Dover IB PYP News

Dover IB PYP News
What are the Essential Elements of the IB PYP?
IB = International Baccalaureate PYP = Primary Years Programme
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) is an educational framework that focuses on the
development of the whole child as an inquirer. In September’s newsletter, the learner profile was defined as the IB
Mission Statement in student learning objectives. The development of the learner profile attributes in students is
supported and nurtured through the 5 Essential Elements of the PYP: Knowledge, Concepts, Attitudes, Skills and
Action. These 5 Essential Elements, developed throughout the IB PYP curriculum, help students develop into IB
learners who have the attributes of the learner profile: Caring ◊ Balanced ◊ Risk-takers ◊ Inquirers ◊ Thinkers ◊
Knowledgeable ◊ Communicators ◊ Open-minded ◊ Principled ◊ Reflective
Please read on to learn about the Essential Element: Attitudes
Attitudes: What can we show?
In order to become an internationally-minded person, one who sees and strives to understand many perspectives and
situations, the IB PYP encourages students to develop personal attitudes toward learning, people and the environment.
The attitudes should be explained and modeled in a variety of settings by adults and peers so that students can become
aware of the cause and effect relationship between their actions and the reactions they experience in the world.
Should you have any questions about the IB PYP at Dover, please visit our website:, IB’s Parent Information page or contact IB
Coordinator, Dameon Headings, at
We encourage students to
demonstrate, or show, the IB
attitudes toward people, the
environment and toward
learning in varied situations.
Students are encouraged to
reflect on the ways having these
attitudes can influence
relationships, decisions and
November 6, 2015
Dover IB PYP News
Bagels with Barrett
A group of students was recognized on Nov. 6 with an awards breakfast for exceptional effort in showing empathy and
also modeling caring during October. These students showed empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and
feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of
others and to the environment. Check out the “Bagels with Barrett” display beside the school-wide POI, close to the
front office and read about why these students were selected by teachers and staff at Dover Elementary.
Focus Friday
On Nov. 13, students will be introduced to the learner profile attribute: communicator and the IB attitudes: respect
and independence. Staff members in the school will each nominate a student who is respectful, a good communicator
and/or shows independence during November. Students who have been nominated by a staff member will be invited,
with their families, to a bagel breakfast hosted by Mr. Barrett and Mrs. Erdman. Parent letters will be sent home 3-5
days in advance so that all members of the child’s family are able to make arrangements to celebrate and show
support for our Dover students.
Here are some things you can do at home to encourage your child to demonstrate being a communicator, being
respectful and showing independence:
Communicator: Students will understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more
than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. Students work effectively and willingly in
collaboration with others.
Encourage your child to stay in touch with relatives and friends who live in other areas by writing letters, using
the phone, sending email or Skyping.
When working on math homework, encourage them to explain his/her answer to you orally or by drawing a
Work with your child to improve his/her listening skills. Being a good listener is an important part of
communicating with others.
Respect: Students will take time in their classrooms to learn and understand how to respect themselves, others
and the world around them.
Model respect in how you speak and act to your child and others
If your child shows disrespect, ask if what he/she did was respectful and suggest he/she think of a more
respectful way to speak or act
Independence: Students will understand how to think and act independently, making their own judgements
based on reasoned argument and being able to defend their judgements.
Encourage your child to use stated assumptions, definitions, and previously established results in constructing
arguments in mathematics.
When students are completing math have them justify their conclusions and respond to the arguments and
errors of others.
Dover Mission Statement
Dover Elementary educates for excellence by providing a safe, caring and challenging environment that empowers
all to be inquirers, problem solvers, global thinkers and life-long learners.
November 6, 2015