Pain 118 (2005) 185–193 Heart rate mediation of sex differences in pain tolerance in children Qian Lua, Lonnie K. Zeltzera, Jennie C.I. Tsaoa, Su C. Kima, Norman Turka, Bruce D. Naliboffb,* a Pediatric Pain Program, Department of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and Veterans Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Bldg. 115, Rm. 223 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90073, USA b UCLA Center for Neurovisceral Sciences and Women’s Health, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and Veterans Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Bldg. 115, Rm. 223 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90073, USA Received 19 February 2005; received in revised form 16 June 2005; accepted 8 August 2005 Abstract Despite evidence supporting the existence of important sex-related differences in pain, the mechanisms underpinning such differences are not well understood. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between sex and pubertal differences in autonomic arousal and pain tolerance to laboratory pain stimuli in healthy children. We tested the following specific hypotheses: (1) females would have greater autonomic arousal and less pain tolerance than males, and (2) this sex difference in pain tolerance would be mediated by autonomic arousal. Participants were 244 healthy children (50.8% female, mean age 12.73G2.98 years, range 8–18 years). Separate 4-trial blocks of cutaneous pressure and thermal pain stimuli were presented in counterbalanced order. Heart rate (HR) was recorded during 2–3 min periods preceding each block and a 1-min period between trials. Results indicated lower tolerance in females for cutaneous pressure, but not thermal pain, compared to males. In addition, pre-trial HR was greater for females than males. Mediation analyses suggested that sex differences in pressure pain tolerance were accounted for by sex differences in pre-trial HR. There were also significant effects for puberty, but these did not vary by sex. Overall, early pubertal children had greater pre-trial HR and less pain tolerance than those in late puberty for both cutaneous pressure and thermal pain across sex. These results suggest that autonomic arousal may be a mediator of sex-related differences in pain responses in children. q 2005 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Sex differences; Laboratory pain; Pain tolerance; Heart rate; Puberty; Children and adolescents 1. Introduction Considerable research indicates that females are more likely than males to experience clinical pains (Unruh, 1996); females also demonstrate enhanced responses to experimental pain (Riley et al., 1998). A potential mediator of sex differences in pain responses is level of anxiety or arousal. Affective processes, generally, and autonomic arousal, specifically, have important links to pain perception and modulation (Price, 2002). It is recognized that the major ascending and descending pain networks in the brain include limbic system structures such as the amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, and hypothalamus. Cortico-limbic interactions are thought to have a significant role in determining the focus and threshold for nociceptive information (Craig, * Corresponding author. Tel.: C1 310 268 3242; fax: C1 310 794 2864. E-mail address: (B.D. Naliboff). 2003). Consistent with this neurophysiological model is the observation that affective processes, particularly anxiety, are associated with clinical pain symptoms (Schmidt et al., 2002) and experimental pain responses (Tsao et al., 2004). Autonomic nervous system (ANS) arousal, indexed by increased heart rate (HR), has been hypothesized to be associated with increased pain sensitivity (Jassen, 2002). Support for arousal in setting the overall tone of the pain perception system include findings that ANS arousal, i.e. resting HR before painful stimulation, influences perceived pain intensity and behavioral response (Dowling, 1983). Porro et al. (2003) reported that HR during anticipation of pain is associated with increased activity in somatosensory cortex, thalamus, and anterior cingulate cortex, and decreased activity in medial prefrontal cortex. Thus, ANS arousal during pain anticipation may activate regions involved in ‘priming’ pain sensitivity and may indicate processes related to group and individual differences in pain response. A meta-analysis (Stoney et al., 1987) and a review 0304-3959/$20.00 q 2005 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2005.08.008 186 Q. Lu et al. / Pain 118 (2005) 185–193 (Piira et al., 2002) suggested that females exhibit enhanced cardiac responsivity (i.e. HR) to laboratory stressors, which may be related to greater anticipatory anxiety. Thus, sexbased differences in arousal in anticipation of painful stimulation may be an important mediator of laboratory pain responses. Despite