M.A. Mass Communication (Semester – I) Examination, 2015
(New – CBCS)
Day and Date : Monday, 16-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory .
gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Select the correct alternatives.
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am.
1) Self communication means _______________
ñd g§kmnZ åhUOo
__________________ a) Inter-personal communication b) Intra-personal communication nañna g§dmX
AmË_ g§dmX c) Group communication d) Mass communication
JQ> g§dmX
OZ g§kmnZ
2) _______________ model is called as Helical Model.
`m à{V_mZmbm ho{bH$bmMo à{V_mZ åhQ>bo OmVo.
a) Dance b) Schramm c) Gerbner d) None of these
S>mÝg l°_
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
Max. Marks : 70
SLR-B – 1
3) There are _______________ factors in SMCR model.
Eg.E_.gr.Ama. à{V_mH$m_Ü`o KQ>H$ AmhoV.
a) four b) five c) six d) three
Mma nmM ghm
4) _______________ develops the model of social references.
gm_mOrH$ g§X^m©Mo à{V_mZ
`m§Zr {dH${gV Ho$bo.
a) George Gerbner b) Wilber Schramm
Om°O© J~©Za
{dë~a l°_ c) Shannon and Weaver d) Newcomb eZm°Z Am{U drìha
5) The MacBride Commission was setup in _______________
_°H$~«°mBS> Am`moJmMr ñWmnZm
_Ü`o Pmbr.
a) 1977 b) 1982 c) 1980 d) 1978
6) _______________ factor is more important in communication.
KQ>H$ g§kmnZmV AË`§V _hËdmMm Amho.
a) Message b) Communicator g§Xoe g§kmnH$ c) Receiver d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd©
7) Interview is type of _______________
Mm àH$ma Amho.
a) Mass communication b) Dyadic communication
OZ g§kmnZ
ìXr_mJu g§kmnZ c) Multiadic communication d) None of these
~hþ_mJu g§kmnZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
8) The communication between two persons _______________
XmoZ ì`Vr_Yrb g§kmnZ à{H«$`m
a) Intra-personal communication b) Inter-personal communication
AmË_ g§dmX
Am§Vaì`Vr g§dmX c) Group communication d) Mass communication g_yh g§dmX
OZ g§kmnZ
9) _______________ controls the Doordarshan.
Mo XyaXe©Zda {Z`§ÌU Amho.
a) DAVP b) NfDC
c) Prasar Bharti d) I & B Ministry
àgma ^maVr
_m{hVr Am{U àgmaU _§Ìmb`
10) Harold Laswelis model developed in _______________ hoamëS> bmgdobMo à{V_mZ
_Ü`o {dH${gV Pmbo.
a) 1940 b) 1948
1948 c) 1950 d) 1951
11) Communication is derived from _______________ g§dmX hm eãX
__________________ nmgyZ KoVbm Amho.
a) Latin b) French b°{Q>Z
\«|$M c) Hindi d) English qhXr
12) Which one among these is not a mass media tool ?
Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo OZ_mÜ`_ gmYZ Zmhr ?
a) Radio b) Newspaper ao{S>Amo d¥ÎmnÌ c) Telephone d) Internet
SLR-B – 1
SLR-B – 1
13) Gerbner’s general model developed in _______________
__________________ gmbr J~©Za `m§Zr gm_mÝ` à{V_mZ {dH${gV Ho$bo.
a) 1956 b) 1957
1957 c) 1958 d) 1959
14) Communis means to _______________
H$å`w{Zg åhUOo
__________________ a) Inform b) Share c) Community d) None of these
_m{hVr XoUo gm_mÝ`rH$aU
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes ( any four ) :
WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) Mass communication
2) Mass media
OZ g§kmnZ
OZ _mÜ`_o
3) Receiver
4) SMCR model
5) Opinion leaders
Eg.E_.gr.Ama. à{V_mZ
3. Write the answer in short ( any four ) :
WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) State the types of mass communication.
OZ g§kmnZmMo àH$ma {deX H$am.
2) Explain the media convergence.
_mÜ`_mMo EH$mpË_H$aU ñnîQ> H$am.
3) Discuss on the principles of mass communication.
OZ g§kmnZmMo VËdo `mda MMm© H$am.
4) Explain the ethics according to Aristotle.
A[añQ>mQ>b `mÀ`m_Vo {ZVr_yë` ñnîQ> H$am.
5) Explain the importance of the communication in the social life.
gm_m{OH$ OrdZmV g§dmXmMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Write the answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Describe in detail the Gerbner’s model.
J~©ZaÀ`m à{V_mZm~X²Xb g{dñVa {ddoMH$ H$am.
2) Explain the Harold D Lasswell’s model of communication.
hoaëS> S>r. bmgdobMo g§dmX à{V_mZ ñnîQ> H$am.
3) Explain the verbal and non-verbal communication.
_m¡{IH$ Am{U A_m¡{IH$ g§dmX ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) :
1) Discuss the development communication.
{dH$mgmË_H$ g§dmXmMr MMm© H$am.
Discuss the characteristics of mass communication.
OZg§kmnZmMr {d{eîQ>ço `mda MMm© H$am.
SLR-B – 1
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – I) (New CBCS)
Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Wednesday, 18-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Total Marks : 70
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory .
gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Select the correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am :
1) Vishwanath Wable had started _____________ newspaper.
{dídZmW dm~io `m§Zr
dV©_mZnÌ gwê$ Ho$bo hmoVo.
a) Shivner
{edZoa b) Samata c) Bahishkrut Bharat d) Jagruk g_Vm
~{hîH¥$V ^maV
2) _____________ was the first editor of Dhyanprakash.
ho n{hbo kmZàH$me Mo g§nmXH$ hmoVo.
a) Krushnaji Rande b) Narsingh Kelkar
H¥$îUmOr amZS>o
Zaqgh Ho$iH$a c) Shivrampant Paranjape d) Lokmanya Tilak
{edam_n§V nam§Ono bmoH$_mÝ` {Q>iH$
SLR-B – 2
3) _____________ was the first Marathi Magazine in Maharashtra.
ho n{hbo _amR>r _m{gH$ _hmamîQ´>mV hmoVo.
a) Vivek
{ddoH$ b) Lokprabha c) Manorama d) Digdarshan bmoH$à^m
4) Rashtramat Newspaper started in ________________ amîQ´>_V ho d¥ÎmnÌ
_Ü`o gwê$ Pmbo.
a) 1908 b) 1909
1909 c) 1910 d) 1912
5) ___________ was the father of Indian Journalism.
ho ^maVr` nÌH$m[aVoMo OZH$ hmoVo.
a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy amOm am_ _mohZ am°` b) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar c) Narsingh Kelkar d) Lokmanya Tilak
S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a
Zaqgh Ho$iH$a bmoH$_mÝ` {Q>iH$
6) __________ was established by Surendranatha Banerji.
Mr ñWmnZm gwa|ÐZmW ~°ZOu `m§Zr Ho$br.
a) News Association
Ý`yO Agmo{eEeZ b) Indian Association c) Association of India d) Press Association
B§{S>`Z Agmo{eEeZ
Agmo{eEeZ Am°\$ B§{S>`m
àog Agmo{eEeZ
7) Swadeshmitram was the _________________ important Newspaper.
ñdXoe{_Ì_ ho _hÎdmMo d¥ÎmnÌ hmoVo.
a) Tamil
V{_b b) Hindi c) Marathi d) English qhXr
SLR-B – 2
8) Sanvad Kaumudi was publishing in Language.
g§dmX H$m¡_wXr ^mfoV àH$m{eV hmoV Ago.
a) Bengali
~§Jmbr b) Persian c) English d) Hindi nmaer
9) was the First Marathi Daily.
ho n{hbo _amR>r X¡{ZH$ hmoVo.
a) Mumbai Vaibhav
_w§~B© d¡^d b) Kesari c) Bhala d) Shivner
SLR-B – 2
10) Prabodhan started by .
à~moYZ d¥ÎmnÌ `m§Zr gwê$ Ho$bo.
a) Lokhitwadi bmoH${hVdmXr b) Raj Thakare c) Keshav Shitaram Thakare d) Bal Thakare amO R>mH$ao
Ho$ed {gVmam_ R>mH$ao
~mi R>mH$ao
11) Brahminical Magazine was publishing in Language.
~«m÷rZrH$b _°JPrZ `m ^mfoV àH$m{eV hmoV hmoVo.
a) English
B§J«Or b) Hindi c) Gujarati d) Marathi qhXr
12) year was known as Tilak era.
{Q>iH$ `wJ åhUyZ df} AmoiIbo OmVo.
a) 1901-1920
1901-1920 b) 1920-1947 c) 1947-1950 d) 1903-1919
13) Sudharak was publishing in Language.
gwYmaH$ d¥ÎmnÌ ^mfoV àH$m{eV hmoV hmoVo.
a) Both in Marathi and English
B§J«Or Am{U _amR>r XmoÝhr ^mfoV b) Marathi c) Hindi d) English
_amR>r qhXr
SLR-B – 2
14) Krushnaji Prabhakar Khadilkar started the in 1930.
H¥$îUmOr à^mH$a Im{S>bH$am§Zr 1930 _Ü`o ho d¥ÎmnÌ H$mT>bo.
a) Nawakal
ZdmH$mi b) Hitwad c) Bhoot d) Samta
^yV g_Vm
2. Write short notes ( any four ) :
WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) Darpan
2) Sudharak gwYmaH$
SLR-B – 2
3) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
S>m°. ~m~mgmho~ Am§~oS>H$a
4) Folk media bmoH$ _mÜ`_o
5) Kesari.
3. Write the answer in short ( any four ) :
WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) State the contribution of Lokhitwadi in Marathi Journalism.
bmoH${hVdmXtMo _amR>r nÌH$m[aVoVrb `moJXmZ {dfX H$am.
2) Explain the importance of Marathi Journalism in Maharashtra.
_hmamîQ´>mVrb _amR>r nÌH$m[aVoMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
3) Explain the importance of Mahatma Gandhi’s Journalism.
_hmË_m Jm§YrOrMr nÌH$m[aVoMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
4) Discuss the changing role and nature of the press.
nÌH$m[aVoMr ~XbVr ^y{_H$m Am{U ñdê$n `m ~m~V MMm© H$am.
5) Explain the importance of printing technology in the development of Newspaper
_wÐU V§ÌkmZmMr d¥ÎmnÌ {dH$mgmVrb _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Write the answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Discuss the features of Darpan Newspaper.
Xn©U d¥ÎmnÌmMr d¡{eîQ>o `mda MMm© H$am.
2) Write in detail the press in Solapur District.
gmobmnya {OëhmVrb nÌH$m[aVoda g{dñVa {bhm.
3) Explain the Birth of Journalism in India.
^maVmVrb nÌH$m[aVoMr gwédmV ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) :
1) Explain the importance of First Press Commissions.
n{hë`m d¥ÎmnÌ Am`moJmMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Write in detail on Marathi Magazines in the 19 th Century.
19 ì`m eVH$mVrb _amR>r _m{gHo$ `mda g{dñVa {bhm.
SLR-B – 2
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Sem. I) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Friday, 20-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N .
B .
: 1) All questions are compulsory .
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Max. Marks : 70
1. Choose correct alternative :
`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) P. Sainath is related to nr. gmB©ZmW ho
___________ er {ZJ{S>V AmhoV.
a) Crime Reporting
JwÝhoJmar{df`H$ dmVmªH$Z b) Development Reporting
{dH$mg dmVmªH$Z c) Investigative Reporting emoY dmVmªH$Z d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
2) ___________ is Group Editor of Daily Lokmat.
___________ ho bmoH$_VMo g_yh g§nmXH$ AmhoV .
a) Dinakar Raikar
{XZH$a am`H$a b) Vijay Kuwalekar
{dO` Hw$dioH$a c) Uttam Kamble
CÎm_ H$m§~io d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
3) ___________ is an offence in court reporting.
Ý`m`mb`rZ dmVmªH$Z H$aVmZm
___________ hm JwÝhm R>aVmo.
a) Comment on Judgment
{ZH$mbmdarb ^mî` b) Comment on Eyewitness
àË`jXeuda ^mî` c) Personal Comment on Judge d) None of these
Ý`m`mYrem§da d¡`pVH$ ^mî` `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
4) News regarding Ujani dam is important for Solapur due to gmobmnyagmR>r COZr YaUmMr ~mV_r ___________ _wio _hËdmMr R>aVo.
a) Impact n[aUm_ b) Oddity doJionU c) Prominence d) None of these
_hmËå` `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
5) Due to Privilege Act a special right is given to
{deofm{YH$ma H$m`Úm_wio ___________ `m§Zm Img A{YH$ma XoÊ`mV Ambm Amho.
a) Journalists nÌH$ma b) Legislature bmoH$à{V{ZYr c) People
OZVm d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
6) ___________ is an important element for designing of newspaper.
___________ hm d¥ÎmnÌ gOmdQ>rVrb _hËdmMm KQ>H$ Amho.
a) Font
Q>§H$ b) News
~mV_r c) Morge
_m°J© d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
7) News about political rally belongs to ___________ type.
amOH$s` a°brMr ~mV_r ___________ àH$mamV _moS>Vo.
a) Soft News b) Hard News c) Good News d) All of these gmYr ~mV_r H$R>rU ~mV_r Mm§Jbr ~mV_r `mn¡H$s gd©
8) In any newspaper details about the editor, publisher are given in
H$moUË`mhr d¥ÎmnÌmV g§nmXH$, àH$meH$ `m~m~VMm Vnerb ___________ _Ü`o {Xbobm
a) By line
~m` bmB©Z b) Print line
{à§Q> bmB©Z c) Date line
S>oQ> bmB©Z d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd©
9) A person who read the copy and detects the grammatical mistakes in it is called as
~mV_rMo dmMZ H$ê$Z Ë`mVrb ì`mH$aU {df`H$ MwH$m emoYÊ`mMo H$m_ H$aUmè`mg
a) Page Maker b) Compositor c) Proof Reader d) None of these noO _oH$a H§$nmo{OQ>a _w{ÐV emoYH$ `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
10) ___________ journalism uses eye-catching headlines to sale the newspaper.
Ooìhm d¥ÎmnÌ {dHo$Ê`mÀ`m CÔoemZo gZgZmQ>r _Wio {Xbo OmVmV, Ë`m àH$maÀ`m nÌH$m[aVobm
a) Development
{dH$mg b) Yellow nrV c) Investigative emoY d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
11) Gathering information is work of
_m{hVr Jmoim H$aUo ho ___________ Mo H$m{` Amho.
a) Sub-Editor b) Reporter
Cn g§nmXH$ dmVm©ha c) News Editor d) None of these d¥Îm g§nmXH$ `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
12) ___________ plans the material of editorial page.
AJ«boImÀ`m nmZmdarb _OHw$amMo {Z`moOZ² ___________ ho H$aVmV.
a) News Editor d¥ËV g§nmXH$ b) Editor g§nmXH$ c) Assistant Editor gh`moJr g§nmXH$ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
13) A specified time limit given to each department of newspaper to complete their work is known as d¥ÎmnÌmVrb àË`oH$ {d^mJmg H$m_ nyU© H$aÊ`mgmR>r {ZpíMV doi _`m©Xm R>adyZ {Xbobr AgVo
a) Dead Line b) Time Line
S>oS> bmB©Z Q>mB©_ bmB©Z c) Print Line
{à§Q> bmB©Z d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
14) A prominent news which appears below the fold of the newspaper on front page is known as d¥ÎmnÌmÀ`m n{hë`m nmZmÀ`m KS>rImbr N>mnë`m OmUmè`m R>iH$ ~mV_rg
a) Anchor
A±H$a b) Banner
~°Za c) Feature
\$sMa d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
2. Write notes ( any four ) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma )
: a) Types of Headlines
_Wù`m§Mo àH$ma b) Yellow Journalism nrV nÌH$m[aVm c) Developmental News
{dH$mg{df`H$ ~mVå`m d) Political Reporting amOH$s` dmVmªH$mZ² e) Sports Desk.
H«$sS>m {d^mJ.
3. Write answers ( any four ) :
CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma )
: a) What is the use of right to information for news reporting ?
_m{hVr A{YH$mamMr dmVmªH$ZmgmR>r Cn`wVVm H$m`
b) What is the use of photographs for news ?
~mV_rgmR>r N>m`m{MÌmMr Cn`wVVm H$m`
c) How to report a crime story ?
JwÝhoJmar{df`H$ ~mV_rMo dmVmªH$Z H$go H$amdo
d) What are the types of interviews ?
