Estimation of Constant Gain Learning Models Eric Gaus∗ Srikanth Ramamurthy† April 2014 Abstract Constant Gain Learning models present a unique set of challenges to the econometrician compared to models based on Rational Expectations. This is because of the differences in the equilibrium concept and stability conditions between the two paradigms. This paper focuses on three key issues: stability conditions, identification and derivation of the likelihood function. Several illustrative examples complement the general estimation methodology to demonstrate the aforementioned issues in practice. Keywords: Adaptive Learning, Constant Gain, E-Stability. ∗ Gaus: Ursinus College, 601 East Main St., Collegville, PA 19426-1000 (e-mail: Ramamurthy: Sellinger School of Business, Loyola University Maryland, 4501 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21210 (e-mail: † 1 Introduction Adaptive learning explores economic decision making within a bounded rationality framework. In the field of macroeconomics, adaptive learning models have made a resurgence primarily based on the foundations of Evans and Honkapohja (2001). While much of the work in this area has remained within the confines of theory, there is a small but growing literature that attempts to fit these models to real data. Both the complexity of models and econometric techniques have varied tremendously. On the frequentist side, Orphanides and Williams (2005) calibrate the learning parameters and then estimate the structural parameters of the model. Branch and Evans (2006) demonstrate that a simple calibrated adaptive learning model provides the best fit and forecast of the Survey of Professional Forecasters. Chevillon, Massmann and Mavroeidis (2010) demonstrate a technique based on the Anderson-Rubin statistic for improving estimates of the structural parameters. With the exception of Chevillon et al. (2010), the central focus of the empirical learning literature has been macroeconomic, concerned primarily with the relative fit of various learning models to the data. Details of the estimation methodology, in particular, the unique set of issues involved in the estimation of these models, remain elusive to many emerging researchers. This is particularly relevant in light of the fundamental differences in the equilibrium concept, stability conditions and the associated parameter constraints between the learning and RE paradigms. The goal of this paper is to fill this void. It describes the general methodology for estimating a broad category of learning models, paying careful attention to the specific issues that the researcher is likely to encounter in the process. Specifically, it focusses on the following three areas: 1. Stability conditions: Equilibrium in a learning model is defined by convergence to some solution. Typically, though not always, the benchmark is the solution under rational expectations. Evans and Honkapohja (2001) study this equilibrium in great depth and characterize its stability properties with the E-stability principle. An important question that arises in this regard is the relation between E-stability and determinacy of the RE solution. McCallum (2007) demonstrates that under certain conditions determinacy is a sufficient condition for E-stability. Likewise it is also possible that when a multiplicity of solutions exist, some of those solutions may not be E-stable. It is important for the researcher to be aware of these subtleties to ensure that the appropriate parameter constraints are enforced in the estimation process. These issues are particularly relevant when estimating a model with lagged endogenous variables. From a practical standpoint, it is necessary to assume that agents include only t − 1 data in their information set. In the case of lagged endogenous variables, this results in multiple equilibria under learning. Typically, E-stability conditions can help the researcher select the appropriate equilibrium when taking a model to the data. In the simplest case two solutions exist, one locally E-stable and the other locally E-unstable. As shown in Marcet and Sargent (1989), in this case convergence to the E-stable solution occurs only with the use of a projection facility. This technique ensures that a series of bad shocks does not lead the system outside the basin of attraction. An alternative approach is to penalize the likelihood function 1 whenever the underlying law of motion becomes explosive. Example 2 in Section 3 highlights these issues. 2. Idenification: Chevillon et al. (2010) show that, under certain conditions, the structural parameters may not all be identified as the equilibrium under learning converges to that of RE. Clearly this raises concerns about the reliability of the estimates in models that assume E-stability. However, as we show in this paper with the aid of a simple bivariate example, identification of the structural parameters can be improved as long as one of the variables is influenced by expectations of other variables, but is itself not directly or indirectly part of the expectational feedback loop. As it turns out, the interest rate, specified by the Taylor (1993) rule in the NK-DSGE models, satisfies precisely this condition. Note that expectations of interest rate appear neither in the Taylor rule (direct), nor in the IS or Phillips curve equations (indirect). Intuitively, the interest rate provides an additional measurement that aids in the identifiability of the parameters by shrinking the set of possible parameter values that give rise to the same data. It is our belief that a more generalized version of this property plays an important role in the identification of the structural parameters in learning based NK-DSGE models. 3. Derivation of the Likelihood function: From an econometric standpoint, an interesting aspect of fitting these models concerns the evaluation of the likelihood. Because the agents in the models have limited information - either about some of the model parameters or the structure of the model itself (or possibly both) they update their beliefs about the model based on some form of least squares (LS) estimation. Consequently, the evolution of the endogenous variables depends critically on these LS coefficients. We refer to these coefficients as the learning parameters. Neither the learning parameters nor the covariates of the LS model are observed by the econometrician. While these quantities may not be of particular interest to the researcher, deriving the joint density of the data as a function of only the model parameters (but marginalized of the learning parameters) becomes an issue. The approach taken in the literature is to recursively calculate the learning parameters based on predicted values of the unobserved covariates. A detailed discussion of this is presented in the following section of the paper. Because much of the empirical work in this area has focused mainly on learning under constant gain (CGL), the goal here is to provide a self-contained