evidence of sex-related differences in basal HR in adults, few studies have examined such differences in children. Two studies (Allen and Matthews, 1997; Steiner et al., 2002) suggested that adolescent girls (aged 14–18 years) have higher HR than boys in anticipation of stressinducing tasks. Stage of pubertal development has received scant attention despite the hypothesis that pubertal status may be an important marker for the emergence of female predominance in clinical pain syndromes (LeResche, 1999). There is little direct data examining the interacting influences of sex and puberty in moderating ANS activity in anticipation of or during stress tasks. The current study tested the relationship between autonomic arousal (indexed by HR during pre-trial periods) and children’s pain tolerance to two different laboratory pain tasks, taking into account child sex, age, and pubertal status, as well as the sex by puberty interaction. These specific hypotheses were tested: (1) females will have greater pre-trial HR and lower pain tolerance than males; (2) this sex difference in pain tolerance will be mediated by pretrial HR; and (3) late pubertal children will have lower pretrial HR and higher tolerance compared with children in early puberty. 2. Methods 2.1. Participants A sample size of 240 children was chosen to give adequate power (O0.85) to test for moderate effect size differences (dZ0.4) for comparisons across puberty, sex, and the puberty by sex interaction, with the assumption of no interactions with task type. In total, 244 healthy children (124 female; 50.8%) with a mean age of 12.73 years (SD, 2.98 years, range, 8–18 years) served as participants. The ages of male (mean, 12.44 years, SD, 2.89 years) and female (mean, 13.01 years, SD, 3.05 years) participants were closely matched. The current sample included 109 children in the early stages of puberty (54 female, 55 male) and 125 in the late stages of puberty (63 female, 62 male). Mean age of the early pubertal sample was 10.5 years and mean age of the sample in late puberty was 14.6 years. Mean grade in school of early pubertal cohort was 5th grade, and for the late pubertal group was 9th grade. The ethnic composition of the sample was 40.2% Caucasian, 13.9% African–American, 9.8% Asian–American, 23.8% Hispanic, and 12.3% other. Parent socioeconomic status (Hollingshead, 1975) was: unskilled workers 3.7%, semi-skilled workers 4.1%, clerical/sales 11.9%, technical 41.8%, professional 34.8%. Participants were recruited from a major urban area through mass mailing, posted advertisements, and classroom presentations. The mailings and advertisements were widely targeted across sites with varying ethnicities and income levels since one of the goals of subject recruitment was to enhance the enrollment of children from low-income and minority neighborhoods. Initial eligibility was confirmed by telephone: 489 individuals were screened for eligibility by telephone; 17 children (3.5% of those screened) were excluded due to on-going acute or chronic illness, or use of medications that would affect study outcomes. Of the 472 (96.5%) invited to participate, 228 (48%) declined participation mainly because of parental lack of interest (54%) or time (21%). Of the 244 study participants, four did not complete the protocol in its entirety because one felt uncomfortable being attached to the physiological sensors, while the others refused to do the lab pain tasks due to lack of time or interest. The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Institutional Review Board (IRB), as well as the IRBs for recruitment sites approved all recruitment and study procedures. IRB approved consent and assent forms were completed by parents and children, respectively. Participants received a $30 video store gift certificate and a t-shirt for their participation. 2.2. Overview of procedure Laboratory sessions were conducted between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. by two experimenters. At the start of the session, participants completed demographic and psychosocial questionnaires, administered by an experimenter in a quiet room adjacent to the laboratory. The experimenters included five females and two males. Two experimenters together conducted the laboratory sessions. Of the 244 sessions, 198 were run with two females, 39 with a male and female experimenter, 1 with two males, and 7 that did not have the sex of the experimenter recorded. Post-hoc analyses did not reveal a participant–experimenter interaction in tolerance times when comparing female–female experimenter pairs with female–male experimenter pairs after controlling for child age. After completing questionnaires, participants were escorted individually to the laboratory where they were seated in a chair and electrocardiogram (ECG) leads were attached for continuous cardiovascular measures. After ECG placement, there was a 15min