Document 14362967

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School
2350 Hurontario Street South Mississauga ON, L5B 1N1 P: 905.277.2448 F: 905.277.5910 School Newsletter
G. Pedroso
R. Scicluna
Head Secretary
S. Waugh
Assistant Secretary
S. Jones
D. Amaral
B. Iannicca
St. Catherine of Siena
2340 Hurontario St.
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 1N1
Fr. Camillo Lando,
C.S. Pastor
Fr. Santo Cigolini,
C.S. in Residence
Fr. Mario Lorenzana,
C.S. Associate
School Council
Ms. N. Thomas-Davis
March 2014
Prayer of Kindness
Dear God,
You have done such a marvelous job of creating us and the world around us. You have
placed this creation, including all the people we meet, in our care. We come to you now
asking for the grace and strength to keep a sense of kindness. We hope that by
recognizing and honouring this fruit of the Holy Spirit, we can contribute to making our
school a safer, more caring, more inclusive community.
May kindness, the fruit of your Spirit, help us to feel the courage to act on behalf of
people around us who are in need.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our brother, who lived to show us your way.
Administrator’s Message…
The month of March is upon us and St. Catherine of Siena, and as always, we continue to be a
faith-filled community. In March, we will focus on the virtue of Kindness, as we continue to
foster a safe, caring, healthy and inclusive school community. We begin our Lenten journey
and as a community of faith, we continue to reflect and renew ourselves spiritually. We
continue to engage in prayer, fasting and almsgiving as we prepare for the celebration of
February was an action packed month at St. Catherine of Siena; we had our Scholastic book
fair during the week of Parent-Teacher Interviews. We gathered together at the beginning of
month to celebrate and reflect on the virtue of Respect. Black History month was highlighted at
our school through a phenomenal presentation by Leslie McCurdy on Harriet Tubman. You
could hear a pin drop as the students listened attentively to Harriet Tubman’s life story come to
life in front of them. The Junior and Intermediate students participated in the School Speech
Contest and the winners will represent the school in MS Family Speech Contest. Of course, the
school was filled with love and kindness as Feb. 14 came upon us as we celebrated
Valentine’s Day. We ended the month celebrating Canada, as we gathered as a school
community to cheer the Canadian Hockey teams on to the gold medal.
We also take this opportunity to thank, as always, all the parents of our Catholic School Council
and all of our parent volunteers who continue to be vibrant members of our community supporting
our students in so many different ways.
God Bless,
G. Pedroso and R. Scicluna
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Virtue of the Month: Kindness
God wants us to
give generously to
others around us.
God wants us to be kind to
everyone we meet. Being
kind is about more than just
pretending to be nice. It is about helping and playing
with others because we want to and not because we
feel we have to. God helps up to be kind to our family
and friends because by being kind we are able to see
God in every one we meet.
Our Daily Prayer for March:
Let us now pray...for the virtue of kindness so that
everyone we meet will feel like we are looking out for
their good. Amen
A kind person…
gives their time to help others
stands by their friends in time of need
shares with their friends
is polite
cares about other people’s feelings
“Never look down on anybody unless you're helping
him up”. - Jesse Jackson
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their
echoes are truly endless.” - Mother Teresa
Speech Contest
The annual St. Catherine of Siena School
Intermediate Public Speaking contest
took place on Wednesday, February 12.
There were 20 student representatives
from our Grades 5-8 classes who
presented their speeches. Congratulations to all of the
students who participated in the speech contest, each of
whom received a Siena Speech Award for their
outstanding effort and performance.
Congratulations to our top finishers:
Timothy Q
Ranny Y
Tejas S
Aaron P
Romina P.
Frances B
Timothy and Aaron represented St. Catherine of Siena
at the Family Public Speaking Competition on February
26, 2014. Job well done!!