guide that can be readily implemented for estimating CGL models. To accomplish this goal, several examples complement the general estimation methodology. The first two examples illustrate the aforementioned issues with the aid of simulated data. These examples are meant to be instructive with complete details of the estimation process. Since NewKeynesian (NK) Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models serve as one of the bulwarks of the empirical macroeconomics field, our third example is a standard NK-DSGE model that is fit to real data. The handful of papers in this area continue the tradition of fitting these models using Bayesian techniques. Milani (2007) shows that incorporating learning in a simple linearized DSGE model results in a better fit to the data compared to its RE counterpart. It also considers interesting extensions by 2 introducing learning in the underlying microfounded model along the lines of Evans, Honkapohja and Mitra (2011) and Preston (2005). Continuing on those lines Eusepi and Preston (2011) find that expectations, in general, and learning, specifically, may explain business cycle fluctuations. More recently, Slobodyan and Wouters (2012) have estimated a more complicated medium scale DSGE model. Their findings suggest that the overall fit of the model hinges on the initialization of the agents’ beliefs. More importantly, they conclude that limiting the information set of the agents leads to an empirical fit that favors comparably to a structural VAR model. For a more in depth survey of the literature on DSGE models under learning we refer the interested reader to Milani (2012). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section describes the general class of adaptive learning models and the estimation procedure. Section three provides three examples from this class of models. Concluding remarks are provided in Section four. 2 General Framework Evans and Honkapohja (2001) provides a unifying theoretical framework for analyzing the dynamic properties of adaptive learning models. In general, the methodology for taking a learning model to the data involves some additional steps compared to a model based on rational expectations. While some of these steps are founded in theory, others are relevant from an empirical standpoint. This section describes the model, the stability conditions, the state space form, and estimation strategy. For ease of readability, the exposition here closely follows Chapter 10 in Evans and Honkapohja (2001). Consider the class of models given by e yt = K + N yt−1 + M0 yte + M1 yt+1 + P wt + Qυt wt = F wt−1 + et (1) (2) Here yt is an n × 1 vector of endogenous variables, wt is a p × 1 vector of exogenous variables that follows a stationary VAR process with et ∼ N (0, Σ1 ) and υt ∼ N (0, Σ2 ) is an additional q dimensional error that is independent of et ; n ≥ p + q. Capital letters denote vectors or matrices of appropriate dimensions that comprise the model parameters θ. For future reference, we call the parameters in matrices K, N , M0 , and M1 the structural parameters and those in P , Q, F , Σ1 and Σ2 the shock parameters. Finally, the superscript e represents the mathematical expectation of y given the information set I at time t − 1: yte := E(yt |It−1 ). One could also work with contemporaneous expectations by defining the appropriate information set.1 Clearly, expectations of y depend on what is and is not included in this information set. Rational expectation (RE) assumes agents’ knowledge of the history of the realizations of both the endogenous and exogenous variables in the model up to and including period (t − 1), all of the parameters in the model as well as the structure of the model itself. In contrast, 1 See Evans and Honkapohja (2001) for details as well as some examples of this case. 3 adaptive learning agents have a strict subset of this information. In particular, we will suppose that (a) our agents do not know the structural parameters of the model, and (b) their perception of the model is based on the Minimum State Variable (MSV) representation of the RE solution (McCallum 1983). Alternative information sets have been studied in Marcet and Sargent (1989) and Hommes and Sorger (1998). In typical macroeconomic applications, this system is obtained by log-linearizing the underlying microfounded general equilibrium model. As will be clear from the discussion below, models with lagged endogenous variables present additional issues than ones without. 2.1 Solution and Stability Conditions The MSV solution to (1)-(2) takes the form yt = a + byt−1 + cwt−1 + P et + Qυt (3) where a, b and c are to be determined. Whereas the RE agent solves for these parameters by the method of undetermined coefficients, adaptive learners estimate them using the data available in their information set. Accordingly, this reduced form is referred to as the learning agents’ perceived law of motion (PLM). Stability analysis in this case revolves around the “consistency” of the estimator in relation to some solution. The benchmark solution is usually the rational expectations equilibrium (REE).2 Consequently, the question of interest is whether the REE is learnable. Evans and Honkapohja (2001, 2009) analyze the stability properties of the REE in terms of the so called E-stability principle. The main results from the practitioner’s viewpoint are summarized below. e = a + ab + Calculating the conditional expectations yte = a + byt−1 + cwt−1 and yt+1 b yt−1 + bcwt−1 + cF wt−1 , and substituting into (1) yields 2 yt = K + (M0 + M1 (I + b))a + (N + M0 b + M1 b2 )yt−1 + (P F + M0 c + M1 (bc + cF ))wt−1 + P et + Qυt . (4) This is the law of motion for yt that results from the expectations above and is referred to as the actual law of motion (ALM). In practice, estimates of a, b and c would be plugged into this expression. Hereafter we refer to these coefficients as the learning parameters. Given the form of the PLM (3), these coefficients can be estimated by 0 0 the least squares algorithm with zt−1 = (1, yt−1 , wt−1 )0 as the regressors. However, agents presumably assign a larger weight to more recent observations than the distant past. A natural choice is therefore some form of discounted least squares. Denoting φi = (ai , bi , ci )0 , where i refers to the ith equation in the system, and, bi and ci are the i-th rows of b and c, these quantities can be estimated efficiently in real time by the formula φ̂i,t = φ̂i,t−1 + γRt−1 zt−1 (yi,t − φ̂0i,t−1 zt−1 ) 0 Rt = Rt−1 + γ(zt−1 zt−1 − Rt−1 ) 2 (5) (6) This need not be the case. However, it is the natural benchmark because agents effectively have the rational expectations information set when the structural parameters are known in this model. 