Department of Mathematics Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School

Department of Mathematics
Ascension of Our Lord
Secondary School
Course Code: MFM2P1 - Mathematics
Grade 10, Applied
Student Name: ___________________
Textbook #: __________
This course enables students to consolidate their understanding of linear relations and extend their
problem-solving and algebraic skills through investigation, the effective use of technology, and hands-on
activities. Students will develop and graph equations in analytic geometry; solve and apply linear
systems, using real-life examples; and explore and interpret graphs of quadratic relations. Students will
investigate similar triangles, the trigonometry of right triangles, and the measurement of threedimensional figures. Students will consolidate their mathematical skills as they solve problems and
communicate their thinking.
Overall Course Expectations:
Measurement and Trigonometry
investigate similar triangles and solve problems related to similarity;
solve problems involving right triangles, using primary trigonometric ratios and the
Pythagorean theorem;
solve problems involving the surface area and volume of three-dimensional figures and use the
imperial and metric system of measurement.
Modelling Linear Relations
solve algebraic equations, as needed to solve problems;
graph a line and write the equation of a line from given information;
solve systems of two linear equations, and solve related problems that arise from realistic
Quadratic Relations
manipulate algebraic expressions, as needed to understand quadratic relations;
identify characteristics of quadratic relations;
solve problems by interpreting graphs of quadratic relations.
Efforts will be made to meet the individual learning needs of students to promote student success
with respect to meeting these expectations.
My signature below indicates that I have read the Course Handout, and I am in agreement with its contents.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: _________________________ Date: _______________
Course Outline:
1:Review of Prerequisite Skills
2: Algebraic Expressions
3: Equations
4: Modelling Linear Systems
5: Systems of Linear Equations
6: Quadratic Functions
7: Trigonometry
8: Measurement
Summative Assessment will be administered towards
the end of the course and will include a summative
task worth 10% of the final grade and a final
examination worth 20% of the final grade.
The course will use a variety of
The primary textbook
distributed to students during the first
week of the course. The text and all
other resources assigned to each
student are the responsibility of the
student. Any damage incurred will
result in payment for replacement.
Replacement cost for the textbook is
Evaluation Policies
1. Student marks will be determined by evaluating process & product according to 4
categories (see below) & 4 levels of the Achievement Chart as found in the Ministry Policy
document for Mathematics.
Evaluation Structure:
Term work = 70% of the final mark. Summative work = 30% of the final mark.
2. Feedback will also be provided for student learning skills. Working independently,
teamwork, organization, work habits/homework, and initiative are assessed apart from
student achievement in the four categories outlined above and will conform to the coding:
E – Excellent
G – Good
S – Satisfactory
N - Needs Improvement
3. Assignments submitted after the due date established by the teacher will receive a
penalty in accord with our school evaluation policy as outlined in the agenda. No
assignment will be accepted once a teacher has returned marked assignments.
4. Should a student miss an evaluation due to a legitimate absence, a note shall be provided
to the teacher the day of the student’s return to class stating the reason for absence and
the parent/guardian’s awareness that the student has missed an evaluation. Makeup will
be at the teacher’s discretion. Should such documentation not be provided, a mark
of zero will be assigned.
May God bless your efforts this semester!