2350 Hurontario Street South
Mississauga ON, L5B 1N1
Phone: 905.277.2448 Fax: 905.277.5910 www.dpcdsb.org/siena
School Newsletter March 2015
G. Pedroso
R. Scicluna
Head Secretary
S. Waugh
Assistant Secretary
S. Jones
D. Amaral
B. Iannicca
St. Catherine of Siena
2340 Hurontario St.
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 1N1
Fr. Camillo Lando,
C.S. Pastor
Fr. Santo Cigolini,
C.S. in Residence
Fr. Mario Lorenzana,
C.S. Associate Pastor
School Council
Ms. Weerawarna and
Ms. Campinos
Prayer of Kindness
Dear God,
You have done such a marvelous job of creating us and the world around us. You have placed this creation, including all the people we meet, in our care. We come to you now asking for the grace and strength to keep a sense of kindness. We hope that by recognizing and honouring this fruit of the Holy Spirit, we can contribute to making our school a safer, more caring, more inclusive community.
May kindness, the fruit of your Spirit, help us to feel the courage to act on behalf of people around us who are in need.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our brother, who lived to show us your way.
Administrator’s Message…
We continue our Lenten journey, and as a community of faith we continue to reflect and renew ourselves spiritually. We continue to engage in prayer, fasting and almsgiving as we prepare for the celebration of Easter.
February was another busy and active month at St. Catherine of Siena. We began the month with our Scholastic Book Fair and celebrating the virtue of Kindness with two amazing Virtue
Assemblies. The Grade 4 and 5 students have taken to the ice as they have been enjoying skating lessons at Huron Park and the grade 6s have been engaged in Golf Clinics. The Junior and Intermediate students participated in the School Speech Contest and the winners moved on to represent the school at the family level. On Shrove Tuesday, our male staff put on a breakfast, in support of ShareLife, for staff and students in our Breakfast for Kids program. The following day we began our Lenten Journey with distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday. We also gathered as a school community for a Family movie night this month and ended the month with two culturally diverse music presentations.
In March, we will focus on the virtue of Kindness as we continue to foster a safe, caring, healthy and inclusive school community. Activities this month include: two virtue assemblies, Parent
Literacy Nights, the Mississauga South Family of Schools Chess Tournament, Sacrament of
First Reconciliation for our grade two students, school reconciliation, and many Eco
We also take this opportunity to thank, as always, all the parents of our Catholic School Council and all of our parent volunteers who continue to be vibrant members of our community supporting our students in so many different ways.
Yours in Catholic Education,
G. Pedroso and R. Scicluna
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God 1
Virtue of the Month: Kindness
God wants us to give generously to others around us .
God wants us to be kind to everyone we meet. Being kind is about more than just pretending to be nice. It is about helping and playing with others because we want to and not because we feel we have to. God helps up to be kind to our family and friends because by being kind we are able to see God in every one we meet.
Our Daily Prayer for March:
Let us now pray for the virtue of kindness so that everyone we meet will feel like we are looking out for their good. Amen
From the perspective of the Catholic Graduate
Expectations, a person with kindness:
† Relates to family members in a loving, compassionate manner
† Values and honours the important role of the family in society
† Examines, evaluates and applies knowledge of interdependent systems for the development of a just and compassionate society
† Promotes the sacredness of life
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.” - Mother Teresa
Virtue Assemblies : Thursday, March 5, 2015
Gr. 4-8 @ 10 a.m. and Gr. K-3 @ 1:30 p.m.
Please note: All Virtue information is included in the front pages of your child’s agenda.
Parish Information:
St. Catherine of Siena
2340 Hurontario St., Mississauga, ON L5B 1N1
T: 905-272-1454 E: office@stcatherine.ca
Sacramental Preparation
The Sacrament of First Communion this year will be held
Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 3 p.m.
The sacrament of Confirmation this year will be celebrated Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 7 p.m.
