Communications 27200 Hilliard Blvd. Westlake, OH 44145 440.250.1258 2014 WESTLAKE SCHOOLS LAUNCHES NEW PARENT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM The Westlake City Schools are launching a new parent notification serv ice called SchoolMessenger. This serv ice w ill be used for parent outreach, emergency broadcasts, school closings, student attendance alerts and other communication needs for our schools. SchoolMessenger is using the contact information from the Alerts page on the Registration Gatew ay Back-to-School site as the base for our new parent notification system. I t is imperativ e that parents v isit the Registration Gatew ay site to fill out complete information for each child if you w ant to be included in future district notifications – including school closings due to w eather. To complete the online information update, you w ill use your child's Student I D# as your username, and your child's birthdate - in the mm/dd/yyyy format, including forw ard slashes - as your passw ord. You can find your child’s Student I D# on an old report card or call your child's school office for the number. I f you hav e more than one child in the Westlake City Schools, you must repeat the process for each student. I n the near future the Westlake Schools w ill perform a test of the SchoolMessenger system. We w ill communicate v ia our w ebsite and social media regarding the testing timeline. WE EDUCATE FOR EXCELLENCE… Empow ering all students to achiev e their educational goals, to direct their liv es, and to contribute to society