Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category Award Source 1. Federal Aid Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted 625 $7,714,414.00 2,814 $56,776,040.00 Federal Perkins Loan 135 $349,193.80 Federal Teach Grant 20 $54,638.80 Federal Work-Study 42 $125,397.00 Health Professions Loan - Pharmacy 11 $68,750.00 Nurse Faculty Loan Program 4 $61,310.00 Nursing Loan-Graduate 2 $6,000.00 2,837 $65,155,743.60 2,837 $65,155,743.60 Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan Federal Direct Unubsidized Loan 1. Federal Aid 2. State Aid Career Changer 8 $111,022.00 SC LIFE Scholarship 43 $317,500.00 SC Palmetto Fellows Schlp 43 $425,113.00 SC Teacher Loan Program 59 $276,250.00 153 $1,129,885.00 153 $1,129,885.00 Football R&B Grant 1 $1,072.89 Football Summer Tuition & Fees Grant 1 $3,012.00 2. State Aid 3. Institutional Aid Jan 2, 2015 Athletic Grant in Aid -1- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category 3. Institutional Aid Award Source Athletic Grant in Aid Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Football Tuition & Fees Grant 1 $6,020.00 Softball R&B Grant 1 $1,612.09 Softball Tuition & Fees Grant 1 $6,616.00 Special Academic Opportunity Fund 2 $595.00 Women's Soccer Manager Grant 1 $4,000.00 3 $22,927.98 Athletic Grant in Aid Inst Grant - General Gamecock Guarantee Grant 4 $10,000.00 4 $10,000.00 Abney Foundation Schlp 1 $1,000.00 Alumni Legacy Schlp 1 $500.00 Ann Donnelly Bradham Schlp 1 $3,000.00 Art Schlp 4 $400.00 Biology Schlp 7 $38,026.53 Inst Grant - General Inst Schlp - Departmental Business Admin Fellowship 5 $1,618.00 53 $152,204.50 Chemistry Schlp 3 $450.00 Communication Science Schlp 3 $3,100.00 Donald Russell Schlp 2 $2,250.00 Business Admin Schlp Jan 2, 2015 -2- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category Award Source 3. Institutional Aid Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Earth & Ocean Sciences Schlp 3 $45,500.00 Education Fellowship 6 $5,000.00 Education Schlp 10 $11,433.00 Engineering Fellowship 1 $25,000.00 Engineering Schlp 5 $5,500.00 English Schlp 7 $175,000.00 Epidemiology & Biostatistics Fellowship 1 $250.00 Epidemiology & Biostatistics Schlp 4 $12,000.00 Faculty/Staff Dep Schlp 5 $7,500.00 Geography Schlp 1 $1,953.84 Graduate Fellowship 21 $131,000.00 History Schlp 1 $250.00 Journalism Schlp 6 $9,350.00 41 $61,500.00 2 $1,400.00 154 $1,031,462.00 1 $1,000.00 19 $8,750.00 L.P. Whitehead Schlp Language, Lit & Culture Schlp Law Schlp Learning Center Schlp Library & Info Sci Fellowship Jan 2, 2015 -3- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category Award Source 3. Institutional Aid Inst Schlp - Departmental Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Library & Info Sci Schlp 6 $21,756.00 Mathematics Schlp 1 $25,000.00 Medicine Schlp 119 $1,017,643.00 Music Schlp 9 $13,485.00 Nursing Fellowship 4 $22,620.00 20 $49,804.00 Nursing Schlp Pharmacy Schlp 137 $264,025.00 Physical Ed Schlp 1 $250.00 Political Science Schlp 6 $11,050.00 Psychology Schlp 2 $3,500.00 Public Health Schlp 12 $64,250.00 Richard Greener Schlp 1 $2,000.00 SC Honors College Schlp 1 $2,500.00 Social Work Schlp 10 $17,000.00 Student Affairs Schlp 1 $500.00 Student Life Schlp 1 $1,000.00 670 $3,252,780.87 1 $5,000.00 Inst Schlp - Departmental Inst Schlp - General Jan 2, 2015 Alumni Scholars Schlp -4- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category 3. Institutional Aid Award Source Inst Schlp - General Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Carolina Scholars Schlp 1 $10,000.00 Cooper Scholars Schlp 2 $8,000.00 Dean's Schlp 37 $109,500.00 Lieber Scholar Schlp - NMSC 1 $9,500.00 McKissick Scholars Schlp 1 $2,000.00 National Merit Schlp 1 $500.00 Thornwell Scholar Schlp 7 $3,500.00 Trustees' Endow Schlp 1 $4,000.00 University Scholars Schlp 4 $8,000.00 Valedictorian Schlp 4 $12,000.00 Inst Schlp - General Institutional 58 $172,000.00 GA Tuition Supplement- African American Studies 3 $9,250.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Anthropology 2 $14,230.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Art Jan 2, 2015 13 $39,917.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Asian Studies 2 $13,073.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Athletics 8 $47,845.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Baruch Institute 1 $13,227.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Baruch Institute 1 $1,468.00 -5- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category 3. Institutional Aid Award Source Institutional Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted GA Tuition Supplement- Biological Sciences 35 $289,824.30 GA Tuition Supplement- Biological Sciences 2 $14,539.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Business 7 $76,626.94 GA Tuition Supplement- Chemistry & Biochemistry 18 $156,519.25 GA Tuition Supplement- Communication Sciences 1 $9,741.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Continuing Education 1 $6,000.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Criminal Justice 6 $52,337.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Earth & Ocean Sciences 4 $14,048.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Education 60 $433,204.31 GA Tuition Supplement- Engineering 68 $648,236.00 GA Tuition Supplement- English 31 $236,838.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Environment 5 $21,992.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Environmental Health 3 $26,693.90 GA Tuition Supplement- Epidemiology & Biostatistics 2 $8,600.00 GA Tuition Supplement- ESRI 1 $3,050.00 29 $220,739.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Film Studies 4 $28,281.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Financial Aid & Scholarships 1 $4,200.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Exercise Science Jan 2, 2015 -6- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category 3. Institutional Aid Award Source Institutional Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted GA Tuition Supplement- Geography 12 $73,773.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Geology 12 $88,349.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Graduate School 1 $2,603.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Health Promotion 9 $61,720.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Health Services 1 $3,395.00 GA Tuition Supplement- History 16 $91,247.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Housing 4 $14,200.00 GA Tuition Supplement- HPEB 1 $3,609.00 GA Tuition Supplement- HRSM 3 $31,338.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Institute for Families 1 $11,640.00 GA Tuition Supplement- IPEHD 1 $2,414.00 13 $37,500.00 3 $13,050.00 20 $152,483.00 1 $7,378.00 25 $89,707.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Linguistics Program 3 $18,255.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Marine Science 2 $20,270.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Journalism & Mass Communication GA Tuition Supplement- Language Learning Center GA Tuition Supplement- Languages, Literatures & Cultures GA Tuition Supplement- Law GA Tuition Supplement- Library & Information Sciences Jan 2, 2015 -7- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category 3. Institutional Aid Award Source Institutional Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted GA Tuition Supplement- Mathematics 6 $55,320.00 GA Tuition Supplement- McKissick Museum 1 $3,267.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Medicine 13 $102,758.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Music 11 $87,448.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Nursing 1 $12,122.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Nutrition Center 3 $21,056.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Pharmacy 9 $67,330.56 GA Tuition Supplement- Philosophy 8 $53,316.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Physics & Astronomy 6 $50,443.00 11 $100,189.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Political Science GA Tuition Supplement- Prevention & Research Center Jan 2, 2015 1 $4,387.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Psychology 31 $256,899.19 GA Tuition Supplement- Public Health 13 $52,813.39 GA Tuition Supplement- SCIAA 2 $9,784.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Social Work 2 $27,400.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Sociology 5 $43,504.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Southern Studies 1 $8,730.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Statistics 4 $35,877.00 -8- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category 3. Institutional Aid Award Source Institutional Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted GA Tuition Supplement- Student Disability Services 1 $5,000.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Student Engagement 1 $4,200.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Student Success Center 1 $2,100.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Sustainable Carolina 3 $16,832.29 GA Tuition Supplement- Theatre & Dance 6 $46,688.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Thomas Cooper Library 1 $5,400.00 GA Tuition Supplement- TRIO 3 $16,034.00 GA Tuition Supplement- Women's Studies 6 $33,678.00 80 $216,029.00 625 $4,452,016.13 1,237 $7,909,724.98 10 $109,470.00 2 $17,076.00 MSB Fee Reduction Institutional 3. Institutional Aid 4. Other Aid Federal Traineeship- Biological Sciences Federal Traineeship- Chemistry & Biochemistry Federal Traineeship- Computer Science & Engineering 1 $4,000.00 15 $96,000.00 Federal Traineeship- EPI 6 $17,460.00 Federal Traineeship- Financial Aid 1 $9,036.00 Federal Traineeship- Mathematics 1 $485.00 Federal Traineeship- Education Jan 2, 2015 -9- Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Total Awarding by Aid Source USC Columbia 2013-14 Residency: R - Resident Student Level: GR - Graduate, LW - Law School, MD - Medical School, RX - SC College of Pharmacy Report Description: This report summarizes total awarding activity for all awards. Award Category 4. Other Aid Award Source Award Unduplicated Students Accepting Award Total Dollars Accepted Federal Traineeship- School of Medicine 84 $124,383.00 Private Educational Loan 74 $651,614.00 194 $1,029,524.00 194 $1,029,524.00 3,426 $75,224,877.58 4. Other Aid Summary Jan 2, 2015 - 10 - Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships