S T. S T E P H E N E L E M E N TA R Y S C H O O L “ W i t h 1 7 L o v e , C o l o n e l C o m p a s s i o n , B e r t r a m R. Pazzelli Principal M. Vecchiarino Superintendent Fr. A. Maderak Pastor, St. Leonard Parish 840-3921 890-1221 846–5385 R d . , H o n e s t y L 6 Z 4 N 8 , L. Zanella M. Psaila & R e s p e c t ” B r a m p t o n Trustee Head Secretary School FAX 840-2707 840-3921 840-6454 January, 2013 Supporting Police Initiative—Toys for Tots! On December 17, students from St. Stephen School were proud to contribute to the Peel Regional Police’s toy drive—Toys for Tots! With your ongoing and generous support, we were able to fill our Constables’ cruiser including front and back seats, as well as the trunk space! Toys for Tots was but one charitable drive that we held before Christmas. Your generous donations of clothing and food, also assisted us in helping needy families before Christmas. Your donations were collected by representatives from the St. Vincent de Paul Society! What a wonderful way for our students to take part in Social Justice drives and to feel rewarded in doing so. These events helped our students to prepare for the coming of Baby Jesus during the Season of Advent. Thank you also for your participation during our Advent Mass and Advent Liturgies. R. Pazzelli, Principal Father, We thank you for the opportunity to begin this new school year, and we ask that you bless the students, teachers, and student families that make our school a great place. We pray that you will guide us in all ways, so that we will seek your will in everything that we do. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen HAPPY NEW YEAR!: On behalf of the Staff of St. Stephen School, we would like to extend wishes for a healthy, productive and happy new year to all of our Community! DRESSING FOR WINTER WEATHER: Please assist us in encouraging the children to dress appropriately for this weather. When on yard supervision, teachers are checking, not only on the activities/games children play, but also noting that they are wearing boots, hats, gloves and scarves when necessary. Except when the weather is extremely cold or wet, the students will be going outside during the recess and lunch periods. Playing outdoors is a pleasant and healthy activity when students are wearing suitable clothing! For the younger students, it would be helpful if parents were to label items of clothing with their child’s name, so that each person can more easily locate his/her own clothing from the class coat rack area. Each term, items make their way to the Lost and Found and are never claimed. Labeled items can be returned more easily and mixed up items sorted out more readily. If your child brings home an item by mistake, please return it to the school so that this mix up may be corrected. We would like to remind parents to please remove drawstrings from your child’s clothing, as they have proven to be a hazard to children’s safety! ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY THANKS YOU!: The St. Vincent de Paul Society and St. Leonard’s Parish, extend gratitude for the overflowing boxes of food. They also wish to thank our students for the many pairs of mittens, socks and scarves that were donated during the mitten drive! TOYS FOR TOTS – A HUGE SUCCESS! As you know, St. Stephen School assisted Peel Regional Police in the ‘Toys for Tots’ programme! Thanks to the generosity of our school community, we were able to collect enough new toys to fill a police cruiser (trunk and back seat spaces!). Peel Regional Police assisted in distributing the toys to those in need in our region! You made it a success! KIDSSENTIALS LUNCH DAYS AT ST. STEPHEN: The School Council has organized various Hot Lunch Days this year. These lunches are provided by ‘Kidssentials’ which customizes to each school and students’ specific needs, while at the same time meeting the requirements of “Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating” and the ‘Healthy Foods for Healthy Schools Act’”. Order forms have already gone home. These hot lunch days will be taking place on Thursdays on the following dates: January 10, 17, 24, 31 February 7, 14, 21, 28 March 7, 21, 28 Students look forward to these days and you will also be assisting in fundraising efforts for the school! SNOWBALL THROWING: PA DAY! In a busy, crowded school yard, a snowball may become a dangerous object if thrown. Please help us by reinforcing the dangers of snowball throwing in the schoolyard. The next PA day is Monday, Jan. 21, 2013. This