TASK: You have been hired by a local magazine to create a collage or photo that captures the
essence of Brampton according to you. Be creative and true to your personal beliefs; include what
you love or the challenges that face your community. Embody Brampton in an artistic and
abstract way. Represent this place that you call home. You will submit your piece to your teacher
and it will be displayed in the classroom for the term.
Getting Started
Introduction, Brainstorming, and Beginning Research
 When you think of the word Brampton what initial thoughts and images come to
 What do you love about your community? What challenges does your community
 Who or what makes up your community?
 What do you see in your community? How are you viewed in your community?
 What does your city represent? How do you think others view your city?
Organizing and Reviewing Research
 Search for images that represent your vision.
 Decide how you would like to organize your images
Drafting Write up
 Give your collage/ picture a title (be creative)
 Prepare a brief write up that you will present to the class explaining what your collage
means and what Brampton represents to you.
Assessing Drafts and Completing the Final Product.
 Present your collage to another person and ask for constructive feedback
Present to Class
 Present a 5 -10 minute summary to the class that explains your artistic interpretation of
Brampton. You can simply recite this to the class in a speech or present this through
poetry, song, spoken word, rap, etc.