WESTLAKE EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM 2014-2015 STANDARDS WORKED ON DAILY MATHEMATICS Count to 20 by ones with increasing accuracy. Identify and name numerals 1-9. Identify without counting small quantities of up to 3 items. Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence when counting objects up to 10. Understand that the last number spoken tells the number of objects counted. Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group up to 10. Solve simple addition and subtraction problems with totals smaller than 8, using concrete objects. SCIENCE Make predictions and check them through concrete experiences, with adult support. Make inferences and form generalizations based on evidence. Communicate about observations and investigations. Record or represent and communicate observations and findings through variety of methods (e.g. pictures, words, and dramatization) with adult support. Share findings and explanations, which may be correct or incorrect, with or without adult prompting. Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex concepts and longer sentences, and follow two-step requests. As desired, add drawings or other visuals to verbal description to provide additional detail. Demonstrate understanding of or use words that indicate position and direction (Vocabulary). With modeling and support, describe what part of the story the illustration depicts. With modeling and support, describe, categorize and compare and contrast information in informational text. Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. With modeling and support, demonstrate an understanding of reading fluency by use of phrasing, intonation and expression in shared reading of familiar books, poems, chants, songs, nursery rhymes or other repetitious or predictable texts. Demonstrate an understanding of book handling. Demonstrate and understands that print conveys meaning. Differentiate between sounds that are the same and different (e.g. environmental sounds, animal sounds, phonemes). With modeling and support, identify, blend and segment syllables in spoken words. With modeling and support, recognize and produce rhyming words. With modeling and support, blend onsets and rhymes in single-syllable spoken words. With modeling and support, identify initial and final sounds in spoken words. With modeling and support, orally blend and SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT APPROACHES TOWARDS LEARNING LANGUAGE & LITERACY Focus on an activity with deliberate concentration despite distractions. Carry out tasks, activities, projects, or experiences from beginning to end. Focus on the task at hand through difficulties and try to overcome challenges. Develop and carry out simple plans to obtain a goal. Invents new activities and demonstrates flexibility in solving problems. Seek new and varied experiences and challenges. Demonstrates self-direction while participating in a range of activities and routines. Request and accepts guidance from familiar adults. Interact with peers in shared activities, pretend play and cooperation of roles. Display socially competent behavior with peers such as helping, sharing and taking turns. Seek security and support from familiar adults. Resolve conflicts with peers, seeking adult assistance when necessary. Express concern for the needs of others and people in distress. Manage the expression of feelings, thoughts, impulses and behaviors with minimal guidance from adults. Engage in extended conversations with familiar adults. Recognize and identify own emotions and the emotions of others. Display awareness of own thoughts and feelings. COGNITION PROCESSES & SKILLS Demonstrate ability to solve everyday problems based on past experiences. segment familiar compound words. With modeling and support, demonstrate a beginning understanding of the connections between letters and sounds. With modeling and support, recognize and “read” familiar words or environmental print. With modeling and support, recognize and name some upper and lower case letters in addition to those in first name. With modeling and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating and emergent writing to express knowledge or share information about a topic of interest. With modeling and support from adults, begin to discuss and respond to questions from others about the writing/ drawing. With modeling and support, participate in shared research and writing projects using a variety of resources to gather information or to answer a question. With modeling and support, speak clearly and understandably to express ideas, feelings and needs. Demonstrate a beginning understanding of the structure and function of print. With modeling and support identify own name in print. Demonstrate a beginning understanding of the structure and function of print With modeling and support follows typical patterns for communicating with others (e.g., listen to others, takes turns talking and speaks about the topic or text being discussed). Physical Well Being & Motor Development Use non-locomotor skills with control, balance, and coordination, such as bending, stretching, and twisting during play. Participate in active play exhibiting strength and stamina. Demonstrate emerging responsibility for eating. Demonstrate coordination in using objects during active play (riding tricycle, catching ball). Coordinate the use of hands, fingers, and wrists to manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements. Demonstrate loco-motor skills with control, coordination, balance, and active play. Dress with minimal or no caregiver assistance. Complete personal care tasks with increasing responsibility. Demonstrate increasingly complex oral motor skills