_wbmIVtMo àH$ma H$moUVo
e) What are the qualities of reporter ?
dmVm©hamÀ`m A§Jr H$moUVo JwU Amdí`H$ AmhoV
4. Give answers in detail ( any two ) :
Vnerbmgh CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ )
: a) Differentiate between development news and in-depth news.
{dH$mg {df`H$ ~mV_r d gImob ~mV_r `mVrb \$aH$ {dfX H$am.
b) Trace various types of news structure.
~mV_r aMZoMo {d{dY àH$ma H$moUVo
c) Describe investigative reporting giving suitable examples.
`mo½` CXmhaUo XoD$Z emoY nÌH$m[aVoMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Give answers in 500 words ( any one ) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ )
: a) What are the values of news ? Do you think values of news are changing due to cut-throat competition of media units ? Discuss giving specific examples.
~mV_rMr _yë`o H$moUVr
_mÜ`_m§À`m OrdKoÊ`m ñnY}_wio `m _yë`m§_Ü`o ~Xb hmoVmo Amho Ago dmQ>Vo H$m
`mo½` CXmhaUo XoD$Z MMm© H$am.
b) What is the importance of editing for news ? What is the process of editing ?
Discuss in the light of copy management.
~mV_rgmR>r g§nmXZmMo _hËd H$m` Amho
g§nmXZmMr àH«$s`m H$er AgVo
~mV_r _OHw$amÀ`m
ì`dñWmnZmÀ`m g§X^m©Zo MMm© H$am.
No .
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – I) (New CBCS) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Monday, 23-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory .
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Total Marks : 70
1. Choose correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) The advertising medium that has the high selectivity is
________ ho Om{hamVrMo Ago _mÜ`_ Amho Á`mÀ`m {ZdS>rMr OmñV e`Vm Amho.
a) Telephone
Q>o{b\$moZ b) Mail c) Online d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr ii) Press kit is commonly used for
àog H$sQ> ho gd©gmYmanUo
gmR>r dmnaVmV.
a) Product launching
CËnmXZ ~mOmamV AmUVmZm b) New Company Establishment c) Press Conference d) All of these
ZdrZ H§$nZr H$mT>VmZm nÌH$ma n[afX KoVmZm
`mn¡H$s gd© iii) Photo Division’s head office is situated in
N>m`m{MÌ {d^mJmMo _w»` H$m`m©b`
`oWo Amho.
a) New Delhi
Zdr {Xëbr b) Kolkata c) Mumbai d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 4
*SLRB4* iv) Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (D.A.V.P.) is established in a) 1955 b) 1965 c) 1975 d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr v) ________ is the basic principle of advertising.
________ ho Om{hamVrMo _wb^yV VËd Amho.
a) Basic needs of the consumer b) Grab attention of the consumer c) Media Scheduling d) All of these
J«mhH$m§À`m _wb^yV JaOm
J«mhH$m§Mo bj H|$ÐrV H$aUo
_mÜ`_ doimnÌH$ darbn¡H$s gd© vi) Code of ethics for PR professionals is furnished by
OZg§nH©$ ì`mdgm{`H$m§gmR>r AmMmag§{hVm
Zo gmXa Ho$br.
a) P.R.S.I.
b) P.B.I.
c) A.A.A.I.
d) All of these nr.Am`.~r.
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vii) The target group of a political meeting is amOZ¡{VH$ g^oVrb bpú`V JQ>
a) Consumers
J«mhH$ b) Voters c) Viewers d) None of these
`mn¡¡H$s gd© viii) ________ is type of Radio advertisement.
________ hm ao{S>Amo Om{hamVrMm àH$ma Amho.
a) Jingle b) Promo qOJb
àmo_mo c) Audio d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd©
-3ix) Which tool of the marketing mix consists of short-term incentives ?
{dnUZ {_lmVrb H$moUË`m gmYZmMm H$_r H$mbmdYrgmR>r bm^ {_iVmo ?
a) Advertising
Om{hamV b) Sales promotion c) Direct marketing d) None of these
{dH«$s dmT>
àË`j {dnUZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr x) ________ is very useful for sales promotion.
{dH«$s dmT>{dÊ`mgmR>r
Cn`wV Amho.
a) Market Survey
{dnUZ gd}jU b) Ad Campaign c) Product Quality d) All of these
Om{hamV _mohr_
`mn¡H$s gd© xi) ________ is a type of logo.
________ ho bmoJmoMm àH$ma Amho.
a) Icon b) Combination Mark c) Letter Mark d) All of these
H$m°på~ZoeZ _mH©$ boQ>a _mH©$
`mn¡H$s gd© xii) The most important aspect of public relations is
OZ g§nH$m©_Yrb
________ hm _hËdmMm n¡by Amho.
a) Product
CËnmXZ b) Public c) Service d) None of these
OZ godm
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiii) Image on the internet has scope for
B§Q>aZoQ>darb à{V_og
Mm dmd Amho.
a) Movement hmbMmb b) Stability c) Solidity d) None of these pñWaVm
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 4
SLR-B – 4
-4xiv) ________ is cannot be part of public relations.
________ hm OZ g§nH$m©Mm ^mJ Agy eV Zmhr.
a) Advertisement
Om{hamV b) Propaganda c) Publicity d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes (any four ) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) Press Release
à{gÕr nÌH$ b) Creativity gO©ZerbVm c) Media Mix
_mÜ`_ g§{_l d) Body Copy
Om{hamVrMm _w»` _OHy$a e) A.A.A.I.
3. Write the answers in 150 words (any four ) :
XrS>eo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) : a) What are the tools of advertising ?
Om{hamVrMr gmYZo H$moUVr AmhoV ?
b) Write brief note on ‘Press Kit’.
"àog {H$Q>' {df`mdaVr Q>rn {bhm.
c) Explain the process of employee communication.
H$_©Mmar g§dmXmMr à{H«$`m ñnîQ> H$am.
SLR-B – 4 d) Explain the terms Public and Public Opinion.
OZ Am{U OZ_V `m g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
e) What are the key contents of public relations ?
OZg§nH$m©Mo _hËdmMo KQ>H$ H$moUVo AmhoV ?
4. Write answer in 250 words (any two ) :
AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm(H$moUVohr XmoZ ) : a) What are the kinds of target group associated advertising ?
bpú`V JQ>mZwgma Om{hamVtMo àH$ma H$moUVo AmhoV ?
b) Write about ad agency management.
Om{hamV g§ñWm ì`dñWmnZ `m{df`r {bhm.
c) Discuss the use of social media for advertising.
gmoeb {_{S>`mMm Om{hamVrgmR>r dmna `m{df`mdaVr MMm© H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words (any one ) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) : a) Define advertise. Describe its advantages and disadvantages with example.
Om{hamVrMr ì`m»`m H$am. Om{hamVtMo \$m`Xo Am{U VmoQ>o gmoXmhaU dU©Z H$am.
b) Write an essay on ‘Public Relation of Central Government’.
"H|$Ð gaH$maMm OZg§nH©$' `m {df`mdaVr {Z~§Y {bhm.
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester I) (CBCS) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Thursday, 26-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Total Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory .
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
14 1. Choose correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am.
i) ___________ has become the youngest nobel peace prize winner.
Zmo~ob em§Vr nwañH$mamMr gdm©V VéU _mZH$ar R>abr Amho.
a) Malala Yusufzai _bmbm `wgw\$PmB© b) Aniya Shaikh c) Hina Rabbani d) None of these
AmZr`m eoI hrZm aã~mZr
`mn¡H$s Zmhr ii) World Post Day is observed on ___________
OmJ{VH$ Q>nmb {Xdg bm AgVmo.
a) 9 October 9 Am°Q>mo~a b) 10 October c) 10 November d) None of these
10 Am°Q>mo~a
10 Zmoìh|~a
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
*SLRB5* iii) ___________ American newspaper has issued apology for racist cartoon on Mars Mission.
_§Ji _mo{h_odaVr dU©Ûofmda AmYm[aV ì`§J{MÌm~Ôb A_o[aHo$Vrb dV©_mZnÌmZo
_m\$s N>mnbr.
a) New York Times
Ý`y `m°H©$ Q>mBåg² b) The Sun c) Sunday Times d) None of these
X gZ gZS>o Q>mBåg²
`mn¡H$s Zmhr iv) India defeated ___________ team in Asian Games 2014 Hockey final and won Gold Medal.
^maVmZo `m g§Kmbm E{e`Z Joåg 2014 hm°H$sÀ`m A§{V_ gm_Ý`mV hadyZ gwdU© nXH$ nQ>H$mdbo.
a) China
MrZ b) Pakistan c) Japan d) None of these nm{H$ñVmZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr v) ___________ social networking site has been closed permanently.
gmoeb ZoQ>d{Hª$J gmB©Q> H$m`_Mr ~§X Pmbr.
a) Google plus
JwJb ßbg b) Facebook c) Orkut d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
-3vi) Global Infrastructure facility has been launched by ___________
OmJ{VH$ nm`m^yV gmoB©-gw{dYm Zo CnbãY Ho$ë`m AmhoV.
a) UNDP b) World Bank c) UNO d) None of these
`w. EZ. S>r. nr.
OmJ{VH$ ~±H$
`w. EZ. Amoo.
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vii) ___________ team has won Champion League T-20, 2014.
M¡ånrAZ brJ Q>r -20, 2014 g§KmZo qOH$br.
a) Delhi Dare Devils
S>oëhr S>o`a S>opìhëg b) Kolkata Night Riders
H$bH$ËVm ZmBQ> am`S>g© c) Chennai Super Kings d) None of these
MÝZB© gwna qH$½g
`mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) Which Movie has been chosen from India for OSCARS Awards 2014 ?
Am°ñH$a nwañH$ma 2014 gmR>r `m {MÌnQ>mMr ^maVmVyZ {ZdS> Pmbr.
a) Highway b) Long Road c) Queen d) None of these hm`do bm±J amoS>
`mn¡H$s Zmhr ix) Taslima Nasreen is ___________
Vgbr_m ZgarZ `m AmhoV.
a) Writer b) Actress c) Poet bo{IH$m
H$d{`Ìr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
*SLRB5* x) ___________ is the new Chairman of UPSC.
ho `w. nr. Eg. gr. Mo ZdrZ AÜ`j AmhoV.
a) Rajni Razdan b) Vinay Mittal aOZr amOXmZ
{dZ` {_ËVb c) Alka Sirohi d) None of these
AbH$m {gamohr
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xi) _____________ disease has been declared as Global Health Emergency by WHO.
S>ãby. EM. Amo. Zo `m amoJmbm OmJ{VH$ Amamo½` AmUr~mUr Omhra
Ho$bo Amho.
a) AIDS b) Ebola
B~mobm c) Tuberculosis d) None of these j`amoJ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xii) ____________ has been appointed as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for
South Asia.
X{jU Am{e`mMm gX^mdZm XyV åhUyZ `w{Zgo\$Zo Mr {Z`wVr Ho$br Amho.
a) Amitabh Bachhan
A{_Vm^ ~ÀMZ b) Amir Khan c) Salman Khan d) None of these
A_ra ImZ gb_mZ ImZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
-5xiii) Mark Zukerberg is the founder of ___________ company.
_mH©$ PwHo$a~J© hm `m H§$nZrMo g§ñWmnH$ AmhoV.
a) Tweeter b) Google
JwJb c) Facebook d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiv) Creator of Chacha Chowdhary cartoon corrector is ___________
MmMm Mm¡Yar `m H$mQy>©Z nmÌmMo ho {Z_m©Vo AmhoV.
a) Pankaj Singh n§H$O qgK b) Ganesh Mali c) Pran Kumar Sharma d) None of these
JUoe _mir
àmU Hw$_ma e_m©
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes (any four) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) Fluency
AñIbrVnUm b) Positive Thinking gH$mamË_H$ {dMma c) World Bank
OmJ{VH$ ~±H$
-6d) Time Management doioMo ì`dñWmnZ e) UNO
`w. EZ. Amo.
3. Write the answers in 150 words. (any four) :
XrS>eo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm : (H$moUVohr Mma ) : a) Write note on topic References.
g§X^© `m {df`mdaVr Q>rn {bhm.
b) Describe the process of communication.
g§dmXmMr à{H«$`m {deX H$am.
c) State the importance of Panchayat Raj n§Mm`VamOMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
d) What is UNI ?
`w. EZ. Am`. åhUOo H$m` ?
e) Write about Press release.
à{gÕr nÌH$m{df`r {bhm.
4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) :
AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm ( H$moUVohr XmoZ ) : a) Write about stress management.
VmU VUmd ì`dñWmnZm{df`r {bhm.
-7b) Discuss the basic principles of translation.
^mfm§VamÀ`m _ybVÎdm§daVr MMm© H$am.
c) Explain the importance of communication skills.
g§dmX H$m¡eë`m§Mo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm ( H$moUVohr EH$ ) : a) Define communication and discuss the types of communication.
g§dmXmMr ì`m»`m H$am Am{U g§dmXmÀ`m àH$mam§Mr MMm© H$am.
b) Write an essay on Newspaper Writing.
"d¥ËVnÌm§gmR>r boIZ' `m {df`mdaVr {Z~§Y {bhm.
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – II) (CGPA) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Tuesday, 17-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Total Marks : 70
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory .
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose correct alternative :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) Discovery channel started in ______________
{S>ñH$ìhar M°ZbMr gwédmV
_Ü`o Pmbr.
a) 1999
1999 b) 1998 c) 1997 d) 1996
1996 ii) ____________ is the most circulated newspaper in India.
ho ^maVmVrb gdm©{YH$ InmMo d¥ÎmnÎm Amho.
a) Amar Ujala
A_a COmbm b) Jagarn c) Hindustan d) None of these
OmJaU qhXwñWmZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 11
-2iii) Broadcasting capacity of fm stations is upto _____________ only.
E\$E_ ao{S>Amo ñQ>oeZMr àgmaU j_Vm Ho$db
a) 25 km
25 {H$._r.
b) 40 km c) 100 km d) None of these
40 {H$._r.
100 {H$._r.
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
*SLRB11* iv) What is the meaning of ‘Signature Tune’ ?
"{g½ZoMa Q>çyZ' Mm AW© Amho.
a) Signature b) Autograph c) Special Tune d) None of these
{deof YyZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr v) TRP stands for
Q>rAmanr Mo nyU©ê$n a) Television Rating Point
Q>o{bpìhOZ aoqQ>J nm°BÝQ> b) Television Role Process
Q>o{bpìhOZ amob àmogog c) Television Role Point
Q>o{bpìhOZ amob nm°BÝQ> d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
-3vi) _____________ is the Chairman of the Zee group.
Pr J«wnMo
ho MoAa_Z Amho.
a) Subhash Chandra b) Vineet Jain c) Karan Karnic d) None of these gw^mf M§Ðm
{d{ZV O¡Z
{H$aU H${U©H$
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vii) BBC stands for
~r~rgrMo nyU© ê$n a) British Broadcasting Corporation
{~«Q>re ~«m°S>H$mpñQ>¨J H$mnmo}aoeZ b) British Board Company
{~«Q>re ~moS>© H§$nZr c) British Board Cinema
{~«Q>re ~moS>© {gZo_m d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) Major revenue of any newspaper spent on ____________
H$moUË`mhr d¥ÎmnÌmMo CËnÝZ àm_w»`mZo
`mgmR>r IM© hmoVo.
a) Machinery
`§Ìgm_J«r b) News print c) Man power d) None of these d¥ÎmH$mJX
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 11
SLR-B – 11
*SLRB11* ix) Indian Broadcasting Service established in __________
^maVr` àgmaUgodm
_Ü`o ñWmnZ Pmbr.
a) 1927
1927 b) 1930 c) 1935 d) 1940
1940 x) ____________ is a theatre of mind.
ho _ZmMo ZmQ>çJ¥h Amho.
a) Radio b) Television c) a) and b) d) Internet ao{S>`mo
Xya{MÌdmUr a)
Am{U b)
B§Q>aZoQ> xi) DTH service started in ______________
gmbr S>rQ>rEM godm gwé Pmbr.
a) 2004 b) 2005
2005 c) 2006 d) 2007
2007 xii) ___________ works as a advertising agency for Government of India.
^maV gaH$magmR>r Om{hamVg§ñWm åhUyZ
H$m`© H$aVo.