day is for the Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress. Teachers are working on the Term 1 Report Cards, scheduled to be sent home on Tuesday, February 5, 2013. CELEBRATING DIVERSITY MONTH: We are fortunate to live in a area as diverse as the GTA. At St. Stephen School we welcome all opportunities to celebrate our diversity! During the month of February, we have planned various activities and events to celebrate our ‘DIVERSITY MONTH’! Students will focus on diversity found in our ethnicity, culture, language, abilities, talents and other ways that show uniqueness. Please refer to the attached document outlining the activities and events specific to your child(ren)’s classroom curriculum study. JK/SK NEWS: Kindergarten Registrations: Registrations for JK students (& new SK students) will be held on: January 28 from 7:00-9:00 pm with a snowdate on January 29, 7:00-9:00 January 30, 31 and February 1 from 9:00-11:00 am and 1:00-3:00 pm Please bring with you the following documents: Catholic Baptismal Certificate One parent’s Baptismal Certificate Birth Certificate Updated Immunization Records Proof of Address FAMILY DAY HOLIDAY: Please be aware that all Dufferin-Peel schools, offices, and other facilities will be closed on Monday, February 18, 2013 in observation of the Family Day statutory holiday. CHOCOLATE FUNDRAISER: The School Council’s next fundraiser will be the sale of Nestle’s Chocolates, which we have done in the past. The kick-off assembly is taking place on January 23. Proceeds will go toward the support of supplemental learning materials and programmes in the school. Please consider supporting this fundraiser! VIRTUE OF THIS MONTH: SELF-CONTROL: This month we will also celebrate the Virtue of SELF-CONTROL. God has given us the ability to choose. We are able to control how we react to what happens around us. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at controlling our reactions. We can get better at showing self-control. When we use self-control, we can be sure that our school will be a safe, caring and inclusive place to live and to learn. A person with self-control… Is patient Knows how to wait his/her turn Can calm him/herself down and think before reacting to situations Knows how to avoid physical aggression Can think things through and do what is best for everyone SAFE SCHOOLS COMMITTEE: As part of our mission to create a safe, caring and inclusive school community, we have established a steering committee composed of students from each grade divisions, parents and staff. This committee is the Safe Schools Committee also known as the ‘Catholic Community Culture and Caring’ Committee. This committee meets monthly to promote safety and anti-bullying awareness and strategies school wide. To date, the committee has continued to address the results collected from the Climate Survey administered two years ago. In particular, strategies to empower the victims of bullying are the focus for this school year. A need that has arisen from the data has been to focus on all students feeling included, accepted and respected. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 15, 2013. POPCORN SALES AT ST. STEPHEN: BUS LANE / KISS AND RIDE LANE: Every Wednesday, Mrs. Larade will assist in selling popcorn just before lunch hour begins. Students need to purchase a Popcorn Card which is $20.00 for 11 bags of popcorn for the price of 10 bags. There are six flavours of popcorn for students to choose from: butter salt, white cheddar, salt and vinegar, dill pickle, low fat caramel and kettle corn. Popcorn will be sold outside the Kindergarten rooms in the hallway. An Order Form will be sent to you shortly. Please return to your child’s teacher. The separate Bus Lane & Kiss and Ride’ Lane were developed to increase safety for all students. When you drive your children to school, please remember the following: EXTENDED FRENCH MEETING: Gr. 4 parents who wish to enroll their child in a Gr. 5 Extended French class for September, 2013, are invited to attend an information meeting on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the following location: St. Anne School 124 Vodden St. Brampton L6V 1M5 905 459-7621 At the present time, the above mentioned school is the designated centre for our area. FRENCH IMMERSION MEETING: SK parents / guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Gr. 1 French Immersion class for September, 2012 are invited to attend an information meeting on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at: St. Joachim