALL operator, 772 using WITH CUBE, 773 using with IN operator, 772 using WITH ROLLUP, 774 Group Policy snap-in enabling page locking in memory, 73 GROUPING function, 798 indexed views H hardware bottlenecks see bottlenecks. hardware requirements post-installation checks, 35 recommended configuration, 5 recovery plans and replacement hardware, 286 tabulated for SQL Server 2000 installation, 3 HAS_DBACCESS function, 825 hash indexes on CHECKSUM columns, 795 hashing operations Min Memory Per Query Option, 88 Query Wait Option, 93 HAVING clauses using correlated subqueries in, 779 using with the GROUP BY clause, 775 HCL (Hardware Compatibility List) and failover clustering, 554 heaps defragmenting, 360, 922 distinguished from indexed tables, 731 heartbeat connections, 550 hierarchical data formatting, XML, 931 hints, 789 join hints, 790 query hints, 791 distributed queries and, 522 table hints, 789 horizontal filtering, 436 dynamic filters, 468 partitioned views, 711 HOST_ID function, 832 HOST_NAME function, 832 dynamic filters and, 468 dynamic snapshots and, 473 How to... see topic illustrated. HTML tags, compared with XML, 931 Hungarian notation, 682 hybrid replication model, 421 I I/O bottlenecks, 884, 885 Icelandic collation example, 111 icons connection types, DTS, 568 graphical showplan operators, tabulated, 907 IDENT_CURRENT and IDENT_INCR functions, 832 IDENT_SEED function, 833 identifiers, delimiting, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER option and, 152 identity columns inserting an explicit value, 696 queued updating option, 426 setting identity ranges, 445 SET IDENTITY_INSERT option, 158 setting identity range merge replication, 454 without updateable subscription, 446 @@IDENTITY function, 815 IDENT_CURRENT function and, 832 SCOPE_IDENTITY function and, 835 IDENTITY property CREATE TABLE command, 694 designing a new table in Enterprise Manager, 181 replication considerations, 427 reseeding, using DBCC CHECKIDENT, 697 IDENTITY_INSERT option, 158, 696 @@IDLE function, 816 IE (Internet Explorer) IE5 includes Windows Synchronization Manager, 476 version required for Analysis Services, 13 version required for SQL Server 2000, 4 XML document rendered in, 940 IF ... ELSE keywords, 846 IF UPDATE() function, 738 IIS (Internet Information Services) 5.0 XML integration with SQL Server 2000, 934 IMAGE data type, 121 IMAGE, TEXT and NTEXT functions, 836-840 READTEXT function, 837 TEXTPTR function, 836 TEXTVALID function, 837 UPDATETEXT function, 839 WRITETEXT function, 838 immediate updating option, 425 configuring publication properties, 488 error messages, 518 requires DTC, 430 with queues updating as a failover, 425 implicit transactions, 243 IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS option, 100, 158, 243 IN operator, 772 using with GROUP BY, 772 using with subqueries, 778 increment, IDENTITY property, 694 Index Create Memory Option, 81 index creation and the Fill Factor Option, 78 index scans, 886 index seeks operators hindering, 917, 919 performance compared with scans, 905 Index Tuning Wizard, 922 indexed computed columns ANSI_NULLS database option and, 149 ANSI_PADDING database option and, 149 ANSI_WARNINGS database option and, 150 ARITHABORT database option, 150, 348 CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL database option, 151 DBCC CHECKDB command and, 348 DBCC CHECKTABLE command and, 348 NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT database option, 151 QUOTED_IDENTIFIER database option and, 152, 348 user options required for, 102 indexed views, 710 ANSI_NULLS database option and, 149 ANSI_PADDING database option and, 149 ANSI_WARNINGS database option and, 150 ARITHABORT database option, 150 bug affecting DBCC DBREINDEX, 357 checking using DBCC CHECKTABLE, 350 CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL database option, 151 creating, 713 functions and keywords prohibited in the view definitions, 714 NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT database option, 151 959 indexed views (Cont'd) indexed views (Cont'd) QUOTED_IDENTIFIER database option and, 152 support by SQL Server 2000 editions, 9 user options required for, 102 indexes, 731-736, 916 see also full-text indexing. changing column definitions and, 701 clustered indexes, 917 covering indexes, 917 creating, using DDL, 733 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 186 deciding whether to index a table, 733 defaulting to CLUSTERED, 685 displaying, 736 dropping, 735 fragmentation, 916 rebuilding and, 921 full-text and table indexes distinguished, 663 hash indexes, 795 horizontal filtering and, 437, 468 importance of key column order, 918 index fragmentation, 356 defragmenting clustered indexes, 360 defragmenting with DBCC INDEXDEFRAG, 358 indexing best practices, 916 things to avoid, 919 modifying with graphical showplan, 912 need for continual monitoring, 916 performance effects, 917 placing in a filegroup, 176 rebuilding, 356 secondary to good query design, 886 inequality operator, 768 infinite loops and the Query Governor Cost Limit Option, 92 inflectional forms and the CONTAINS function, 673 information schema views, 840 COLUMNS view example, 841 information_schema.tables view, 358 .ini files, changing DTS package properties, 605 inline UDFs, 726, 727, 728 INNER JOINs, 758 alternative to correlated subqueries, 779, 780 CROSS JOINs compared to, 762 INNER MERGE JOIN, 790 multiple inner joins, 759 inner package global variables, 598 INSERT commands, 784-786 DEFAULT and DEFAULT VALUES keywords, 785 insert operations against a view, 710 example stored procedure, 720 inserting data from a SELECT statement, 785 inserting data from a stored procedure call, 786 inserted virtual table, 737 installation client connectivity only, 18 client utilities only, 17 common problems, 2 how to install SQL Server 2000, 11 named instances, 21 post-installation best practices, 33 pre-installation best practices, 5 pre-installation checklist, 10 960 troubleshooting failed installations, 19 uninstalling SQL Server, 18 installation CD, uninstalling SQL Server, 18 instances collation detemined during installation, 109 hidden instances, 662 overview and best practices, 20 INSTEAD OF triggers, 736 creating, 739 updates against views, 711 INT data type, 120 integrity checking alternatives to DBCC CHECKDB, 350 database objects, 347 tables in a filegroup, 352 intent exclusive locks, 255 compatibilities, 256 intent locks, 254 intent shared locks, 254 compatibilities, 256 interactive conflict resolution, 491 dialog box for, 493 interleaving, 721 internal fragmentation, 356, 920, 921 INTO clause not allowed in cursors, 853, 854 SELECT statements, 755 creating an empty table, 756 logging, 291 resetting suspect databases, 325 Inventory_IT database, 171 Inventory_UK database, 135 IP addresses changing for virtual servers, 559 friendly names for, 662 two-node clusters, 550 verifying port numbers, 661 IS NULL operator, 771 Is RowGuid property, Enterprise Manager, 182 IS_MEMBER function, 825 IS_SVROLEMEMBER function, 825 ISDATE function, 833 ISNULL function, 834 ISNUMERIC function, 833 isolation transaction property, 243 isolation levels see transaction isolation levels. isolation-level hints, 258 ISQL and named instances, 21 isql utility and osql, 645 J Japanese characters, 12 JDBC connecting to a named instances, 21 driver settings as cause of deadlocks, 282 Server Network Utility and, 661 Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider parameters, 529 job categories, 211 creating, 215 job schedules, 214 LIKE operator jobs adding using Enterprise Manager, 211 created by the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, 334 creating a multi-server job, 223 deleting or reassigning for a login, 228 designating a category for, 211 failure, database maintenance plans, 336 job system stored procedures, 232 Job System tab, SQL Server Agent dialog, 200 purging job histories, 228 scheduling DTS packages, 614 scripting, 226 SQL Server Agent primary function, 197 stopping and starting with stored procedures, 229 transfer jobs task, 603 transferring using DTS, 227 viewing a multi-server job history, 225 JOIN clause alternative to correlated subqueries, 779, 780 SELECT statement, 757 WHERE clause alternative to, 763 join hints tabulated, 790 joins, 757-764 CONTAINSTABLE function and, 674 CROSS JOINs, 762 defining views in Enterprise Manager, 185 FULL OUTER JOINs, 761 INNER JOINs, 758 as default join types, 759 LEFT and RIGHT OUTER JOINs, 760 restrictions on indexed views, 714 SELF JOINs, 763 Excel spreadsheets, migrating data from, 65 full-text indexing, migrating, 672 immediate updating option errors, 518 index corruption on upgrading, 348 Lightweight Pooling Option, 81 linked servers and error 15028, 546 logins and passwords, moving, 37, 40 log shipping and error 3154, 640 log shipping and folder shares, 641 Log Shipping Monitor, 634, 641 Oracle 8.x distributed queries, 545 orphaned logins, 41 Rebuild Master utility, bug affecting, 114, 322 security patches, 32 sp_OA memory leaks, 865 sp_processmail bug, 221 SQL Mail, 217 failover clusters and, 216 fibre mode and, 220 SQLDIAG utility and virtual servers, 661 System Monitor missing objects, 876 tape backups, 304 upgrading to SQL Server 2000, 25, 55 virtual servers changing domains for, 559 changing IP addresses for, 559 changing names for, 560 manual uninstalls, 560 troubleshooting failed, 560 Windows NT performance optimization, 886 Windows XP System Monitor problems, 878 XML OLE DB Simple Provider, 934 xp_sendmail bugs, 220 K L kana-sensitive sorting, 12, 107 key column order, 918 key width, clustered indexes, 917 keyboard shortcuts, Query Analyzer, 657 pre-defined shortcuts tabulated, 658 KILL command identifying and resolving blocking, 270 restricted to certain fixed server roles, 369 Knowledge Base articles see also alternative e-mail solutions, 218 bugs affecting @@LANGID and @@LANGUAGE functions, 816 LANGUAGE option, 158 language settings changing the default language for a login, 374 code pages, 107 DATENAME function, 812 Default Full-text Language Option, 76 Default Language Option, 77 Full-Text Indexing Wizard, 665 Icelandic collation example, 111 Japanese characters, 12 @@LANGID and @@LANGUAGE functions, 816 SET LANGUAGE option, 158 latches, 885 lazy schema validation option, 711 LCID (Locale ID), 113 Leaders table, 750 IE rendering, 940 XML document version, 