Homework Each week an instruction sheet will come home in the Yellow Homework Folder on Mondays. It is due the following Monday. Homework is assigned by each week night, however, it is up to parents/guardians to decide how to integrate homework into your family’s schedule. If you are very busy one evening, then you can make an assignment up on another evening. If there is a worksheet, please return the completed worksheet in the folder on the following Monday. There are some assignments where nothing will be required to be returned. (Ex. Math games…which can be kept at home for future review.) Sometimes a math or reading packet will be included for students to complete one page. This packet can be stored in the folder. The purpose of homework is to review skills and to teach the students the responsibility of completing their homework and turning it in on Monday. Since it is due only once a week, I will keep track and hold the students accountable to turn in their Homework Folders. Students not turning in their folders on Monday will need to complete the homework during Choice Time. (If there is a family emergency etc. and the folder is not returned…just let me know.) I give the students the month of September to establish this routine and allow them to bring it on Tuesday, if needed. If you have additional questions, please let me know. Thank you for your continual support! Mrs. DeCoste