laboratory habituation period. Thus, the time from lead placement to the first baseline epoch used in the analysis was at least 15 min. Participants were then instructed about and exposed to the thermal and pressure pain laboratory pain tasks (see below for detailed descriptions). The purpose of the larger study from which the current data were drawn was to examine the effects of sex, puberty, psychological vulnerability, and their interactions on pain responsivity. The larger study examined multiple tasks, including cutaneous heat and pressure, and a cold pressor task. The pressure and heat pain tasks each included four trials; within each task, all four trials had identical ceilings (see below for detailed description). The cold pressor task consisted of 2 trials: one trial with a 1 min informed ceiling and one trial with a 3 min uninformed ceiling. Since the current analysis was focused on the relationship between HR and tolerance across multiple trials, we only included in this analysis the pressure and heat tasks, each with a similar four trial design. Results for the cold pressor have been presented elsewhere (Tsao et al., 2004). Four-trial blocks of cutaneous pressure and thermal pain stimuli were presented separately in counterbalanced order across participants. A 2- to 3-min resting baseline period preceded the first trial of each block and a 1-min resting period preceded each of the other three trials. For each task we used two sites to avoid local Q. Lu et al. / Pain 118 (2005) 185–193 sensitization or habituation, and we used two intensities to allow for greater variation in pain response. Following the pain tasks, self-report puberty staging diagrams (pictures of Tanner pubertal stages, described below) were administered. The current study examined factors associated with pain tolerance rather than intensity in order to focus on more objective and behavioral measures. Results related to sex effects on ratings of pain intensity have been published elsewhere (Tsao et al., 2004). 2.3. Laboratory pain tasks 2.3.1. Pressure task The Ugo Basile Analgesy-Meter 37215 was used to administer focal pressure through a Lucite point approximately 1.5 mm in diameter to the second dorsal phalanx of the middle finger and index finger of each hand. Four trials, two at each of two levels of pressure (322.5 and 465 g), were run with an uninformed ceiling of 3 min. Between each trial there was a 1-min rest interval. A comparable device has been used in healthy and clinical pediatric samples (aged 5–17 years) without adverse effects (Gil et al., 1997; Walco et al., 1990). 2.3.2. Thermal task The Ugo Basile 7360 Unit was used to administer a total of four trials of two infrared intensities (15, 20) of radiant heat 2 in. proximal to the wrist and 3 in. distal to the elbow on both volar forearms with an uninformed ceiling of 20 s. Thermal pain tolerance was electronically measured with an accuracy of 0.1 s. A similar task has been used in a sample aged 6–17 years without adverse effects (Meier et al., 2001). For both tasks, there was a 1-min rest interval between each trial. The presentation order (setting, site of exposure) was counterbalanced across participants. Before the start of each trial, subjects were informed that they would experience moderate sensation that might eventually be perceived as pain. Participants were instructed to continue with the task for as long as they could and to withdraw from the apparatus if it became too uncomfortable or painful. All tasks were extensively piloted on volunteers in the targeted age range to ensure safety and acceptability and to determine the lowest level of stimulation that would allow sufficient variation in responding. 2.4. Laboratory pain measures 2.4.1. Pain tolerance Pain tolerance was defined as time in seconds elapsed from the onset of the pain stimulus to participants’ withdrawal from the stimulus. 2.4.2. Anticipatory anxiety Ratings of anticipatory anxiety were obtained immediately prior to each trial. Participants used a vertical sliding VAS, anchored with 0 at the bottom indicating the least amount and 10 at the top indicating the greatest amount, in response to the instruction to rate ‘how nervous, afraid, or worried’ they were about the upcoming task. The scale also had color cues, graded from white at the bottom to dark red at the top, as well as a neutral face at the bottom and a face showing a negative expression at the top. 187 2.5. Heart rate recording and analysis ECG was recorded from electrodes attached to the jugular notch and over lower ribs using an isolated bioamplifier (BMA-931, And ISO-Z; CWE, Inc, Ardmore, PA). The signal was sampled at 400 Hz using Windaq software (Dataq, Akron, OH). The ECG signals were bandpass filtered (10–80 Hz) and processed through adjusting peak detection algorithm time R-waves using specially written software (RedTech, Calabasas, CA). All epochs were