SLR-GP – 351 *SLRGP351* Seat No. M.Sc. I (Semester – I) Examination, 2015 GEOINFORMATICS (New) (Paper – II) Introduction to Geology Day and Date : Friday, 17-4-2015 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) Answer 5 questions. All questions carry equal marks. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer any 2 questions from Q. No.s II, III, and IV and any 2 questions from Q. No.s V, VI and VII. 5) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. I. Choose the correct answer. 1) An aggregate of minerals is called as a) meteorite b) rock 14 c) column d) none 2) Rock forming minerals are classified based on a) composition b) magma c) silicate structure d) none 3) Which of the following mineral belongs to frame work silicate ? a) feldspar b) olivine c) epidote d) mica 4) Compaction of detrital grains results in the formation of a) igneous rocks b) sedimentary rocks c) metamorphic rocks d) none 5) Metamorphic rocks are the products that form due to change in a) temperature b) pressure c) chemical environment d) all the above 6) Find the odd one out a) granite b) granodiorite c) gabhro 7) Dolomite and limestone are a) chemical precipitates c) detrital rocks d) basalt b) magmatic rocks d) none P.T.O. *SLRGP351* SLR-GP – 351 8) The hardest of all the minerals on Mohr’s hardness scale is a) Diamond b) Talc c) Gypsum d) None 9) The most essential tool for geological mapping is a) hammer b) map c) clinometer d) pencil 10) Which of the following rocks host iron deposits ? a) Bauxite b) Granite c) BHQ d) All the above 11) Greenstone rocks in Karnataka host __________ ore. a) copper b) gold c) iron d) zinc 12) Tunnels are not constructed in a) faults b) granites d) quantzite c) fold axis 13) Which of the following rocks are suitable for construction purpose ? a) limestones b) phyllites c) granites d) schists 14) Large scale bedded mineral deposit is mined by a) open cast b) shaft c) underground d) all the above II. What is a texture ? Give various textures in identification of igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. 14 III. What are different agents of metamorphism ? Discuss their role in formation of metamorphic rocks. 14 IV. Discuss various engineering properties of rocks. 14 V. Write short notes on : 14 a) Gold deposits in South India. b) Manganese deposits of Maharashtra. VI. Write briefly on the following. 14 a) Tunnels in folded rocks b) Uses of clinometer compass. VII. Bring out the salient aspects of the following. a) Detrital rocks and chemical precipitates b) Silicate structures. _______________ 14 SLR-GP – 352 *SLRGP352* Seat No. M.Sc. I (Semester – I) (New) Examination, 2015 GEOINFORMATICS (Paper – III) Geomorphology Day and Date : Monday, 20-4-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Answer any five questions. All question carry equal marks. Question 1 is Compulsory. Answer any two essay question from 2, 3, 4. Answer any two short note question from 5, 6, 7. Draw neat and labeled diagram wherever necessary. 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. 14 1) __________ is the scientific study of landscape and the processes that shape them. (Geology, Geoinformatics, Geomorphology, Soil Geography) 2) Geomorphology term is derived from ________ roots which means a discourse on earth forms. (Arabic, Greek, German, Roman) 3) The processes of disintegration and decomposition of rocks insite is generally called __________ (Erosion, Tectonics, Weathering, Rejuvenation) 4) __________ is considered to be very important factor of all types of weathering. (animal, climate, soil, water) 5) _________ is the first step in the chemical decomposition of rocks. ( Hydration, Solution, Oxidation, Carbonation) 6) Cyclic concept first postulated in geology by Scottish geologist ________ in 1785. (Davis, Johnson, J. Hutton, W. Penk) 7) C.H. Crickmay suggested modification in Davision model of geographical cycle in ____________ (1905, 1912, 1918, 1933) P.T.O. SLR-GP – 352 -2- *SLRGP352* 8) Drainage _________ refers to the origin and development of streams through time. (System, Pattern, Shape, Frequency) 9) The _________ streams are also called dip streams. (consequent, sequent, obsequent, insequent) 10) The drifing of the continental block began in _______ period. (Silurian, carboniferous, tertiary, cretaceous) 11) All the landmasses were united together in the form of one landmass which Wegner named __________ (panthalasa, pangaea, gondwanaland, lauratio) 12) Plain is topographically ideal for _________ construction. (Dam, Tunnel, Road, Buildings) 13) The morphometric properties of the drainage basin is helpful in construction of __________ (Road, Tunnel, Dam, Settlement) 14) Most extensive larger than dolines depressions are called (Lapies, Cockpits, Poljes, Swallow hole) 2. Explain fundamental concept of geomorphology with suitable diagrams. 