Holy Week Mass Schedule is attached
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Ontario Catholic School Graduate
Distinctive expectations for graduates of
Catholic schools are determined and shaped by the vision and destiny of the human person emerging from our faith tradition. Catholic education views human life as an integration of body, mind, and spirit. Rooted in this vision, Catholic education fosters the search for knowledge as a lifelong spiritual and academic quest.
The Graduate is expected to be:
1. A discerning believer formed in the Catholic Faith community who celebrates the signs and sacred mystery of God's presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living.
2. An effective communicator who speaks, writes and listens honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values.
3. A reflective, creative and holistic thinker who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good.
4. A self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner who develops and demonstrates their God-given potential.
5. A collaborative contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in work which respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good.
6. A caring family member who attends to family, school, parish, and the wider community.
7. A responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life.
Lenten Season
Our Liturgical Season of Lent is well underway and continues until
Easter weekend (April 3-6).
During our six week Lenten journey we recognize and discuss with our students our human frailties which causes us to sin. We prepare for the coming of Easter through reflection, prayer and charity.
We respond to Jesus’ call for a “change of heart” by becoming stronger in our will to say ‘yes’ to God and ‘no’ to our selfishness. We look forward to our Lenten journey together, a strengthened and renewed faith in
God’s will.
Siena Awards Award Winners!
When teachers notice a student(s) living out the virtues, here at school, they will give out a SIENA Award
Slip to the student(s).
> K-3: Darko L . (Bialecka) and Patrick F.
> 4-6: Megan C. (Hyacienth) and Keith L.
> 7-8: Maura C. (Sgro) and Stefanie A.
These students have been acknowledged school wide through a P.A. announcement and have their picture posted on our SIENA Award / Virtue board. Teachers focused on, although not limited to, the virtue of the month.
Gaming Addiction : Is Your Teenager
Spending More Time Playing Video games than in the Real World?
Join Social Worker Tina Resney and Psychologist Dr.
Shawn Gates March 3 at 7 p.m. at St. Joan of Arc
Catholic Secondary School to learn about and discuss topics such as: What is video game addiction? What are the signs? What makes them addictive? What can parents do? Location: St. Joan of Arc C.S.S., 3801
Thomas Street, Mississauga. For more information, call
Supporting my Diverse Learner's
Mathematical Development (Workshop)
Dufferin-Peel Catholic D.S.B.’s Special Education
Advisory Committee [SEAC] cordially invites the parents of students with diverse learning needs to attend a parent engagement workshop entitled Supporting my
Child’s Mathematical Development. This two hour interactive session will take place Thursday, March 5 @
7 p.m. Registration is requested by February 27, 2015 to the attention of Grace Williamson either by e-mail at grace.williamson@dpcdsb.org or by phone 905-890-
0708 ext. 24005. Registrants are requested to provide their name, contact information and the number of participants attending.
Mississauga South Family Chess
Competitors from all three divisions (primary, junior, intermediate) will demonstrate their chess skills in a team competition. This year’s competition will be held
Friday, March 6 at St. Francis of Assisi School. Thank you to Mrs. LeBlanc for coaching this year’s team.
Speech Contest
The annual St. Catherine of Siena School
Public Speaking contest took place on
Tuesday, February 3 . There were 15 student representatives from our grades
4-8 classes who presented speeches.
Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the speech contest, each of whom received a Siena
Speech Award for their outstanding effort and performance.
Congratulations to our top finishers:
1 st Maureen T.
2 nd Claire B.
3 rd Natalie K.
Aaron P.
Carina Q.
Anita J.
Maureen and Aaron represented St. Catherine of Siena at the Family Public Speaking Competition on
Wednesday, February 11. Job well done!!
A special thank you to Mrs. Bagin-Kotyk and
Ms.Hyacienth who helped co-ordinate this year’s school speech contest.
March Break
A reminder the school will be closed
March 16 – 20 for our mid-winter break. School will begin again on
Monday, March 23. We would like to wish everyone a relaxing and enjoyable March Break.
Pretzel ShareLife Fundraiser
As part of our Lenten project we will be raising funds for the less fortunate through the sale of pretzels; profits will be donated to
ShareLife. Please participate in this spirit filled fundraiser by purchasing a fresh bread pretzel for only $1.
