Document 14374761


Center for Diversity and Inclusion

Task Force:

In the summer of 2013, the Multicultural Student Services Task Force was charged with identifying the feasibility of creating a new department/center that focuses on addressing the needs of the diverse University of Houston student population.

• Benchmarked twenty-two institutions of higher education

• Reviewing existing multicultural programs and services

• Conducting a focus group with student leaders, and administering a campus-wide student survey. (Total of 807 students responded. Eighty-two percent indicated a need for a multicultural student services department/center at UH.)

• The Multicultural Student Services Task Force was a joint effort of University of

Houston staff, faculty, students and administration and was comprised of 15 members – three faculty, three students and nine university administrators and staff.

Center for Diversity and Inclusion


The Center for Diversity and Inclusion fosters an inclusive university community by providing services, programs, and support that engage, empower, and

educate our highly diverse student population and campus partners.


A multifaceted, nationally known Center for inclusive excellence that provides educational, cultural and leadership experiences that transform lives through intercultural understanding

Overview of Programs and Services

• Space



& Alumni




Center for

Diversity and




Programs &


Research &


Our Link to UH Strategic Principles

University of Houston Center for Diversity & Inclusion

Strategic Principle 3: Diversity

The diversity of the UH System universities is a strength that

distinguishes us among universities nationwide. Increasingly, the faculty, staff, administration and students of our universities will reflect the city of

Houston’s diversity

Goal 1:

Develop a diversity/inclusion and global education strategy for UH students.

Goal 2:

Implement measures to retain our highly diverse student population.

Strategic Principle 8: Accountability and

Administrative Efficiency

The universities of the UH System will be accountable for student learning and for the effective use of resources

Goal 4:

Foster a welcoming and inclusive university environment.

Our Link to DSAES Strategic Initiatives

Division of Student Affairs &

Enrollment Services

Center for Diversity & Inclusion

Strategic Initiative 1

Create new opportunities for student success through learning, engagement and discovery

Goal 1

Develop a diversity/inclusion and global education strategy for UH Students

Strategic Initiative 3

Foster the creation of a global learning community that actualizes and embraces inclusion while preparing students to become active citizens

Goal 2

Implement measures to retain our diverse student population

Goal 3

Develop and implement an inclusion communication plan

Strategic Initiative 5

Cultivate a collective identity that demonstrates a united vision

Goal 4

Foster a welcoming and inclusive university environment

Charges from Task Force

Year 1:

1. Fill staff according to the proposed staffing model

2. Build relationships with current departments, programs, and student organizations with whom the center might want to partner

3. Establish a visible presence on UH’s campus

4. Participate and/or sponsor at least one campus wide event

5. Develop a strategic plan and measurable outcome consistent with the department’s mission and the Division and

University Plan

Center for Diversity and Inclusion

Goals – Year 1


 Hire professional staff, graduate assistant, and student staff

 Strategic Plan

 Assessment plan

 Marketing plan (social media)

 Create website

 Order giveaways

 Decorate space including ordering books and/or magazines

 Connect with student organizations

 Create Advisory Council (8-10 people)

Center for Diversity and Inclusion

Goals – Year 1 (cont’d)

Fall and Spring

 Begin formulating thoughts/ideas of being the 2 nd most diverse college

 Meet with campus constituents

 Start Center for Diversity and Inclusion Ambassadors

 Establish four partnerships

 Create 3 Signature Programs

Center for Diversity and Inclusion

Goals – Year 1 (cont’d)


 Create diversity workshop series

 Review and establish what does being a Hispanic Serving Institution mean

 Launch #IAMUH Campaign

 Diversity Student Organization Roundtable

 Campus Climate Survey

Center for Diversity and Inclusion

Goals – Year 2

 Start newsletter (twice a semester)

 Create student mentor program

 Speaker Series

 Diversity Consortiums

 Connect with members of

Houston community (including


 Establish faculty lecture series

 Black Male Leadership


 Create customized student leader diversity seminar for executive members of student organizations

 Multicultural graduation ceremony


 Director Hired – August 20 th

 Program Coordinator, Office

Coordinator, Graduate Assistant,

Student Workers – October 1 st

 Strategic Plan and Assessment

 Children’s Learning Center-Staff

Diversity Awareness Training


Game Night - October 22 nd

Partnered with Council of Ethnic

Organization and Student Program


Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - October 29 th

 Build Relationships

75 meetings

 Marketing

 Website

SFAC 2015 Recommendations

“SFAC recognizes the critical need for this type of resource on the UH campus and approves $125,567 for FY 15. However, SFAC would like to see the CDI make a concerted effort to collaborate and coordinate with existing departments and organizations with similar missions, in order to avoid redundancy.”

Collaborations…Thus Far

• Council of Ethnic Organization

• Student Program Board

• Mexican American Student


• Mexican American Studies

• Psychological and Counseling


• Religion Center

• Wellness

• International Student Services

• MLK Celebration and Day of


Upcoming Event/Services

Dia de los Muertos

(Day of the Dead)

October 31 st

Veterans Appreciation Day

November 11 th

Residence Life Staff Diversity Training

November 13th

Cultural Conversations: Life of UH

International Students

November 19 th


• Big Picture – 2 nd Most Ethically Diverse Campus

• Inclusion – Transformation

• By use of our programs and services, students become more culturally competent and subsequently better prepared for the workforce and the world


• New Department

• Many Needs

• Culture Change

Peer Institutions

• Texas A & M University

• University of Memphis

• Bowling Green University

• Indiana University

Base Allocations…Opportunities

Big Picture

“Diversity and Excellence are not mutually exclusive.”

– Dr. Khator, Chancellor ,University of Houston System

President of University of Houston

Thank you!

Questions ?
