Education– Image Reconstruction I 3D Filtered Backprojection Fundamentals, Practicalities, and Applications Jeff Siewerdsen, PhD Department of Biomedical Engineering Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine and Engineering Acknowledgments I-STAR Laboratory Imaging for Surgery, Therapy, and Radiology Hopkins Collaborators JW Stayman, W Zbijewski (BME) Y Otake, J Lee (Comp. Science) R Taylor, G Hager (Comp. Science) J Prince (Electrical Engineering) D Reh (Head and Neck Surgery) G Gallia (Neurosurgery) J Khanna (Spine Surgery) J Wong (Radiation Oncology) J Carrino (MSK Radiology) Funding Support National Institutes of Health Carestream Health (Rochester NY) Siemens Healthcare (XP, Erlangen) Disclosures Medical Advisory Board, Carestream Health Medical Advisory Board, Siemens Healthcare Elekta Oncology Systems Evolution and Proliferation of CT Sir Godfrey Hounsfield Nobel Prize, 1979 Evolution and Proliferation of CT c. 1975 c. 2011 Overview Computed Tomography Generations Natural history and new technology 3D Image Reconstruction Filtered backprojection Basics and practicalities Open-source resources Image Quality Artfiacts Spatial Resolution Contrast Resolution Noise Proliferation and Applications Diagnostic imaging Image-guided interventions First-Generation CT Scan and Rotate: Linear scan of source and detector Line integral measured at each position: p(x) Rotate source-detector Dq Repeat linear scan… Projection data: p(x,q) p(x) xxx xxx x x CT “Generations” 1st Generation (1970) 2nd Generation (1972) Pencil Beam Translation / Rotation Fan Beam Translation / Rotation WA Kalender, Computed Tomography, 2nd Edition (2005) CT “Generations” 3rd Generation (1976) 4th Generation (1978) Fan Beam Continuous Rotation Fan Beam Continuous Tube Rotation Stationary Detector WA Kalender, Computed Tomography, 2nd Edition (2005) Helical (Spiral CT) Pitch <1 : Overlap Higher z-resolution Higher dose Pitch >1: Non-overlap Lower z-resolution Lower patient dose Pitch = Table increment / rotation (mm) Beam collimation width (mm) WA Kalender, Computed Tomography, 2nd Edition (2005) Dual-Source CT University of Zurich zoom Two complete x-ray and data acquisition systems on one gantry. 330 ms rotation time (effective 83 ms scan time) Siemens Healthcare– Somatom Definition Recent Advances: Cone-Beam CT Fully 3-D Volumetric CT Conventional CT: Fan-Beam 1-D Detector Rows Slice Reconstruction Multiple Rotations Cone-Beam CT: Cone-Beam Collimation Large-Area Detector 3-D Volume Images Single Rotation Filtered Backprojection: The Basics Loop over all views (all q) Implementation Projection at angle q p(x,q) Filtered Projection g(x,q) Backproject g(x,q). Add to image m(x,y) m(x,y) The Sinogram p(x,q) p(x) The Sinogram: Line integral projection p(x) … measured at each angle q p(x;q) “Sinogram” q p(x;q) x Filtered Backprojection p(x;q) Simple Backprojection: Trace projection data p(x;q) through the reconstruction matrix from the detector (x) to the source Simple backprojection yields radial density (1/r) Therefore, a point-object is reconstructed as (1/r) Solution: “Filter” the projection data by a “ramp filter” |r| X-ray source Filtered Backprojection The Filtered Sinogram: p(x;q) Convolve with RampKernel(x) p(x)*RampKernel(x) Equivalent to Fourier product M(fx)|fx| p(x;q) q p(x;q)*RampKernel(x) x X-ray source Filtered Backprojection Projection Data p(x,q) 3D Reconstruction (Axial Slice) m(x,y,z) Cone-Beam Geometry Definitions and Coordinate Systems 3D Filtered Backprojection Raw Projection Data 3D Filtered Backprojection Offset-Gain (and Defect) Correction 3D Filtered Backprojection Log Normalization 3D Filtered Backprojection Cosine Weighting (Feldkamp Weights) v u 3D Filtered Backprojection Data Redundancy (Parker) Weights q u 3D Filtered Backprojection Ramp Filter 3D Filtered Backprojection Smoothing / Apodization Filter Evolution of the Projection Data 3D Filtered Backprojection Backprojection Repeat # of voxels # of projections Evolution of the 3D Recon Open-Source Resources OSCaR Open-Source Cone-Beam Reconstructor MATLAB Source code (m) Function call (m) Executable UI (exe) Intended user Education Research Input data types jpg, raw, png, etc. Flexible, transparent Filters, voxel size, Reconstruction filters Open-Source Resources PortoRECO Portable Reconstruction C# / C++ Source code (C#) Executable UI (exe) Intended user Education Research Input data types jpg, raw, png, etc. Flexible, transparent Filters, voxel size, Reconstruction filters Artifacts Artifacts Rings Lag Shading Metal Streaks Motion Truncation “Cone-Beam” Artifacts: X-ray Scatter 1) Reduced contrast Reduction of DCT# 2) Image artifacts Cupping and streaks 3) Increased image noise Reduced DQE Contrast (mm-1) 0.0012 Reduced