Lee Burneson Middle School Student Newspaper
December 2014
The Burneson Gazette
Fun Facts
Katie Cirincione
Matthew Wallenhorst
The holiday break is fastly approaching, and Lee Burneson students are participating in various activities throughout the school in
honor of the season. All of the 8th grade social studies teachers
are having their students simulate an 18th century tavern. Students
are constructing colonial-era costumes to wear and creating a realistic role-play character for them to recreate. A dance instructor will
be teaching students how to dance in the appropriate style.
Blue Team’s Service Committee is hosting a “movie fiesta” in
which students bring in desserts to share with others and choose
between two movie rooms to go to. Their options include How the
Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) and Elf. All Blue Team students are
asked to bring in a 5 dollar donation to the Make-a-Wish Foundation in order to attend the movie of their choice.
White Team students will be going across the street to Dover
Congregational preschool to read winter-themed stories to the children. With the preschool students, White Team students will make
crafts and cards to send to a charitable organization.
In addition to these upcoming events, Mrs. Latkowski’s class is
donating new socks and used blankets, and the school is collecting toys for the annual “Toys for Tots” drive.
DIY: Tinsel Stars
-Wire Cutters, Wired Tinsel and Ribbon
Cut three pieces of tinsel, two of equal length and one a little longer.
Twist equal pieces together at centers, and wrap the third piece onto
the two twisted pieces, forming a star.
Bend the end of longer piece into a hook, and attach the star from the
ribbon on a gift or hang as an ornament on a tree.
A lobster’s teeth are
in its stomach.
Olympic gold metals
are actually made of
mostly silver.
A giraffe’s tongue is
about 20 inches long.
The average human
loses between 40100 pounds of skin in
their lifetime.
A cat can make over
100 unique sounds,
while dogs can only
make 10 different
Blue Team Plays at the Lutheran Home
Isabella DiGiulio
On Friday, November 21st, many Blue Team band students took time out of their lunch and Academic Assist
to play for residents at the Lutheran Home. Sami Brizes and Katie Willi picked out music from Mr. Rovniak’s
extensive collections, such as The Lion Sleeps Tonight, That Thing You Do, and Hang on Sloopy. Band kids
could volunteer to play, and had to get a permission slip signed. The students with slips practiced songs on
Wednesday and Thursday during Academic Assist. It was decided that Anthony Fusco would start the band off
by clicking his drumsticks, since there was no formal director. On Friday, students ate an early lunch and then
grabbed their instruments, music, and stands. Katie Willi and Sami Brizes handed out blue ribbons that each
student could tie onto their instrument. In addition, students had all been asked to wear something blue. Then,
Mr. Wooley borrowed Mr. Primrose’s truck to lug the drumset and any very large instruments to the Lutheran
Home. The rest of the students plodded through the snow with their music, stands and various instruments. We
arranged ourselves in an empty room, and unpacked our instruments. Residents trickled in as the drums were
set up. Finally we were ready to play. We played a variety of songs for the residents, and were even asked for
an encore, for which we played Captain Courageous. Since we had no tympani, Mitchell Cusick free styled the
part on his barry sax, which prevented quite a few long rests with no one playing. After the applause was
done, they packed up and walked back to Burneson, and continued on with our day.
TV Show of the Month
Menaz Shaik
Guess the Song
Menaz Shaik
Answers from last month:
Riptide by Vance Joy
Break Free by Ariana
Team by Lorde
Shake It Off by Taylor
Ain’t It Fun by Paramore
This Month’s Songs
“I could make all the tables turn, rose garden filled with thorns”
“You only love me when
you’re here you’re so
two-faced, two-faced
“Strange things did happen here, no stranger
would it be”
“Strolling so casually
we’re different and
the same, get you
another name”
“They’ve always been so
kind but now they’ve
taken you away from
December: Pretty Little Liars
This month's article is featuring “Pretty Little Liars”. The series is a
drama/mystery show, that first aired on June 8, 2010. This show is about
a group of girls that become separated after their clique leader goes missing. One year later, the body of their friend is found, and what was once a
'missing persons' case, now turns into a messy murder investigation. After
the funeral of their friend, the girls begin to receive text messages from
someone named 'A', who seems to know all their dangerous secrets, and
is threatening to expose them all. The girls are led through a world of lies,
crime, and danger, as 'A' tries to ruin their lives. The series has won many
awards, including the Teen's Choice Award 4 years in a row. The Christmas special of the show's fifth season recently aired on Tuesday Dec. 9 th;
the show will return to its normal schedule on January 6th.
