Document 14363302

(7)Nonfiction Lesson 1
(8) Nonfiction Lesson 1
Grow Your Own Sandwich (display cover)
Dr. Seuss. (display cover)
This book is a good reference book about
A biography is book about a person’s life. Dr.
Seuss is an example of a biography. Let’s find
out how Dr. Seuss became an author.
growing tomatoes. The third type of nonfiction
book is called a biography.
(read pp 4-11)
That was interesting. Dr. Seuss made
advertisements, and at first no one would publish
his books. They he went on to write many books.
(Display Appendix 1 Let’s Learn About Nonfiction)
(9) Nonfiction Lesson 1
We learned a lot today about our new unit
on nonfiction. Readers of nonfiction take a
closer look at the interesting places, and
things in the world. We can read a literary
nonfiction book or magazine article that will
inform us about the topic as well as
entertain us with a story. We can use a
nonfiction reference book to find specific
facts, and we can also read nonfiction
about a person’s life called a biography.