932 leaf level pages and Fill Factor Option, 78 LEFT function, 803 LEFT OUTER JOINs, 760 legacy databases and linked servers, 521 LEN function, 804 licensing options, 1, 10 selecting at installation, 13 Lightweight Pooling Option, 81 LIKE operator, 770 DBCC DBREINDEX, 357 DTS connections to FTP, 570 DTS Designer mail profiles, 596 linked server operations, 546 sp_depends and deferred name resolution, 746 sp_OA stored procedures, 865 UDFs used with CASE statements, 727 COLUMNS_UPDATED() function, 739 Component Checker and MDAC setup, 23 configuring memory above 2GB, 73 connecting to a named instances, 21 Copy Database Wizard and, 49 DBCC INDEXDEFRAG errors with VARCHAR, 359 DTC and firewalls, 545 DTS Execute Package Task, 598 DTS package run as a scheduled job, 572 Error 7321 and Error 7356, 544 961 linked servers linked servers, 521 access to UDFs, 727 adding login mappings, 532 adding using Enterprise Manager, 522 adding using Transact-SQL, 527 choosing logins, 524 common error messages tabulated, 543 displaying column data, 540 displaying column permissions, 541 displaying table permissions, 539 distributed partitioned views and, 711 executing distributed queries, 534 functionality and performance considerations, 521 listing defined linked servers, 542 listing tables from, 538 provider configuration options, 523 providers for heterogeneous connections, 528 setting server options, 532 transfering DTS packages between servers, 621 troubleshooting, 543 literals, delimiting, and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER option, 152 load simulation tools, 85, 87 LoadRunner, Mercury Interactive, 85, 87 local temporary tables, 705 Lock:Escalation event, SQL Profiler, 282 @@LOCK_TIMEOUT function, 816 LOCK_TIMEOUT option, 158, 266 locking, 254 allocation and escalation, 256 blocking and deadlocking defined, 267 escalation as a cause of deadlocks, 268, 282 Extended Transact-SQL cursors, 854 FOR BROWSE option and, 783 latches, 885 lock types tabulated, 254 compatibilities tabulated, 256 locking modes, DTS packages, 612 memory requirements and, 6 resources to which locks can be applied, 255 SET LOCK_TIMEOUT option, 158 setting timeouts, 266 snapshot generation and table locking, 488 table lock on bulk load option, 707 viewing locking activity in Enterprise Manager, 262 locking behavior, SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL option, 159 locking hints, 257 example using NOLOCK, 790 possible cause of blocking, 268 UPDLOCK locking hint, 283 use of HOLDLOCK with the WRITETEXT function, 838 locks event category, SQL Profiler, 889 Locks Option, 82 log files see also counter logs; error logs; file placement; log shipping. active portions and file truncation, 169, 291 changing logging status of Error messages, 236 counter logs and, 878 logging DTS package steps, 612 setting characteristics in Enterprise Manager, 128 size and log space used, 161 size estimates, 125 962 specifying backups for log shipping, 629, 630 transaction log architecture, 291 transaction log backups BACKUP LOG command, 302 RECOVERY database options and, 146 transaction logs as cumulative, 287 troubleshooting failed installations, 19 Virtual Log Files, 169 LOG function, 821 log shipping, 625 alternative to replication, 419 configuring log shipping properties, 636 creating a primary role change for secondary servers, 637 Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, 628 database maintenance plans and, 327 login transfer, 632 monitoring the status of, 634 pre-configuration checklist, 627 process explained, 625 recovery plans and, 285, 286 role reversal, 630 support by SQL Server 2000 editions, 8 troubleshooting, 640 Log Shipping Monitor, 634 feature, SQL Server 2000 editions, 627 Log Shipping Pair Properties dialog, 634 update failures, 641 log_shipping_monitor_probe login, 632 troubleshooting and, 641 log_shipping_primaries and log_shipping_secondaries tables, 634 troubleshooting and, 641 LOG10 function, 821 logging, WRITETEXT function, 838 Logical Disk object counters, 36 logical names changing, 137 creating a named backup device, 296 shrinking data or log files, 167 logical transaction logs active portions and file truncation, 169, 291 Login Properties dialog, adding role membership, 381 logins auditing at the operating system level, 411 changing the default database, 373 changing the default language, 374 creating using Enterprise Manager and Transact-SQL, 369 deleting or reassigning jobs for, 228 language settings for, 77 log_shipping_monitor_probe login, 632 login transfer, log shipping, 632 mapping to linked servers, 532 dropping mappings, 534 moving logins and passwords, 37 DTS Package Transfer Logins Task, 38-40 scripting out logins and passwords, 40 Transact-SQL script, 37 orphaned logins, 41 security accounts, 364 selecting for linked servers, 524 transfer logins task, 603 users and, 365 long-duration queries, 892 meta data functions lookup queries, 585 looping structures DBCC DBREINDEX and, 358 WHILE keyword and, 847 lost updates concurrency problem, 254 LOWER function, 804 lowercase string transformation, Transform Data Task properties dialog, 580 LTRIM function, 805 concatenation example using, 863 M mail profiles, DTS Designer send mail task, 595 maintenance investigating plan failures, 336 setting up a database maintenance plan, 326 makepipe utility, 23 Managed Classes, SQLXML, 935 manual uninstall, 19 MAPI (Mail Application Programming Interface) DTS Designer send mail task requires, 595 Lightweight Pooling Option and, 81 master database rebuilding, 114 restoring from a backup, 30, 31 syslanguages table, 77 system databases tabulated, 126 master servers see MSX servers. mathematical functions, 818-825 ABS function, 818 ACOS function, 818 ASIN function, 819 ATAN function, 819 ATN2 function, 819 CEILING function, 819 COS function, 820 COT function, 820 DEGREES function, 820 EXP function, 820 FLOOR function, 821 LOG function, 821 LOG10 function, 821 PI function, 822 POWER function, 822 RADIANS function, 822 RAND function, 822 ROUND function, 823 SIGN function, 823 SIN function, 824 SQRT function, 824 SQUARE function, 824 TAN function, 825 Max Degree of Parallelism Option, 83 MAX function, 798 Max Text Repl Size Option, 86 Max Worker Threads Option, 86 @@MAX_CONNECTION and @@MAX_PRECISION functions, 816 Maximum characters per column option, 750 Maximum Conflict Resolver, 453 MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components), 22 Client Connectivity and, 23 installing Analysis Services, 14 named instances and, 21, 662 OLE DB providers insalled with, 521 service packs and, 26 troubleshooting MDAC installation, 22 Media Retention Option, 88 memory estimating requirements pre-installation, 6 Index Create Memory Option, 81 Min and Max Server Memory Options, 84 Min Memory Per Query Option, 88 requirement, OPENXML, 943 utilization, SQL Server Enterprise Edition, 34 AWE Enabled Option, 72 memory bottlenecks, 884 memory management counter logs, 885 in-process and out-of-process loading, 865 placing tables into the buffer cache, 708 Query Wait Option, 93 reporting with xp_msver, 105 Set Working Set Size Option, 97 sharing servers with other applications, 85 unloading DLL references, 725 Mercury Interactive LoadRunner tool, 85, 87 merge replication, 423 advantages and disadvantages, 425 configuring in Enterprise Manager, 448-456 dynamic filters and merge publication, 468 interactive conflict resolvers, 491 limiting the number of concurrent processes, 486 merge conflict resolution, 449 setting identity range, 454 synchronization partners other than the publisher, 490 validating replicated data, 497 viewing conflict histories, 494 Merge Text Conflict Resolver, 453 message queue task, DTS Designer, 598 message properties, 599 properties for receiving a message, 600 meta data accessing, for database objects information schema views, 840 adding, using extended properties, 857 cluster meta data, 553 defining extended properties with the Object Browser, 656 DTS packages, 612 extents and, 122 querying, for database objects, 746 refreshing for views, 718 SET FMTONLY option and, 157 SQL Server Meta Data Services, 618 meta data functions, 827-830 COL_LENGTH function, 827 DB_ID function, 828 DB_NAME function, 828 FILE_ID function, 828 FILEGROUP_ID function, 829 FILEGROUP_NAME function, 829 FILEPROPERTY function, 829 OBJECT_ID function, 830 OBJECT_NAME function, 830 963 Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 database sizer Microsoft BackOffice 4.5 database sizer, 123 Microsoft Corporation see also Access databases; Excel spreadsheets; Exchange Server; HCL; IE; MDAC; Outlook; SQL Server; Windows. Microsoft Product Support and SQLDIAG, 659 Microsoft Search service and full-text indexing, 663 site see also Knowledge Base articles. error messages, 230, 234, 518 glossary of services, 37 Group Policy snap-in, 73 licensing options, 1 manual uninstall, 19 paging file sizing, 36 performance monitoring, 71 service packs and security patches, 27 SQL Server Edition for Analysis Services, 10 troubleshooting failed installations, 19 upgrading to SQL Server 2000, 25 XML Web Services, 935 middle of string transformation, Transform Data Task Properties dialog, 582 Min and Max Server Memory Options, 84 MIN function, 799 Min Memory Per Query Option, 88 Minimum Conflict Resolver, 453 mixed-mode authentication compared with Windows, 364 model database creating a simple example based on, 130 restoring from a backup, 31 system databases tabulated, 126 modifying data on remote data sources, 535 MONEY data type, 120 monitoring servers, log shipping, 627 specifying, 632 MONTH function, 814 MS DTC see DTC. MSCS (Microsoft Clustering Services), 549 msdb database executing a DTS package from, 617 restoring from a backup, 31 system databases tabulated, 126 MSDE (Microsoft Desktop Engine) and service pack installation, 29 MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) see MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queue), 598 MSX servers configuring in Enterprise Manager, 223 designating, 201 MSXML, 934 MULTI_USER database option, 140 multi-instance failover clustering, 551 multiple instance functionality, 20 multi-server administration, 222-226 configuring master servers, 223 creating a multi-server job, 223 defecting a target server, 225 designating an MSX server, 201 setting up target servers, 223 viewing a multi-server job history, 225 