S>rEìhrnr b) RNA c) PIB d) TRP
AmaEZE nrAm`~r
-5xiii) In television studio news first reaches to ____________
{MÌdmUr ñQ>çw{S>AmoV ~mV_r àW_
{d^mJmV OmVo.
a) Input section
BZnyQ> {d^mJ b) Output section
AmD$Q>nyQ> {d^mJ c) Broadcast studio
àgmaU ñQ>çw{S`mo d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiv) Ownership pattern of sanchar is ____________ type.
g§MmaMr _mbH$s nÕV
a) Individual
ì`VrJV b) Private c) Public company d) None of these
ImOJr nãbrH$ H§$nZr
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write in short notes ( any four ) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) : i) Economics of print media
_w{ÐV _mÜ`_mMo AW©H$maU ii) Media Monopoly
_mÜ`_ EH$m{YH$maemhr
SLR-B – 11
SLR-B – 11 iii) Editorial Responsibility g§nmXH$s` O~m~Xmar iv) ABC
E~rgr v) INS.
3. Write answer in 150 words ( any four ) :
XrS>eo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) Explain the management is multi-disciplinary activity.
ì`dñWmnZ ho ~hþn`m©`r H$m`© Amho ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Discuss the new trends in Radio.
ao{S>`mo _Yrb Zdo àdmh MMm© H$am.
3) Describe the principles of Management.
ì`dñWmnZmMo _ybVÎdo dU©Z H$am.
4) Discuss what is price war.
qH$_V `wÕ H$m` Amho MMm© H$am.
5) Explain the working of INS.
Am`EZEg Mo H$m`© ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Write answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Explain the functions of ABC.
E~rgrMo H$m`} ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Explain the term media monopoly.
_mÜ`_ EH$m{YH$maemhr g§km ñnîQ> H$am.
3) Comment on TRP.
Q>rAmanr `mda ^mî` H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) :
500 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) :
1) Explain the management of FM Radio.
E\$E_ ao{S>`moMo ì`dñWmnZ ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Explain media management is Art and Science.
ì`dñWmnZ ho H$bm Am{U emñÌ Amho ñnîQ> H$am.
SLR-B – 11
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester II) (C.G.P.A.) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Thursday, 19-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Note : i) All questions are compulsory .
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Max. Marks : 70
1. Choose correct alternative :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am
: i) Prasar Bharati was passed on
àgma ^maVr H$m`Xm _________ amoOr ApñVËdmV Ambm .
a) 12 Sept. 1990
12 gßQ>|~a 1990 b) 23 Nov. 1997
23 Zmoìh|~a 1997 c) 20 Nov. 1999
20 Zmoìh|~a 1999 d) 20 Sept. 1985
20 gßQ>|~a 1985 ii) ________ Press Commission suggested to establish Press Registrar Office.
d¥ÎmnÌ à~§YH$ H$m`m©b` ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mMr gyMZm
d¥ÎmnÌ Am`moJmZo Ho$br
a) Fifth nmMdo b) Third
{Vgao c) Second
Xwgao d) First n{hbo iii) In Rajastan _________ fought for Right to Information.
`m§Zr _m{hVr A{YH$mamgmR>r g§Kf© Ho$bo
a) Aruna Roy
AéUm am°` b) Rajendra Singh amO|Ð> qgh c) Tarun Tejpal
VéU VoOnmb d) Aruna Singh
AéUm qgh
SLR-B 12
*SLRB12* iv) The new Patent Act is implemented from year ________.
gmbr Zdm noQ>|Q>> H$m`Xm A_bmV Ambm Amho
a) 20 May 1999
20 _o 1999 c) 20 May 2003
20 _o 2003 b) 20 May 2000
20 _o 2000 d) 20 May 2005
20 _o 2005 v) In Indian print media _________ percent foreign direct investment is allowed.
^maVmVrb _w>{ÐV _mÜ`_mV _________ Q>¸o$ eoa naH$s` Jw§VdUyH$sg nadmZJr Xrbr .
a) 26 percent
26 Q>¸o$ b) 27 percent c) 28 percent
27 Q>¸o$ 28 Q>¸o$ d) 36 percent
36 Q>¸o$ vi) ________ types of classified documents.
dJuH¥$V XñVmdoOmMo _________ BVHo$ àH$ma AmhoV .
a) Two
2 b) Four
4 c) Six
6 d) Nine
9 vii) Article _________ is related to provision for declaration of emergency.
_________ `m H$b_mZwgma AmUr~mUr Omhra H$aÊ`m~m~VMr VaVyX Ho$br Amho .
a) 356 (1)
) b) 352 (1)
) c) 399 (1)
) d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) ________ submitted the report of second press commission.
Xwgè`m d¥ÎmnÌ Am`moJmMm Ahdmb _________ `m§Zr gmXa Ho$bm .
a) K. K. Mathew b) Girilal Jain c) P. K. Goswami d) Aruna Roy
_¡Ï`y {J[abmb O¡Z nr
Jmoñdm_r AéUm am°` ix) First ombudsman in India was appointed by
^maVmV d¥ÎmnbmMr Zo_UyH$ gd©àW_ _________ `m§Zr Ho$br .
a) Times of India
Q>mB©åg A°\$ B§{S>`m b) The Hindu
X {hÝXy c) The Indian Express
X B§{S>`Z Egàog d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr x) Article ________ deals with law of defamation.
~XZm_rÀ`m H$m`Úm~Ôb VaVyX KQ>ZoÀ`m H$b_
_Ü`o Z_yX Amho
a) 499
499 b) 492
492 c) 482
482 d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B 12 xi) Idea of preamble was borrowed from Constitution of
KQ>ZoÀ`m àmñVm{dH$mMr g§H$ënZm
À`m KQ>Zodê$Z KoVbr Amho
a) Australia
Am°ñQ´>o{b`m b) France
\«$mÝg c) U.S.A.
`y .
Eg .
E .
d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xii) ________ Act was enacted in year 1923.
1923 gmbr
hm H$m`Xm g§_V H$aÊ`mV Ambm
a) Official Secrets Act emgH$s` JmonZr`VoMm H$m`Xm c) Right to Information
_m{hVr A{YH$ma b) Trade Mark Act
ì`mnma {MÝh H$m`Xm d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiii) Trade Mark Act 1999 is implemented from
ì`mnma >{MÝh H$m`Xm 1999 _________ nmgyZ Am_bmV Amho .
a) 15 Sept. 2003
15 gßQ>|~a 2003 b) 25 June 2004
25 OyZ 2004 c) 23 Aug. 2005
23 Am°JñQ> 2005 d) 25 Nov. 2006
25 Zmoìh|~a 2006 xiv) The Working Journalist Act came into existence from _________
gmbr H$m{_©H$ nÌH$ma H$m`Xm ApñVËdmV Ambo.
a) 1963
1963 b) 1955
1955 c) 1977
1977 d) 1988
2. Write notes ( any four ) :
Q>rnm {bhm ( H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) Ombudsman d¥Îmnmb
2) Broadcast Council
àgmaU n[afX
3) Prasar Bharati Act
àgma ^maVr H$m`Xm
4) Right to Information Act
_m{hVr A{YH$ma H$m`Xm
5) Official Secrets Act.
emgH$s` JmonZr`VoMm H$m`Xm .
SLR-B 12
3. Write answer in 150 words ( any four ) :
XrS>e o eãXmV CÎmao {bhm
H$moUVohr Mma
) :
1) How media was restricted during the emergency ?
AmUr~mUrÀ`m H$mimV _mÜ`_mda H$moUVr ~§YZo bmdÊ`mV `oV hmoVr
2) What are the guidelines of press council for media during electoral campaigning ?
{ZdS>UyH$ _mohr_oÀ`m H$mimV _mÜ`_m§gmR>r d¥ÎmnÌ _§S>imZo H$moUË`m _mJ©Xe©H$ gyMZm Ho$ë`m
3) What is sedition ?
amOÐmoh H$m` Amho
4) What do you understand by cyber crime ?
"gm`~a JwÝhm' `mg§X^m©V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho
5) Describe the Patent Act.
~m¡{ÕH$ g§nXm A{YH$mamMo
dU©Z H$am
14 4. Write answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
AS>rMe o eãXmV CÎmao {bhm
H$moUVohr XmoZ
) :
1) Discuss the major recommendations of first press commission.
n{hë`m d¥ÎmnV« Am`moJmÀ`m _hËdmÀ`m {e\$maer§Mr MMm© H$am
2) Explain the kinds of defamation.
~XZm_rMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am
3) State the importance of Contempt of Court Act.
Ý`m`mb` Ad_mZmÀ`m H$m`ÚmMo _hËd {deX H$am
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm
H$moUVohr EH$
) : i) Discuss why the press council is called as teethless tiger.
d¥ÎmnÌ _§S>imbm XmV Zgbobm dmK H$m åhUVmV MMm© H$am
ii) Explain the salient features of Indian Constitution.
^maVr` amÁ`KQ>ZoMr R>iH$ d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester II) Examination, 2015
ELECTRONIC MEDIA (Radio and Television) (CGPA)
(Paper III)
BboQ´>m°{ZH$ {_{S>`m (ao{S>Amo Am{U Q>o{bpìhOZ)
Max. Marks : 70 Day and Date : Saturday, 21-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory .
gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Choose the correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : i) ____________ year colour television started in India.
^maVmV a§JrV Q>o{bpìhOZMr gwédmV ____________ _Ü`o Pmbr.
a) 1980
1980 b) 1982
1982 c) 1981
1981 ii) ___________ was considered the father of radio.
`m§Zm ao{S>Amo OZH$ g§~moYbo OmVo.
a) Lee day
{b S>o b) Lee de forest
{b S>o \$moaoñQ> c) Le di forest
{b {S> \$moaoñQ> iii) ENG stands for
BEZOr Mo nyU©ê$n a) Electronic News Gathering
BboQ´>m°{ZH$ Ý`yO J°X[a¨J c) Electronic News Going
BboQ´>m°{ZH$ Ý`yO JmoBªJ d) 1985
1985 d) Lee Krus
{b H«y$g b) Electronic News Gaining
BboQ´>m°{ZH$ Ý`yO J|ZtJ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B 13
*SLRB13* iv) All India Radio came into existence in
Am°b B§{S>`m ao{S>Amo ____________ _Ü`o ApñVËdmV Ambo.
a) 1936
1936 b) 1937
1937 c) 1938
1938 v) Community radio started in
H$å`y{ZQ>r ao{S>AmoMr gwédmV ____________ _Ü`o Pmbr.
a) 2004
2004 b) 2005
2005 c) 2006
2006 d) 1939
1939 d) 2007
2007 vi) IP TV stands for
Am`nr Q>rpìh Mo nyU©ê$n a) Internet Protocol Television
B§Q>aZoQ> àmoQ>moH$m°b Q>o{bpìhOZ c) Indian Press Television
B§{S>`Z àog Q>o{bpìhOZ b) Internet Private Television
B§Q>aZoQ> àmìhoBQ> Q>o{bpìhOZ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vii) SITE program was launched in _______________ state.
gmB©Q> hm àH$ën EHy$U ____________ amÁ`mV am~{dÊ`mV Ambm hmoVm.
a) three
VrZ b) five nmM c) six ghm viii) DTH service started in
{S>Q>rEM godm
_Ü`o gwé Pmbo.
d) eight
AmR> a) 2004
2004 b) 2005
2005 ix) Television is ________________ media.
Q>o{bpìhOZ ho
_mÜ`_ Amho.
a) two-way
Xw_mJr© c) both a) and b)
XmoÝhr A) Am{U ~) x) PTC stand for nrQ>rgr Mo nyU©ê$n a) Picture To Camera nrMa Qy> H°$_oam c) Pixel To Camera nrgb Qy> H°$_oam c) 2006
2006 b) one-way
EH$_mJu d) none of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr b) Piece To Camera nrg Qy> H°$_oam d) Person To Camera ng©Z Qy> H°$_oam d) 2007
-3SLR-B 13 xi) A news reporter normally uses a ______________ microphone for piece to camera.
Ý`yO [anmoQ>}a gmYmanUo nrg Qy> H°$_oamÀ`m doir
_m`H«$mo\$moZMm dmna H$aVmo.
a) Dynamic microphone
S>m`Z°{_H$ _m`H«$mo\$moZ c) Fluid microphone
âë`yS> _m`H«$mo\$moZ b) Condensor microphone
H§$ÝS>oÝga _m`H«$mo\$moZ d) Hanging condensor microphone h°qJJ H§$ÝS>oÝga _m`H«$mo\$moZ xii) A shot of two-people together is called
XmoZ bmoH$m§Mo EH${ÌV em°Q>bm ____________ åhQbo OmVo.
a) close shot
bmoO em°Q> b) shot angle em°Q> A°Jb c) two-shot
Qy>-em°Q> d) none of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiii) Microwaves are
a) Unidirectional
`yZrS>m`aoeZb c) Bidirectional
~m`S>m`aoeZb b) Omnidirectional
Amo_ZrS>m`aoeZb d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiv) Pranay Roy is the chief of ________________ channel.
àU` am°` ho ____________ `m dm{hZrMo à_wI AmhoV.
a) Z-news
Pr-Ý`yO b) Star
ñQ>ma c) NDTV
EZS>r{Q>ìhr d) Discovery
2. Write short notes ( any four ) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) Web production do~ àm°S>eZ
2) FM radio
E\$E_ ao{S>Amo
3) Sound effects
ÜdZr à^md
4) Computer graphics
H$åß`wQ>a J«m{\$g
5) Camera Angle
H°$_oam A°Jb
SLR-B 13
3. Answer the following questions ( any four ) :
Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) State the history of radio.
ao{S>`moMm B{Vhmg {deX H$am .
2) What are the different programs formats of TV ?
Q>rìhr H$m`©H«$_mMo {d{dY \$m°a_°Q>g² H$moUVr AmhoV ?
3) Explain the concept of visual radio.
pìhPwAb ao{S>Amo hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
4) Explain the characteristics of Television.
Q>o{bpìhOZMo JwU d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
5) Discuss on the history of All India Radio.
Am°b B§{S>`m ao{S>AmoMm B{Vhmg `mda MMm© H$am.
4. Write answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
250 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Explain the non-linear editing.
Zm°Z {b{ZAa E{S>qQ>J ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Discuss the function of Radio.
ao{S>AmoMo H$m`© dU©Z H$am.
3) Explain the concept of satellite radio.
goQ>bmB©Q> ao{S>Amo hr g§km ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) :
500 eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) :
1) Explain the different types of microphones use in radio studio.
ao{S>Amo ñQy>{S>AmoV dmnaÊ`mV `oUmè`m {d{dY _m`H«$mo\$moZMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am.
2) What are the new trends of TV programme.
Q>rìhr H$m`©H«$_mMo Zdoàdmh H$moUH$moUVo AmhoV.
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – II) (CGPA) Examination, 2015
Total Marks : 70 Day and Date : Tuesday, 24-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory .
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) RAM stands for a°_ åhUOo a) Random Access Memory b) Read Application Memory c) Read Again Memory d) None of these a°ÊS>_ A°gog _o_ar arS> A°ßbrHo$eZ _o_ar arS> AJoZ _o_ar
`mn¡H$s Zmhr ii) C.P.U. has gr.nr.`w. _Ü`o
a) Mother Board b) RAM c) Hard Disk d) All of these
_Xa ~moS>© a°_ hmS>© {S>ñH$
`mn¡H$s gd© iii) Multimedia includes
_pëQ>_r{S>`m _Ü`o
g_{dîQ> AgVo.
a) Audio
ÜdZr b) Video
Mb{MÌ c) Word d) All of these eãX
`mn¡H$s gd©
SLR-B – 14 -2iv) ___________ is a type of printer.
hm qàQ>aMm àH$ma Amho.
a) Dot matrix b) Laser c) Both a) and b) d) None of these
S>m°Q> _°{Q´>g boPa
XmoÝhr a)
Am{U b)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr v) __________ is a founder of Microsoft Company.
hm _m`H«$mogm°âQ> H§$nZrMm g§ñWmnH$ Amho.
a) Bill Gets
{~b JoQ>g² b) Charls Marconi c) Mark Zukerburg d) None of these
Mmëg© _mH$m}Zr
_mH©$ PwHo$a~J©
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vi) Google is an example of
JwJb ho
Mo CXmhaU Amho.
a) Browser b) Search engine c) Both a) and b) d) None of these
~«mD$Pa gM© B§{OZ
XmoÝhr a)
Am{U b)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vii) M-Commerce stands for
E_-H$m°_g© åhUOo a) Mobile Commerce b) Market Commerce c) Marketing Commerce d) None of these
_mo~mB©b H$m°_g©
_mH}$Q> H$m°_g©
_mH}$qQ>J H$m°_g©
`mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) Data includes
VÏ`m§ _Ü`o
A§V^m©d hmoVmo.
a) Information b) Film c) Document d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd©
-3ix) _________ is a example of computer uses.
g§JUH$mÀ`m dmnamMo
ho CXmhaU Amho.
a) Information storage
_m{hVrMr gmR>dUyH$ b) Editing picture c) Creating message d) All of these
Nm>`m{MÌmMo g§nmXZH$aUo g§XoemMr {Z{_©Vr
`mn¡H$s gd© x) Mojo means
_moOmo åhUOo a) Mobile Joinder b) Mobile Journalist c) Mobile Job d) None of these
_mo~mB©b Om°BªS>a
_mo~mB©b OZ©{bñQ>
_mo~mB©b Om°~
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xi) Unicode is a
`w{ZH$moS> ho a) Universal language b) Application c) Software d) None of these d¡pídH$ ^mfm
Cn`moOZ gm°âQ>doAa
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xii) Capacity of memory is measured in
ñ_¥VrMr j_Vm
_Ü`o _moOVmV.
a) Byte
~mB©Q> b) Hertz c) Centimeter d) None of these hQ>©g² g|Q>r_rQ>a
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiii) _________ is the new computer language.