Lenten Season
Our Liturgical Season of Lent
begins with our Ash Wednesday
Liturgy on March 5, and
continues until Easter weekend
(April 18-21). During our six week
Lenten journey we recognize and
discuss with our students our human frailties which
causes us to sin. We prepare for the coming of Easter
through reflection, prayer and charity. We respond to
Jesus’ call for a “change of heart” by becoming stronger
in our will to say ‘yes’ to God and ‘no’ to our selfishness.
We look forward to our Lenten journey together, a
strengthened and renewed faith in God’s will.
note: All Virtue–information
December is
9 included in the
School’s Advent Mass – December 12
Graduation Pictures
Grade eight graduation pictures
are scheduled for Thursday,
March 6, 2014.
Parish Information:
St. Catherine of Siena
2340 Hurontario St., Mississauga, ON L5B 1N1
T: 905-272-1454
March Break
March 5
March 24
April 8
April 29
May 5
May 10
May 28
June 10
** Note: Friday, March 7, 2014
is a PA Day, and students DO
NOT come to school.**
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
First Reconciliation
School Reconciliation
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena Mass
Crowning of Mary Mass
Sacrament of First Holy Communion
Sacrament of Confirmation
Year End/Graduation Mass
A reminder the school will be closed March 10 – 14 for
our mid-winter break. School will begin again on
Monday, March 17. We would like to wish everyone a
relaxing and enjoyable March Break.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
School Council
Siena Awards Award Winners!
Next Meeting: Wednesday,
March 19, 2014
at 7:00 pm
When teachers notice a
student(s) living out the virtues,
here at school, they will give
out a SIENA Award Slip to the
Communication between home and school is greatly
enhanced by parental involvement with the Catholic
School Council. All parents/guardians are
encouraged to come out to meetings and participate.
Pretzel ShareLife Fundraiser
This year, St. Catherine of Siena is
dedicating a week to ShareLife
beginning April 7-11, 2014. As part of
this Lenten project, we are selling
pretzels. Money raised will be used
to help the less fortunate. Please participate in this spirit
filled fundraiser by purchasing a fresh bread pretzel for
only $1.00. Order forms will be sent home on Monday,
March 31, and are to be returned no later than Friday,
April 4. Pretzel Day will be on April 10, 2014.
2014 Annual Offence Declaration
for Volunteers
On our school website, in the Parents
section, you’ll find a copy the school’s
2014 Annual Offence Declaration
for Volunteers. This declaration
saves parents from completing
another Criminal Reference Check, if done within the
year. If you have a Criminal Reference Check here at
the school, we’re asking you to please complete, sign
and submit this declaration to the office.
We're very thankful and appreciative of everyone’s
commitment and support to the students of St. Catherine
of Siena!
If you're interested in helping at the school, and do not
have a Criminal Reference Check, we are more than
happy to give you the necessary forms to be signed and
completed. Criminal Reference Checks are free of
charge for volunteers. All volunteers, including those
going on one day school trips, must have a Criminal
Reference Check completed by the Peel Police.
Parents Conversation Circle
We had our second Parent Conversation Circle on
Wednesday, Feb. 19, providing parents a chance to
meet, share, and learn from other families, agencies,
and service providers about programs and opportunities.
The next meeting for the Parents' Circle is scheduled for
Thursday, March 20, 2014. Our topic will be
Employment, and we'll be touching on the different
programs and services there are, as well as practical
items such as job searches, resume and cover letters,
and interviews. An employment counsellor will be invited
to the meeting as a resource person.
> K-3: Wyncel T. (Brennan) and
Brianna P. (Ferraro/Connolly)
> 4-6: Mark A. (Hyacienth) & Maryam N. (Thrasher)
> 7-8:
Jakub O. (Bagin-Kotyk) & Bart C. (Tropea)
These students have been acknowledged school wide
through a PA announcement and have their picture
posted on our SIENA Award / Virtue board.
Teachers focused on, although not limited to, the virtue
of the month.
Homework Help
The Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School
Board is pleased to announce that once again it will be
participating in the Math Homework Help pilot project.
