Happy 100 will be next week as we go beyond 100!

Happy 100th day of school! Although we did a few activities with the number 100 today, our emphasis
will be next week as we go beyond 100!
Math: In addition to understanding tens/ones for numbers to 100 and beyond, we continue to work on
our partner pair of numbers. Remember, the first grade expectation is to know the partner pairs of all
numbers through 10 and to be able to use those to add and subtract number sentences and to use
those partner pairs to solve story problems.
Reading: We have begun a study of nonfiction books. Nonfiction books present interesting facts about
important people, places, and things in our world. In class, students learned that there are three types
of nonfiction books that we will be reading. Literary non-fiction (A mix of fiction and non-fiction, like
Magic School Bus series), reference books, and biographies. Today we went through our book boxes
and made sure to add in some non-fiction books! The Scholastic News has introduced us to a lot of nonfiction learning already!
Science: Solids and liquids continues to be our focus in science. The class made books on the iPad with
Writing: In addition to writing fiction stories, we will also practice retelling facts we learned from
nonfiction books; retelling rather than just copying from the text.
WTW: No new sort introduced this week.
Spelling: Today was the first of three review tests. No test next week.
PTO: It was fun to see the high school play of Honk, Jr. Attached is information for the Seth Paine 4th/5th
grade musical of Peter Pan. They have worked hard for months! Also attached is information for Square
One artwork!
Upcoming Dates:
Feb. 11th-Valentine’s Day party (cards can be sent anytime and put on top shelf of locker)
-Early Release
Feb. 12th-Institute Day (No school)
Feb. 15thPresident’s Day (No school)
Feb. 22nd-Optional Great America reading sheet due
Feb. 26th-Optional Solid, liquid, and gas projects are due
Mar. 1st-February reading calendar due