________ a) C b) C++ c) JAVA
hr ZdrZ g§JUH$s` ^mfm Amho.
gr d) None of these gr++
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 14
SLR-B – 14 -4xiv) First name of Internet was
B§Q>aZoQ>Mo n{hbo Zmd
a) ARPANET b) OCARANET c) ALFANET d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes ( any four ) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) Types of computer.
g§JUH$mMo àH$ma.
b) Web-site.
do~ gmB©Q>.
c) M-Commerce.
E_. H$m°_g©.
d) Cyber Crime.
gm`~a JwÝhm.
e) Communication technology.
g§dmX V§ÌkmZ.
3. Write the answers in 150 words ( any four ) :
XrS>eo eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) : a) Write a note on ‘Cyber Community’.
"gm`~a g_mO' `m {df`mda Q>r>n {bhm.
b) Explain the term ‘LAN’.
"b°Z' hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
c) What is ‘multimedia’ ?
"_pëQ>_r{S>`m' åhUOo H$m` ?
-5d) What are the uses of Pager ?
noOaMo {d{dY dmna gm§Jm ?
e) What are the features of online paper ?
Am°ZbmB©Z d¥ÎmnÌmMr d¡{eîQ>ço H$moUVr AmhoV ?
4. Write answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) : a) What is ‘optical fiber’ ?
"Am°pßQ>H$b \$m`~a' åhUOo H$m` ?
b) What are the uses of Video Conference in the field of media ?
_mÜ`_ joÌmV pìh{S>Amo H$m°Ý\$aÝgMo Cn`moJ H$moU-H$moUVo AmhoV ?
c) Write on topic ‘Android Mobile’.
"A±ÝS´>m°B©S> _mo~mB©b' `m {df`mda {bhm.
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) : a) Describe the mechanism of computer.
g§JUH$mÀ`m H$m`©àUmbrMo dU©Z H$am.
b) Write an essay on ‘E-Governance’.
"B©-àemgZ'`m {df`mdaVr {Z~§Y {bhm.
SLR-B – 14
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – II) (CGPA) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Friday, 27-11-2015
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Max. Marks : 70
N.B. : I) All questions are compulsory.
II) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose the correct answer :
1) McBride Commission was appointed in _____________
_°H$~«mB©S> Am`moJmMr ñWmnZm
_Ü`o ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mV Ambr.
a) Year 1974
1974 gmbr b) Year 1976
1976 gmbr c) Year 1978
1978 gmbr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
2) A news agency owned by government is ____________
hr d¥Îmg§ñWm emgZmÀ`m _mbH$sMr Amho.
a) Reuter am°`Q>a b) AFP
E. E\$.nr.
c) A P
d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
3) Headquarter of Reuter is situated at ____________ am°`Q>a `m d¥Îmg§ñWoMo _w»`mb`
`oWo Amho.
a) Paris n°arg b) Berlin
~{b©Z c) London b§S>Z d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
4) Wolff News Agency was established in ______________ dwë\$ d¥Îmg§ñWm
gmbr ñWmnZ Pmbr.
a) Year 1860
1860 gmbr b) Year 1848
1848 gmbr c) Year 1835
1835 gmbr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
SLR-B – 15 -2-
5) UPI was established in _______________
`w.nr.Am`. Mr ñWmnZm
a) Year 1960
1960 gmbr b) Year 1948
1948 gmbr c) Year 1956
1956 gmbr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
6) Non Alignment News Agency Pool (NANAP) was established in ___________
Am{bßV amîQ´>m§Mm Ý`yO nyb
gmbr gwé Pmbm.
a) Year 1974
1974 gmbr b) Year 1976
1976 gmbr c) Year 1978
1978 gmbr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
7) Headquarter UNESCO is in ____________
`wZoñH$moMo _w»`mb`
`oWo Amho.
a) Darmstadt, Germany
S>_©ñQ>°S>, O_©Zr b) New York, USA
Ý`y`m°H©$, A_o[aH$m c) Paris, France n°arg, \«$mÝg d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
8) Concept of NWICO was based on _____________
EZ. S>ãby.Am`.gr.Amo. Mr g§H$ënZm
da AmYmabobr hmoVr.
c) NIA
d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
9) Human Rights Day is celebrated on ______________
_mZdr hH$ {Xdg
`m {Xder gmOam Ho$bm OmVmo.
a) 3 rd May
_o b) 16 th November
Zmoìho§~a c) 10 th December
{S>g|~a d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
10) International Federation of Newspaper Editors was established in _______
B§Q>aZ°eZb \o$S>aoeZ Am°\$ Ý`yOnona E{S>Q>g©Mr ñWmnZm
gmbr Pmbr.
a) Year 1956
1956 gmbr b) Year 1948
1948 gmbr c) Year 1950
1950 gmbr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
11) News cartel was started in _____________
grbr Ý`yO H$mQ>}bMr gwédmV Pmbr.
a) Year 1856
1856 gmbr c) Year 1867
1867 gmbr b) Year 1959
1959 gmbr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
12) Spot coverage of war was first telecasted by ___________
`wÕmMm WoQ> d¥Vm§§V àgm[aV H$aÊ`mg
Zo àW_ gwédmV Ho$br.
a) BBC
c) FOX
E\$.Amo.Eg b) CNN gr.EZ.EZ.
d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
13) ____________ is international organization of journalists.
hr nÌH$mam§Mr Am§VaamîQ´>r` g§KQ>Zm Amho.
a) ITU
Am`.Q>r.`y b) IFJ
c) IFO
d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
14) Headquarter of NAM News Network is situated in __________
Zm_ Ý`yO ZoQ>dH©$Mo _w`mb`
`oWo Amho.
a) Geneva, Switzerland
{OZodm, pñdËPbªS> b) Bruxelles, Belgium
~w«goëg ~opëOA_ c) Paris, France n°arg, \«$mÝg d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
2. Write notes (any four) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) Declaration of human rights
_mZdr hH$m§Mm OmhraZm_m b) Information Society
_m{hVr g_mO c) IPR
d) AFP
e) News Cartel.
Ý`yO H$mQ>}b.
SLR-B – 15
SLR-B – 15 -4-
3. Write answers (any four) :
CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) : a) What were the objectives of McBride Commission ?
_°H$~«mB©S> Am`moJmMr C{ÔîQ>çoo H$m` hmoVr ?
b) What is ‘NAM’ ?
EZ.E.E_. åhUOo H$m` ?
c) Explain the meaning of ‘Cold War’.
erV`wÕ hr g§H$ënZm {dfX H$am.
d) What is ‘Third World’ ?
"{Vgao OJ' åhUOo H$m` ?
e) Explain the concept of ‘Imbalance’.
"Ag_Vmob' hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Give answers in detail (any two) :
Vnerbmgh CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) : a) What is the strength of BBC ?
~r.~r.gr.Mo gm_Ï`© H$emV Amho ?
b) What is your understanding about information rich countries ?
"_m{hVr lr_§V' Xoe `m~m~V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ?
c) Explain the concept ‘Information Super Highway’.
_m{hVrMo _hm_mJ© hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Give answers in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH $) : a) What are the effects of globalization on international communication ?
OmJ{VH$sH$aUm_wio Am§VaamîQ´>r` g§kmnZmda H$moUVo n[aUm_ Pmbo ?
b) Describe the efforts for establishing alternative international news agencies to stay away from dominance of west.
npíM_oMm à^md amoIÊ`mgmR>r n`m©`r Am§VaamîQ´>r` d¥Îmg§ñWm C^maÊ`mMo H$moU-H$moUVo à`ËZ
No .
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – III) Examination, 2015
Total Marks : 70 Day and Date : Monday, 16-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
1. Choose correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) _________ is a job of development Reporter.
{dH$mg nÌH$mamMo
________ ho H$m`© Amho.
a) Creating awareness b) Creating atmosphere c) Informing to benefiters d) All of these
OZOmJ¥Vr {Z_m©U H$aUo dmVmdaU {Z{_©Vr H$aUo bm^mÏ`mªZm _m{hVr XoUo
`mn¡H$s gd© ii) ________ is the head of Grampanchayat.
________ ho à_wI AgVmV.
a) Block Development Officer
JQ> {dH$mg A{YH$mar b) Sarpanch gan§M c) Gramsevak d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 16
-2iii) The mass media cannot
OZ _mÜ`_ ho
H$é eH$V Zmhr.
a) Change the perspective of the masses
OZm§Mm ÑîQ>rH$moZ ~XbUo b) Effect deep rooted changes in a short period
H$_r doioV Imobda ~Xb H$aUao n[aUm_ c) Widen the mental horizons of the people bmoH$m§À`m _mZ{gH$VoMr {j{VOo {dñVmaUo d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr iv) A development journalism includes the topic
{dH$mg nÌH$marVoVo
{df` A§V^©yV AgVmV.
a) Women Empowerment
_{hbm g~brH$aU b) Literacy Ratio c) Panchayat Raj d) All of these gmjaVoMo à_mU n§Mm`V amO
`mn¡H$s gd© v) India started SITE project in
^maVmZo gmB©Q> àH$ën
_Ü`o gwé Ho$bm.
a) 1978-79
1978-79 b) 1959-60 c) 1975-76 d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vi) Development communication is focused on
{dH$mg g§kmnZ ho
H|${ÐV AgVo.
a) Individual d¡`pVH$ b) Society c) Nation d) All of these g_mO amîQ´>
`mn¡H$s gd©
-3vii) The migration is in favour of
ñWbm§Va ho
À`m ~mOyZo AgVo.
a) Joint family
EH$Ì Hw$Q>§w>~ b) Independent family c) Urban family d) None of these
{d^V Hw$Qw>§~ ehar Hw$Qw>§~
`mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) The watchdog of democracy is
________ ho bmoH$emhrMo dm°MS>m°J AmhoV.
a) Press
àog b) Cinema c) Audiences d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr ix) The opinion of a large proportion of the masses valuable in bmoH$m§Mo _moR²>`mà_mUmVrb _V ho
_Ü`o _m¡ë`dmZ AgVo.
a) a non participant society
Agh^mJr g_mO b) participant society c) both a) and b) d) none of these gh^mJr g_mO
XmoÝhr a)
Am{U b)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr x) ________ satellite used in the SITE project.
________ ho gQ>obmB©Q> gmB©Q> àH$ënmV dmnabo Jobo hmoVo.
a) ATS-6 b) ATS-5 c) ATS-4
EQ>rEg-4 d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 16
SLR-B – 16
-4xi) The three objectives of the SITE were gmB©Q>Mo VrZ _w»` CÔoe`
ho hmoVo.
a) Communication, Entertainment and Education g§kmnZ, _Zmoa§OZ Am{U {ejU b) Enlighten, Education and Entertainment kmZ, {ejU Am{U _Zmoa§OZ c) Entertainment, Education and Information
_Zmoa§OZ, {ejU Am{U _m{hVr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xii) Growth of the society depends upon g_mOmMr CÝZVr
________ da Adb§~yZ AgVo.
a) Industrialization
Am¡Úmo{JH$sH$maU b) Literacy c) Democracy d) All of these gmjaVm bmoH$emhr
`mn¡H$s gd© xiii) Panchayat Raj is n§Mm`V amO ho
a) Administrative structure b) State structure c) Financial structure d) None of these
àemgH$s` aMZm amÁ` aMZm
Am{W©H$ aMZm
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiv) In ________ States SITE programmes were launched.
________ a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 amÁ`m§_Ü`o gmB©Q> hm àH$ën gwé Ho$bm hmoVm.
3 d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes ( any four ) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) Nora Qubral
Zmoam `w~«mb b) Globalization
OmJ{VH$sH$aU c) Women Empowerment
_{hbm g~brH$aU d) Development Journalism
{dH$mg nÌH$m[aVm e) Sarpanch.
3. Write the answers in 150 words ( any four ) :
XrS>e o eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) : a) What is development message ?
{dH$mg g§Xoe åhUOo H$m` ?
b) Write about Amartya Sen.
A_Ë`© goZ `m§À`m{df`r {bhm.
c) What are the reasons of migration ?
$ñWbm§VamMr H$maUo H$moU-H$moUVr AmhoV ?
d) State the importance of agriculture communication.
H¥$fr g§kmnZMo _hËd {deX H$am.
e) Write short note on Zabua Project.
Pm~wAm àH$ënmda g§{jßV Q>rn {bhm.
SLR-B – 16
SLR-B – 16
4. Write answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) : a) What are the models of sustainable development ?
emídV {dH$mgmMr à{V_mZo H$moUVr AmhoV ?
b) Write about Panchayat Raj System.
n§Mm`M amO ì`dñWo{df`r {bhm.
c) What is human development index ?
_mZd {dH$mg {ZX}em§H$ åhUOo H$m` ?
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) : a) Describe the theory of Evert Rogers.
BdQ>© am°Og© `m§Mm {gÕm§V {deX H$am.
b) Write an essay on a topic ‘Role of Media in Development’.
"_mÜ`_m§Mr {dH$mgmVrb ^y{_H$m ' `m {df`mda {Z~§Y {bhm.
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester III) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Wednesday, 18-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Max. Marks : 70
N.B : i) All questions are compulsory .
gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Select the correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`m§Mr {ZdS> H$am.
1) The film English-Vinglish is directed by a) Swanand Kirkire b) Gauri Shinde c) Ravi Jadhav d) None of these
`m§Zr B§p½be-qdp½be {MÌnQ> {X½X{e©V Ho$bm Amho.
ñdmZ§X {H$a{H$ao b)
Jm¡ar qeXo c) a{d OmYd
2) Dadasaheb Phalke died in a) 1945 b) 1944 c) 1946
XmXmgmho~ \$mbHo$ `m§Mo {ZYZ _Ü`o Pmbo.
a) 1945 b) 1944 c) 1946 d)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr d) 1947 d) 1947
3) Who play the role of Nachya in film Natrang ?
a) Atul Kulkarni c) Girish Kulkarni b) Kishor Kadam d) None of these
ZQ>a§J _Ü`o ZmÀ`mMr ^y{_H$m `§mZr Ho$br Amho.
a) AVwb Hw$bH$Uu b) {H$emoa H$X_ c) {Jare Hw$bH$Uu d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B 17 -2-
4) NFAI means a) National Film Authority of India b) National Film Archives of India c) National Federation for Arts in India d) None of these
EZ$ E\$$ E Am` åhUOo a) c)
^maVr` amîQ´>r` {MÌnQ> àm{YH$aU b) ^maVr` amîQ´>r` {MÌnQ> g§J«hmb`
^maVr` amîQ´>r` H$bm _hmg§K d)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
5) _________ is associated with parallel cinema ?
a) Akshay Kumar c) Govinda Nihlani b) Prakash Mehra d) None of these
ho g_m§Va {gZo_mer g§~§{YV AmhoV ?
Aj` Hw$_ma b)
àH$me _oham c)
JmoqdX {ZhbmZr d)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
6) NFDC is formed in a) 1975 b) 1974 c) 1978
EZE\$S>rgr Mr ñWmnZm _Ü`o Pmbr.
a) 1975 b) 1974 c) 1978 d) 1976 d)
7) Who played the role of Chief Minister in film Sinhasan ?
a) Nilu Fule b) Shriram Lagoo
1976 c) Arun Sarnaik d) Datta Bhat
"qghmgZ' _Üço _w»`_§Í`mMr ^y{_H$m `m§Zr Ho$br Amho.
a) {Ziy \w$bo b) lram_ bmJy c) AéU gaZmB©H$ d) XÎmm ^Q>
8) _________ is the first Marathi Talkies film.
a) Ayodhyecha Raja b) Sairandhri c) Raja Harishchandra d) None of these
hm _amR>rVrb n{hbm ~mobnQ> Amho.
a) A`moÜ`oMm amOm b) g¡a§Y«r c) amOm h[aíM§Ð d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
9) The headquarter of CBFC is situated in a) Delhi b) Pune c) Mumbai d) None of these goÝgma ~moS>m©Mo _w»`mb` `oWo Amho.