4 where Rt is the familiar moment matrix. It is important to note the timing of the information set here. The assumption is that the estimate φ̂t is available only after yt is observed. Thus, the ALM evolves in real time with φ̂t−1 replacing the learning parameters in (4). Parameter γ ∈ (0, 1) dictates the extent to which past data is discounted. A larger value of γ leads to heavier discounting. Note that γ is assumed to be constant. Hence the terminology of constant gain least squares (CGLS). Setting γ = 1/t above results in the familiar recursive lease squares (RLS) formula. For a brief introduction to the RLS algorithm and CGLS, see pages 32-34 and 48-50, respectively, in Evans and Honkapohja (2001). Lastly, notice the squared term b2 in the ALM. This (matrix) quadratic arises because of the autoregressive component in the model. In the absence of yt−1 , the solution, stability condition and estimation are all simpler. We discuss this case separately later. To calculate the REE we equate coefficients in (3) and (4). This gives rise to the following set of matrix equations: a = K + (M0 + M1 + M1 b)a b = M1 b2 + M0 b + N c = M0 c + M1 bc + M1 cF + P F (7) (8) (9) Without making further assumptions it is generally not possible to obtain a closed form solution to this system of equations. The interesting point though is that the matrix quadratic can result in multiple solutions for b. We illustrate this in the context of a univariate example below for which the analytical solution is readily calculated. The mapping from the PLM to the ALM, referred to as the T-map is given by T (a, b, c) = (K + (M0 + M1 (I − b))a, M1 b2 + M0 b + N, M0 c + M1 bc + M1 cF + P F ) (10) To determine the conditions for the local stability of the REE under learning one follows the E-stability principle in Evans and Honkapohja (2001). Under decreasing gain (γ = 1/t), the condition for E-stability is that, at the REE, the eigenvalues of the Jacobian of vecT must have real parts less than 1. Denoting the REE (ā, b̄, c̄), this translates to the condition that the following square matrix I ⊗ (M0 + M1 (I − b̄)) ā0 ⊗ M1 0 0 I ⊗ M0 + b̄0 ⊗ M1 0 DT (ā, b̄, c̄) = 0 0 0 c̄ ⊗ M1 I ⊗ (M0 + M1 b̄) + F ⊗ M1 (11) must have eigenvalues with real parts less than 1. For computational efficiency, it suffices to calculate the eigenvalues of the three sub matrices on the diagonal of DT . The analogous E-stability condition for constant gain learning is that these eigenvalues lie within a circle of radius 1/γ with origin (1 − 1/γ, 0) (Evans and Honkapohja 2009). The following points regarding the importance of constraining the parameter space to the E-stable region are noteworthy to the practitioner: 1. Presumably, the main goal of working with a learning model is to analyze the learnability of a REE. Learnability provides a practical justification for the existence of a REE. This point is also stressed in McCallum (2007). It is therefore 5 imperative for a practitioner to enforce the E-stability constraint, particularly when conducting empirical analysis. Otherwise, the purpose of the analysis remains unclear as are the interpretations of the parameter estimates. In this situation, one might as as well directly estimate the parameters under the said REE. 2. An exception to the previous point is when the agents’ information set includes the contemporaneous endogenous variables. As shown in McCallum (2007), in this case, determinacy of a REE also ensures that it is E-stable. However, because the causality does not run in the other direction, a researcher that is only interested in the determinate solution needs to exercise caution. 3. When a multiplicity of solutions exist, E-stability may not by itself suffice to ensure convergence to the stationary solution. As shown in Marcet and Sargent (1989), ensuring convergence in this situation requires the implementation of an appropriate projection facility. There is no unique way to implement it however. Consequently, parameter estimates depend on the rule chosen by the researcher. An alternative and more direct, although less effective, approach is to penalize the likelihood function when the T-map condition is violated for a particular estimate of the learning coefficients. We discuss both alternatives more concretely in the context of Example 2 in the following section. As an illustration, consider the following univariate model e yt = α + δyt−1 + βyt+1 + wt wt = ρwt−1 + et (12) Comparing the model in (1)-(2), K = α, N = δ, M1 = β, P = 1 and F = ρ. For reasons that will be clear in the following section, we have set M0 = Q = 0. Writing the MSV solution as yt = a + byt−1 + cwt−1 + et . (13) the conditional expectation of yt+1 given information up to (t − 1) is Et−1 yt+1 = (1 + b)a + b2 yt−1 + c(b + p)wt−1 . (14) Substituting this back into the model (12) we get the ALM yt = α + β(1 + b)a + (βb2 + δ)yt−1 + (βc(b + p) + ρ)wt−1 + et . (15) with the corresponding T-map Ta (a, b, c) = α + β(1 + b)a Tb (a, b, c) = βb2 + δ Tc (a, b, c) = ρ + β(b + ρ)c 6 (16) (17) (18) The RE solution to this system is given by ā = α/(1 − β(1 + b̄)) p b̄ = (1 ± 1 − 4βδ)/2β c̄ = ρ/(1 − β(b̄ + ρ)) (19) (20) (21) where it is assumed that the discriminant 1 − 4βδ is positive and that all the denominators are non-zero. Note that the squared term leads to two distinct solution for b. We reiterate here that it is important to impose the following constraint: −1 < b̄ < 1. This ensures that the ALM at the RE solution is stationary, but allows for temporary non-stationarity based on a particular path of learning coefficient estimates. The derivative of the T-map at the RE solution is β(1 + b̄) βā 0 0 2β b̄ 0 DT (ā, b̄, c̄) = 0 βc̄ β(b̄ + ρ) (22) Recall that, under constant gain learning, the REE solution is E-stable if the eigenvalues of DT are contained in the circle with origin (1 − 1/γ, 0) and radius 1/γ. Because we restrict the REE to be real, the eigenvalues of DT (which are simply its diagonal) are also real. For a given γ it is then sufficient to check that 1 − 2/γ < diag(DT ) < 1. Clearly, only one of the solutions for b̄ (the one with the negative square root) satisfies this condition. The alternative solution, obtained from the positive square root of the discriminant, is E-unstable. We complete this section with a brief discussion of a special case of the general model in (1). In the absence of the autoregressive component, the REE is unique and, assuming the appropriate rank condition for the system matrices, has a closed form solution. To see this, we write the MSV solution (as well as the PLM) as yt = a + cwt−1 + P et + Qυt (23) Calculating the conditional expectations as before and and substituting into the model results in the ALM yt = K + (M0 + M1 )a + (M0 c + M1 cF + P F )wt−1 + P et + Qυt (24) Finally, equating terms in (23) and (24), it follows that the RE solution for a and c is ā = (In − M0 − M1 )−1 K vec(c̄) = (In×n − In ⊗ M0 − F 0 ⊗ M1 )−1 (F 0 ⊗ In )vec(P ) (25) (26) where In is the n-dimensional identity matrix and vec denotes vectorization by column. The T-map now simplifies to T (a, c) = (K + (M0 + M1 )a, M0 c + M1 cF + P F ) (27) In this case, the E-stability condition for CGLS simplify to the condition that the 7 eigenvalues of the following matrices DTa (ā) = M0 + M1 DTb (b̄) = In ⊗ M0 + F 0 ⊗ M1 (28) (29) lie within a circle of radius 1/γ with origin (1 − 1/γ, 0). With this background, we now turn to the econometrician’s problem of estimation and inference. 