These pretzels are large, soft dough, and peanut free. Order forms will be sent home on Monday,
March 23, and are to be returned no later than Thursday,
March 26. Pretzel Day will be on April 1, 2015.
Spring Show - Set the World on Fire
Celebrating Diversity
This year's Spring Show, April 29 , will feature junior and intermediate students who will present a mix of music, dance, instruments, and poetry from around the world and from different genres. Diverse art will be displayed by the art club as well. The aim of the show is to celebrate St.
Catherine of Siena and her words, "Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire!"
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God 3
Graduation Pictures
Grade eight graduation pictures are scheduled for Friday, March 27, 2015.
Movie Night - SUCCESS
St. Catherine of Siena
School Community held Movie Night on
Friday, Feb. 20, the feature presentation was Big Hero 6. The night was open to all students and their families; there were over 100 people that came to the movie. It was a fun-filled family oriented evening enjoyed by all. Thank you to all the teachers, especially
Ms. Leo and the student volunteers who helped make this event possible.
2015 Annual Offence Declaration for Volunteers
On our school website, in the Parents section, you’ll find a copy the school’s
2015 Annual Offence Declaration for Volunteers. This declaration saves parents from completing another Criminal Reference Check , if done within the year . If you have a Criminal Reference Check here at the school, we’re asking you to please complete, sign and submit this declaration to the office.
We're very thankful and appreciative of everyone’s commitment and support to the students of St. Catherine of Siena!
If you're interested in helping at the school, and do not have a Criminal Reference Check , we are more than happy to give you the necessary forms to be signed and completed. Criminal Reference Checks are free of charge for volunteers .
All volunteers, including those going on one day school trips, must have a Criminal
Reference Check completed by the Peel Police.
Psych 5 to Thrive consists of five fact sheets that serve as an introduction to five strategies to help students thrive at school and at home.
These facts sheets are available on the school website, and one will be included in each of the next five newsletters.
Raising and Resilient Children
Healthy Sleep, Healthy Child
Talking to Teens About Stress
Making the Most of Your Parent-Teacher Interview
How to Help Your Teen Survive Exam Week
The Online Reporting Tool
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board has developed a new way to help nurture a safe, caring and inclusive school environment. The Online Reporting
Tool is intended for students in grades 3 – 8 who become aware of bullying incidents and negative behaviours. The student can simply ‘click’ on the link found on our school’s website to fill out the report. The report will then be directly emailed to the principal and/or vice principal and will be dealt with accordingly.
It is important to recognize that the Online Reporting
Tool is an alternate reporting option. It is best practice to speak directly with a responsible adult at home and/or in the school.
EQAO Grade 3 and
Grade 6 Testing
> May 25 - June 5
The EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) testing of our Grade 3 and 6 students will take place from May 26 - June 5. Please avoid scheduling any doctor’s appointments or anything else that will take your child out of school during these testing dates.
Tests and materials cannot be given out to parents prior to or during the testing. Previous media accounts revealed that some parents and children become anxious about this test. Please try to keep this testing in perspective for your child. A letter to grade 3 and 6 parents with further information will be sent home closer to the testing dates
Family Literacy Program
> Talk. Read. Play. Sing!
Free workshops for families offered by the Region of
Peel at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Elementary
The Family Literacy Program is for families with children aged 0 – 6 years. Families come together for stories, snack, and activities.
Research from the University of
Toronto has shown this program makes an impact to a child’s Early
Literacy skills along with their family’s support.
The program will be held in the library on Wednesday nights, beginning February 25 and ending April 29 .
The program will run from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Please note there will be no program on March 18 and April 1. All families with children under 6 years, as well as older children in your family, are welcome.
