Poultry Welfare

Poultry Welfare
Rollin raises several issues of poultry welfare for egg production in chapter 7. Evaluate how well
the recently enacted “Animal Care Certified” program of United Egg Producers, UEP, addresses
these issues.
1. Debeaking (page 119)
2. Behavior problems and exercise (page 120)
3. Nesting and dustbathing (page 121)
4. Social behavior and boredom (page 122 & 124)
5. Space and cage modifications (page 123 & 127)
6. Forced molting (page 125)
7. Destruction of baby male chicks (page 134)
Rollin raises several issues of poultry welfare for broiler production in chapter 7. Evaluate how
well the recently enacted National Chicken Council, NCC, - Animal Welfare Guidelines address
these issues.
1. Inspection of individual animals (page 133)
2. Problems of fast growth (page 133)
3. Food restriction in broiler breeders (page 133)
4. Handling, capture and transportation (page 135)
5. Slaughter (page 135)
Finally describe the acceptable methods in the NCC guidelines for stocking density and
1. Stocking density limits
2. Acceptable methods of euthanasia