SLR-QA – 7 *SLRQA7* Seat No. M.A (Mass Communication) (Semester – I) (New) Examination, 2014 Paper – II : DEVELOPMENT OF MEDIA _mÜ`_m§Mm {dH$mg Day and Date : Wednesday, 23-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N. B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gyMZm : i) gd© àíZ Adí`H$ AmhoV ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Select the correct alternatives : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am. i) Agarkar started the _________ in 1888. AJaH$a `m§Zr 1888 _Ü`o _________ ho d¥ÎmnÌ H$mT>bo. a) Sudharak b) Darpan gwYmaH$ Xn©U c) Samta g_Vm d) Mooknayak _yH$Zm`H$ ii) _________ the first Marathi newspaper started in Maharashtra. _________ ho n{hbo _amR>r dV©_mZnÌ _hmamîQ´>mV gwê$ Pmbo. a) Kesari b) sudharak Ho$gar gwYmaH$ c) Darpan d) Janata Xn©U OZVm iii) ‘Sudharak’ was publishing in ___________ language. "gwYmaH$' d¥ÎmnÌ ___________ `m ^mfoV àH$m{eV hmoV hmoVo. a) English B§J«Or c) Both in Marathi and English _amR>r Am{U B§J«Or XmoÝhr b) Hindi qhXr d) Marathi _amR>r P.T.O. SLR-QA – 7 -2- iv) _________ was the first Marathi daily _________ ho n{hbo _amR>r X¡{ZH$ hmoVo. a) Mumbai Vaibhav b) Sakal _w§~B© d¡^d c) Shivner {edZoa gH$mb d) Bhala ^mbm v) Tilak started the _________ in 1908. {Q>bH$m§Zr 1908 _Ü`o _________ ho d¥ÎmnÌ H$mT>>bo. a) Rashtramat b) Samata amîQ´>_V c) Janata OZVm g_Vm d) Jagruti OmJ¥Vr vi) Vishwanath wabale started the _________ in Mumbai. {dídZmW dmãbo `m§Zr _w§~B©VyZ _________ ho d¥ÎmnÌ H$mT>bo a) Shivner b) Marata {edZoa c) Prabhat à^mV _amR>m d) Vishal {demb vii) __________ invented moveable type. _________ Zo MbZ Q>§H$mUm emoY bmdbm. a) Bhimji Parikha b) Hikey {^_Or nm[aI c) Gutenburge JwQ>oZ~J© {hH$s d) Shripatrao Shinde lrnVamd qeXo viii) Congress party started the __________ in 1920. H$m°J«og njm§Zr 1920 _Ü`o _________ ho d¥ÎmnÌ H$mT>bo. a) Lokshakati b) Janata bmoH$eH$Vr c) Samata g_Vm OZVm d) Kal H$mi ix) Prabhakar news paper started in _________ "à^mH$a' d¥ÎmnÌ _________ _Ü`o gwê$ Pmbo. a) 24 Oct. 1843 b) 14 Dec. 1842 24 AmQ>mo.1843 14 {S>go. 1842 c) 6 Jan. 1832 d) 4 Jan. 1881 6 OmZo.1832 4 OmZo.1881 *SLRQA7* *SLRQA7* -3- SLR-QA – 7 x) Krushnaji Prabhakar Khadilakar started the _______ in 1930. H¥$îUmOr à^mH$a Im{S>bH$am§Zr 1930 _Ü`o _________ ho d¥ÎmnÌ H$mT>bo. a) Nawakal b) Hitwad ZdmH$mi c) Samata g_Vm {hVdmX d) Bharat ^maV xi) Who wrote Shatpatre ? eVnÌo H$moUr {bhbr ? a) Mukundrao Patil b) Bhau Mahajan c) Anant Bhalerao d) Lokhitwadi _wHw§$Xamd nm{Q>b AZ§V ^mboamd ^mD$ _hmOZ bmoH${hVdmXr xii) Karmyogi newspaper started by _________ H$_©`moJr ho d¥ÎmnÌ _________ `m§Zr H$mT>bo. a) Rambhau rajware b) Anand Waghmare am_^mD$ amOdmao c) Anant Bhalerao AZ§V ^mboamd AmZ§X dmK_mao d) Bhau Mahajan ^mD$ _hmOZ xiv) ‘Bahishkrut bharat’ started by _________ "~{híH¥$V ^maV' ho d¥ÎmnÌ _________ `m§Zr gwé Ho$bo. a) M. K. Gandhi b) Dr. Ambedkar E_. Ho$. Jm§Yr c) B. Tilak ~r. {Q>bH$ S>m°. Am§~oS>H$a d) G. Deshmukh Or. Xoe_wI 2. Write short notes (any four) : WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) 1) Raja Ram Mohan Roy amOmam_ _mohZ am°` 2) Dr. Ambedkar S>m°. Am§~oS>H$a 3) Folk media bmoH$ _mÜ`_o 4) Nikhil Wagle {Z{Ib dmJio 5) Nidhi Rajdan ZrYr amOXmZ 12 SLR-QA – 7 -4- *SLRQA7* 3. Write the answers in short (any four) : 16 WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) 1) Explain the importance of paper in development of news paper. d¥ÎmnÌ {dH$mgmV H$mJXmMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 2) State the contribution of Tilak in Marathi journalism. Q>riH$m§Mo _amR>r nÌH$m[aVVrb `moJXmZ {deX H$am. 3) Explain the Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s view deals with Marathi journalism. _amR>r nÌH$m[aVo~X²>Xb amOm am_ _mohZ am°` `m§Mo ÑpîQ>H$moZ ñnîQ> H$am. 4) Explain the importance of Darpan in Marathi journalism. _amR>r nÌH$m[aVoV Xn©UmMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 5) Comment on the Digdarshan. {X½Xe©Z `m d¥ÎmnÌmda ^mî` H$am. 4. Write the answer in 250 words (any two) : 250 14 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Write in detail on Dalit Press and its social importance. X{bV àog Am{U Ë`mMo gm_m{OH$ _hËd `mda g{dñVa {bhm. 2) Write on changing role of the press in India ^maVmVrb "~XbVoo àogMr ^y{_H$m' `mda {bhm. 3) Discuss the historical development of Marathi journalism. _amR>r nÌH$m[aVoÀ`m E¡{Vhmg {dH$mgmda MMm© H$am. 5. Discuss the contribution of Bal Sastri Jambhekar in Marathi journalism. ~miemñÌr O§m^oH$am§Mr _amR>r nÌH$m[aVoVrb `moJXmZmda MMm© H$am. OR/qH$dm Explain the conflict between Tilak and Agarkar in journalism. AJaH$a Am{U Q>riH$m§À`m nÌH$m[aVoVrb g§Kf© ñnîQ> H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA – 10 *SLRQA10* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Comm.) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 WRITING AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS (Paper – V) (New) Day and Date : Wednesday, 30-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 1) ________ is the Secretary General of UNO. a) Ban Ki-moon b) Kofi Annan c) Bill Klinton _______ ho `wZmoMo ga{MQ>Urg AmhoV. a) ~mZ H$s-_yZ b) H$mo\$s AÞmZ c) {~b pb¨Q>Z d) Barak Obama d) ~amH$ Amo~m_m 2) ________ is the President of forth coming Akhil Bhartiya Marathi Sahitya Sammelan. a) Arun Sadhu b) F.M. Shinde c) Prabha Ganorkar d) None of these ho AmJm_r A{Ib ^maVr` _amR>r gm{hË` g§_obZmMo AÜ`j AmhoV. AéU gmYy b) \$._w.qeXo c) à^m JUmoaH$a d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr _______ a) 3) ________ is the Chairman of the Planning Commission. a) President b) Vice-President c) Prime-Minister d) Finance Minister ho `moOZm Am`moJmMo AÜ`j AmhoV. amîQ´>nVr b) CnamîQ´>nVr c) n§VàYmZ _______ a) d) {dÎm_§Ìr 4) The word ‘Gopher’ related with a) TV b) Film Jmo\$a hm eãX _______ er g§~§{YV Amho. a) Q>rìhr b) {MÌnQ> c) Internet c) B§Q>aZoQ> d) None of these d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-QA – 10 *SLRQA10* -2- 5) Who signed on ten rupee note ? a) Finance Minister b) Governor of RBI c) Finance Secretary d) None of these Xhm én`mÀ`m ZmoQ>oda H$moUmMr ñdmjar AgVo ? a) {dÎm _§Ìr b) Ama ~r Am`Mo JdZ©a c) {dÎm g{Md d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) _________ is the Railway Minister. a) Mukul Roy b) Mallikarjun Kharage c) C.P. Joshi d) Veerappa Moili ho aoëdo _§Ìr AmhoV. _wHw$b am°` _______ a) c) b) d) _{H$mOw©Z IaJo draßnm _moB©br 7) Philately means a) TV making company b) Branch of philosophy c) Collecting postal stamps d) None of these {\$bmQ>obr åhUOo a) Q>rìhr V`ma H$aUmar H§$nZr c) nmoñQ>mMr {V{H$Q>o O_m H$aUo b) d) VËdkmZmMr emIm `mn¡H$s Zmhr 8) _________ is the first Editor of Kesari. a) Chiplunkar b) B.G.Tilak c) Agarkar d) S.M. Paranjape ho Ho$garMo n{hbo g§nmXH$ hmoVo. {MniyUH$a AmJH$a _______ a) c) b) d) ~mi J§JmYa {ViH$ {e._. nam§Ono 9) ________ write the song ‘Vande Mataram’. a) Tagore b) Iqbal c) Pradip d) Bankim Chandra Chatarjee d§Xo _mVa_² _______ `m§Zr {b{hbo. a) Q>mJmoa c) àXrn b) d) B~mb ~§{H$_M§Ð MQ>Ou *SLRQA10* SLR-QA – 10 -3- 10) Communication between two peoples is known as a) Intrapersonal communication b) Dyadic communication c) Both a and b d) None of these XmoZ ì`Vr_Yrb g§dmXmbm _______ åhUVmV. a) B§Q´>mng©Zb H$å`w{ZHo$eZ b) S>m`S>rH$ H$å`w{ZHo$eZ c) XmoÝhr a Am{U b d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 11) _________ is the Chairman of Rajyasabha. a) Speaker b) President c) Prime Minister d) Vice-President amÁ`g^oMo AÜ`j a) g^mnVr ho AgVmV. amîQ´>nVr _______ b) c) n§VàYmZ d) Cn-amîQ´>nVr 12) IAEA is set up in a) 1959 Am` E B© E Mr ñWmnZm a) 1959 b) 1954 c) 1957 _Ü`o Pmbr. 1954 c) 1957 d) 1956 _______ b) d) 1956 13) International Trade Organisation established in a) 1950 b) 1948 c) 1949 A§VaamîQ´>r` ì`mnma g§KQ>ZoMr ñWmnZm _______ _Ü`o Pmbr. a) 1950 b) 1948 c) 1949 d) 1947 d) 1947 14) The headquarter’s of UNO is situated at a) Washigton b) London `wZmoMo _w»`mb` _______ `oWo Amho. a) dm°qe½Q>Z b) b§S>Z 2. Write short notes (any four) : Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) Panchayat Raj n§Mm`V amO 2) IMF Am` E_ E\$ c) New York c) Ý`w`m°H©$ d) None of these d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 12 SLR-QA – 10 -4- *SLRQA10* 3) PTI and UNI nr Q>r Am` Am{U `w EZ Am` 4) Naxalism ZjbdmX 5) Goa liberation movement Jmodm _wVr g§J«m_ 3. Write the answers in 150 words (any four) : 16 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) State the importance of writing skill. boIZ H$m¡eë`mMo _hÎd gm§Jm. 2) Explain the appropriate use of references. g§X^m©Mm `mo½` dmna ñnîQ> H$am. 3) State the various types of communication. g§dmXmMo {d{dY àH$ma Z_yX H$am. 4) Write a brief note on ‘Sanyukta Maharashtra Movement’. "g§`wV _hmamîQ´> Midi' `mda WmoS>`mV {Q>nU H$am. 5) State the main reasons of First World War. n{hë`m _hm`wÕmMr à_wI H$maUo gm§Jm. 4. Write the answers in 250 words (any two) : 14 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 250 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Discuss in detail about the functioning of the UNO. g§`wV amîQ´> g§KmÀ`m H$m_H$mOm~m~V g{dñVa MMm© H$am. 2) Write a feature on ‘Telangana’. Vob§JUmda boI {bhm. 3) Write an essay on ‘price rising. "_hmJmB©" da {Z~§Y {bhm. 5. Write the answer in 500 words. 14 nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎma 500 eãXmV {bhm. Write in detail about the effects of First and Second World War. "n{hë`m Am{U Xwgè`m _hm`wÕmMo n[aUm_' `m~m~V g{dñVa {bhm. OR/qH$dm Write in detail about ‘Gramsabha, Vidhansabha and Loksabha’. "J«m_g^m, {dYmZg^m Am{U bmoH$g^m' `m~m~V g{dñVa {bhm. ______________ SLR-QA 15 *SLRLQA15* S N e o a t . Master of Arts in Mass Communication (Sem. II) Examination, 2014 REGIONAL JOURNALISM (Old) (Paper V) Day and Date : Friday, 2-5-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Select the correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) Sericulture means __________ a) Flower agriculture b) Fruit agriculture c) Silk agriculture d) None of these goarH$ëMa åhUOo 1 a) \y$beoVr b) \$ieoVr c) aoer_ eoVr d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) __________ districts covered in drought-prone areas. a) 24 b) 25 c) 28 d) 22 {Oëho Adf©U àdU joÌmV AmhoV. a) 24 b) 25 c) 28 d) 22 P.T.O. SLR-QA 15 *SLRLQA15* -2- 3) S. G. Barve Commission set up in __________ a) 1979 b) 1984 c) 1962 d) 1969 Eg. Or. ~d} Am`moJmMr ñWmnZm a) 1979 c) 1962 _Ü`o Pmbr. b) d) 1984 1969 4) Sant Vidyapith is established in ___________ a) Paithan b) Pandharpur c) Alandi d) None of these g§V {dÚmnrR> a) n¡R>U c) Ami§Xr `oWo Amho. b) d) n§T>anya `mn¡H$s Zmhr 5) Crop Insurance Programme started in _________ a) 1987 b) 1985 c) 1986 d) 1988 nrH$ {d_m `moOZm a) 1987 c) 1986 _Ü`o gwê$ Pmbr. b) 1985 d) 1988 6) Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapith established in ___________ a) 1958 b) 1968 c) 1978 d) 1967 _hmË_m \w$bo H¥$fr {dÚmnrR> a) 1958 c) 1978 b) _Ü`o ñWmnZ Pmbo. 1968 d) 1967 *SLRLQA15* -3- SLR-QA 15 7) Maldhok Abhayaranya is situated in ___________ a) Nannaj b) Solapur-Ahmednagar Border c) Both a) and b) d) None of these _miXmoH$ A^`maÊ` ho a) ZmÝZO b) gmobmnya-Ah_XZJa gr_m c) XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr `oWo Amho. 8) ____________ is related with Co-operative Movement in Solapur district. a) Yashwantrao Chavan b) Shankarrao Mohite Patil c) Balasaheb Vikhe-Patil d) None of these ho gmobmnya {OëømVrb ghH$ma Midirer g§~§{YV AmhoV. a) `ed§Vamd MìhmU b) e§H$aamd _mo{hVo - nmQ>rb c) ~mimgmho~ {dIo - nmQ>rb d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr SLR-QA 15 *SLRLQA15* -4- 9) __________ district is coming under the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapith. a) Solapur b) Akola c) Latur d) Parbhani a) c) gmobmnya bmVya hm {Oëhm _hmË_m \w$bo H¥$fr {dÚmnrR>m A§VJ©V `oVmo. b) AH$mobm d) na^Ur 10) The programme Nabhowani Shetishala is aired by __________ a) Doordarshan b) Radio c) FM Radio d) None of these Z^modmUr eoVremim hm H$m`©H«$_ a) XyaXe©Z c) E\$. E_. ao{S>Amo dê$Z àgmarV Ho$bm OmVmo. b) d) ao{S>Amo `mn¡H$s Zmhr 11) The Fruit Horticulture Programme is started in __________ a) 1990-91 b) 1991-92 c) 1992-93 d) 1989-90 \$i~mJm bmJdS> H$m`©H«$_ a) 1990-91 c) 1991-93 b) d) _Ü`o gwê$ Pmbm. 1991-92 1989-90 12) ___________ is not a agriculture produce processing business. a) Winery b) Jam c) Chatani d) Poultry a) dm`Zar c) MQ>Ur hm H¥$fr CËnmXZmda à{H«$`m H$aUmam CX`moJ Zmhr. b) Om_ d) Hw$Hw$Q>nmbZ *SLRLQA15* SLR-QA 15 -5- 13) Maharashtra state Seeds Corporation is established in __________ a) 1976 b) 1977 c) 1986 d) 1975 _hmamîQ´> amÁ` {~`mUo _hm_§S>i _Ü`o ñWmnZ Pmbo. a) 1976 b) 1977 c) 1986 d) 1975 14) Konkan Irrigation Development Corporation set up in _________ a) April 1997 b) December 1997 c) December 1996 d) None of these H$moH$U qgMZ {dH$mg _hm_§S>i a) E{àb 1997 b) {S>g|~a 1997 c) {S>g|~a 1996 d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2. Write short notes (any four) : Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) Self-employment ñd§`amoOJma 2) Regional Journalism àmXo{eH$ nÌH$m[aVm _Ü`o ñWmnZ Pmbo. 12 -6- *SLRLQA15* 3. Write the answers in 100 words (any 4) : 16 SLR-QA 15 3) Irrigation methods qgMZmÀ`m nÕVr 4) Western Ghat npíM_ KmQ> 5) Co-operative Movement. ghH$ma Midi. nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 100 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr 4) : 1) Give the importance of organic farming. g|{Ð` eoVrMo _hÎd {deX H$am. 2) State the various obstacles in rural development. J«m_rU {dH$mgmVrb {d{dY AS>Wio Z_yX H$am. 3) Define development and explain the concept of development. "{dH$mgmMr' ì`m»`m H$am Am{U {dH$mgmMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 4) State the need of environment education. n`m©daU {ejUmMr Amdí`H$Vm gm§Jm. 5) State the importance of Gene Bank. OrZ ~±Ho$Mo _hÎd Z_yX H$am. *SLRLQA15* -7- SLR-QA 15 4. Write answers in 150 words (any two) : 14 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr 2) : 1) Discuss the various agricultural development programmes in detail. {d{dY àH$maÀ`m H¥${f {dH$mg H$m`©H«$_m§~m~V g{dñVa MMm© H$am. 2) State the main issues in social and educational development. gm_m{OH$ Am{U e¡j{UH$ {dH$mgmVrb à_wI _wÔo gm§Jm. 3) Evaluate the role of media in woman and child development. _{hbm Am{U ~mb {dH$mgm_Yrb _mÜ`_mÀ`m ^y{_Ho$Mo _yë`_mnZ H$am. 5. Write the answer in 250 words : 14 nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎmao 250 eãXmV {bhm : State in detail the various measurements taken by Maharashtra Government for the development of drought-prone areas. XwîH$miJ«ñV ^mJmgmR>r _hmamîQ´> gaH$maZo Ho$boë`m {d{dY Cnm``moOZm§Mr g{dñVa _m{hVr Úm. OR/qH$dm How the gap between cities and villages can be minimised through development with the help of media ? _mÜ`_m§À`m _XVrZo {dH$mgmÛmao ehao Am{U IoS>r `m§À`mVrb V\$mdV H$er H$_r H$aVm `oVo Vo gm§Jm. _____________________ SLR-QA – 16 *SLRQA16* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 MEDIA MANAGEMENT (Paper – I) (New) _mÜ`_ ì`dñWmnZ Day and Date : Tuesday, 22-4-2014day, --2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m..00 .m. to .00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gyMZm : gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ Amho. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose the correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) Radio and TV are the examples of _______________ ao{S>`mo Am{U Q>r. ìhr. ho ______________ Mo CXmhaU Amho. a) Group Communication b) Interpersonal Communication g_yh g§kmnZ XmoZì`pV _Yrb g§kmnZ c) Human Communication _mZdr g§kmnZ d) Mediated Communication _mÜ`_ g§kmnZ 2) ______________ is the latest technology at plate making in newspapers. d¥ÎmnÌmV ßboQ> V`ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r gÜ`m _____________ ho AmYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZ dmnabo OmVo. a) C.T.P. gr. Q>r. nr. b) D.T.P. S>r. Q>r. nr. c) K.B.P. Ho$. ~r. nr. d) B.P.L. ~r. nr. Eb. 3) Foreign equity in Indian media is allowed upto _______________ ^maVr` _mÜ`_m_Ü`o naXoer` Jw§VdUwH$sÀ`m gh^mJmg______________n`©V nadmZJr a) 22 percent b) 26 percent c) 24 percent d) 20 percent 22 Q>Ho$ 26 Q>Ho$ 24 Q>Ho$ Amho. 20 Q>Ho$ 4) Audit Bureau of circulation measures ______________ of newspaper. Am°S>rQ> ã`yamo Am°\$ g`©wboeZ _____________ Mo _moO_mn H$aVo. a) Readership b) Circulation c) Revenue d) None of these dmMH$g§ñWm A§H$ {dH«$s _hgyb `mn¡H$s Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-QA – 16 *SLRQA16* -2- 5) BBC means ~r~rgr åhUOo a) British Broadcasting Corporation b) British Broadcasting Company {~«{Q>e ~«m°S>H$mpñQ>¨J H$mnm¡©aoeZ c) Bharat Broad Corporation {~«{Q>e ~«m°S>H$mpñQ>¨J H$m§nZr d) None of these ^maV ~«m°S> H$mnm¡©aoeZ `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) INS was established in________________ year. Am`. EZ. Eg. Mr ñWmnZm _____________ gmbr Pmbr. a) 1977 1977 b) 1978 1978 c) 1979 1979 d) 1983 1983 7) J. F. I. stands for Oo. E\$. Am`. Mo nyU© ê$n _____________ a) Journalists Federation of India OaZm°{bñQ> \o$S>aoeZ Am°\$ B§{S>`m c) Junior Fellow of India b) Journalist Film of India OaZm°{bñQ >{\$ë_ Am°\$ B§{S>`m d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr Ow{ZAa \o$bmo Am°\$ B§{S>`m 8) Star TV started in _______________ year. _____________ gmbr ñQ>ma Q>rìhrMr gwédmV Pmbr. a) 1991 b) 1992 c) 1993 1991 1992 d) 1994 1993 1994 9) Who controlling the Doordarshan ? XyaXe©Zda H$moUmMo {Z`§ÌU Amho ? a) Prasar Bharthi b) D.A.V.P. c) Film Division d) I and B Ministry àgma ^maVr {\$ë_ {S>pìhOZ S>r. E. ìhr. nr. Am` A§S> ~r {_{ZñQ>ar 10) Employment news is published by _____________ Eånbm°`_oÝQ> Ý`yO_____________ à{gÕ H$aVo. a) Publications division b) Press information bureau npãbHo$eZ {S>pìhOZ c) Ministry of employment _rZrñQ>a Am°\$ Eånbm°`_oÝQ> àog BZ\$m°a_oeZ ã`yamo d) D.A.V.P S>r. E. ìhr. nr. *SLRQA16* SLR-QA-16 -3- 11) Full form of R.N.I. is Ama. EZ. Am`. Mo nyU©nX Amho. a) Registered news in India a{OñQ>S>© Ý`yO BZ B§{S>`m b) Registrar of news in India a{OñQ´>ma Am°\$ Ý`yO BZ B§{S>`m c) Registrar of newspapers in India d) Recognised newspaper of information a{OñQ´>ma Am°\$ Ý`yOnona BZ B§{S>`m [aH$½ZmB©gS> Ý`yOnona Am°\$ BZ\$m°a_oeZ 12) The paper used for newspaper printing is known as ___________ d¥ÎmnÌ N>nmB©gmR>r dmnaë`m OmUmè`m H$mJdmbm _____________ åhUVmV. a) News print b) Art paper c) Crest paper d) Print paper Ý`yO qàQ> AmQ>© nona H«o$ñQ> nona qàQ> nona 13) Inventor of the printing press was______________ {à§qQ>J àogMm emoY _____________ `m§Zr bmdbm. a) IVY Lee b) Gutenburg c) Jonesburg JwQ>oZ~J© OmoÝg ~J© AmB©. ìhr. br d) Sylvester Lee {gbdoñQ>a br 14) What is I.S.P. ? Am`. Eg. nr. H$m` Amho ? a) Integrated service protocol B§{Q>J«oQ>oS> g{d©g àmoQ>moH$mob c) Indian survey point B§{S>`Z gd} nm°BªQ> 2. Write notes (any four) : Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) People’s meter nrnëg _rQ>a b) D.T.P. S>r. Q>r. nr. c) Media Management _mÜ`_ ì`dñWmnZ d) Objectives of Management ì`dñWmnZMr C{ÔîQ>ço e) Principles of Management ì`dñWmnZoMr _ybVÎdo b) Internet service provider BÝQ>>aZoQ> g{d©g àmoìhmBS>a d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr 12 SLR-QA – 16 -4- *SLRQA16* 3. Write answer in 150 words (any four) : XrS>eo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 16 1) What are the benefits of Management ? ì`dñWmnZmMo \$m`Xo H$moUVo AmhoV ? 2) Explain what is media monopoly. _mÜ`_ EH$m{YH$maemhr åhUOo H$m` ñnîQ> H$am ? 3) Discuss on the D.T.H. S>r.Q>r. EM. `mda MMm© H$am. 4) Explain the characteristics of Management. ì`dñWmnZmMo JwUd¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 5) Explain the concept of media buying. _mÜ`_ IaoXrMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : AS>rMeo eãXmX CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 1) Explain the benefits of individual ownership. ì`pVJV _mbH$sMo \$m`Xo ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Explain the new trends in printing technology. _wÐU V§ÌkmZmVrb Zdo àdmh ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Explain the principles of media management. _mÜ`_ ì`dñWmnZmMo _ybVÎdo ñnîQ> H$am 5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : 500 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm : 14 1) Discuss history of newspaper printing technology. d¥ÎmnÌ _wÐU V§ÌkmZmÀ`m B{VhmgmMr MMm© H$am. OR / qH$dm 2) Describe various departments in newspaper office and give details of their working. d¥ÎmnÌ H$m`m©b`mVrb {d{d{Y {d^mJ ñnîQ> H$am Am{U Ë`m§À`m H$m`m©Mm Vnerb Úm. _____________________ SLR-QA – 17 *SLR-Q-7* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 Paper – II : MEDIA LAW AND ETHICS (New) Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : All questions are compulsory. 1. Choose correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 1) ____________ newspaper appointed an Ombudsman. d¥ÎmnÌmZo d¥ÎmnmbmMr Zo_UyH$ Ho$br Amho. a) Indian Express B§{S>`Z Egàog b) Hindustan Samachar qhXwñVmZ g_mMma c) Hindu qhXy d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2) Akash Bharti was recommended by _____________ AmH$me ^maVrMr {e\$mag a) A. K. Chanda E. Ho$. M§Xm c) B. G. Vergese ~r. Or. d{J©g `m§Zr Ho$br. b) J. S. Rajadhyaksha Oo. Eg². amOmÜ`j d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-QA – 17 *SLRQA17* -2- 3) First Press Commission was constituted on ______________ n{hë`m d¥ÎmnÌ Am`moJmMr ñWmnZm amoOr Pmbr. a) 20th June 1954 20 OyZ 1954 b) 23th September, 1952 23 gßQ>|o~a 1952 c) 29th May, 1954 29 _o 1954 d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 4) Freedom of speech and expression is not absolute. The reasonable restrictions to this are specified in ____________ ^mfU d A{^ì`Vr ñdmV§Í` A_`m©X Zmhr, Ë`mda AÝd`o dmOdr {Z~ªY AmhoV. a) Article 19 (2) H$b_ 19 (2) b) Article 17 (1) H$b_ 17 (1) c) Article 18 (1) H$b_ 18 (1) d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 5) Oral defamation is known as ____________ _m¡{IH$ ~XZm_rbm a) Slander ñb±S>a c) Slug ñbJ åhUVmV. b) Libel bm`~ob d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRQA17* SLR-QA – 17 -3- 6) A writ of __________ is a court order requiring that a prisoner be brought before a judge to decide whether he is being held legally. EImXr ì`Vr H$m`Xoera[aË`m Vmã`mV KoVbr Amho H$m` `mMr ehm{Zem H$aÊ`mg Ooìhm åhUVmV. Ý`m`mb` Ë`m ì`Vrbm Ý`m`mYremg_moa hOa H$aÊ`mMm AmXoe XoVo Ë`mg a) Habeas Corpus ho{~Ag H$m°n©g b) Status Quo ñQ>oQ>g H$mo c) Suo Moto gmo _moQ>mo d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© 7) R. T. I. Act 2005 is came into existence due to the struggle of __________ _m{hVr A{YH$ma H$m`Xm 2005 `m§À`m à`ËZm_wio gwê$ Pmbm. a) Arundhati Roy Aé§YVr am°` b) Aruna Roy AéUm am°` c) Anjali Roy A§Obr am°` d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 8) Copyright is generally given for _________ years. _wÐUm{YH$ma gmYmaUV: dfmªgmR>r {Xbm OmVmo. a) 50 years b) 60 years 50 df} 60 df} c) 65 years 65 df} d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-QA – 17 *SLRQA17* -4- 9) Mrinal Pande is chairman of __________ _¥Umb nm§S>o À`m AÜ`j AmhoV. a) Indian Newspaper Society B§{S>`Z Ý`yOnona gmogm`Q>r b) Press Council of India àog H$m°pÝgb Am°\$ B§{S>`m c) Prasar Bharati àgma ^maVr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 10) Right to property was deleted from the Fundamental rights due to _________ amendment of constitution. g§nÎmrMm A{YH$ma a) 42nd 42 dr c) 35th 35 dr KQ>ZmXwéñVrÛmao _yb^yV hH$mVyZ dJiÊ`mV Ambm. b) 44th 44 dr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 11) The Press Council Bill was enacted in ___________ àog H$m°pÝgb H$m`Xm a) Year 1965 1965 gmbr b) Year 1946 1946 gmbr c) Year 1956 1956 gmbr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr gmbr _§Oya Pmbm. *SLRQA17* SLR-QA – 17 -5- 12) Provision for declaring emergency is given in ________ AmUr~mUr bmJy H$aÊ`mMr VaVyX KQ>ZoÀ`m H$b_mV g_m{dîQ> Amho. a) Article 354 H$b_ 354 b) Article 348 H$b_ 348 c) Article 352 H$b_ 352 d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 13) Newspaper Prices and Pages Act enacted in ____________ d¥ÎmnÌ qH$_V d n¥îR>o H$m`Xm _§Oya Pmbm. a) Year 1954 b) Year 1956 1954 gmbr 1956 gmbr c) Year 1952 1952 gmbr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 14) New Trademark Act is implemented from ____________ ZdrZ ì`mnma {MÝh H$m`Xm ________________ nmgyZ A_bmV Ambm. a) 15th Sept. 2003 15 gßQ>|~a, 2003 b) 20th Dec. 2003 20 {S>g|~a, 2003 c) 12th Dec. 2003 12 {S>g|~a, 2003 d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-QA – 17 -6- 2. Write notes (any four) : *SLRQA17* 12 Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Patent Act noQ>§Q> H$m`Xm b) Privileges Act {deofm{YH$ma H$m`Xm c) Emergency AmUr~mUr d) Ombudsman d¥Îmnmb e) Suo Moto. gmo _moQ>mo. 3. Write answers (any four) : CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What is paid news ? noS> Ý`yO åhUOo H$m` ? b) What is the use of Drug and Magic Remedies Act ? Am¡fYr d M_ËH$m[aH$ Cnm` H$m`ÚmMr Cn`wVVm H$m` Amho ? c) What is your understanding about contempt of court ? Ý`m`mb`mMm Ad_mZ H$m`X`m~m~V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ? d) Describe the recommendations of First Press Commission. n{hë`m d¥ÎmnÌ Am`moJmÀ`m {e\$magr {dfX H$am. e) Explain the concept of ‘Self Regulation’. "ñd {Z`_Z' hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 16 *SLRQA17* -7- SLR-QA – 17 4. Give answers in detail (any two) : 14 Vnerbmgh CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) What is Defamation ? Discuss giving suitable examples. ~XZm_r åhUOo H$m` ? CXmhaUo XoD$Z MMm© H$am. b) Describe the important provisions in Prasar Bharati Act. àgma ^maVr H$m`ÚmVrb à_wI VaVwXr H$moUË`m ? c) Describe the provisions of Press Council Act ? àog H$m¡pÝgb H$m`ÚmVrb VaVwXr H$moUË`m ? 