Rocks and Minerals

Rocks and Minerals
The Rocks and Minerals Unit of Study will begin on November 24, 2014 and will end on
December 18, 2014. Students will complete a learning profile. This will identify the student’s
strengths in combinations of intelligences. They will then use this data to help them determine
the best ways they learn in order to address their intelligence. Following the learning profile,
students will now complete a pre-assessment to help them choose appropriately challenging
activities. Students will then choose the activities best suited for them based on the previous
criteria along with their interest level. Students will then discuss their decisions with their
parents and teacher and commit to the contract with a signature.
Initial Tasks:
Completed learning profile (Multiple Intelligences Survey) on 11/24
Identified strongest intelligence is ______________________________________________
Completed Rocks and Minerals Pre-Assessment on 11/24
Read through packet and choose/create activities on 12/1
Discuss plans with parent: X ______________________________________________
Student commits to contract signature: X _____________________________________
Daily Tasks:
The day-to-day lessons will be a combination of whole class instruction, small group
instruction and independent study. Daily on tasks will be given as well. Lab activities
(Using Logical/Mathematical Intelligences) will be expected for all students to complete.
Students will be also expected to bring their activity materials and general science
materials to class every day.
Assessing Activities:
All activities will be graded as they are completed. So that means…
students will turn in assignments throughout the month. Rough drafts are
recommended when possible to make sure work is neat and organized. All
work should be word processed when possible. Students will be expected to
do their PERSONAL best on every activity. Also, most work should be done at
school. However, certain assignments might be more successfully managed at
home. (Building a model, completing the lab, etc…) Students will earn on task
points during work days to encourage productive workdays!
Choosing activities:
Below are the lists of activities. Students will choose which activities
they find most interesting taking into account their interest level and multiple
intelligence score. Some activities have a bold face activity. The bold face
activity is the most challenging activity. This should be completed by students
who have a strong science background and wish to challenge themselves. I
encourage all students to try a couple. Students can create their own activities
too! If you have a suggestion other than an option provided, please share it
with me. All student initiated activities must be pre-approved.
How many activities do they have to complete? Students will look next the
section number and see how many points each section is worth. Then, they
will complete activities that are worth points that add up to the total.
3.1 Properties of Minerals: Circle 10 points
Verbal/Linguistic: Create a crossword puzzle using the 12 vocabulary words on page
89 to show that you the meaning of the term. Include a blank crossword and an
answer key.
Spatial: Create a collage of the 12 terms on page 89 to show the meanings of the
words. Pictures must be colored. Name the term under each picture. Put a title on
your collage. (You can use magazines/online pictures/ or draw them)
3.2 Classifying Rocks: Circle 10 points
Musical: Write a song/poem/rap using the vocabulary words from 101 correctly.
The lyrics should show you know the meaning of the terms. Word process your final
copy. Maybe sing for the class?!
Verbal Linguistic: Create a dichotomy chart that could be used to classify
rocks. Your chart should be 3 / 4 levels. Be sure to include vocabulary from
page 101.
3.3 Igneous Rocks /3.4 Sedimentary Rocks/3.5 Metamorphic Rocks: Circle 30 points
Spatial: Make a rock concentration game. Put a colored picture of a rock on one card
and the name and type of rock on another. 30 rocks. 10 sed, 10 med, 10 ign. Include
a key.
Spatial: Create a rock puzzle. Illustrate pictures and names and types of rocks. 30
rocks. 10 sed, 10 med, 10 ign. Include a key.
Naturalistic: Create a rock classification board game. Information of rocks must be
included. 30 rocks. 10 sed, 10 med, 10 ign. Include game pieces and rules.
Interpersonal: Interview someone who has expertise in utilizing rocks in your home
and garden (ex: Counter top sales person). Type interview questions and answers
15-30 questions. Questions must be pre-approved.
Naturalistic: Create a rock classification chart on a poster. Include colored pictures
and names of 30 rocks. 10 sed, 10 med, 10 ign. Define the three types of rocks and
give a description of each three major types.
Spatial: Construct a floor plan or model of a house and identify the various
locations that rocks/minerals are located. Name them and tell what type of
rock they are. You must have between 15-20 rocks and minerals.
Kinesthetic/Logical/Mathematical: Conduct an investigation on the resistance
to stains based on type of rock floor. See me for lab instructions. You provide
your own materials.
3.6 The Rock Cycle: Circle 10 points
Spatial: Draw a picture of the rock cycle. Include detailed information about each of
the parts of the rock cycle. Be neat and colorful. Do not just copy a rock cycle picture.
Create your own and label all the paths.
Verbal/Linguistic: Write a story about the journey of “rock” through the cycle. You
may also write a comic strip. Use terminology from the rock cycle and bold it
throughout the story. Make sure you identify the all steps to the cycle.
Kinesthetic/Visual/Spatial: Make a movie or computer animation about the
“Life of a Rock”. Explain all parts to the rock cycle.
3. 7 Fossil Fuels: Circle 10 points
Verbal/Linguistic: Create a brochure identifying the three major fossil fuels and
renewable/nonrenewable resources.
Verbal/Linguistic: Write a news article about one of the following topics. Get preapproval for your final story: coal forming, coal mining (then and now), fracking, oil
spills) Consider writing the story and videotaping it. Turn in typed copy of story.
More Rocks! Optional … Required activities must be done first! Limit 5 points
Verbal/Linguistic: Write a story about discovering a new rock or new mineral.
Identify its properties, type and uses. Draw and label a colored picture.
Intrapersonal: If you were a rock/mineral what kind would you be and why? Be sure
describe “yourself” type, name, uses, rock or mineral, properties. Draw and label a
colored picture.
Verbal Linguistic: Research and document environmental conditions (Silurian
Period) that existed when halite and gypsum formed in the Lake Erie area of Ohio
Spatial: Create a geologic map of a region of the US and determine what types of
rocks are represented based on the environmental factors that lead to the rocks
Kinesthetic: Create a Tween Tribune account, read a related rock/mineral article,
take a quiz, and add a comment to the blog.
Spatial: Create a poster identifying: What a mineral is? List the ways a mineral are
identified and tell how minerals form?
To Do
To Buy or Find
Grading Rubric
List Your Rocks and Minerals Activities
3.1: Properties of Minerals:
Points Earned
3.2: Classifying Rocks:
3.3/3.4/3.5 Igneous Rocks /3.4 Sedimentary Rocks
/3.5 Metamorphic Rocks:
3.6 The Rock Cycle:
3.7 Fossil Fuels:
On Task Points:
3 Blue Ribbons Earned on Study Island:
Additional Activity