First Grade Technology Demonstration Classroom Free Apps Worth

First Grade Technology
Demonstration Classroom
This a free app to help
children learn about
continents and oceans. It
is a pretty simplistic app,
but we like that it is clean,
colorful and easy to
Free Apps
Looking At
The Google Earth App is easy to use
(better than the computer version in
our opinion). It is great for teaching
bird's eye view for the maps unit.
You can even type in an address and
see the bird's eye view and then
drop the small, yellow, person icon
down onto the map to change the
view to street view. Why not try your
school's address?
This is a great drawing and
coloring app that you can use
for just about anything!
You can use your finger or a
stylus. The children can us this
app to create maps. Kudos to
Dana Ladenburger for
introducing us to this creative
and beautiful app.
Seth Paine