multistatement UDFs, 726, 727, 729 964 N N prefix, Unicode constants, 108 name conflicts, transactional replication, 442, 443 named backup devices, 296 named instances client-side aliases and, 662 connectivity issues, 21 isql and, 645 MDAC requirements, 22 performance considerations, 20 querying linked servers that are named instances, 535 registering, 21 restarting, 322 Server Network Utility and, 661 SQL Server 2000 installation, 11, 20 Named Pipes protocol, 13 named pipes transfer option, Upgrade Wizard, 55 named transactions, 246 naming columns using AS clauses, 753 naming conventions failover clustering and, 554 Hungarian notation, 682 stored procedures, 721 NAS (Network Attached Storage), 8 NCHAR data type, 121 NCHAR function, 805 NEAR keyword, 673 nesting nested queries, 544 subqueries, 778 nested stored procedures, NESTLEVEL function, 816 nested transactions, 246, 545 nesting triggers, 89, 737 RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS database option, 153 TRIGGER_NESTLEVEL() function, 740 nesting views, 712 @@NESTLEVEL function, 816 NetBIOS, disabling for heatbeat connections, 554 Net-Libraries see network libraries. network bottlenecks, 884 network cards auto detect and failover clustering, 554 estimating requirements, pre-installation, 8 post-installation checks, 37 network libraries installation with SQL Server, 13 Net-Libraries and Client Connectivity, 23 Network Packet Size Option, 89 network traffic reduction with NOCOUNT, 156 NEWID() function and the ROWGUIDCOL property, 698 NLB (Network Load Balancing), failover clustering distinguished from, 553 NOCOUNT option, 101, 156 stored procedures, 721 NOEXEC option, 158 NOLOCK locking hint, 260, 282 non-clustered indexes CREATE INDEX statement, 735 DBCC CHECKDB error after upgrading to SQL Server 2000, 348 DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP command and, 353 selecting columns for, 733 operators nonrepeatable reads concurrency problem, 254 norecovery mode, log shipping secondary databases, 625, 630, 641 normalization, 841-844 first normal form, 842 second normal form, 842 third normal form, 843 NOT FOR REPLICATION option, 455 CHECK constraints and, 693 IDENTITY property and, 695 NOT operators and table scans, 918 NOTRUNCATE option DBCC SHRINKDATABASE command, 164 DBCC SHRINKFILE command, 168 NOTRUNCATE option, DBCC SHRINKFILE command, 169 NT see Windows NT. NTEXT data type, 121 NTEXT functions see IMAGE, TEXT and NTEXT functions. NULL values aggregate functions and, 797 ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT database option, 148 ANSI_NULLS database option, 149 CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL database option, 151 concatenation with, 862 defining nullability when creating tables, 681 GETANSINULL function, 831 ISNULL function, 834 joins not permitted with, 759 NULLIF function, 834 specifying in queries, 771 valid pointers and the WRITETEXT function, 838 NULLIF function, 834 NUMERIC data type, 120 NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT option, 101, 102, 151 NVARCHAR data type, 121 O Object Browser, Query Analyzer, 654 defining extended properties, 656 managing extended properties, 860 restoring the master database from a backup, 31 scripting database objects, 656 templates and, 656 object permissions DENY keyword, 398 GRANT keyword, 395 introduced, 369 listed, 392 REVOKE keyword, 400 tips on managing, 393 OBJECT_ID function, 747, 830 OBJECT_NAME function, 830 OBJECTPROPERTY function, 746 objects event category, SQL Profiler, 889 objects see database objects. objid (object ID) returned by sp_lock, 260, 269 ODBC drivers, pre-installation checklist, 10 odbcping utility, 23, 24 OFFLINE | ONLINE database option, 139 OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing) Analysis Services and, 13 English Query and, 14 OLE automation, 865 OLE DB connections and Remote Login Timeout, 95 OLE DB providers included with SQL Server, 522 linked servers and, 521 listing, 527 parameters, 528 provider for ODBC, linked server connections, 530 providers for SQL Server 7.0 and 2000, 530 troubleshooting DTS packages, 622 XML OLE DB Simple Provider, 934 OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing), 5 on completion/failure/success arrow, DTS workflow, 606 ON DELETE CASCADE and ON UPDATE CASCADE, CREATE TABLE command, 691 ONLINE database option, 139 OPEN keyword, opening cursors, 854 Open Objects Option, 90 OPENDATASOURCE command alternative to linked servers, 521 examples, 538 executing ad hoc distributed queries, 537 using Windows authentication, 538 OPENQUERY command Actve Directory Service and, 531 querying linked servers, 536 access to UDFs, 727 referencing linked servers, 534 OPENROWSET command alternative to linked servers, 521 executing ad hoc distributed queries, 536 server-side query example, 537 using Windows authentication, 537 OPENXML command, 940 introduced, 933 SQLXML Bulk Load Utility and, 934 Operating System Command, SQL Server Agent job type, 212 operating systems see also Windows. auditing logins at the operating system level, 411 commands, osql utility, 649 executing commands using xp_cmdshell, 202 operating system security, 364 post-installation checks, 35 requirements tabulated for SQL Server 2000 installation, 4 support for SQL Server editions tabulated, 4 operators see also comparison operators. AND and OR, used with CONTAINS, 674 graphical showplan, 907 hindering index seeks, 917, 919 NOT operators and table scans, 918 use of the != operator, 768 use of the < and <= operators, 768 use of the = operator, 767 use of the ALL, ANY and SOME operators, 769 use of the BETWEEN operator, 769 use of the ESCAPE operator, 770 use of the IN operator, 772 965 operators (Cont'd) operators (Cont'd) use of the IS NULL operator, 771 use of the LIKE operator, 770 use of the UNION ALL operator, 781 use of the UNION operator, 780 WHERE clauses and, 765-772 use of parentheses, 765 valid operators tabulated, 766 operators, SQL Server Agent adding using Enterprise Manager, 210 operator system stored procedures, 231 scripting, 226 SQL Server Agent primary function, 197 OPTION clause and query hints, 791 @@OPTIONS function, 816 Options tab, Restore Databases dialog, 308 Oracle Error 7356 and, 544 Error 7399 and distributed queries against Oracle 8.x, 545 OLE DB provider parameters for, 531 ORDER BY clauses, 776 use with COLLATE statement, 113 use with combined result sets, 781 use with COMPUTE, 782 use with joins, 760 use with the TOP keyword, 754 order of updates and deadlocks, 281 orphaned logins, 41 osql utility, 645 syntax, 646 tips for using, 648 working in an interactive session, 650 osql.exe utility and named instances, 21 outer package global variables, 598 Outlook SQL Mail bug, 218 use with SQL Mail and SQLAgentMail, 217 OUTPUT parameters, stored procedure, 720 P @@PACK_RECEIVED and @@PACK_SENT functions, 816 packages see DTS packages. @@PACKET_ERRORS function, 817 packets Network Packet Size Option, 89 User Connections Option and packet size, 99 page headers, 122 page splits alerts and, 209 cause of index fragmentation, 356 counter logs and, 886 Fill Factor Option and, 78 Pagefile.sys file, 36 pages counter logs for paging, 883 internal storage units, 122 parallel CREATE INDEX and parallel DBCC support by SQL Server 2000 editions, 8 parallel DBCC object checking, disabling, 354 966 parallel execution plans, 74 Max Degree of Parallelism Option and, 83 parallelism, 572 parentheses within WHERE clauses, 765 PARSEONLY option, 159 partial dependency and second normal form, 842 partial updates and transactions, 242 partitioned views, 711 partitioning server alternative to RAID, 2 partitions, database with files on separate, 131 passwords changing or adding, 375 moving logins and passwords, 37 scripting out logins and passwords, 40 PATINDEX function, 802 pattern matching CHAINDEX and PATINDEX functions, 801 using the LIKE operator, 770 per processor and per seat licensing options, 10 Perform these tests... option, database maintenance plans, 335 performance benefits adding hash indexes for character columns, 796 DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS command, 870 index seeks, compared with scans, 905 join hints, 790 network perfomance and stored procedures, 718 placing VLDB files in different filegroups, 170 READ_ONLY database option, 139 performance conditions where alerts are recommended, 208 performance considerations C2 certified security, 74 derived tables compared to temporary tables, 764 effects of fill factors, 79 linked servers, 521 named instances, 20 performance event category, SQL Profiler, 889 performance impacts AUTO_SHRINK database option, 144 change tracking, 666 constraints, 709 CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT database option, 145 data type choice and column size, 684 DBCC UPDATEUSAGE and, 162 full-text indexing, 668 indexes, on queries and updates, 917 trace files, 406 use of hints, 789 use of temporary tables, 705 using cursors, 852, 886 Performance Monitor checkpoint frequency and I/O activity, 293 checkpoints and, 94 identifying context switching, 71, 82 investigating available memory, 93 page splits, 79 Performance Monitor see System Monitor. performance objects, counter appropriate to various types of bottleneck, 883, 884 performance tuning, 873 query tuning, 886 push subscriptions permissions displaying account permissions and permission paths, 387 displaying column permissions for linked servers, 541 displaying table permissions for linked servers, 539 displaying, for fixed database roles, 392 displaying, for fixed server roles, 389 reporting user and statement permissions, 402 required for replication, 428 types of permission, 368, 392 personal databases, AUTO_CLOSE database option, 142 phantom read concurrency problem, 254 phases, show multi-phase pump, 575 PI function, 822 pintable table option, 707 placeholders creating user-defined error messages, 677 outputting XML with sp_makewebtask, 939 planning an implementation, 1 platform-independence, XML, 932 point-in-time recovery bulk-logged recovery model and, 290 RECOVERY database options and, 146 transaction log backups, 287 POP3 (Post Office Protocol) configuring SQL Mail for a valid server, 218 third-party mail servers and, 216 port settings determining named instance port numbers, 22 installing named instances, 21 Server Network Utility and, 661 TCP/IP default, 13 post-installation