2.2 Likelihood Function and Parameter Estimation Our goal is to estimate the model parameters θ given the sample data on the endogenous variables: YT = (y0 , . . . , yT ). One might also be interested in inferring the exogenous variables WT = (w0 , . . . , wT ), as well as the learning parameters ΦT = (φ0 , . . . , φT ). Parameter inference is based on the assumption that data is generated by the ALM (4). Unlike in the RE framework, therefore, the model generating the data is different for the agent and the researcher. We return to this point later in the section. To estimate the unknowns in the model, we combine the ALM (4) and the exogenous process (2) in the state space model (SSM) st = µt−1 (θ, φ̂t−1 ) + Gt−1 (θ, φ̂t−1 )st−1 + H(θ)ut yt = Bst (30) (31) by defining yt et K + (M0 + M1 (I + b̂t−1 ))ât−1 st = , ut = ∼ N (0, Ω), µt−1 = , wt υt 0 Gt−1 = N + M0 b̂t−1 + M1 b̂2t−1 (P F + M0 ĉt−1 + M1 (b̂t−1 ĉt−1 + ĉt−1 F ) , 0 F P Q H= , B = In 0 I 0 where 0 denotes vectors or matrices of appropriate dimensions. Note that the measurement equation (31) simply extracts yt from the state vector st . Consequently, only part of the state vector that comprises wt is truly latent. In the context of SSMs, it is important that wt remain an exogenous process. The interesting part of the SSM here is the learning parameters φ̂t−1 in the system matrices µt−1 and Gt−1 . Recall that these time varying parameters are calculated by 0 0 the formula (5)-(6) with zt−2 = (1, yt−2 , wt−2 )0 as the vector of regressors. Consequently, the system matrices involve parameters that are non-linear functions of the lagged state vector wt−2 as well as the past observations Yt−1 . Our SSM is therefore unconventional and the usual technique for deriving the likelihood function as a by-product of the Kalman filter is not fruitful here. To state the problem explicitly, the likelihood function now depends on Φ̂T in addi8 tion to θ. Thus, the joint density of the data takes the form f (y1 , . . . , yT |Y0 , θ, Φ̂T ) = f (yT |YT −1 , θ, φ̂T −1 ) . . . f (y1 |Y0 , θ, φ̂0 ) (32) where, from the ALM we have exploited the fact that, for t = 1, . . . , T , given Yt−1 , the density of yt depends only on θ and φ̂t−1 . For given values of Φ̂T and θ, this likelihood function is well defined. From a frequentist perspective, therefore, one can at least conceptually think of maximizing it with respect to both Φ̂T and θ, much the same way as one would calculate the MLE of θ in a standard SSM. However, the impediment here is that φ̂t is a function of the latent states wt−1 , which is itself a random variable. While, estimates (or more precisely the conditional distribution) of the latent states may be calculated based on the observed data, it is not equivalent to knowing the latent states. In other words, only conditional on WT can Φ̂T be treated as a parameter in the likelihood function. But then the likelihood function itself is a function of WT . It is therefore not feasible to derive the joint density of the data only as a function of the unknown parameters by means of the Kalman filter. To our knowledge there is no legitimate method for calculating the likelihood function in this problem without taking recourse to nonlinear techniques. The approach taken in the literature is to approximate the likelihood value by calculating φ̂t , t = 1, . . . , T , conditional on estimates of WT . Conveniently then, the Kalman filter delivers the latter in the form of E(wt |Yt , θ), t = 1, . . . , T . One therefore iteratively updates φ̂t within the Kalman filter by substituting E(wt |Yt ) in place of wt in (5)-(6). Of course, this procedure raises concerns about the optimality of the Kalman filter as well as the properties of the MLE of θ. Clearly this approach leans towards computational efficiency rather than accuracy. Finally, it is worth noting that if ∀t, wt = 0, then the ALM is simply a vector autoregressive process that can be cast as a standard linear Gaussian SSM. In that case the aforementioned complication regarding the likelihood function is not relevant. Having dealt with the calculation of φ̂t , t = 1, . . . , T , the only remaining concern is the initialization of φ̂0 . The two main approaches in the literature to deal with this are (a) estimate φ̂0 using extraneous information and treat it as a known quantity when estimating θ and (b) treat φ̂0 as an additional parameter and estimate it alongside θ using the sample data. While several variants of the former have been discussed in the literature (see, for instance, Slobodyan and Wouters (2012)), we focus here on the training sample approach. We then compare this to the case where φ0 is estimated within the sample. Note that the aforementioned discussion applies equally well to R0 . Without loss of generality, we only consider the estimation of φ0 in this paper. In our examples, we initialize R0−1 as an arbitrary matrix with large diagonal elements. We now provide the details for likelihood based estimation of θ in the case of the training sample approach. We denote the available pre sample of length S by Y = (y−S+1 , . . . , y0 ). Simultaneously let W = (w−S , . . . , w−1 ) be the collection of the corresponding latent states. Then, in the frequentist setting, the procedure for estimating θ can be summarized conceptually as follows: max f YT |θ, φ̂0 (Y, θ) θ 9 A Bayesian would combine the likelihood function with a prior on θ to calculate the posterior distribution of θ. We discuss the specifics of this in the context of specific examples in the following section. For now, our primary focus is on the derivation of the likelihood function. Procedurally, it involves two steps. Step 1: Estimate φ0 given θ and Y 1a. For the pre sample period, replace φ̂t in the SSM with the REE, φ̄, of the model (computed either analytically or numerically) 1b. Run the Kalman filter and smoother to estimate E(W |Y, θ) 1c. Construct for t = −S, . . . , −1 the vector ẑt = (1, yt0 , ŵt0 )0 1d. Calculate the OLS estimate φ̂0 by regressing Y on Z = (ẑ−S , . . . , ẑ−1 ) With this initial value of φ̂, we now turn to the evaluation of the likelihood function. Let w0 |Y0 ∼ N (ω0 , Ω0 ) denote the prior distribution of w0 based on some initial information Y0 . The hyperparameters of the normal distribution can be specified in one of several ways. We present two alternatives here. Assuming that the latent process is stationary, these quantities take on the steady state values of ω0 = 0 and vec(Ω0 ) = (Ip×p − F ⊗ F )−1 vec(Σ1 ). Alternatively, we could include w0 in W and extend step 2. above by one additional iteration to get ω0 and Ω0 conditioned on Y and θ. Subsequently, to evaluate the likelihood at a given value of θ, one essentially implements the Kalman filter with an additional step to update the learning parameters. Thus, the second step in the procedure is