Please register by calling 905 791-1585, ext. 7222 or visit our website at www.peelregion.ca
and click on Child
Care. We hope to see you there.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God 4
Catholic Education Week
This year’s celebration entitled
“Catholic Education: Exploring
Paths of Joy” is scheduled for the week of May 3 – May 8, 2015. The scriptural passage that guides our theme is: “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the road?” Luke
Prayer for Education Week:
God of kindness and mercy, each day we desire to serve
You with faithfulness. Help us to serve You with humility as we walk gently on the earth. Teach us to serve You with compassionate hearts and hands. Strengthen us to serve You as we build a world of justice for all. May Your example inspire us to serve joyfully in the love of Christ.
This year’s five sub-themes, one for each of the five days of Catholic Education Week, help students to understand the rich meaning of this year’s theme:
Tuesday :
Walking Together and Sharing our Story
Opening the Scriptures
Wednesday: Welcoming Others to the Table
Thursday: Recognizing Jesus in Breaking of the Bread
Friday: Proclaiming the Good News
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of
Catholic education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes. Throughout Catholic Education
Week, we ask you to reflect on the significance of
Catholic education’s presence and contribution in our
Church, and in our society. We invite all members of our community, to participate in the celebrations and activities that will mark the celebration of Catholic
Education Week 2015 in our schools.
For more information about Catholic Education Week and to access OCSTA Resources, visit http://www.ocsta.on.ca/resources/catholiceducation-week-resources/
School Council
Next Meeting : Wednesday,
June 3 at 7 p.m.
Communication between home and school is greatly enhanced by parental involvement with the Catholic
School Council. All parents/guardians are encouraged to come out to meetings and participate.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Inclement Weather, School Closures and
Bus Cancellations
During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption to bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio stations:
CFNY FM 102.1
AM 640
CFRB AM 1010
FM Z 103.5
CHIN FM 100.7
FM 93.1
CBC 99.1
FM 98.1
AM 1540
CHUM AM 1050
The message usually takes the following form, “The
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the
Peel District School Board buses are cancelled.” This means that buses are cancelled for the entire day.
Or, to indicate school closures , “The schools and offices of the Peel District School Board and the
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board have been closed.” Should the announcement refer to cancellation only in the COUNTY OF DUFFERIN, this does NOT affect our school.
Wet Clothing
With the long, wet winter and the unpredictable temperatures, our schoolyard alternates from icy and slippery to soggy and muddy. When conditions become dangerous or too wet, we close the field to student use.
On most days, however, the students have access to the field and complete paved areas.
We have been encountering some issues with wet clothing. Often times, especially our older students, children come to school without boots and snowpants.
We ask for your assistance in ensuring that all students come to school with appropriate attire for the weather, including boots, to ensure that they are comfortable to learn when returning indoors.
Please consider leaving a change of clothes (or even just socks) in your child’s backpack. This will alleviate the office from having to call home for dry clothes.
Breakfast for Kids
The Breakfast Club provides meals/snacks for any students every morning beginning at 8 a.m. in the school’s Breakfast Room.
All students are welcome.
Let’s Wash Our Hands
Hand washing when done correctly is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as the flu. Please help us to reinforce the proper techniques with your child.
1) Wet our hands
2) Soap our hands
3) Wash our hands
4) Rinse our hands
5) Dry our hands
6) Use paper towels to turn taps off.
Say goodbye to germs.
Outdoor Play
The winter season is upon us.
Please ensure that your child is properly dressed for outdoor play in a Canadian winter. It is a school expectation that all students go outside for recess for exercise and fresh air. If your child is unable to go outside for recess because of illness, please consider keeping them home until they are feeling better. We also ask that your child have a pair of indoor shoes for classroom use, labeled with their name for easy identification. Many students are not remembering to bring a separate pair of shoes, and are tracking the mud from the field into the classrooms, hallways and bathrooms. Your help with this is appreciated.
We would appreciate your support in reinforcing the school rule that all snow stays on the ground. For everyone’s safety we do not allow snowballs, kicking snow, or any other snow\ice activity that could lead to potential harm or injury.
End of the day pick-up, please keep the
Doorways clear
In support of our Safe School procedures here at Siena, we are asking the doorways at the back be kept clear and accessible for students to make their way out to the school yard. It is imperative that teachers are able to see a child’s parent before allowing them to leave (Gr. 1-3). To help with this, we ask parents/guardians to stay well clear of the exit doors.