such as drinking threw a straw, blowing bubbles, or repeating a tongue twister. Social Studies Demonstrate cooperative behaviors and fairness to others during interactions with peers & adults. Demonstrate an awareness of the outcomes of choices Engage in problem solving to resolve social conflicts with adult support. Processes & Skills Demonstrates understanding that symbols carry meaning and use symbols to understand thinking THEME & STANDARDS CALENDAR KEY: SS – Social Studies LL – Language & Literacy S – Science M – Mathematics APT – Approaches Toward Learning SE: Social & Emotional Development P/M: Physical Well Being & Motor Development PS: Processes & Skills WEEK OF THEME September 2-4 (3 days) Back to School Baseball/Sports Sept 8-11 Sept 15-18 Back to School Baseball/Sports RISE Assessments Back to School Baseball/Sports RISE Assessments LTR/NUM TRANSDICIPLINARY THEMES Who We Are Who We Are L Who We Are STANDARDS SE: Identify the diversity in human characteristics and how people are similar & different. SE: Compare own characteristics with those of others. P/M: Identify the consequences of unsafe behavior with adult guidance and support. P/M: Demonstrate emerging ability to follow transportation & pedestrian safety rules with adult models & support. P/M: Identify and follow basic safety rules with guidance and support. P/M: Demonstrate emerging ability to follow emergency routine with adult modeling and support. SS: Demonstrate an awareness of the outcomes of choices. SS: Understand that rules play an important role in promoting safety and protecting fairness. PS: Communicate about past events in their life and anticipate familiar routines and experiences. LL: With modeling and support, identify own name in print. LL: Demonstrates an understanding of basic conventions of print in English, Spanish, & other western languages. LL: Retell or reenact familiar stories. LL: with modeling and support use a combination of drawing, dictating, and emergent writing to communicate about a personal experience or story and tell about the event in a meaningful sequence. LL: With modeling and support describe familiar people, places, things, & experiences. ACTVITIES RESOURCES Invite parents, family members, and/or members of the community to read stories from their own culture in class. What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software, etc, will be available? Child-led play; taking on different characters in role plays. Ongoing opportunities for promoting language development through storytelling and re-telling; telling a sequence of events from their own life. Puzzles, poems, songs, finger plays, photographs, role play costumes and food items, story props, Asking questions during story time: for example, why do you think she said/did that? How does she feel? What is going to happen next? Is the story the same or different? Children can write and/or narrate a story or event to their teacher to include in their journal. How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to facilitate the inquiry? Change of classroom centers, library books, file folder games/games, music, art/craft activities, large group activities, photographs, drawings. Sept 22-25 3D Shapes F How We Organize SE: Express a range of emotions in socially acceptable ways. SE: Engage in extended conversations with familiar adults. SE: Recognize and identify own emotions and the emotions of others. SS: Demonstrate cooperative behaviors and fairness to others during interactions with peers & adults. M: Demonstrate an understanding of the relative positions of objects with terms such as in, on, under, up, down, inside, outside, above, below, beside, between, in front of, behind, & next to. LL: Identify real life connections between words and there use (vocabulary). LL: Identify characters and major events in a story. LL: Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (Vocabulary) LL: With modeling and support begin to demonstrate letter formation in “writing”. LL: With modeling and support name the author & illustrator of a story and what each person does for a book. LL: Use language to communicate in a variety of ways with other to share observations, ideas, and experiences: problem solves, reason, predict, and seek new information. LL: With modeling and support discuss some similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic. LL: Ask and answer questions, and comment about characters and major event in familiar stories. LL: With Modeling and support determine the meanings of unknown/ concepts using the context of conversations, pictures that accompany text, or concrete objects. LL: With modeling and support use a combination of drawing dictating and emergent writing to express an idea or opinion about an experience or book. LL: With modeling and support prints letters of own name and other meaningful words with mock letters and some actual letters. LL: With modeling and support begin to use the conventions of standard English. LL: With Modeling and support begin to demonstrate and understanding of the differences between fantasy and reality. ATL: Express interest in and show appreciation for the creative work of others. ATL: Express individuality life experiences, and what they know and what they are able to do through a variety of media. PS: Recreate complex ideas, events/situations with personal adaptations. PS: Demonstrates understanding that symbols carry meaning and use symbols to understand thinking. PS: Participates cooperatively in complex pretend play, involving assigned roles and overall plan. Sept 29-Oct 2 3D Shapes Clifford Goes to Dog School E How We Organize Oct 6-9 5 Senses Chicka Chicka Video tape week 5 Senses H How We Organize T How We Organize I How We