Original Article A Crossover Analysis of Mandatory Minute Ventilation Compared to Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation in Neonates Scott O. Guthrie, MD Chris Lynn, RRT Bonnie J. LaFleur, PhD Steven M. Donn, MD William F. Walsh, MD BACKGROUND: Mandatory minute ventilation (MMV) is a novel ventilator mode that combines synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) breaths with pressure-supported spontaneous breaths to maintain a desired minute volume. The SIMV rate is automatically adjusted to maintain minute ventilation. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate MMV in a cohort of infants without parenchymal lung disease alternately ventilated by MMV and SIMV. DESIGN/METHODS: Neonates >33 weeks’ gestational age and electively intubated for medical or surgical procedures were enrolled. Exclusionary criteria included: nonintact respiratory drive or active pulmonary disease. Infants were randomized to receive 2 hours of either SIMV or MMV and then crossed over to the other mode for 2 hours. Ventilator parameters and end-tidal CO2 (etCO2) were measured via inline, mainstream monitoring and recorded every minute. RESULTS: In total, 20 infants were evaluated. No statistically significant differences were found for overall means between etCO2, minute volumes, peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), or positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP). However, there was a significant difference in the type of ventilator breaths given and in the mean airway pressure. Additionally, there was a statistically significant negative trend in MMV over time compared to SIMV, although this was subtle and could have been due to extreme cases. Department of Pediatrics (S.O.G., C.L., W.F.W.), Division of Neonatology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA; Department of Biostatistics (B.J.L.), Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA; and Department of Pediatrics (S.M.D.), Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Scott O. Guthrie, MD, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, A-0126 MCN, Nashville, TN 37232-2370, USA. CONCLUSIONS: Neonates with an intact respiratory drive can be successfully managed with MMV without an increase in etCO2. While this mode generates similar PIP and PEEP, the decrease in mechanical breaths and the mean airway pressure generated with MMV may reduce the risk of some of the long-term complications associated with mechanical ventilation. Journal of Perinatology (2005) 25, 643–646. doi:10.1038/sj.jp.7211371; published online 4 August 2005 INTRODUCTION Mandatory minute ventilation (MMV) is a mode of ventilation that combines features of synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) and pressure support ventilation (PSV). This mode of ventilation is theoretically a more intuitive approach to ventilator management. In MMV the mandatory ventilator rate is varied based upon the patient’s needs rather than delivering a constant preset rate. In MMV, the clinician chooses a minimum minute volume (the product of tidal volume and frequency) for the patient. If the patient’s spontaneous breathing, which is augmented with PSV, meets or exceeds this minute volume, no mandatory ventilator breaths are provided. If, however, the patient’s minute volume falls below the preselected minimum, the ventilator will provide ‘‘catch up’’ breaths at a fixed frequency to ensure that the patient receives this preselected minute ventilation. This mode was first described in the adult literature in 1977 and has been shown to be successful in ventilator weaning.1,2 Advances in microprocessor technology have recently allowed this mode to be adapted to neonatal ventilators. Its use in the newborn was first reported by Donn and Becker.3 There are, however, no clinical studies to evaluate the use of this mode in neonates. The purpose of this study was to compare MMV and SIMV with respect to carbon dioxide removal and other ventilator parameters using a crossover design. The null hypothesis was that there would be no differences in carbon dioxide removal or other ventilatory parameters in infants alternately ventilated with MMV or SIMV. METHODS Patient Inclusion Criteria Infants were eligible for the study if they were >33 weeks’ gestational age by obstetrical dating criteria. Infants who were Journal of Perinatology 2005 25:643–646 r 2005 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved. 0743-8346/05 $30 www.nature.com/jp 643 Guthrie et al. electively intubated for medical or surgical procedures and who returned to the NICU still intubated for post-procedural care were considered eligible. Patient Exclusion Criteria Infants were excluded if they had known lung disease, if they had sustained a neurologic insult, or if they required a level of sedation that would interfere with spontaneous respiratory drive. Study Approval The study was approved by the Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Institutional Review Board. Informed consent was obtained from parents before enrollment. Draeger Evita 4 Ventilator The Draeger Evita 4 Ventilator (Draeger Medical Inc., Luebeck, Germany) is a time cycled, constant volume, long term, intensive care multi-modality ventilator for adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients. When a patient is placed in MMV, the ventilator allows spontaneous breathing, which can be augmented by PSV, and provides automatic adjustments of the SIMV rate to the meet the preset minimum minute volume chosen by the clinician. If the