This is a safety concern for our students, we want to make sure they are not walking home alone. We ask for your continued cooperation in this very important safety procedure.
Electronic Devices/Valuables school any valuables, items of importance, toys, or other items valuable to them.
Examples of these items may include (but not limited to)
Game Boys, expensive sports equipment, cell phones, MP3 players, trading cards, cameras, etc.
The school will not assume responsibility for the care and loss of these items . Cell phones, MP3 players, Ipods, digital cameras and all PEDs are not to be used on school property. It is against School and
Board policy to have these devices on school property or at any school sanctioned event.
Pediculosis (Head Lice)
Head lice are always present in the community, and are not a reflection of a child’s cleanliness. By checking your child’s head once a week for head lice, you will catch it early and treat it before it has a chance to spread. If cases are found in the school, we shall inform all parents. If your child does have head lice, we ask you to keep them out of school until after they have been treated and their hair is entirely clear of both lice and nits (eggs.) Any infected student will need to be checked before re-entry to class. A reminder to refrain from sharing hats at any time, but especially during the winter months.
Attendance and Punctuality
All students are expected to attend school regularly and punctually. In the event that your child will be late or absent, please call the school and follow the prompts to leave a message. This can be done 24 hours a day. For students who are absent and for whom a call is not received, we will attempt to contact you.
PLEASE CALL: 905-277-2448 Press # 1
Please leave the following information:
Date of the absence
Student’s full name
Grade level and teacher
Reason for absence
If the bell
Students are asked not to bring to has rung,
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
all students (Gr.
1 ‐ 8) who may be late, are to go to the back of the school and join a line.
If there are no students, and the doors are closed you are to come to the front of the school and obtain a Late Slip.
Before School Hours Supervision
For your child’s safety, we request that children not be on school property until supervision begins at 8:45 a.m.
Lunch Drop-Off
With the front door policy (locked), we encourage students to bring their lunches with them in the morning.
If you are delivering your child’s lunch to the school, we will open the doors at noon. Please do not block the doorway , and have your child’s lunch labeled with their name and class, and place it on the lunch table.
Please be reminded that the lunch hour is from
12:03 p.m. – 1:03 p.m. Where children stay for lunch they will eat with their classmates and remain on school property.
Lunch Time - Students Signing Out
Only students in grades 7 and 8 having a note may signout at lunch without a parent/guardian being present.
Students in K-6 who do not regularly go home for lunch must be signed out with a parent/guardian.
School Driveway
We respectfully ask that drivers refrain from stopping or parking in the drive – thru lane in front of the school.
This area is a FIRE ROUTE and fines for a violation are high. Stopped or parked cars also create a safety hazard.
Anaphylaxis Reaction Reminder
As there are a number of students in our school who have a severe life threatening allergy to nuts, we ask our families to refrain from sending to school any food, etc. that contains nut products (i.e. peanut butter sandwiches, snacks with nuts, etc.). While we cannot guarantee a “Nut Free” or
“Allergen Free” environment, you can help to reduce the risk to our students by not sending in peanuts, nuts of any kind, products containing nuts, nut oil, or nut byproducts, foods that MAY have come in contact with nuts or nut products and fast food or commercial snacks (i.e.
Timbits) where ingredients are unclear. Thank you!
Medical Concerns
If your son / daughter has any medical concerns, please ensure that you inform the school. Information may be shared directly with the classroom teacher / office. If medication is required, forms will be sent for completion by parents and the family doctor. All information is held in confidence.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Curriculum Corner -- Homework Help
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board is pleased to announce that once again it will be participating in the Math Homework
Help pilot project. This project provides access to live, interactive online math help through the expansion of a pilot project funded by the Ministry of Education.
Homework Help is free, real-time math tutoring by certified Ontario teachers. The project’s goal remains to provide students in grades 7 to 10 with an after-hours online support in Mathematics. Students can log in from
Sunday to Thursday, 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for 20 hours a week of individualized confidential math tutoring.