Holiday Traditions
Rachel Wagner
There are many ways that people celebrate the holidays. Most people
spend them with their families and spend time doing fun things. Families bake
cookies together and other delicious sweets. Some recipes that are used
have been passed down for years. Most people will hang up lights on bushes
or trees and put out inflatables. If there’s snow, they may go skiing, sledding,
build snowmen, or just have a snowball fight. Going caroling could be something people do too, although it’s not as popular as it used to be. What are
some traditions that your family has?
Lauren Havelka
The Program
By: Suzanne Young
Google Glass
Jane Protos
Recently I went to a Google Glass presentation at Burneson. It was
presented by Ryan Gorney and Raffaele Spazzoli representatives from
Key Bank. Key Bank is working with Google Glass to make it easier to
connect with your bank account when you’re on the go.
Google Glass is a pair of glasses with a built in computer and a
screen. It has a touchpad on the side and turns on automatically when
you put the glasses on. It can even take pictures and videos and connect with the internet. You can pair Glass with an Apple or Android
phone as well. However, Google Glass is still relatively new technology and is considered a prototype. There is no password setting on
your Glass, so there is much less security. “Younger generations are
more willing to give up security for convenience,” says Ryan Gorney.
But still, Google Glass hopes that they can add more technology to the
prototype, including security.
Keybank has already invested money into a Smart Watch. They
made it so that the watch can check your balance faster than having to
log onto your phone or mobile device. For example, if you were buying
something at a store, you could check your bank account faster to see
if you have enough money to buy the item. They hope to do the same
with the Google Glass as technology gets more advanced.
Overall, I thought the presentation was very good. As technology
evolves, I predict that more and more people will invest money into
Google Glass and the technology will become better and brighter.
Sloane knows not to cry
when people are around.
Suicide is now a national
epidemic, the only cure is the
Program. Sloane’s brother,
Brady, has already committed suicide. Sloane’s parents
will do anything to keep her
healthy. Sloane knows that
people who return from the
Program return with a clean
slate. Their depression is
gone but so are their memories.
Everyone is under surveillance no matter where you
are. The only person Sloane
can trust is her boyfriend,
James. He promises to keep
them safe and out of the Program. Despite the promises
he made, it’s getting harder
to hide the truth. Depression
is setting in. Read “The Program” to find out what happens to Sloane and James.
Read “The Treatment”, the
sequel, after you read “The
What have clubs in LBMS been up to in December?
The Academic Challenge team made it to nationals this year! Congratulations!
At the end of November, Blue Service Committee lugged instruments and stands
over to the Lutheran Home, to play for the residents there.
Builders Club took a break, but will resume meetings on January 7 th.
Student Council sold Candy-Cane-O-Grams on December 15th, 16th and 17th.
Yearbook Club has been meeting frequently on Wednesday mornings.
What’s going on in
Celebrity Milestones
Angela Zhu
Elliot Lockshine
December is a month
of hassle and distress.
Struggling to get last minute presents, gifts for anything. Preparing for
Christmas, Hanukkah, and
Kwanzaa. But we can’t
forget the good times of
December, so, here are
some fun and interesting
things to do this month.
Hale Farm and Village
Lantern Tours will be taking place on December 6,
12, 13, 14,19,20,21,22,and
the 23rd at 6p.m. Admission is $12-20 with a reservation. For more information, go to
Also, have fun going on
rides, making crafts, and
walking through a winter
wonderland with your favorite Christmas characters at the Western Reserve Historical Society on
December 20th and 21st.
Admission is $5-10. For
more information, go to
Come and visit A
Christmas Story house
and museum, featuring the
real props, set, and costumes from the movie! Go
to the gift shop and pick up
some memories The
Christmas Story house
and museum is open from
12p.m. to 5p.m. on Sundays, 10a.m. to 2p.m. on
Mondays, Tuesdays and
Wednesdays, and open
10a.m. to 7p.m. on Fridays
and Saturdays. For more
information go to
Benedict Cumberbatch, born
July 19, 1976, is an English actor
and film producer. As the son of
actors Timothy Carlton and Wenda Ventham, Cumberbatch went
on to study acting at the London
Academy of Music and Dramatic
Art. As professional actor, he received many awards such as the
Olivier Award, 3 Emmy Award
nominations, and a Golden Globe
award. Cumberbatch is known to
play geniuses such as Stephen
Hawking in Hawking, Sherlock
Holmes in the television series
Sherlock. Besides acting, Cumberbatch narrates voices too, like
the dragon Smaug from The Hobbit. Watch out for Cumberbatch's
new movie The Imitation Game, a
filmography about Alan Turing:
the man who cracked the German's enigma code.
The Quarterback Question
Andrew Franklin
(written Dec. 9)
The Cleveland Browns have a tough quarterback competition. Brian
Hoyer has given the Browns and the city of Cleveland hope for an elite
QB, but so has Johnny Manziel. Brian Hoyer, or Hoyer the Destroyer, is
currently the starting quarterback. This season the first nine games were
great but the last 3 games were terrible. Things changed two weeks ago
when he wasn’t the dominant QB we had seen. In the last 3 games
Hoyer has had zero touchdowns and 7 interceptions. Johnny Manziel
was the first round pick of the Cleveland Browns. The Browns traded up
to get Johnny. In college he won the Heisman Trophy and was an elite
quarterback, but we don’t know if that talent will transfer to the NFL.
Who should start? The answer is easy--or is it? While the fans have
only seen a flash of Manziel, it was a pretty good preview. After the
Browns’ dramatic loss to the Colts on Sunday, Hoyer remained confident
that he would be the starter, but Coach Pettine said "I think it's natural to
lean the other way, given the results. I still want to make sure we do our
due diligence and get a chance to talk to everybody involved with it."
When Pettine was asked if Johnny was ready, he simply replied
“Absolutely.” After starting the season with so much promise, now people
are asking if Hoyer is even going to be on the team next year. When
Hoyer was asked about the sudden change he replied, "It's crazy how
fast things changed, I feel like four or five weeks ago we're talking about
contract talks. Now we're talking about if I'm even going to be staying
Will the Browns let Hoyer go even though he got them to the winning
record they have? Will Hoyer still be the Destroyer or is it time for Johnny
Football? As far as the starter goes, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Teacher of the Month: Mrs. Mann
Lauren Havelka
Mrs. Mann is the Earth team math teacher. This is her last year
teaching, as she will retire after this year.
She started teaching in 1972 at North Olmsted schools. She has
taught preschool, 5th, 7th, and 8th grades. She has taught math, language arts, science and social studies. This is Mrs. Mann’s 25th year
teaching in the Westlake City School District.
Mrs. Mann has two kids: a girl and a boy. Jeremy is a very successful painter. His work sells for thousands of dollars. Heather is in the
House of Representatives for Ohio and she is also a lawyer. “She is
finally getting married,” Mrs. Mann said.
Movie Review
Henyah Dardir
Movie: Mockingjay Part 1 Rating: PG-13 Director: Francis Lawrence
Time: 2hr 3min
Actors: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Jena
Have you ever read a book so slowly that by
the time you where half way through, it had already been two months? That’s how Mockingjay
Part 1 feels. This movie was dragged on for
hours more than it needed to be. I felt as if the
movie franchise even threw in a few parts that
weren’t in the book that ended the whirlwind trilogy just so they could make the movie more than
half-an-hour long.
The movie starts out with Katniss Everdeen, a
teenage icon of a war she didn’t intend to start,
mourning the loss of her fellow tributes from her
time in the Quarter Quell. Residing in the rebel
District of 13, she feels constricted by the rules
and expectations of the people who look up to her
as the revolutionary of a war long postponed by
the tyranny of President Snow and the people
living luxuriously in the Capitol. Katniss is particularly hit by the loss of Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcheson) and stops at nothing to get him rescued
when she sees him alive, but definitely not well,
during an interview. Jennifer Lawrence perfectly
portrays Katniss and keeps the character alive
and enticing throughout the entire movie despite
the saddening, dystopian plot. The actress was
really the only reason the movie stayed interesting.
Like I said before, this movie was split into two
parts for the sake of keeping the franchise in the
lucrative lane, not for adding more detail. Mockingjay had the least pages in the entire trilogy!
Compared to Catching Fire and The Hunger
Games this movie was a bit of a let down. I sat
there waiting and waiting and waiting for the
events recognizable from the books but they
where spaced so far apart, I wasn’t sure if I was in
the right movie. I give this movie a C+ rating and
don’t encourage you to go see it if you are a big
fan of the books.
Music Commentary
Jan. 5- Winter Break
ends (Back to School!)