best practices, 33 database migration, 37 post-installation checks operating system and hardware, 35 SQL Server Settings, 34 pound (#) signs and temporary tables, 705 POWER function, 822 precedence constraints configuring DTS workflow, 606 multiple constraints, 607 tips on workflow and, 607 precision, NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT option, 151 Precision property, Enterprise Manager, 181 predicates and WHERE clauses, 765 pre-fetching rows and Cursor Threshold Option, 75 pre-installation best practices, 5 pre-installation checklist, 10 primary filegroups, 170 primary keys adding to an existing table, 702 creating a table with, using DDL, 684 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 182 first normal form and, 842 second normal form and, 842 transactional replication requires, 441 primary role change, 633, 637 distinguished from role reversal, 640 scripting out recommended, 642 PRINT command calling UDFs in, 728 concatenation example, 862 Priority Boost Option, 91 privileges see permissions. procedure cache forced flushing, 723 process IDs see SPIDs. processes and threads and, 86 processors Affinity Mask Option and, 71 Max Degree of Parallelism Option and, 83 number reporting with xp_msver, 105 supported by SQL Server 2000 editions, 5 @@PROCID function, 817 Profiler see SQL Profiler. programming languages cursor functionality, 852 image and binary data types and, 836 propertyname options, SERVERPROPERTY function, 103 proximity searches, full-text indexes, 673 proxy accounts configuring in Enterprise Manager, 201 configuring with xp_sqlagent_proxy_account, 203 drawbacks to configuring, 205 permissions granted, 204 reasons to configure, 205 scheduling DTS packages and, 610 publication property configuration, 481 publications adding new columns and articles, 484 creating and managing in Enterprise Manager, 502 generating scripts of, 502 transforming data within, 464-468 publishers, in replication topology, 420 publishing, disabling on a server, 512 publishing subscriber model, 421 Pull Subscription Wizard, 460 Choose Publication dialog, 460 Initialize Subscription dialog, 461 Look for Publications dialog, 460 Set Distribution Agent Schedule dialog, 461, 463 Set Merge Agent Schedule dialog, 462 Set Subscription Priority dialog, 463 Snapshot Delivery dialog, 462 pull subscriptions, 420 attachable subscription databases, 495 creating using Enterprise Manager, 460-464 dynamic snapshots and, 475 selecting for interactive conflict resolution, 492 Push Subscription Wizard, 456 Choose Destination Database dialog, 457 Choose Subscribers dialog, 456 Initialize Subscription dialog, 458 Set Distribution Agent Schedule dialog, 457 Set Subscription Priority dialog, 458 Start Required Services dialog, 459 push subscriptions, 420 creating using Enterprise Manager, 456-459 expiry quotas, 481 967 queries Q R queries see also result sets; SELECT commands. Data Transformation Query Designer, 573 NOT operators requiring table scans, 918 performance and table indexing, 733 querying a full-text index, 672 RADIANS function, 822 RAID (Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks) disk requirements and, 6 fault tolerance using, 2 levels tabulated, 2 Microsoft Clustering Services and, 549 recovery plans and, 285 Tier 1 and Tier 2 file placement strategies, 6 RAISEERROR command, 850 creating user-defined error messages, 677 RAISERROR..WITH LOG and xp_logevent, 238 RAM see memory. RAND function, 822 range lock types, 255 compatibilities, 256 range queries and clustered indexes, 733, 917 RAW mode, FOR XML clause, 936 RDBMS driver post-installation checks, 36 READ COMMITTED isolation level concurrency problems prevented, 257 description, 251 read file transformation, Transform Data Task Properties dialog, 583 READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level concurrency problems prevented, 257 description, 251 READ_ONLY | WRITE_ONLY database option, 139 read-ahead and scan, enhanced, SQL Server 2000 editions, 8 read-only filegroups, 174 read-only partitioned views, 715 read-only table fill factors, 917 readpipe utility, 23, 24 READTEXT function, 837 inserting data from stored procedure output, 786 REAL data type, 120 reattaching databases, 31 restoring other versions to SQL Server 2000, 42 Rebuild Master utility, 114 rebuilding indexes, 356 example, 922 fragmentation and, 921 scheduling, 921 rebuilding servers in recovery situations, 286 rebuildm.exe file, 114, 322 reclaiming space, 361 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE, 70 displaying advanced system options, 69 recovery binary files, 323 modes, log shipping secondary databases, 625, 630, 641 recovery from file loss or database corruption, 321 SQLDIAG utility and, 659 RECOVERY FULL | BULK_LOGGED | SIMPLE database option, 146 backing up VLDBs using filegroups, 170 Recovery Interval Option, 94 recovery models log shipping and, 628 SQL Server 2000 feature, 290 CONTAINSTABLE function, 674 fuzzy and weighted searches, 675 reasons for excessive duration, 894 SET NOEXEC option, 158 SET PARSEONLY option, 159 simplifying query definitions using views, 709 Query Analyzer alternative batch separators, 227 client statistics function, 915 copying SQL Profiler output to, 894 graphical showplan and, 906 keyboard shortcuts, 657 pre-defined shortcuts tabulated, 658 log size and log space used, 161 Object Browser, 31, 654 managing extended properties, 860 reinitializing SQL Server error logs, 235 restoring databases from backups, 31 restoring other versions to SQL Server 2000, 42 result set formats, 749 running BCP, 50 running DBCC USEROPTIONS in, 155 server trace, 915 setting user options in, 156 templates, 651 QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT option, 92, 159 query hints distributed queries and, 522 tabulated, 791 query optimizer indexed views and, 710 operators hindering index seeks, 917, 919 Query Governor Cost Limit Option and, 92 SET FORCEPLAN option and, 157 use of the WHERE clauses, 886 query plans see execution plans. query processor, AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS option, 144 query tuning, 886 capturing long-duration queries, 892 query utilities osql utility, 645 Query Analyzer Object Browser, 654 Query Analyzer templates, 651 Query Wait Option, 93 queue reader agent, 425 queued updating option, 425 configuring publication properties, 488 setting identity range values, 445 quorum drives, 553 quotation marks full-text index queries and, 673 osql queries, 647 QUOTED_IDENTIFIER option, 101, 102, 152, 348 CREATE VIEW statement and, 714 QUOTENAME function, 806 968 RESTRICTED_USER database option recovery plans creating a plan, 285 disaster recovery, 286 failover clustering no substitute, 553 key contacts, 286 service pack installation and, 27 recovery times and checkpoint frequency, 293 recursive foreign key constraints, 690 recursive relationships defining with CREATE TABLE, 690 representing with SELF JOINs, 763 recursive triggers, 737 RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS database option, 153 referential integrity see also constraints. cascading referential integrity and triggers, 737 Create Publication Wizard, 433 foreign key constraints, 689 refresh rate, Replication Monitor, 439 registry rebuilding, 326 relog.exe utility, 878 Remote Access Option, 95 remote installation, 17 Remote Login Timeout Option, 95 Remote Proc Trans Option, 96 Remote Query Timeout Option, 96 REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS option, 253 Remove unused space… option, database maintenance plans, 335 @@REMSERVER function, 817 REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS option DBCC CHECKALLOC command, 343 DBCC CHECKDB command, 350 REPAIR_FAST option DBCC CHECKALLOC command, 342 DBCC CHECKDB command, 349 REPAIR_REBUILD option DBCC CHECKALLOC command, 342 DBCC CHECKDB command, 349 REPEATABLE READ isolation level concurrency problems prevented, 257 description, 251 repeated strings, REPLICATE function, 807 repeating groups and first normal form, 842 REPLACE function, 806 REPLICATE function, 807 replicated services Max Text Repl Size Option, 86 service pack installation and, 29 uninstalling service packs, 29 replicated transactions and DBCC OPENTRAN, 249 replication, 419 applying the NOT FOR REPLCATION clause, 693 configuration methods, 426 snapshot replication, 429-438 configuring publication properties, 481 data types and, 426 disabling publishing and distribution on your server, 512 failover clustering alternative, 419 launching replication wizards, 501 linked servers and, 522 log shipping alternative, 419 log shipping compared to, 626 merge replication, 423 NOT FOR REPLICATION clauses, 695 pre-configuration checklist possible replication topologies, 428 recovery plans and, 286 replication types, 421 row size limits, 428 table comparing, 425 snapshot data formats, 488 snapshot replication, 421 SQL Server version compatibility, 427 system tables associated with, 513 topology, 420 alternatives tabulated, 421 backups as scripts, 502 configuring topology roles, 504 defining before configuration, 428 transactional replication, 422 transforming data, 464-468 troubleshooting replication problems, 517 validating replicated data, 497 Replication Conflict Viewer, 494 replication errors, setting alerts, 210 Replication job steps, SQL Server Agent job type, 212 Replication Monitor Create Publication Wizard and, 438 Distribution Agent History dialog, 517 publication agents and, 459 Subscription Validating Options dialog, 498 troubleshooting replication problems, 517 Validating All Subscriptions dialog, 497 viewing in Enterprise Manager, 439 reporting conflict with updates, as possible deadlocks, 282 counter log results, 882 resources see Books Online; Knowledge base; RESTORE commands see also backups. backup sequences illustrated, 287 restoring other versions to SQL Server 2000, 42 RESTORE DATABASE command, 313 examples, 315, 317 options, 314 partial restores to new databases, 320 restoring files or filegroups, 320 restoring files using transaction logs, 324 system databases, 323 RESTORE FILEONLY command, 309 RESTORE HEADONLY command, 310 RESTORE LABELONLY command, 312 RESTORE LOG command examples, 317 restoring files or filegroups, 320 restoring files using transaction logs, 324 RESTORE VERIFYONLY command, Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, 332 restoring a database using