14 3. What is weathering ? Explain mechanical weathering with examples. 14 4. What is geomorphology ? Explain its application in disaster management. 14 5. Write shorts note on. 14 a) Scope of geomorphology. b) Continental drift theory. 6. Write small account on. 14 a) Rejuvenation. b) Geomorphological processes and climate control. 7. Discuss in brief. 14 a) Drainage pattern. b) Soil formation. ________________ SLR-GP – 353 *SLRGP353* Seat No. M.Sc. – I (Semester – I) Examination, 2015 GEOINFORMATICS (New) Paper – IV : Computer Application in Earth Science Day and Date : Wednesday, 22-4-2015 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Question 1 is compulsory. 4) Answer any two essay questions from 2, 3, 4. 5) Answer any two short note questions from 5, 6, 7. 6) Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary. SECTION – I I. Fill in the blanks. 14 1) A rectangular area that can contain a document, program or message called _____________ a) Frame b) Dialog box c) Window d) Form 2) The smallest type of microcomputer is called _____________ a) handheld b) midrange c) notebook d) tablet 3) RAM is a type of _____________ a) computer b) memory c) network d) secondary storage 4) The ability to switch between different applications stored in memory is called ______________ a) multitasking b) diversion c) programming d) operational interference P.T.O. SLR-GP – 353 *SLRGP353* -2- 5) _________ is also known as an online suite. a) utility b) office c) cloud d) blog 6) Communities of individuals who share a common interest typically create facebook _____________ a) Profiles b) Clients c) Groups d) Pages 7) Monitor of a computer is known as __________ a) Display b) Visual display unit c) Both a and b d) None of these 8) ________ is the internet’s equivalent to traditional cash. a) e-commerce b) icash c) internet dollar d) digital cash 9) ________ is the out pointing device. a) keyboard b) mouse c) printer d) joystick 10) The network that connects computers all over the world _____________ a) CERN b) internet c) LAN d) web 11) ROM stands for ________________ a) Read Only Memory b) Read One Memory c) Real Only Memory d) Right Only Memory 12) Joystick is an example of ________ device. a) printing b) sound c) charge d) none of these 13) The rules for exchanging data between computers _____________ a) DSL b) WWW c) Web d) Protocol 14) The mainboard or motherboard is also known as the _____________ a) computer b) board processor c) system board d) mobile system *SLRGP353* -3- SLR-GP – 353 SECTION – II II. Explain in brief input and output devices of computer. 14 III. What is network ? Explain it in details. 14 IV. Explain in detail the advantages of database management. 14 V. Write short notes on : 14 a) Mother Board b) Database administrator VI. Discuss in brief on : 14 a) LAN b) Data storage VII. Write short account on : 14 a) Types of printer b) History of computer. ——————— SLR-GP – 358 *SLRGP358* Seat No. M.Sc. – I (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 GEO-INFORMATICS (New) Paper – I : Introduction to Remote Sensing Day and Date : Thursday, 16-4-2015 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Max. Marks : 70 Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Question I is compulsory. Answer any two essay questions from II, III, IV. Answer any two short note questions from V, VI, VII. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. I. Fill in the blanks : 14 1) ____________________ is odd one from the others. A) Transmission of Energy B) Absorption of Energy C) Scattering of Energy D) Electro Magnetic Energy 2) Remote Sensing refers to the identification of earth features by detecting the characteristics ___________ that is reflected/ emitted by the earth surface. A) Electromagnetic radiation B) Electromagnetic scattered waves C) Electromagnetic spectrum D) Scattered radiation 3) The sensors which produce their own electromagnetic radiation, are called _____________ A) Live Sensors B) Effective Sensors C) Passive Sensors D) Active Sensors 4) RADAR is a type of sensor. A) Active B) Live C) Passive D) Dead P.T.O. SLR-GP – 358 *SLRGP358* -2- 5) Remote sensing can be broadly classified as optical and ___________ A) soft-wave B) hard-wave C) microwave D) electro-wave 6) Intensity of radar return, for both aircraft and satellite-based systems, depends upon radar system properties and ________________ A) Terrain properties B) Humidity and fog free sky C) Clear and bright sky condition D) Level of polluted air 7) ____________ is not related to ground-based observation platform. A) Handheld platform B) Balloons C) Cherry picker D) Portable masts 8) _____________ is not a type of resolution. A) Kinetic Resolution B) Spectral Resolution C) Spatial Resolution D) Radiometric Resolution 9) ____________ is not a basic step of Image Processing (Digital Image Processing). A) Image correction/restoration B) Image transformation C) Image enhancing D) Image geo-referencing 10) As per the principal characteristics of spectral signature, spectral variations changes as a function of _______________ A) Wavelength B) Electrical signal C) Climate D) Geometric distortion 11) Rocket-vehicles are used ______________ A) for mounting airborne sensors B) as an alternative system of RADAR C) for launching the satellites D) to connect satellite and ground station *SLRGP358* SLR-GP – 358 -3- 12) Match the given : Mission Year of Launch I) Bhaskara – I II) Cartosat 1 i) 1979 ii) 2005 III) Oceansat 2 iii) 2009 A) I – ii, II – iii, III – iv iv) 2012 B) I – i, II – iii, III – iv C) I – i, II – ii, III – iii D) I – iv, II – iii, III – i 13) Wavelength is equal to _______________ A) Frequency divided by Velocity B) Frequency divided by Volume C) Velocity divided by Frequency D) Volume divided by Frequency 14) The two main branches of aerial photography are those known as Oblique and ___________ aerial photography. A) Vertical B) Rectangular C) Parallel D) Nadir II. What is Remote Sensing ? Explain the various types of Remote Sensing. III. What is Platform ? Explain any one type of platform in detail. 14 14 IV. Enlist the various types of uses of Aerial Photography and explain any two in detail. 14 V. Write notes on : 14 a) Spectral Resolution b) Spectral Signature. VI. Describe in brief : 14 a) Electro Magnetic Radiation. b) Process of Sensor and its characteristics. VII. Explain in short : 14 a) History of Aerial Photography. b) Overlapping Stereo Photography. _____________________ SLR-GP 360 *SLRGP360* S N e o a t . M.Sc. I (Semester II) Examination, 2015 GEOINFORMATICS (New) Introduction of GIS and GPS (Paper III) Day and Date : Tuesday, 21-4-2015 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 Instructions : I) Answer any five questions. II) All questions carry equal marks. III) Question 1 is compulsory and should be answered in the question paper. IV) Answer any two essay questions from 2,3,4. V) Answer any two short note questions from 5,6,7. VI) Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary. I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate choice : 14 1) In space segment of GPS 32 satellites move in ___________ number of orbits. A) 10 B) 6 C) 9 D) 32 2) In the world of GIS, another term for the property of connectivity is A) Proximity B) Neighborhood C) Boolean identify D) Topology 3) Which of the following is the GIS terminology A) Edge Detection B) Contrast stretching C) Digitization D) All of the above 4) DPI stands for A) Distance Per Inch B) Digitally Processed Image C) DOT Per Inch D) None of these 5) Largest scale map is known as ____________ A) Atlas map B) Cadastral map C) Base map D) None of the above P.T.O. SLR-GP 360 V*SLRGP360* -2- 6) Which are the following are true in GIS A) Digitizing is defined as converting aerial photographs into maps B) Digitizing involves tracing map features into a computer C) A keyboard cannot be used to digitize maps, only to enter attribute information D) Digitizing from a tablet involves using a template 7) Point, line, polygon are A) Raster Data models B) Vector data models