5. Give answers in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : a) Does constitution of India succeeded in keeping democracy alive ? Discuss in the light of salient features of constitution. ^maVr` KQ>Zm bmoH$emhr {Od§V R>odÊ`mV `eñdr R>abr Amho H$m ? KQ>ZoÀ`m R>iH$ JwUd¡{eîQ>çm§À`m g§X^m©Zo MMm© H$am. b) Discuss freedom of media in India giving examples of various cases. {d{dY IQ>ë`m§Mr CXmhaUo XoD$Z ^maVmVrb _mÜ`_ ñdmV§Í`m~m~V MMm© H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA – 18 *SLRQA18* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – II) (New) Examination, 2014 ELECTRONIC MEDIA (Radio and Television) (Paper – III) BboQ´>mo{ZH$ {_{S>`m (ao{S>Amo Am{U Q>o{bpìhOZ) Day and Date : Saturday, 26-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gyMZm : gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose the correct alternatives : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 1) A. M. stands for _____________ ao{S>Amo g§X^m©V E. E_. åhUOo _____________ a) Amplitude Modulation E°åbrQ>çyS> _moS>çyboeZ b) Applied Modulation A°ßbmB©S> _moS>çyboeZ c) Audio Modulation d) None of these Am°{S>Amo _moS>çyboeZ `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) Vividh Bharti started in _____________ _____________ _Ü`o {d{dY ^maVrMr gwédmV Pmbr. a) 1957 b) 1936 c) 1875 d) 1863 1957 1936 1875 1863 3) Akashwani separated from television according to the recommendations of _____________ Committee. _____________ g{_VrÀ`m {e\$maerZygma XyaXe©ZnmgyZ AmH$medmUrbm ñdV§Ì H$aÊ`mV Ambo. a) Vergis dJug b) Chanda M§Xm c) Joshi Omoer d) Rao amd P.T.O. SLR-QA – 18 *SLRQA18* -2- 4) _____________ is a private commercial radio centre. _____________ ho ImOJr ì`mdgm{`H$ ao{S>Amo H|$Ð Amho. a) Radio Mirchi b) Radio city c) Red F. M. ao{S>Amo {_Mu ao{S>Amo {gQ>r d) All of these aoS> E\$. E_. darb gd© 5) SNG stands for EgEZOr åhUOo a) Satellite news gathering b) Satellite news gate g°Q>bmB©Q> Ý`yO J°X[a¨J g°Q>bmB©Q> Ý`yO JoQ> c) Satellite nation going d) None of these g°Q>bmB©Q> ZoeZ JmoB§J `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) Who developed the World Wide Web ? dS>© dmB©S> do~ H$moUr {dH${gV Ho$bo hmoVo ? a) Steve jobs b) Tim-Barnes Lee pñQ>ìh Om°~ {Q>_-~Z©g {b c) Henry William gates hoÝar {dë`_ JoQ>g d) Michael Dell _¡Ib S>ob 7) PTC stands for nrQ>rgr åhUOo a) Picture to camera b) Piece to camera {nMa Qy> H°$_oam nrg Qy> H°$_oam c) Person to camera d) None of the above nagZ Qy> H°$_oam `mn¡H$s Zmhr 8) Colour television started in India in the year _____________ ^maVmV a§JrZ Q>o{bpìhOZMr gyédmV _____________ _Ü`o Pmbr. a) 1980 b) 1982 c) 1983 d) 1984 1980 1982 1983 9) Indian Broadcasting Service started in _____________ ^maVr` àgmaU godm _____________ _Ü`o gwê$ Pmbr. a) 1930 b) 1935 c) 1936 1930 1935 1936 1984 d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr *SLRQA18* SLR-QA – 18 -3- 10) Stand ups is also known as _____________ ñQ>°§S> Ang ho _____________ `m ZmdmZo AmoiIbo OmVo. a) Voice over b) Piece to camera ìhmBg Amoìha nrg Qy> H°$_oam c) Story board d) Script ñQ>moar ~m}S> ñH«$sßQ> 11) Simple shots that also known as _____________ {gånb em°Q>gbm _____________ `m AWm©Zohr AmoiIbo OmVo. a) Fixed shots b) Extreme long shot {\$gS> em°Q>g EH$ñQ´>r_ bm±J em°Q> c) Long shot d) A shot having lens movement bm±J em°Q> boÝgMr hmbMmb g_m{dîQ> AgUmam em°Q> 12) _____________ is the first 24 hours Marathi News channel. _____________ hr 24 Vmg MbUmar n{hbr _amR>r d¥Îmdm{hZr Amho. a) ETV b) Z 24 Tass c) Star Majha d) Sahyadri B©Q>rìhr Pr 24 Vmg ñQ>ma _mPm gømÐr 13) Television came into India in _____________ Q>o{bpìhOZ _____________ _Ü`o ApñVÎdmV Ambo. a) 15 Sept. 1959 b) 16 Sept. 1959 15 gßQ>o. 1959 16 gßQ>o. 1959 c) 15 Dec. 1959 d) 16 Dec. 1959 15 S>rg>o. 1959 16 S>r>go. 1959 14) In the year _____________ D. T. H. started in India. ^maVmV _____________ _Ü`o {S>. Q>r. EM. bm gwédmV Pmbr. a) 2000 b) 2002 c) 2004 2000 2. Write short notes (any 4) : 2002 WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) All India Radio Am°b B§{S>`m ao{S>Amo b) TV cameras Q>rìhr H°$_oam 2004 d) 1993 1993 12 SLR-QA – 18 -4- *SLRQA18* c) Prasar Bharti àgma ^maVr d) Television News Q>o{bpìhOZ Ý`yO e) FM Radio E\$. E_. ao{S>Amo. 3. Answer the following questions (any four) : Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 16 1) Explain the development of Radio. ao{S>AmoMm {dH$mg ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Discuss on the importance of music in radio programmes. ao{S>Amo H$m`©H«$_m_Ü`o g§JrVmMo _hÎd `mda MMm© H$am. 3) Explain the sources of Radio News. ao{S>Amo ~mV_rnÌmMo ñÌmoV ñnîQ> H$am. 4) Explain the characteristics of Radio and Television. ao{S>Amo Am{U Xya{MÌdmUr Mo JwUd¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 5) Discuss the internet as medium of mass communication. B§Q>aZoQ> ho OZg§kmnZmMo _mÜ`_ Amho MMm© H$am. 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 250 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 1) Explain the concept of satellite radio. g°Q>obmB©Q> hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Explain the various programs formats of Radio. ao{S>Amo H$m`H«$_mMo {d{dY àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Discuss the types of microphones. _m`H«$mo\$moZÀ`m àH$mam~Õb MMm© H$am. 5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : 500 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) Explain the History of Television in India. ^maVmVrb Xya{MÌdmUrMm B{Vhmg ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Give details of various department in TV studio. Q>rìhr ñQy>{S>Amo_Yrb {d{dY {d^mJm§Mr _m{hVr g{dñVa {bhm. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA 19 *SLRQA19* S N e o a t . M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester II) Examination, 2014 NEW MEDIA APPLICATIONS (New) (Paper IV) Day and Date : Tuesday, 29-4-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 1) MSN, iGoogle, Netvibes are _____________ a) private web portals b) web sites c) public web portals d) none of these E_.Eg.EZ., Am`JwJb, ZoQ>dmB©~²g ho ___________ AmhoV. a) c) ImOJr do~ nmoQ>©ëg gmd©O{ZH$ do~ nmoQ>©ëg b) do~gmB©Q²>g d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) The Internet was launched in ___________ a) 1968 b) 1967 c) 1969 d) 1959 B§Q>aZoQ> ___________ _Ü`o àñWm{nV Pmbm. a) 1968 b) 1967 c) 1969 d) 1959 P.T.O. SLR-QA 19 *SLRQA19* -2- 3) Web is also known as ____________ a) internet b) www c) both a) and b) d) none of these do~ hr ___________ _m ZmdmZo hr AmoiIbr OmVo. a) B§>aZoQ b) S>ãë`w.S>ãë`w.S>ãë`w. c) XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 4) The first page of a web site is __________ a) home page b) web page c) both a) and b) d) none of these do~gmB©QMo n{hbo nmZ åhUOo___________ hmo`. a) hmo_noO b) do~noO c) XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 5) Sending and receiving of messages over the internet is called as __________ a) E-mail b) E-commerce c) E-shopping d) None of these B§Q>aZoQ>Ûmao g§XoemMr XodmU-KodmU åhUOo ___________ hmo`. a) B©-_ob b) B©-H$m°_g© c) B©-em°qnJ d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) __________ is an Internet service for transferring files. a) TCP b) FTP c) URL d) None of these \$mB©ëgMr AXbm~Xb H$aÊ`mgmR>r ___________ hr B§Q> aZoQ godm Amho. a) Q> b) E\$.Q> c) `w.Ama.Eb. d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr *SLRQA19* -3- 7) WAN means _________ a) Wide Access Network b) Wide Area Network c) Wide Advance Network d) None of these d°Z åhUOo _________ a) dmB©S> Egog ZoQ>dH©$ c) dmB©S> A°S>ìhmÝg ZoQ>dH©$ b) dmB©S> E[a`m ZoQ>dH©$ d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 8) The term blog is used in _________ a) 1998 b) 1997 c) 1999 d) 1996 ãbm°J `m g§koMm dmna _________ _Ü`o Pmbm. a) 1998 b) 1997 c) 1999 d) 1996 9) The first online website appeared in _____________ a) 1992 b) 1993 c) 1994 d) 1991 n{hbr Am°ZbmB©Z do~gmB©Q> _________ _Ü`o ApñVËdmV Ambr. a) 1992 b) 1993 c) 1994 d) 1991 10) The word hypertext coins by ___________ a) Ted Nelson b) Vinton Serf c) Bob Kahn d) None of these "hm`naQ>oñQ>' hm eãX _________ `m§Zr àM{bV Ho$bm. a) Q>oS> ZoëgZ b) pìhÝQ>m°Z g\©$ c) ~m°~ H$mZ d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr SLR-QA 19 SLR-QA 19 -4- *SLRQA19* 11) __________ is the main feature of computers fifth generation. a) Microchip b) Transistor c) Artificial brain d) IC g§JUH$mÀ`m nmMì`m {nT>rMo _w»` d¡{eîQ>ç_________ ho Amho. a) _m`H«$moMrn b) Q´>m§{gñQ>a c) H¥${Ì_ _|Xy d) Am`.gr. 12) Web was introduced in __________ a) 1991 b) 1992 c) 1993 d) 1990 do~Mr AmoiI _________ _Ü`o Pmbr. a) 1991 c) 1993 b) 1992 d) 1990 13) ___________ provides internet access without the need for a traditional computer. a) TV b) Telephone c) Web TV d) Modem nma§nm[aH$ g§JUH$m{edm` B§Q>aZoQ> godm _________ hm nwa{dVmo. a) Q>r{ìh b) Q>obr\$moZ c) do~ Q>rpìh d) _moS>o_ 14) Web site addresses are also called __________ a) URLS b) Hyperlinks c) HTML d) None of these do~gmB©Q>À`m nÎ`m§Zm _________ Agohr g§~moYbo OmVo. a) `w.Ama.Eb.Eg. b) hm`naqbg c) EM.Q>r.E_.Eb. d) `mn¡H$m Zmhr *SLRQA19* -5- SLR-QA 19 2. Short notes (any four) : 12 Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) Modem _moS>o_ 2) Video conferencing pìh{S>Amo H$m°Ý\$a§qgJ 3) Recycle bin [agm`H$b {~Z 4) Computer networking g§JUH$ Omio 5) Operating system Am°naoqQ>J {gpñQ>_. 3. Write the answers in 150 words (any four) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr 150 e×mV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) State the difference between software and hardware. gm°âQ>doAa Am{U hmS>©doAa `m_Yrb \$aH$ Z_yX H$am. 2) Explain the five parts of an information system. _m{hVr àUmbrÀ`m nmM ^mJmMo ñnîQ>> {ddaU H$am. 3) What is system software ? What is the most important type of system software ? {gpñQ>_ gm°âQ>doAa åhUOo H$m` gm§Jm. ? {gñQ>_ gm°âQ>doAaMm AË`§V _hÎdmMm àH$ma H$moUVm Vo 4) State the various applications of optical fibre cable. Am°pßQ>H$b \$m`~a Ho$~bMo {d{dY Cn`moJ {deX H$am. 5) What is e-commerce ? State the various types of e-commerce. B©-H$m°_g© åhUOo H$m` ? Vo gm§JyZ Ë`mMo {d{dY àH$ma Z_yX H$am. 16 SLR-QA 19 -6- *SLRQA19* 4. Write the answers in 250 words (any two) : 14 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 250 e×mV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Discribe any five latest terms related to information technology. _m{hVr V§ÌkmZmer g§~§{YV nmM AX``mdV g§km§Mo dU©Z H$am. 2) Discuss about the social issues related to communication technology. g§kmnZ V§ÌkmZmer g§~§{YV gm_m{OH$ _wÔ`m§~m~V MMm© H$am. 3) What are web authoring programmes ? What steps are involved in web authoring? do~ Am°W[a¨J àmoJm« å° g åhUOo H$m` ? do~ Am°W[a¨J_Ü`o gh^mJr Agbobo Q>ßno H$moUVo Vo gm§Jm. 5. Write the answer in 500 words : nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎmao 500 e×mV {bhm : Define and discuss connectivity. Describe the various physical and wireless communication channels. H$ZoQ>rpìhQ>r~m~V MMm© H$ê$Z ì`m»`m H$am. {d{dY ^m¡{VH$ Am{U {~ZVmar g§dmX dm{hÝ`m§Mr g{dñVa _m{hVr {deX H$am. OR / qH$dm Write an essay on Web Journalism. "do~ nÌH$m[aVm' `mda {Z~§Y {bhm. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA 20 *SLRLQA20* S N e o a t . M.A. (Mass Communication) (Sem. II) Examination, 2014 (New) Paper V : INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION Day and Date : Friday, 2-5-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N. B. : I) All questions are compulsory. II) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. 1) NAM News Network was established in _________ "Am{bßV amîQ´>m§Mo Ý`yO ZoQ>dH©$' _Ü`o ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mV Ambo. a) Year 2002 b) Year 2005 2002 gmbr 2005 gmbr c) Year 2000 2000 gmbr 14 d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2) AFP was established as government supported news agency by closing private _________ news agency. hr ImOJr d¥ËVg§ñWm ~§X H$ê$Z E.E\$.nr. hr emgH$s` nmR>~i Agbobr d¥ËVg§ñWm gwê$ H$aÊ`mV Ambr. a) Havas hdmg c) TASS Vmg b) Wolff dwë\$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-QA 20 *SLRLQA20* -2- 3) Wolff News Agency was formed in ___________ dwë\$ hr d¥ËVg§ñWm ñWmnZ Pmbr. a) Year 1851 b) Year 1860 1851 gmbr 1860 gmbr c) Year 1849 d) None of these 1849 gmbr `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 4) _________ News Agency was owned by State. d¥ËVg§ñWoMr _mbH$s gaH$maH$S>o hmoVr. a) TASS b) Havas Vmg hdmg c) AP d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 5) AP was established in ___________ Mr ñWmnZm Pmbr. a) Year 1860 b) Year 1848 1860 gmbr 1848 gmbr c) Year 1852 d) None of these 1852 gmbr `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 6) ____________ has taken initiative in formation of NAM News Pool. Am{bßV amîQ´>m§Mm Ý`yO nyb gwê$ hmoÊ`mgmR>r a) Fidel Castro {\$S>ob H°$ñQ´>mo `m§Zr nwT>mH$ma KoVbm. b) Yaser Arafat `mgoa Aam\$V c) Marshal Tito d) All of these _me©b {Q>Q>mo `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRLQA20* SLR-QA 20 -3- 7) Headquarter of WAN IFRA is in __________ d°Z-B\«$m Mo _w»`mb` `oWo Amho. a) Darmstadt, Germany S>_©ñQ>°S>, O_©Zr c) Tokyo, Japan Q>mo`mo, OmnmZ² b) New York, USA Ý`y`m°H©$, A_o[aH$m d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 8) MacBride Report is also known as ___________ _°H$~«mB©S> [anmoQ>©bm a) NWEO EZ.S>ãby.B.Amo. c) NWCIO EZ.S>ã`.Amo. Agohr åhQ>bo OmVo. b) NWICO EZ.S>ãby.Am`.gr.Amo. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 9) UNESCO adapted International Program for Development Communication due to ____________ `wZoñH$moZo ñdrH$ma Ho$bm. a) Dunkel Report S>§Ho$b Ahdmb b) Maxwell Report _°gdob Ahdmb c) MacBride Report _°H$~«mB©S> Ahdmb d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr _wio B§Q>aZ°eZb àmoJ«m_ \$m°a S>oìhbn_|Q> H$å`w{ZHo$eZMm SLR-QA 20 *SLRLQA20* -4- 10) UNO declared ____________ as World Press Freedom Day. g§`wV amîQ´> g§KmZo Ho$bm Amho. a) 3rd May hm {Xdg OmJ{VH$ d¥ËVnÌ ñdmV§Í` {Xdg Kmo{fV b) 16th November 3 _o c) 1st December 16 Zmoìh|~a d) None of these 1 {S>g|~a `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 11) After submission of MacBride Report ____________ these two countries left the UNESCO. _°H$~«mB©S> Am`moJmMm Ahdmb gmXa Pmë`mda gXñ`Ëd gmoS>bo. `m XmoZ Xoem§Zr `wZoñH$moMo a) US and France A_o[aH$m d \«$mÝg b) US and UK A_o[aH$m d B§½b§S> c) France and Germany \«$mÝg d O_©Zr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 12) MacBride Commission Report contains total __________ recommendations. _°H$~«mB©S> Am`moJmÀ`m AhdmbmV EH§$Xa a) Eighty Two ã`mE§er c) Seventy gËVa {e\$magr hmoË`m. b) Seventy Two ~mhËVa d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRLQA20* SLR-QA 20 -5- 13) First World Summit on Information Society was held in Geneva during ____________ n{hbr OmJ{VH$ _m{hVr g_mO n[afX {OZodm `oWo _Ü`o Pmbr. a) 22nd-24th December, 2003 22-24 {S>g|~a, 2003 b) 18th-20th December, 2003 18-20 {S>g|~a, 2003 c) 10th-12th December, 2003 10-12 {S>g|~a, 2003 d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 14) Headquarter of International Federation of Journalists is situated in B§Q>aZ°eZb \o$S>aoeZ Am°\$ OZm©{bñQ> Mo _w»`mb` a) Geneva, Switzerland b) Brussels, Belgium {OZodm, pñdPabm°ÝS> ~«wgoëg, ~opëOA_ c) Paris, France n°[ag, \«$mÝg 2. Write notes (any four) : Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Paul Julius Reuter nm°b Á`w{bAg am`Q>a b) Communication as a Human Right g§kmnZ EH$ _mZdr hH$ `oWo Amho. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 12 SLR-QA 20 -6- *SLRLQA20* c) NAM News Network Am{bßV amîQ´>m§Mo Ý`yO ZoQ>dH©$ d) International Telecommunication Union B§Q>aZ°eZb Q>o{bH$å`w{ZHo$eZ `w{Z`Z e) Democratization of Information. _{hVrMo bmoH$emhrH$aU. 3. Write answers (any four) : CËVao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What were the objectives of MacBride Commission ? _°H$~«mB©S> Am`moJmMr C{ÔîQ>ço H$m` hmoVr ? b) What were the reasons behind decline of Wolff News Agency ? dwë\$ d¥ËVg§ñWm Zm_eof hmoÊ`m_mJMr H$maUo H$moUVr hmoVr ? c) What were the four essential freedoms declared in speech of US President Franklin Roosevelt ? A_o[aHo$Mo AÜ`j \«±$H$brZ ê$OdoëQ> `m§Zr H$moUË`m Mma Amdí`H$ ñdmV§Í`mMr KmofUm Ho$br hmoVr ? d) What is Convergence ? EH${ÌH$aU (H$ÝdO©Ýg) åhUOo H$m` ? e) Explain the concept of News Cartel. "Ý`yO H$mQ>}b' hr g§H$ënZm H$m` Amho ? 16 *SLRLQA20* -7- SLR-QA 20 4. Give answers in detail (any two) : 14 Vnerbmgh CËVao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) What was the situation of international communication in the early years of twentieth century ? {dgmì`m eVH$À`m Ama§^r Am§VaamîQ´>r` g§kmnZmMr pñWVr H$m` hmoVr ? b) Does information imbalance removed after MacBride Commission Report. Discuss. _°H$~«mB©S> Am`moJmÀ`m AhdmbmZ§Va _m{hVr àdmhmVrb Ag_Vmob Xya Pmbm H$m§. c) Explain the concept New Communication Technology. "ZdrZ g§kmnZ V§ÌkmZ' hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Give answers in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CËVao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : a) Describe the role of UNESCO for removal of imbalance in the news flow. d¥ËV àdmhmVrb Ag_Vmob Xya H$aÊ`mgmR>r `wZoñH$moZo H$moUVo à`ËZ Ho$bo ? b) Which are the international media institutions ? Describe their working with details. Am§VaamîQ´>r` _mÜ`_ g§ñWm H$moUË`m AmhoV ? Ë`m§Mr H$m`© nÕVr {dfX H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA – 21 *SLRQA21* Seat No. M.A. (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 MASS COMMUNICATION Paper – III : Development Communication Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. i) ‘Diffusion of Innovation’ concept is coined by _______________ "Zì`m JmoîQ>tMo àgaU' hr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m§Zr _m§S>br. a) Nora Qubral b) Evert Rogers Zmoam `w~«mb c) Daniel Learner S>°{Z`b bZ©a BdQ>© am°Og© d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ii) ‘Human Development Index’ concept developed by ____________ "_mZd {dH$mg {ZX}em§H$' hr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m§Zr {dH${gV Ho$br. a) Mohammad Yunus b) Mohammad Yusuf _mohå_X `wZwg c) Mahboob-UL-Haq _h~y~-C>b-hH$ _mohå_X `wgy\$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr iii) ‘Everybody Likes Draught’ is the book written by ___________ "Eìh[a~m°S>r bmBg S´>mâQ²>' `m nwñVH$mMo boIH$ ___________ AmhoV. a) P. Sainath b) Rajdeep Sardesai nr. gmB©ZmW c) Nalini Singh Z{bZr qgh amOXrn gaXogmB© d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-QA – 21 *SLRQA21* -2- iv) ‘A newspaper dedicated to agriculture development is ____________ H¥$fr {dH$mg `m {df`mgmR>r H$mT>bo OmUmao d¥ÎmnÌ ___________ hmo`. a) Economic Times b) DNA BH$m°Zm°{_H$ Q>mB©åg c) Agro-One A°J«modZ S>r.EZ. E. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr v) A variety of crop popularized by radio is ___________ ao{S>AmoZo bmoH${à` Ho$bobo nrH$ ___________ Amho. a) Radio Wheat b) Radio Rice ao{S>`mo ìhrQ> ao{S>Amo amB©g c) Radio Potato d) None of these ao{hAmo nmoQ>°Q>mo `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vi) ‘SITE’ experiment was implemented in _____________ "gmB©Q>' hm àH$ën ___________ IoS>`mV A_bmV AmUÊ`mV Ambm. a) 2400 villages b) 1800 villages 2400 IoS>r 1800 IoS>r c) 600 villages d) None of these 600 IoS>r `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vii) Human Development Commissionerate Office of Maharashtra State is situated in _____________ _hmamîQ´> amÁ`mMo _mZd {dH$mg Am`wVmb` ___________ `oWo Amho. a) Mumbai b) Pune _w§~B© c) Aurangabad Am¡a§Jm~mX> nwUo d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr viii) Mahatma Gandhiji’s concept of development was based on the principle of ____________ _hmË_m Jm§Yr `m§Mr {dH$mgmMr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m VÎdmda AmYmabobr hmoVr. a) Technology b) Self-Reliance V§ÌkmZ ñdmdb§~Z c) Gramdan d) All of these J«m_XmZ `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRQA21* SLR-QA – 21 -3- ix) ______________ State is ranked number one in India for better human development index. Mm§Jë`m _mZd {dH$mg {ZX}em§H$mgmR>r ^maVmVrb ________ amÁ`mMm n{hbm H«$_m§H$ Amho. a) Maharashtra b) Punjab _hmamîQ´> c) Kerala Ho$ab n§Om~ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) ‘Passing of the Traditional Society’ is the book by author _____________ "nmqgJ Am°\$ X Q´>°{S>eZb gmogm`Q>r' `m J«§WmMo boIH$ ___________ AmhoV. a) Daniel Learner b) Evert Rogers S°>{ZEb bZ©a c) Denis McQuil S>o{Zg _°pdb BdQ>© am°Og© d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) It is targeted to achieve millenium development goals by the year __________ ghñÌH$ {dH$mg C>{ÔîQ>>ço gmÜ` H$aÊ`mgmR>r ___________ ho df© J¥{hV Yabo Amho. a) 2020 b) 2015 2020 c) 2018 2018 2015 d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xii) NGO involved in sustainable development is ____________ emídV {dH$mgmÀ`m H$m`m©V gh^mJr Agbobr ñd`§godr g§ñWm ___________ Amho. a) Aam Aadmi Party b) Narmada Bachao Aandolan Am_ AmX_r nmQ>u c) Snehalay ñZohmb` Z_©Xm ~MmAmo Am§XmobZ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiii) The man who is the pioneer of ‘Green Revolution’ in India is _____________ ^maVmVrb harV H«$m§VrMo OZH$ ___________ AmhoV. a) S.Swaminathan b) Vergese Courien Eg. ñdm_rZmWZ c) Punjabrao Deshmukh n§Om~amd Xoe_wI dJug Hw$[a`Z d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-QA – 21 *SLRQA21* -4- xiv) Development of Hivre bajar came into reality due to ___________ {hdao ~mOmaMm {dH$mg dmñVdmV hmoE eH$bm Ë`m_mJo ___________ AmhoV. a) Anna Hazare b) Nagnath Naikwadi AÊUm hOmao c) Popatrao Pawar nmonQ>amd ndma ZmJZmW Zm`H$dmS>r d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2. Write answer in 50 words (any four) : nÝZmg eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 12 a) What is the concept of ‘Water Bank’ ? "dm°Q>a ~±H$' hr g§H$ënZm H$m` Amho ? b) What are the objectives of ‘Education to All’ Campaign ? gd© {ejm A{^`mZmMr C{ÔîQ>ço H$m` AmhoV ? c) Give any two definitions of development communication. {dH$mg g§kmnZmÀ`m H$moUË`mhr XmoZ ì`m»`m gm§Jm. d) What is the meaning of women empowerment ? _{hbm gj_rH$aU `mMm AW© H$m` ? e) Mention criteria’s used to measure human development index. _mZd {dH$mg {ZX}em§H$ _moOÊ`mgmR>r Cn`moJmV AmUbo OmUmao {ZH$f gm§Jm. 3. Write notes in 150 words (any four) : XrS>eo eîXmV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Radio and Development ao{S>Amo Am{U {dH$mg b) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme _hmË_m Jm§Yr amîQ´>r` amoOJma h_r `moOZm c) Zabua Project Pm~wAm àH$ën d) Panchayat Raj n§Mm`V amO e) Modernization. AmYw{ZH$sH$aU. 16 SLR-QA 22 *SLRLQA22* S N e o a t . M.A. (Mass Communication) (Sem. III) Examination, 2014 FILM AND MAGAZINE JOURNALISM (Paper II) Day and Date : Wednesday, 23-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) Who directed the film English-Vinglish ? a) Gauri Shinde b) Swanand Kirkire c) Ravi Jadhav d) None of these B§p½be-qdp½be hm {MÌnQ> H$moUr {X½X{e©V Ho$bm ? a) Jm¡ar qeXo b) ñdmZ§X {H$a{H$ao c) adr OmYd d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) Dadasaheb Phalke died in ___________ a) 1945 b) 1944 c) 1946 d) 1943 XmXmgmho~ \$miHo$ `m§Mo {ZYZ a) 1945 c) 1946 b) d) _Ü`o Pmbo. 1944 1943 P.T.O. SLR-QA 22 *SLRLQA22* -2- 3) The magazine Griha Shobha is related with ___________ a) Cinema b) Women c) Children d) None of these _m{gH$ "J¥hemo^m' ho a) {MÌnQ> c) _wbo er g§~§{YV Amho. b) _{hbm d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 4) Till date, only one Indian costume designer has been awarded an Oscar. His or her name is ___________ a) Ritu Roy b) Bhanu Athaiya c) Monisha Bajaj d) None of these AmVmn`ªV EH$mM ^maVr` doe^yfmH$mambm Am°ñH$a nwañH$ma {_imbm Amho. Ë`mMo qH$dm {VMo hmo`. Zmd a) [aVw am°` b) ^mZy AW¡`m c) _mo{Zgm ~OmO d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 5) Which of the following films was directed by Sanjay Surkar ? a) Chaukat Raja b) Satchya Aat Gharat c) Both a) and b) d) None of these Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {MÌnQ> g§O` gyaH$a `m§Zr {X½X{e©V Ho$bo AmhoV ? a) Mm¡H$Q> amOm b) gmVÀ`m AmV KamV c) XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr *SLRLQA22* SLR-QA 22 -3- 6) The film and TV Institute of India is situated in ___________ a) Mumbai b) Delhi c) Pune d) None of these ^maVr` {MÌnQ> Am{U XyaXe©Z g§ñWm `oWo Amho. a) _w§~B© b) {Xëbr c) nwUo d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 7) R. K. films started by Raj Kapoor in ___________ a) 1948 b) 1945 c) 1950 d) 1951 amOH$nya `m§Zr Ama. Ho$. {\$ë_²gMm àma§^ Ho$bm. a) 1948 b) 1945 c) 1950 d) 1951 8) The first film show of Lumire Brothers in Mumbai held on ___________ a) 7th July 1896 b) 8th July 1896 c) 8th July 1897 d) None of these ë`w{_ao ~§Yy§À`m Mb{MÌm§Mo n{hbo àXe©Z _w§~B©V a) 7 Owb¡ 1896 b) 8 Owb¡ 1896 c) 8 Owb¡ 1897 d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr amoOr Pmbo. SLR-QA 22 *SLRLQA22* -4- 9) The costliest film made in India is ___________ a) Sholay b) Shan c) Raaz d) None of these ^maVmVrb gdm©V OmñV I{M©H$ {MÌnQ> Amho. a) emobo b) emZ c) amO d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 10) The movie ___________ did not have a single song. a) Valu b) Naujawan c) Bahurupi d) All of these {MÌnQ>mV EH$hr JmUo Zmhr. a) diy b) Zm¡OdmZ c) ~hþê$nr d) darbn¡H$s gd© 11) Which is the only movie in which Rajesh Khanna acted with Jaya Bhaduri ? a) Aradhana b) Guddi c) Bawarchi d) None of these amOoe IÝZm§Zr O`m ^mXwar ~amo~a ^y{_H$m Ho$bobm EH$_od {MÌnQ> H$moUVm ? a) AmamYZm b) JwÈ>r c) ~mdMu d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr *SLRLQA22* SLR-QA 22 -5- 12) Farah Khan is a ___________ a) Art director b) Music director c) Choreographer d) None of these \$amh ImZ `m AmhoV. a) H$bm {X½Xe©H$ b) g§JrV {X½Xe©H$ c) Z¥Ë` {X½Xe©H$ d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 13) The Directorate of film festivals was setup under the ministry of information and broadcasting in the year ___________ a) 1973 b) 1968 c) 1983 d) 1953 {MÌnQ> _hmoËgd _hmg§MmbZmb`mMr ñWmnZm _m{hVr Am{U Z^modmUr _§Ìmb`m§VJ©V _Ü`o Pmbr. a) 1973 b) 1968 c) 1983 d) 1953 14) Who is the father of Indian film ? a) Dadasaheb Phalke b) Dadasaheb Torane c) Save dada d) V. Shantaram ^maVr` {MÌnQ>mMo OZH$ H$moU AmhoV ? a) XmXmgmho~ \$miHo$ b) XmXmgmho~ VmoaUo c) gmdo XmX ìhr. em§Vmam_ d) SLR-QA 22 -6- *SLRLQA22* 2. Write notes (any four) : 12 Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) Prabhat films company à^mV {\$ë_²g H§$nZr 2) Lights àH$me `moOZm 3) Camera Angles H°$_oam A±Jëg 4) Animation films A°{Z_oeZ {\$ë_²g 5) Bhalaji Pendharkar. ^mbmOr n|T>maH$a. 3. Write answers in 100 words (any four) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 100 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) State the various shots used in the film shooting. {MÌnQ> {MÌH$aUmXaå`mZ dmnaÊ`mV `oUmè`m {d{dY em°Q²>gMr _m{hVr Úm. 2) Write in detail about scope of magazine publishing today. AmOÀ`m _m{gH$ àH$meZmÀ`m ì`mßVr~m~V g{dñVa {bhm. 3) Discuss about the functioning of the Censor Board. goÝgma ~moS>m©À`m H$m_H$mOm~m~V MMm© H$am. 4) What is the importance of editing in the films ? {MÌnQ>m_Ü`o g§H$bZmMo _hÎd H$m` Vo gm§Jm. 5) Discuss in detail the characteristics of film Deool ? XoD$i {MÌnQ>mÀ`m d¡{eîQ>çm§Mr g{dñVa