Enterprise Manager, 305 using Transact-SQL differential backups, 316 transaction log backups, 317 RESTRICTED_USER database option, 140 969 result sets result sets combining with the UNION operator, 780 creating tables based on, 755 grid and text formats, 749 limiting numbers of rows returned, 754 looping through, using WHILE, 847 returning as XML, 783 use of the WHERE clause, 765 return codes, DATABASEPROPERTYEX function, 153 RETURN keyword, 738, 849 REVERSE function, 807 REVOKE keyword object permissions, 400 statement permissions, 399 RIGHT function, 803 RIGHT OUTER JOINs, 761 role changes, log shipping, 633 role permissions commands listed, 393 introduced, 369 role reversal, log shipping, 630 distinguished from primary role change, 640 roles advantage of Windows NT/2000 groups, 366 configuring replication topology roles, 504 showing users with access to a database, 386 SQL Server 2000 role types, 366 user-defined database roles, 366, 379 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command AFTER triggers for DELETE and, 739 introduced, 245 rolling back batch errors and, 863 security patches, 33 ROLLUP GROUPING function and, 798 using with GROUP BY clauses, 774 ROUND function, 823 row count verification, replicated data, 497 row offsets, 122 row size limit replication types, 428 @@ROWCOUNT function, 817 ROWCOUNT_BIG function, 834 ROWGUIDCOL property, 698 removing, 701 rows finding unmatched rows with FULL OUTER JOINs, 761 using EXISTS or NOT EXISTS, 780 RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) enabling, linked server options, 525, 533 Remote Access Option and, 95 REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS option, 253 RTRIM function, 805 run_value column, sp_configure, 69 S SAN (Storage Area Networks), 8 failover clustering and, 549 recovery plans and, 285 support by SQL Server 2000 editions, 9 970 SAVE TRANSACTION command example, 247 introduced, 245 savepoints, 247 scalar UDFs, 726, 727 Scale property, Enterprise Manager, 181 Scan for Startup Procs Option, 97 scans event category, SQL Profiler, 890 Scheduled Synchronization Wizard, 478 scheduling see also jobs. counter logs, 879 index rebuilds, 921 schema modification and schema stability locks, 255 compatibilities, 256 SCHEMABINDING clause CREATE VIEW command, 713, 714 UDFs can use schemabinding, 726 schemas, scripting out, 49 scope of cursors, 853 SCOPE_IDENTITY function, 835 IDENT_CURRENT function and, 832 scripting functionality see also Transact-SQL scripts. Enterprise Manager, 48 Object Browser, 656 scripting out logins and passwords, 40 scripting out objects upgrading SQL Server 6.5 to SQL Server 2000, 56 scripting out schemas, 49 scripting out stored procedures, 868 using SELECT to create scripts, 861 second normal form, 842 security see also authentication modes. auditing with SQL Profiler, 406 C2 Audit Mode Option, 73 logins, users, permissions, and roles introduced, 363 operating system security, 364 post-installation checks, 33 risks with OPENDATASOURCE command, 537 risks with proxy accounts, 206 server security and proxy accounts, 204 views and, 709 security audit event category, SQL Profiler, 890 security contexts defined for replication, 428 DTS package execution, 609 security functions, 825-827 HAS_DBACCESS function, 825 IS_MEMBER function, 825 IS_SVROLEMEMBER function, 825 SUSER_SID function, 826 SUSER_SNAME function, 826 USER_ID function, 827 USER_NAME function, 827 security modes, DTS package execution contexts, 609 security patches, 26 see also service packs. installing, 32 instructions specific to clustering, 559 rolling back, 33 sp_addextendedproperty stored procedure seed, IDENTITY property, 694 SELECT commands, 749-784 creating scripts using, 861 creating views, 709, 714 inserting data from, 785 inserting data from stored procedure output, 786 SELECT INTO command logging, 291 resetting suspect databases, 325 setting locking behaviors, 251 subqueries, 778 using UDFs in, 728 self joins, 763 send mail task, DTS Designer, 595 separation of data and presentation, 932 SERIALIZABLE isolation level concurrency problems prevented, 257 description, 251 stored procedure execution options, 443 SERIALIZABLE locking hint, 259 server documentation utilities, SQLDIAG, 659 server event category, SQL Profiler, 891 Server Network Utility, 661 determining named instance port numbers, 22 Hide Server option, 662 server options, linked servers, 532 server roles, fixed, 366 Server Roles tab, SQL Server Login Properties dialog, 370 server settings, common installation problems, 3 server trace, 915 @@SERVERNAME function, 817 SERVERPROPERTY function, 103 viewing server default collation with, 109 servers changing server default collations, 114 components involved in log shipping, 625 monitoring servers, 627 names, using @@SERVERNAME and @@REMSERVER, 817 rebuilding in a recovery situation, 286 transfering DTS packages between, 621 version information using xp_msver, 105 viewing server default collations, 109 server-side traces, 406, 894-903 service accounts, 363 service packs, 26 AWE Enabled Option needs SP2, 73 installing for virtual servers, 557 instructions specific to clustering, 557 uninstalling, 29 @@SERVICENAME function, 817 SESSION_USER function, 835 sessions event category, SQL Profiler, 891 SET * see option name. SET keyword see UPDATE commands. set processing and cursor processing, 283, 852 set user options, 156-159 setup type, SQL Server 2000 installation, 11 setup.iss files, unattended installation, 15, 17 setupsql.exe files, unattended installation, 15 Severity levels for raising alerts, 209 SGAM (Secondary Global Allocation Map) pages, 122 shared lock compatibilities, 256 shared with intent exclusive locks, 255 compatibilities, 256 shortcuts see keyboard shortcuts. show multi-phase pump, 575 Create New Transformation dialog box, 577 SHOWPLAN_ALL option, 904 STATISTICS PROFILE option compared to, 914 SHOWPLAN_TEXT option, 904, 905 viewing execution plans, 796 shrinking disabling while running DBCC DBREINDEX, 357 files, using DBCC SHRINKFILE, 167 files, using Enterprise Manager, 165 files, with DBCC SHRINKDATABASE, 164 SID (Security Identifier) moving logins and passwords, 40 resolving in log shipping server role change, 633 SIGN function, 823 simple recovery model, 290 checkpoint issue situations, 293 SIN function, 824 single instance failover clustering, 551 SINGLE USER mode Copy Database Wizard and, 49 detaching and reattaching databases, 43 starting SQL Server in, 326 SINGLE_USER | RESTRICTED_USER | MULTI_USER database option, 140 slow response time linked server bug, 546 SMALLDATETIME data type, 120 migrating to character formats, 581 SMALLINT and SMALLMONEY data types, 120 snapshot backups, 289 snapshot data formats, 488 snapshot replication, 421 advantages and disadvantages, 425 configuration, 429-438 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 933 SOME operator, 769 sort order collations and, 107 defining views in Enterprise Manager, 185 sort order field creating indexes in Enterprise Manager, 187 sorting operations Min Memory Per Query Option, 88 ORDER BY clauses, 776 query performance and, 887 Query Wait Option, 93 SORT_IN_TEMPDB, 735 sorting styles, Collation Designator, 12 SOUNDEX function, 802 SP:Completed and SP:StmtCompleted events, 892 sp_* stored procedures SQL Server Agent, groupings, 231 sp_addapprole stored procedure, 385 sp_addextendedproc stored procedure, 724 sp_addextendedproperty stored procedure, 857 971 sp_addlinkedserver stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver stored procedure, 527-528 sp_addlinkedsvrlogin stored procedure, 532 sp_addlogin stored procedure, 77, 371 sp_addmergesubscription stored procedure, 496 sp_addmessage stored procedure, 602, 678, 851 sp_addrole stored procedure, 382 sp_addrolemember stored procedure, 382 sp_addumpdevice stored procedure, 297 sp_altermessage stored procedure, 236, 679 sp_article_validation stored procedure, 499 sp_attach_db stored procedure, 43, 322 sp_bindsession stored procedure, 864 sp_change_monitor_role stored procedure, 639 sp_change_primary_role stored procedure, 637 sp_change_secondary_role stored procedure, 638 sp_change_users_login stored procedure, 41, 633, 639 sp_changedbowner stored procedure, 137, 373 sp_changeobjectowner stored procedure, 378, 746 sp_column_privileges_ex stored procedure, 541 sp_columns_ex stored procedure, 540 sp_configure stored procedure see also individual server options. advanced options, 69 increasing text replication size, 517 output, 68 resetting suspect databases, 325 SET REMOTE_PROC_TRANSACTIONS and, 253 syntax and arguments, 68 sp_cursor_list stored procedure, 857 sp_dbcmptlevel stored procedure, 26 sp_dbfixedrolepermission stored procedure, 392 sp_dboption stored procedure, 138 sp_defaultdb stored procedure, 373 sp_defaultlanguage stored procedure, 77, 374 sp_denylogin stored procedure, 388 sp_depends stored procedure, 745 sp_describe_cursor* stored procedures, 857 sp_detach_db stored procedure, 43 sp_dropapprole stored procedure, 385 sp_dropextendedproc stored procedure, 725 sp_dropextendedproperty stored procedure, 859, 860 sp_droplinkedsrvlogin stored procedure, 534 sp_droplogin stored procedure, 373 sp_dropmessage stored procedure, 678 sp_droprole stored procedure, 382 sp_droprolemember stored procedure, 382 sp_dropserver stored procedure, 534 sp_dropuser stored procedure, 379 sp_executesql stored procedure, 861, 887 sp_fulltext_catalog stored procedure, 669, 672 sp_fulltext_column stored procedure, 76, 671 sp_fulltext_database stored procedure, 669 sp_fulltext_table stored procedure, 667, 670, 671 sp_getbindtoken stored procedure, 864 sp_grantdbaccess stored procedure, 377 sp_help stored procedure, 173, 744 sp_help_fulltext_* stored procedures, 672 sp_help_revlogin stored procedure, 40 972 sp_helpconstraint stored procedure, 707 sp_helpdb stored procedure, 160 sp_helpdbfixedrole stored procedure, 391 sp_helpextendedproc stored procedure, 724 sp_helpfile stored procedure, 131, 136, 167 sp_helpindex stored procedure, 736 sp_helprole stored procedure, 382 sp_helprolemember stored procedure, 383, 786 sp_helprotect stored procedure, 402 sp_helpsort stored procedure, 109 sp_helpsrvrole stored procedure, 388 sp_helpsrvrolemember stored procedure, 390 sp_helpstats stored procedure, 926 sp_helptext stored procedure, 723 sp_helptrigger stored procedure, 741 sp_helpuser stored procedure, 386 sp_hexadecimal stored procedure, 40 sp_linkedservers stored procedure, 542 sp_lock stored procedure, 259, 261 sp_makewebtask stored procedure, 939 sp_manage_jobs_by_login stored procedure, 228 sp_OA* stored procedures, 218, 865, 869 sp_OACreate stored procedure, 865, 866 sp_OADestroy stored procedure, 867 sp_OAGetErrorInfo stored procedure, 868, 869 sp_OAGetProperty stored procedure, 866 sp_OAMethod stored procedure, 865, 867 sp_OASetProperty stored procedure, 866 sp_OAStop stored procedure, 868 sp_password stored procedure, 375 sp_processmail stored procedure, 221 sp_procoption stored procedure, 97, 722 sp_publication_validation stored procedure, 499 sp_purge_jobhistory stored procedure, 228 sp_reassign_dtspackageowner stored procedure, 622 sp_recompile stored procedure, 722 sp_refreshview stored procedure, 718 sp_rename stored procedure, 743 sp_renamedb stored procedure, 160 sp_repladdcolumn stored procedure, 429 sp_repldropcolumn stored procedure, 429 sp_replshowcmnds stored procedure, 518 sp_resetstatus stored procedure, 324, 325 sp_resolve_logins stored procedure, 639 sp_revokedbaccess stored procedure, 378 sp_revokelogin stored procedure, 373 sp_serveroption stored procedure, 532 sp_setapprole stored procedure, 385 sp_settriggerorder stored procedure, 737, 741 sp_spaceused stored procedure, 125, 162, 163 sp_srvrolepermission stored procedure, 389 sp_start_job stored procedure, 229 sp_stop_job stored procedure, 229 sp_subscription_cleanup stored procedure, 517 sp_table_privileges_ex stored procedure, 539 sp_tableoption stored procedure, 706 sp_tables_ex stored procedure, 538 sp_trace_* stored procedures, 407 sp_trace_create stored procedure, 895 SQL Server versions sp_trace_setevent stored procedure, 896, 899, 900 sp_trace_setfilter stored procedure, 901 sp_trace_setstatus stored procedure, 902, 903 sp_updateextendedproperty stored procedure, 859, 860 sp_updatestatistics stored procedure, 928 sp_validatelogins stored procedure, 374 sp_validatemergepublication stored procedure, 501 sp_validatemergesubscription stored procedure, 501 sp_who stored procedure, 212, 214, 263 detaching and reattaching databases, 43 identifying and resolving blocking, 268 sp_xml_preparedocument stored procedure, 940, 942 sp_xml_removedocument stored procedure, 940 space allocation, checking consistency, 340 SPACE function, 808 space usage, 163 reclaiming space after dropping columns, 361 SPID (process ID) DBCC INPUTBUFFER use, 250, 265 DBCC OUTPUTBUFFER use, 265 DECLARE CURSOR and, 854 returned by DBCC OPENTRAN, 250 returned by sp_who, 264 identifying and resolving blocking, 268 viewing locking activity in Enterprise Manager, 262 @@SPID function, 817 split mirroring, 289 spreadsheets copying results into, 70 migrating data from Excel, 64 SQL Collations Collation designator and, 115 compared to Windows Collation, 108 SQL Mail bug with, 218 configuring, 216 for a valid POP3 server, 218 Lightweight Pooling Option and, 81 no support for failover clustering, 560, 596 setting up on Exchange Server, 216, 217 troubleshooting, 217 SQL Profiler, 887 capturing deadlock activity, 275 capturing long-duration queries, 892 event categories tabulated, 887 load simulation using, 85, 87 Lock:Escalation event, 282 scripting a server-side trace, 894 security auditing with, 406 trace properties dialog, 276 Trace Properties dialog, 892 trace, compared with server trace, 915 SQL Server 2000 see SQL Server versions. SQL Server 2000 Editions Compact Edition, 8 Edition for Analysis Services, 10 Enterprise Edition AWE Enabled Option, 72 failover clustering requires, 554 log shipping and, 626 requires Windows 2000, 4 versatility of indexed views, 710 features tabulated, 8-10 indexed views and, 710 log shipping requirement, 626, 632 multi-server administration and, 222 operating system support tabulated, 4 processors supported, 5 SQL Server Enterprise Edition memory utilization, 34 SQL Server Agent alert system, 231 configuring properties, 198 error logs, 230-231 changing names or locations, 231 introduced, 199 viewing and interpreting, 230 functions tabulated, 197 multi-server administration, 222 replication role, 428 scripting jobs, operators and alerts, 226 stored procedures, 231 job system, 232 operator system, 231 SQL Server authentication see also authentication modes. subscriber agents, 506 SQL Server Components see Analysis Services; Books Online; English Query. SQL Server error log events logged to, 234 reading using Enterprise Manager, 234 reinitializing using Query Analyzer, 235 setting the number of logs to keep, 235 SQL Server Meta Data Services, 618 SQL Server Properties dialog see Enterprise Manager. SQL Server Resource Kit, Database Hammer, 85, 87 SQL Server standard logins see standard SQL Server logins. SQL Server versions Copy Database Wizard and, 49 log shipping and, 627 QUOTED_IDENTIFIER database option and, 152 replication compatibility tabulated, 427 SQL Server 2000 cascading changes, 691 change tracking introduced, 666 data types tabulated, 683 database maintenance plans introduced, 326 DBCC INDEXDEFRAG introduced, 358 Enterprise Manager scripting functionality, 49 failover clustering enhancement, 553 full-text indexing automatic updates, 664 Log Shipping Monitor and, 627 methods of manipulating XML, 933 migrating databases from SQL Server 6.5, 55 migrating databases from SQL Server 7.0 and 2000, 602 OLE DB provider for, 530 possible replication topologies, 427 propagating publication changes to subscribers, 484 recovery models introduced, 290 restoring other versions to, 42 server-side trace setup improved, 895 table variables introduced, 706 UDFs introduced, 725 upgrading to, from SQL Server 6.5 & 7.0, 25 upgrading to, from SQL Server 7.0, 348 XML support introduced, 931 973 SQL Server versions (Cont'd) SQL Server versions (Cont'd) SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Manager scripting functionality, 49 migrating databases to SQL Server 2000, 55 moving logins and passwords, 40 SQL Server 6.5 & 7.0 possible replication topologies, 427 upgrading to SQL Server 2000 from, 25 SQL Server 7.0 Enterprise Manager scripting functionality, 48 OLE DB provider for, 530 upgrading to SQL Server 2000, 348 transaction logging, 291 troubleshooting DTS packages, 622 @@VERSION function, 818 SQL:StmtCompleted event, 915 sp_trace_setevent example, 901 SQL_VARIANT data type extended property values as, 857 SELECT SERVERPROPERTY returns, 103 value range and physical storage requirements, 121 SQL2KSP3.exe and related files, 27 SQLAgentMail configuring, 216 no support for failover clustering, 560 setting up on Exchange Server, 216, 217 troubleshooting, 217 SQLDIAG utility, 659 SQL-DMO classes generating dynamic snapshots, 473 replication configuration and, 426 SQLDMO objects, instantiating with sp_OA, 868 site, 622 sqlins.iss files, unattended installation, 16 SQLMaint utility, 337 sqlstp.log file, 560 SQLXML Bulk Load Utility, 934 client-side processing, 934 Diffgrams, 934 Managed Classes, 935 Updategrams, 934 SQRT function, 824 SQUARE function, 824 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 364 standard deviation functions, 799 standard SQL Server logins, 364 adding a login account, 372, 377 removing a login account, 373 user-defined database roles and, 366 standby databases and log shipping, 625 standby mode, log shipping secondary databases, 625, 630, 641 startup parameters, enabling trace flags, 273 statement permissions DENY keyword, 397 example commands listed, 393 GRANT keyword, 394 introduced, 368 reporting user permissions and, 402 REVOKE keyword, 399 tips on managing, 393 974 statistics AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS database option, 143 AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS database option, 144 CREATE STATISTICS command, 925 sampling, 926 displaying columns with, 926 displaying distribution statistics for a table, 927 graphical showplan and, 912 Query Analyzer client statistics, 915 system-generated statistics, 926 updating against all user-defined tables, 928 STATISTICS IO option, 912 STATISTICS PROFILE option, 913 STATISTICS TIME option, 912 STATS_DATE function, 835 STDEV and STDEVP functions, 799 STOPAT, STOPATMARK and STOPBEFOREMARK keywords, RESTORE commands, 317 examples, 318, 319 storage internals, SQL Server, 119 allocation units and their limitations, 123 storage requirements, estimating, 5 Stored Procedure Conflict Resolver, 453 stored procedure event category, SQL Profiler, 891 stored procedures, 718-725 see also extended stored procedures; sp_; xp_. adding and configuring linked servers, 527 autoexec stored procedures, 97 changing, 721 compared to views, 712 configuring full-text indexing, 668 creating, using DDL, 719 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 191 distributed queries and, 522 dropping, 722 example INSERTING rows, 720 example with OUTPUT parameters, 720 executing, 720 executing on remote data sources, 535 executing with the Object Browser, 655 executing, using keyboard shortcuts, 657 executing, using osql utility, 649 execution options, transactional replication, 443 extended and system stored procedures, naming, 106 forcing procedure cache flushing, 723 forcing recompilation, 721, 722 inserting data from the output, 786 printing the text definition, 723 query performance and, 887 restricting access to tables using, 393 running at setup, 722 scripting out, using sp_OA, 868 SQL Server Agent, 231 system generated, merge replication and, 424 system generated, transactional replication and, 422 system stored procedures and cursors, 857 system stored procedures, configuring replication, 426 tips for using, 721 transactional replication use, 441 transfer master stored procedures task, 603 UDFs compared to, 726 use of temporary tables with, 705 using the RETURN keyword with, 849 sysxlogins table STR function, 808 concatenation example using, 863 string concatenation see concatenation. string functions, 800-811 ASCII function, 800 CAST function, 809 CHAR function, 801 CHARINDEX function, 801 CONVERT function, 809 DIFFERENCE function, 802 LEFT function, 803 LEN function, 804 LOWER function, 804 LTRIM function, 805 NCHAR function, 805 PATINDEX function, 802 QUOTENAME function, 806 REPLACE function, 806 REPLICATE function, 807 REVERSE function, 807 RIGHT function, 803 RTRIM function, 805 SOUNDEX function, 802 SPACE function, 808 STR function, 808 STUFF function, 806 SUBSTRING function, 809 UNICODE function, 805 UPPER function, 804 strings, batches from, using EXEC, 863 striped backups, 294, 304 structured storage files, saving DTS packages, 564 STUFF function, 806 styles, CONVERT function, 810 subqueries, 778 correlated subqueries, 779 derived tables as, 764 using in place of an expression, 779 using with the IN or NOT IN operator, 778 Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver, 453 subscriber updates, 425 subscribers see also pull subscriptions; push subscriptions. elements of replication topology, 420 generating scripts of, 502 push and pull subscriptions, 420 subscriptions, reinitializing deactivated, 482 substitution parameters, user-defined error messages, 851 SUBSTRING function, 809 SUM function, 799 support staff, identifying at the planning stage, 1 surrogate keys and the IDENTITY property, 694 SUSER_SID function, 826 SUSER_SNAME system function, 826 dynamic filters and, 468, 470 dynamic snapshots and, 473 suspect status alternatives to sp_resetstatus, 325 resetting with sp_resetstatus, 324 torn pages and, 147 Sybase linked server connectivity, 531 synchronization see also log shipping. creating a scheduled synchronization task, 478 manually synchronizing a subscription, 480 Windows Synchronization Manager, 476 synchronization optimization, dynamic filters, 472 synchronization partners, merge replication, 490 sysdatabases table resetting suspect databases, 325 use in Transact-SQL script example, 861 sysdepends table, bug affecting dropped tables, 746 sysdtspackages table, transfering DTS packages, 621 sysindexes table and DBCC UPDATEUSAGE, 162 syslanguages table, master database, 77 syslogins table, master database, 639 log shipping and, 633 logins and, 365 sysmergearticles table, 494 sysmessages table, 236 RAISERROR command and, 850, 851 system account and replication, 428, 429 system databases, 126 see also master; model; msdb; tempdb. backups should follow user databases, 304 restoring lost data, 322 system date, GETDATE function, 813 system functions APP_NAME function, 830 COALESCE function, 830 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function, 831 CURRENT_USER function, 831 DATALENGTH function, 831 GETANSINULL function, 831 HOST_ID function, 832 HOST_NAME function, 832 IDENT_CURRENT function, 832 IDENT_INCR function, 832 IDENT_SEED function, 833 ISDATE function, 833 ISNULL function, 834 ISNUMERIC function, 833 NULLIF function, 834 ROWCOUNT_BIG function, 834 SCOPE_IDENTITY function, 835 SESSION_USER function, 835 STATS_DATE function, 835 SYSTEM_USER function, 836 USER function, 836 System Monitor counter logs, 874 identifying hardware bottlenecks, 873 Logical Disk object counters, 36 running with SQL Profiler inadvisable, 887 Windows XP problems, 878 system tables accessing with information schema views, 840 consistency checking, 344 replication, 513-516 SYSTEM_USER function, 836 sysxlogins table see syslogins table. 975 t_TranExample table T t_TranExample table, 244 table aliases and joins, 763 table constraints, 685 TABLE data type, 121 table hints locking table hint example, 790 tabulated, 789 table joins see joins. table option setting, 706 table scans indexing heap tables avoids, 731 performance monitoring, 886 table variables, 706 TABLERESULTS option, DBCC commands, 355 tables see also CREATE TABLE command. adding columns to existing tables, 699 browse compliant tables, 783 browsing with the Object Browser, 654 checking all tables in a filegroup, 352 checking using DBCC CHECKTABLE, 350 creating an empty table, 756 creating from result sets, 755 creating, using DDL, 681 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 180 deciding whether to index, 733 derived tables, 764 dropping, using DDL, 704 estimating sizes in bytes, 123 integrity checks, 344 listing constraints for, 707 listing indexes for, 736 listing triggers for, 741 modifying, using Enterprise Manager, 182 non-serialized access as cause of deadlocks, 268 outputting DBCC command results in, 355 restricting access to views and stored procedures, 393 temporary tables, 705 derived tables compared to, 764 TABLOCK locking hint, 262 TAN function, 825 tape backups, 294 disk backups should precede, 304 filemark errors, 304 tape transfer option, Upgrade Wizard, 55 target servers defecting a target server, 225 setting up, 223 TCP/IP addresses see IP addresses. tempdb database SORT_IN_TEMPDB, 735 system databases tabulated, 126 temporary tables and, 705 templates Object Browser, 656 Query Analyzer, 651 creating and parameterizing user templates, 652 trace templates, 407 XML templates, 934 976 temporary tables, 705 alternatives to, 887 derived tables compared to, 764 minimizing stored procedure recompilation, 721 table variable alternative, 706 test environments service pack and security patch installation, 26 value in performance tuning, 873, 887 indexing, 916 TEXT data type, 121 replication considerations, 426 TEXT functions see IMAGE, TEXT and NTEXT functions. text in row table option, 707 TEXTIMAGE_ON clause, CREATE TABLE command, 688 TEXTPTR function, 836 @@TEXTSIZE function, 817 TEXTVALID function, 837 third normal form, 843 threads binding to processors, 71 Max Worker Threads Option, 86 Tier 1 and Tier 2 file placement strategies, 6 timeouts linked server options, 526 Remote Query Timeout Option, 96 replication troubleshooting and, 518 TIMESTAMP data type, 121 merge replication warning, 424 timestamps, @@DBTS function, 815 @@TIMETICKS function, 817 TINYINT data type, 120 tool tips, graphical showplan, 906, 907 TOP keyword, SELECT commands, 754 creating an empty table, 757 using WITH TIES, 754 TORN_PAGE_DETECTION database option, 147 @@TOTAL_ERRORS, @@TOTAL_READ and @@TOTAL_WRITE functions, 817 trace files C2 Audit Mode Option, 73 client-side and server-side, 894 output showing a deadlock situation, 278 security auditing and, 406 setting a trace using SQL Profiler, 276 setting a trace using system stored procedures, 895 trace templates, 280 warning about security audit traces, 408 trace flag -1, 272 trace flag 1204, identifying deadlocks, 271 trace flag 2528, disabling parallel processing, 354 trace flag 3605, 272 trace flags, enabling at startup, 273 trace messages, 199 trailing blanks, ANSI_PADDING option, 149 @@TRANCOUNT command, 245 TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL option, 159, 251 transaction isolation levels tabulated, 251 transaction log backups, 287 must be restored sequentially, 306, 317 restoring a database from, 317 using Transact-SQL, 301 transaction logs see log files. troubleshooting transaction management, 241 best practice for using transactions, 249 explicit transactions, 245 implicit transactions, 243 named transactions, 246 nested transactions, 246 SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS option, 158 User Options Option, 100 transaction marks, 248 transaction log backups and, 287 transaction processing contrasted with reporting use, 5 transactional replication, 422 advantages and disadvantages, 425 configuring in Enterprise Manager, 440-448 snapshot, migration of constraints and objects, 442 support by SQL Server 2000 editions, 9 validating replicated data, 498 example, 499, 500 transactions batches distinguished from, 863 binding connections to other open transactions, 864 displaying the oldest transaction, 249 enabling within DTS packages, 612 rolling back with @@ERRORS, 247 transactions event category, SQL Profiler, 891 Transact-SQL see also DDL; DML. adding data or log files using, 135 adding linked servers, 527 adding user-defined filegroups, 172 aggregate functions, 793-800 backups of files and filegroups, 303 batches, 863 CASE … ELSE expressions, 844 changing or adding passwords, 375 creating a named backup device, 297 creating database users, 377 creating databases using, 129 creating logins using, 371 creating user-defined database roles, 382 cursors, 852 date functions, 811-814 detaching and reattaching databases, 42 differential backups, 303 Enterprise Manager scripting functionality, 48 Extended syntax for DECLARE, 853 @@functions, 814-818 IMAGE, TEXT and NTEXT functions, 836-840 information schema views, 840 mathematical functions, 818-825 meta data functions, 827-830 placing a table in a filegroup, 175 removing data or log files using, 136 restoring a database from a differential backup, 316 restoring a database from a full backup, 313 restoring a database from a transaction log backup, 317 script for moving logins, 37 security functions, 825-827 setting database collations, 110 statements affected by implicit transaction mode, 243 string functions, 800-811 system functions, 830 techniques, 793 transaction log backups, 301 wildcard characters, 770 Transact-SQL scripts generating scripts of publications and subscribers, 502 scripts that create scripts, 861 SQL Server Agent job type, 211 @@TRANSCOUNT function, 818 Transfer Logins Properties dialog, 632 transfer tasks, DTS Designer, 602 log shipping and, 632 transfer database task, 602 transfer error messages task, 602 transfer jobs task, 603 transfer logins task, 603 transfer master stored procedures task, 603 transform data task DTS Designer, 572 Transform Published Data Wizard Advanced Transformation Properties dialog, 466 Column Mappings and Transformations, 465 Define Transformations dialog, 465 DTS Package Identification dialog, 467 DTS Package Location dialog, 467 Transformations options, DTS Designer Destination Columns tab, 579 General tab, 577 Phases tab, 579 Source Columns tab, 578 transitive dependencies and third normal form, 843 TRIGGER_NESTLEVEL() function, 740 triggers, 736-743 capturing data modified using audit table example, 415 capturing modification activity with, 413 changing, 740 choice between constraints and, 709, 737 creating, using DDL, 737 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 190 determining trigger type audit table example, 414 dropping, 740 enabling and disabling, 742 firing order, specifying, 741 @@IDENTITY function problem, 816 SCOPE_IDENTITY function and, 835 listing for a table, 741 merge replication use of, 424 modifying nesting level, 740 monitoring updates with, 412 nesting triggers, 89, 737 TRIGGER_NESTLEVEL() function, 740 RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS database option, 153 renaming, 743 Using Nested Triggers Option, 89 trigonometric functions, 818-820, 825 troubleshooting see also performance tuning. blocking, 281 database maintenance