as follows: Step 2: Calculate the likelihood value as a function of θ and φ̂0 2a. Initialize s0 |Y0 ∼ N (ψ0 , Ψ0 ) where y0 ψ0 = ω0 and Ψ0 = 0 0 0 Ω0 2b. For t = 1, . . . , T , calculate (i) Ψt|t−1 Ψt|t−1 B 0 st ψt|t−1 |Yt−1 , θ, φ̂t−1 ∼ N , BΨ0t|t−1 Γt yt Bψt|t−1 where ψt|t−1 = µt−1 +Gt−1 ψt−1 , Ψt|t−1 = Gt−1 Ψt−1 G0t−1 +HΩH 0 , (ii) 0 Rt = Rt−1 + γ(ẑt−1 ẑt−1 − Rt−1 ) φ̂i,t = φ̂i,t−1 + γRt−1 ẑt−1 (yit − φ̂0i,t−1 ẑt−1 ) 0 0 where zt−1 = (1, yt−1 , ŵt−1 )0 10 Γt = BΨt|t−1 B 0 (iii) st |Yt , θ, φ̂t−1 ∼ N (ψt , Ψt ) where ψt = ψt|t−1 + Ψt|t−1 B 0 Γ−1 t (yt − Bψt|t−1 ), 2c. Return the log-likelihood as T P 0 Ψt = Ψt|t−1 − Ψt|t−1 B 0 Γ−1 t BΨt|t−1 log(yt |Yt−1 , θ, φ̂t−1 ) t=1 Embedding steps 1 and 2 in a numerical maximization routine, one can calculate the MLE of θ. Likewise, a Bayesian would combine these steps to evaluate the likelihood for a given value of θ. The following points are worth noting about the above procedure: • It is easy to verify that for all t = 1, 2, . . . , T , ψt and Ψt replicate the structure of ψ0 and Ψ0 . That is, 0 0 yt and Ψt = ψt = ωt 0 Ωt where ωt = E(wt |Yt , θ, φ0 ) and Ωt = V ar(wt |Yt , θ, φ0 ). • As mentioned earlier, if it were possible to calculate φ̂t (and Rt ) conditional on wt−1 instead of ωt−1 , then the preceding three steps form a coherent cycle. Further, in this non-standard SSM, there is also the concern as to whether ωt−1 is the optimal estimate of wt−1 . As such we are unaware of any solution to this problem within the frequentist setting without resorting to nonlinear techniques. Our main goal here is to highlight this issue and we leave the resolution to future work. We conclude this section with the following note. To estimate φ̂0 within the sample, one simply skips Step 1 above and treats φ̂0 as an additional set of parameters. But this means that the MLE problem is now one of max f YT |θ, φ̂0 θ,φ̂0 Examples 1 and 3 below explore both alternatives. We estimate the initial values of the learning parameters with a training sample and then separately with the actual sample along with θ. 3 Examples In this section we provide three illustrative examples. The first two stylized examples are based on simulated data, whereas the third is a simple New Keynesian (NK) model that we fit to real data. In the spirit of the framework discussed in the previous section, all three examples involve exogenous processes that follow a stationary AR(1) process. 11 3.1 Simulated Data Example 1 Consider the following model e y1,t = α + βy1,t+1 + κy2,t + wt (33) e + vt y2,t = λy1,t (34) wt = ρwt−1 + et (35) where et and vt are independent zero mean i.i.d. sequences with standard deviations σ1 and σ2 , respectively. Equation (34), which appears to be ad-hoc in this setup, is motivated by the Taylor rule specification in monetary DSGE models (Taylor 1993). It’s role is explained in the estimation section below. Because y2,t depends on expectations over y1,t and not itself, we suppress it in the following discussion. Substituting (34) into (33) one obtains e e y1,t = α + βy1,t+1 + κλy1,t + wt + κvt (36) which is of the form (1). Accordingly, the MSV solution is y1,t = a + cwt−1 + et + κvt (37) with the resulting law of motion for y1,t under RE being y1,t = α ρ + wt−1 + et + κvt 1 − β − κλ 1 − ρβ − κλ (38) Equation (37) serves as the agents’ PLM who update φt = (at , ct )0 following (5). The ALM then takes the form y1,t = α + (β + κλ)at−1 + (ρ + (ρβ + κλ)ct−1 )wt−1 + et + κvt (39) with the T -map defined as T (a, c) = (α + (β + κλ)a, ρ + (ρβ + κλ)c) In this case, the convergence criteria (28)-(29) simplify to β + κλ < 1 and ρβ + κλ < 1. One completes the state space setup by defining y1,t α + (β + κλ)at−1 0 0 ρ + (ρβ + κλ)ct−1 Gt−1 = 0 0 λat−1 λct−1 st = y2,t µt−1 = wt 0 0 0 ρ 1 κ e y 1 0 0 t 1,t H = 0 1 u t = yt = B= vt y2,t 0 1 0 1 0 where y2,t = λat−1 + λct−1 wt−1 + εi,t is obtained by substituting yte in (34). With the SSM setup, we now turn to the problem of parameter estimation. As noted by Chevillon et al. (2010), the structural parameters in this model suffer from 12 identification when γ is small. This might be immediately apparent to the reader because not all parameters are identified under RE. In light of this issue, we consider three alternative versions of this model when estimating the unknown parameters. Model 1(a) λ = κ = 0 Model 1(b) λ 6= 0 and κ = 0 Model 1(c) λ, κ 6= 0 The intent here is to understand the extent to which the sample data provides information about the structural parameters when additional measurements in the form of y2,t are available. In this regard, the additional information afforded in Model 1(b) is expectations of y1,t . It is assumed, however, that these expectations do not influence the evolution of y1,t directly. In contrast, Model 1(c) assumes that these expectations feedback to y1,t . Separately, we are also interested in whether estimating φ0 together with θ affects the estimates of the latter. For this experiment, we follow the two alternative approaches discussed in the previous section for estimating φ0 . That is, we first estimate φ0 alongside θ using the sample data. We then compare this to the case when φ0 is estimated using a pre-sample. For fair comparison of the results from the two approaches we work with the sample length throughout. We generated 240 observations of yt for each of the three versions of the model. The actual sample was preceded by a burn-in period of 5000 ensured that any lingering effects of the initial values of the unknowns set in the DGP had worn off. Table 1 presents the data generating values for the parameters θ = {α, β, κ, σ12 , γ, λ, ρ, σ22 , a0 , c0 }. The initial values of a0 and c0 reported are the values immediately preceding the sample after an initial burn-in of 1000 observations. Table 1 reports the MLE of θ and φ0 in all three cases of Example 1. Our results confirm the difficulty in identifying the structural parameters in case (a) while providing the new result that the initial values of the learning parameters are not well identified either. As we turn to case (b) we see that adding a measurement with no feedback improves identification of the learning parameters, but not the structural parameters. However, once we have the feedback in case (c) we find that all the estimates are fairly well identified. Our intuition for the improved identification in cases (b) and (c) is as follows. The fact that agents do not form expectations over the additional measurement reduces the set of possible time paths of the learning parameters, resulting in a more well defined likelihood function. As regards to the second concern above, the second column of results in each case indicates that the estimates of the initial values of the learning parameters have little impact on the estimates of the structural parameters. Turning to the Bayesian approach, we suppose that the parameters are apriori independent. The prior distribution on each element of θ is centered at values that are distinctly different from the DGP. We