Organize Oct 13-16 Rumble in the Jungle Oct 21-23 3 Day Apples/colors/Fall The Letters Are Lost Video tape week S: Recognize examples of organisms that are similar to each other and of the same kind. S: Recognize some elements of the natural environment and understand that these change over time. S: Demonstrate an understanding that living things change over time. S: Identify the habitats of people and familiar animals and plants in their environment, and begin to realize that living things have their habitats in different environments. S: Develop understanding for the relationship between humans and nature, recognizing the difference between helpful and harmful actions towards the natural environment. SS: Explore the concept of responsible consumption and conservation of resources. SS: Understand that everyone has rights and responsibilities within a group. SS: Recognize that people have wants and must make choices because resources and materials are limiting. SS: Demonstrate understanding of where goods and services originate and how they are acquired. M: Describe and compare objects using measurable attributes; length, size, capacity, and weight. M: Measure length and volume (capacity) using nonstandard or standard measurement tools. ATL: Pose questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest. ATL: Use prior knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning. Oct 27-30 Apples/colors/Fall U How We Organize C How We Organize The Night Before Preschool Nov 3-6 3 day Where we live Clifford Goes to Dog School Video tape week S: Compare and contrast objects and events, and begin to describe similarities and differences. S: Use observable information (touch, see, hear, smell, taste) to categorize objects and materials, based on different criteria. S: Begin to identify and use some observation and measuring tools, with adult support. P/M: Use classroom and household tools independently with hand/eye coordination to carry out activities. P/M: Demonstrate spatial awareness in physical activity or movement. P/M: Demonstrate basic understanding that eating a variety of foods helps the body grow and be healthy. SS: Engage in problem solving to resolve social conflicts with adult support. SS: Demonstrate an understanding of time in the context of daily experiences. M: Recognize, duplicate, and extend simple patterns using attributes such as color, shape, or size. M: Compare two-dimensional shapes, in different sizes, and orientations, using informal language. M: Sort and classify objects by one or more attributes. LL: Sort common objects into categories to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent (vocabulary). LL: With modeling and support follows typical patterns for communicating with others (e.g., listen to others, takes turns talking and speaks about the topic or text being discussed). LL: With modeling and support, describe, categorize and compare and contrast information in informational text. ATL: Develop and carry out simple plans to obtain a goal. ATL: Invents new activities and demonstrates flexibility in solving problems. ATL: Seek new and varied experiences and challenges. ATL: Demonstrates self-direction while participating in a range of activities and routines. S: Recognize some elements of the natural environment and understand that these change over time. S: Demonstrate an understanding that living things change over time. S: Develop understanding for the relationship between humans and nature, recognizing the difference between helpful and harmful actions towards the natural environment. SS: Demonstrate a beginning understanding of maps as actual representations of places. M: Describe and compare objects using measurable attributes; length, size, capacity, and weight. M: Order objects by measurable attributes. M: Collect data by categories to answer simple questions. M: Measure length and volume (capacity) using nonstandard or standard measurement tools. LL: With modeling and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to express ideas. ATL: Pose questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest. ATL: Use prior knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning. Nov 10-13 Where we live Chicka Chicka O How We Organize Nov 17-20 Family/Thanksgivi ng Q Who we are G Who we are Rumble in the Jungle Video tape week Nov 24 Community Workers SS: Understand that everyone has rights and responsibilities within a group. SS: Demonstrate a beginning understanding of maps as actual representations of places. SS: Recognize that people have wants and must make choices because resources and materials are limiting. SS: Demonstrate understanding of where goods and services originate and how they are acquired. SS: Demonstrate an awareness of the outcomes of choices. LL: With modeling and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to express ideas. ATL: Pose questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest. ATL: Use prior knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning. The Letters are Lost Dec 1-4 Community Workers The Night Before Preschool Video tape week Who We Are SE: Identify the diversity in human characteristics and how people are similar & different. SE: Compare own characteristics with those of others. ATL: Recognizes own abilities and express satisfaction when demonstrating them to others. SS: Develop and awareness of their personal histories. SS: identify similarities & differences of own personal, family, & culturally characteristics, and those of others. SS: Develop and awareness and appreciation of Family and cultural stories and traditions. PS: Communicate about past events in their life and anticipate familiar routines and experiences. LL: With modeling and