Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lesson Information THE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSE Chapter 8 Our Place in Space TB pg 299 What Do You Already Know? TB pg 304 Focus on Reading: Finding the Main Idea WB pg 71-72 Earth in Space Video: David Bowie Space Oddity Video: This is Mind Blowing WB pg 72 (A,B,C,D) Gizmo: Summer and Winter Video: Seasons- What Causes Seasons Video: Earth, Moon Sun System WB pg 73 8.1 Measuring Distances Beyond the Solar System WB pg 74-75 The Sun Video: Exploring the Sun Video: The Sun: Encyclopedia of Secrets WB pg 76 8.2 The Sun Video: Expansion of the Sun Video: The Sun in Action WB pg 77-78 Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors Video: Perseid Fireball Meteor Showers Video: Meteor hit Russia 2013 WB pg 79 8.3 The Solar System: The Sun and the Planets Video: Why isn’t Pluto a Planet Anymore Video: Outer Planets the Gas Giants Video: Inner Rocky Planets WB pg 79 (A,B,C) Gizmo: Ocean Tides WB pg 80-81 Phases, Eclipses, and Tides Video: Total Solar Eclipse Video: !!!Moon Phases!!! WB pg 82-83 8.5 Motion of Earth, the Moon, Planets Video: Retrograde Motion WB pg 84 8.6 Patterns in the Sky 8.7 Perform an Activity Using a Star Map WB pg 85 8.9 Observing Celestial Objects from Earth TB pg 342 Try This Measuring Altitude and Azimuth WB pg 56 8.11 Satellite Video: Astra- How Satellites are Launched Video: How Many Satellites are up there? Video: Satellites Launch and Deployment Chapter 8 Review OSSLT Mysteries Beyond the Planets TB pg 353 Chapter 8 Quiz Formative Learning Opportunities TB pg 308 # 3,4,5,6,8,9 TB pg 312 # 3,6,7,8 TB pg 317 # 2-6,8,9 TB pg 328 # 1,3,49,11,12,13,14 TB pg 333 # 2,4,6,7 TB pg 343 # 1,2,4,6,8,9, 10,11,12,13 TB pg 351 # 1-5,7,9 Chapter 9 Beyond the Solar System 16 WB pg 87-88 9.1 Measuring Distances Beyond the Solar System Video: How Big is the Universe? Video: Our Universe (free speaker):Hubble Space Telescope: The most important picture ever. Video: Scaling the Solar System TB pg369 # 1-11 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WB pg 89-90 9.2 The Characteristics of Stars WB pg 91-92 Characteristics of Stars Video: The Biggest Stars in the Universe WB pg 93-94 Lives of Stars WB pg 95-96 9.4 The Life Cycle of Stars Video: Red Giant and the Earth Burned Try This: Modelling a Supernova Explosion TB pg 379 WB pg 97-98 9.6 Other Components of the Universe Video: Sun, Stars, Black Holes, Supernovas Video: The Birth of a Black Hole, Masters of the Universe Try This: Classifying Galaxies TB pg 387 WB pg 99-100 History of the Universe Video: The First Second of the Universe WB pg 101 9.7 The Origin and Evolution of the Universe Video: NASA: What has NASA done for you? Everyday inventions Video: Will I. Am on NASA spinoffs TB pg 373 # 1-11 TB pg 382 # 1-9 TB pg 391 # 3,6,8 TB pg 397 # 1,2,3,4,5,8,9