This project provides access to live, interactive online
math help through the expansion of a pilot project
funded by the Ministry of Education. Homework Help is
free, real-time math tutoring by certified Ontario
teachers. The project’s goal remains to provide students
in grades 7 to 10 with an after-hours online support in
Students can log in from Sunday to Thursday, 5:30 p.m.
to 9:30 p.m. for 20 hours a week of individualized
confidential math tutoring.
There are discussion rooms for each grade where
students can join in and see what questions other
students are asking, watch the tutors draw on the
whiteboard, and ask their own question for on-the-spot
If they can't wait until the discussion rooms open, videos
of best tutorials and commonly asked questions are
available anytime. Other online math resources include
math games and a virtual locker, where students can
save their work.
To register for the site, visit the website Scroll down and you will
find the link to the Homework Help Line. Students will
need their OEN number to register. This number is
different from their student number, and can be obtained
from your child’s teacher.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
EQAO Grade 3 and
Grade 6 Testing
> May 26-30
Kiss ‘n’ Ride @ St. Catherine of Siena
The EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office)
testing of our Grade 3 and 6 students will take place
from May 26-30. Please try to avoid scheduling any
doctor’s appointments or anything else that will take
your child out of school during the testing dates.
Tests and materials cannot be given out to parents prior
to or during the testing. Previous media accounts
revealed that some parents and children become
anxious about this test. Please try to keep this testing in
perspective for your child. A letter to grade 3 and 6
parents with further information will be sent home closer
to the testing dates.
Wet Clothing
With the long, wet winter and the
unpredictable temperatures, our
schoolyard alternates from icy and
slippery to soggy and muddy. When
conditions become dangerous or too
wet, we close the field to student use.
On most days, however, the students
have access to the field and complete paved areas.
We have been encountering some issues, however, with
wet clothing. Often times, especially our older students,
students come to school without boots and snowpants.
We ask for your assistance in ensuring that all students
come to school with appropriate attire for the weather,
including boots, to ensure that they are comfortable to
learn when returning indoors.
Please also consider leaving a change of clothes (or
even just socks) in your child’s backpack. This will
alleviate the office from having to call home for a dry
The driveway at the front of the school is set up as our
Kiss ’n’ Ride, allowing parents the opportunity to drop off
and pick up their children in a safe and effective manner.
To this end, the success of this requires the mutual
understanding and support of all our parents to assure
as smooth a transition as
possible to the start and
end of each day.
Follow the arrows on the driveway to the dropoff/pick-up area (in front on the Kindergarten yard).
Please do not use the Bus Loading zone (right next
to the sidewalk) as this area is meant for buses or
emergency vehicles.
Pull up as far as you can, it allows more cars to use
the Kiss’n’Ride.
Do Not Park or Get out of Your Vehicle in this
area, even if only for a few seconds. Parents who
wish to get out of the car are asked to park in the
designated visitor parking in the front and at the side
of the school.
Students are to exit the vehicle on the passenger
side (right side)
Once your child has left the car, please exit right
away at the south end of the school, driveway closet
to the Fire Department.
Please drive slowly and carefully in these lanes at all
Please do not walk your children through the Kiss’N
Ride lanes, this can be unsafe.
Let’s Wash Our Hands
Hand washing when done correctly is
the single most effective way to prevent
the spread of infectious diseases such
as the flu. Please help us to reinforce
the proper techniques with your child.
Wet our hands
Soap our hands
Wash our hands
Rinse our hands
Dry our hands
Use paper towels to turn taps off.
Say goodbye to germs.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Attendance and Punctuality
Are You Moving
All students are expected to attend school regularly and
punctually. In the event that your child will be late or
absent, please call the school and follow the prompts to
leave a message. This can be done 24 hours a day.
For students who are absent and for whom a call is not
received, we will attempt to contact you.
If you are
planning a move,
or have already
moved, please let
us know. If you
are moving to a
new school we
will give you a
Transfer Form to take with you to the new school. We
will be preparing classes for September 2014 and this
information will be helpful in determining class sizes. In
the past we have had to reorganize our classes in
September due to unexpected transfers.