support use a combination of drawing, dictating, and emergent writing to communicate about a personal experience or story and tell about the event in a meaningful sequence. LL: With modeling and support describe familiar people places, things, & experiences. Dec 8-11 Holiday Gingerbread S Who We are J Who We Are If You Give A Moose A Muffin Dec 15-18 Holiday Gingerbread The Mitten Video tape week M: Demonstrate an understanding of the relative positions of objects with terms such as in, on, under, up, down, inside, outside, above, below, beside, between, in front of, behind, & next to. M: Names three dimensional objects using informal, descriptive vocabulary. LL: Identify real life connections between words and their use (vocabulary). LL: Identify characters and major events in a story. LL: Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (Vocabulary) LL: With modeling and support begin to demonstrate letter formation in “writing”. LL: Use language to communicate in a variety of ways with other to share observations, ideas, and experiences: problem solve, reason, predicts, and seek new information. LL: With modeling and support discuss some similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic. LL: Ask and answer questions, and comment about characters and major event in familiar stories. LL: With modeling and support determine the meanings of unknown/ concepts using the context of conversations, pictures that accompany text, or concrete objects. LL: With modeling and support use a combination of drawing dictating and emergent writing to express an idea or opinion about an experience or book. LL: With modeling and support prints letters of own name and other meaningful words with mock letters and some actual letters. LL: With modeling and support begin to use the conventions of standard English. LL: with Modeling and support begin to demonstrate and understanding of the differences between fantasy and reality. ATL: Express individuality life experiences, and what they know and what they are able to do through a variety of media. PS: Recreate complex ideas, events/situations with personal adaptations. PS: Participates cooperatively in complex pretend play, involving assigned roles and overall plan. Jan 5-8 Nursery Rhymes D How We Express Ourselves The Way I Feel Jan 12-15 Nursery Rhymes Giggle Giggle Quack Video tape week P How We Express Ourselves Jan 21-22 2 Days Authors B How We Express Ourselves Where’s My Teddy SE: Identify the diversity in human characteristics and how people are similar & Different. SE: Compare own characteristics with those of others. SS: Develop and awareness of their personal histories. SS: identify similarities & differences of own personal, family, & culturally characteristics, and those of others. SS: Develop and awareness and appreciation of Family and cultural stories and traditions. PS: Communicate about past events in their life and anticipate familiar routines and experiences. M: Create shapes during play by building, drawing, etc. M: Understand and use names of shapes when identifying objects. LL: Retell or reenact familiar stories. LL: with modeling and support use a combination of drawing, dictating, and emergent writing to communicate about a personal experience or story and tell about the event in a meaningful sequence. LL: with modeling and support describe familiar people places, things, & experiences. M: Demonstrate an understanding of the relative positions of objects with terms such as in, on, under, up, down, inside, outside, above, below, beside, between, in front of, behind, & next to. LL: Identify real life connections between words and there use (vocabulary). LL: Identify Characters and major events in a story. LL: Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (Vocabulary) LL: With modeling and support begin to demonstrate letter formation in “writing”. LL: With modeling and support continue a conversation through multiple exchanges. LL: Use language to communicate in a variety of ways with other to share observations, ideas, and experiences: problem solve, reason, predict, and seek new information. LL: With modeling and support Discuss some similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic. LL: Ask and answer questions, and comment about characters and major event in familiar stories. LL: With Modeling and support determine the meanings of unknown/ concepts using the context of conversations, pictures that accompany text, or concrete objects. LL: With modeling and support use a combination of drawing dictating and emergent writing to express an idea or opinion about an experience or book. LL: With modeling and support begin to use the conventions of standard English. LL: with Modeling and support begin to demonstrate and understanding of the differences between fantasy and reality. ATL: Express interest in and show appreciation for the creative work of others. ATL: Express individuality life experiences, and what they know and what they are able to do through a variety of media. PS: Recreate complex ideas, events/situations with personal adaptations. PS: Demonstrates understanding that symbols carry meaning and use symbols to understand thinking. PS: Participates cooperatively in complex pretend play, involving assigned roles and overall plan. Jan 26-29 Feb 2-5 Authors If You Give a Moose a Muffin Video tape week Love Friendship R How We Express Ourselves K How We Express Ourselves A How We Express Ourselves The Mitten Feb 9-12 Love Friendship Giggle Giggle Quack Video tape week S: Compare and contrast objects and events, and begin to describe similarities and differences. S: Begin to identify and use some observation and measuring tools, with adult support. SS: Demonstrate an understanding