School 435 Rutherford Rd. North Brampton L6V 3V9 At the present time, the above mentioned school is the designated centre for us. EARLY MORNING YARD SUPERVISION: To ensure student safety, please do not send your child(ren) to school before 8:30 am. The playground is not supervised by Staff until that time. 1. The Bus Lane is strictly for buses: No cars, vans or other vehicles should ever be in the bus lane. 2. The Kiss & Ride Lane is designed for parents who drive or pick up their children at school: Never, ever leave your car parked in this lane! Drive to the front of the line where a supervisor (if available) will assist your child safely between the car and the sidewalk. 3. The drive through lane is strictly for driving through: Do not park in this lane. If you feel you must absolutely park your vehicle and personally escort your child, then please use the parking lot and accompany your child to the back of the school. 4. Please do not park in the driveway and wait for your child(ren)! Thank you in advance for your support in this valuable programme to ensure safety for all children. DON’T BE LATE!: We are concerned at the number of students who arrive late for school. All students are required to be at school on time! This prevents interruption of classes and loss of instructional time. Please assist your child(ren) to recognize that punctuality is a responsibility, which all students should be developing. Research indicates that there is a strong connection between attendance / punctuality and academic achievement. Students are to line up with their respective class and enter the school through their assigned door! FAMILY LITERACY DAY, January 27: Created by ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation in 1999, ABC CANADA Family Literacy Day is a national initiative that promotes the importance of reading and learning together as a family. Every January 27, families and communities across Canada celebrate this special day at Literacy-themed events coordinated by literacy organizations, schools and libraries. Family Literacy Facts: 1. Family Literacy refers to the many ways families develop and use literacy skills to accomplish day-to-day tasks and activities, such as writing a note to a child’s teacher, sharing a bedtime story, making a shopping list or using a recipe. (Family Literacy in Canada: Profiles of Effective Practices, 1998). 2. Simple things like reading and telling stories to a child at 18 months are powerful stimuli for brain development in the early years. (The Early Years Study, 1998) 3. Reading to children more than once a day has a substantial positive impact on their future academic skills. In addition, research indicates children with early exposure to books and reading are better at performing mathematical tasks. (National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, Statistics Canada, 1996-1997). 4. Children aged 2 and 3 who are read to several times a day do much better in Kindergarten at the age of 4 and 5 (National Longitudinal survey of Children and Youth, Statistics Canada, 1996-1997). Family Literacy Day takes place annually on January 27 to celebrate adults and children reading and learning together, and to encourage Canadians to spend at least 15 minutes enjoying a learning activity as a family every day. In 2013, Canadians will ‘play for literacy’! Go to the following website to learn more: http://www.abclifeliteracy.ca/en/fld/playliteracy SCHOOL AND BEVERAGE POLICY PUT IN PRACTICE AT ST. STEPHEN SCHOOL: Dufferin-Peel nourishes the growth of students through a learning environment that is committed to developing the spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, social and physical capabilities of its students. The Ontario government is committed to making schools healthier places for students in order to establish the conditions needed to realize the potential of all students. A healthy school environment enhances student learning and success, and enhances students’ social and emotional wellbeing. Schools have an important role to play in helping students lead healthier lives, including teaching students the skills to make healthy choices and reinforcing those lessons through school practices. The School Food and Beverage Policy (PPM 150) contributes to improved education and health outcomes for all students. The School Food and Beverage Policy constitutes a comprehensive approach to the sale of food and beverages in schools province-wide. The implementation of this Policy is another step in creating healthier schools in Ontario. It also reinforces the knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding healthy eating that are developed through the various subjects and disciplines in the Ontario curriculum. PHONE MESSAGE SYSTEM AND ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION PROGRAM! If your child is going to be absent from school, please call our office to report his/her absence before 8:45 am on the day of the absence. You may also call at any time and leave a message on the answering service. EARLY SCHOOL CLOSURES: LIBRARY NEWS UPDATE: In the event that it is necessary to dismiss students early or close the school during the school day, the decision will be made before noon. Radio stations will carry the announcement of this decision. Occasionally, when a storm develops during the school day, bus carriers will request early closure to ensure home delivery of students. At that time, parents with children in the school, will be notified. PLEASE ENSURE THAT EMERGENCY CONTACTS (I.E. NEIGHBOUR, RELATIVE) ARE UP TO DATE. Send a note with your child or leave a message on the answering machine if there Scholastic Book Fair We had a fantastic Book Fair! This year the Book Fair raised over $4,000.00! With this total, the school received 60% of that total directly back to the Library in books for all students to enjoy. Thank you to all students and their families who visited to support the School Library during this very important annual fundraiser. The Family event draw also took place and this year’s winners are the Bakker family who received $25.00 in free books. The school would also like to thank the following parents and volunteers who graciously assisted during this spectacular event: ST. STEPHEN ECO GREEN TEAM: Our ECO Green Team, lead by Ms Paglialunga continue to be active in the school. A few of the activities that they are currently involved with and are planning for the near future include: Monitoring and assisting with proper recycling habits for each classroom Reusing paper with the ‘GOOS’ initiative (‘Good On One Side’) where each class is provided with a bin to collect paper that is still good to use on the blank side Establishing an ECO Green Corner where ECO initiatives and tips are displayed Selling the St. Stephen Stainless Steel Water Bottles to decrease or diminish the use of plastic bottles Planning a ‘Litterless Waste Lunch Week’ school wide (more information to come!) We wish to acknowledge and congratulate the efforts the ECO Team continues to do with Ms Paglialunga’s lead! T. Sendek, M. Asquith, T. Asquith, S. Vassallo, S. Conroy, M. Hettinga, C. Martin, M. VandeCamp B. VandeCamp, L. Di Cenzo, N. Langen …and all members of the Library Club! Forest of Reading Programme: The Forest of Reading programme is Canada’s largest recreational reading programme organized by the Ontario Library Association. This initiative offers seven specific reading programmes to encourage a love of reading. Canadian books, publishers, authors and illustrators are celebrated. This year, our School Library will continue to participate with Blue Spruce nominees (books) being presented and read in the library for Grades JK to Grade 3 and the Silver Birch nominees made available for our Junior students. Silver Birch includes Express (easy reads), Non Fiction and Fiction. All are invited to participate through their local public library or school library. The programme culminates in May with a celebration and announcement of the voters’ favourites at the Harbourfront in Toronto. For further information regarding these programmes, please visit http://www.accessola.org or OLA. CYBERBULLYING: Are our students really safe in our digital world? Are your children being harassed online? If they are, would you know about it? Better yet, would your child(ren) tell you if they are being bullied online? Chances are they wouldn’t. What can you do? How would you know? Judy Rose, author of ‘Cyber Bullying – You R a LOOSER!’ found in the Canadian Child Magazine, Winter 2012, offers the following tips: Is your child hesitant to be online? Is he/she visibly upset when a message appears? Does your child seem to have trouble sleeping, is moody or weepy, appears to be depressed, doesn’t seem to have an appetite? Is your child upset AFTER using the computer? Does your child suddenly refuse to use their cell phone? Is your child falling behind in school work? Are marks dropping? Does your child spend time alone or seem withdrawn? Is there a change in your child’s behavior? Does your child hide the computer screen from you when you walk into the room? Children need adults to listen to them, not only when they are talking, but when they are non-verbal. Look at their body language. Encourage them to reach out to an adult when they are being teased, bullied, harassed or called a name. Try to focus on what your child is feeling. Attached is a document with more specific details of what parents and children can do to promote cyber safety. ST. STEPHEN SCHOOL IS COMMITTED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF HEALTHY AND HAPPY STUDENTS: We are providing students with opportunities to increase physical activity to promote good health and higher levels of energy for our students. To that end, students are being provided opportunities to take part in supplemental programmes with the involvement of Parks and Rec Staff. The attached document outlines the current activities that students may wish to register for. These include, dancing, skating and organizational games. These programmes take place during the school day, during lunch hour and after school! If you require more details, please contact the Office! HEALTH TIPS ABOUT THE FLU: The flu (influenza) is a serious infection caused by the influenza virus. The flu is spread through coughing, sneezing or by touching surfaces or objects contaminated with the virus (eg., toys, cutlery and unwashed hands). Tips for Parents: Encourage good hand washing by setting an example for those around you. Make sure you use soap! If you are sick with the flu, stay home and get plenty of rest and fluids. Avoid contact with people who may be at higher risk of becoming ill (eg. those with health problems, elderly people) For more information, call Health Line Peel at 905 799-7700 or visit: www.region.peel.on.ca ATTACHMENTS: 1. Schoolwide Plan to Celebrate Diversity 2. Increasing Physical Activity at School 3. Cyber Safety Tips for Parents and Children 4. January, 2013 Calendar of Events ST. STEPHEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOLWIDE PLANS FOR DIVERSITY MONTH (February, 2013) What is ‘Diversity’? We see diversity in ethnicity, culture, language, abilities, talents and any kind of uniqueness. Teachers assist their students to understand that there are various ways that people display diversity. During the month of February, teachers will display their students’ work that focus on the theme of ‘Diversity’ throughout the school. Kindergarten - Various Art & Story Displays in classrooms and in the library J. Ianiero & J. Larade: Students will enjoy Read Aloud books that focus on the ‘Diversity Theme’. They will complete a follow-up craft connected to the story ideas. Gr. 1, Gr. 1, Gr. 1 /2 - Various Art & Story Displays in classrooms and in the library C. Califano-McDowall: Students will find pictures in magazines of people of diversity (media study). They will cut out the pictures and create a class collage. Stories that include the ‘Diversity’ theme will be introduced to students. T. McCallum: Several ‘read – aloud’ books that focus on the ‘Diversity’ theme will be presented to students. Students will create writing pieces that will focus on the value of friendships and the importance of respecting all friends regardless of differences. A. Salituro: Students will create a ‘Diversity Shields’ that will detail their Culture, Character, and Dreams. Students will create various crafts from around the world. Students will create a puzzle together by drawing themselves on individual pieces and then putting the puzzle back together. Various stories / books on the ‘Diversity’ theme will be presented to students. Gr. 2 /3, Gr. 3 & Gr. 3 /4 - Various Art & Story Displays in classrooms and in the library M. Spottiswood: Students will appreciate multiculturalism through introduction to stories that contain ‘Diversity’ theme. Students will create pieces of artwork that depict multicultural people. A. Serpe - Display Cabinet (foyer) Students will be reading narratives and using the visualization strategy to promote diversity. Students will be using narratives to discuss the main idea / message of a story. Students will create poetry to show diverse personalities. I. Bowyer - Display Cabinet (foyer) Students will write autobiographies that will detail their uniqueness including their cultural backgrounds, ethnicities etc. ST. STEPHEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOLWIDE PLANS FOR DIVERSITY MONTH (February, 2013) Gr. 4/5 & Gr. 5 /6 - Various Art & Story Displays in classrooms and in the library M. Bucci: Students will explore different cultures / ethnicities / disabilities / uniqueness through: - Math. Activities (surveys of traits, graphs) - Artwork Activities (Family Flag displaying cultural colours) - Family Life (discuss different cultures / ethnicities - Language (Students will read various books depicting different cultures, ethnicities, as well as differences in abilities) - SES (Students will explore various cultures, ethnicities through Medieval and Ancient Civilazations) - Diversity posters and books will be posted and made available in the classroom R. Paglialunga: Students will be involved in the following activities: - Making masks (creation of cultural works of art) - Introduction to ‘Clara and the Freedom Quilt’ (discussions of underground railway utilizing inference) - Read aloud book ‘Igbal’ novel study (leading to social justice talks re: child labor) Gr. 6 /7 D. Peter - P.A. Announcements may include short stories, poetry, biographies and songs Students will read ‘The Slave Dancer’ by Paula Fox centering on power relationships. Students will focus on the Beatitudes re: Social Justice for everyone. Gr. 7/8 - P.A. Announcements may include short stories, poetry, biographies and songs C. Florio: Students will be involved in Drama pieces dealing with the topics of inclusion/acceptance of various cultures. Students will also focus on the vibrancy and interests of groups within a community / society. Gr. 8 - P.A. Announcements may include short stories, poetry, biographies and songs M. Florio: Students will focus on poetry with the ‘Diversity Theme’ in Language and Family Life subjects, to promote awareness. *********************************************** Other Planned Activities / Events During February: 1. February 1, 2013: ‘My Family Culture / Diversity’ Spirit Day (tooneys for Share Life) February 12, 2013: Safe Schools Committee to meet to promote a Positive School Climate by developing plans to support the ‘HUDDLE UP’ Bullying Prevention Programme by Toronto Argonauts 2. Ongoing Virtues in the Classroom programmes & PA announcements 3. Art, Poetry and Curriculum student created Work Displays in foyer, library and classrooms NOTE: See Mrs. Vandecamp for library and other support materials to assist you in your work with students. ST. STEPHEN SCHOOL Increasing Physical Activity in the School 2012 – 2013 ACTIVITY TARGET GROUP TIMELINE TIME DESCRIPTION Swim to Survive Gr. 3 students November 1, 8, 15 9:30 – 10:30 am Survival Skills for Gr. 3s at Loafer’s Lake Gr. 7, 8 Nov. 2, 9, 23, 30 Dec. 7, 14 2:30 – 3:15 pm Six Instructional periods in gym at St. Stephen Gr. 6, 7, 8 Jan. 16, 23, 30 Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, Mar. 6 12:00 – 12:45 pm Students register 8 weeks programme at St. Stephen gym Skating Gr. 1, 2 Jan. 15, 22, 29 Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 Mar. 5 9:45- 10:45 am Students register for skating which will include half hour of instruction and half hour of free skate, at Jim Archdekin Rec. Center Physical Activity Gr. 3, 4, 5 January 16, 23, 30 3:15 – 5:30 pm February 6, 13, 20, 27 March 6 Programme Dance Instruction After School Programme Team building skills Co-operative games at St. Stephen January 2013 Winter’s Embrace Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 19 *HAPPY NEW YEAR! 6 *The Epiphany of our Lord Feast Day! Being outdoors when the snow makes hills, is the pleasure we long for after the holiday. 7 8 *Letter to go home re: Nestle’s Fundraiser *First Day of classes 2013! Welcome back! 13 14 15*Skating for 16*Meningitis 17 18 *The Baptism of our Lord Feast Day! **Letter to be returned re: Nestle’s Fundraiser Gr. 1s and 2s from 9:30—10:30 am *SCHOOL COUNCIL Mtg *Inf. Mtg re: Extended French * 20 21*P.A. Day 22 23*Dance for 24 25 *Second Sunday in Ordinary Time! for Term 1 Assessment & Evaluation of Pupil Progress *Students stay home! *TERM 2 *Team Meetings *Skating for Gr. 1s &2s 9:30—10:30 Gr. 6,7,8 *After School Activity -Gr.3,4,5 *KICK-OFF Assembly for Fundraiser *TERM 1 Reports Sent to Office! *Gr. 7 & 8s to Ski Trip! 27 28 29 30*Dance for 31 *Third Sunday in Ordinary Time! *JK/SK Registrations at 7:00 pm (Snowdate Jan.29) *CONNECTIONS Mtg at 9:00 am *Skating for Gr. 1s and 2s 9:30— 10:30 am Gr. 6,7,8 *After School Session—Gr.3,4,5 *JK/SK Registrations / HPV Clinic am *Dance Session for Gr. 6,7,8 *After School Phys. Activities — Gr.3,4,5 *BNE School Councils Chairs Mtg at 7:00 pm at St. Stephen School *JK/SK Registrations *Gr.7 to Diversity Event 26