{Xëbr b) nwUo c)
_w§~B© d)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
10) Childrens Film Committee of India set up in a) 1955 b) 1956 c) 1957
^maVr` ~mb {MÌnQ> g{_VrMr ñWmnZm _Ü`o Pmbr.
1955 b)
1956 c)
1957 d) 1945 d)
-3SLR-B 17
11) Nitin Desai is a a) Art director b) Choreographer c) Actor
{Z{VZ XogmB© ho AmhoV.
a) d) None of these
H$bm {X½Xe©H$ b)
Z¥Ë`{X½Xe©H$ c)
A{^ZoVm d)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
12) Raja Harishchandra released on a) 3 rd May 1913 c) 5 th May 1913 d) None of these amOm h[aíM§Ð amoOr àX{e©V Pmbm.
a) c)
3 _o 1913
5 _o 1913 b) 21 st April 1913 b) d)
21E{àb 1913
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
13) Ajay-Atul, the famous musician pair, did compose music for which of the following films ?
a) Jogawa b) Natrang c) Singham d) All of these
AO`-AVwb `m à{gÕ g§JrVH$ma OmoS>rZo Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {MÌnQ>mbm g§JrV {Xbo Amho ?
OmoJdm b)
ZQ>a§J c) qgK_ d) darb n¡H$s gd©
14) The Indian Cinematograph Act was passed in a) 1918 b) 1921 c) 1930
B§{S>`Z {gZo_mQ>moJ«m\$ A°Q> _Ü`o Pmbm.
1918 b)
1921 c)
1930 d) 1909 d)
2. Write short notes ( any four ) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) :
1) F.T.T.I.
^maVr` {MÌnQ> Am{U Xya{MÌdmUr g§ñWm.
2) International film festival.
Am§VaamîQ´>r` {MÌnQ> _hmoËgd.
3) Censor Board.
goÝgma ~moS>©.
4) Bollywood.
5) Film Appreciation.
{MÌnQ> agmñdmX
SLR-B 17 -4-
3. Write the answers in 150 words ( any four ) : nwT>rb níZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) Describe the contribution of Satyajit Ray in Indian cinema.
gË`{OV ao `m§À`m ^maVr` {MÌnQ>mVrb `moJXmZmMr _m{hVr Xçm.
2) State importance of editing in cinema.
{MÌnQ>mV g§H$bZmMo _hÎd H$m` Vo {deX H$am.
3) Discuss about the various factors in film production.
{MÌnQ> {Z{_©Vr _Yrb {d{dY KQ>H$m§Mr MMm© H$am.
4) Discuss the functions of film division.
{MÌnQ> à^mJmMr H$m`} gm§Jm.
5) State the various movements of camera and types of shots.
H°$_oè`mÀ`m {d{dY hmbMmbr Am{U em°Q²>gMo {d{dY àH$ma Z_yX H$am.
4. Write the answers in 250 words ( any two ) : nwT>rb níZm§Mr CÎmao 250 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Describe the film distribution, import and export of the film.
{MÌnQ>m§Mo "{dVaU Am{U Am`mV-{Z_m©V' `m~m~V g{dñVa _m{hVr Xçm.
2) Discuss in detail about lights, colour and sound.
"àH$me, a§J Am{U ÜdZr' `m~m~V g{dñVa MMm© H$am.
3) Explain the importance of screenplay in the films Box office hit.
{MÌnQ>mÀ`m `em_Ü`o nQ>H$WoMo _hËd H$m` Vo ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Write the answers in 500 words : nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎmao 500 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
Discuss in detail about the development of Indian film Industry.
"^maVr` {MÌnQ> CX`moJmMr OS>UKS>U' `m~m~V g{dñVa ^mî` H$am.
OR/ qH$dm
Write an essay on Film Society Movement in India.
^maVmVrb "{MÌnQ> gmogm`Q>r Midirda' {Z~§Y {bhm.
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – III) (CGPA) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Friday, 20-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Total Marks : 70
N.B. : All questions are compulsory .
1. Choose correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am :
1) ______________ technology is used for plate making of newspaper.
d¥ÎmnÌm§_Ü`o ßboQ> V`ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r
ho V§ÌkmZ Cn`moJmV AmUbo OmVo.
a) CTP b) DTP grQ>rnr c) FCP
S>rQ>rnr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
2) There are _____________ basic colors in newspaper printing.
14 a§JrV N>nmB©gmR>r
Mr Amdí`H$Vm AgVo.
a) Six b) Seven ghm c) Four
Mma gmV d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
3) __________ is demanding for converting Press council into Media Council.
àog H$m¡pÝgbMo ê$nm§Va {_{S>`m H$m¡pÝgb_Ü`o H$amdo Aer _mJUr
`m§Zr Ho$br Amho.
a) G.N. Ray b) Markandeya Katzu
Or. EZ. ao c) P.B. Samant
_mHª$S>o` H$mQ>Oy d) None of these nr.~r. gmd§V `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
SLR-B – 18 -2-
4) ___________ is a essential part of newspaper make-up.
hm d¥ÎmnÌ gOmdQ>rMm _hËdmMm ^mJ Amho.
a) Open White Space b) Color
_moH$ir nm§T>ar OmJm c) Fonts
Q>§H$ a§J d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd©
5) ___________ maintains assignments diary.
AgmB©Z_|Q> S>m`arVrb Zm|Xr R>odVmo.
a) Chief Reporter
_w»` dmVm©ha b) News Editor d¥Îm g§nmXH$ c) Sub-Editor
Cn g§nmXH$ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
6) Appointment of ombudsman is _______ for newspaper owners in India.
d¥ÎmnÌnÌm_Ü`o d¥ÎmnmbmMr Zo_UyH$ H$aUo
a) Mandatory b) Voluntary
~§YZH$maH$ c) Fixed
BÀN>oZwgma d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd©
7) Editorial is also known as g§nmXH$s` boImg
åhUyZhr AmiIbo OmVo.
a) Side Article b) Leader Article gmB©S> Am{Q>©H$b c) Bottom Article
VimMm boI
AJ«boI d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
-3SLR-B – 18
8) When we use bold and light font, big and small picture etc. for designing, it is called _____________ design.
Ooìhm AmnU d¥ÎmnÌ gOmdQ>rgmR>r R>iH$ d gmYm Q>§H$, _moR>o d N>moQ>o N>m`m{MÌ
BË`mXr ~m~tMm Adb§~ H$aVmo, Ë`mg
_m§S>Ur åhUVmV.
a) Rhythm b` b) Balance g_Vmoob c) Contrast
{damoYm^mgr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
9) A best photo editor have a sense of
Mm§Jë`m N>m`m{MÌ g§nmXH$mbm
Mm AX_mg AgUo JaOoMo Amho.
a) News
~mV_r b) Humor
{dZmoX c) Personality
ì`Vr_Ëd d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
10) Half Demy size newspaper is also known as hm\$ S>o_r AmH$mamÀ`m d¥ÎmnÌmbm
Agohr AmoiIVmV.
a) Tabloid
Q>°ãbm°B©S> b) Broadsheet
~«m°S>erQ> c) Berliner
~{b©Za d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
11) Keeping Style Book update is responsibility of d¥ÎmnÌmVrb e¡brnwpñVH$m AX`mdV R>odUo hr
Mr O~m~Xmar AgVo.
a) Editor g§nmXH$ b) Assistant Editor gh g§nmXH$ c) News Editor d¥Îm g§nmXH$ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
SLR-B – 18 -4-
12) __________ is well known column writer.
ho à»`mV gXa boIH$ AmhoV.
a) Prakash Amte
àH$me Am_Q>o b) Anil Awachat
A{Zb AdMQ> c) Nagaraj Manjule
ZmJamO _§Owio d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
13) Editor of Loksatta is bmoH$gËVmMo g§nmXH$
a) Kumar Ketkar b) Girish Kuber
Hw$_ma Ho$VH$a c) Vijay Kuvlekar
{dO` Hw$dioH$a
{Jare Hw$~oa d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
14) _____________ is a organization of newspaper owners.
hr d¥ÎmnÌ _mbH$m§Mr g§KQ>Zm Amho.
a) INS
Am`.EZ. Eg.
b) PIB nr.Am`.~r.
c) RNI
d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
2. Write notes (any four) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) Newspaper supplements d¥ËVnÌmÀ`m nwadÊ`m b) Side Article gmB©S> Am{Q>©H$b c) Readers Response dmMH$m§Mm à{VgmX d) Cross Media Ownership
~hþ_mÜ`_ _mbH$s e) Photo Feature.
N>m`m{MÌ d¥ËVboI
*SLRB18* -5SLR-B – 18
3. Write answers (any four) :
CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) : a) What is the use of photo editing ?
N>m`m{MÌ g§nmXZmMr Cn`wVVm H$m` ?
b) What are the duties of sub editor ?
Cn g§nmXH$mMr H$m_o H$moUVr ?
c) What is your understanding about Color stories ?
H$ba ñQ>moarO~m~V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ?
d) Describe the importance of color printing for newspapers.
d¥ÎmnÌmgmR>r a§JrV _wÐUmMo _hËd {dfX H$am.
e) What is Column writing ? Give example of any two column writers.
gXa boIZ åhUOo H$m` ? H$moUË`mhr XmoZ gXa boIH$mMo CXmhaU Xçm.
4. Give answers in detail (any two) :
Vnerbmgh CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) : a) Describe the changing nature of newspaper content.
d¥ÎmnÌmVrb _OHw$amMo ~XbVo ñdê$n ñnîQ> H$am.
b) Do you think importance of newspaper editor is vanishing ?
d¥ÎmnÌ g§nmXH$mMo _hËd Zm_eof hmoV Amho Ago Vwåhmg dmQ>Vo H$m ?
c) Compare the editorial writings of any two editors.
H$moUË`mhr XmoZ g§nmXH$m§À`m AJ«boIm§Mr VwbZm H$am ?
5. Give answers in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) : a) What are the various elements useful for newspaper design ?
d¥ÎmnÌ _m§S>Ur d gOmdQ>rg Cn`wV R>aUmao {d{dY KQ>H$ H$moUVo ?
b) What will be the future of print media in India ? Discuss with reference to challenges of online media.
^maVmVrb _w{ÐV _mÜ`_mMo ^{dVì` H$m` ? Am°ZbmB©Z _mÜ`_mZo {Z_m©U Ho$boë`m AmìhmZmÀ`m g§X^m©Zo MMm© H$am.
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – III) Examination, 2015
Z^modmUr nÌH$m[aVm Am{U {Z{_©Vr
Day and Date : Monday, 23-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Total Marks : 70
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory .
gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZmMo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Select the correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) Vividh Bharati started in __________
_Ü`o {d{dY ^maVrMr gwédmV Pmbr.
a) 1957
1957 b) 1936 c) 1975 d) 1863
1863 ii) Commercials service started on radio in __________ ao{S>`modarb ì`mdgm`rH$ OmhramVrg _Ü`o gwédmV Pmbr.
a) 1966
1966 b) 1967 c) 1976 d) 1977
SLR-B – 19
-2iii) TAM was established in ___________
Q>°_Mr ñWmnZm `m dfu Pmbr.
a) 1998
1998 b) 2004 c) 1994 d) 1995
1995 iv) First radio news bulletin is started in _________
_Ü`o n{hë`m ao{S>`mo Ý`yO ã`wbo{Q>ZMr gyédmV Pmbr.
a) 1916
1916 b) 1918 c) 1920 d) 1905
1905 v) AM stands for ao{S>`mo g§X^m©V E.E_ åhUOo a) Amplitude Modulation b) Applied Modulation c) Audio Modulation d) None of these
A°påßbQ>çy>S> _m°Sy>boeZ
AßbmBS> _m°Sy>boeZ
Am°{S>`mo _m°Sy>boeZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vi) In 1936 _________ came into existence.
1936 _Ü`o ApñVËdmV Ambo.
a) All India Radio
Am°b B§{S>`m ao{S>`mo b) Akashwani c) Vividh Bharati d) IBS
{d{dY ^maVr
-3vii) From Vividh Bharati __________ programme was broadcasted.
{d{dY ^maVrdéZ H$m`©H«$_ àgm[aV hmoVo.
a) Jaimala
O`_mbm b) Sakhi Saheli c) Cibaka Geetmala d) All the above gIr ghobr
{g~mH$m JrV_mbm darb gd© viii) __________ works as a advertising agency for Government of India.
^maV gaH$magmR>r _m{hVg§ñWm åhUyZ H$m`© H$aVo.
{S>Epìh{n b) RNA c) PIB d) None of these
`mn¡{H$ Zmhr ix) Radio Newsreel started in _________ ao{S>`mo Ý`wOarb gwédmV gmbr Pmbr.
a) 1955
1955 b) 1956 c) 1958 d) 1957
SLR-B – 19
SLR-B – 19
-4x) India State Broadcasting Service (ISBS) started in _________
gmbr B§{S>`Z ñQ>oQ> ~«m°S>>H$mpñQ>¨J gìhugMr gwédmV Pmbr.
a) 1930
1930 b) 1931 c) 1932 d) 1933
1933 xi) _________ the Madras Presidency Radio Club started.
amoOr _Ðmg ào{gS>Ýgr ao{S>`mo b~Mr gwédmV Pmbr.
a) 1924
1924 b) 1925 c) 1926 d) 1927
1927 xii) Radio City started in __________
gmbr ao{S>`mo {gQ>r gwédmV Pmbr.
a) 2002
2002 b) 2005 c) 2003 d) 2004
-5xiii) ________ is the private radio centre in Solapur.
ho gmobmnya _Yrb ImOJr ao{S>`mo H|$Ð Amho.
a) Big FM
{~J E\$.E_.
b) Radio Gold c) Radio Mirchi d) Solapur Akashwani ao{S>`mo JmoëS> ao{S>`mo {_Mu gmobmnya AmH$medmUr xiv) _________ was the father of Radio.
ao{S>`mo OZH$ hmoVo.
a) Lee de Forest b) Lee day c) Lee di Forest d) None of these br S>o \$maoñQ> br S>o br S>r \$maoñQ>
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes ( any four ) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) : a) Radio Journalism ao{S>`mo nÌH$m[aVm b) Radio talk ao{S>`mo Q>m°H$
SLR-B – 19
SLR-B – 19
-6c) Phone in programme
\$moZ BZ àmoJ«m_ d) Radio interview ao{S>`mo _wbmIV e) Community radio
H$å`y{Z{Q> ao{S>`mo
3. Write the answer in short ( any four ) :
WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) State the importance of a script in a radio programme.
ao{S>`mo H$m`©H«$_mgmR>rÀ`m g§{hVoMo _hÎd {dfX H$am.
2) Explain the Radio Studio.
ao{S>`mo ñQw>{S>Amo ñnîQ> H$am.
3) Explain the concept of visual radio.
ìhrÁ`wAb ao{S>`mo hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
4) Describe the qualities required for a radio producer.
ao{S>`mo àmoS>çygagmR>r Amdí`H$ AgUmao JwUmMo dU©Z H$am.
5) Explain the main function of radio.
ao{S>`moMo _w»` H$m`© ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Write the answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
250 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Comment on the voice dispatch.
ìhmBg {S>gn°M`mda ^mî` H$am.
2) Explain the types of radio station.
ao{S>`mo ñQ>oeZMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am.
3) Discuss on the characteristic of radio.
ao{S>`moÀ`m JwUd¡{eîQ>çm§Mr MMm© H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) :
500 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) :
1) Explain the new trends in FM Radio.
E\$. E_. ao{S>`moMo Zdo àdmh ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Write down the process of documentary production for audio media.
^mî` _mÜ`_mgmR>r S>m`w_|ÝQ>ar {Z_uVrMr à{H«$`m {bhm.
SLR-B – 19
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – III) (CGPA) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Thursday, 26-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Max. Marks : 70
Note : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. 1) Content analysis is ____________ type of research.
Ame` {díbofU ho
àH$maMo g§emoYZ Amho.
a) Qualitative
JwUmË_H$ b) Quantitative g§»`mË_H$ c) Both Qualitative and Quantitative d) None of these
2) When data is already collected by other investigator then it is known as
Ooìhm BVa g§emoYH$m§Zr AmYrM g§H${bV Ho$bobr VÏ`o g§emoYZmV Cn`moJmV AmUbr OmVmV
Voìhm Ë`mg
VÏ`o åhUVmV.
a) Primary
àmW{_H$ c) Both Primary and Secondary
àmW{_H$ d Xwæ`_ hr XmoÝhr b) Secondary
Xwæ`_ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
3) _____________ is a type of probability sampling.
hm g§^mì`Vm Z_wZm {ZdS>rMm àH$ma Amho.
a) Lottery Method bm°Q>ar nÕV b) Convenient Method gmo`rñH$a nÕV c) Snowball Method
~\©$Jmoim nÕV d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
4) When a study is conducted to improve the speed of the printing machine then it is ____________ type of research.