also assume fairly large standard deviations. In particular, the gain parameter γ is allowed to vary uniformly between 0 and 1. Also, the autoregressive parameter ρ of the exogenous process is assumed to be uniformly distributed between −1 and 1. Note that this enforces the stationary constraint on 13 wt . The priors on a0 and c0 are centered at the REE corresponding to the prior mean of θ. To capture the uncertainty regarding these quantities we specify large standard deviations. Table 2 summarizes our prior. In addition to the parameter constraints implied by the prior distribution, we also enforce the E-stability constraints mentioned in the previous section. In the estimation procedure we initialized the parameters at their prior mean. We then ran the Tailored Randomized Block Metropolis-Hastings (TaRB-MH) sampler (Chib and Ramamurthy (2010)) for 11000 iterations and discarded the initial 1000 draws as burn-in. See Appendix A for a brief overview of the TaRB-MH sampler. Table 2 summarizes the posterior distribution based on the sampled draws. The values in the left panel correspond to the case where a0 and c0 are estimated from a training sample. For this experiment, the training sample comprised of the first 40 observations with the remaining 200 observations contributing to the likelihood value. The posterior summary in the right panel includes a0 and b0 as additional parameters. For conformity of the data sample, these estimates are also based on observations 41 through 240. The results indicate that the estimated marginal posteriors are practically indistinguishable for the two cases. Also noteworthy is the closeness of the posterior mean to the data generating values of the parameters. This is not surprising given the maximum likelihood estimates - the data carried substantial information about the parameters. To conclude this section, we plot the marginal prior and (kernel smoothed) posterior of each parameter in Figure 1. In this figure, the dashed line is the prior, the green line is the posterior for the training sample that corresponds to the left posterior panel in Table 2 and the blue line is the posterior without the training sample that corresponds to the right panel in Table 2. As mentioned earlier, the similarity between the estimates for the two approaches are more evident in the figure. We also plot the simulated at and ct for the PLM (dashed line) and ALM (circled line) based on the posterior draws in Figure 2. The shaded regions capture the 95% band. These plots were generated by first simulating the PLM and ALM for each draw from the posterior.3 Then for each t we calculated the .025, .5 and .975 quantiles. The horizontal lines denote the corresponding quantiles for the REE. 3.2 Simulated Data Example 2 Consider the univariate example associated with equation (12) presented in Section 2.1 that we repeat here for the reader’s convenience. e yt = α + δyt−1 + βyt+1 + wt wt = ρwt−1 + et The parameter values that we use to generate the data (see Table 3) imply the following values of the rational expectations solution (equations 19-21): ā = 1.264 b̄ = 0.052, and 3 The procedure is identical to Step 2 in the likelihood calculation. Recall that, for a given value of θ and φ0 , at and ct are updated within the Kalman filter based on the PLM. The corresponding quantities for the ALM are simply the non-zero elements in the first row of µt−1 and Gt−1 . 14 c̄ = 2.514. One can verify that this is the E-stable solution. The alternative solution, obtained from the positive square root of the discriminant, is E-unstable. When generating the data, we initialize the learning parameters sufficiently close to the RE solution. However, in the process of updating these quantities by the RLS algorithm it is entirely possible that they wander off the stable region as discussed by Marcet and Sargent (1989). This happens because a particular estimate (by the agents) of b may push the eigenvalues of DT to the unstable region. The solution to this problem is to invoke a projection facility which nudges the learning parameters back to the stable region, which in the case of CGLS is the circle with origin (1 − 1/γ, 0) and radium 1/γ. A projection facility can come in many forms. The simplest implementation is to recall the latest value of the learning parameters that resulted in eigenvalues in the stable region. This approach clearly poses the danger of getting stuck at those latest stable values of the learning parameters. Practically, however, this may not be a source of major concern as long as the corresponding values of the structural parameters are less likely to have generated the data. For alternative implementations, Marcet and Sargent (1989) provide a general guide to restricting the stable space. Even in our simple example, however, defining the stable space of the learning parameters can result in several inequalities, turning this process into an ordeal for the practitioner. As mentioned earlier, there is a easier third alternative - that of penalizing the likelihood function for unstable values of the learning parameters. From a practical viewpoint, this can always be a fallback option that can be implemented along with the simple projection facility. We now focus on our ability to estimate a model with lagged endogenous variables. Table 3 displays the results from varying sample sizes ranging from 200 to 2000. As the results demonstrate, even with a very large sample size, the estimation of this class of models is tenuous at best. In particular, notice that estimates of γ get worse as the sample size increases, which is troublesome since the chief objective is the story about learning. Table 3 also supports the claim made in the previous example that estimating the initial values of the learning parameters has little impact on the estimates of the structural parameters as shown by the second column for each sample size. 3.3 Application to a Monetary DSGE Model As an application to a DSGE model, consider the following canonical model derived from Woodford (2003) e xt = xet+1 − ψ(it − πt+1 ) + εx,t e πt = λxt + βπt+1 + επ,t it = θx xet + θπ πte + εi,t (40) (41) (42) Here, the endogenous variables are output gap xt , inflation πt and the nominal interest rate it . Underlying this linear system is a nonlinear microfounded model comprising households and firms that are intertemporal optimizers. The central bank, on the other hand, sets the interest rate following the Taylor rule. As mentioned earlier, this interest rate rule (42) is an ad-hoc specification in the sense that the economic agents do not 15 incorporate expectations of it in their decisions. Finally, the structural shocks εx,t and επ,t follow independent stationary AR(1) processes. For these processes, we denote the autoregressive coefficients ρx and ρπ , and the variance of the white noise terms σx2 and σπ2 , respectively. We also assume that εi,t ∼ N (0, σi2 ). As in the previous example, substituting (42) into (40) leads to the familiar