Launching Lesson 1 Launching Lesson 1 Library Mouse (back cover) Library Mouse (read to where Sam is reading about pyramids to Sarah and stops after “stuff like this!”) Look at the cover. Why do you think it shows mice surrounded by books? Good readers learn to listen when someone else is reading. (Students respond) While we read, let’s think about how we listen, learn, and are involved as readers. (add to chart what Good Readers do “Listen Carefully) One thing readers do is make connections. Have you ever done any climbing or viewed something on TV? What do you know about it? Launching Lesson 1 Library Mouse (end of the book) I was a little afraid for them. Were you? This is something else readers do: They think about how they are feeling when they read. How did you feel when Sam was afraid? (Students Respond-add to chart What Good Readers Do “Share Ideas and Feelings”)