_wÐU `§ÌmMr JVr dmT>{dÊ`mgmR>r Ho$bo OmUmao g§emoYZ ho
àH$maMo g§emoYZ Amho.
a) Qualitative
JwUmË_H$ b) Quantitative g§»`mË_H$ c) Applied
Cn`mo{OV d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
SLR-B – 20 -2-
5) _____________ method is used in public relation research.
OZg§nH©$ g§emoYZmgmR>r
Mm dmna Ho$bm OmVmo.
a) Evaluation Research
_yë`_mnZ g§emoYZ b) Post Test Reseach
CÎma MmMUr g§emoYZ c) Circulation Reseach
{dVaU g§emoYZ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
6) When researcher gets information through free discussion with respondent then he uses ____________ type of questionnaire.
Ooìhm g§emoYH$ Iwë`m MM}Ûmao _m{hVr {_i{dVmo Voìhm
àíZmdbr dmna H$aVmo.
a) Structured g§a{MV b) Unstructured
Ag§a{MV c) Focus Group
{deof JQ> d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
7) Media slowly imbibe imaginary images in the minds of people is the main argument of ______________
_mÜ`_o OZVoda hiy -hiy H$mën{ZH$ à{V_m q~~dVmV Ago
{gÕm§VmV _m§S>bo Amho.
a) Hypodermic Needle Theory
Q>moH$Xma gwB©Mm {gÕm§V b) Cultivation Theory
_emJVrMm {gÕm§V c) Agenda Setting Theory
H$m`©gyMr {ZpíMVrMm {gÕm§V d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd©
8) ______________ radio fulfills the communication needs of specialized smaller groups.
ao{S>Amo Ooìhm bhmZ JQ>mÀ`m g§kmnZ JaOm§Mr nyV©Vm H$aÊ`mgmR>r gwé Ho$bm OmVmo Vmo
àH$maMm AgVmo.
a) FM Radio
E\$.E_. ao{S>Amo c) All India Radio
Am°b B§{S>`m ao{S>Amo b) Community Radio g_wXm` ao{S>Amo d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd©
9) ____________ is useful for measuring the space allotted for a particular topic in newspapers.
d¥ÎmnÌmV R>a{dH$ {df`mbm {H$Vr OmJm {Xbr ho _moOÊ`mg
Cn`wV Amho.
a) Case Study
ì`îQ>r AÜ``Z g§emoYZ b) Content Analysis
Ame` {díbofU c) Sampling
Z_wZm {ZdS> d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
SLR-B – 20
10) Developing a new theory is ____________ type of research.
Zì`m {gÕm§VmMm emoY KoUo ho
àH$maMo g§emoYZ Amho.
a) Applied
Cn`mo{OV b) Experimental
à`moJmË_H$ c) Exploratory joÌ Aä`mg d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
11) ______________ is a major method of data collection.
hr VÏ` g§H$bZmMr à_wI nÕVr Amho.
a) Focus group
{deof JQ> b) Correlation Method ghg§~§Y nÕVr c) Interviews
_wbmIVr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
12) IRS measures number of _____________
Mr g§»`m _moOVo.
a) Readers dmMH$ b) Sale of newspapers dV©_mZnÌmÀ`m A§H$m§Mr {dH«$s c) Viewers
Xe©H$ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
13) ____________ is a method used for data collection.
VÏ` g§H$bZmgmR>r hr nÕVr A_bmV AmUbr OmVo.
a) Hypothesis testing b) t Test
MmMUr c) Sampling
Z_wZm {ZdS> d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
14) When researcher collects 10 samples from each ward of a municipal corporation then used sampling method is _____________
Ooìhm g§emoYH$ _hmnm{bHo$À`m àË`oH$ dmS>m©VyZ àË`oH$s Xhm Z_wZo g§H${bV H$aVmo Voìhm Vmo
àH$maMr Z_wZm {ZdS> nÕV dmnaVmo.
a) Snowball sampling
~\©$Jmoim Z_wZm {ZdS> c) Random Sampling
`mÑpÀN>H$ Z_wZm {ZdS> b) Quota Sampling
H$moQ>m Z_wZm {ZdS> d) None of these
`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
2. Write notes (any four) :
Q>rnm {bhm ( H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) Review of Literature gm{hË`mMm AmT>mdm
SLR-B – 20
*SLRB20* b) Exit Poll
CÎma MmMUr c) PR Research
OZg§nH©$ g§emoYZ d) Qualities of Researcher
JwUmË_H$ g§emoYZ e) Research Ethics.
g§emoYZmVrb ZrVr_yë`o.
3. Write answers (any four) :
CÎmao {bhm ( H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) What are the methods of data collection ?
VÏ` g§H$bZmÀ`m nÕVr H$moUË`m ?
b) What are the types of Interviews ?
_wbmIVtMo àH$ma H$moUVo ?
c) What are the benefits of Panel study ?
JQ> (n°Zb) Aä`mgmMo \$m`Xo H$moUVo ?
d) Discuss ‘Alternative Hypothesis’.
n`m©`r J¥{hVH¥$Ë`m§Mr Cn`wVVm H$m` ?
e) Describe survey research.
gd}jU g§emoYZ `m~m~V {ddoMZ H$am.
4. Give answers in detail (any two) :
Vnerbmgh CÎmao {bhm ( H$moUVohr XmoZ ) : a) Describe advertising research.
Om{hamV g§emoYZ {deX H$am.
b) Describe radio research
Z^modmUr g§emoYZ {deX H$am.
c) Explain the concept field observation. How it is useful for media research ?
joÌ Aä`mgmMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. Vr _mÜ`_ g§emoYZmgmR>r H$er Cn`wV R>aVo ?
5. Give answers in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm ( H$moUVohr EH$ ) : a) What are the types of media effect theories ? Discuss.
_mÜ`_ à^md {gÕm§Vm§Mo àH$ma H$moUVo ? CXmhaUo XoD$Z MMm© H$am.
b) What are the types of research design ?
g§emoYZ AmamIS²>çmMo àH$ma H$moUVo ?
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2015
(Paper – I) (Old-CGPA)
Total Marks : 70 Day and Date : Tuesday, 17-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory .
gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Choose the correct alternative.
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am.
I) RGB colour system is concerned with _______ media.
AmaOr~r hr a§J nÕVr
_mÜ`_m§er g§~{YV Amho.
a) Radio ao{S>Amo b) TV c) Print d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
II) Sound is encoded in _________ forms on to a CD.
grS>r da AmdmOmMo gm§Ho$VrH$aU
`m ñdê$nmV Ho$bo OmVo.
a) Analogue
A°Zbm°J b) Ultra forms c) Digital d) None of these
AëQ´>m \$moa_g
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 21
III) CCU stand for grgr`y åhUOo a) Camera Control Unit b) Close Camara Unit c) Crystal Camera Unit d) None of these
H°$_oam H$ÝQ´>mob `wZrQ>
bmoO H°$_oam `wZrQ>
H«$sñQ>b H°$_oam `wZrQ>
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
IV) Star TV started in
ñQ>ma Q>rìhr
_Ü`o gwédmV Pmbr.
a) 1991 b) 1992 c) 1993 d) 1994
V) A close-up shot is also known as
`mbm bmoOn em°Q>> g§~moYbo OmVo.
a) Personal shot ng©Zb em°Q> b) Mid shot c) Full shot d) None of these
_rS> em°Q>
\y$b em°Q>
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
VI) DTH stands for
S>r{Q>EM Mo nyU©ê$n a) Deal To Home b) Dish To House c) Direct To Home d) None of these
S>rb Qy> hmo_
S>rí Qy> hmD$g
S>m`aoQ> Qy> hmo_
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
VII) Television is also referred to as the _______ vehicle.
Mo dmhH$ g§~moYbo OmVo.
a) Independent
ñdV§Ì b) Indispensable c) Versatile d) All of these
An[a>hm`© gmd©{ÌH$ darb gd©
VIII) Simple shots that also known as
{gånb em°Q>gbm
`m AWm©dohr AmoiIbo OmVo.
a) Fixed shot
{\$gS> em°Q> b) Extreme long shot c) Mid shot d) Long shot
EgQ´>r_ bm±J em°Q>
_rS> em°Q> bm±J em°Q>
IX) Stand ups is also known as
ñQ±>S> Ang ho
`m ZmdmZo AmoiIbo OmVo.
a) Voice over
ìhmB©g Amoìha b) Piece to camera c) Story board d) Script nrg Qy> H°$_oam
ñQ>moar ~moS>© pñH«$ßQ>
SLR-B – 21
SLR-B – 21
X) NTSC stands for
EZ{Q>Eggr åhUOo a) National Television System Committee
Z°eZb Q>o{bpìhOZ {gñQ>r_ H${_Q>r b) National Television System Council
Z°eZb Q>o{bpìhOZ {gñQ>r_ H$mm¢{gb c) National Television Serial Camera
Z°eZb Q>o{bpìhOZ gr[a`b H°$_oam d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
XI) ________ is the basic unit of video/film.
ho pìh{S>`mo/{\$ë_Mo ~o{gH$ `w{ZQ> Amho.
a) Shot b) Angle em°Q>
A±Jb c) Movement d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
XII) IPTV stands for
Am`nr {Q>ìhr åhUOo a) Internet Protocol Television b) Internet Prime Television c) Indian Private Television d) None of these
B§Q>aZoQ> \«$moQ>H$mob Q>o{bpìhOZ
B§Q>aZoQ> àmB©_ Q>o{bpìhOZ
B§{S>`Z àm`doQ> Q>o{bpìhOZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 21
XIII) The long shot in which the entire scene is played out known as bm±J em°Q> Á`m_Ü`o g§nyU© Ñî`> eyQ> Ho$ë`m OmVo Ë`mbm
A`m©dohr AmoiIbo OmVo.
a) Master shot
_mñQ>a em°Q> b) Extreme long shot c) Mid long shot d) None of these
EgQ´>r_ bm±J em°Q>
{_S> bm±J em°Q>
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
XIV) A series of frames means
ào_Mr e¥§H$bm åhUOo a) Shot b) Scene c) Sequence d) None of these em°Q> grZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes (any four) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) White balance
ìhmB©Q> ~°b|g
2) TV anchor
{Q>ìhr A±H$a
3) Multi camera shooting
_ëQ>r H°$_oam eyqQ>J
4) Communication with still picture
ñVãY {MÌmVyZ hmoUmam g§dmX
5) Visual grammar pìhOwdb J«m_a
SLR-B – 21
3. Answer following questions (any four) :
Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) What is shot ?
em°Q> åhUOo H$m` ?
2) Explain what is the web production ?
do~ àS>eZ H$m` Amho ñnîQ> H$am ?
3) Explain the linear editing.
{b{Z`a E{S>qQ>J ñnîQ> H$am ?
4) What is angle ?
A±Jb åhUOo H$m` ?
5) Discuss the concept of video production.
pìh{S>`mo àS>eZ hr g§H$ënZm MMm© H$am.
4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) :
eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Explain the concept of voice over.
ìhmB©g Amoìha hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Discuss what is the location hunting ?
bmoHo$eZ h§qQ>J åhUOo H$m` MMm© H$am ?
3) Explain the elements of TV news.
{Q>pìhgmR>rÀ`m ~mV_rMoo KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) :
eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) :
1) Discuss the new trends in TV news bulletin.
{Q>pìh ~mV_r nÌmVrb Zdo àdmhm MMm© H$am.
2) Write any television serial that you like ? Give reasons.
Vwåhmbm AmdS>Vo H$moUË`mhr EH$m {Q>pìh _m{bHo${df`r gH$maU {bhm.
SLR-B – 21
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Thursday, 19-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Total Marks : 70
1. Choose correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) Mail is a part of ___________ advertising.
_ob hm
Om{hamVrMm ^mJ Amho.
a) Direct c) Straight
WoQ> gai b) Indirect d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
14 ii) In advertising, a document that describes the target market, budget, creative strategy and objectives is known as ___________
Om{hamVr_Ü`o Á`m XñVEodOmV b{jV ~mOma, AW©g§H$ën, H«$sEQ>rìh `moOZm Am{U CÔoem§Mo dU©Z AgVo Ë`mg
a) Media profile c) Media brief
_mÜ`_ àmo\$mB©b b) Strategy document
`moOZm XñVEodO
_mÜ`_ ~«r\$ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr iii) ___________ is the basic objectives of market segmentation.
ho ~mOma N>oXmMo _w»` CÔoe Amho.
a) Identify target market b) Defining market b{jV ~mOma AmoiIUo
~mOmamMr ì`m»`m H$aUo c) Divide market d) None of these
~mOmamMr {d^mJUr H$aUo
`mn¡H$s Zmhr iv) Placing two versions of an advertisement in same issue of a newspaper is known as ___________
EH$mM Om{hamVrMo XmoZ àH$ma dV©_mZnÌmÀ`m EH$mM A§H$m_Ü`o N>mnUo `mg
a) Play advertisement
ßbo Om{hamV b) Post test c) Slit run test
pñbQ>> aZ MmMUr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR- B – 22 -2-
*SLRB22* v) ___________ is the author of a book.‘Define Advertising Goals For Measured
Advertising Results’.
‘Define Advertising Goals For Measured Advertising Results’
`m nwñVH$mMm boIH$ Amho.
a) Green Rosenburg c) R. H. Colley
J«rZ amogoÝ~J© b) Philip Kotler
{\$brn H$moQ>ba
Ama. EM. H$mobr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vi) A specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of time is termed ___________
EH$ {d{eîQ> g§dmX H$m`© Oo {d{eîQ> b{jV JQ>mgmR>r {d{eîQ> H$mbmdYrV nyU© Ho$bo OmVo
a) Advertising campaign b) Advertising objective
Om{hamV _mohr_
Om{hamVrMo CÔoe c) Advertising criterion d) None of these
Om{hamVrMo {ZH$f
`mn¡H$s Zmhr vii) Which form of advertising is heavily used to introduce a new product ?
ZdrZ CËnmXZmMr AmoiI H$ê$Z XoÊ`mgmR>r H$moUË`m àH$maÀ`m Om{hamVrMm _moR²>`mà_mUmda dmna H$aVmV ?
a) Persuasive advertising b) Reminder advertising
_Z didUmar Om{hamV
AmR>dU H$ê$Z XoUmar Om{hamV c) Informative advertising d) None of these
_m{hVràX Om{hamV
`mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) An economy of a industry depends upon ___________
CX²`moJmMr AW©ì`dñWm
da Adb§~yZ AgVo.
a) Brand names
~«±S>Mo Zmd b) Advertising c) Consumer satisfaction d) None of these
J«mhH$ g_mYmZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr ix) ___________ is an external factor that affects consumer behaviour.
hm ~mø KQ>H$ J«mhH$ dV©ZmdaVr à^md Q>mH$Vmo.
a) Class c) Lifestyle dJ©
OrdZe¡br b) Motivation d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
-3SLR- B – 22 x) When an advertisement agency offers several specialized services, it is called ___________
O|ìhm Om{hamV g§ñWm H$mhr {deof godm XoVo Ë`mg
a) Baket
~Ho$Q> b) Bunch
~§M c) Basket
~mñHo$Q> d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xi) According to a survey, advertisements published by women magazines were
EH$m gd}Zwgma _{hbm§{df`H$ _m{gH$mV N>mnboë`m Om{hamVr
a) Conferring
H$Ý\o$[a¨J b) Commodity
H$_moS>rQ>r c) Ethicizing
BWrgm`qPJ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xii) Which of the following is not a function of an advertisement ?
nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUVo Om{hamVrMo H$m`© Zmhr ?
a) Informing the consumer
J«mhH$m§Zm _m{hVr XoUo b) Persuading the consumer
J«mhH$m§Mm nmR>nwamdm H$aUo c) Reminding the consumer for repeat purchase
J«mhH$m§Zm nwÝhm IaoXrgmR>r AmR>dU H$ê$Z XoUo d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd© xiii) A deluxe hotel will issue its advertisement in ___________
{S>bg hm°Q>ob
_Ü`o Om{hamV XoB©b.
a) Local newspaper
ñWm{ZH$ dV©_mZnÌ b) National level magazine c) Local language magazine d) None of these amîQ´>r` ñVamdarb _m{gH$
ñWm{ZH$ ^mfoVrb _m{gH$
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR- B – 22 -4xiv) According to Maslow’s theory of needs hierarchy ___________
_mñbmoÀ`m JaOtMr CVa§S> {gÕm§VmZwgma
_________ a) Higher order satisfied first
JaOm§Mm CÀM H«$_ àW_ g_mYmZr H$aob b) Lower order needs satisfied first
JaOm§Mm Imbrb H«$_ àW_ g_mYmZr H$aob c) There is no such pattern of needs satisfaction
JaOm§À`m g_mYmZmMm Agm H$moUVmhr Z_wZm Zmhr d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes (any four) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Brand
~«±S> b) Media planning
_mÜ`_ {Z`moOZ c) Social group gm_m{OH$ JQ> d) Advertise
Om{hamV e) Image
3. Write the answers in 150 words (any four) :
XrS>e o eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) Write about the importance of advertise research.