C) GPS data D) None of the above 8) ____________ is the father of GIS. A) Roger Tamlison B) John France C) Roger Gonce D) Roger Tamgo 9) ____________ is the study of those properties of geometric objects that remain invariant under certain transformation such as bending or stretching. A) Proximity B) Neighborhood C) Boolean identity D) Topology 10) The beginning or end point of a line A) Node B) Vertex C) Arc D) None of the above 11) What is georeferencing ? A) Converting data to a feature class B) Aligning your data with a location on the Earths surface C) Projecting your data so that it has no distortion D) All of the above 12) Which of the following is the source for occurring an error in the GIS database ? A) Age of the data B) Map scale C) Position accuracy D) All of the above *SLRGP360* SLR-GP 360 -3- 13) Orbital altitude of GPS satellite from earth surface A) 15000 km B) 8000 km C) 20200 km D) 6000 km 14) Data collected from GPS or ground surveying is directly available in __________ format. A) Raster B) Vector C) Both A) and B) D) None of the above II. Define topology and explain what is meant by adjacency, containment and connectivity. 14 III. In brief describe History of the GIS and applications of the GIS in various fields. 14 IV. Write a short note on raster and vector data formats. 14 V. Explain in brief about : 14 a) Non spatial data b) DMBS. VI. Write short note : 14 a) Steps involved in geo-referencing b) Sources errors in GPS. VII. Enumerate the following : 14 a) Polygon in polygon operation b) Line in polygon operation. _____________________ SLR-GP 361 *SLRGP361* S N e o a t . M.Sc. I (Semester II) Examination, 2015 GEOINFORMATICS (Paper IV) (New) Digital Image Processing Day and Date : Thursday, 23-4-2015 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N. B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Max. Marks : 70 Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Question 1 is compulsory. Answer any two questions from 2, 3, 4. Answer any two short note questions from 5, 6, 7. Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary. 1. Fill in the blanks : 14 1) ___________ can be defined as the process of samples of known identity to classify pixels of unknown identity. a) Unsupervised Classification b) Supervised Classification c) Error Matrix d) None of these 2) ___________ classifiers assume that samples from each class belong to a population modeled by a probability density function. a) Parametric b) Non Parametric c) Both a) and b) d) None of these 3) ___________ errors represented by non diagonal row element. a) Commission b) Omission c) Kappa d) All of the above 4) ___________ is computed by dividing the number of correctly classified pixels in each category by the total number of pixels that were classified in that category (row total). a) Overall Accuracy b) User Accuracy c) Producer Accuracy d) All of the above P.T.O. SLR-GP 361 *SLRGP361* -2- 5) _____________ are well understood and easily corrected by applying formulas derived by modeling the sources of the distortions mathematically. a) Non-systematic distortion b) Radiometric correction c) Systematic distortions d) Noise correction 6) Random distortions and residual unknown systematic distortions are corrected by analyzing well-distributed _____________ occurring in an image. a) Ground Control Points b) GPS c) Points d) None of these 7) ____________ interpolation uses weighted average of four surrounding pixels to compute the value. a) Nearest neighbour b) Bilinear c) Cubic convolution d) None of these 8) _____________ technique is applied on each band separately and emphasizes subtle gray scale differences that are imperceptible to the viewer. a) Contrast b) Histogram equalization c) Density Slicing d) None of these 9) _____________ suppress or block the high frequency component thereby smoothen the image. a) High frequency filter b) Low frequency filter c) Density Slicing d) None of these 10) A photograph is _____________ image produced by a continuous signal using photographic sensor. a) Digital b) Analog c) Picture d) None of these 11) _____________ are represented as numbers; brightness can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided and in general, subjected to statistical manipulations. a) Digital Images b) Data c) Pictures d) None of these 12) ___________ format the band data is written line by line onto the same tape. a) BIL b) BSQ c) BIP d) Geo-TIFF *SLRGP361* -3- SLR-GP 361 13) _____________ procedures are applied to image data in order to effectively display the data for subsequent visual interpretation. a) Image Enhancement b) Image Rectification c) Image Classification d) None of these 14) Radiometric corrections are also called as ___________ a) Cosmetic Corrections b) Image Enhancement c) Image Classification d) Band Combination 2. What is radiometric enhancement ? Explain the some radiometric distortions. 