West sid e Co n n ect io n s A Community Outreach Program for Disabled Adults How Can Your Organization Help? Westside Connections is looking for sponsors from our community to provide funding for materials, social activities, and wages. Our proposed budget of five thousand dollars would cover these expenses for the 2009-2010 school year. The Westlake Board of Education has agreed to act as our financial agent, handling all transactions. Your tax deductible donation will be submitted to the board and officially recognized during the monthly meetings. You will receive a notice of your donation to be used for tax purposes. Our functional curriculum and desire to find enriching community activities also allows for creative donations. If your organization can provide food, supplies, or access to your facilities (bowling, tours, dinner, etc.), we would gladly accept any form of generosity offered. The name, Westside Connections, was chosen because we want our students to form meaningful connections with the community. We hope to facilitate opportunities for a population that may struggle to form those relationships independently. If you feel our students could benefit from your knowledge and experience, we would encourage you to visit our program as a guest speaker, or join us for special events. Whatever your contribution, you can be certain it will have a positive and direct impact on our students. Please consider our proposal and join our mission to improve the quality of life for these extraordinary individuals. For additional information, please contact: Jim Bingham at (440) 899-3075 ext. 2027 (bingham@wlake.org) Dolly Faup at (216)526-7545 (dfaup@midviewk12.org) WESTLAKE HIGH SCHOOL 27830 HILLIARD BLVD WESTLAKE, OHIO 44145 (440) 899-3075 EXT 2027 FAX (440) 835-5572