patient maintains the set minute volume, no mandatory breaths are delivered. The breaths that are delivered will be pressuresupported breaths that are flow cycled and will allow the baby to determine their own inspiratory flow and time. If the patient’s minute volume is insufficient, mandatory delivery of the preset tidal volume will occur at fixed intervals until the desired minute volume is achieved. These breaths will be mandatory mechanical breaths that have a fixed flow and inspiratory time. Determinations of the need for mandatory breaths are made every 7.5 seconds. Should apnea follow a period in which the spontaneous minute volume was high, the Evita 4 will wait a maximum of 7.5 seconds plus one cycle time before beginning mandatory breaths. Measurement of etCO2 The CO2SMO Plus Respiratory Profile Monitor (Novametrix Medical Systems, Inc., Wallingford, CT) is a continuous, noninvasive capnometer that uses a mainstream sensor to measure end-tidal carbon dioxide. It employs a single beam, nondispersive infrared absorption, radiometric measurement to calculate the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the expired air (etCO2). Since the absorption is proportional to the concentration of the absorbing molecule, the concentration can be determined by comparing its absorption to that of a known standard. Therefore, no compensation is required when different concentrations of nitric oxide, oxygen, anesthetic agent, or water vapor are present in the inhaled or exhaled breath. A fixed orifice, neonatal sensor (Novametrix Medical Systems, Inc.) was attached to the existing ventilator circuit. This added 0.7 ml of dead space to the circuit. After a 10-second self-test, the sensor was attached between the 644 Mandatory Minute Ventilation endotracheal tube and the ventilator circuit. The monitor was then linked to a computer and measurements were recorded every minute by the Analysis Plus Software Package, Version 5.0 (Novametrix Medical Systems, Inc.). Study Design A crossover study design was used to compare the ventilatory modes. Patients were randomized to receive either SIMV or MMV as the initial ventilator mode. The study began at least 4 hours after the infant returned from surgery and only after adequate spontaneous respiratory effort was demonstrated while the baby was ventilated in SIMV. A blood gas was obtained to demonstrate that the prestudy set minute volume (between 150 and 250 cm3/kg/ min) was ventilating the baby adequately. The capnograph was then attached to the ventilator circuit. To adjust for the dead space added by this sensor, an additional 1 cm3 of tidal volume was added to the tidal breaths the baby was already receiving. The Evita 4 measures tidal volume proximal to the endotracheal tube and automatically calculates and adjusts with pressure support for the dead space of this sensor and the endotracheal tube. EtCO2 was measured continuously for 2 hours during the initial mode of ventilation. During this time, a computer recorded the etCO2 reading and other ventilator parameters every 60 seconds. At the end of 2 hours only the infant’s mode of ventilation was switched. No other parameters were adjusted. After a 15-minute equilibration period, data collection resumed and continued for 2 hours. The SpO2 and blood pressure were also monitored continuously. In the MMV mode, ventilatory settings were adjusted to provide a tidal volume breath of 4–6 cm3/kg in both SIMV and PSV. Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) was variable based on the lung compliance and baby’s efforts. Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) was set at 5 cmH2O in both SIMV and MMV and the desired minute volumes were identical in both modes. Statistical Analysis A sample size calculation for equivalence in means was performed before study commencement. We wanted to ensure we had adequate power to detect reliable small differences such that negative findings would not be due to inadequate sample size. With 20 infants, we estimated 81% power to detect a 2.5 mmHg paired difference in etCO2 between ventilators at the 0.05 level of significance (assuming a paired standard deviation of 2.8). Profile analysis was used to compare paired ventilatory mode outcomes. A linear regression analysis was performed on each outcome of interest (etCO2, minute volume, PIP, PEEP, type of ventilator breaths given, and mean airway pressure ðpawÞ) over time for each subject. The time-centered intercept differences between MMV and SIMV values were compared using a paired ttest. To examine how MMV and SIMV values change over time, the paired slope differences were tested. Analyses were performed with SAS, version 9 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC) and R, version 2.01 Journal of Perinatology 2005 25:643–646 Mandatory Minute Ventilation Guthrie et al. Table 1 Patient Characteristics Diagnosis Number GA (weeks) Weight (g) Vent hours at start of study Gastroschisis Tracheoesophageal fistula Congenital heart defect Myelomeningocele 6 4 4 2 Encephalocele Meconium ileus Micrognathia Volvulus 1 1 1 1 38 (1) 38 (1) 38 (2) 38 38 40 35 36 35 2850 (288) 2721 (228) 2781 (603) 4055 3900 3600 3990 2970 2400 88 (105) 30 (28) 29 (15) 22 24 144 72 336 28 Mean (SD) for variables when appropriate. for Windows (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). Table 2 Paired Differences in Overall Mean Values Mode p-Value* MMV SIMV etCO2 Mean SD 41.93 6.99 41.98 7.00 0.90 PIP (cmH20) Mean SD 11.05 3.74 11.62 2.52 0.13 PEEP (cmH20) Mean SD 5.21 0.43 5.24 0.47 0.45 Paw (cmH20) Mean