Hilliard IB PYP News IB = International Baccalaureate

Hilliard IB PYP News
What are the Essential Elements of the IB PYP?
IB = International Baccalaureate
PYP = Primary Years Programme
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) is an educational framework that focuses on the
development of the whole child as an inquirer. The learner profile describes the IB Mission Statement in student
learning objectives. The development of the learner profile attributes in students is supported and nurtured through
the 5 Essential Elements of the PYP: Knowledge, Concepts, Attitudes, Skills and Action.
Balancing fun and learning this summer
As we move toward summer fun, we also want to be sure students maintain the skills and learning from the school
year. Making sure children are exposed to a variety of activities can help them when it is time to return to school in
August. Here are some ideas for summer fun that, along with sports, outdoor play, and travel, supports the social and
academic gains your children made this year.
Visit the Cleveland Zoo!
Challenge your child to find
facts about animals or bring a
sketchpad & draw what they
see. Admission is free on
Mondays (excluding Rainforest)
Here is a link to the website
Take a walk around Sandy
Ridge Reservation (Free) in
North Ridgeville, a 310 acre
wetland and wildlife
preserve located in North
Ridgeville. Here is a lint to
the website. Many
varieties of birds, as well as muskrats and beavers,
make this their home.
Visit the Cleveland Museum of
Art (Free). Don’t miss the
interactive exhibit just off the
atrium. Enjoy a picnic lunch on
the lawn after your visit or each
in the Provenance Café in the
museum. Here is a link to the
Does your
child have a
library card?
Also FREE! Get
a library card
from Porter Public library to access books and
activities, like the summer reading club, which begins
June 8, and Ice Cream Social (July 25). Here is a link
to the website
Get your child involved in yoga! Inner Bliss, in Westlake, has kids classes. Or arrange a Yoga birthday party
through The Hive, in Elyria
Hilliard Mission Statement
Hilliard Elementary School educates for excellence by providing an environment that promotes globallyminded, compassionate, lifelong learners who are knowledgeable and socially responsible citizens.
Should you have any questions about the IB PYP at Hilliard, please visit our website:
http://wlake.org/academics/global/IBPYP/ or contact IB Coordinator, Deb Wadden, at waddend@wlake.org
Hilliard IB PYP News
Pawsitive Tuesdays
On Pawsitive Tuesday (May 3) a group of students was recognized with an awards breakfast for exceptional effort in
being principled and showing integrity during March. Take a look at the display in the library hallway to learn more!
Later that morning, Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Smith introduced caring and empathy at a school-wide assembly. Here are
some things you can do at home to encourage your child to demonstrate these attributes and this attitude:
CARING: Students will develop empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a
personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
Activities for Parents:
Role model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child all the time. Using kinds words, helping people
without being asked, being an active listener, always show you care about people.
After reading a book, spend time considering how people in the book acted. Was someone caring? All of the time
or just some of the time? Were all the characters in the book caring or were just some of them?
Practice random acts of kindness. Simple things like holding the door for someone or helping carry bags shows that you
are aware of others and want to help them.
EMPATHY: Students strive to imagine themselves in another’s situation in order to understand his or her reasoning &
emotions and to be open-minded and reflective about the perspectives of others.
Around Hilliard
Earlier this year, Hilliard 4th graders
worked together to make a list of their
interests. In groups, they research
topics during the process of Exhibition,
their final unit of inquiry.
Students are currently working in
groups to research their topics of
interest and how they, and others, can
use their interests to take action that
leads to change.
Kindergarten students engaging in
their Sharing the planet unit of
inquiry, watched as eggs hatched
into chicks who grew too big for
the brooder and went to live on
the farm. This year 10 chicks
hatched at Hilliard. Ask a
Kindergarten chicken expert about
Action was evident in every classroom,
as students took responsibility for their
learning and their actions. Some
actions are noted on the school Action
Board, where students’ written
reflections explain what they did.