MMm© H$am. 16 *SLRLQA22* -7- SLR-QA 22 4. Write the answers in 150 words (any 2) : 14 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr 2) : 1) Write in detail about the functioning of CFSI. ^maVr` ~mb {MÌnQ> gmogm`Q>rÀ`m H$m_H$mOm~m~V g{dñVa {bhm. 2) Explain the role of magazines in Mass Communication. OZg§dmXm_Ü`o _m{gH$m§Mr ^y{_H$m H$m` Vo ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Take review of International film festival in India. ^maVmVrb Am§VaamîQ´>r` {MÌnQ> _hmoËgdmMm AmT>mdm ¿`m 5. Write the answer in 250 words : nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎmao 250 eãXmV {bhm : Write an essay on Documentary films. "_m{hVrnQ>' `m {df`mda {Z~§Y {bhm. OR/qH$dm How you starting a new magazine ? Discuss. ZdrZ _m{gH$ H$go gwê$ H$amb ? MMm© H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA 23 *SLRQA23* S N e o a t . M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester III) Examination, 2014 PRINT MEDIA (Paper IV) Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) Type of ownership of Maharashtra Times is _________________ "_hmamîQ´> Q>mB©åg' À`m _mbH$sMm àH$ma ___________________ Amho. a) Private ImOJr c) Trust {dídñV g§ñWm b) Public limited company npãbH$ {b{_Q>oS> H§$nZr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ii) According to size Lokmat newspaper is called as ___________ AmH$ma_mZ {dMmamV KoVm "bmoH$_V' d¥ÎmnÌmbm ___________________ åhQ>bo OmVo. a) Half Demi hm\$ S>o_r c) Taboloid Q>°~mobm°B©S> b) Broadsheet ~«m°S>erQ> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-QA 23 *SLRQA23* -2- iii) Quark Express is useful for _________________ "dmH©$ Egàog' ___________________ gmR>r Cn`wV Amho. a) Newspaper printing d¥ÎmnÌ _wÐU b) Newspaper Reporting d¥ÎmnÌ dmVmªH$Z c) Newspaper Design d¥ÎmnÌ gOmdQ> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr iv) _______________ technology is used recently for newspaper printing. gÜ`m d¥ÎmnÌ _wÐUmgmR>r ___________________ ho V§ÌkmZ dmnabo OmVo. a) Rotary amoQ>ar c) Platen ßb°Q>Z b) Offset Am°\$goQ> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr v) ___________________ is an important element in newspaper design. d¥ÎmnÌ gOmdQ>rV ___________________ hm EH$ _hÎdnyU© KQ>H$ Amho. a) White space H$moar OmJm c) Headlines _Wio b) Advertisements Om{hamVr d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRQA23* SLR-QA 23 -3- vi) The person known for column writing is _____________ gXa boIZmgmR>r à{gÕ Agbobr ì`Vr ___________________ Amho. a) Ashok Saraf AemoH$ gam\$ b) Ajay Gogawale AO` JmoJmdbo c) Dilip Prabawalkar {Xbrn à^mdbH$a d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© vii) An editorial written after death of a popular person is ________________ EH$mÚm à{gÕ ì`pVÀ`m {ZYZmZ§Va {b{hÊ`mV Pmboë`m AJ«boImg _________ åhUVmV. a) Personality sketch ì`pV{df`H$ aoImQ>Z c) Condolences emoH$ g§Xoe b) Obituary _¥Ë`yboI d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr viii) Planning of editorial page is an responsibility of _______________ g§nmXH$s` nmZmMo {Z`moOZ hr ___________________ Mr O~m~Xmar AgVo. a) Executive Editor H$m`©H$mar g§nmXH$ b) Managing Editor ì`dñWmnH$s` g§nmXH$ c) Assistant Editor gh g§nmXH$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-QA 23 *SLRQA23* -4- ix) Cropping is the technique use for _______________ H«$m°qnJ ho V§Ì ___________________ gmR>r dmnamV AmUbo OmVo. a) Plate Making ßboQ> V`ma H$aUo b) Photo Editing N>m`m{MÌ g§nmXZ c) Printing _wÐU d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© x) _____________ is Managing Editor. ___________________ ho ì`dñWmnH$s` g§nmXH$ AmhoV. a) Girish Kuber b) Kumar Ketkar {Jarf Hw$~oa Hw$_ma Ho$VH$a c) Vijay Kuvlekar {dO` Hw$dboH$a d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) Indias largest circulated newspaper is ______________ ^maVmVrb gdm©{YH$ In Agbobo X¡{ZH$ ___________________ Amho. a) Bhaskar b) Jagaran ^mñH$a OmJaU c) Times of India Q>mB©åg Am°\$ B§{S>`m d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRQA23* SLR-QA 23 -5- xii) _______________ newspaper published everyday without an editorial. ___________________ ho d¥ÎmnÌ XaamoO AJ«boIm{dZm àH$m{eV hmoVo. a) Hindustan Samachar qhXwñWmZ g_mMma c) DNA S>r.EZ.E. b) Nai Dunia ZB© Xw{Z`m d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiii) Price war is the term used for _________________ qH$_V `wÕ hr g§km ___________________ gmR>r dmnabr OmVo. a) Advertising Rates Om{hamVtMo Xa b) Competition in Newspapers d¥ÎmnÌmVrb ñnYm© c) Price Rise of Raw Material H$ÀÀ`m _mbmÀ`m dmT>Ë`m {H$_Vr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiv) Middle is generally written by _____________ ñ\w$Q>boIZ ho ghgm ___________________ H$aVmV. a) Outside writers d¥ÎmnÌm~mhoarb boIH$ b) Senior Journalists in staff d¥ÎmnÌmVrb d[aîR> nÌH$ma c) Managing Editor ì`dñWmnH$s` g§nmXH$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-QA 23 -6- 2. Write answers in 50 words (any four) : *SLRQA23* 12 nÝZmg eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) How advertisements can be used for designing of newspaper. d¥ÎmnÌ gOmdQ>rgmR>r Om{hamVr H$em Cn`moJmV AmUVm `oVmV ? b) What is your understanding about Media Monopoly ? _mÜ`_ EH$m{YH$maemhr `m {df`r Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ? c) What is use of typography in newspaper designing ? d¥ÎmnÌ gOmdQ>rV _wÐm`moOZoMr Cn`wVVm H$m` ? d) What is Sindicated material ? qg{S>Ho$Q>oS> _Q>o[aAb åhUOo H$m` ? e) Why photo is more important than words ? eãXm§nojm N>m`m{MÌ _hÎdmMo H$m AgVo ? 3. Write notes (any four) : Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Modern platemaking techniques. ßboQ> V`ma H$aÊ`mMo ZdV§ÌkmZ b) Column writing gXa boIZ c) News photos d¥Îm N>m`m{MÌo d) Page Designing softwares nmZm§À`m gOmdQ>tgmR>rMo gm°âQ>doAg© e) Middle writing. ñ\w$Q>boI boIZ. 16 *SLRQA23* -7- SLR-QA 23 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 14 AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) How will you prepare yourself for feature writing ? d¥ÎmboI boIZmgmR>r Vwåhr H$er V`mar H$amb ? b) What are the functions of Managing Editor ? ì`dñWmnH$s` g§nmXH$mMr H$m`} H$moUVr ? c) What are the threats to printed newspapers ? _w{ÐV d¥ÎmnÌm§g_moa H$moUVo YmoHo$ AmhoV ? 5. With help of various definitions, explain the concept of feature. {d{dY ì`m»`m§À`m AmYmao d¥ÎmboImMr g§H§$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. OR What are the types of editorials ? What is the importance of editorial for a newspaper ? AJ«boIm§Mo àH$ma H$moUVo ? d¥ÎmnÌmgmR>r AJ«boImMo _hÎd H$m` AgVo ? _____________________ 14 SLR-QA – 24 *SLRQA24* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 Paper – V : RADIO JOURNALISM AND PRODUCTION Z^modmUr nÌH$[aVm d {Z{_©Vr Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N. B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gyMZm : gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose the correct alternatives : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) In 2004 ______________ radio started. 2004 _Ü`o a) b) c) d) .ao{S>AmoMr gwê$dmV Pmbr hmoVr. Community Radio / H$å`w{ZQ>r ao{S>Amo FM Radio / E\$.E_. ao{S>Amo Radio Mirchi / ao{S>Amo {_Mu None of these / `mn¡H$s Zmhr ii) ______________ is a private commercial radio centre. a) c) . ho ImOJr ì`mdgm`rH$ ao{S>Amo H|$Ð Amho. Radio City / ao{S>Amo {gQ>r b) Radio Mirchi / ao{S>Amo {_Mu Red FM / aoS> E\$.E_. d) All of these / darb gd© iii) In 1927 ______________ was established. 1927 _Ü`o a) b) c) d) . ñWmnZm Pmbr. Indian Broadcasting Company / B§{S>`Z ~«mS>H$mpñQ>¨J H§$nZr Radio Rural Forums / ao{S>Amo ê$ab \$moaåg Vividha Bharati / {d{dY ^maVr Akashwani / AmH$medmUr P.T.O. SLR-QA – 24 -2- *SLRQA24* iv) ______________ is a theatre of mind. a) c) . ho _ZmMo ZmQ>çJ¥h Amho. Internet / B§Q>aZoQ> b) Radio / ao{S>Amo Television / Q>obrìhrOZ d) Both b) and c) / XmoÝhr b) d c) v) In ______________ year Akashwani Satellite Radio Service started. AmH$medmUrZo CnJ«h ao{S>Amo godm a) 2002 / 2002 c) 2003 / 2003 . `m gmbr gwê$ Ho$br. b) 2004 / 2004 d) 2005 / 2005 vi) ‘Song and Drama Division’ established as part of ______________ "gm±J A°ÝS> S´> m_m {S>ìhrOZ' Mm a) All India Radio / Am°b B§{S>`m ao{S>Amo c) Public Division / nãbrH$ {S>ìhrOZ . ^mJ åhUyZ ñWmnZm H$aÊ`mV Ambm. b) Doordarshan / XyaXe©Z d) None of these / `mn¡H$s Zmhr vii) ____________ committee made recommendation for seperating Doordarshan and Radio. XyaXe©Z Am{U ao{S>Amo aMoVg hmoÊ`mgmR>r `m g{_VrÛmao {e\$maer H$aÊ`mV Ambr. a) Chanda Committee / M§Xm g{_Vr b) Verghese Committee / ìhaJug g{_Vr c) Joshi Committee / Omoer g{_Vr d) None of these / `mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) Before 1936 ‘All India Radio’ recognised as ______________ name. 1936 nydu "Am°b B§{S>`m ao{S>Amo' a) b) c) d) . `m ZmdmZo AmoiIbo OmV hmoVo. Indian State Broadcasting Service / B§{S>>`Z ñQ>oQ> ~«mS>H$mpñQ>¨J gìhug Mumbai Delhi Broadcasting Service / _y§~B© - {Xëbr ~«mS>H$mpñQ>¨J gìhug British Radio / ~«{Q>e ao{S>Amo None of these / `mn¡H$s Zmhr ix) Delhi Broadcasting Station established in ______________ year. {Xëbr ~«mS>H$mpñQ>¨J ñQ>oeZMr ñWmnZm a) 1938 / 1938 c) 1942 / 1942 . `m gmbr Pmbr. b) 1936 / 1936 d) 1925 / 1925 x) Radio Mirchi Broadcasting on ______________ Mega Hartz. ao{S>Amo {_Mu . _oJm hQ>©Oda àgmaU H$aVo. a) 98.3 MHz / 98.3 MHz c) 87.5 MHz / 87.5 MHz b) 93.5 MHz / 93.5 MHz d) 91.1 MHz / 91.1 MHz *SLRQA24* -3- SLR-QA – 24 xi) C.R.F. stand for ______________ gr.Ama.E\$ Mo nyU© ê$n . a) Community Radio Forum India / H$å`y{ZQ>r ao{S>Amo \$moa_ B§{S>`m b) Communication Radio Forum / H$å`y{ZHo$eZ ao{S>Amo \$moa_ c) Community Radio FM / H$å`y{ZQ>r ao{S>Amo E\$.E_. d) None of these / `mn¡H$s Zmhr xii) Which group is media user ? H$moUVm JQ> _mÜ`_ dmnUmam Amho ? a) Film audience / {\$ë_ lmoVm b) Newspaper readers / d¥ÎmnÌ dmMH$ c) Radio Listeners / ao{S>Amo lmoVm d) All of the above / darb gd© xiii) Radio newsreel started in ______________ ao{S>Amo Ý`yOarbMr gwê$dmV a) 1955 / 1955 c) 1957 / 1957 . gmbr Pmbr. b) 1956 / 1956 d) 1958 / 1958 xiv) Rural Radio Broadcast started in ______________ J«m_rU ao{S>Amo àñVonUmMr gwê$dmV a) 1938 / 1938 c) 1940 / 1940 . gmbr Pmbo. b) 1939 / 1939 d) 1941 / 1941 2. Write short notes (any four) : Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) Radio Documentary / ao{S>Amo S>m°`y_oÝQ>ar 2) Phone in Programme / \$moZ-BZ-àmoJ«m_ 3) Radio Interview / ao{S>Amo _wbmIV 4) Radio Broadcasting / ao{S>Amo ~«mS>H$mpñQ>¨J 5) Radio Journalism / ao{S>Amo nÌH$m[aVm. 12 SLR-QA – 24 -4- 3. Answer following questions (any four) : *SLRQA24* 16 Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) Explain the Radio documentary. ao{S>Amo S>m°`w_oÝQ>ar ñnîQ> H$am. 2) State the importance of a script in Radio programme. ao{S>Amo H$m`©H«$_mgmR>rÀ`m g§{hVoMo _hÎd {deX H$am. 3) Explain the development of FM Radio. E\$.E_. ao{S>AmoMo {dH$mg ñnîQ> H$am. 4) What is Radio feature ? ao{S>Amo {\$Ma H$m` Amho ? 5) Explain the characteristics of Radio. ao{S>AmoMr JwUd¡erîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 14 250 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Explain the main function of Radio. ao{S>AmoMo _w»` H$m`© ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Explain the importance of FM Radio. E\$.E_. ao{S>AmoMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Comment on Radio Interview. ao{S>Amo _wbmIV `mda ^mî` H$am. 5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : 500 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : 1) Describe the history of Radio. ao{S>AmoMm B{Vhmg dU©Z H$am. OR/ qH$dm 2) Explain the importance of FM Radio in modern world. AmYw{ZH$ OJmV E\$.E_. Mo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA – 25 *SLRQA25* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 COMMUNICATION RESEARCH (Paper – I) Day and Date : Wednesday, 30-4-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : i) Audience Research Unit is an research unit of _____________ Am°{S>`Ýg [agM© `w{ZQ> hm ______________________ Mm g§emoYZ {d^mJ Amho. a) A.S.C.I.`. c) P.R.S.I. nr.Ama.Eg.Am`. b) A.I.R. E.Am`.Ama. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ii) Quota sampling is belongs to __________ type of sampling. H$moQ>m Z_wZm {ZdS nÕV ______________________ Z_wZm {ZdS> àH$mamMr Amho. a) Probability g§^mì`Vm c) Cluster EH$H$nw§O b) Non-probability Ag§^mì`Vm d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-QA – 25 *SLRQA25* -2- iii) A research that attempts to solve a problem rather than to construct a theory is ___________ Á`m g§emoYZmV {gÕm§V _m§S>Ê`mnojm g_ñ`m gmoS>{dÊ`mMm à`ËZ Ho$bm OmVmo Ë`mg ______________________ åhUVmV. a) Pure Research _yb^yV g§emoYZ b) Applied Research Cn`mo{OV g§emoYZ c) Quantitative Research g§»`mË_H$ g§emoYZ d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© iv) Cultivation theory of media effect is coined by ______________ _mÜ`_ à^mdmMm _emJV {gÕm§V ______________________ `m§Zr _m§S>bm. a) Paul Lazarfeld b) Nolle-Newman nm°b bmPma\o$ëS> Zmoëbr-Ý`y_Z c) George Gerbner d) None of these Om°O© J~©Za `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr v) Recall test is related to _______________ ñ_aU MmMUr hr ______________________ er {ZJ{S>V Amho. a) P R Research OZg§nH©$ g§emoYZ c) Television Research {MÌdmUr g§emoYZ b) Advertising Research Om{hamV g§emoYZ d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRQA25* SLR-QA – 25 -3- vi) ____________ belongs to qualitative research method. ______________________ JwUmË_H$ g§emoYZ nÕVrer {ZJ{XV Amho. a) Interview _wbmIV b) Case Study ì`pîQ> AÜ``Z c) Observation {ZarjU d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© vii) Age of television viewers is ___________ variable. {MÌdmUr Xe©H$mMo d` ho ______________________ Mb Amho. a) Dependent ñdm`Îm c) Interdependent namñnamdb§~r b) Independent nam`Îm d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr viii) Research gap can be traced through _________________ g§emoYZmVrb _moH$i`m OmJoMm emoY ______________________ Ûmao KoVbm OmVmo. a) Survey gd}jU c) Literature review g§X{^©V gm{hË`mMm Aä`mg b) Interview _wbmIV d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-QA – 25 *SLRQA25* -4- ix) A study of a Phenomenon in a natural setting is ___________ EImÚm n[apñWVrMm Z¡g{J©H$ aMZoV Ho$bobm Aä`mg åhUOo ______________________ a) Case study ì`pîQ> AÜ``Z c) Field observation joÌ {ZarjU b) Panel study n°Zb AÜ``Z d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) When options are given to every question then this type of questionnaire is _________________ O|ìhm àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmamgmR>r n`m©` {Xbobo AgVmV V|ìhm Aem àH$mamÀ`m àíZmdbrbm ______________________ åhUVmV. a) Closed questionnaire ~§{XñV àíZmdbr b) Open questionnaire Iwbr àíZmdbr c) Close and opened questionnaire ~§{XñV d Iwbr àíZmdbr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) Software used to calculate data of many variables is _________ _moR>çm à_mUmV Agboë`m Mbm§Mr VÏ`o `m§Mr AmH$S>odmar _moOÊ`mgmR>r _______________ gm°âQ>doAa Cn`moJmV AmUbo OmVo. a) S.A.P. g°n c) N.S.S.O. EZ.Eg.Eg.Amo. b) S.P.S.S. d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRQA25* SLR-QA – 25 -5- xii) The agency involved in readership research is ______________ dmMH$ g§emoYZmV gh^mJr Agbobr g§ñWm ______________________ Amho. a) I.R.S. b) I.N.S. Am`.Ama.Eg. c) R.N.I. Am`.EZ.Eg. d) None of these Ama.EZ.Am`. `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiii) A study of a specific population at different time period is known as _________ EH$mM g_yhJQ>mÀ`m {d{dY H$mbmdYrV Ho$boë`m Aä`mgmbm ______________________ åhUVmV. a) Content analysis b) Longitudinal study Ame` {díbofU c) Cohort Analysis bm±{JQçwS>rZb {díbofU d) None of these H$mohQ>© {díboofU `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiv) First step in any research is _______________ H$moUË`mhr g§emoYZmMr n{hbr nm`ar ______________________ AgVo. a) Setting objectives b) Selection of topic C{ÔîQ> {ZpíMVr c) Review of literature {df`mMr {ZdS> d) None of these g§X^© gm{hË`mMm Aä`mg `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2. Write answer in 50 words (any four) : nÝZmg eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) How to select a problem for research ? g§emoYZ g_ñ`oMo {ZYm©aU H$go Ho$bo OmVo ? b) How research is useful for a television news channel ? EImÚm {MÌdmUr d¥Îm dm{hZrgmR>r g§emoYZ H$go Cn`wV Amho ? 12 SLR-QA – 25 -6- *SLRQA25* c) What are the allegations about TRP rating system of TAM ? Q>°_À`m Q>r. Ama. nr. _moOÊ`mÀ`m nÕVr~m~V H$moUVo Amjon KoVbo OmVmV ? d) Why review of literature is necessary ? g§X^© gm{hË`mMm Aä`mg H$m Amdí`H$ Amho ? e) How content analysis is useful for media research ? _mÜ`_ g§emoYZmgmR>r Ame` {díbofU H$go Cn`wV Amho ? 3. Write notes in 150 words (any four) : 16 XrS>eo eãXmV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Snowball sampling ~\©$Jmoim Z_wZm {ZdS> b) Questionnaire àíZmdbr c) Hypothesis testing J¥{hVH¥$Ë`m§Mr MmMUr d) Diary method S>m`ar nÕV e) Qualities of Researcher. g§emoYH$mgmR>r Amdí`H$ JwU. 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : a) Describe any two media effect theories. H$moUVohr XmoZ _mÜ`_ à^md {gÕm§V {dfX H$am. 14 *SLRQA25* -7- SLR-QA – 25 b) What precautions are necessary while conducting a survey ? gd}jU-H$aVmZm H$moUVr H$miOr KoUo Amdí`H$ Amho. c) Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research methods. g§»`mË_H$ Am{U JwUmË_H$ g§emoYZ nÕVrVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. 5. What is sampling ? Trace various methods of sampling giving suitable examples. 14 Z_wZm {ZdS> åhUOo H$m` ? `mo½` CXmhaU XoD$Z Z_wZm {ZdS>rMo {d{dY àH$ma gm§Jm. OR/qH$dm Describe various fields of print media research ? Critically comment on methods used for it. _w{ÐV _mÜ`_ g§emoYZmMr {d{dY joÌo {dfX H$am `m g§emoYZmgmR>r dmnaÊ`mV `oUmè`m nÕVt~m~V {ddoMH$ ^mî` H$am. _____________________ SLR- QA – 26 *SLRQA26* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 TELEVISION JOURNALISM AND PRODUCTION (Paper – I) Xya{MÌdmUr nÌH$m[aVm Am{U {Z{_©Vr Day and Date : Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gyMZm : gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ g§nU y © JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose the correct alternatives : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS>m H$am : i) CAS stands for ___________ a) Capable Air System b) Compatible Audio System c) Conditional Access System d) Conducive Access System H°$g åhUOo ___________ A) H$°ß`m°~b EAa {gpñQ>>_ H$) H§${S>eZb A°gog {gpñQ>>_ ~) H$m°ånrQ>r~b Am°{S>Amo {gpñQ>>_ S>) H§$S>çy{gd A°gog {gpñQ>>_ ii) Television came into India in ___________ a) 15 September 1959 b) 15 December 1959 c) 16 September 1959 d) 16 December 1959 Q>obrpìhOZ ___________ _Ü`o ApñVËdmV Ambo. ~) 15 {S>g|~a 1959 A) 15 gßQ>o§~a 1959 H$) 16 gßQ>o§~a 1959 S>) 16 {S>g|~a 1959 iii) The conversation between the character in film means ___________ a) Talk b) Narration c) Dialogue d) None of these XmoZ H$bmH$am§_Yrb {MÌnQ>mVrb g§^mfU åhUOo ___________ A) Q>m°H$ ~) Z° aoeZ H$) S>m`bm°J S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR- QA – 26 -2- *SLRQA26* iv) SECAM uses ___________ frames per second. a) 24 frames/sec b) 25 frames/sec c) 26 frames/sec d) 30 frames/sec Eg.B©.gr.E.E_. _Ü`o àË`oH$ goH§$Xmbm ___________ \«o$åg dmnaÊ`mV `oVo. A) 24 \«o$åg/goH§$X ~) 25 \«o$åg/goH§$X H$) 26 \«o$åg/goH§$X S>) 30 \«o$åg/goH§$X v) The character is on the screen but not seen on the screen is called as ___________ a) Off camera b) On camera c) Both a) and b) d) None of these H°$aoQ>a pñH«$Zda Amho nU grZ_Ü`o {XgV Zmhr Aem pñWVrbm ___________ åhUVmV. A) Am°\$ H°$_oam ~) Am°Z H°$_oam H$) A) Am{U ~) XmoÝhr S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vi) A list of a shots and their duration on a sheet of a paper is called as ___________ a) Dope sheet b) Depth of field c) Script d) None of these nona erQ>_Yrb em°Q>gMr `mXr Am{U doimnÌH$mg ___________ Ago åhUVmV. A) S>mon erQ> ~) S>oßW Am°\$ {\$ëS> H$) pñH«$ßQ> S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vii) Fire, accident, tsunami are not the type of ___________ news. a) Spot news b) Soft news c) Scoop d) None of these AmJ, AnKmV Am{U ËgwZm_r øm ___________ àH$mamÀ`m ~mVå`m AmhoV. A) ñnm°Q> Ý`yO ~) gm°\$Q> Ý`yO H$) ñHy$n S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRQA26* -3- SLR- QA – 26 viii) The first DTH service provider in India is ___________ a) DD Metro b) Doordarshan (DD Direct Plus) c) Cable network d) All the above ^maVmVrb n{hbr {S>{Q>EM godm nwa{dUmar dm{hZr ___________ Amho. A) {S.> {S.> _oQ´>mo ~) XyaXe©Z ({S.> {S.> S>m`aoQ> ßbg) H$) Ho$~b ZoQ>dH©$ S>) darb gd© ix) 30 frames per second are uses in ___________ standard. a) PAL b) NTSC c) SECAM d) None of these ___________ Z_wZm_Ü`o àË`oH$ goH§$Xmbm 30 \«o$åg dmnaë`m OmVo. A) {n.E.Eb. H$) Eg.B©.gr.E.E_. ~) EZ.{Q>.B© S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) Editing video on a computer is basically called ___________ a) Linear b) Sequential c) Non linear d) None of these g§JUH$mda pìh{S>AmoMo g§nmXZ H$aÊ`mbm ___________ åhUVmV. A) {bZr`a ~) {gpd|{g`b H$) Zm°Z {b{Z`a S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) Sound is encoded in ___________ forms onto a CD. a) Analogue forms b) Ultra forms c) Digital d) None of these grS>rda ÜdZrMo ___________ ñdê$nmV g§Ho$VrH$aU Ho$bo OmVo. A) A°Zmbm°J ñdê$nmV ~) AëQ´>m ñdê$nmV H$) {S>{OQ>b S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xii) CCD stands for ___________ a) Solid State Device b) Camera Control Device c) Camera Crystal Device d) None of these grgrS>r åhUOo ___________ A) gm°{bS> ñQ>oQ> {S>ìhmB©g H$) H°$_oam {H«$ñQ>b {S>ìhmB©g ~) H°$_oam H§$Q´>mob {S>ìhmB©g S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR- QA – 26 -4- *SLRQA26* xiii) A collection of a scenes that tell a part of the film means ___________ a) Series b) Shots c) Sequence d) None of these ___________ grZ Mo EH${ÌH$aU Oo {MÌnQ>mMm ^mJ ì`V H$aVmV Ë`mg åhUVmV. ~) em°Q>g S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr A) grarP H$) {gpd|g xiv) In context of television, cues and commands means ___________ a) Oral signals b) Non-verbal signals c) Schedule list d) None of these Q>obrpìhOZ gX^m©V `yO Am{U H$_m§S> åhUOo ___________ A) _m¡{IH$ {g¾b ~) A_m¡{IH$ {g½Zb H$) doimnÌH$ `mXr S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2. Write short notes (any four) : 12 WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) TRP {Q>Amanr b) Breaking news ~«oqH$J Ý`yO c) Montage _moZQ>mO d) Camera mounting H°$_oam _mD§$qQ>J e) Properties àm°nQ>uO. 3. Answer following questions (any four) : Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) Explain importance of camera angles in video production. pìh{S>Amo àmoS>eZÀ`m ÑîQ>rZo H°$_oam A±JëgMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 16 *SLRQA26* -5- SLR- QA – 26 b) Explain linear and non-linear editing with diagram. AmH¥$Vrgh {bZr`a Am{U Zm°Z {bZr`a E{S>qQ>J ñnîQ> H$am. c) Which are the shots mainly uses in TV production ? {Q>ìhr àmoS>eZ H$aVm§Zm àm_w»`mZo dmnaÊ`mV `oUmao em°Q>g H$moUVo ? d) Write in detail about any private ‘News portal’. EImÚm ImOJr Ý`yO nmoQ>©b {df`r g{dñVa {bhm. e) Describe the different kinds of microphones used in TV studio. {Q>ìhr ñQw>{S>Amo_Ü`o dmnaÊ`mV `oUmao {d{dY àH$maÀ`m _m`H«$mo\$moZMo dU©Z H$am. 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 250 14 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) Explain post production stage with suitable example. nmoñQ> àmoS>eZ ñQ>oO `mo½` CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am. b) Explain the difference between documentary and feature. S>m©`w_|Q>ar Am{U {\$Ma_Yrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. c) Write any reality shows of television in detail. {Q>ìhrdarb H$moUË`mhr EH$m [aA°{b{Q> emo {df`r g{dñVa {bhm. 5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : 500 eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) : 1) As a studio manager you are asked to setup a new studio for television channel. What will be the list of required properties ? ñQw>{S>Amo _°ZoOa åhUyZ Vwåhmbm Q>o{bpìhOZ M°ZbgmR>r ZdrZ ñQw>{S>Amo goQ>An H$aÊ`mMo gm§{JVbo Amho. `mgmR>r Amdí`H$ gmYZgm_wJ«r H$m` Agob ? 2) Explain the basic principles of video editing. pìh{S>Amo E{S>qQ>JMo _yb^yV VËd ñnîQ> H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA – 27 *SLRQA27* Seat No. M.A. (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 MASS COMMUNICATION Advertising (Paper – II) Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) Opinion test is also known as _________ _V MmMUrbm _________________ åhUyZhr AmoiIbo OmVo. a) Checklist Test gyMr MmMUr b) Consumer Jury Test J«mhH$ narjH$ MmMUr c) Sales Test {dH«$s MmMUr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ii) One line statement that explains how your product is different from others is ______________ Vw_Mo CËnmXZ BVa CËnmXZm§nojm doJio H$go Amho ho EH$m AmoirV ñnîQ> H$aUmao {dYmZ åhUOo _________________ a) USP `y. Eg. nr. c) POP nr. Amo. nr. b) AOR E. Amo. Ama. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-QA – 27 *SLRQA27* -2- iii) __________________ is a well-known copywriter. _________________ ho à{gÕ Om{hamV boIH$ AmhoV. a) Bharat Dabholkar ^aV Xm^moiH$a c) Ratnakar Matkari aËZmH$a _VH$ar b) Shobha De emo^m S>o d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr iv) Jingle is a type of ______________ advertisement. qOJb hm _________________ Om{hamVrMm EH$ àH$ma Amho. a) Television b) Internet {MÌdmUr B§Q>aZoQ> c) Radio Z^modmUr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr v) Self regulatory authority for an advertisement is _____________ Om{hamVrgmR>r ñd {Z`§ÌU H$aUmar g§ñWm _________________ Amho. a) NBA EZ.~r.E. c) PCI`. b) ASCI`. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vi) Creating space for a new product in market is known as __________ EImÚm ZdrZ CËnmXZmgmR>r ~mOanoR>oV OmJm {Z_m©U H$aÊ`mg _________________ åhUVmV. a) Brand Building ~«±S> {Z{_©Vr c) Marketing {dnUZ b) Positioning ñWmZ {ZpíMVr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRQA27* -3- SLR-QA – 27 vii) Consumer diary method is used test an advertisement in __________ J«mhH$m§H$S>rb Zm|Xdhr hr nÕV _________________ `m àH$maÀ`m Om{hamV MmMUrgmR>r dmnabr OmVo. a) Pre-test nyd© MmMUr b) Post-test CÎma MmMUr c) Concurrent-test Om{hamVH$mbrZ MmMUr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr viii) Using many media for short period is the principle of ___________ WmoS>çm H$mbmdYrgmR>r Iyn _mÜ`_m§Mm Cn`moJ H$aUo ho _______________ Mo VÎd Amho. a) Media Dominance theory _mÜ`_ àm~ë`Vm {gÕm§V b) Wave theory bmQ> {gÕm§V c) Media concentration theory _mÜ`_ EH$mJ«Vm {gÕm§V d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-QA – 27 *SLRQA27* -4- ix) In Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs ________ are on the top. _°ñbmo `m§Zr _m§S>boë`m JaOm§À`m MT>Ë`m H«$_dmarÀ`m {gÕm§VmV gdm}ÀM ñWmZr AgVmV. a) Physiological needs emar[aH$ JaOm c) Self-actualization needs ñdËdmMr OmUrd XoUmè`m JaOm _________________ b) Security needs gwajm{df`H$ JaOm d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) Pepsi is a ____________ brand. noßgr hm _________________ ~«±S>Mm àH$ma Amho. a) Product Brand CËnmXZ ~«±S> b) Consumer Brand J«mhH$ ~«±S> c) Corporate Brand H$mnm}aoQ> ~«±S> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) Visualizer helps ___________ for creating advertisement. Ñí` g§H$ënH$ hm _________________ Om{hamV {Z{_©VrgmR>r _XV H$aVmo. a) Production Manager {Z{_©Vr ì`dñWmnH$ b) Art Director H$bm g§MmbH$ c) Media Manager _mÜ`_ ì`dñWmnH$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRQA27* SLR-QA – 27 -5- xii) _____________ apeal is used in Sufola advertisement. g\$mobmÀ`m Om{hamVrV _________________ `m àH$maÀ`m AmdmhZmMm dmna Ho$bm Amho. a) Humor b) Emotional {dZmoX ^md{ZH$ c) Fear ^rVr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiii) Final stage of advertisement lay-out is ____________ Om{hamVrÀ`m _m§S>Ur_Ü`o _________________ hm A§{V_ Q>ßnm Amho. a) Comprehensive H«$m°påàhopÝgd b) Art work AmQ>© dH©$ c) Thumbnail Wå~Zob d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiv) A consumer group that most likely to buy a specific product is _________ EImXo R>am{dH$ CËnmXZ IaoXr H$aÊ`mg V`ma hmoD$ eHo$b Agm J«mhH$m§Mm JQ> åhUOo _________________ a) Normal Group gd©gmYmaU JQ> b) Target Group bpú`V JQ> c) Primary Group àmW{_H$ JQ> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr -6- *SLRQA27* 2. Write answers in 100 words (any four) : 12 SLR-QA – 27 e§^a eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What is super brand ? gwna ~«±S> åhUOo H$m` ? b) What is brainstorming ? ~«oZñQ>m°{_ªJ åhUOo H$m` ? c) What is meaning of pre-test ? nyd© MmMUr `mMm AW© H$m` ? d) What is the importance of color in an advertisement ? Om{hamVrV a§JmMo _hÎd H$m` Amho ? e) Describe any two external factors that affects consumer behaviour. J«mhH$ dV©Zmda à^md JmO{dUmao H$moUVohr XmoZ ~mø KQ>H$ {dfX H$am. 3. Write notes in 150 words (any four) : XrS>eo eãXmV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Advertising Apeals Om{hamVrVrb AmdmhZo b) Creative process g¥OZmË_H$ à{H«$`m c) Media strategies _mÜ`_ YmoaU d) Types of Brand ~«±S>Mo {d{dY àH$ma e) Marketing Research and Advertising. {dnUZ g§emoYZ Am{U Om{hamVr. 16 *SLRQA27* -7- SLR-QA – 27 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 14 AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) What is motivation ? Describe any two motivation theories. àoaUm åhUOo H$m` ? H$moUVohr XmoZ àoaUm {gÕm§V {dfX H$am. b) Critically comment on media scene in India. ^maVmVrb _mÜ`_m§Mo n[aàoj `m{df`r {ddoMH$ ^mî` H$am. c) Which preparation is essential for presentation to client ? Om{hamVXmamg_moa gmXarH$aU H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$moUVr V`mar Amdí`H$ Amho ? 5. Describe various models of consumer behaviour. J«mhH$ dV©ZmMr {d{dY à{V_mZo {dfX H$am. OR/ qH$dm What is brand ? What are the essentials element for building a brand ? ~«±S> åhUOo H$m` ? ~«±S> {Z{_©VrgmR>r Amdí`H$ KQ>H$ H$moUVo ? _____________________ 14 SLR- QA – 28 *SLRQA28* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 Paper – III : PUBLIC RELATIONS AND CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Day and Date : Saturday, 26-4-2014 Time :3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N. B. : i) All questions carry equal marks. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) ‘Brighter Living’ is new slogan of ___________ ‘~«mB©Q>a {bpìh¨J’ hr ___________ Mr Zdr KmofUm Amho. a) Samsung b) Godrej g°_g§J c) Videocon pìh{S>AmoH$m°Z JmoXaoO d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ii) Crisis in Cadabary was due to ___________ H°$S>~ar_Ü`o {Z_m©U Pmbobr Amwn{Îm ___________ `m_wio KS>br hmoVr. a) Financial crisis b) Industrial unrest Am{W©H$ Amn{Îm c) Image loss à{V_oMo ZwH$gmZ Am¡Úmo{JH$ H$bh d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr iii) ___________ is important to create corporate image. H$mnm}aoQ> à{V_m {Z{_©VrgmR>r ___________ _hÎdmMo Amho. a) Industry image b) Country of origin CÚmoJmMr à{V_m c) Employees H$_©Mmar H§$nZrMm _yi Xoe d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© iv) Transformation of individual opinion into group opinion is ___________ d¡`pVH$ _VmMo gm_y{hH$ _VmV n[adV©Z hmoUo åhUOo ___________ a) General opinion b) Sum of opinions gd©gmYmaU _V c) Public opinion OZ _V _Vm§Mr ~oarO d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR- QA – 28 *SLRQA28* -2- v) ‘All publicity is good publicity’ is basic assumption of ___________ model of crisis management. ‘ gd© àH$maMr à{gÕr Mm§Jbr AgVo’ Aer _yb^yV AdYmaUm ì`dñWmnZ à{V_mZmMr Amho. a) Public information OZ _m{hVr c) Two-way assymmetrical XwV\$m© Ag§Vw{bV ___________ `m Amn{Îm b) Press Agentry àog EOÝQ´>r d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vi) ‘Open Happiness’ is slogan of ___________ ‘AmonZ h°nrZog²’ hr KmofUm ___________ Mr Amho. a) Coca-Cola H$moH$m-H$mobm c) Maaza _mPm b) Pepsi noßgr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vii) A person who redress public grievances for a newspaper is ___________ EImÚm d¥ÎmnÌmg§~§YrÀ`m VH«$mat~m~V Omo {ZU©` XoVmo Ë`mg ___________ åhUVmV.$ a) Middleman _Ü`ñW c) Ombudsman d¥Îmnmb b) Media Commissioner _mÜ`_ Am`wV d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr viii) ___________ is a part of communication plan of any corporate. H$moUË`mhr H$mnm}aoQ>À`m g§kmnZ `moOZoMm ___________ hm ^mJ AgVmo. a) Punchline n§MbmB©Z c) Logo ~moY{MÝh b) Mission statement {_eZ ñQ>oQ>_|Q> d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© ix) Quality, service, cleanliness and value is marketing philosophy of ___________ JwUdÎmm, godm, ñdÀN>Vm Am{U _yë` ho ___________ Mo {dnUZ VÎdkmZ Amho. a) Domino S>m°{_Zmo c) KFC Ho$. E\$. gr. b) Mc Donald _°H$ S>moZmëS> d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRQA28* SLR- QA – 28 -3- x) Relationship between ___________ is known as love-hate relationship. ___________ `m§À`mVrb nañna g§~§Y ho ào_-Ûof g§~§Y åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVmV. a) Company and government H§$nZr d emgZ c) Company and community H§$nZr d g_mO b) Company and dealers H§$nZr d {dVaH$ d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© xi) Supplier of components to another company is known as ___________ Xwgè`m H§$nZrbm gwQ>çm ^mJm§Mm nwadR>m H$aUmè`mg ___________ åhUVmV. a) Share holder b) Vendor eoAa hmoëS>a ìh|S>a c) Investor d) All of these BÝdoñQ>a `mn¡H$s gd© xii) Written information given to media persons in a press conference is ___________ nÌH$ma n[afXoÀ`m doir {Xë`m OmUmè`m {b{IV _m{hVrbm a) Press release b) Press note à{gÕr nÌH$ d¥Îm {ZdoXZ c) Press brief d) All of these àog ~«r\$ `mn¡H$s gd© ___________ åhUVmV. xiii) Corporate logo is part of ___________ of a corporate. EImÚm H$mnm}aoQ>Mo ~moY{MÝh hm Ë`m H$mnm}aoQ>À`m ___________ Mm ^mJ AgVmo. a) Visual identity b) Visual image Ñí` AmoiI Ñí` à{V_m c) Non-visual identity AÑí` AmoiI d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© xiv) To try to influence legislatures is known as ___________ bmoH$à{V{ZYtZm à^m{dV H$aÊ`mÀ`m àH$mamg ___________ åhUVmV. a) Lobbying bm°q~J b) Propaganda àmonJ§S>m c) Agentry d) All of these EOÝQ´>r `mn¡H$s gd© SLR- QA – 28 -4- 2. Write answer in 100 words (any four) : *SLRQA28* 12 e§^a eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) Explain the concept of ‘Customer loyalty’. ‘ J«mhH$ {ZîR>m’ hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. b) What is proactive public relations ? g{H«$` OZg§nH©$ åhUOo H$m` ? c) Explain customer satisfaction philosophy. J«mhH$ g§VwîQ>r VÎdkmZ åhUOo H$m` Vo ñnîQ> H$am. d) What is your understanding about press kit ? àog {H$Q> `mg§X^m©V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ? e) What is crisis ? Mention various types of crisis. AmnÎmr åhUOo H$m` ? AmnÎmrMo {d{dY àH$mg gm§Jm. 3. Write notes in 150 words (any four) : XrS>eo eãXmV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Vendor relations nwadRmXmamer g§nH©$ b) Employee expectations H$m_Jmam§À`m Anojm c) Production of house journal J¥hnÌmMr {Z{_©Vr d) Opinion leaders _Z ZoVo e) Lobbying bm°q~J. 16 *SLRQA28* -5- SLR- QA – 28 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 14 AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) Differentiate between corporate image and identity. H$mnm}aoQ> à{V_m d AmoiI `mVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. b) Describe the role of corporate communication department in crisis situation. AmnÎmrÀ`m H$mimV H$mnmo©aoQ> g§kmnZ {d^mJmMr ^y{_H$m H$m` Agmdr Vo ñnîQ> H$am. c) Do you agree that ‘change in corporate identity is possible’. Explain with suitable examples. ‘H$mnm}aoQ>Mr ñnîQ> H$am. AmoiI ~XbVm `oV’o `m {dYmZmer Vwåhr gh_V AmhmV H$m ? `mo½` CXmhaUm§gh 5. Define community relations. What are the expectations of community from a corporate ? What should be the role of public relations in it ? g_mO g§nH$m©Mr ì`m»`m gm§Jm. EImÚm H$mnmo©aoQ>H$Sy>Z g_mOmÀ`m Anojm H$m` AgVmV. `mV OZg§nH$m©Mr ^y{_H$m H$m` AgVo. OR/ qH$dm What precautions and preparations are necessary for proficient and smooth handling of media relations ? Mm§Jë`m Am{U ghO _mÜ`_ g§nH$m©gmR>r H$moUVr H$miOr KoÊ`mMr d H$moUVr V`mar H$aÊ`mMr JaO Amho. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA – 29 *SLRQA29* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Comm.) (Sem. – IV) Examination 2014 ONLINE JOURNALISM (Paper – IV) Day and Date : Tuesday, 29-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 70 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the rights indicate full marks. 1. Select the correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) The first page of a website is known as _____________ a) Home page b) Index Page c) Both a) and b) do~gmB©Q>À`m n{hë`m nmZmg _____________ Agohr åhQbo OmVo. a) hmo_noO b) BÝS>og noO c) XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) d) None of these d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) Sending and receiving of messages over the internet is known as ___________ a) E-mail b) E-commerce c) E-shopping d) None of these B§Q>aZoQ>dê$Z g§XoemMr XodmU-KodmU H$aUo åhUOo _____________ hmo`. a) B©-_ob b) B©-H$m°_g© c) B©-em°qnJ d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 3) The standard Protocol for the Internet is ___________ a) TCP/IP b) IPA c) DSL B§Q>aZoQ> gmR>rMm à_m{UV àmoQ>moH$m°b _____________ Amho. a) Q>rgrnr/Am` nr b) Am`nr E c) S>rEg Eb 4) The new name of Arpanet is ___________ a) Web b) Internet c) Intranet Anm©ZoQ>Mo ZdrZ Zmd _____________ Amho. a) do~ b) B§Q>aZoQ> c) B§Q´>mZoQ> d) None of these d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr d) None of these d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 5) Standard size of online Advertising Banner is ___________ a) 468 × 60 b) 234 × 60 c) 728 × 90 d) 125 × 125 Am°ZbmB©Z A°S>ìhQ>m©`{PJ§ ~°ZaMo à_m{UV AmH$ma_mZ _____________ Amho. a) 468 × 60 b) 234 × 60 c) 728 × 90 d) 125 × 125 P.T.O. SLR-QA – 29 *SLRQA29* -2- 6) The word hypertext coins by _____________ a) Ted Nelson b) Bob Kahn c) Both a) and b) hm`naQ>oñQ> hm eR> _____________ `m§Zr àM{bV Ho$bm. a) Q>oS> ZoëgZ b) ~m°~ H$mÝh c) XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) d) None of these d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 7) International Net Work of computer is known as ___________ a) Intranet b) INC c) Internet d) None of these g§JUH$mMo Am§VaamîQ´>r` Omio åhUOo _____________ b) Am`EZgr c) B§Q>aZoQ> d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr a) BÝQ´>mZoQ> 8) Web portal is also used as ____________ a) entertainment b) Search engine c) multiple applications d) None of these do~ nmoQ>©bMm _____________ åhUyZ dmna Ho$bm OmVmo. a) H$a_UyH$ b) g`© B§{OZ c) _ëQ>rnb ApßbHo$eÝg d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 9) The term ‘blog’ is firstly used in __________ a) 1998 b) 1997 c) 1999 "ãbm°J' `m g§ko`m dmna àW_ _____________ _Ü`o Pmbm. a) 1998 b) 1997 c) 1999 d) 1995 d) 1995 10) The Internet edition of Deccan Herold is launched in ___________ a) 1998 b) 1995 c) 1996 d) 1999 S>oH$Z hoam°ëS>Mr B§Q>aZoQ> Amd¥Îmr _____________ _Ü`o {ZKmbr. a) 1998 b) 1995 c) 1996 d) 1999 11) LAN means _____________ a) Local Area Networking c) Local Advanced Networking b°Z åhUOo ______________ a) bmoH$b E[a`m ZoQ>d{Hª$J c) bmoH$b A°S>ìhm°ÝgS> ZoQ>d{Hª$J b) Local Access Networking d) None of these b) d) bmoH$b A°gog ZoQ>d{Hª$J `mn¡H$s Zmhr 12) ___________ is/are the social networks. a) Face book b) Blog c) Orkut d) All of these ______________`m gm_m{OH$ ZoQ>dg© AmhoV. a) \o$g~wH$ b) ãbm°J c) A°Hw©$Q> d) `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRQA29* SLR-QA – 29 -3- 13) The term web 2.0 is used in ___________ a) 1999 b) 1998 c) 1996 "do~ 2.0' `m g§koMm dmna ______________ _Ü`o Pmbm. a) 1999 b) 1998 c) 1996 14) The first website appeared in ___________ a) 1993 b) 1992 c) 1991 n{hbr do~gmB©Q> ______________ _Ü`o ApñVÎdmV Pmbr. a) 1993 b) 1992 c) 1991 d) 1997 d) 1997 d) 1994 d) 1994 2. Write short notes (any four) : 12 Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) Web Journalism do~ nÌH$m[aVm 2) E-commerce B©-dm{UÁ` 3) Modem _moS>o_ 4) Computer networking g§JUH$ ZoQ>d{Hª$J 5) Online advertising. Am°ZbmB©Z Om{hamV. 3. Write the answers in 150 words (any four) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) Define the term graphics and describe its various types. J«m{\$gMr ì`m»`m H$am Am{U Ë`mÀ`m {d{dY àH$mam§~m~V g{dñVa {bhm. 2) State the various characteristics of internet. B§Q>aZoQ>Mr {d{dY d¡{eîQ>ço Z_yX H$am. 3) Discuss in brief on e-paper. B©-nona ~m~V WmoS>`mV MMm© H$am. 16 SLR-QA – 29 -4- *SLRQA29* 4) State the difference between websites and web portals. do~gmB©Q²>g Am{U do~nmoQ>©ëg `mVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. 