Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Grant Inst Grant - General Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Federal Pell Grant 6 $25,648.00 Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant 1 $1,500.00 6 $27,148.00 1 $4,800.00 1 $4,800.00 7 $31,948.00 USC Institutional Grant Inst Grant - General Grant Loan Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan 292 $4,944,099.00 Federal Direct Parent Loan (PLUS) 2 $72,007.00 Federal Direct Subsidized Loan 7 $31,812.00 1,228 $21,542,626.00 Federal Direct Unubsidized Loan Federal Perkins Loan 165 $466,274.00 Health Professions Loan - Pharmacy 3 $22,500.00 Nurse Faculty Loan Program 1 $14,468.00 Private Educational Loan 84 $1,060,758.00 1,277 $28,154,544.00 1,277 $28,154,544.00 Federal Traineeship- Biological Sciences 3 $24,942.00 Federal Traineeship- Chemistry & Biochemistry 2 $19,784.00 Loan Scholarship Jan 2, 2015 -1- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Federal Traineeship- Education 10 $91,000.00 Federal Traineeship- Journalism 3 $29,375.00 Federal Traineeship- Mathematics 1 $485.00 Federal Traineeship- Physics & Astronomy 4 $58,753.00 Federal Traineeship- Public Health 1 $12,657.00 23 $60,868.60 SC LIFE Scholarship 1 $5,000.00 SC Teaching Fellows 1 $5,300.00 48 $308,164.60 Football R&B Grant 1 $5,755.00 Football Summer Tuition & Fees Grant 1 $6,342.00 Football Tuition & Fees Grant 1 $20,620.00 Special Academic Opportunity Fund 2 $2,463.00 Track R&B Grant 1 $4,356.50 Track Tuition & Fees Grant 1 $5,573.00 Women's Soccer Manager Grant 1 $6,000.00 3 $51,109.50 8 $2,100.00 Federal Traineeship- School of Medicine Athletic Grant in Aid Athletic Grant in Aid Inst Schlp - Departmental Jan 2, 2015 Art Schlp -2- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 4 $4,000.00 Biology Schlp 10 $41,514.00 Business Admin Fellowship 10 $8,602.00 Business Admin Schlp 86 $396,039.00 Chemistry Schlp 18 $22,450.00 Colon Cancer Research Schlp 2 $10,000.00 Communication Science Schlp Baruch Institute Schlp 12 $26,756.00 Connie Baker Schlp 1 $500.00 Criminal Justice Fellowship 1 $1,000.00 Earth & Ocean Sciences Schlp 1 $1,750.00 Education Fellowship 4 $2,900.00 Education Schlp 13 $16,799.00 Engineering Schlp 23 $18,671.00 English Fellowship 9 $4,375.00 11 $108,750.00 Environment Schlp 2 $2,000.00 Environmental Health Sci Fellowship 2 $2,000.00 Environmental Health Sci Schlp 1 $750.00 English Schlp Jan 2, 2015 -3- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 1 $500.00 15 $9,250.00 Epidemiology & Biostatistics Schlp 1 $3,000.00 Exercise Science Schlp 2 $1,000.00 Faculty/Staff Dep Schlp 1 $750.00 Geography Schlp 5 $24,098.00 EPI Scholarship Fund Epidemiology & Biostatistics Fellowship Geology Schlp 3 $19,200.00 Graduate Fellowship 85 $544,249.00 Health Prom & Education Schlp 13 $6,000.00 History Schlp 6 $16,625.00 Hosp Retail Spt Mgnt Schlp 1 $250.00 Jamey Collins Schlp 1 $500.00 11 $16,750.00 L.P. Whitehead Schlp 9 $13,500.00 Language, Lit & Culture Schlp 5 $5,200.00 235 $383,964.00 Library & Info Sci Fellowship 5 $2,500.00 Library & Info Sci Schlp 6 $2,250.00 Journalism Schlp Law Schlp Jan 2, 2015 -4- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 1 $800.00 Medicine Schlp 10 $202,050.00 Music Schlp Mature Students Schlp 49 $53,665.00 Nursing Fellowship 1 $12,398.00 Nursing Schlp 8 $7,700.00 Olin S. Pugh Schlp 2 $8,360.00 Pharmacy Schlp 70 $89,100.00 Philosophy Schlp 2 $500.00 Physical Ed Schlp 1 $500.00 Physics & Astro Schlp 4 $4,000.00 Political Science Schlp 12 $16,850.00 5 $2,200.00 Public Health Fellowship 14 $18,000.00 Public Health Schlp 27 $158,268.00 Social Work Schlp 12 $5,250.00 1 $2,500.00 10 $26,750.00 2 $26,000.00 Psychology Schlp Southern Studies Schlp Statistics Schlp Theatre & Dance Schlp Jan 2, 2015 -5- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Scholarship Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Walker Institute Schlp Inst Schlp - Departmental Inst Schlp - General Cooper Scholars Schlp 7 $15,500.00 814 $2,370,933.00 11 $42,000.00 1 $11,000.00 McKissick Scholars Schlp 19 $38,000.00 Woodrow Scholar Schlp 17 $8,000.00 48 $99,000.00 1 $5,782.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Anthropology 13 $122,030.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Art 21 $82,050.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Asian Studies 4 $34,920.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Athletic Training 1 $11,300.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Athletics 11 $142,586.49 GA Tuition Supplement- Baruch Institute 10 $33,269.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Biological Sciences 42 $343,685.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Biological Sciences 3 $72,211.00 52 $589,190.15 2 $8,400.00 GA Tuition Supplement- African American Studies GA Tuition Supplement- Business GA Tuition Supplement- Capstone Scholars Jan 2, 2015 Total Dollars Accepted Horseshoe Scholars Schlp Inst Schlp - General Institutional Unduplicated Students Accepting Award -6- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Institutional Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted GA Tuition Supplement- Career Center 5 $21,000.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Center for Bioethics 1 $4,728.71 GA Tuition Supplement- Chemistry & Biochemistry 140 $1,403,281.