plans, 337 deadlocks, 273, 281 distributed queries, 543 DTS packages, 622 failed installations, 19 failed virtual servers, 560 linked servers, 543 log shipping, 640 MDAC installation, 22 replication problems, 517 SQL Mail and SQLAgentMail, 217 977 trunc log on checkpoint trunc log on checkpoint and simple recovery, 290 TRUNCATE TABLE command, 788 TRUNCATE_ONLY backups, 290 TRUNCATEONLY option DBCC SHRINKDATABASE command, 164 DBCC SHRINKFILE command, 168, 169 T-SQL event category, SQL Profiler, 892 Two Digit Year Cutoff Option, 98 two-part name syntax, 714 SELECT statements, 750 two-phase commit, 96 type conversion, CONVERT and CAST functions, 809 U UDFs (User-Defined Functions), 725-731 advantages of inline over multistatement, 727 changing, 731 compared to stored procedures, 726 creating inline, using DDL, 728 creating multistatement, using DDL, 729 creating scalar, using DDL, 727 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 192 deterministic and non-deterministic, 726 dropping, 731 unattended installation, 15 using setup.iss, 17 service pack installation, 29 UNC (Universal Naming Convention), 297 Unicode data exchange and, 108 sort order definition and, 107 Visual Source Safe and, 48 UNICODE function, 805 uninstalling service packs, 29 uninstalling SQL Server, 18 manual uninstall, 19 UNION ALL clause, 780, 781 CREATE VIEW command creating partitioned views, 715 use with FOR XML clauses, 938 UNION operator, combining result sets, 780 UNIQUE constraints, 686 adding to an existing table, 704 ROWGUIDCOL property and, 698 unique values field, Enterprise Manager, 187 uniqueidentifier columns and merge replication, 424, 449, 455 UNIQUEIDENTIFIER data type replication considerations, 427 value range and physical storage requirements, 121 uniqueness of columns, 919, 925 unmatched rows and FULL OUTER JOINs, 761 UPDATE commands, 786-787 updating based on other tables, 787 update locks, 255 compatibilities, 256 UPDATE STATISTICS command Database Maintenance Plan Wizard equivalent, 328 sp_updatestatistics stored procedure and, 928 updateable partitioned view restrictions, 715 978 updateable status of cursors, 853 Extended Transact-SQL cursors, 854 Updategrams, 934 updates against a view, 710 cascading changes and their alternative, 691 conflict with reports, as cause of deadlocks, 282 data driven query task optimized for, 589 monitoring with triggers, 412 non-logged updates and triggers, 737 order of, as cause of deadlocks, 281 transactions and partial updates, 242 UPDATETEXT function, 839 full-text indexing and, 672 warning about replication and, 423, 424 UPDLOCK locking hint, 283 Upgrade Wizard, migrating databases, 55 UPPER function, 804 uppercase string transformation, Transform Data Task properties dialog, 581 URL queries to SQL Server, 934 user configurable event category, SQL Profiler, 892 user connections and memory requirements, 6 User Connections Option, 99 user created database objects, 743 user defined extended properties, 857 user feedback DTS packages should not require, 587 transactions should not require, 249, 268 USER function, 836 User Options Option, 100 user population, estimating hardware needs, 5 USER_ID function, 827 USER_NAME function, 827 user-defined data types conversion in Create Publication Wizard, 433 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 193 user-defined database roles assigning permissions to, 393 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 379 displaying, 382 displaying members, 383 user-defined error messages, 238 creating using Enterprise Manager, 677 RAISERROR command and, 850 transfer error messages task, 602 user-defined filegroups adding, 171, 172 checking for errors, 353 making the default filegroup, 172 placing a table in a filegroup, 174, 175 user-defined functions, creating with Enterprise Manager, 192 users creating database users, 376 displaying all permissions for, 404 logins and, 365 removing database users, 377 reporting user and statement permissions, 402 showing users with access to a database, 386 Using Nested Triggers Option, 89 UTC values, 814 Windows NT/2000 user accounts and groups utilities connectivity utilities, 661 custom messages, 677 full-text indexing, 663 query utilities, 645-659 server documentation utilities SQLDIAG utility, 659 V validating pointers NULL values and the WRITETEXT function, 838 TEXTVALID function, 837 validating replicated data, 497 example, 499, 500 validation see triggers. VALUES keyword, INSERT commands, 784 VAR function, 800 VARBINARY data type, 121 VARCHAR data type, 121 DBCC INDEXDEFRAG errors, 359 variable-length columns, 684 variables, pinning tables, 708 variances, VAR and VARP functions, 800 VBScript example lookup query, 586, 592 verification methods for replicated data, 497 @@VERSION function, 818 vertical filtering, 436 views, 709-718 see also indexed views. alternative to setting column permissions, 381 changing, 717 creating, using DDL, 712 creating, using Enterprise Manager, 183 dropping, 718 encrypting view definitions, 713 information schema views, 840 partitioned views, 711 creating, 715 refreshing meta data for, 718 updates against, with INSTEAD OF triggers, 711 virtual servers changing IP addresses, 559 failover clustering in SQL Server 2000 installing, 555 installing service packs for, 557 post-installation steps, 558 manual uninstalls, 560 monitoring configurations post-installation, 559 SQLDIAG utility and, 661 uninstalling, 560 virtual tables, 737 virus scanning software possible source of database corruption, 321 possible source of suspect status, 324 post-installation checks, 36 Visual Basic problems with the DTS Execute Package Task, 598 Visual Source Safe archiving .dts files, 622 Unicode and, 48 VLDB (Very Large Databases) backing up using filegroups, 170 estimating size and growth, 123 VLF (Virtual Log Files), 169, 291 W _WA statistics, 926 WAITFOR function, 870 warm standbys and log shipping, 625 warning messages, ANSI_WARNINGS option, 150 well-formedness root and child elements, 933 XML declaration, 932 WHERE clauses CONTAINS predicate, 672 creating an empty table, 756 FREETEXT predicate, 675 ORDER BY clause and, 776 query performance effects, 886 SELECT statements, 765 selecting columns for non-clustered indexes, 733 updating values in a table using, 787 use with DELETE statements, 788 use with UPDATE statements, 787 using to specify a join, 763 WHILE clauses, 847 DBCC DBREINDEX and, 358 white spaces removal with LTRIM and RTRIM functions, 805 SPACE function, 808 width-sensitive sorting, 12, 107 wildcard characters, 673 PATINDEX function, 802 Transact-SQL, tabulated, 770 Windows client operating systems supported, 5 operating systems requirements for Analysis Services, 13 operating systems requirements for SQL Server 2000, 4 version reporting with xp_msver, 105 Windows 2000 see also System Monitor. availability of Microsoft Clustering Services, 549 Cluster Administrator, 553 configuring for performance, 35 disk I/O and torn pages, 147 includes Windows Synchronization Manager, 476 Windows 2000 backup tool, 289 Windows authentication see also authentication modes. compared to mixed-mode, 364 Database Maintenance Plan Wizard job owners and, 335 defunct users and, 374 log shipping and, 627, 632 OPENDATASOURCE command using, 538 OPENROWSET command using, 537 post-installation checks, 33 Windows Collation compared to SQL Collations, 108 Windows Messaging, SQL Mail bug, 218 Windows NT/2000 user accounts and groups, 364 adding, 372, 377 denying access, 388 listing defunct users and groups, 374 979 Windows Performance Monitor Windows Performance Monitor see Performance Monitor. Windows Services DTC as, 253 SQL Server Agent as, 197 Windows Synchronization Manager, 476 Idle Settings dialog, 478 Items to Synchronize dialog, 476 interactive conflict resolvers, 492 Synchronization Settings dialog, 477, 478, 480 Windows XP, System Monitor problems, 878 WITH CHECK OPTION parameter, CREATE VIEW command, 712 WITH clauses see also main command. designating table hints, 789 WITH ENCRYPTION parameter CREATE VIEW command, 713 WITH GRANT OPTION parameter denying permissions using CASCADE, 399 granting permissions, 396 sp_helprotect listing, 404 WITH NO_WAIT clause, ALTER DATABASE command, 141, 142 WITH RECOMPILE option, 721 WITH ROLLBACK clauses, ALTER DATABASE command, 140, 141, 142 WITH TIES clauses, SELECT commands, 754 wizards see also Copy Database Wizard; Create Database Diagram Wizard; Create Dynamic Snapshot Job Wizard; Create Publication Wizard; Database Maintenance Plan Wizard; Disable Publishing and Distribution Wizard; DTS Import/Export Wizard; FullText Indexing Wizard; Index Tuning Wizard; Pull Subscription Wizard; Push Subscription Wizard; Scheduled Synchronization Wixard; Transform Published Data Wizard; Upgrade Wizard. replication configuration, 426, 501 workflow definitions, DTS configuring workflow, 606 designating runtime order, 605 tips on, 607 Working Set Size Option, 97 workload selection, Index Tuning Wizard, 923 write caching, post-installation checks, 36 write file transformation, Transform Data Task Properties dialog, 584 WRITE_ONLY database option, 139 WRITETEXT function, 838 full-text indexing and, 672 warning about replication and, 423, 424 980 X XACT_ABORT user option, 101 @@ERRORS alternative, 247 distributed partitioned views require, 716 error handling in transactions, 249 nested transactions and, 545 XML (Extensible Markup Language), 931 document content, 932 FOR XML option and, 783 hierarchical data formatting, 931 methods of manipulating in SQL Server 2000, 933 outputting with sp_makewebtask, 939 querying with OPENXML, 940 related technologies, 933 Web references, 935 XML templates, 934 XML Views, 934 XMLDATA keyword, FOR XML clause, 937 xp_cmdshell stored procedure, 202 alternative to command prompt, 50 dtsrun utility and, 610 running the SQLDIAG utility, 660 xp_enum_oledb_providers stored procedure, 527 xp_logevent stored procedure, 238 xp_logininfo stored procedure, 387 xp_msver stored procedure, 105 xp_sendmail stored procedure, 216, 219 bugs with, 217, 220 xp_sqlagent_proxy_account storedf procedure, 203 xp_sqlmaint stored procedure, 335, 337-340 xp_startmail stored procedure, 220 xp_stopmail stored procedure, 221 XPath use by OPENXML, 941 XML-related technology, 933 XSD (XML Schema Definition) annotated schemas, 934 Y YEAR function, 814 Z zero, division by, ARITHABORT option, 150