e-VLBI at the NRAO R. Craig Walker NRAO, Socorro NM

e-VLBI at the NRAO
R. Craig Walker
NRAO, Socorro NM
Connecting the Global VLBI Array in the
New Era of High-Speed Networks
Haystack, April 2002
VLBA Upgrades (Desirable, but no definite plans or budgets):
Recording system upgrade
Connect current systems and correlator at ~1 Gbps
Long term integration with EVLA at up to 96 Gbps
Real time data link projects at NRAO:
Pie Town Link: In active use. Analog, 200 MHz.
ALMA and EVLA: Funded projects
~20 km. 96 Gbps. Similar technology for both.
Observatory owned and installed fibers. No regeneration.
Technology not directly applicable to VLBI.
NMA: ~8 new antennas for EVLA. To be proposed.
eVLBI April 2002
~300 km. 96 Gbps.
Phone company fibers.
Technology partially applicable to VLBI.
Craig Walker
Ten 25m Antennas,
20 Station Correlator
327 MHz - 86 GHz
National Radio
Astronomy Observatory
A Facility of the
National Science
• Recording system forces large operations cost
Separate correlator operations group
Correlator job preparation and “sniffing”
Shipping and tape library
Maintenance of many systems (about 50 now)
Tape changing at sites
• Real time gives more robust operation of instrument
Real time feedback on performance
No lost or damaged tapes
No marginal playback
Recordings have always been the weak link in VLBI
More interferometer testing (pointing etc)
• A switch to real time is operations rather than science driven
– But may help geodesy (rapid EOP) and observations of transients
• But give up multi-pass processing unless data are buffered
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker
• Direct replacement for recording system
– Or use recording system for short term buffer
• Use commercial fiber networks and data formats
• Use current correlator
– 512 Mbps max per station, 20 stations (1 or 2 OC12 lines)
– 1 Gbps for 10 stations
• Partial step - move some recorders to correlator
• Expect mixed recording and real time operation for
some time
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker
• Network backbones can handle even EVLA bandwidth
– Some doing 1.6 Tbps per fiber (many wavelengths)
– But costs would be prohibitive now. Going down
• Last mile problems for VLBA not too bad
PT, NL, BR, VLA have fibers at site
KP, MK have fibers on the mountain
HN, FD, SC, OV, LA have fiber within 3-10 km
Others like GBT and Arecibo might be a problem
• May need to deal with many companies
• Need plan to deal with global observations
– Need international standards
– Need access to intercontinental lines
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker
• Cost and access are likely to be the problems, not
technical feasibility.
• What is best model for acquiring access to the fiber?
Leased bandwidth
Leased fiber
“Customer owned fiber”
• When will the cost be affordable?
– Standard leased bandwidth costs would be way to high now
– Special deals may be possible
• VLBI has relaxed requirements for error rates and down time
• Only need wide band in one direction
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker
• EVLA and ALMA will use the same system
• Fibers to be installed by the observatory.
• Data rate is 96 Gbps
– 16 GHz bandwidth, 32 Gsamp/s, 3 bit/sample
• OC192 (10 Gbps) transmitters and receivers
• Will use 12 channels
• Special formatters and data format
– No error correction
• Single channel prototype working in lab
• Not appropriate for commercial networks
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker
• Extend the VLA resolution by a factor of 10.
– Part of the EVLA completion phase
– This phase of the EVLA project is not yet funded
• About 8 new antennas with baselines 35-350
– Will also use the VLBA LA and PT antennas.
• Will use telephone company fibers
– Small rural companies – several
– May lease just fiber. NRAO to provide
regenerators etc. Cost appears to be reasonable.
• Will need 16 Sonet OC192 channels for 96
Gbps plus overhead.
– Will not need the high availability and low error
rates required by most internet users
• Technology may be appropriate for VLBI
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker
• NMA fills the gap in uv spacings between VLA and
• Some VLBA/EVLA integration is required because 2
VLBA stations will be part of NMA (LA and PT)
– But integration is not yet in the completion phase budget
• EVLA will have 500 times the VLBA current sustained
bandwidth (16 GHz vs 32 MHz)!
– Reasonable integration requires VLBA bandwidth
– More bandwidth would enhance VLBA/NMA science
• Observe microJy sources
• Improved phase referencing with weaker and closer calibrators
• Study thermal sources with high resolution
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker
Resolution vs. Frequency
• Being built by HIA group in Penticton, Canada
• Basic capabilities:
32 Stations in EVLA first phase, 40 or 48 later with NMA
16 GHz bandwidth, 3 bit samples
96 Gbps from each antenna
16384 spectral channels at maximum bandwidth
• Can handle VLBI baselines
– Could interface recorders, but prefer real time
– Can trade stations and bandwidth
– Uses VLBI standard bandwidths (N×1 MHz)
• EVLA correlator could serve VLA/NMA/VLBA
– Becomes one large instrument
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker
• A very wide band data transmission system will
require upgrades in other areas
• EVLA/NMA will have complete frequency coverage
over 1-50 GHz and will use 8 GHz in each polarization
• VLBA receivers and IFs more limited, but better than
current VLA
• At 1 GHz bandwidth, could sample current VLBA IFs
and use current receivers
• For more bandwidth, must upgrade LO/IF systems and
some receivers
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker
• Real time links would be a boon for VLBA operations.
– Could use up to 1 Gbps with current correlator etc.
• NRAO is developing very wide band links for distances
up to a few hundred km for NMA.
• The NMA will require much of the same technology
needed for wideband eVLBI.
• Eventually the EVLA and VLBA must be integrated.
– Links of 16-96 Gbps needed.
– Must be compatible with rest of global VLBI
• The big question: How do we do it at an affordable cost in
a reasonable time scale?
eVLBI April 2002
Craig Walker