of time in the context of daily experiences. M: Recognize, duplicate, and extend simple patterns using attributes such as color, shape, or size. M: Compare two-dimensional shapes, in different sizes, and orientations, using informal language. M: Sort and classify objects by one or more attributes. M: Combine simple shapes to form larger shapes. LL: Sort common objects into categories to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent (vocabulary). LL: With modeling and support, describe, categorize and compare and contrast information in informational text. Feb 17-19 3 Days Dr. Seuss V How We Express Ourselves M How We Express Ourselves N Sharing The Planet The Way I Feel Feb 23-26 March 2- 5 Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss B-day 3/2 Where’s My Teddy Video tape week Dinosaurs A Color of His Own SE: Express a range of emotions in socially acceptable ways. SE: Engage in extended conversations with familiar adults. SE: Recognize and identify own emotions and the emotions of others. SE: Display awareness of own thoughts and feelings. SS: Demonstrate cooperative behaviors and fairness to others during interactions with peers & adults. M: Demonstrate an understanding of the relative positions of objects with terms such as in, on, under, up, down, inside, outside, above, below, beside, between, in front of, behind, & next to. M: Names three dimensional objects using informal, descriptive vocabulary. LL: Identify real life connections between words and there use (vocabulary). LL: Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (Vocabulary) LL: With modeling and support use a combination of drawing dictating and emergent writing to express an idea or opinion about an experience or book. ATL: Express interest in and show appreciation for the creative work of others. P/M: Demonstrate increasingly complex oral motor skills such as drinking threw a straw, blowing bubbles, or repeating a tongue twister. SS: Demonstrate cooperative behaviors and fairness to others during interactions with peers & adults. M: Demonstrate an understanding of the relative positions of objects with terms such as in, on, under, up, down, inside, outside, above, below, beside, between, in front of, behind, & next to. LL: Identify Characters and major events in a story. LL: Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (Vocabulary) LL: With modeling and support name the author & illustrator of a story and what each person does for a book. LL: Use language to communicate in a variety of ways with other to share observations, ideas, and experiences: problem solve, reason, predict, and seek new information. LL: With modeling and support Discuss some similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic. LL: Ask and answer questions, and comment about characters and major event in familiar stories. LL: With Modeling and support determine the meanings of unknown/ concepts using the context of conversations, pictures that accompany text, or concrete objects. LL: With modeling and support use a combination of drawing dictating and emergent writing to express an idea or opinion about an experience or book. LL: with Modeling and support begin to demonstrate and understanding of the differences between fantasy and reality. ATL: Express interest in and show appreciation for the creative work of others. March 9-12 Dinosaurs Bunny Cakes Video tape week W Sharing The Planet March 16-19 Farm X Sharing The Planet In the Small, Small Pond S: Recognize examples of organisms that are similar to each other and of the same kind. S: Recognize some elements of the natural environment and understand that these change over time. S: Demonstrate an understanding that living things change over time. S: Identify the habitats of people and familiar animals and plants in their environment, and begin to realize that living things have their habitats in different environments. S: Develop understanding for the relationship between humans and nature, recognizing the difference between helpful and harmful actions towards the natural environment. SS: Explore the concept of responsible consumption and conservation of resources. SS: Recognize that people have wants and must make choices because resources and materials are limiting. M: Describe and compare objects using measurable attributes; length, size, capacity, and weight. M: Order objects by measurable attributes. M: Collect data by categories to answer simple questions. M: Measure length and volume (capacity) using nonstandard or standard measurement tools. ATL: Pose questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest. ATL: Use prior knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning. March 23-26 Farm Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree Video tape week Y Sharing The Planet March 30April 2 Spring Butterflies Z Sharing The Planet 1&2 Sharing The Planet 3&4 Sharing The Planet How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? April 13-16 April 20-23 Spring Butterflies A Color of His Own Video tape week Zoo Earth Day 4/22 Bunny Cakes SE: Identify the diversity in human characteristics and how people are similar & different. SE: Compare own characteristics with those of others. P/M: Identify the consequences of unsafe behavior with adult guidance and support. P/M: Demonstrate emerging ability to follow transportation & pedestrian safety rules with adult models & support. P/M: Follow basic health practices. P/M: Identify how adults help to keep us safe. P/M: Identify and follow basic safety rules with guidance and support. P/M: Demonstrate emerging ability to follow emergency routine with adult modeling and support. SS: Demonstrate an awareness of the outcomes of choices. SS: Understand