also visually checked for quality control. Periods with excessive noise, usually due to movement, were eliminated from the analysis. HR was recorded for the 2-min period preceding the first trial of each pain task and for the 1-min periods preceding the other three trials of each task. Individual interbeat intervals were averaged to derive means for each period. Therefore, the HR measure in this analysis is not an immediate pre-task value (e.g. single beat) but a more stable baseline level of arousal before the task. 2.6. Pubertal status Pubertal stage was assessed with a self-report instrument (Morris and Udry, 1980) consisting of schematic drawings, including appropriate written descriptions of five stages of secondary sexual characteristics on two separate dimensions (female breasts and pubic hair, and male genitalia and pubic hair) based on Tanner’s Sexual Maturity Scale (Tanner, 1962; 1975). Such self-assessment ratings of pubertal status by children and adolescents correlate well with ratings based on physical examination by physicians (Dorn et al., 1990; Dukes et al., 1980; Frankowski et al., 1987; Morris and Udry, 1980; Schlossberger et al., 1992). Each participant was given sex-appropriate schematic drawings and asked to rate her or himself on each of the two dimensions by selecting the drawing closest to his or her stage of development. A single individual score, ranging from I—pre-pubertal to V—adult level of development, was computed by averaging the two ratings (Angold et al., 1998; 1999). In this report, we use a dichotomized variable to indicate pubertal status. Since Tanner scores range from 1 to 5, with 1, pre-puberty and 5, adult sexual development, we used Tanner R3 to represent ‘late puberty’ and lower scores to indicate early puberty. 2.7. Data analysis Mixed models (SPSS for Windows, 2003), known variously as multilevel modeling (Singer and Willett, 2003) or Hierarchical Linear Modeling (Bryk and Raudenbush, 1992), was used to study the influence of sex and puberty on pain tolerance and HR across the four trials of the heat and pressure pain tasks. The mixed models are generally more flexible in terms of its data requirements because the repeated observations are viewed as nested within the person rather than as the same fixed set for all persons as in standard ANOVA models. Therefore, mixed models can incorporate both intra-individual and inter-individual change and handle missing data better than ANOVA or Repeated Measures in General Linear Model. In this study, our hypotheses regarding the effects of sex and puberty on pain tolerance and HR were analyzed by a twolevel model using Mixed Models: Level 1: Yij Z b0i C Rij Level 2: b0i Z g00 C g01 !Sexi C g02 !Pubertyi C g03 !Sexi !Pubertyi C U0i 188 Q. Lu et al. / Pain 118 (2005) 185–193 Combining the two equations into one by substituting the level 2 equation into the level 1 equation, we have the equation below, with the random effects identified by placing them in square brackets. Yij Z g00 C g01 !Sexi C g02 !Pubertyi C g03 !Sexi !Pubertyi C ½U0i C Rij The term U0i is a random effect at level 2 (individuals level), representing random variation in the average pain tolerance across all individuals in the population. The term Rij is a random effect at level 1 (repeated trials), representing random variation in the pain tolerance across all trials for individuals i in the population. This model, therefore, tested as predictors of pain tolerance for individual i at the jth trial, the average intercept for the population, sex of individual i, puberty status of individual i, the interaction of sex and puberty of individual i, the unique effect of individual i (i.e. U0j, random intercept) and random error associated with each individual i at the jth trial (Rij). Mixed models analysis was performed by using the mixed models subprogram in SPSS 12.0.0 (SPSS for Windows, 2003). In all of the models reported, test of random intercept (U0j) was significant; suggesting individuals varied on initial level of all of the outcomes. Mediation analysis was used to examine the hypothesis that pre-trial HR mediated sex differences in pain tolerance. When the relationship between the independent and the dependent variable is partially or totally accounted for by the hypothesized mediating variable, this variable may be considered a mediator (Baron and Kenny, 1986). When both the mediator and the outcome variables are measured repeatedly over time (as in this case in which HR and pain tolerance are measured over multiple trials), the outcome and mediator can be viewed as concurrent parallel processes (Cheong et al., 2001). Using mixed modeling in SPSS 12.0.0, the following model was tested, Pain toleranceij Z g00 C g01 !Sexi C g02 !Pubertyi C g03 !Sexi !Pubertyi C HRij C U0i C Rij This model, therefore, tested as predictors of pain tolerance for individual i at the jth trial, the average intercept for the population, sex of individual i, puberty status of individual i, the interaction of sex and puberty of individual i, pre-trial HR for individual i before the jth trial, the unique effect of individual i (i.e. U0i, random intercept) and random error associated with each individual i at the jth trial (Rij). 