14 3. Explain the various image enhancement techniques. 14 4. What is supervised classification ? Explain the some classification algorithms. 14 5. Write a short note on : 14 a) Digital image formats b) Distinguish between digital image and photographs. 6. Write in brief on : 14 a) Band rationing b) Geometric corrections. 7. Write small account on : 14 a) Accuracy Assessment b) Advantage and disadvantage of unsupervised classification. _____________________ SLR-GP – 369 *SLRGP369* Seat No. M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – III) Examination, 2015 GEOINFORMATICS (Paper – IV) Introduction to Statistical Methods Day and Date : Wednesday, 22-4-2015 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Max. Marks : 70 Answer any five questions. Question 1 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Answer any two essay questions from 2, 3, 4. Answer any two short questions from 5, 6, 7. Draw neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary. 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct choice : 14 1) ________ statistics consist of performing hypothesis, determining relationship among variables and making predictions. a) Descriptive b) Qualitative c) Representative d) Inferential 2) ___________ variables assume values that can be counted. a) Quantitative b) Orderly c) Discrete d) Random 3) _________ level of measurement classifies data into mutually exclusive categories. a) Ordinal b) Nominal c) Discrete d) None 4) _____________ is defined as the difference between a calculated or observed value and the true value. a) Datum b) Sample c) Error d) Measurement 5) Mean, Median and Mode are the type of ______________ in statistics. a) averages b) data ranges c) variables d) all the above P.T.O. SLR-GP – 369 *SLRGP369* -2- 6) Grouped frequency distributions can be used when the range of values in the data set is ___________ a) small b) large c) very small d) very large 7) The frequencies obtained from the sample are called ___________ frequencies. a) observed b) sampled c) expected d) measured 8) A _____________ error occurs if one rejects null hypothesis when it is true. a) type I b) type II c) sampling d) both type 9) Blood group type sampled from a population is a/an _________ data. a) ranked b) ordered c) nominal d) discrete 10) Data collected by personal investigations is called __________ data. a) primary b) secondary c) tertiary d) none c) 2 d) 3 c) 6 d) none 11) Find the mode of the given data : 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2. a) 0 b) 1 12) Rolling of a die has ________ sample spaces. a) 2 b) 4 13) For a card drawn from an ordinary deck, _________ is the probability of getting a queen. a) 152 b) 113 c) 4 13 d) 13 52 14) When Mean < Median < Mode, the frequency distribution assumes ________ skewed shape ? a) positive b) negative c) symmetrical d) none 2. a) What is sampling ? Discuss types, advantages and limitations of various sampling methods. b) Calculate mean and the upper quartile for the following data : Age (in yrs.) : No. of workers : 20 – 25, 25 – 30, 30 – 35, 35 – 40 5, 10, 15, 25, 40 – 45 5 14 *SLRGP369* SLR-GP – 369 -3- 3. a) What is central tendency ? What are the measures of central tendency ? Explain merits and demerits ? 14 b) The pH of water and the air quality is measured in 5 lakes which is as follows : pH : 4.5, 4.1, 4.8, 4.0, 3.5 Air quality : 40, 45, 30, 50, 55 Find correlation coefficient. 4. The wage distribution in a factory is given below : Weekly wage in Rs. 0 20 No. of workers 1 Weekly wage in Rs. No. of workers 100 20 40 40 7 120 40 120 60 60 12 140 140 35 14 80 80 20 160 160 18 30 180 7 100 180 200 5 Calculate : 1) The mean wage, 2) the median wage, 3) the model wage, 4) the wage – limits of the middle 50% wage earners, 5) the percentage of workers who earned more than Rs. 150, 6) the percentage of workers who earned less than Rs. 100, 7) the percentage of workers who earned between Rs. 75 – 125. 5. Write short note on : a) Correlation b) Regression 14 6. Write briefly on : a) Permutation b) Combination 14 7. Enumerate the following : a) Frequency distribution curves b) Types errors. 14 _______________ SLR-GP – 370 *SLRGP370* Seat No. M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2015 GEOINFORMATICS (Paper – I) Information Technology and Management Day and Date : Thursday, 16-4-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Question 1 is compulsory. 4) Answer any two essay questions from 2, 3, 4. 5) Answer any two short note questions from 5, 6, 7. 6) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. 1. Fill in the blanks : 14 1) The unit for measuring the rate of communication of data transfer is ______ a) Modem b) USB c) Band d) Bit 2) Word processor and spread sheets are the part of ________ a) TPS b) DSS c) KWS d) OAS 3) NICNET is a __________ based computer communication network. a) Information b) Satellite c) Oracle d) Data 4) ___________ is a forest management DSS software. a) FOREST b) Dicodes c) COSTS d) All of above 5) MYCIN is used for _________ diagnosis as an Expert system. a) Mineral b) Plant classification c) Disease d) Health P.T.O. SLR-GP – 370 -2- *SLRGP370* 6) Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is responsible for ________ a) Name spaces in internet b) Internet protocol address c) Domain name system d) All of above 7) SMART in IT Management is the abbreviation of Smart, Moral, Accountable, Responsible and __________ Governance. a) Technology b) Tele communication c) Transparent d) Tactical 8) DSSs which perform selected ______ decision making functions are based on artificial intelligence. a) Quality b) Cognitive c) Expert d) Group 9) Structured data is used by ________ as a general rule. a) Computers b) Artificial intelligence c) Humans d) None of above 10) The components of information systems comprises of people, procedure, equipment and _________ a) Hardware b) Data c) Product d) All of above 11) Office automation system is a part of a) MIS b) DSS c) EIS d) TPS 12) The mission of national IT task force is to transform India from “Economy of Goods” to _________ economy. a) Power b) Monetary c) Material d) Knowledge 13) ____________ analysis is done as a part of strategic management. a) OLAP b) SMART c) SWOT d) IRM 14) The information stored in the file is often known as a) Data b) Command c) Program d) Attribute 2. Describe the types of information systems with suitable examples. 14 3. Discuss the strategic planning for Information system. 14 4. Describe the various components of IT and IS. 14 *SLRGP370* -3- 5. Write brief account on : SLR-GP – 370 14 a) History of programming languages. b) Information Resource Management. 6. Write short notes on : 14 a) Development of information technology in India. b) Impact of IT on societal development. 7. Enumerate the following : 14 a) Benefits of DSS. b) Network types for computers. ——————— SLR-GP – 371 *SLRGP371* Seat No. M.Sc. II (Semester – IV) Examination, 2015 GEOINFORMATICS (Paper– II) Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS (Part – I) Day and Date : Saturday, 18-4-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Question I is compulsory. Draw neat and labeled diagram wherever necessary. Answer any two essay questions from II, III, IV. Answer any two short note questions from V, VI, VII. I. Fill in the blanks. 14 1) Which is not visual image interpretation key ? A) Tone B) Size C) Pattern D) Tilt 2) Standard semi-detailed soil survey are carried out at scale of _______ using IRS-LISS III spatial data. A) 1 : 10,000 B) 1 : 50,000 C) 1 : 2,50,000 D) None of the above 3) The reflectance is high for __________ in visible band. A) B) snow C) water D) all of the above 4) Which is following satellite weather monitoring and prediction ? A) Met sat B) Resource sat C) Land sat D) All of the above P.T.O. SLR-GP – 371 -2- *SLRGP371* 5) _____________ forming factors are climate, organism, relief, parent material time. A) Rock B) Soil C) Mineral D) All of the above 6) Water absorbs band