that rules play an important role in promoting safety and protecting fairness. SS: Demonstrate a beginning understanding of maps as actual representations of places. M: Create shapes during play by building, drawing, etc. LL: With modeling and support use a combination of drawing, dictating, and emergent writing to communicate about a personal experience or story and tell about the event in a meaningful sequence. LL: With modeling and support describe familiar people places, things, & experiences. S: Recognize examples of organisms that are similar to each other and of the same kind. S: Recognize some elements of the natural environment and understand that these change over time. S: Demonstrate an understanding that living things change over time. S: Identify the habitats of people and familiar animals and plants in their environment, and begin to realize that living things have their habitats in different environments. S: Develop understanding for the relationship between humans and nature, recognizing the difference between helpful and harmful actions towards the natural environment. SS: Explore the concept of responsible consumption and conservation of resources. M: Describe and compare objects using measurable attributes; length, size, capacity, and weight. M: Order objects by measurable attributes. M: Collect data by categories to answer simple questions. M: Measure length and volume (capacity) using nonstandard or standard measurement tools. ATL: Pose questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest. ATL: Use prior knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning. April 28-30 3 Days May 4-7 Zoo In the Small, Small Pond Video tape week Exploring the World 5&6 Sharing The Planet 7&8 Who We Are 9 & 10 Who We Are Five Little Monkeys Sitting in the Tree May 11-14 Exploring the World How Do Dinosaurs go to School? Video tape week S: Recognize examples of organisms that are similar to each other and of the same kind. S: Recognize some elements of the natural environment and understand that these change over time. S: Demonstrate an understanding that living things change over time. S: Identify the habitats of people and familiar animals and plants in their environment, and begin to realize that living things have their habitats in different environments. S: Develop understanding for the relationship between humans and nature, recognizing the difference between helpful and harmful actions towards the natural environment. SS: Explore the concept of responsible consumption and conservation of resources. SS: Recognize that people have wants and must make choices because resources and materials are limiting. SS: Demonstrate understanding of where goods and services originate and how they are acquired. M: Describe and compare objects using measurable attributes; length, size, capacity, and weight. M: Order objects by measurable attributes. M: Collect data by categories to answer simple questions. M: Measure length and volume (capacity) using nonstandard or standard measurement tools. ATL: Use prior knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning. May 18-21 Exploring the World Who We Are RISE Assessments May 26-28 3 Days June 1-4 June 8 & 9 Exploring the World RISE Assessments Celebrations Alphabet Party Ice Cream Social 5/23 S: Compare and contrast objects and events, and begin to describe similarities and differences. S: Use observable information (touch, see, hear, smell, taste) to categorize objects and materials, based on different criteria. P/M: Demonstrate basic understanding that physical activity helps the body grow and be healthy. P/M: Identify and describe the function of body parts. P/M: Use classroom and household tools independently with hand/eye coordination to carry out activities. P/M: Demonstrate spatial awareness in physical activity or movement. P/M: Demonstrate emerging responsibility for eating. P/M: Coordinate the use of hands, fingers, and wrists to manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements. P/M: Demonstrate basic understanding that eating a variety of foods helps the body grow and be healthy. M: Compare two-dimensional shapes, in different sizes, and orientations, using informal language. M: Sort and classify objects by one or more attributes. M: Combine simple shapes to form larger shapes. LL: Sort common objects into categories to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent (vocabulary). LL: With modeling and support, describe, categorize and compare and contrast information in informational text. ATL: Invents new activities and demonstrates flexibility in solving problems. ATL: Seek new and varied experiences and challenges. Who We Are Who We Are P/M: Demonstrate increasingly complex oral motor skills such as drinking threw a straw, blowing bubbles, or repeating a tongue twister. M: Demonstrate an understanding of the relative positions of objects with terms such as in, on, under, up, down, inside, outside, above, below, beside, between, in front of, behind, & next to. LL: Identify real life connections between words and their use (vocabulary). LL: With modeling and support discuss some similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic. LL: With Modeling and support determine the meanings of unknown/ concepts using the context of conversations, pictures that accompany text, or concrete objects. LL: With modeling and support use a combination of drawing dictating and emergent writing to express an idea or opinion about an experience or book. LL: With modeling and support prints letters of own name and other meaningful words with mock letters and some actual letters. PS: Demonstrates understanding that symbols carry meaning and use symbols to understand thinking.