Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic School Council Newsletter February 2013 Fundraising NOVEMBER 2012 We raised approximately $6500 from the Fall Chocolate Fundraising Campaign. This money has enabled school council to give back to our school and students with the following initiatives: Communion Snuggle Up Books Confirmation Student Agendas Grade 8 Graduation Literacy Bins PALS Playground Equipment Fundraising is essential to the activities and events our children enjoy at school and we sincerely thank you for your ongoing support of our fundraising efforts. The Spring Fundraising Campaign will be McGregor Meats and will be launched in April 2013. Fun Lunches The “That’s Italian” fun lunch was a huge success, leaving students asking for more! We listened and we’re going to do our best to deliver. Starting this month, the Lunch Lady will be offering the “Turkey Dog” fun lunch on the last Friday of every month, with the exception April. On April 26th School Council will be offering students another “non compliance” fun lunch (still to be determined). If you have any suggestions or recommendations for this lunch, please let us know. Turkey Dog dates: February 22nd, March 22nd, May 24th and June 21st. Turkey Dog lunches comply with PPM150. Christmas Bake Sale Future council meetings Thank you to everyone who donated baked goods and/or volunteered their time for this event. $370.00 was raised and donated to the Knights Table, to help families in our community. Thursday, March 7th, Thursday, April 25th Thursday, June 6th Meetings start at 7:00 p.m. in the school gym. We encourage you to come forward and share your thoughts and ideas at one of our monthly Catholic School Council meetings. Meetings are open to everyone in the school community, parents/guardians are invited to attend and participate. *Free babysitting is available at all meetings We will be hosting another bake sale on Wednesday, May 8th. Monies raised will be used to purchase softball equipment for the school. More details will follow closer to event date. . Peel Police Parent Academy The Crime Prevention Bureau at Peel Regional Police are offering residents the opportunity to take part in its “Parents Academy”. The Academy is delivered over five consecutive weeknights. Academy is free of charge. Seating is limited to 40 and awarded on a first come/first-­‐served basis. Lectures will include: Developing a healthy family environment Street proofing The dangers of truancy, gambling, gangs, dance parties, graffiti, organizing house parties over the internet and much, much more! What: Peel Regional Police Parents Academy Where: Emil V. Kolb Centre For Police Excellence 180 Derry Rd. East, Mississauga (Community Room) When: February 26, March 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. February 2013 Newsletter – Page 2 Family Nights Brain Gym: Thank you to all the families who participated in the Family Brain Gym®* workshop which was held on Jan 30th. If you have any follow up questions or would like more information please contact Leah Dilley at info@leahdilleyrmt.ca Just a reminder to please return your feedback form to the school office to the attention of School Council. Lenten retreat* and Family Dinner Night: Will be held on Tuesday February 12th , 2013. Food will be served from 6:30-­‐7:30 pm, craft room will be open from 6:30-­‐8:30 pm, room 104. Please sign in at registration desk to get your dinner and craft vouchers. *funding by the Parent Reaching Out (PRO) grant (Ministry of Education) Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE) 74th Annual Conference May 24-25, 2013 Peterborough, Ontario Theme: Embracing Parent Engagement Key Note: Michael Reist “Getting Involved, Staying Involved” Details about the conference and much more information for parents /guardians is available on the Facebook page. “Like” OAPCE conference 2013 for info. Volunteers still wanted Teams of parents are working together and With the school staff on various committees: Parent Resources Homework Help – Real time Math Tutoring www.homeworkhelp.ilc.org Ministry of Education abc123 website www.edu.gov.on.ca/abc123 Ontario Educational Resource Bank www.resources.elearningontario.ca Parents Matter www.parentsmatter.ca People for Education www.peopleforeducation.ca Mats for Haiti The collection of milk bags within the DPCDSB have come to an end. Currently over 500,000 bags in storage waiting to be shipped When the skids arrive in Haiti a $500 import tax/skid applies, so the organization is shipping them as funds become available. If you or any school would like to help out financially please send an email to the attention of L. Longo through the DRAPCE email account at drapce@hotmail.com Thank you to all the families that have participated in this project, and to the staff and students that worked so diligently to pack and ship the milk bags. Our Lady of Lourdes collected approximately 9600 bags! For more information and photos you are invited to check out the Facebook page Milkbags unlimited. For information and photos check out Angela’s updates on Face book under the group “MILKBAGS unlimited” Contacting School Council Special Event Lunches Bake Sales Spring/Summer 2013 Garden Spring Family Picnic To contact any of your Catholic School Council members, please call the school at 905-913-1703 and leave a message for the individual that you need to speak to. All messages are forwarded to School Council. If you would like to join any of these subcommittees or be on the e-mail list for updates, contact us at OLOLvolunteers@hotmail.com If you have any suggestions on fundraising, community services, etc. that you would like to share with school council, please contact G. Tsianakos, School Council Chair at the school. • • • •