There are discussion rooms for each grade where students can join in and see what questions other students are asking, watch the tutors draw on the whiteboard, and ask their own question for on-the-spot help. If they can't wait until the discussion rooms open, videos of best tutorials and commonly asked questions are available anytime. Other online math resources include math games and a virtual locker, where students can save their work.
To register for the site, visit the website www.ontario.ca/homeworkhelp . Scroll down and you will find the link to the Homework Help Line. Students will need their OEN number to register. This number is different from their student number, and can be obtained from your child’s teacher.
Are You Moving
If you are planning a move, or have already moved, please let us know. If you are moving to a new school we will give you a Transfer Form to take with you to the new school.
We will be preparing classes for September 2015 and this information will be helpful in determining class sizes.
In the past we have had to reorganize our classes in
September due to unexpected transfers.
If you currently live outside the school boundary and are attending St. Catherine of Siena on a flex boundary request, you will need to request flex boundary for next year. The “Flexible Boundary” procedure is reviewed annually . Please note that flex boundaries will be looked at on a case by case basis and are not guaranteed from year to year. If you are requesting flex boundary, please note that transportation is your responsibility. The Board will not provide either transportation or additional supervision for students admitted under this procedure. Note, the students admitted under this procedure do not automatically become eligible for the Secondary School serving the school. A separate request must be made to the
Secondary School Principal.
the arrows on the driveway to the drop ‐ off/pick ‐ up area (in front on the Kindergarten yard).
Please do not use the Bus Loading zone (right next to the sidewalk) as this area is meant for buses or emergency vehicles.
Pull up as far as you can , it allows more cars to use the Kiss’n’Ride.
Do Not Park or Get out of Your Vehicle in this area, even if only for a few seconds.
Parents who wish to get out of the car are asked to park in the designated visitor parking in the front and at the side of the school.
Students are to exit the vehicle on the passenger side (right side).
Once your child has left the car, please exit right away at the south end of the school, driveway closet to the Fire
Please drive slowly and carefully in these lanes at all times.
Please do not walk your children through the Kiss’N’Ride lanes , this can be unsafe.
Turn Right avoids back ‐ up
NO CARS are to be driving in this area from
8:45 – 9:10 a.m.
3:30 ‐ 3:45 p.m.
15 16
March Break
8 9
Sacrament of 1 st
Reconciliation Public
@ 7:30 p.m.
March Break
St. Patrick’s Day
Peel Family Literacy
Virtues Assemblies
> Cargioli (p.m.)
> Arango/Ivanscics
M.S. Family Chess
Tournament @ St.
Francis of Assisi
13 14 11
Twin Day
Conversation Club in
Gym 3:30- 5 p.m.
Peel Family Literacy
March Break
March Break
March Break
Gr. 8 Grad’ Photos
28 22 23
29 30
Reconciliation @
Church (9:15 a.m.)
Eco- Workshops
Eco- Workshops
Peel Family Literacy
Eco- Workshops
Eco- Workshops
Volume 6
The ability to identify and describe shapes, sizes, positions, directions, and movement is important in many work situations, such as construction and design, as well as in creating and understanding art. Becoming familiar with shapes and spatial relationships in their environment will help children grasp the principles of geometry in later grades.
What do we mean by
“ mindset
Mindsets are the assumptions and expectations we have for ourselves and others. These attitudes guide our behavior and influence our responses to daily events. ‐ Dr. Robert Brooks
Tip # 2.
Emphasize the joy of learning for learning ’ s sake.
When discussing school, talk about learning as a means for personal reward, growth, intellectual challenge, and opportunity – not a means to earn a grade or get into a great university.
Big Ideas:
Shapes of different dimensions and their properties can be described mathematically .
Use shape stickers to make a shape picture. Try to use as many different shapes as you can.
Describe your picture and the shapes in it. Tell why you used those shapes.
With your child, identify all the symmetrical capital letters. Have your child sort the capital letters according to whether they have one line or two lines of symmetry.