3. Results 3.1. Descriptive statistics Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for pain tolerance and HR during the four pre-trial periods (before pain trials) and pre-task anxiety before the pain trials. On average, 13 (5%) participants reached ceiling during the pressure pain trials, and 47 (19.2%) participants reached ceiling during the heat pain trials. Even though more males than females reached ceiling during the pressure pain trials (8 vs. 5) and the heat pain trials (26 vs. 21), these differences were not significant. Due to ceiling effects, transforming pressure pain tolerance and heat pain tolerance would not have been appropriate to normalize the distribution. Given the ceiling effects and non-normal distribution of pressure and heat pain tolerance, two sets of analyses were performed with and without the cases reaching ceiling. Results did not differ between the two sets of analyses. Therefore, the results with the total sample were reported, since larger sample size reduces the problem of non-normal distribution. Table 1 Descriptive statistics of pain tolerance, HR and anxiety across four pressure and heat pain trials Trial 1 2 3 4 Average Pressure pain trials Heat pain trials Tolerance (seconds) Pre-trial HR (beat/min) Pre-trial anxiety Tolerance (seconds) Pre-trial HR (beat/min) Pre-trial anxiety Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N 37.26 53.04 239 50.25 57.98 239 37.07 50.57 239 36.50 51.82 239 78.45 10.61 222 75.51 10.12 177 76.60 10.10 177 77.12 10.35 177 2.96 2.56 237 3.35 2.88 234 3.14 2.76 234 3.10 2.81 234 14.34 6.08 239 8.89 5.60 240 10.64 6.54 238 9.23 5.56 239 78.44 11.11 227 75.62 10.88 183 76.54 10.21 182 76.66 10.53 182 3.91 2.83 239 3.71 2.95 238 3.88 3.18 239 3.61 3.04 239 Mean SD Range (min–max) N 40.27 53.65 1–180 239 77.01 10.35 48.36–109.17 188 3.14 2.75 0–9.76 235 10.77 6.33 0–20 239 76.91 10.75 48.94–109.45 194 3.78 3.00 0–9.76 239 HR, heart rate. Q. Lu et al. / Pain 118 (2005) 185–193 3.2. Pressure task 3.2.1. Main effects of sex and puberty on pressure pain tolerance As shown in Table 2 (model 2.2) and Fig. 1, mixed model analysis revealed that males had greater pressure tolerance than females (F (1,229)Z4.78, PZ0.03), and late puberty children had greater pressure tolerance than those in early puberty (F (1,229)Z31.56, P!0.001). The results hold after controlling for age, indicating that pubertal influences on pressure tolerance were above and beyond age. Although the interaction of sex and puberty was not a statistically significant predictor of pressure tolerance (F (1,229)Z2.49, PZ0.116), there was a trend for males to have a larger increase in pressure tolerance from early puberty to late puberty than females (Fig. 1). Table 2 indicates the results of the mixed model analyses, with marginal means for males and females, and for early and late puberty children. 3.2.2. Main effect of sex and puberty on pre-trial HR during pressure trials As shown in Table 2 (model 2.1) and Fig. 1, mixed model analysis revealed that females had higher HR than did males (F (1,214)Z8.55, PZ0.004); similarly, early pubertal children had higher HR than those in late puberty (F (1,214)Z21.582, P!0.001). Since age was a significant predictor of HR (F (1,212)Z7.02, P!0.01), we statistically controlled for age and found that puberty no longer had a significant main effect on HR (F (1,211)Z2.34, PO0.05). 189 This finding suggests that puberty did not predict HR above and beyond age. The interaction of sex and puberty was not a significant predictor of HR for the pressure task (F (1,214)Z0.018, PO0.05). 3.2.3. Pre-trial HR mediates sex influences on pressure pain tolerance The mediation analyses were conducted in two steps. To meet criteria as a mediator, pre-trial HR had to be associated with both sex and pain tolerance. As discussed above, HR differed by sex. Mixed model analysis also indicated that HR was negatively related to pressure tolerance (rZ-0.25, P!0.001). This corresponds to a d-value of 0.5 or a medium effect size (Cohen, 1988). In the second step, to test HR as a mediator, we entered sex, puberty, their interaction, and HR into a regression equation to predict pressure tolerance. We predicted that sex would not be a significant predictor once HR entered the equation. As shown in Table 2 (model 2.3), mixed model analysis indicated that HR still predicted pressure tolerance (F (1,363)Z10.17, PZ0.002), and sex was no longer a significant predictor (F (1,220)Z0.76, PZ0.384). Therefore, HR was considered to mediate the sex difference in pressure tolerance. Anticipatory anxiety