Cardinal Léger Secondary School Moderns Department Course Name:

Cardinal Léger Secondary School
Moderns Department
Course Name: Core French, University Preparation
Course Code: FSF3U
Ministry Guidelines:
Level: Grade 11
Prerequisite: FSF2D
Replacement Cost:
Course Overview:
This course draws on a variety of themes to promote extensive development of reading and writing skills
and to reinforce oral communication skills. Students will gain a greater understanding of Frenchspeaking cultures in Canada and around the world through their reading of a variety of materials,
including a short novel or a play. Students will produce various written assignments, including a formal
essay. The use of correct grammar and appropriate language conventions in both spoken and written
French will be emphasized throughout the course.
Curriculum Strands and Overall Expectations:
Oral Communication
By the end of this course, students will:
• respond in a variety of ways to a range of media works and spoken texts;
• express ideas and opinions in self-directed conversations and discussions;
• make oral presentations on a variety of topics;
• use correct grammar and appropriate language conventions during oral communication activities.
By the end of this course, students will:
• read and demonstrate an understanding of a range of literary and informational texts;
• apply critical thinking as they read (e.g., analyse information, go beyond the surface meaning, question the point of view presented);
• expand their understanding of francophone culture around the world through their reading;
• identify and understand language conventions used in their reading materials.
By the end of this course, students will:
• create written texts expressing their ideas and opinions for a variety of audiences;
• write in a variety of forms, adjusting the language to suit the purpose and the audience;
• use correct grammar and appropriate language conventions in their written work.
Language Structures
Nouns and Pronouns: – expressions of quantity + de + a noun (e.g., une paires de bottes, une douzaines de chapeaux, beaucoup
d’hommes, peu d’enfants)
– use of all relative pronouns, including dont, ce dont, and où
– demonstrative pronouns (celui, celle, ceux, celles)
– positions of two objects pronouns with imperatives (e.g., Envoyez-les-moi. Ne m’en faites pas parvenir.)
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Cardinal Léger Secondary School
Moderns Department
Language Structures (continued)
Verbs: – formation of the plus-que- parfait, futur antérieur, and conditionnel passé of -er, -ir, -re verbs and irregular verbs
– sequences of tenses with si using the plus-que- parfait and the conditionnel passé (e.g., Si j’étais allé à New York, je serais
allé voir une pièce de théâtre.)
– sequence of present and past tenses used in indirect discourse (e.g., Le premier ministre a dit qu’il allait parler de ce sujet
dans un communiqué de presse. On nous a dit que l’explosion avait eu lieu à 15h.)
– formation and use of the participe présent (e.g., En me promenant dans le quartier, j’ai vu une mouffette dans le garage d’un
– recognition of the passé simple as the literary tense equivalent to the passé composé
Term Work
Knowledge and Understanding
Final Assessment
Formal Examination
Culminating Task
Course Total
Learning Skills and Work Habits
Independent Work
E= Excellent G=Good S=Satisfactory N= Needs Improvement
Fulfills responsibility and commitments.
Takes responsibility for and manages own behavior.
Devises and follows a plan and process for completing tasks.
Establishes priorities and manages time
Independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to
complete tasks and meet goals.
Uses class time to complete tasks.
Accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group.
Builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships.
Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities.
Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude.
Sets own goals and monitors progress towards achieving them.
Seeks clarification or assistance when needed.
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Cardinal Léger Secondary School
Moderns Department
Missed/Late/Incomplete Assignments
It is the student’s responsibility to address missed, late, or incomplete assignments. Students are
expected to complete assignments and to adhere to assignment deadlines as follows:
Due Date
A due date is set by the
10% Penalty Zone
1 school day late – 3%
2 school days late – 6%
3 school days late – 10%
Maximum penalty of 10%
Closure Date
Once the closure date has
passed, work is considered
incomplete and a mark of
zero applies.
Parent Signature: _______________________ Student Signature: ______________________
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