A) Visible B) Infrared C) Microwave D) All of above 7) Thermal Front are sharp boundary between two water musses separated by A) Sediment gradient B) Temperature gradient C) Chlorophyll concentration gradient D) All of the above 8) Which is following thermal band in land sat-7 ETM + data set ? A) Four B) Seven C) Six D) Two 9) Which numbers of band wisely useful in agriculture application ? A) 2, 3, 4, 5 B) 1, 4, 6 C) 1, 6, 7 D) 5, 6, 7 10) In the _________ approach the study area boundary in super imposed on the satellite data. A) Complete enumeration approach B) Sample segment approach C) Growth profile approach D) All of the above 11) Resolution of ________ is best for measurement of period of growth in crops. A) Spatial B) Spectral C) Temporal D) Radiometric 12) __________ band is use for Geomorphology and Geological feature mapping and monitoring. A) Visible B) Thermal C) Microwave D) Radiowave *SLRGP371* SLR-GP – 371 -3- 13) In India under _________ mainly landsat ETM +, IRS-LISS-I, II, III digital data were being used. A) Crop B) Crop inventory C) Crop yield D) CAPE 14) __________ colour indicate bare soil in FCC satellite image. A) White-Green B) Greening C) Red D) Black II. Write down the case study on agriculture application of remote sensing and GIS. 14 III. Explain the watershed action plan generate help of the Geoinformatics. 14 IV. How to extract Geomorphic information using Remote Sensing data ? 14 V. Write short note on : 14 A) Identification drainage basin B) Soil types identification. VI. Write small account on : 14 A) Crop inventory B) Landslide hazard mapping VII. Write brief on : 14 A) Soil moisture mapping B) Spectral characteristic of crops. ––––––––––––––––– SLR-GP – 372 *SLRGP372* Seat No. M.Sc. II (Semester – IV) Examination, 2015 GEOINFORMATICS (Paper – III) Application of Remote Sensing and GIS (Part – II) Day and Date : Tuesday, 21-4-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) Answer any five question. 2) All question carry equal marks. 3) Question one is compulsory. 4) Draw neat and labeled diagram wherever necessary. I. Fill in the blanks. 14 1) Which is following sensor used for potential fishing zone management ? A) SPOT B) OCM C) MSS D) LISS 2) CRZ means ___________ A) Coastal Regulation zone B) Coastal Recognized zone C) Coastal Rapid zone D) All of the above 3) Regalation types can be better discriminating using ___________ A) PAN Data B) Multispectral Data C) Hyperspectral data D) None of the above 4) The reflectance is high for __________ in optical range. A) snow B) regalation C) sand D) water 5) _____________ data are for ocean monitoring. A) Resource sat B) Ocean sat C) Land sat D) All of the above 6) ___________ spatial resolution of NOAA AVHRR data. A) 1 km B) 2 km C) 4 km D) 8 km P.T.O. SLR-GP – 372 -2- *SLRGP372* 7) __________ minerals obtained by ocean. A) Oil B) Sand C) Salt D) All of the above 8) Remote sensing data helps in identifying the following basic terrain element A) Folds B) Faults C) Fractures D) All of the above 9) _________ inertia map has been utilized for exploration of petroliferous basin. A) Thermal B) Microwave C) Visible D) All of the above 10) ____________ is Hyperspectral sensor used by NASA. A) Hyperion B) LISS C) OCM D) None of these 11) ___________ is thermal band in land sat - 7 ETM + data. A) One band B) Two band C) Six band D) Four band 12) Meteorological satellite ____________ images over the country were collected to understand the cloud cover pattern. A) KALPANA sat B) Resource sat C) Ocean sat D) Land sat 13) _________ data obtained from RADARSAT/ERS A) Thermal B) Microwave C) Radiowave D) All of the above 14) ___________ spatial resolution IRS-P6-AWIF5 data. A) 23.5 m B) 72 m C) 36 m D) 56 m *SLRGP372* -3- SLR-GP – 372 II. What are role of Geospatial Technology for forest resource mapping with one case study ? 14 III. Which is following Remote sensing data useful for urban mapping with one case study ? 14 IV. What is mean disaster management and how to R.S. and GIS measure disaster condition ? 14 V. Write note on : 14 A) Potential fishing zone mapping B) Cadstral mapping. VI. Write brief on : 14 A) Geological feature mapping B) Flood monitoring. VII. Write small account on 14 A) Wildlife habitat suitability B) Site selection for waste disposal. –––––––––––––––––