was also assessed as a possible mediator of sex differences in pressure tolerance. Although anxiety had negative correlations with pain tolerance (r range, K0.14 to K0.25 for the various trials), it did not differ between boys and girls and was not correlated with pre-trial HR, so a formal mediation analysis was not performed. Table 2 Mixed model analysis on pressure tolerance and heart rate Dependant variables Independent variables Marginal mean (SE) Model 2.1 Sex Heart rate Puberty Male, 75.76 (0.95) Female, 79.76 (0.98) Early, 80.93 (0.99) Late, 74.59 (0.94) Early puberty male, 78.84 (1.38) Late puberty male, 72.68 (1.32) Early puberty female, 83.02 (1.41) Late puberty female, 76.49 (1.35) Male, 45.26 (3.97) Female, 32.98 (3.96) Early, 23.36 (4.09) Late, 54.88 (3.84) Early puberty male, 25.08 (5.76) Late puberty male, 65.44 (5.47) Early puberty female, 21.65 (5.81) Late puberty female, 44.32 (5.38) Male, 42.03 (4.15)a Female, 36.81 (4.27)a Early, 24.37 (4.41)a Late, 54.46 (4.09)a Early puberty male, 21.83 (6.02)a Late puberty male, 60.98 (5.82)a Early puberty female, 25.67 (6.30)a Late puberty female, 46.69 (5.78)a Sex!Puberty Model 2.2 Sex Pressure tolerance Puberty Sex!Puberty Model 2.3 Sex Pressure tolerance Puberty Sex!Puberty Heart rate a Marginal mean when heart rate at 77 beat/min. F DF P 8.55 1,214 0.004 21.58 1,214 !0.001 0.02 1,214 0.895 4.79 1,229 0.03 31.56 1,229 !0.001 2.49 1,229 0.12 0.76 1,220 0.38 24.21 1,222 !0.001 2.35 1,219 0.13 10.17 1,363 0.002 190 Q. Lu et al. / Pain 118 (2005) 185–193 Pressure Tolerance by Gender and Puberty B 16 Male Female Heat Tolerance (seconds) Pressure Tolerance (seconds) A 80 Heat Tolerance by Gender and Puberty 60 40 20 14 Male Female 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Early Late Early Puberty Pre-Trial Heart Rate During Heat Task Pre-Trial Heart Rate During Pressure Task C 85 Male Female D 85 75 70 65 60 55 Male Female 80 Heart Rate (beat/min) Heart Rate (beat/min) 80 Late Puberty 75 70 65 60 55 50 50 Early Late Early Puberty Late Puberty Fig. 1. Sex and pubertal differences in pressure tolerance, heat tolerance, and heart rate (values are meanGSE). 3.3. Thermal pain task 3.3.1. Main effects of sex and puberty on thermal pain tolerance As shown in Table 3 (model 3.2) and Fig. 1, mixed model analysis revealed that late pubertal children had greater thermal tolerance than did those in early puberty (F (1,230)Z55.88, P!0.001). However, unlike the findings for the pressure task, the thermal task analysis did not reveal a sex difference in tolerance (F (1,230)Z1.58, PZ0.21). Additionally, the interaction of sex and puberty was not significantly predictive of thermal pain tolerance (F (1,230)Z2.49, PZ0.61). After controlling for age (age was a significant predictor, F (1231)Z38.43, P!0.001), puberty was no longer found to have a significant main effect on tolerance (F (1,228)Z1.73, PO0.05). 3.3.2. Main effects of sex and puberty on pre-trial HR during thermal pain tasks As shown in Table 3 (model 3.1) and Fig. 1, mixed model analysis revealed that females had higher pre-trial HR than did males (F (1,219)Z8.43, PZ0.04), and early pubertal children had higher pre-trial HR than did late puberty children (F (1,219)Z21.66, P!0.001). After controlling for age (age was a significant predictor, F (1, 218)Z13.10, P!0.001), puberty no longer remained significant (F (1,218)Z0.711, PO0.05). The interaction of sex and puberty was also found not to be a significant predictor of HR during thermal pain tasks (F (1,219)Z0.015, PO0.05). Since no sex differences were found for heat tolerance, mediation analysis was not conducted. 4. Discussion We hypothesized sex differences in pain tolerance and autonomic arousal in anticipation of pain, and that autonomic arousal, as indexed by HR, would mediate sex differences in pain tolerance. Our results confirm sex differences in pain tolerance but only for cutaneous pressure and not for thermal pain. We also found higher HR for females compared to males during pre-trial periods. Notably, mediation analysis Q. Lu et al. / Pain 118 (2005) 185–193 191 Table 3 Mixed model analysis on heat tolerance and heart rate Dependant variables Independent variables Marginal mean (SE) Model 3.1 Sex Heart rate Puberty Male, 75.72 (0.98) Female, 79.76 (0.99) Early, 80.99 (1.01) Late, 74.50 (0.96) Early puberty male, 78.88 (1.42) Late puberty male, 72.56 (1.32) Early puberty female, 83.09 (1.45) Late puberty female, 76.44 (1.37) Male, 11.08 (0.43) Female, 10.32 (0.43) Early, 8.43 (0.44) Late, 12.97 (0.41) Early puberty male, 8.96(0.62) Late puberty male, 13.19 (0.59) Early puberty female, 7.90 (0.63) Late puberty female, 12.74 (0.58) Male, 11.64 (.45)a Female, 10.98 (0.46) Early, 9.35 (0.48) Late, 13.27(.43) Early puberty male, 10.00 (0.66)a Late puberty male, 13.29 (0.62)a Early puberty female, 8.71 (0.68)a Late puberty female, 13.24 (0.61)a Sex!Puberty Model 3.2 Sex Heat