PLEASE CALL: 905-277-2448 Press # 1
Please leave the following information:
Date of the absence
Student’s full name
Grade level and teacher
Reason for absence
Before School Hours Supervision
For your child’s safety, we request that children not be
on school property until supervision begins at 8:45 a.m.
If the bell has rung, all students (Gr. 1‐8) who may be late, are to go to the back of the school and join a line. If there are no students, and the doors are closed you are to come to the front of the school and obtain a Late Slip. Important Immunization Message from
Peel Health
Peel Public Health will be reviewing immunization
records of all students at our school from January 2014.
Peel Public Health must have proof that your child has
been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to the
Ontario Immunization Schedule.
If you receive a letter, please ensure that your child has
received the required vaccine(s), then give the date(s)
your child received the vaccine dose(s) to Peel Health
immediately to update your child’s records.
For more information, please call Peel Public Health at
905-799-7700 or visit
Translation services available.
Medical Concerns
If your son / daughter has any medical concerns, please
ensure that you inform the school. Information may be
shared directly with the classroom teacher / office. If
medication is required, forms will be sent for completion
by parents and the family doctor. All information is held
in confidence.
If you currently live outside the school boundary and are
attending St. Catherine of Siena on a flex boundary
request, you will need to request flex boundary for next
year. The “Flexible Boundary” procedure is
reviewed annually. Please note that flex boundaries
will be looked at on a case by case basis and are not
guaranteed from year to year. If you are requesting flex
boundary, please note that transportation is your
responsibility. The Board will not provide either
transportation or additional supervision for students
admitted under this procedure. Note, the students
admitted under this procedure do not automatically
become eligible for the Secondary School serving the
school. A separate request must be made to the
Secondary School Principal.
Message from the Library
Thank you to the St. Catherine of Siena families and
students that supported the Scholastic Book Fair. It was
very successful and the library was able to add many
books from the Book Fair to its collection. The new
books are currently being processed and should be
ready for circulation next month. Congratulations to all
of the prize winners especially to the $25 Grand Prize
Winner, Carina Q. in Mr. Thrasher’s grade 5 class. Mr.
Thrasher also received $25 in books for the whole class
to enjoy. Look forward to our next Scholastic Book Fair
coming this May.
With the unpredictable weather this season, there has
been an increase of books being returned damaged.
Please help your child(ren) keep the books from the
snow and rain or also from leaky bottles/tetras in their
school bag. Damaged books will have to be replaced at
the lender’s/student’s expense. This promotes
ownership and responsibility of school property. Please
help encourage your child(ren), St. Catherine of Siena
students to continue to appreciate and experience the
value of reading and books.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Catholic Education Week
Parent Tip Sheets
Serving in the Love of Christ” is scheduled for the week
of May 4 – May 9, 2014. The scriptural passage that
guides our theme is: ‘I am among you as one who
serves.’ (Luke 22:27e)
St. Catherine of Siena has put
together some Parent Tip Sheets,
providing some handy tips on a
variety of ways to help your child at
home. These files can be found our
school's website at
Here is a list of what you'll find:
This year’s five sub-themes, one for each of the five
days of Catholic Education Week, help students to
understand the rich meaning of this year’s theme:
Serve with faithfulness
Serve with humility
Serve with compassion
Serve with justice
Serve with joy
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to
highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of
Catholic education between our Catholic schools and
local Catholic parishes. Throughout Catholic Education
Week, we ask you to reflect on the significance of
Catholic education’s presence and contribution in our
Church, and in our society. We invite all members of our
community, to participate in the celebrations and
activities that will mark the celebration of Catholic
Education Week 2014 in our schools.
For more information about Catholic Education Week
and to access OCSTA Resources, visit
Huron Park – March Break Drop-In
There are many activities happening at Huron Park that
families may benefit from. Attached you’ll find a March
Break drop in schedule. Also, there is a Winter DropIn schedule:
(10-14 yrs.)
Basketball Drop-in
(Gr. 5-8)
Soccer Drop-in
(10-17 yrs.)