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Children's Law Center 1 $3,116.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Communication Sciences 3 $24,162.00 GA Tuition Supplement- CPCP 7 $28,092.00 17 $148,354.00 4 $5,820.00 70 $672,378.58 291 $2,545,419.50 GA Tuition Supplement- Criminal Justice GA Tuition Supplement- Earth & Ocean Sciences GA Tuition Supplement- Education GA Tuition Supplement- Engineering GA Tuition Supplement- Engineering GA Tuition Supplement- English GA Tuition Supplement- Environment GA Tuition Supplement- Environmental Health Jan 2, 2015 1 $4,496.00 77 $632,840.00 4 $27,591.00 11 $114,556.34 GA Tuition Supplement- EPI 1 $2,623.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Epidemiology & Biostatostics 1 $3,200.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Exercise Science 48 $457,492.99 GA Tuition Supplement- Exercise Science 3 $8,951.00 -7- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Institutional Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 2 $7,800.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Geography 37 $287,710.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Geology 27 $191,716.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Health Promotion 18 $136,162.10 GA Tuition Supplement- Health Promotion 1 $10,449.00 GA Tuition Supplement- HESA Instructional Support 1 $4,200.00 GA Tuition Supplement- History 37 $304,864.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Housing 21 $97,382.00 GA Tuition Supplement- HPEB 1 $5,245.00 GA Tuition Supplement- HRSM 12 $123,359.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Family & Preventative Medicine GA Tuition Supplement- Institute for Families 1 $4,130.00 GA Tuition Supplement- International Programs for Students 5 $19,935.00 15 $46,750.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Journalism & Mass Communication GA Tuition Supplement- Judical Affairs 1 $5,000.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Judicial Affairs 4 $22,405.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Language Learning Center 6 $52,337.00 27 $235,183.00 1 $7,378.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Languages, Literatures & Cultures GA Tuition Supplement- Law Jan 2, 2015 -8- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Institutional Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 26 $171,424.00 6 $36,523.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Marine Science 19 $123,014.17 GA Tuition Supplement- Mathematics 41 $378,903.00 5 $27,212.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Medicine 24 $190,348.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Music 49 $425,156.00 6 $43,529.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Pharmacy 14 $161,384.55 GA Tuition Supplement- Philosophy 18 $132,102.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Physics & Astronomy 43 $344,192.50 GA Tuition Supplement- Political Science 19 $162,193.03 GA Tuition Supplement- Preston College 2 $4,000.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Library & Information Sciences GA Tuition Supplement- Linguistics Program GA Tuition Supplement- McKissick Museum GA Tuition Supplement- Nutrition Center GA Tuition Supplement- Prevention & Research Center Jan 2, 2015 6 $30,906.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Psychology 64 $624,667.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Public Health 59 $281,377.79 GA Tuition Supplement- Research 1 $13,135.00 GA Tuition Supplement- SCIAA 2 $9,784.00 -9- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Scholarship Award Source Institutional Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 2 $29,400.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Sociology 14 $123,390.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Statistics GA Tuition Supplement- Social Work 35 $297,952.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Student Disability Services 1 $6,624.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Student Engagement 2 $8,400.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Student Health Services 1 $8,800.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Student Life 13 $57,030.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Student Success Center 6 $30,100.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Sustainable Carolina 2 $7,334.33 12 $89,440.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Theatre & Dance GA Tuition Supplement- TRIO 3 $6,000.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Undergraduate Admissions 5 $16,800.00 GA Tuition Supplement- University 101 6 $25,200.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Women's Studies 2 $15,246.00 International Programs Fall 4 $21,632.00 International Programs Spring 4 $21,632.00 128 $655,978.00 1,607 $13,696,340.23 MSB Fee Reduction Institutional Jan 2, 2015 - 10 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Type USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: N - Non-Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Fund Type Award Source Award Scholarship Work Federal Work-Study Work Summary Jan 2, 2015 - 11 - Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 2,170 $16,525,547.33 18 $38,084.00 18 $38,084.00 18 $38,084.00 2,731 $44,750,123.33 Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships