ST. EDMUND CAMPION SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADE 11 UNIVERSITY BIOLOGY (SBI 3U1) Welcome to Grade 11 University preparation Biology! This course is intended to develop your understanding of the basics concepts of Biology and living systems. To do this, we will explore the following units: Unit #1 Unit #2 Diversity of Living Things All living things can be classified according to their anatomical and physiological characteristics. Human activities affect the diversity of living things in ecosystems. Genetic Processes Genetic and genomic research can have social and environmental implications. Variability and diversity of living organisms result from the distribution of genetic materials during the process of meiosis. Unit #3 Evolution Evolution is the process of biological change over time based on the relationships between species and their environments. The theory of evolution is a scientific explanation based on a large accumulation of evidence. Technology that enables humans to manipulate the development of species has economic and environmental implications. Unit #4 Animals: Structure and Function Groups of organs with specific structures and functions work together as systems, which interact with other systems in the body. The development and uses of technology to maintain human health are based, in part, on the changing needs of society. Unit #5 Plants: Anatomy, Growth and Function Plants have specialized structures with distinct functions that enable them to respond and adapt to their environment. Plant variety is critical to the survival and sustainability of ecosystems. Throughout the course we will discuss the history and development of scientific thinking, study the theory behind biological concepts, develop and conduct investigations of real and simulated living systems and explore how these ideas manifest in current and emerging problems in society. All university preparation courses are intended to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for university programs. However, this course is also meant to provide students with the skills and strategies to observe and think critically about all aspects of their world. COURSE EVALUATION AND BREAKDOWN Final Mark Breakdown Your final mark will be determined by your ability to meet course expectations during the term, on a culminating performance task (CPT), as well as midterm and final exams (according to the graph shown). Within each of these areas, evaluation will be weighted according to the following: Knowledge and Understanding Thinking and Investigation Communication Application 25% 35% 15% 25% Midterm Exam 10% Final Exam 15% Culminating Task 5% Term Mark 70% During the term you will be evaluated in a variety of ways including, but not limited to: tests, assignments, labs, projects, presentations, observation, homework, and group tasks. Each assignment, including work habits and in-class observation can influence your final mark. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Each student is expected to take ownership over his or her learning and apply the following standards: Be punctual – respect your class schedule and dedicate a full 75 minutes to each class Be prepared – have a separate binder for Biology class, have extra lined paper in it and bring it every day with something to write with Be responsible –do homework and assignments by the date set and try your best Dress professionally – full uniform is expected each day If you’re sick, be responsible for the information you missed (have a homework buddy) Behave in a professional manner – be polite and respectful to all, as you will often have to work with others to complete larger tasks Be safe at all times – especially when conducting laboratory work Be proud of your work – don’t hand in something you’re not proud of or that isn’t your own (plagiarism) Overall, I would like to help you to be as successful as possible in this course. My goal is to have you all finish this course not only with a passing grade, but with some useful knowledge that can help you throughout your studies and outside school. In order to do this, you need to be proactive and complete homework, read over your notes, ask for help WHEN YOU START to feel confused and tell me what I can do to make this course relevant to you.