SD 6.29 0.71 6.65 0.71 <0.05 46.59 14.99 49.73 15.50 0.11 Mechanical breaths (per minute) Mean SD 4.06 9.07 24.23 4.82 <0.05 Spontaneous breaths (per minute) Mean SD 42.53 18.07 25.50 15.73 <0.05 0.77 0.26 0.78 0.25 0.78 RESULTS The study was conducted from July to November 2004 in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Monroe Carell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. In total, 20 infants completed the study. One infant self-extubated prior to the completion of data collection and was omitted from analysis. Characteristics of patients enrolled are shown in Table 1. The pvalues for the average difference between MMV and SIMV for each subject are demonstrated in Table 2. The individual regression lines for all subject’s etCO2 trends are displayed in Figure 1. DISCUSSION This study shows that MMV of the neonate appears to be as safe and equally efficacious at removing carbon dioxide as SIMV. While this mode generates similar PIP and PEEP, the decrease in mechanical breaths and the Paw generated with MMV may reduce the risk of some of the long-term complications associated with mechanical ventilation. Among the cohort of infants studied, a consistent reduction in mechanical support was achieved with MMV in comparison to SIMV, with a significant reduction in the number of mechanical breaths. This decrease in mechanical assistance resulted in a concomitant decrease in Paw. These findings are similar to those of Claure et al.4 Like every mode of ventilation, MMV has potential limitations. During periods of very fast (>80 breaths per minute), but shallow spontaneous breathing, the measured minute volume may meet or exceed the targeted minute volume and due to increased ventilation of dead space may result in decreased alveolar minute ventilation. The ventilator may then reduce the mechanical rate and provide only pressure-supported breaths. This situation could Journal of Perinatology 2005 25:643–646 Total breaths (per minute) Mean SD Total minute volume (l/kg) Mean SD *p-Values are based on paired t-test. 645 Guthrie et al. Mandatory Minute Ventilation achieved in small infants with pulmonary disease, without losing residual volume, this could prove to be less injurious to both the neonatal lung and brain. Limitations of this study include small sample size, the inability to blind, short duration of monitoring, and a homogenous population. Although a prestudy statistical analysis was performed, it is possible that sample size may have been too small to detect a true difference in outcome over a longer duration of time. Since this was a pilot study examining a new mode of ventilation, we chose to examine MMV in a population of babies with normal lungs and respiratory drive, so as to remove confounders which might make interpretation of data more difficult in view of impaired gas exchange. Until further studies have been completed in infants with active lung disease, we urge caution in using this mode. In summary, in this pilot study, MMV was found to be similar to SIMV in ventilatory parameters and in removing CO2. Future studies of MMV in infants of younger gestational ages and with various lung diseases appear warranted and should address these issues. Figure 1. Linear regression for etCO2 levels for each subject. lead to alveolar collapse. The clinician, therefore, needs to pay close attention to the infant’s respiratory rate when using this mode. It is also possible that the decrease in Paw and resultant loss in functional residual capacity with MMV could adversely affect infants with lung disease. The study of Olsen et al.5 involving PSV, found this to be a potential complication when a PEEP lower than five was used.5,6 We sought to prevent this from happening by using a higher PEEP to maintain the Paw. As with any form of triggered ventilation, underlying metabolic acidosis may also drive the baby’s spontaneous rate to achieve compensatory respiratory alkalosis. MMV enables the baby to breathe with nominal ventilator support if they are able to generate the minimum minute ventilation. Successful ventilation in this mode may lead to more expedient weaning with only the PEEP, pressure support, and FiO2 to adjust, thus decreasing the need for blood gas monitoring. In the baby with an intact respiratory drive this would be advantageous as there may be less variance in arterial CO2 tension than with SIMV. In addition, if a more stable arterial CO2 can be 646 Acknowledgements We are grateful for the assistance of the respiratory therapy staff and nursing staff at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital who assisted in this study. References 1. Hewlett AM, Platt AS, Terry VG. Mandatory minute volume. A new concept in weaning from mechanical ventilation. Anaesthesia 1977;32:163–9. 2. Davis S, Potgieter PD, Linton DM. Mandatory minute volume weaning in patients with pulmonary pathology. Anaesth Intensive Care 1989;17:170–4. 3. Donn SM, Becker MA. Mandatory minute ventilation: a neonatal mode of the future. Neonatal Intensive Care 1998;11:22–4. 4. Claure N, Gerhardt T, Hummler H, Everett R, Bancalari E. Computercontrolled minute ventilation in preterm infants undergoing mechanical ventilation. J Pediatr 1997;131:910–3. 5. Olsen SL, Thibeault DW, Truog WE. Crossover trial comparing pressure support with synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation. J Perinatol 2002;22:461–6. 6. Keszler M, Abubakar KM, Mammel MC. Response to Olsen et al. study comparing SIMV & PSV. J Perinatol 2003;23:434–5. Journal of Perinatology 2005 25:643–646