August’s Aphorisms

ENG 1D1:The Secret Life of Bees
August’s Aphorisms
OVERVIEW: An aphorism is a statement about some truth or insight that is usually
expressed in a clever way.
August provides such wisdom for Lily that helps her on her journey to self-discovery. One
of the best examples is in chapter 12 when she tells Lily that “There is nothing perfect . . .
There is only life”.
TASK: For each of August’s aphorisms below, analyze what it means and how it helps
Lily on her journey toward self-discovery. (consider her spiritual, social, emotional and
moral growth).
“Most people don’t have any idea about all the complicated life
going on inside a hive. Bees have a secret life we don’t know
anything about.”
“Actually, you can be bad at something...but if you love doing it,
that will be enough.”
“Spinners take out the bad stuff, leave in the good. I’ve always
thought how nice it would be to have spinners like this for
human beings. Just toss them in and let the spinner do its work.”
She liked to tell everybody that women made the best
beekeepers, 'cause they have a special ability built into them to
love creatures that sting. It comes from years of loving children
and husbands.”
ENG 1D1:The Secret Life of Bees
“Bee yard etiquette. . . the world was really one bee yard, and
the same rules work fine in both places. Don't be afraid, as no
life-loving bee wants to sting you. Still, don't be an idiot . . . If
you feel angry, whistle. Anger agitates while whistling melts a
bee's temper. Act like you know what you're doing, even if you
don't. Above all, send the bees love. Every little thing wants to
be loved.”
“Did you know there are thirty-two names for love . . . And we
just have this one. We are so limited, you have to use the same
word. . . Isn't that a shame we don't have more ways to say it.”
“Being in love and getting married, now, that's two different
things. . . Nobody should go through life without falling in love. .
. I loved him enough, I just loved my freedom more.”
“When it's time to die, go ahead and die, and when it's time to
live, live. Don't sort-of-maybe live, but live like you're going all
out, like you're not afraid.”
“You have to know when to prod and when to be quiet, when to
let things take their course.”
“You have to find a mother inside yourself. We all do. Even if we
already have a mother, we still have to find this part of ourselves
ENG 1D1:The Secret Life of Bees
“. . . women made the best beekeepers 'cause they have a
special ability built into them to love creatures that sting.”
“You know, somethings don't matter that the color
of a house...But lifting a person's heart--now that matters. The
whole problem with people--… They know what matters, but
they don't choose it...The hardest thing on earth is to choose
what matters.” (147)
“Every human being on the face of the earth has a steel plate in
his head, but if you lie down now and then and get still as you
can, it will slide open like elevator doors, letting in all the secret
thoughts that have been standing around so patiently, pushing
he button for a ride to the top. The real troubles in life happen
when those hidden doors stay closed for too long. But that’s just
my opinion” (170).
“There is nothing perfect . . . There is only life.”
“Every person on the face of the earth makes mistakes, Lily.
Every last one. We're all so human.”
“People can start out one way, and by the time life gets through
with them they end up completely different.”
ENG 1D1:The Secret Life of Bees
“You don't have to place your hand on Mary's heart to get
strength and consolation and rescue, and all the other things we
need to get through life. You can place it right here on your own
heart. Your own heart.”
“ . . .the people needed comfort and rescue, so when they
looked at it, they saw Mary, and so the spirit of Mary took it
over. Really, her spirit is everywhere, Lily, just everywhere.
Inside rocks and trees and even people, but sometimes it will get
concentrated in certain places and just beam out at you in a
special way.”
“When you're unsure of yourself," she said, "when you start
pulling back into doubt and small living, she's the one inside
saying, 'Get up from there and live like the glorious girl you are.'
She's the power inside you, you understand?"
“Putting black cloths on the hives is for us. I do it to remind us
that life gives way into death, and then death turns around and
gives way into life.”
“Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't
remember who we are or why we're here.”
“There is a fullness of time for things . . .You have to know when
to prod and when to be quiet. When to let things take their
ENG 1D1:The Secret Life of Bees
“Every living creature on the earth is special. You want to be the
one that puts an end to one of them?”
“ . . . they know the queen is their mother. She's the mother of
“If you need something from somebody always give that person
a way to hand it to you.”
“And when you get down to it, Lily, that is the only purpose
grand enough for a human life. Not just to love but to persist in
love.” (289)