form (1) with N = K = 0 e + P wt + Qεi,t (43) yt = M1 yte + M2 yt+1 where xt yt = πt εx,t −ψθx −ψθπ 1 ψ wt = M0 = M1 = επ,t −λψθx −λψθπ λ β + λψ 1 0 −ψ ρx 0 P = Q= F = λ 1 −λψ 0 ρπ Note that here K = 0. As before, we write the PLM as yt = a + cwt−1 + P et + Qεt where ax a= aπ c= cxx cxπ cπx cππ Substituting the expectational terms yields the following ALM yt = (M0 + M1 )a + (M0 c + M1 cF + P F )wt−1 + P w̃t + Qεi,t (44) The corresponding T-map for the learning parameters is then T (a) = (M0 + M1 )a T (c) = M0 c + M1 cF + P F (45) (46) Finally, note that the RE solution for this model is aRE = 0 and vec(cRE ) = (I4 − F 0 ⊗ M1 − I2 ⊗ M0 )−1 (F 0 ⊗ I2 )vec(P ) The SSM is completed as before by including the additional measurement it = Sa + Scwt−1 + εi,t , where S = (θx , θπ ). We fit this model to the sample period 1954:III – 2007:I with the vector of quarterly measurements on output gap, inflation and the nominal interest rate. These quantities were calculated from the data on quarterly GDP, GDP deflator and the Federal Funds Rate published by the St. Louis Fed as follows. Output gap was obtained by taking the log difference of real GDP from its potential (as calculated by the Congressional Budget Office). The inflation and interest rates were taken to be the demeaned GDP deflator and annualized federal funds rate. Given the complexity of the model we favor using Bayesian techniques. Collecting 16 the parameters of interest in the vector θ = (ψ, λ, β, θx , θπ , ρx , ρπ , σx2 , σπ2 , σi2 , γ)0 we suppose that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution ψ apriori follows a Gamma distribution with mean 4.0 and standard deviation 2.0. For the Taylor rule coefficients θx and θπ we assume a normal prior with mean 0.25 and 1.0, respectively, and unit variance. As is well documented in the literature, the discount factor β ∈ (0, 1) that is consistent with the data usually exceeds its upper limit of 1. For this reason it is not uncommon to fix its value close to 1. In our estimation we fix β = 0.95. Similarly, λ is also pinned down by the cost adjustment parameter in the underlying structural model. Because in this paper we deal only with the reduced form, we also fix λ to a reasonable 0.05. For the remaining model parameters, the prior specification is identical to that in the previous example. Finally, for the initial learning parameters φ0 , we suppose that each element follows a normal distribution with mean calculated as in the previous example and a large standard deviation. Table 4 summarizes this prior. This table also presents the posterior summary based on 9000 iterations of the TaRB-MH algorithm beyond a burn-in of 1000. The left posterior panel corresponds to the case where φ0 was estimated using a training sample. The first forty observations from 1954:III to 1964:II were reserved for this purpose. The effective sample therefore runs from 1964:III to 2007:I. Results in the center panel are also based on this sample but now include estimates of φ0 as well. Once again, the estimated marginal posteriors are similar in both cases. This can also be viewed in Figure 3 that plots the kernel smoothed marginal posterior densities along with the prior densities of the parameters. In contrast, the results in the last panel are starkly different. These estimates are based on the full sample 1954:III to 2007:I. While in this paper we would not draw attention to the parameter estimates per se, it is worth noting the tight posterior interval for γ. This is in sharp contrast to the flat prior and is particularly striking in the third panel. Recall that the convergence condition enforced here is valid only for small enough γ. Finally, we reiterate our stance that if one estimates a model of learning one presumably is interested in the potential story of agents expectations. Therefore, we include graphs of the reduced form coefficients of the ALM and PLM, that is M0 c+M1 cF +P F and c respectively, in Figure 4. While we would not consider these results conclusive, the graphs are certainly insightful. Note that these graphs represent how a lagged shock to output or inflation influences current output or inflation. The graphs show that both the ALM and PLM of shocks to output influencing output stay quite close to the RE solution and the same is true for inflation on inflation. In addition, the ALM and the PLM are generally overlapping. However, looking at the cross terms, shocks of output on inflation and shocks of inflation on output, we find that the learning parameters drift form the RE solution, but also that perceptions do not always align with reality. If one considers this in context of the traditional Phillips curve, that is in the short run shocks to inflation should influence output this provides some insight to how perceptions of this relationship have changed over time. Since the early 1980’s perceptions suggest that shocks to inflation have a positive influence on output and that has influenced the ALM. However, the opposite story is not true, perceptions of shocks on output on inflation have at times implied a positive relationship and at other 17 a negative relationship. 4 Conclusion We conclude by noting that models with learning present a challenging problem to the econometrician. In practical applications, not only are the parameter restrictions imposed by the solution stringent, but the structure implied by learning limits the econometrician to a second-best estimate of the variables that the agents incorporate. This paper highlights these issues and provides an accessible estimation guide that is useful for the applied researcher. In particular, this is applicable to the growing body of work on NK-DSGE models and suggests a promising future for the role of learning in this area. A Appendix: TaRB-MH Algorithm The two key components of the Tailored Randomized Block MH (TaRB-MH) algorithm are randomized blocks and tailored proposal densities. In each MCMC iteration, one begins by dividing θ into a random number of blocks, where each block comprises random components of θ. For a given block, one then constructs a Student-t proposal density (with low degrees of freedom, say, 15) centered at the posterior mode of the block and variance calculated as the negative inverse of the Hessian at the mode. The final step is to draw a value from this proposal density and accept it with the standard MH probability. To illustrate this prodecure for an MCMC iteration, suppose that θ is divided into B blocks as (θ1 , . . . , θB ). Consider the update of the lth block, l = 1, . . . , B with current value θl . Denoting the current value of the preceding blocks as θ−l = (θ1 , . . . , θl−1 ) and the following blocks as θ+l = (θl+1 , . . . , θB ) 1. Calculate θl∗ = arg max log f (y|θ−l , θl , θ+l )π(θl ) θl using a suitable numerical optimization procedure 2. Calculate the variance Vl∗ as the negative inverse of the Hessian evaluated at θl∗ 3. Generate θlp ∼ t(θl∗ , Vl∗ , νl ) where νl denotes the degrees of freedom 4. Calculate the MH acceptance probability α as f (y|θ−l , θlp , θ+l )π(θlp ) t(θl |θl∗ , Vl∗ , νl ) ,1 α = min f (y|θ−l , θl , θ+l )π(θl ) t(θlp |θl∗ , Vl∗ , νl ) 5. Accept θlp if u ∼ U (0, 1) < α, else retain θl and repeat for the next block. 