tolerance Puberty Sex!Puberty Model 3.3 Sex Heat tolerance Puberty Sex!Puberty Heart rate a F DF P 8.43 1,219 0.004 21.66 1,219 !0.001 0.015 1,219 0.903 1.58 1,230 0.21 55.88 1,230 !0.001 0.26 1,230 0.61 1.07 1,203 0.30 35.51 1,204 !0.001 0.95 1,202 0.33 5.46 1,300 0.02 Marginal mean when heart rate at 77 beat/min. suggested that sex differences in pressure tolerance were mediated by differences in HR. Pubertal status had significant effects on HR and pain tolerance but these effects did not interact with sex. Overall, early pubertal children had higher HR and lower pain tolerance than late pubertal children. Despite the difficulty in separating puberty and age effects given their high correlation (rZ0.7), results indicated that the relationship between puberty and HR could be accounted for by age, whereas, differences in pressure tolerance may be puberty-specific. 4.1. Sex, puberty and task differences in pain responses Increased pain sensitivity for females compared to males has been reported for some experimental pain models but not all (Fillingim and Maixner, 1995). A meta-analysis (Riley et al., 1998) revealed that effect sizes ranged from moderate to large depending on the stimulus. Values for pressure and electrical stimulation were the largest. Thermal pain effects were smaller (mean effect size, 0.41) and more variable (effect size SD, 0.47) than for pressure pain. Our data are consistent with this overall pattern in that we found decreased tolerance in females compared to males for the pressure and not for the heat task. Because the heat task was much shorter in duration than the pressure task (0–180 vs. 1–20 s), the restricted range of values for the heat task might have led to an attenuation of sex-dependent effects. Developmental differences in pain tolerance also appeared to be partially task-dependent. Overall, pain tolerance increased as age increased—findings that may relate to developmental differences in children’s cognitive abilities and sense of time. Older children may be better able than younger children to understand that experimental pain is temporary, and thus, less threatening. Older children may also have a wider array of coping responses to assist them in tolerating the tasks longer than younger children (Piira et al., 2002). As noted above, pubertal status and age were closely correlated; however, there was also significant variance in pubertal status within age bands, especially during early adolescence. After controlling for age, a pubertal effect on pain tolerance was found for the pressure, but not the thermal task. Beyond age alone, puberty denotes physiological changes in gonadal hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, as well as changes in cognitive abilities. Thus, the longer duration pressure task may elicit more developmental physiological and cognitive differences beyond those associated with age alone. Although not statistically significant, late pubertal males appeared to have greater pressure tolerance than late pubertal females (65G5.47 vs. 44G5.38 s), but early pubertal males and females were similar (see Fig. 1). With advancing puberty in males, there are increasing levels of testosterone and muscle bulk, which may influence tolerance during longer exposures. Social and cognitive factors may also play a greater role during longer tasks. Prior work has shown a similar sex by puberty interaction with increased tolerance to cold pressor in older boys 192 Q. Lu et al. / Pain 118 (2005) 185–193 compared to older girls. The authors hypothesized that this was due to a more ‘tough’ or stoical view of self in older boys (Piira et al., 2002). In the current study, younger children (10.5G1.6 years) had higher HR in anticipation of pain than older children (14.5G2.4 years) across sex, and there were no specific effects of puberty on HR beyond age. The results are consistent with previous studies showing that younger children have a higher level of resting HR than older children (Alkon et al., 2002; Matthews et al., 2002). Given that pubertal effects on tolerance remained significant after controlling for HR, the data also support somewhat independent mechanisms for the influences of sex and development on pain tolerance. Sex effects may depend partially on autonomic arousal as suggested by the mediation analysis, while age/puberty related differences may result from other cognitive or physiological factors. 