soft-tissue detectability BR-SR1 Breast in Water 0.001 0.0008 0.0006 0.0004 1 1 SPR e C0d C ' Co ln d 1 SPR 0.0002 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 SPR (%) A big problem for cone-beam CT: SPR is very large for large cone angles (i.e., large FOV) Artifacts: X-ray Scatter 1) Reduced contrast Reduction of DCT# 2) Image artifacts Cupping and streaks 3) Increased image noise Reduced DQE Reduced soft-tissue detectability A big problem for cone-beam CT: SPR is very large for large cone angles (i.e., large FOV) Artifacts: X-ray Scatter 100 2) Image artifacts Cupping and streaks 3) Increased image noise Reduced DQE Abdomen Chest SPR (%) 1) Reduced contrast Reduction of DCT# Pelvis Extremity 10 Air Reduced soft-tissue detectability 1 0 5 10 15 20 Field of View (z) (cm) A big problem for cone-beam CT: SPR is very large for large cone angles (i.e., large FOV) 25 Image Quality Key Image Quality Metrics Image Uniformity CT # Accuracy Spatial resolution Contrast resolution Noise (and NPS) CNR NEQ Uniformity / Stationarity • Signal Uniformity (3.8 ± 4.2) Stationarity of the mean Shading artifacts Beam-hardening Truncation Stationarity of the noise WSS of second-order statistics Physical effects: Quantum noise Bowtie filter Sampling effects: Intrinsic to FBP Number of projections View aliasing (5.6 ± 2.4) (-1.3 ± 6.2) (4.6 ± 3.2) = 3.3 HU (4.4 ± 4.2) Mean Signal (/mm) • Noise Uniformity DHU = (4.6-1.3) HU 0.20 SPR ~0 SPR ~100% 0.00 -10 0 Distance (mm) +10 Uniformity / Stationarity Variance Maps • Signal Uniformity s 2(x,y) Stationarity of the mean Shading artifacts Beam-hardening Truncation • Noise Uniformity Cylinder + Bowtie Water Cylinder Cylinder + Bowtie Variance Stationarity of the noise WSS of second-order statistics Physical effects: Quantum noise Bowtie filter Sampling effects: Intrinsic to FBP Number of projections View aliasing Water Cylinder Air Air -10 0 Distance (mm) +10 s2 (/mm)2 Spatial Resolution (line-pairs per mm) Minimum resolvable line-pair group Spatial Resolution (Modulation Transfer Function) Spatial Resolution (Modulation Transfer Function) 127 mm Wire in H2O 1.0 J J JJ J J J Steel Wire Signal (mm-1) J J 0.8 J J J J J 0.6 J J System MTF J J J J 0.4 J J J J J J J Measured 0.2 J J JJ JJ J JJ JJ JJ JJ JJJ 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -1 Spatial Frequency (mm ) MTF f x , f y FT LSF x, y JJJ JJJJ JJ 2.0 Image Noise • CT image noise depends on – Dose – Detector efficiency – Voxel size • Axial, axy • Slice thickness, az – Reconstruction filter k E 1 K xy s 3 Do axy az 2 Barrett, Gordon, and Hershel (1976) Image Noise Dose Reconstruction Filter 60 s ~ a X 40 20 10 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Dose (mGy) Sharp 30 Smooth Noise (CT#) 50 b Noise-Power Spectrum • The NPS describes Frequency content (correlation) ax a y az 2 NPS fx , f y , f z DFT DI x, y, z Lx Ly Lz Magnitude of fluctuations Noise-Power Spectrum Axial Plane (x,y) Axial NPS S(fx, fy) Noise-Power Spectrum Sagittal Plane (x,z) Sagittal NPS S(fx, fz) Noise-Power Spectrum NPS(fx, fy, fz) •Axial domain: “Filtered-ramp” Mid-Pass •Longitudinal domain: “Band-limited” Low-Pass Contrast A “large-area transfer characteristic” Defined: As an absolute difference in mean pixel values: For example: C = |0.18 cm-1 – 0.20 cm-1| = 0.02 cm-2 or C = |-100 HU – 0 HU| = 100 HU As a relative difference in mean pixel values: For example: C = |0.18 cm-1 – 0.20 cm-1| 0.19 cm-1 ~ 10% ROI #1 ROI #2 Contrast-to-Noise Ratio 3.5 103 HU 100 kVp 3.0 CNR 23.3 mGy Soft-Tissue-Simulating Spheres 2.5 88 HU 2.0 66 HU 1.5 9.6 mGy 45 HU 1.0 25 HU 0.5 22 HU 0.0 2.9 mGy 11 HU 0 5 10 15 20 Dose to Isocenter (mGy) 25 0.6 mGy Proliferation of CT Technologies and Applications Diagnostic Imaging Specialty Applications and Image-Guided Procedures Trade names removed. Proliferation of CT Technologies and Applications Breast Screening / Diagnosis J. M. Boone (UC Davis) Iodine-Enhanced Tumor Imaging Proliferation of CT Technologies and Applications Morphology, Function, and Quantitation Upper Extremities Dual-Energy CBCT Iodine Calcium Lower Extremities Weight-Bearing Proliferation of CT Technologies and Applications Skull Base Surgery CBCT C-Arm Spine / Orthopaedics Thoracic Surgery Proliferation of CT Technologies and Applications Head and Neck Lung Sarcoma Prostate Summary and Conclusions Proliferation of CT Increased utilization (and related challenges) New technology (e.g., cone-beam CT) Specialty applications Open Source OSCaR, PortoRECO Others? (Please contact me.) More to Come – This Week: 1.) Siewerdsen – Filtered Backprojection Fundamentals (MON-A-311) 2.) Fessler – Iterative Image Reconstruction (TUE-A-211) 3.) Yu – Optimization of image acquisition and recon (WED-E-110) Information and Handouts: