7/22/2011 CONVENTIONAL FUNCTIONS OF MEDICAL PHYSICISTS Farideh R. Bagne, PhD., J.D. President and CEO MERCURY MEDICAL SYSTEMS Clinical Research Administrative Regulatory Keego Harbor, Michigan 1 Mercury Medical/NextGen 2 CLINICAL DUTIES: Equipment Related Patient Related Computer Related ADMINISTRATIVE ROLES Supervisory Budgetary RESEARCH FUNCTIONS: REGULATORY FUNCTIONS New Methods Improving Diagnosis and Treatment Basic Mercury Medical/NextGen Federal and State Rules Enforcement Confidentiality 3 Mercury Medical/NextGen 4 1 7/22/2011 IMPOSITION ON & CIRCUMVENTION OF MEDICAL PHYSICISTS ROLE IMPOSITION ON & CIRCUMVENTION OF MEDICAL PHYSICISTS ROLE Cont. CLINICAL AREA - Dosimetrists - Therapists ADMINISTRATIVE AREA - Nurses - Department Managers - Hospital Administration - Equipment Salesmen RESEARCH AREA - Lack of Funding Mercury Medical/NextGen 5 IMPOSITION ON & CIRCUMVENTION OF MEDICAL PHYSICISTS ROLE 6 SOLUTION Cont. MEDICAL PHYSICISTS NEED TO EXPAND THEIR ROLE BY GAINING KNOWLEDGE IN OTHER AREAS OF MEDICAL PRACTICE REGULATORY FUNCTIONS - Nurses - Physicians - Therapists - Dosimetrists Mercury Medical/NextGen Mercury Medical/NextGen 7 Mercury Medical/NextGen 8 2 7/22/2011 3 GOLDEN RULES ADDITIONAL ROLE FOR MEDICAL PHYSICISTS RULE 1: Revenue Generation - The Umbilical Cord of a Department is its Revenue. MediBusiness RULE 2: Interest - Physicians are neither trained nor have time to optimize the Department’s Revenue. RULE 3: Ability - Department Managers have little expertise in increasing revenue. Mercury Medical/NextGen 9 ADDITIONAL ROLE FOR MEDICAL PHYSICISTS 10 MediBusiness of a Department: A- Generate Revenue B- Deal with Medicare/Medicaid & Insurance Companies Regulations MEDIBUSINESS: Taking Control of the Revenue Generation While Expanding the Regulatory Functions Mercury Medical/NextGen Mercury Medical/NextGen 11 12 3 7/22/2011 MediBusiness: A- AREAS INVOLVED IN REVENUE GENERATION: MediBusiness: B- AREAS INVOLVED IN THE REGULATION OF CODING BILLING & COLLECTIONS: EHR CPT Coding Billing Collections Medicare/Medicaid Audits Insurance Companies Audits State Audits of Patient Funds Collections Mercury Medical/NextGen 13 Mercury Medical/NextGen 14 WHY MediBusiness? What can Medical Physicists Provide With MediBusiness? No one in the Department has the full understanding of the intricacies involved. Efficiency in Physicians' Time Reduction of Unnecessary Staff Reduction of Audits Optimization of Billing Elimination of Errors Faster Payment Little interest by Nurses, Dosimetrists, Physicians, Managers, Therapists. Huge Financial Rewards. Medical Physicists already have the basic background, education and expertise to take on these functions. Mercury Medical/NextGen 15 16 4 7/22/2011 How Does MediBusiness Work? MediBusiness 17 18 MediBusiness: - CPT Correct Coding - Billing - Collections - EHR Audit is done to Identify and Return Improper Medicare Payments (Sec. 305 of MMA Act of 2003) Compensation of Medicare to RAC is based on a Contingency Fee. RAC has Collected over $1.3 Billion from Providers. 19 5 7/22/2011 KEY RAC ISSUES Correct CPT Coding Implementing Compliance Programs CMS has made RAC Audit Program Permanent &Nationwide. Comprehensive Record Keeping (Sec. 302, The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006) Providing Full and Complete Response to RAC Record Request RAC Audits Can Not Be Prevented, But Their Consequences Can Be Minimized. Demonstrating Procedures Performed MediBusiness: UTILIZE A FULLY INTEGRATED SOLUTION - CPT Coding √ - Billing - Collections - EHR Scheduling EMR Billing Collections Coding Credentialing Single Database 23 24 6 7/22/2011 WHAT SHOULD BE OUR GOAL? Efficiency in Physician Time Elimination or Reduction in Audits Optimization of Charges (legally) Elimination of Errors Faster Payments (Reduction of Account Receivable) Mercury Medical/NextGen DO NOT RECOMMEND IN-HOUSE BILLING /COLLECTION 26 DO NOT RECOMMEND IN-HOUSE BILLING /COLLECTION Cont. WHY? OTHER REASONS: Billers have no interest. Inefficient Managers have no or little expertise to supervise the billing staff. Expensive Time Consuming Inadequate Prone to errors Lack of Supervision Frictions between Clinical and Billing Staff. Physicians are only interested in how much is generated & not how. Mercury Medical/NextGen 27 28 7 7/22/2011 WHAT TO CONSIDER IN SELECTING A BILLING /COLLECTION COMPANY? Scheduling EMR Billing Collections Coding Credentialing A.Must have a Single Data Base Single Data Base Mercury Medical/NextGen 29 WHAT TO CONSIDER IN SELECTING A BILLING /COLLECTION COMPANY? WHAT TO CONSIDER IN SELECTING A BILLING /COLLECTION COMPANY? C. Criteria B.Comprehensive Full Service Providing Both Billing & Collections Services 31 Experienced staff Not Publically-Traded Specialty - Specific Legal Expertise Certified Billers Licensed Collection Agents No Out-sourcing to Other Countries Advanced and Routinely Updated Software Certified Coders 32 8 7/22/2011 MediBusiness: - CPT Coding √ - Billing √ - Collections √ - EHR EHR SYSTEM (Electronic Health Recording) Mercury Medical/NextGen 33 34 A. Choice of Input Devices EHR REQUIREMENTS A. HARDWARE B. CAPABILITIES System Must Allow Physicians To Select The Method Of Their Preference 35 36 9 7/22/2011 12 CRITERIA FOR A COMPLETE EHR SYSTEM B. CAPABILITIES: Must Meet Medicare Requirements (Per Medicare/Medicaid Requirement) 1. Full and Accurate Documentation 2. Access to Clinical Data 3. e-prescription 4. Expandability 5. Correct CPT Coding Capabilities 6. Patient Education Materials 37 FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SEARCHING FOR AN EHR SYSTEM 12 CRITERIA FOR A COMPLETE EHR SYSTEM: (Continued) 7. 38 Specialty-Specific Templates 8. Image Management, e-Lab & Hospital Reports 9. e-Generation (H&P, Follow-ups, Other Reports) 10. Interoptability (EMR, Billing, Scheduling, Coding) 11. Treatment Outcome Analysis & Reports 12. Physician & Office Friendliness 39 Medicare Requirements √ Meet CCHIT Criteria Meaningful Use Federal Incentives Vendor Market Longevity 40 10 7/22/2011 CCHIT is a Private Not-For-Profit Organization that serves as a Recognized U.S. Certification Authority for EHR Systems. WHAT IS CCHIT? The U.S. Department of Health &Human Services has Contracted with CCHIT to Develop & Evaluate the Certification Criteria & Inspection Process for EMR Systems & the Networks (Vendors) through which they incorporate. Certified Commission For Health Information Technology 41 42 PROPOSED FEDERAL INCENTIVES FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SEARCHING FOR AN EMR SYSTEM Medicare Requirements √ Meet CCHIT Criteria √ FEDERAL INCENTIVES Meaningful Use Vendor Market Longevity Purchase Agreement Signed 43 EHR Installed with Required Data Collected 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL $18K $12K $8K $4K $2K $18K $12K $8K $4K $2K $44K $15K $12K $8K $4K $39K $12K $8K $4K $24K $44K 44 11 7/22/2011 CURRENT CRITERIA TO OBTAIN FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR PHYSICIANS USING AN EHR SYSTEM: FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SEARCHING FOR AN EMR SYSTEM Medicare Requirements CCHIT Meaningful Use Medicare Requirements √ Meet CCHIT Criteria √ Federal Incentive √ Meaningful Use Vendor Market Longevity 22A MEANINGFUL USE 46 FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SEARCHING FOR AN EMR SYSTEM (Meaningful Use Parameters) REQUIREMENTS (ARRA) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (CMS) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CCHIT Certification (HIE) Health Information Exchange (ONC) Office of National Commission 24 Medicare Requirements √ Meet CCHIT Criteria √ Federal Incentive √ Meaningful Use √ Vendor Market Longevity 48 12 7/22/2011 ANALYSIS BY There Are Over 300 EHR Vendors GARTNER GROUP 49 26 Gartner Group GARTNER GROUP: Gartner Group (Gartner, Inc.) is an Independent Information Technology Firm Headquartered in Stanford, Connecticut & Employees 4,000 Professionals. PROVIDES RESEARCH, MARKET ANALYSIS & CONSULTING SERVICES TO GOVERNMENT AGENCIES 27 28 13 7/22/2011 GARTNER ANALYSIS GARTNER ANALYSIS Criteria Used: COMPLETENESS OF VISION (Completeness With Regard To Medicare/Medicaid Requirements) ABILITY TO EXECUTE (Ease of Installation, Use & Upgrade) 29 30 CONCLUSION REMINDER! Medical Physicists have many opportunities in any Medical Practice to broaden their role and expand their influence by utilizing the concept of MediBusiness In 2013, EHR Will Become Mandatory For Medicare/ Medicaid Providers Without Any Incentives. 55 56 14 7/22/2011 Thank you. 57 15