4.2. Role of ANS in pain responses It is increasingly recognized that central pain processing is highly influenced by, if not an integral part of, limbic circuitry (Craig, 2003; Price, 2002). Craig (2003) has presented a model in which pain can be seen as a component of interoception or homeostatic regulation, and pain modulation would be highly interconnected with autonomic function. A related model points to the key role of a set of interconnected brain circuits referred to collectively as the Emotional Motor System (EMS). The term EMS refers to a specific set of parallel motor pathways governing somatic, autonomic, antinociceptive and endocrine responses (Holstege et al., 1996) when an organism’s homeostasis is threatened, or perceived to be threatened. The EMS includes subcortical structures such as the hypothalamus, amygdala and periaqueductal gray. These receive peripheral input from visceral and somatic afferents and cortical input from subregions of cingulate and prefrontal cortices, and anterior insula. The EMS in turn modulates activity in medullary pontine nuclei (e.g. rostral ventral medulla, locus coeruleus, raphe nuclei) involved in physiological and behavioral responses. The output of this network reaches nuclei within the brainstem with important roles in the regulation of pain modulation, arousal and vigilance. Another very similar model is that of the central autonomic networks proposed by Thayer and Siegle (2002). These models predict that differences in autonomic activity as indexed by peripheral measures like HR are reflective of the overall state of the EMS and that increased EMS activity may be associated with altered attention (hypervigilance), inadequate pain modulation, and decreased tolerance. Only a small number of studies have actually compared autonomic measures directly with pain responses. Chapman et al. (2002) using an electrical stimulus found that autonomic measures (primarily sympathetic measures like skin conductance) could account for 44% of the variance in pain report, and Dowling (1983) reported that pre-task HR predicted cold pressor tolerance. Relevant to the current findings, there is also recent evidence that men and women (at least those with chronic visceral pain) show differential central processing of a noxious visceral stimulus (Naliboff et al., 2003). In this study using PET imaging, women showed greater activation of limbic-related areas including anterior cingulate cortex and amygdala, while men showed greater activation in cognitive areas (lateral frontal cortex) and central autonomic/pain modulation areas (insula and brain stem in the region of periaqueductal gray). Chapman (2002) in a study of electrical stimuli found that men who experienced higher levels of arousal (based on skin conductance, HR, and pupil diameter) gave more accurate pain reports than those who had lower levels, but women who had higher levels of arousal gave less accurate pain reports than those with lower levels. Thus, there is some evidence that ANS arousal is associated with altered pain responses and that sex differences in pain may be in part related to ANS differences. The current findings are consistent with this general hypothesis and suggest for the first time that sex-related differences in ANS responses in anticipation of pain can account for sex-related differences in pain tolerance. 4.3. Limitations First, our mediation analyses should be interpreted with caution until replicated. Since HR was not manipulated in this study it is not possible to make definitive conclusions regarding causation, however, the use of multiple trials and the fact that pre-trial HR always preceded pain tolerance support the conclusion of HR mediation of sex difference in pain tolerance. The interpretation of HR as a marker of general arousal is consistent with previous literature although other possible moderators of HR (e.g. physical conditioning) cannot be completely ruled out. Second, this study focused on only one autonomic arousal marker, HR. HR is a sensitive, but non-specific, measure determined by many factors. It has both sympathetic and parasympathetic influences, and therefore, future studies with more specific indicators such as pre-ejection period, skin conductance, or measures of HR variability are warranted. Third, we assessed only pain tolerance, a measure of pain behavior, rather than measures of pain magnitude. The influence of psychosocial factors on pain tolerance might be larger than that on pain magnitude judgments such as pain threshold. Fourth, although this study was not designed to specifically examine the interaction of experimenter and subject sex on tolerance, it is plausible that this may have had some effect. Our post-hoc analyses, however, did not reveal evidence of such an interaction on tolerance. 4.4. Summary and conclusion The present results show clear but generally independent effects of age and sex on experimental pain tolerance in Q. Lu et al. / Pain 118 (2005) 185–193 a large sample of healthy children. Type of pain stimulation is important, as the sex differences were only observed during pressure pain and not during thermal heat pain. In addition, we have shown that the observed sex differences in pressure tolerance were mediated by pre-trial HR, suggesting an important role for autonomic arousal in these responses. 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