On May 6 our class went on a trip to

On May 6 our class went on a trip to
Crawford Lake conservation area. There
we got to see a re-created longhouse
community. This showed us first-hand
how the First Nation people in this area
lived. We got to explore the land, start a
fire with flint and milk weed, and we
also got to scavenge through all the
different artifacts found on the site.
Overall, this was an experience that I
never thought I would have enjoyed!
Liam Veugar
With all the different cultures we are faced
with everyday a lot of misconceptions are put
out there, so on May 13 the students of St.
Edmund Campion conducted an appreciation
ceremony for all the cultures that were
commonly found within the students to
advertise these cultures in the correct way.
The activities consisted of musical themed
performances that where unique to specific
cultures, food tastings which provided well
sized portions of signature dishes from their
respected backgrounds and other activities
from each culture table; Africa, Jamaica, Italy
and Ireland were amongst the countries that
were well represented during this new found
tradition. The performers from the
musical/theatre aspect of the evening where
professional and well-rehearsed. Overall
culture fest is a great idea and the fact that
students are being educated on countries
they might not be familiar with is great and
with all the hate going around the world
today, helping these kids understand these
people rather than shun them for their
differences. It’s easy to hate what you don’t
- Horace Dias
On May 29th our class had our final exam at Seneca College. Everyone had to
choose a role and I chose to serve lunch during the exam. I was very nervous
to serve because I did not want to drop any of the food in front of everyone. I
tried to be very cautious of what I was doing, it was very hard holding the trays
because I was using my left hand not my right. There were a lot of people that
came from Seneca to enjoy the lunch we prepared. Mr. Weatherbee and
Ms. Konnerth also came for lunch. It was nice having different people come
for our exam. Since taking this course I have applied to work at a restaurant
and hopefully I get the job!
~N’Kosi Dunn