Om{hamV g§emoYZmMo _hÎd {bhm.
b) Discuss about brand management.
~«±S> ì`dñWmnZm{df`r MMm© H$am.
-5SLR- B – 22 c) What is marketing mix ?
{dnUZ {_l åhUOo H$m` ?
d) Describe the proces of motivation.
àoaUoÀ`m à{H«$`oMo dU©Z H$am.
e) Explain the concept of media reach.
_mÜ`_m§Mr nmohmoM {h g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) :
AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) What are the tools of advertising ?
Om{hamVrMr gmYZo H$moU H$moUVr AmhoV ?
b) Write note on topic audience.
àojH$ `m{df`mdaVr Q>rn {bhm.
c) Explain the role of graphics in advertising.
Om{hamVrVrb J«m{\$gMr ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : a) What is the celebrity advertisement ? List its advantages. Discuss one example.
{gbo{~«Q>r Om{hamV åhUOo H$m` ? {VÀ`m \$m`Xçm§Mr `mXr H$am. EH$m CXmhaUmMr
MMm© H$am.
b) Write an essay on ‘Use of Internet in Advertising’.
B§Q>aZoQ>Mm Om{hamVrgmR>r Cn`moJ `m{df`mda {Z~§Y {bhm.
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester IV) Examination, 2015
(Old CGPA)
Day and Date : Tuesday, 24-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Total Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory .
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose the correct alternative :
`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) The standard protocol for the Internet is a) IPA b) DSL c) TCP/IP d) None of these
B§Q>aZoQ>gmR>rMm ñQ>±S>S>© àmoQ>moH$m°b hm Amho.
Am`nrE b) c) Q>rgrnr/Am`nr d)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2) Standard size of online advertising Banner is
14 a) 728 × 90 b) 468 × 60 c) 234 × 60
Am°ZbmB©Z Om{hamV "~°Za' Mm `mo½` AmH$ma Amho.
90 b)
60 c)
3) Ted Nelson coined the word hypertext in d) 125 × 125 d)
125 a) 1965 b) 1966 c) 1967 d) 1968
Q>oS> ZoëgZ `m§Or "hm`naQ>oñQ>' hm eãX _Ü`o àM{bV Ho$bm.
a) 1965 b) 1966 c) 1967 d) 1968
4) The term cyber space is coined by
125 a) Ted Nelson b) Vinton Serf c) William Gibson d) None of these
"gm`~a ñnog' hr g§km `m§Zr àM{bV Ho$br.
a) Q>oS> ZoëgZ b) c)
{dë`_ {JãgZ d) pìhÝQ>mZ g\©$
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B 24
5) The first web page is created by a) Even Williams c) Tim-Berners-Lee n{hbo do~noO `m§Zr V`ma Ho$bo.
a) c)
BìhmZ {dë`åg
6) HTML means a) Hyper Text Markup Language c) Higher Text Markup Language b) Vinton Serf d) None of these b) d) pìhÝQ>m°Z g\©$
`mn¡H$s Zmhr b) Hyper Text Markup Links d) None of these
EMQ>rE_Eb åhUOo a) hm`naQ>oñQ> _mH©$An b±½doO c) hm`a Q>oñQ> _mH©$An b±½doO
7) Orkut is launched in a) Jan. 2004 c) 2006 b) d) hm`naQ>oñQ> _mH©$An qbg
`mn¡H$s Zmhr b) 2005 d) None of these
AmHw©$QMm> àma§^ _Ü`o Pmbm.
a) c)
OmZodmar 2004
2006 b) d)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
8) The first Internet edition of Deccan Herold is launched in a) 1995 b) 1998 c) 1996 d) 1990
S>oH$Z hoam°ëS>Mr n{hbr B§Q>aZoQ> Amd¥Îmr _Ü`o {ZKmbr.
1995 b)
1998 c)
9) Netvibes, MSN are a) Private web portals c) Websites d) b) Public web portals d) None of these
ZoQ>ìhmB©~²g, E_EgEZ hr AmhoV.
a) c)
àm`ìhoQ> do~ nmoQ>©ëg do~ gmB©Q²>g
10) The term blog is used in a) 1998 b) 1997 b) d) npãbH$ do~ nmoQ>©ëg
`mn¡H$s Zmhr c) 1999
"ãbm°J' hr g§km _Ü`o dmnamV Ambr.
1998 b)
1997 c)
1999 d) 1996 d)
11) Website addresses are also called
-3a) HTML b) Hyper Links c) URL d) None of these do~gmB©Q> nË`m§Zm `m ZmdmZo hr g§~moYbo OmVo.
a) EMQ>rE_Eb b) c)
`wAmaEb d) hm`na qbg
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
12) LAN means a) Local Area Networking b) Local Air Networking
SLR-B 24 c) Local All Networks b°Z åhUOo a)
ñWm{ZH$ jo{Ì` Omio c) ñWm{ZH$ gd© Omir
13) WWW means d) None of these b) d)
ñWm{ZH$ hdmB© Omio
`mn¡H$s Zmhr a) Word Wide Web c) World Wide Wave
S>ãë`w S>ãë`w S>ãë`w åhUOo a) dS>© dmB©S> do~ c) dëS>© dmB©S> doìh
14) Information Techonology Act passed in b) World Wibe Web d) World Wide Web b) d) dëS>© dmB©~ do~ dëS>© dmB©S> do~ a) 2001 b) 2002 c) 2000
_m{hVr V§ÌkmZ H$m`Xm _Ü`o _§Oya Pmbm.
a) 2001 b) 2002 c) 2000 d) 2004 d) 2004
2. Write notes ( any four ) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) :
1) Online advertising.
Am°ZbmB©Z Om{hamV.
2) E-Governance.
3) Web Master.
do~ _mñQ>a.
4) Animation Films.
H$mQy>©Z {MÌnQ>.
5) Modem.
SLR-B 24
3. Write answers in 100 words ( any four ) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 100 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) Define the term graphics and describe its various types.
J«m{\$gMr ì`m»`m H$am Am{U Ë`mÀ`m {d{dY àH$mam§~m~V g{dñVa {bhm.
2) State the various characteristics of Internet.
B§Q>aZoQ>Mr {d{dY JwUd¡{eîQ>ço Z_yX H$am.
3) What are the three basic elements of an e-mail message ?
B©-_ob g§XoemMo VrZ nm`m^yV KQ>H$ H$moUVo Vo gm§Jm ?
4) What is connectivity ? Describe in detail.
H$ZoQ>rpìhQ>r åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JyZ g{dñVma {bhm.
5) What is the difference between input and output ?
BZnyQ> Am{U AmD$Q>nyQ> `m_Ü`o \$aH$ H$m` Vo gm§Jm ?
4. Write the answers in 150 words ( any two ) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Describe the different types of search engines with suitable examples.
gM© B§{OZMo {d{dY àH$ma gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am.
2) State merits and demerits of online journalism.
Am°ZbmB©Z nÌH$m[aVoMo \$m`Xo-VmoQ>o Z_yX H$am.
3) What are web portals ? State the difference between websites and web portals.
do~ nmoQ>©ëg åhUOo H$m` ? do~ gmB©Q²>g Am{U do~ nmoQ>©ëg `m_Yrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am.
14 5. Write the answer in 250 words : nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎma 250 eãXmV {bhm :
Discuss in detail about the economics of online newspapers.
Am°ZbmB©Z d¥ÎmnÌm§À`m AW©ì`dñWoda g{dñVa MMm© H$am.
OR/ qH$dm
Write in detail about the reporting for the web media.
"do~ _mÜ`_mgmR>r d¥Îmg§H$bZ' `m~m~V g{dñVa {bhm.
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2015
(Paper – I) (New-CGPA)
Total Marks : 70 Day and Date : Tuesday, 17-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory .
gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Choose the correct alternative.
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am.
I) RGB colour system is concerned with _______ media.
AmaOr~r hr a§J nÕVr
_mÜ`_m§er g§~{YV Amho.
a) Radio ao{S>Amo b) TV c) Print d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
II) Sound is encoded in _________ forms on to a CD.
grS>r da AmdmOmMo gm§Ho$VrH$aU
`m ñdê$nmV Ho$bo OmVo.
a) Analogue
A°Zbm°J b) Ultra forms c) Digital d) None of these
AëQ´>m \$moa_g
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 25
III) CCU stand for grgr`y åhUOo a) Camera Control Unit b) Close Camara Unit c) Crystal Camera Unit d) None of these
H°$_oam H$ÝQ´>mob `wZrQ>
bmoO H°$_oam `wZrQ>
H«$sñQ>b H°$_oam `wZrQ>
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
IV) Star TV started in
ñQ>ma Q>rìhr
_Ü`o gwédmV Pmbr.
a) 1991 b) 1992 c) 1993 d) 1994
V) A close-up shot is also known as
`mbm bmoOn em°Q>> g§~moYbo OmVo.
a) Personal shot ng©Zb em°Q> b) Mid shot c) Full shot d) None of these
_rS> em°Q>
\y$b em°Q>
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
VI) DTH stands for
S>r{Q>EM Mo nyU©ê$n a) Deal To Home b) Dish To House c) Direct To Home d) None of these
S>rb Qy> hmo_
S>rí Qy> hmD$g
S>m`aoQ> Qy> hmo_
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
VII) Television is also referred to as the _______ vehicle.
Mo dmhH$ g§~moYbo OmVo.
a) Independent
ñdV§Ì b) Indispensable c) Versatile d) All of these
An[a>hm`© gmd©{ÌH$ darb gd©
VIII) Simple shots that also known as
{gånb em°Q>gbm
`m AWm©dohr AmoiIbo OmVo.
a) Fixed shot
{\$gS> em°Q> b) Extreme long shot c) Mid shot d) Long shot
EgQ´>r_ bm±J em°Q>
_rS> em°Q> bm±J em°Q>
IX) Stand ups is also known as
ñQ±>S> Ang ho
`m ZmdmZo AmoiIbo OmVo.
a) Voice over
ìhmB©g Amoìha b) Piece to camera c) Story board d) Script nrg Qy> H°$_oam
ñQ>moar ~moS>© pñH«$ßQ>
SLR-B – 25
SLR-B – 25
X) NTSC stands for
EZ{Q>Eggr åhUOo a) National Television System Committee
Z°eZb Q>o{bpìhOZ {gñQ>r_ H${_Q>r b) National Television System Council
Z°eZb Q>o{bpìhOZ {gñQ>r_ H$mm¢{gb c) National Television Serial Camera
Z°eZb Q>o{bpìhOZ gr[a`b H°$_oam d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
XI) ________ is the basic unit of video/film.
ho pìh{S>`mo/{\$ë_Mo ~o{gH$ `w{ZQ> Amho.
a) Shot b) Angle em°Q>
A±Jb c) Movement d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
XII) IPTV stands for
Am`nr {Q>ìhr åhUOo a) Internet Protocol Television b) Internet Prime Television c) Indian Private Television d) None of these
B§Q>aZoQ> \«$moQ>H$mob Q>o{bpìhOZ
B§Q>aZoQ> àmB©_ Q>o{bpìhOZ
B§{S>`Z àm`doQ> Q>o{bpìhOZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 25
XIII) The long shot in which the entire scene is played out known as bm±J em°Q> Á`m_Ü`o g§nyU© Ñî`> eyQ> Ho$ë`m OmVo Ë`mbm
A`m©dohr AmoiIbo OmVo.
a) Master shot
_mñQ>a em°Q> b) Extreme long shot c) Mid long shot d) None of these
EgQ´>r_ bm±J em°Q>
{_S> bm±J em°Q>
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
XIV) A series of frames means
ào_Mr e¥§H$bm åhUOo a) Shot b) Scene c) Sequence d) None of these em°Q> grZ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes (any four) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) White balance
ìhmB©Q> ~°b|g
2) TV anchor
{Q>ìhr A±H$a
3) Multi camera shooting
_ëQ>r H°$_oam eyqQ>J
4) Communication with still picture
ñVãY {MÌmVyZ hmoUmam g§dmX
5) Visual grammar pìhOwdb J«m_a
SLR-B – 25
3. Answer following questions (any four) :
Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) What is shot ?
em°Q> åhUOo H$m` ?
2) Explain what is the web production ?
do~ àS>eZ H$m` Amho ñnîQ> H$am ?
3) Explain the linear editing.
{b{Z`a E{S>qQ>J ñnîQ> H$am ?
4) What is angle ?
A±Jb åhUOo H$m` ?
5) Discuss the concept of video production.
pìh{S>`mo àS>eZ hr g§H$ënZm MMm© H$am.
4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) :
eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Explain the concept of voice over.
ìhmB©g Amoìha hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Discuss what is the location hunting ?
bmoHo$eZ h§qQ>J åhUOo H$m` MMm© H$am ?
3) Explain the elements of TV news.
{Q>pìhgmR>rÀ`m ~mV_rMoo KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) :
eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) :
1) Discuss the new trends in TV news bulletin.
{Q>pìh ~mV_r nÌmVrb Zdo àdmhm MMm© H$am.
2) Write any television serial that you like ? Give reasons.
Vwåhmbm AmdS>Vo H$moUË`mhr EH$m {Q>pìh _m{bHo${df`r gH$maU {bhm.
SLR-B – 25
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester IV) (New CGPA) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Thursday, 19-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Max. Marks : 70
N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory .
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am.
i) An economy of a industry depends upon
CÚmoJmMr AW©ì`dñWm _________ da Adb§~yZ AgVo.
a) Advertising
Om{hamV b) Consumer satisfaction
J«mhH$m§Mo g_mYmZ c) Brand
~«°ÝS> d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr ii) E-mail is a part of ________ advertising.
B©-_ob hm _________ Om{hamVrMm ^mJ Amho.
a) Indirect
AàË`j b) Straight gai c) Direct
WoQ> iii) Media brief includes
_mÜ`_ ~«r\$ _Ü`o _________ Mm A§V^m©d AgVmo.
a) Target Market b) Budget bpú`V ~mOmanoR> AW©g§H$ën c) Objectives
CÔoí` d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd© iv) Lifestyle is an ________ factor that affects consumer behaviour.
OrdZe¡br hm _________ KQ>H$ Amho Omo J«mhH$ dV©Zmda à^md S>mbVmo.
a) Internal
A§VJ©V b) External
~møm c) Both a) and b)
XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B 26
*SLRB26* v) Bread is a example of
~«oS> ho _________ Mo CXmhaU Amho.
a) Demand
_mJUr b) Motivation
àoaUm c) Need
JaO d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd© vi) _________ includes in the process of product development.
_________ Mm CËnmXZ {dH$mg à{H«$`oV g_mdoe hmoVmo.
a) Marketing
{dnUZ c) Business analysis
ì`dgm` {díbofU b) Generation of product
CËnmXZ {Z{_©{V d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd© vii) For local advertisement __________ is a best media option.
ñWm{ZH$ Om{hamVrgmR>r _________ CÎm_ _mÜ`_ n`m©` Amho.
a) Local newspaper
ñWm{ZH$ d¥ÎmnÌ b) Regional Radio Station jo{Ì` ao{S>Amo ñQoeZ c) Local Magzine
ñWm{ZH$ _m{gH$ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) ___________ is useful to satisfy the consumer needs.
_________ J«mhH$m§À`m JaOm§M g_mYmZ H$aÊ`mg Cn`wV Amho.
a) Price qH$_V c) Product
CËnmXZ b) Demand
_mJUr d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd© ix) __________ is the important factor of demographic segmentation.
_________ ho bmoH$g§ñWm N>oXmMm EH$ _hËdnyU© K>Q>H$ Amho.
a) Age d` b) Gender qbJ c) Status
XOm© d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd© x) Pubic service is a type of
OZgodm ho _________ Mm àH$ma Amho.
a) Advertisement
Om{hamV c) Both a) and b)
XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) b) Corporate industry
H$mnm}aoQ> CÚmoJ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B 26 xi) __________ heads the advertisement agency.
