Name______________________________________ Comma Rule #4

Comma Rule #4
Directions: Read and understand Comma Rule #4. Then show your knowledge of the rule by completing the exercises
below. From now on, you will be expected to always practice this rule correctly with every assignment, formal or informal.
Comma rule #4: Use commas between coordinate adjectives.
COORDINATE ADJECTIVES are adjectives that equally modify the same noun. Equally means that all the adjectives carry
the same weight in the sentence. This means one adjective is not more important than the other, and the adjectives can be
reordered with the sentence’s meaning remaining the same. It also means that “and” could be inserted into the sentence
between the coordinating adjectives instead of a comma and the sentence would still make sense.
1. I tore off a piece of fragrant, crusty French bread.
2. The girl shrieked when she saw the long, coiled, hissing snake.
3. The short, dark-haired, handsome hero saved the day.
CAUTION: Not all adjective pairs are coordinate adjectives. Therefore, not all adjectives should be separated from one
another by a comma.
1. We saw a young golden retriever.
 In this example, no comma belongs between the two adjectives young and golden because they are not
coordinate adjectives.
How can we know if the adjectives are coordinate adjectives?
1. Try the “and” test.
 We saw a young (and) golden retriever.
o And placed between the two adjectives does not fit smoothly.
2. Try reversing the adjectives.
 We saw a golden young retriever.
o When the two adjectives are reversed, they do not make sense.
Therefore, young and golden are not coordinate adjectives and should not be separated by a comma.
Practice sentences:
1. We spread the picnic blanket under a prickly green palm tree.
2. Kim wore a soft pink kimono to the tea ceremony.
3. Monday was a damp cold and dreary day.
4. Matt opened his backpack and took out the tiny silver lantern.
5. Reggie found an old wooden bucket and a tattered faded red and white quilt.
6. The roes in the garden are pink and red and yellow.
7. We saw a happy lively poodle.
8. Visiting the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington is a powerful memorable experience.
9. The King gave a quick dismissive answer to the town’s people.
10. I always thought history was something bitter old men wrote.
11. I took the cold chocolate ice cream out of the freezer.
12. The warm soothing bath was exactly what Kate needed after her long run.
13. Monday’s are long stressful days at school.
14. The white puffy clouds filled the warm summer day.
15. Getting ready for my math test is a long tedious process.