Go on a symmetry hunt. With your child, find shapes, objects, patterns and designs around your home that have lines of symmetry. (Look at wallpaper, floor tiles, pictures and designs on packaging)
Let’s discuss some factors affecting
“Money Decisions”…
Ask your child to think about and identify a movie, TV show, video game, website, app, or book that deals with money.
Ask, what is the key message about money that your child got from their experience?
Discuss some of the ‘lessons’ that could be learned from the experiences your child has had.
Note: Consider factors that affect money decisions: emotions, friends and peers, customs, traditions, habits, family members, latest styles and fads, advertising, incentives, and personal values.
Elementary Mathematics Program Team
Schools and families share a common goal: ensuring student success.
Psychology staff at Dufferin-Peel work together with schools and families to promote student achievement, mental health and well-being. Our new PSYCH 5 TO THRIVE initiative offers 5 strategies to help students thrive at school and at home.
Each one called by name (Isaiah 43:1)
Resilience Skills
Children and teens face challenges every day. When children are resilient they bounce back from disappointments or unexpected events. When new challenges arise, they come up with solutions and feel confident implementing them. Here are 5 strategies for building resilience in children.
The good news is that resilience skills can be learned.
Problem-solve: Give your child opportunities to problem-solve—at home, at school, and in the community. Working through problems helps to boost confidence in strengths and abilities.
Make plans together: Help your child set reasonable goals and a plan for meeting them. Moving toward those goals—even in tiny steps—should be rewarded rather than focusing on what hasn’t been done.
Encourage new experiences: Enjoy new adventures with your child. Being out of one’s comfort zone—perhaps exploring a new library or grocery store—is great preparation for adjusting to situations that are new and different.
Be a role model : When you face challenges with a calm demeanor, talking through potential solutions, you are a resilient role model for your child!
Let your children make mistakes . Mistakes help all of us learn, so let your child make them! Failing a test after not studying can be a tough but valuable lesson—and your child will probably try a more effective strategy next time.
Change is a part of living and change is often scary for children and teens. Help your child see that change is part of life and that new goals can replace old goals. Help your child understand the meaning of change, by helping them to see how they have changed and grown.
For further information, contact the current psychoeducational consultant, Jessica Pereira at your child’s school or Dr. Debra Lean, Chief Psychologist, at (905) 890-0708, Ext. 24330.
to the a Ʃ en Ɵ on of Grace Williamson
Either by e ‐ mail at grace.williamson@dpcdsb.org or by phone 905 ‐ 890 ‐ 0708 ext. 24005
Please provide your name, contact informa on and the number of par cipants a ending.
What is it?
Summer Literacy Camp is a half-day literacy intervention program. The program is designed primarily to assist students who fit the following profile:
Student performance is at Level 1 or 2 of the Provincial Curriculum in Reading and Writing
Instructional level is not more than one year below age appropriate grade level
If ELL, the student performs at ELL Stage 2 or higher
Student is currently in SK – Gr 6
NOTE: A PM Benchmark or CASI Reading Assessment Level is required on the teacher referral section of the form.
Summer Literacy Camp is a
Dates: July 6 th – 24 th
THREE WEEK program
Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday through Friday.
beginning the SECOND WEEK OF JULY
Where is it?
Summer Literacy Camp is offered at 13 school sites in the Dufferin-Peel C.D.S.B. Transportation is NOT provided. A registration package with site locations will be available in all schools after March Break.
How much does it cost? $300
To Register:
Students are referred by Classroom Teacher/SERT to attend Summer Literacy Camp.
Upon Principal’s approval, a Registration Form will be sent home for parental permission. Parents will return this form to the school.
Schools are responsible for collecting and submitting to the Adult and Continuing Education Office by
June 5, 2015 the following:
Principal Referral Form
Registration Form (from parents)
IEP and/or GF400B (if applicable)
At the February interviews, please share the dates and information about this potential opportunity with parents of students who meet the criteria. A parent “Community Flyer” will be available for you to distribute once locations have been confirmed. Thank you for taking time to refer students who would benefit from additional literacy instruction.