_________ hm Om{hamV g§ñWmMm à_wI AgVmo.
a) Writer boIH$ c) Editor g§nmXH$ b) Creative director
{H«$E{Q>ìh g§MmbH$ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xii) Marketing ethics change with ____________
{dnUZmMr Z¡{VH$Vm _________ Zwgma ~XbVmV.
a) Time doi b) Situation
àg§J c) Place
{R>>H$mU d) All of these
`mn¡H$s gd© xiii) __________ is an example of marketing tactic.
_________ ho {dnUZ gmYZmMo CXmhaU Amho.
a) Contraversial Ad.
{ddmXmñnX Om{hamV c) Mindless act
{dMmahrZ H¥$Vr b) Political stunt amOZ¡{VH$ KmS>g d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiv) __________ is a part of buying process.
_________ hm IaoXrÀ`m à{H«$`oMm ^mJ Amho.
a) Evaluation
_yë`_mnZ b) Comparison c) Searching product d) All of these
VwbZm CËnmXZmMm emoY `mn¡H$s gd©
Write short notes ( any four ) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) Social change.
gm_m{OH$ ~Xb b) Consumer behaviour
J«mhH$ dV©Z c) Uses of colors in ad.
a§Jm§Mm Om{hamVrVrb dmna d) Market
~mOmanoR> e) Media buying.
_mÜ`_ IaoXr.
SLR-B 26
3. Write answer in 150 words ( any four ) :
XrS>e o eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) : a) Write note on marketing research.
"{dnUZ g§emoYZ' Mm {df`mda Q>rn {bhm.
b) What are the advertising tools ?
Om{hamVrMr gmYZo H$moUVr AmhoV ?
c) What is corporate brand ?
H$mnm}aoQ> ~«°ÝS> åhUOo H$m` ?
d) What are the stages in creative process ?
{H«$E{Q>ìh à{H«$`oVrb Q>ßno gm§Jm.
e) Write about role of media in marketing.
"_mÜ`_m§Mr {dnUZmVrb ^y{_H$m' `m {df`r {bhm.
4. Write answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
AS>rMe o eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) : a) Describe the process of brand management.
~«±S> ì`dñWmnZ à{H«$`oMo dU©Z H$am.
b) Write down process of motivation.
àoaUoMr à{H«$`m {bhm.
c) Explain the process of marketing.
{dnUZmMr à{H«$`m ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) : nmMe o eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$ ) : a) Describe the principles of advertising design.
Om{hamV AmIUrMr _ybVËdo {deX H$am.
b) Explain the role and scope of advertisement.
Om{hamVrMr ^y{_H$m Am{U ì`mpßV ñnîQ> H$am.
No .
M.A. (Mass communication) (Semester – IV) (New CGPA) Examination, 2015
Total Marks : 70 Day and Date : Saturday, 21-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
1. Choose correct alternatives :
`mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) _________ is an internal public of an organization.
________ ho g§ñWoMo A§VJ©V KQ>H$ AmhoV.
a) Opinion Leaders
_V ZoVo b) Workers c) Supplier d) None of these
H$m_Jma nwadR>mXma
`mn¡H$s Zmhr ii) Corporate ‘identity’ is related to with
H$mnmo©aoQ> AmoiI hr
________ g§~§{YV Amho.
a) Stakeholder perceptions
^mJrXmam§À`m OmUrdm b) Symbols c) Organizational culture d) None of these
{MÝho g§ñWmË_H$ g§ñH¥$Vr
`mn¡H$s Zmhr iii) ________ introduced models of crises management.
`m§Zr AmnÎmr ì`dñWmnZ à{V_mZmMr _m§S>Ur Ho$br.
a) Edward Bernays
ES>>dS>© ~Z©g b) David Scott
S>opìhS> ñH$m°Q> c) James Grunig
Ooåg J«w{ZJ d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 27
*SLRB27* iv) ________ can be defined as those critical groups of people upon who rests the success of an organization.
EImX`m g§ñWoMo `e Á`m§À`mda Adb§~yZ AgVo Aem bmoH$m§À`m JQ>>mbm
Aer g§km XoVm `oB©b.
a) Target Audience b) Opinion Leaders bpú`V JQ>
_V ZoVo c) Government Officials d) None of these emgH$s` A{YH$ar
`mn¡H$s Zmhr v) ________ is the indication of how a company is perceived by the outside world.
________ hmo`.
åhUOo ~mhoaMo bmoH$ EImX`m H$mnm}aoQ>g§~§Yr H$m` {dMma H$aVmV `mMr à{MVr a) Corporate Image b) Corporate Plan c) Corporate Event d) All of these
H$mnm}aoQ> à{V_m
H$mnm}aoQ> AmamIS>m
H$mnm}aoQ> àg§J
`mn¡H$s gd© vi) Corporate Communication is related to
H$mnm}aoQ> g§dmX
________ er {ZJ{S>V Amho.
a) Image building
à{V_m {Z{_©Vr b) Corporate identity c) Media relations d) All of these
H$mnm}aoQ> AmoiI
_mÜ`_ g§nH©$
`mn¡H$s gd© vii) ________ is the most important tool for consumer relations.
J«mhH$ g§nH$m©gmR>r
________ ho gdm©V _hÎdmMo gmYZ Amho.
a) Advertisements
Om{hamVr b) Annual Report c) Press Releases d) All of these dm{f©H$ Ahdmb
à{gÕr nÌH$
`mn¡H$s gd©
SLR-B – 27 viii) Credibility is the first essential attribute for
________ gmR>r {dídmgmh©Vm hm n{hbm Amdí`H$ JwU Amho.
a) Media Relations b) House Journal
_mÜ`_ g§nH©$
J¥h nÌ c) Campaign d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr ix) Monetary support by an organization for an event with a definite commercial objective in mind is known as
{d{eîQ> ì`mdgm{`H$ C{ÔîQ> g_moa R>oD$Z EImX`m CnH«$_mgmR>r EImX`m g§ñWoZo Am{W©H$ ghH$m`©
Ho$bo Va Ë`mg
Ago åhUVmV.
a) Contract b) Sponsorship
à`moOH$Ëd c) Loyalty d) None of these
`mn¡H$s Zmhr x) ________ belongs to outdoor publicity tool of corporate communication.
________ ho H$mnm}aoQ> g§nH$m©Vrb ~mhç n«{gÕrMo gmYZ Amho.
a) Conference b) Workshops n[afX
H$m`©emim c) Hoarding d) None of these hmo{S>ªJ
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xi) Written declaration of a corporate stating core purpose of organization is
åhUOo H$m`m}aooQ>À`m _w»` CÔrîQ>m§Mm {b{IV OmhraZm_m hmo`m.
a) Mission statement b) MOU
{_eZ ñQ>oQ>_|Q>
c) Merger Document d) None of these
_O©a S>m°`w_|Q>
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B – 27
-4xii) Primary medium of communication in investor’s relations is
Jy§VdUyH$Xma g§nH$m©V à_wIgmYZ
a) Press Releases
à{gÕr nÌHo$ b) House Journal c) Annual Report d) None of these
J¥hnÌ dm{f©H$ Ahdmb
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiii) ________ is related to corporate identity.
H$mnm}aoQ> AmoiIrer {ZJ{S>V Amho.
a) Product Quality b) House Journal
CËnmXZmMr JwUdÎmm
J¥hnÌ c) House Colour d) None of these
B_maVr§Mm a§J
`mn¡H$s Zmhr xiv) ‘Crystallizing Public Opinion’ is book written by
"{H«$ñQ>bm`qOJ npãbH$ Amo{n{ZAZ' `m J«§WmMo boIZ
`m§Zr Ho$bo.
a) Edward Louis Bernays
ES>dS>© bwB©g ~Z©g b) David Scott c) Scott M. Cutlip d) None of these
S>opìhS> ñH$m°Q>
ñH$m°Q> E_. H$Q>brn
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Write short notes ( any four ) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm ( H$moUË`mhr Mma ) : a) Corporate Image
H$mnm}aoQ> à{V_m b) Community Relations g_mO g§nH©$ c) Media Relations
_mÜ`_ g§nH©$ d) Open House
Iwbo XmbZ e) Lobbying.
SLR-B – 27
3. Write the answers in 150 words ( any four ) :
XrS>e o eãXmV CÎmao {bhm ( H$moUVohr Mma ) : a) What is the use of Press Conference for Corporate Communication ?
H$mnm}aoQ> g§dmXmV nÌH$ma n[afXoMr Cn`wVVm H$m` Amho ?
b) What is the content of a House Journal ?
J¥hnÌmÀ`m _OHw$amV H$m` g_m{dîQ> AgVo ?
c) Describe any three important steps essential for effective Government
à^mdr emgH$s` g§nH$m©gmR>r Amdí`H$ Agboë`m H$moUË`mhr VrZ ~m~r gm§Jm.
d) Explain the types of opinion leaders.
_V ZoË`m§Mo àH$ma {dfX H$am.
e) What is your understanding about consumer relations ?
J«mhH$ g§nH$m©~m~V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ?
4. Write answer in 250 words ( any two ) :
AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm ( H$moUVohr XmoZ ) : a) What is the role of public relation officer in employee communication ?
H$m_Jma g§dmXmV OZg§nH©$ A{YH$mè`mMr ^y{_H$m H$m` AgVo ?
b) Describe the various stakeholders for corporate communication.
H$mnm}aoQ> g§nH$m©gmR>r H$moU-H$moUVo KQ>H$ {dMmamV ¿`mdo bmJVmV Vo ñnîQ> H$am.
c) Write about Investor’s Relations.
Jy§VdUyH$Xmam§er g§nH©$ `m{df`r {bhm.
5. Write answer in 500 words ( any one ) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm ( H$moUVohr EH$ ) : a) Discuss the importance of the event management for media industry with examples.
_mÜ`_ CÚmoJmgmR>r àg§J ì`dñWmnZmÀ`m _hËdm~Ôb gmoXmhaU MMm© H$am.
b) What is crisis ? Describe the role of PR Department in crisis management with suitable examples.
AmnÎmr ì`dñWmnZ åhUOo H$m` ? AmnÎmr ì`dñWmnZmV OZg§nH©$ {d^mJmMr ^y{_H$m H$m`
AgVo Vo gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am.
M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester IV) Examination, 2015
(New CGPA)
Day and Date : Tuesday, 24-11-2015
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Total Marks : 70
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory .
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose the correct alternative :
`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m :
1) The standard protocol for the Internet is a) IPA b) DSL c) TCP/IP d) None of these
B§Q>aZoQ>gmR>rMm ñQ>±S>S>© àmoQ>moH$m°b hm Amho.
Am`nrE b) c) Q>rgrnr/Am`nr d)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
2) Standard size of online advertising Banner is
14 a) 728 × 90 b) 468 × 60 c) 234 × 60
Am°ZbmB©Z Om{hamV "~°Za' Mm `mo½` AmH$ma Amho.
90 b)
60 c)
3) Ted Nelson coined the word hypertext in d) 125 × 125 d)
125 a) 1965 b) 1966 c) 1967 d) 1968
Q>oS> ZoëgZ `m§Or "hm`naQ>oñQ>' hm eãX _Ü`o àM{bV Ho$bm.
a) 1965 b) 1966 c) 1967 d) 1968
4) The term cyber space is coined by
125 a) Ted Nelson b) Vinton Serf c) William Gibson d) None of these
"gm`~a ñnog' hr g§km `m§Zr àM{bV Ho$br.
a) Q>oS> ZoëgZ b) c)
{dë`_ {JãgZ d) pìhÝQ>mZ g\©$
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
SLR-B 28
5) The first web page is created by a) Even Williams c) Tim-Berners-Lee n{hbo do~noO `m§Zr V`ma Ho$bo.
a) c)
BìhmZ {dë`åg
6) HTML means a) Hyper Text Markup Language c) Higher Text Markup Language b) Vinton Serf d) None of these b) d) pìhÝQ>m°Z g\©$
`mn¡H$s Zmhr b) Hyper Text Markup Links d) None of these
EMQ>rE_Eb åhUOo a) hm`naQ>oñQ> _mH©$An b±½doO c) hm`a Q>oñQ> _mH©$An b±½doO
7) Orkut is launched in a) Jan. 2004 c) 2006 b) d) hm`naQ>oñQ> _mH©$An qbg
`mn¡H$s Zmhr b) 2005 d) None of these
AmHw©$QMm> àma§^ _Ü`o Pmbm.
a) c)
OmZodmar 2004
2006 b) d)
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
8) The first Internet edition of Deccan Herold is launched in a) 1995 b) 1998 c) 1996 d) 1990
S>oH$Z hoam°ëS>Mr n{hbr B§Q>aZoQ> Amd¥Îmr _Ü`o {ZKmbr.
1995 b)
1998 c)
9) Netvibes, MSN are a) Private web portals c) Websites d) b) Public web portals d) None of these
ZoQ>ìhmB©~²g, E_EgEZ hr AmhoV.
a) c)
àm`ìhoQ> do~ nmoQ>©ëg do~ gmB©Q²>g
10) The term blog is used in a) 1998 b) 1997 b) d) npãbH$ do~ nmoQ>©ëg
`mn¡H$s Zmhr c) 1999
"ãbm°J' hr g§km _Ü`o dmnamV Ambr.
1998 b)
1997 c)
1999 d) 1996 d)
11) Website addresses are also called
-3a) HTML b) Hyper Links c) URL d) None of these do~gmB©Q> nË`m§Zm `m ZmdmZo hr g§~moYbo OmVo.
a) EMQ>rE_Eb b) c)
`wAmaEb d) hm`na qbg
`mn¡H$s Zmhr
12) LAN means a) Local Area Networking b) Local Air Networking
SLR-B 28 c) Local All Networks b°Z åhUOo a)
ñWm{ZH$ jo{Ì` Omio c) ñWm{ZH$ gd© Omir
13) WWW means d) None of these b) d)
ñWm{ZH$ hdmB© Omio
`mn¡H$s Zmhr a) Word Wide Web c) World Wide Wave
S>ãë`w S>ãë`w S>ãë`w åhUOo a) dS>© dmB©S> do~ c) dëS>© dmB©S> doìh
14) Information Techonology Act passed in b) World Wibe Web d) World Wide Web b) d) dëS>© dmB©~ do~ dëS>© dmB©S> do~ a) 2001 b) 2002 c) 2000
_m{hVr V§ÌkmZ H$m`Xm _Ü`o _§Oya Pmbm.
a) 2001 b) 2002 c) 2000 d) 2004 d) 2004
2. Write notes ( any four ) :
Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma ) :
1) Online advertising.
Am°ZbmB©Z Om{hamV.
2) E-Governance.
3) Web Master.
do~ _mñQ>a.
4) Animation Films.
H$mQy>©Z {MÌnQ>.
5) Modem.
SLR-B 28
3. Write answers in 100 words ( any four ) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 100 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma ) :
1) Define the term graphics and describe its various types.
J«m{\$gMr ì`m»`m H$am Am{U Ë`mÀ`m {d{dY àH$mam§~m~V g{dñVa {bhm.
2) State the various characteristics of Internet.
B§Q>aZoQ>Mr {d{dY JwUd¡{eîQ>ço Z_yX H$am.
3) What are the three basic elements of an e-mail message ?
B©-_ob g§XoemMo VrZ nm`m^yV KQ>H$ H$moUVo Vo gm§Jm ?
4) What is connectivity ? Describe in detail.
H$ZoQ>rpìhQ>r åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JyZ g{dñVma {bhm.
5) What is the difference between input and output ?
BZnyQ> Am{U AmD$Q>nyQ> `m_Ü`o \$aH$ H$m` Vo gm§Jm ?
4. Write the answers in 150 words ( any two ) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ ) :
1) Describe the different types of search engines with suitable examples.
gM© B§{OZMo {d{dY àH$ma gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am.
2) State merits and demerits of online journalism.
Am°ZbmB©Z nÌH$m[aVoMo \$m`Xo-VmoQ>o Z_yX H$am.
3) What are web portals ? State the difference between websites and web portals.
do~ nmoQ>©ëg åhUOo H$m` ? do~ gmB©Q²>g Am{U do~ nmoQ>©ëg `m_Yrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am.
14 5. Write the answer in 250 words : nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎma 250 eãXmV {bhm :
Discuss in detail about the economics of online newspapers.
Am°ZbmB©Z d¥ÎmnÌm§À`m AW©ì`dñWoda g{dñVa MMm© H$am.
OR/ qH$dm
Write in detail about the reporting for the web media.
"do~ _mÜ`_mgmR>r d¥Îmg§H$bZ' `m~m~V g{dñVa {bhm.