Notes for the Week: 

Notes for the Week:
Welcome to a wonderful new year of preschool. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any
reason. Please call me at 899-3075 ext. 2161 or email me at
Preschool is in session Monday through Thursday. There is no school on Fridays. Fridays are
reserved for home observations and evaluations.
Communication binders will be coming home daily. Please take a few minutes to fill in the
information on the communication forms. Please leave weekly forms in the binder throughout the
year. All other papers can be removed nightly.
Please be advised that daily lessons are subject to change. All of our activities are driven by the
interactions of the children. When a "teachable moment" arises during play and large group
discussion, we will follow the lead of the children and incorporate appropriate lessons. There are
also many days that the greatest plans don't entice the interest of a preschooler!
All About Me posters due on Monday, August 31st.
IB UNIT: Who We Are
An inquiry into the Nature of the self, beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships
including families, friend, communities, and culture; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human
Central Idea: Learning about self-identity and personal care help us make healthy choices.
Key Concepts:
Related Concepts:
Teacher Questions:
What is unique about you?
Physical activity
What are the functions of your 5 Senses?
How are you responsible for your own Personal care?
The Learning Profile:
Week of: August 31st –September 3rd & September 8th- 10th
Theme: Who We Are & I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!!
Daily Activities- Transition from home to school. Hang up book bags and coats.
Morning Play: Kitchen and carpet areas are closed. Floor and table toys available-play dough and puzzles at tables.
PM Class: Table toy activities ~fine motor and pre academic
Sensory Table: Closed this week!
Monday: Greeting & Planning Time: Welcome Song (Sung to the tune of Sailing, Sailing): Welcome children, we're
glad you're here today. We're going to work; we're going to play all along the way. Welcome children stay with
us a while, I am sure you'll have a special day and leave here with a smile
Days of the week song~ Everyone will receive a CD with the songs we sing at school in mid-September
Weather Song (sung to the tune of Found a Peanut): What's the weather, what's the weather what's the weather
like today? Is it sunny, is it raining, is it snowing or are there clouds? (repeat)
Brainstorm and develop Hilliard’s BIG 3: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful which we tie into our
“Essential Agreements” for the classroom: Keep hands and feet to self. Use kind words; Be nice to our
friends. Walking feet, Quiet voices and Listening ears.
We will take a picture of each child for future activities.
Jobs~ Your child will have one of the following jobs for 2 weeks
Attendance Calendar Weather Song Picker Exercise Gal/Guy
Line Leader
Water Plants
Bell Ringer
Pick up circle dots
Work Time: Play time and centers~ just getting to know our new friends and checking out the room!
Large Group/Language Activity: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Each child will come up and
pick the picture that reflects their favorite ice cream. After everyone is done we will look around the room
and group the flavors together. Now you have something in common with your new/old friends.
PM: Language Calendar~ every day we will write something about our day. This daily activity will show how
letters together make words, words together create a sentence, every sentence starts with a capital letter
and ends with a period, exclamation mark or questions mark. We will learn to use sparkle words and make
million dollar sentences. All this hard work will get us ready to be Rock Stars in Kindergarten!
Closing Song: AM Class: The clock on the wall says time to go, time to go, time to go. The clock on the
wall says time to go so wave bye-bye to me!
PM Class: Home, Home, Home we go, to one and all good bye, I’ll see you all tomorrow with a happy hi! au revoir
mes amis (good bye my friends)
Tuesday: Greeting & Planning Time: Calendar/ weather/jobs/songs/ Review BIG 3
Read: Time For School, Mouse! By: Laura Numeroff
Chart eye color & hair color~ how many are the same/different?
Work Time: AM: HWT (Handwriting Without Tears) workbook PM: Name writing
Making our new placemats: Naming our colors and counting our ice cream scoops
Large Group/Language Activity: Read: All By Myself by: Mercer Mayer PM; Read: Incredible Me By:
Kathi Appelts
Getting to know your friends: Ice cream match~ find the other half of your cone!
PM: Language Calendar~ every day we will write something about our day. This daily activity will show how
letters together make words, words together create a sentence, every sentence starts with a capital letter
and ends with a period, exclamation mark or questions mark. We will learn to use sparkle words and make
million dollar sentences. All this hard work will get us ready to be Rock Stars in kindergarten!
Wednesday: Greeting & Planning Time: Calendar/ weather/jobs/songs/ Review BIG 3
What is your favorite color? This activity will be similar to our favorite ice cream.
Read: All I Am By Eileen Roe
Work Time: Finish up placemats in the AM
How tall are you? Let’s group up in pairs and measure each other. It will be fun to see who is the tallest!
Large Group/Language Activity: Miss Karen’s Language
Thursday: Greeting & Planning Time: Calendar/ weather/jobs/songs/ Review BIG 3
I am special! What is something that is special about you? This is an activity that you can talk about at home
to come up with a few ideas~ I can sing, I like to wear socks to bed, I have beautiful green eyes, I make cool
things out of Legos!!!
Work Time: Friend Memory Game: everyone will get a chance to take this game home and play it with the
whole family!
AM: How tall are you? Let’s group up in pairs and measure each other. It will be fun to see who is the tallest!
Large Group/Language Activity: Dancing Fun & Monkey & Alligator Song~ a preschool favorite! 12 little
monkeys swinging from a tree, teasing Mr. Alligator, you can’t catch me. Along comes Mr. Alligator as quiet
as can be and snatched that monkey out of the tree!
PM: Language Calendar~ every day we will write something about our day. This daily activity will show how
letters together make words, words together create a sentence, every sentence starts with a capital letter
and ends with a period, exclamation mark or questions mark. We will learn to use sparkle words and make
million dollar sentences. All this hard work will get us ready to be Rock Stars in kindergarten!
Week of: September 8th- 10th
Theme: Who We Are & I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!!
Monday: Greeting & Planning Time: Calendar/ weather/jobs/songs/ Review BIG 3
Work Time: AM: HWT (Handwriting Without Tears) workbook PM: Fundations letter practice
Handprints & hand trace & Cut
Large Group/Language Activity: Read: It’s Okay to Be Different By: Todd Parr
What makes you different?
PM: Language Calendar
Tuesday: Greeting & Planning Time: Calendar/ weather/jobs/songs/ Review BIG 3
Read: I Like Myself By: Karen Beaumont
Sequence our hands from smallest to largest.
Work Time: Ice cream name and letter recognition
Scissor practice
Large Group/Language Activity: Read: ABC I Like Me! By: Nancy Carlson
PM: Language Calendar
Wednesday: Greeting & Planning Time: Calendar/ weather/jobs/songs/ Review BIG 3
What was your favorite adventure this summer? Maybe it was a trip to the pool or having a slumber party in
front of the TV.
Work Time: Ice cream name and letter recognition
Scissor practice
Large Group/Language Activity: Miss Karen’s Language
Thursday: Greeting & Planning Time: Calendar/ weather/jobs/songs/ Review BIG 3
Do you have anything in common with your classmates? Is there something that you think is pretty cool
about your new friends? Donna and I both like chocolate ice cream. Joey and Paige are the same height.
Guess what we are having for snack today???? You guessed it! ICE CREAM!!!
Work Time: Open Craft
Counting the scoops~ numeral recognition and counting
Large Group/Language Activity: Who is missing game~ by now we should all know the names of our
friends. Today we will put it to the test. One child out of our class will be removed from our large group while
another child tries to guess who is missing! I am sure our friends will help if we get stumped!
PM: Language Calendar (we will be doing Language Calendar every day in the PM class. I will not be
including it in my newsletter from here on out)
NEXT WEEK: 5 Senses