5) State the benefits of online Journalism. Am°ZbmB©Z nÌH$m[aVoMo \$m`Xo gm§Jm. 4. Write the answers in 250 words (any two) : 14 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 250 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Write in detail about the reporting for the web media. do~ _mÜ`_mgmR>r d¥Îmg§H$bZ H$go Ho$bo OmVo Ë`m~m~V g{dñVa {bhm. 2) State in detail about the website designing trends. do~gmB©Q> {S>Pm`qZJÀ`m àdmhm~m~V g{dñVa {bhm. 3) Explain the need of cyber laws. "gm`~a bm° ' Mr Amdí`H$Vm {deX H$am. 5. Write the answer in 500 words : nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎma 500 eãXmV {bhm : Online journalism is very costly media – Explain. Am°ZbmB©Z nÌH$m[aVm AË`§V _hmJS>o _mÜ`_ Amho-ñnîQ> H$am. OR/qH$dm Define the term ‘convergence’ and state how it is useful in media. "H$m±ìhO©Ýg'Mr ì`m»`m H$am Am{U _mÜ`_mgmR>r Vo H$go Cn`wV Amho Vo Z_yX H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-QA – 8 *SLRQA8* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Sem. – I) (New) Examination, 2014 Paper – III : REPORTING AND EDITING Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N. B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gyMZm : gd© àíZ Amdí`H$. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) Assignment diary is useful to ______________ for distribution of work. H$m_mMo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mgmR>r AgmB©Z_|Q> S>m`ar .bm Cn`wV R>aVo. a) News-Editor b) Assistant Editor c) Chief Reporter d) All of these d¥Îm g§nmXH$ _w»` dmVm©ha gh g§nmXH$ `mn¡H$s gd© ii) Recent technology used for platemaking is ______________ ßboQ>_oqH$JgmR>r Cn`wV Agbobo Zdo V§ÌkmZ a) CTP gr.Q> c) GTP Or.Q> Amho. b) ATP E.Q> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr iii) Person responsible for editorial as well as management department of a newspaper is ______________ d¥ÎmnÌmÀ`m g§nmXH$s` d ì`dñWmnZ {d^mJmg O~m~Xma AgUmar ì`Vr a) Executive Editor b) Management Editor c) Resident Editor d) All of these H$m`©H$mar g§nmXH$ {Zdmgr g§nmXH$ hmo`. ì`dñWmnH$s` g§nmXH$ `mn¡H$s gd© P.T.O. SLR-QA – 8 *SLRQA8* -2- iv) Paper-cuttings on important issues preserved in ______________ d¥ÎmnÌmVrb _hÎdmÀ`m {df`mdarb H$mÌUo `oWo OnyZ R>odVmV. a) Godown b) Syndicate c) Morgue d) None of these JmoS>mD$Z qgS>rHo$Q> _m°J© `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr v) Heading which appears above the title of newspaper is ______________ d¥ÎmnÌmÀ`m erf©H$mÀ`m da {Xë`m OmUmè`m _Wù`mg a) Banner b) Byline c) Skyline d) None of these ~°Za åhUVmV. ~m`bmB©Z ñH$m`bmB©Z `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vi) Document given to reporters in press conference is ______________ nÌH$ma n[afXoV nÌH$mam§Zm {Xë`m OmUmè`m H$mJXnÌmg a) Press-Brief b) Press-Note c) Press-release d) All of these àog-~«r\$ åhUVmV. àog-ZmoQ> àog-[abrO `mn¡H$s gd© vii) News about Malala is based on ______________ news value. _bmbm {hÀ`mg§~§YmVrb ~mV_r d¥Îm_yë`mda AmYmabobr Amho. a) Prominence b) Proximity c) Impact d) All of these _hmËå` ZOrH$Vm à^md `mn¡H$s gd© viii) ______________ is a news agency. a) A.F.P. hr d¥Îmg§ñWm Amho. E.E\$.nr b) Reuter am°`Q>a c) UNI d) All of these `y.EZ.Am`. `mn¡H$s gd© ix) P. Sainath is known for ______________ nr. gmB©ZmW gmR>r à{gÕ AmhoV. a) Investigative reporting b) Development reporting c) Environmental reporting d) All of these emoY nÌH$m[aVm n`m©daU nÌH$m[aVm {dH$mg nÌH$m[aVm `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRQA8* SLR-QA – 8 -3- x) The news giving up-dates of a story is ______________ EImÚm KQ>Zog§~§YrMo VmOo d¥Îm XoUmè`m ~mV_rg a) Follow-up b) Scoop c) Background d) None of these \$m°bmo-An ~°H$J«mD§$S> åhUVmV. ñHy$n `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) When court itself takes action to file a case is termed as ______________ Ý`m`mb` Ooìhm ñdV: EImXm IQ>bm gwê$ H$aÊ`mMr H¥$Vr H$aVo Ë`mg a) Hebius Corpes b) Libel c) Sue-Motto d) None of these ho{~`g H$m°n©g gmo-_moQ>mo åhUVmV. bm`~ob `mn¡H$s Zmhr xii) Crime Reporter’s news mainly based on ______________ H«$mB©_ [anmoQ>©aMr ~mV_r àm_w»`mZo da AmYmabobr AgVo. a) Investigation b) F.I.R. c) On the spot reporting d) None of these emoY KQ>ZmñWbr Ho$bobo dmVmªH$Z E\$.Am`.Ama. `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiii) Editing of news received from rural areas is the responsibility of ___________ J«m_rU ^mJmVrb ~mVå`m§À`m g§nmXZmMr O~m~Xmar a) Crede Desk b) Coordination Desk c) Provincial Desk d) All of these H«$sS> {d^mJ àmXo{eH$ {d^mJ H$S>o AgVo. g_Ýd` {d^mJ `mn¡H$s gd© xiv) Details about printer, publisher of newspaper are given in ______________ d¥ÎmnÌmÀ`m _wÐH$, àH$meH$mMo Zmd `mV {Xbobo AgVo. a) Byline b) Deadline c) Print line d) All of these ~m`bmB©Z qàQ> bmB©Z BoS>bmB©Z `mn¡H$s gd© 2. Write answers 50 words (any four) ; nÞmg eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What is ‘Human Interest Story’ ? _mZdr AmñWoMr ~mV_r åhUOo H$m` ? b) What are the duties of sports reporter ? H«$sS>m nÌH$mamÀ`m O~m~Xmè`m H$moUË`m ? 12 SLR-QA – 8 -4- *SLRQA8* c) What is your understanding about ‘Hard News’ ? "H$R>rU ~mV_r' `m g§H$ënZo~m~V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ? d) What is the use of library for a newspaper ? d¥ÎmnÌmbm J«§Wmb`mMm H$m` Cn`moJ hmoVmo ? e) What is deadline ? S>oS>bmB©Z åhUOo H$m` ? 3. Write notes (any four) : 16 Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Style book. e¡br nwpñVH$m. b) News values ~mV_rMr _yë`o. c) Legislative reporting. {dYr_§S>imVrb dmVmªH$Z d) Environmental reporting. n`m©daU nÌH$m[aVm. e) Press conference. nÌH$ma n[afX.& 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 14 AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) Trace various structures of news writing. ~mV_r aMZoÀ`m {d{dY àH$mam§Mm emoY Úm. b) What are the types of ‘Headlines’ ? How they are useful ? _Wb`m§Mo {d{dY àH$ma H$moUVo ? Ë`m§Mr Cn`wVVm H$m` Amho ? c) What is the importance of ‘Investigative Reporting’ ? emoY nÌH$m[aVoMo _hÎd H$m` ? 5. Describe various types of lead, giving suitable examples. `mo½` CXmhaUm§gh {eamo^mJmMo {d{dY àH$ma {dfX H$am. OR/qH$dm Why role of ‘News-Editor’ is crucial for a newspaper ? What are his duties and responsibilities ? d¥ÎmnÌmV d¥Îmg§nmXH$mMr ^y{_H$m _hËdnyU© H$m AgVo ? Ë`m§Mr H$m`} Am{U O~m~Xmè`m H$moUË`m ? _____________________ 14 SLR-QA – 9 *SLRQA9* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – I) (New) Examination, 2014 Paper – IV : ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Om{hamV Am{U OZg§nH©$ Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : gyMZm : Total Marks :70 i) All questions are compulsory. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose the correct alternatives. 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS H$am : i) ‘Public ka naya transport’ is the catch line of _____________ "npãbH$ H$m Z`m Q´>mÝgnmoQ>© ' ho _____________ Mo `mMbmB©Z Amho. a) Kawasaki Bajaj b) Hero Honda H$mdmgmH$s ~OmO hramo hm|S>m c) Enfield d) Bajaj pulsar BÝ\$sëS> ~OmO nëga ii) Central Governments publicity machinery for rural India is _____________ J«m_rU ^maVmV Ho$ÝÐ gaH$maMr à{gÔr H$aUmar `§ÌUm _____________ Amho. a) R. N. I. b) D. A. V. P. Ama. EZ. Am` c) Field publicity office joÌr` à{gÕr H$m`m©b` S>r. E. ìhr. nr. d) I. S. A. Am`. Eg. E. iii) Agencies involved in media buying are known as _____________ _mÜ`_ IaoXr H$aUmè`m g§ñWmZm _____________ åhUVmV. a) A. A. A. I. b) A. O. R c) A. M. B. d) A. B. C. E. E. E. Am` E. Amo. Ama. E. E_. ~r. iv) ‘Kar lo duniya mutti mein’ is the punch line of ____________ "H$a bmo Xw{Z`m _wÅ>r _|' ho Kmofdm` _____________ Mo Amho. a) Tata b) Bullet motorcycle Q>mQ>m c) Reliance India mobile [abmBÝg B§{S>`m _mo~mB©b E. ~r. gr. ~wboQ> _moQ>magm`H$b d) Bajaj pulsar ~OmO nbga P.T.O. SLR-QA – 9 *SLRQA9* -2- v) Which one is an ad agency ? H$moUVr EH$ Om{hamV EOÝgr Amho ? a) MC can Erickson Pvt. Ltd. b) R. K. Swami – BBDO c) F. B. C. – Ulka d) All of the above E_gr H°$Z B©[agZ àmo. {b. E\$. ~r. gr. - CbH$m Ama. Ho$. ñdm_r- ~r. ~r. S>r. Amo. darb gd© vi) Lintas is {bÝQ>mg Amho a) Indian advertising Agency b) Indias Newspaper c) Indias Magazine d) Indias TV B§{S>`Z ES>ìhaQ>mBPtJ EOÝgr B§{S>`mO _°JPtZ B§{S>`mg Ý`wOnona B§{S>`mO Q>r. ìhr. vii) The full form of AIDCA E. Am`. S>r. gr. E. Mo nyU© ê$n a) Attention, Interest, Desire, Conviction and Action AQoZeZ, B§Q>aoñQ>, {S>Pm`a, H$ZìhrH$eZ Am{U A°H$eZ b) Action, Interest, Desire, Conviction and Active A°H$eZ, B§Q>aoñQ>, {S>Pm`a, H$ZìhrH$eZ Am{U A°H$Q>rìh c) Action, Internet, Development, Conviction and Active A°H$eZ, B§Q>aoñQ>, S>oìhbn_|Q>, H$ZìhrH$eZ Am{U A°H$Q>rìh d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) Thumbnail is prepared by _________________ Wå~Zob Mr {Z{_©Vr _____________ Ûmam Ho$br. a) Creative Dept. b) PR. Dept. H$bm {d^mJ c) Advertisement Dept. Om{hamV {d^mJ OZg§nH©$ {d^mJ d) Contract Dept. H$ama {d^mJ ix) Press Conference is organized when _________________ Ë`mdoir nÌH$ma n[afX Am`mo{OV Ho$br OmVo. a) There is new announcement b) Organize a programme c) Need Journalist’s advice d) None of these Zdr KmofUm H$amamMr AgVo nÌH$mam§Mm gëbm hdm AgVmo EImXm H$m`©H«$_ Am`moOrV H$aVmo `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) _________________ prepares and distribute advertising for Government gaH$magmR>r Om{hamVr V`ma H$aÊ`mMo d {dVaU H$aÊ`mMo H$m_ _____________ H$aVo. a) D. A. V. P. b) P. C. I. c) P. I. B. d) R. N. I. S>r. E. ìhr. nr. nr. gr. Am`. nr. Am`. ~r. Ama. EZ. Am`. *SLRQA9* SLR-QA – 9 -3- xi) D. A. V. P. stand for S>r. E. ìhr. nr. Mo nyU© ê$n a) Directorate of Advertising and visual publicity S>m`aoQ>a Am°\$ AS>ìhaQ>mBPtJ A°ÝS> ìhrÁ`yAb nãbrgrQ>r b) Director of advertise and visual publicity S>m`aoQ>a Am°\$ AS>ìhaQ>mBO A°ÝS> ìhrÁ`yAb nãbrgrQ>r c) Director of Agency and visual people S>m`aoQ>a Am°\$ EOÝgr A°ÝS> ìhrÁ`yAb nrnb d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr xii) ________________ is the example of family brand. _____________ ho \°${_br ~«°ÝS> Mo CXmhaU Amho. a) Johnson’s baby products b) Surf Om°ÝgÝg ~o~r à°S>Q>g c) TATA Q>mQ>m g\}$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr xiii) The consumers trust in a brand is known as J«mhH$m§Mm ~«°ÝS> darb {dídmg _____________ åhUyZ AmoiIim OmVmo. a) Brand loyalty b) Brand ~«°ÝS> bm°`ëQ>r c) Brand equity ~«°ÝS> B©drQ>r ~«Ý° S d) Brand promise ~«°ÝS àm°_rg xiv) First printed advertisement in English was prepared by ____________ in 1477 B§J«OrVrb n{hbr N>mnrb Om{hamV 1477 gmbr _____________ `m§Zr V`ma Ho$br. a) William Carrey b) William Cacksten {dë`_ H°$ao c) Johans Gutenberg Om°Ýg JwQ>oZ~J© 2. Write short notes (any four) : Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) Advertising Agencies Om{hamV g§ñWm 2) Corporate Public Relations H$manmoaoQ> OZg§nH©$ 3) Advertising and standard of living Om{hamV Am{U amhUr_mZm§Mm XOm© {dë`_ H°$H$ñQ>oZ d) William Shakespeare {dë`_ goH$g²{nAa 12 SLR-QA – 9 -4- *SLRQA9* 4) A. S. C. I. E. Eg. gr. Am`. 5) PR films. OZg§nH©$ {\$ë_g. 3. Write answer in 150 words (any four) : XrS>eo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 16 1) What is political public relations ? amOH$s` OZg§nH©$ H$m` Amho ? 2) Differentiate between advertising and sales promotion. Om{hamV Am{U {dVaU dmT> `mVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Explain the disadvantage of Advertisements. Om{hamVrMr hmoUmao VmoQ>o ñnîQ> H$am. 4) State the responsibilities of PR. OZg§nH$m©Mr O~m~Xmar {deX H$am. 5) What is House Journal ? How it is useful for a Corporate ? J¥hnÌ åhUOo H$m` ? Vo H$manmoaoQ>bm H$go Cn`wV R>aVo ? 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 1) Describe code of ethics for PR professionals. OZg§nH©$ ì`mdgm{`H$m§gmR>rMr AmMmag§{hVm {deX H$am. 2) Describe the working of ASCI. ASCI Mr H$m`} nÕVr {deX H$am. 3) What is Brand ? ~°«ÝS> H$m` Amho. 5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm : 1) Explain the role of PR in crisis management. AmnÎmr ì`dñWmnZmV OZg§nH$m©Mr ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am. OR/qH$dm What are the various departments in an advertising agency ? Describe working of each department. Om{hamV g§ñWoVrb {d{dY {d^mJ H$moUVo ? Ë`m àË`oH$ {d^mJmMr H$m`} ñnîQ> H$am. _____________________ 14