1 SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR Ph.D. Course Work Syllabus in Sociology To be introduced w.e.f. 2014 -2015 Paper No. I : Research Methodology and information Communication Technology (ICT) Paper No. II : Recent Trends in Sociological Theory Paper III A) Environmental Sociology : OR B) Sociology of Mass Communication and Information Society. Medium : English and Marathi. Ph. D. Thesis can be submitted in English Or Marathi 2 SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR Ph.D. Course Work Syllabus in Sociology (w.e.f. June 2014) PAPER - II Ph. D. (Sociology ) Syllabus : To be introduced w.e.f. academic Year 2014-15 Paper – II RECENT TRENDS IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY Unit – I Neo- Functionalism and Neo – Marxism A) Neo- Functionalism i) Emergence, Meanings, tendencies and characteristics ii) Contribution of Jeffrey Alexander, iii) Views of Niklas Luhman B) Frankfurt School i) An Overview ii) Contribution of Early Critical Theorists such as George Lukacs, Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcust Ethnonemethodology A) Definition and Basic Conceptual Core B) Garfinkel’s Contribution – Critisism On Traditional Mainstream Sociology C) Goffman’s Dramaturgical Analysis Phenomenology A) Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology B) Alfred Schutz’s Phenomenological Sociology C) Peter Berger and Luckmann – Social Construction of Reality Structuralism and Post Structuralism A) Linguistic Structuralism, Anthropological Structuralism Structural Marxism and Post Structuralism B) Writings of Claude Levy – Strauss and Louis Althusser C) Post Structuralism – Michel Foucault Structure and Agency A) Structuration Theory : Contribution of Anthony Giddnes B) Pierre Bourbiea – His Idea of Reflexive Sociology Modern and Post- Modern Theory A) Nature And Roots B) Jacques Derrida, Jeans – Francois Layotard their Contribution Unit – II Unit – III Unit – IV Unit – V Unit – VI 3 Recommended Readings : Ritzer George, 2000 Sociological Theory (International editions 2000). New York; McGraw- Hill, 2000,6th Edition with Goodman. Abraham Francis M. Modern Sociological Theory. Turner, Jonathan H. 2005 The Structure of Sociological Theory (4th Edition), Jaipur and New Delhi; Rawat, 1995 Wallance Ruth A. and Contemporary Sociological Theory; Continuing the Alison Wolf Classica Tradition (Second Edition) Prentice Hall Englewooed Cliffs, New Jersey, 1986 and 2006. Tim Delaney Contemporary Social Theory : Investigation and Application, Person Education, Delhi ISBN 978-81317-2012-7, 2008 Alexander, Jeffrey C. Twenty Lecures : Sociological Theory since World War II, New York, Columbia University Press 1987. Colins, Randall Sociological Theory (Indian edition), Jaipur and New Delhi; Rawat, 1997. Craib, lan Modern Social Theory : From Parsons to Hobermas (2nd edition) London : Harvester Press 1992. Zeitlin. Irving M. Rethinking Sociology : A critique of Contemporary Theory (Indian edition) Jaipur and New Delhi ; Rawat. Austin Harrington (Ed.) Modern Social Theory : An introduction, Oxford University Press, 2005. Ritzer George Encylopedia of social Theory Vol I and II Note Any Other text / Article suggested by the subject teacher. 4 PAPER – III Ph. D. (Sociology) Syllabus : To be introduced w.e.f. academic year 2014-15 Paper – III Unit - I A) ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY Sociology and Environment A) Basic Concepts Definitions and Meaning : Environment, Ecosystem, the concept of Risk Society. B) Sociology and the Environment : The Chicago School; Classical Human Ecology, Neo-orthodox Ecological Perspective, Cultural Ecological Approach. C) Duncan’s Ecological Complex : POET Model, Extended Complex by Dunlap and Catton. Unit – II Environment Sociology : Field and Scope A) Disciplinary Traditions and the Emergence of New Ecological Paradigm : DWW, HEP and NEP. B) Environmental Sociology : Subject – matter and Scope C) Importance of Environmental Sociology. Unit – III Society- Nature Relationship : Approaches / Perspectives A) Dunlap and Catton’s Ecological Complex. Social Costructionism and Realism B) Deep Ecology C) Ecofeminism and Gandhian Approach Unit – IV Some Issues in Environmental Sociology A) Growth of Environmentalism : An Overview, Environment and Developing Countries. B) Global Environmental Problems, Sustainable Development. C) Technology, Development and Environment D) Environmental Movements (in India) Unit – V Global Environmentalism A) Challenge to Post- Materialism thesis Unit – VI Environmental Ethics A) Environmental Justice, Policy And Action. 5 Recommended Readings : Michale Radcliff and The Intrnational Handbook Of Environmental Graham Woodgate (Eds.) Sociology Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 1997. Riley E. Dunlap Sociological Theory and the Environment : Classical Et.al (ed.) Foundations, Contemporary insights, Rowman Littlefield, 2002. Guha. Ramchandra (ed.) Social Ecology, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1994 Sundar I and P.K. Muthukumar Environmental Sociology, I Sarup and Sons, New Delhi 2006. Carolyn Merchant (Ed.) Ecology, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 1996 Saxena H.M. Environment Studies, Rwat Publication, Jaipur, 2006 Martel Luke Environment and Society : An Introduction, Polity Press, 1994. Pawar S.N. and Patil R.B Sociology of Environment, Rawat Publication, Jaipur. Pawar S.N. and Patil R.B Environment Movements in India, Rawat publications.Jaipur And Salunkhe S.A. 6 Ph. D. Course Work Syllabus PAPER – III B) SOCIOLOGY OF MASS COMMUNICATION AND INFROMATION SOCIETY Unit – I Basic Concepts A) Communication and Mass Communication B) Functions of Communication and Mass Communication C) Importance of Communicaion. Unit – II Folk Media and Mass Media A) Characteristics of folk Society and information Society B) Impact of Globalization on folk media C) Mass Media : Types and Development Unit – III Globalization and Mass Media A) Global Media as a agency of globalization. B) Convergence in global media and culture. C) Control of MNCs over global information flow and entertainment Unit- IV Information Communication Technology A) Social Construction of Technology B) New communication Technologies C) Criteria for the development of a information Society Unit – V Communication and Society A) Sociological Background of Growth of Journalism B) The first and Second Media Age the historical distinction C) Mass Media as a culture Industry – from critical theory perspective. Unit – VI IT Revolution Enterprise A) Culture institutions and Organizations of the information economy B) Transition from industrialism to Informationalism. C) The Service economy and information Sociology D) Recommended Readings : David Barrat (1986) David Holemes (2005) Media Sociology : London and New York, Routledge. Communication Theory ; Media Technology and Sciety, New Delhi, SAGE Publications. 7 Danis Mc Quail (2005) Vilanilam J.V. (2005) Vincent Mosco (1996) Note : Mass Communication and Media, New Delhi, Anmol Publications. Mass Communication in India : A Sociological Perspective , New Delhi, SAGE Publications. The Political Economy of Communication, New Delhi, SAGE Publications. Any other text / Article suggested by the subject teacher. Ph. D (Course Work ) nature of Question Paper Pattern • Ph. D úÖêÃÖÔ¾ÖÔúÃÖÖšüß ±úŒŸÖ Long Answer ¾Ö Short Answer †ÃÖê“Ö ¯ÖÏ¿−Ö †ÃÖŸÖß»Ö. • Ph. D. 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