Jan. 16– End of Quarter 2
Jan. 19 No School– MLK
Jan. 20– Teacher Work
Day (No School Students)
Emily Dingeldein
Within the alternative music community, December is an exciting
time. Many artists release music during the holiday season, whether it’s
covers of classic songs or new albums. On December 2 nd, Walk the
Moon released their new album “Talking Is Hard”. You may know WTM
from their hit single “Anna Sun” that was called the song of summer for
two years in a row. WTM originally recorded and released their debut
album called “i want! i want!” in 2010. This album got popularity from
the single “Anna Sun” and had earned the band a recording contract in
2011. WTM’s new album “Talking Is Hard” consists of 12 songs, the
main single being “Different Colors”. I would definitely recommend this
band due to their exceptional and unique music.
Rachel Wagner
Winter sports are in full swing here at LBMS.
The Wrestling team has started out with a strong
season, earning their first win against the Brecksville Bees. The Boys’ Basketball teams have not
had any games yet, but they have started their
practices. The Girls 8th grade Non-Conference
team is having a fantastic season and is currently
undefeated. The Girls 8th Conference team has
had a very rough season and are still trying to find
their first win. Both the Girls 7th grade teams have
had outstanding seasons so far and are both undefeated. The future looks very bright for these
young athletes! #50 Bella Zanotti pictured below.
Eighth Grade and Encore Give
Amazing Performance
Molly Finucane
On December 3rd, eighth grade choir, band, orchestra, and Encore, had a fantastic concert at the PAC. A highlight from the performance was from the band when they performed their song Pandora. The reason why this song was
my favorite, is the middle. In the middle of the song all the
instruments sounded like they were all mashed together into
a big swirl, and then it got back to normal. It sounded fantastic and lots of people, including myself, were talking about the
song afterwards. The entire concert was amazing and all the
groups did a wonderful job.
Annette Hanson
This concert featured choir directed by Mrs. Joni Patton,
the LBMS Brigade with the help of Mrs. Joni Patton, orchestra
directed by Mr. Michael Allan, and band directed by Mr. Scott
Rovniak respectively. The choir performed a gospel song, a
song in Latin, and a Christmas medley. LBMS Brigade performed “Happy”, “The Cup Song”, and “Footloose.” For the cup
song the girls sang while the boys did the cups. People were
very impressed with how professional they all were even when
some lost their cups. The orchestra sounded beautiful with a
perfect blend of all sounds. They performed 3 songs. The band
performed 5 songs with a great finale. Mr. Rovniak is still looking for someone to fill in on the bells, tuba, and bass piano. Everyone’s hard work paid off for a great night of music.
Guess Who Game
Today In History December 18
Annette Hanson
Jaden Evans
This 8th grade student is on the Blue Team. He is
very smart. He has dirty blonde hair and knots his
shoes way too many times. You may know him
from White Team. Answers will be in next month’s
Answer from last month: Chris Haddad
1787- New Jersey becomes the third state to ratify the U.S. Constitution
1796- The Monitor of Baltimore, Maryland was published as the
first Sunday newspaper.
1932- Chicago Bears defeat the Portsmouth Spartans in 1st NFL
playoff game
1964- U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada site
2009-Avatar is released, which later became the number 1 selling
movie of 2014
A long lit Westlake Tradition
Madison Toth
Crowds and crowds of people filled Crocker Park November 22nd for a favorite among Westlake holiday
traditions: The 10th annual Crocker Park tree lighting. In the center of the park stood the 50ft high Christmas
tree which was the pinpoint of this event. Next to the tree was a huge stage to house the holiday performances. The streets were decked out in twinkling lights and decorations, and the chilly air was filled with
the sound of people conversing and the delicious smell drifting from nearby food trucks. Including Brunch
Box and Fired up Taco. There was also a big snow globe you could walk in for photo opportunities. After
taking in the sights I headed to the stage for the 5 o’clock community performances to start. They featured
acts from places such as Olmsted preforming arts and Einstein academy. Acts included Ballet, vocal acts
(some accompanied by instruments), dance routines, and a thrilling science demonstration. These performances were full of talent and amazing costumes. Then at 7 o’clock people began encircling the stage for a
highly anticipated performance of Christmas carols by Disney stars Dove Cameron and Ryan McCartan.
The crowds and the cold became a lot to bear but, it was
worth it to hear their stunning vocals that were sure to induce the holiday spirt in all. Finally the event everyone had
come for, Santa and the lighting of the tree. Santa slid his
way into a cannon and we all counted down and he was
launched across the street into a net. The trees lights
came on with slight difficulties but either way were awesome to see. As the tree lit, fireworks were launched from
the building rooftops and people gasped and watched in
awe. It was a stunning finish to a great holiday event.