18 References Branch, William A and George W Evans, “A simple recursive forecasting model,” Economics Letters, 2006, 91 (2), 158–166. Chevillon, G, M Massmann, and S Mavroeidis, “Inference in models with adaptive learning,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 2010, 57 (3), 341–351. Chib, S and Srikanth Ramamurthy, “Tailored randomized-block MCMC methods for analysis of DSGE models,” Journal of Econometrics, 2010, 155 (1), 19–38. 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Model index: (a) λ = κ = 0, (b) λ 6= 0 and κ = 0, and (c) λ, κ 6= 0. model 1c 2.25 2.2888 (0.4991) (0.5175) 0.4471 0.4534 (0.0521) (0.0550) 1.0452 1.0386 (0.0563) (0.0558) 0.3006 0.305 (0.0050) (0.0044) 0.655 0.6551 (0.0529) (0.0541) 1.1305 1.1298 (0.1133) (0.1131) 0.4482 0.4542 (0.0450) (0.0455) 0.1429 0.1192 (0.0543) (0.0577) 11.5107 (1.0887) 1.2684 (0.6009) -500.2818 -501.678 ii. Results in the left column for each version of the model: Joint estimation of θ and φ0 using sample data 41:240. Results in the right column for each version of the model: φ0 initialized using a training sample comprising observations 1:40 and θ estimated using sample data 41:240. 21 22 -508.53 mean 2.5831 0.4107 1.0600 0.3045 0.6886 1.1496 0.4636 0.1420 n.s.e. 0.0170 0.0021 0.0013 0.0001 0.0021 0.0018 0.0007 0.0008 .025 1.7348 0.2965 0.9485 0.2931 0.5817 0.9455 0.3809 0.0550 posterior .975 mean 3.4771 2.4788 0.5040 0.4145 1.1826 1.0698 0.3154 0.3002 0.8442 0.6754 1.3989 1.1473 0.5590 0.4646 0.2446 0.1619 11.4283 1.0916 -509.83 n.s.e. 0.0225 0.0019 0.0014 0.0002 0.0018 0.0018 0.0008 0.0011 0.0237 0.0125 .025 1.5849 0.3074 0.9535 0.2871 0.5684 0.9430 0.3779 0.0564 9.2875 -0.0455 .975 3.4452 0.5141 1.2000 0.3125 0.8054 1.3909 0.5725 0.2732 13.6527 2.1549 Note: .025 and .975 denote the quantiles. n.s.e. is the numerical standard error. Posterior summary in the left panel: φ0 initialized using a training sample comprising observations 1:40 and θ estimated using sample data 41:240 Posterior summary in the right panel: joint estimation of θ and φ0 using sample data 41:240. prior param true mean s.d. dist. α 2.00 1.00 2.00 N 0.50 1.00 2.50 N β κ 1.00 0.10 1.50 N λ 0.30 1.00 1.50 N ρ 0.60 0.00 0.58 U(-1,1) σ12 1.00 0.75 2.00 IG 2 σ2 0.50 0.75 2.00 IG γ 0.10 0.50 0.29 U(0,1) a0 9.91 2.50 7.50 N c0 1.38 0.00 1.50 N posterior ordinate (unnormalized) Table 2: Posterior Summary of Parameters in Example 1 1 −.5 .5 0 b0 −2.5 0 −1.5 5 1 −3 3 .5 17.5 1 0 10 −1 −.5 2.5 a0 −3 −1 −5 2 1 −12.5 1.5 1.5 3 2 3.5 1.5 −2 0 −1 .5 0 2 2 1 1 1.5 2 2 0 0 .25 .25 .5 .5 .75 .75 1 1 Figure 1: Marginal prior-posterior plots of the parameters. Red: prior, Green: posterior with training sample, Blue: posterior without training sample. 23 Figure 2: Simulated REE, PLM and ALM plots for at (top) and ct (bottom) in Example 1. Shaded regions show the 95% band (darker shade is for PLM). 24 δ β param α 0.0500 0.8000 dgp 0.2000 0.0500 0.8000 γ 1.1627 ρ a0 -0.0045 1.0000 b0 2.7191 σ2 c0 log-likelihood -399.3193 n = 500 0.5493 0.5093 (0.3524) (0.2868) 0.7903 0.8062 (0.0490) (0.0292) 0.1031 0.0417 (0.0951) (0.0434) 0.7925 0.8155 (0.0399) (0.0291) 0.8645 0.9763 (0.2069) (0.1578) 0.0150 0.0173 (0.0090) (0.0112) 0.5666 (1.2949) -0.1103 (0.1324) 3.4863 (1.0969) -1012.0615 -1013.0774 Table 3: DGP and MLE of Parameters in Example 2 mle 200 n = 1000 0.4559 0.4082 0.2904 (0.4970) (0.1832) (0.1807) 0.8365 0.8297 0.8142 (0.0516) (0.0248) (0.0197) 0.0069 0.0121 0.0520 (0.0988) (0.0455) (0.0291) 0.8008 0.8280 0.8055 (0.0517) (0.0208) (0.0220) 1.0389 0.9971 0.9554 (0.2169) (0.1582) (0.1027) 0.0345 0.0149 0.0115 (0.0070) (0.0050) (0.0067) 0.5719 (1.5204) -0.1567 (0.0724) 3.3489 (0.7073) -2015.4323 -2016.0206 n= 0.6060 (0.6564) 0.8226 (0.0494) 0.0069 (0.0955) 0.8526 (0.0444) 0.8690 (0.3810) 0.0396 (0.0133) 0.6984 (1.9551) -0.1629 (0.1334) 3.9071 (1.5364) -399.9057 n = 2000 0.0985 0.1463 (0.0962) (0.0859) 0.8124 0.8272 (0.0146) (0.0135) 0.0532 0.0297 (0.0288) (0.0232) 0.7973 0.8058 (0.0168) (0.0156) 0.9494 0.9830 (0.1065) (0.0862) 0.0105 0.0118 (0.0035) (0.0036) 1.4647 (0.7033) 0.2283 (0.1944) 2.2857 (0.4052) -3936.8494 -3936.7587 Note: For each sample size (n), the left column presents the mle of all parameters; the right column presents the mle of the model parameters. In the latter case the learning parameters where set at their data generating values. 25 26 -966.48 mean 0.073 0.077 1.071 0.455 0.404 1.225 1.714 5.976 0.112 .025. 0.027 -0.060 0.936 0.408 0.328 0.991 1.386 4.830 0.092 .975 0.128 0.223 1.229 0.507 0.483 1.511 2.107 7.337 0.133 mean 0.072 0.111 1.030 0.489 0.369 1.137 1.647 6.133 0.124 1.410 0.125 1.000 -0.981 2.245 0.341 -964.69 posterior .025 .975 0.027 0.131 -0.024 0.271 0.893 1.184 0.427 0.557 0.282 0.453 0.913 1.406 1.323 2.028 4.893 7.538 0.092 0.147 0.113 2.819 -1.108 1.424 -0.891 3.525 -2.099 0.192 0.800 3.906 -0.905 1.406 mean 0.201 0.291 1.272 0.786 0.518 0.082 1.954 4.612 0.069 0.308 -2.085 5.380 -0.216 0.269 -0.606 -1144.774 .025 0.134 0.134 1.111 0.708 0.457 0.048 1.601 3.728 0.062 -1.246 -2.649 3.928 -1.311 -0.335 -1.074 .975 0.265 0.443 1.439 0.874 0.581 0.130 2.370 5.675 0.075 2.309 -1.537 7.178 0.785 0.874 -0.138 Note: .025 and .975 denote the quantiles. Sample data for posterior summary: Left panel: 1964:III to 2007:I with initial estimates of φ0 and R0 based on observations from 1954:III to 1964:II. Center panel: 1964:III to 2007:I. Right panel: 1954:III to 2007:I. prior param mean s.d. dist. ψ 4.00 2.00 G 0.25 1.00 N θx θπ 1.00 1.00 N – – U(-1,1) ρx ρπ – – U(-1,1) 2 σx 0.75 2.00 IG σπ2 0.75 2.00 IG 2 σi 0.75 2.00 IG γ – – U(0,1) a0x 0.00 5.00 N a0π 0.00 5.00 N c0xx 0.00 5.00 N c0πx 0.00 5.00 N c0xπ 0.00 5.00 N c0ππ 0.00 5.00 N log-posterior ordinate (unnormalized) Table 4: Prior and Posterior Summary of Parameters in the NK Model −1 0 −.5 .5 0 x 2 0 a0x 1 −10 0 b0 0 −20 −2.5 1 −5 1 2 1.5 .75 .5 .25 0 6 x −.5 4 −.25 −1 2 0 a0 −.75 0 −2.5 0 b0x2 1 3 −5 −2.5 .5 20 −5 2 i 10 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0 .6 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 1 2 2.4 1.25 .5 .75 2 x 0 .5 1 .25 0 5 8 2.5 −2.5 2 0 b0x1 −5 5 0 b0 2.5 −1.25 1.25 −2.5 5 Figure 3: Marginal prior-posterior plots of the parameters in the NK model. Red: prior, Green: posterior with training sample, Blue: posterior without training sample. Training sample: 1954:III to 1964:II. Estimation sample: 1964:III to 2007:I 27 Figure 4: Simulated REE, PLM and ALM plots for ct,xx and ct,πx in the NK model for sample period 1964:III to 2007:I (center panel in Table 4). Shaded regions show the 95% band (darker shade is for PLM). 28 Figure 4: (cont’d) Simulated REE, PLM and ALM plots for ct,xπ and ct,ππ in the NK model for sample period 1964:III to 2007:I (center panel in Table 4). Shaded regions show the 95% band (darker shade is for PLM). 29