3:30-5:30 p.m.
3 – 5 p.m.
6:30-8:30 p.m.
3 – 5 p.m.
More information can be found at or
10 Tips to help your child with reading – K-3
10 Tips to help your child with reading – 4‐6
10 Tips to help your child with math – K-3
10 Tips to help your child with math – 4‐6
10 Tips to help your child with writing – K-3
10 Tips to help your child with writing – 4‐6
10 tips to help your son with reading
10 Tips to help your child with homework
10 tips to get your child ready for school
10 tips to help you when talking with the teacher
10 tips that use arts and crafts to develop math and
literacy skills
10 Tips for Summer Learning Fun
Does your child need extra help?
10 tips to help your child build vocabulary through
new words
5 tips to help choose books for your child
5 Tips for sharing family stories
Junior Basketball
Both our junior boys and girls' teams had strong
showings this year. All of the players practised and
worked hard in an effort to make our Family of Schools
Tournament. Unfortunately, while both teams made the
playoff round, both fell just short. The boys lost in a
very close game to St. Dunstan, while the girls lost a
buzzer-beater to St. Valentine. The coaches thank the
players for their great effort and enthusiasm and hope
to see you again next year. Thank you to our coaches,
Mr. De Vito, Mr. Mintz and Mr. Thrasher, for their hard
work and dedication
Intramural Chess
Our first school-wide chess tournament was held the
Feb. 10-14. The winners are:
Primary: Ahill
Junior: Aaron Intermediate: Leica
Fifteen chess players will represent our school at the
April 3 family tournament at St. Mark. Good luck players!
Thank you Mr. Mintz for all of your time and effort
coaching this year’s team.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Thanks to an ecofriendly company
for making our
school greener.
Eco Source is an Ontario-based environmental
education company that helps us to take consideration
about the environment. They encourage students to
think further more than just the 3R’s and explore waste
process with many social and environmental
perspectives. We have learned a lot through the
experiences that they have taught us. During these past
few days Siena students was fortunate enough to extend
their knowledge and be more concerned about our
society. The primary students have familiarized about
the benefits of composting and recycling. On the other
hand, the junior students have studied greater on the
essentials and the non-importance of plastic bags. Last
but not the least, the intermediate students have gained
information regarding the cycle of cellphones. Once
again we would like to thank Eco Source for their
marvelous tips for our school to take awareness of the
Upcoming events: On March 6, we will be participating
in the ‘BIG CRUNCH’. Students are encouraged to bring
in locally grown fruits or veggies on that day. In the
afternoon the whole school will be taking a big crunch
together. Join in to support healthy eating habits, while
taking care of the environment.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
K-8 Tribal Vision
Assembly @ 1:20
Ash Wednesday
Liturgy @ 9:15 a.m.
Sacrament of 1st
HPV and Hep B
> English/Hyacienth
> Arango/Colautti
Gr. 8 Grad’
March Break
St. Patrick’s Day
March Break
March Break
March Break
March Break
Catholic School
Council Meeting
(7 p.m.)
Circle on
9:15 a.m.
Building Event
Peel Family Literacy
Peel Family Literacy
St. Catherine of Siena Parish March 2014
Lent is a 40 day period of preparation for the
Feast of Easter which begins on Ash Wednesday,
March 5th and ends on Holy Saturday.
The three pillars of Lenten observance are
prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Prayer: More time given to prayer during Lent should
draw us closer to the Lord. We might pray especially for
the grace to live out our baptismal promises more fully.
Fasting can help us realize the suffering that so many
people in our world experience every day, and push us to
help them and show Christ’s love to them.
Almsgiving is a sign of our care for those in need and an
expression of our gratitude for all that God has given us.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of
fasting and abstinence from meat.
Dear Lord, as we enter this Solemn and Holy Season, we
pray that you will send your Holy Spirit upon us that we
might prepare ourselves for these coming 40 days of
Lent. We seek to humble ourselves so that we can
understand the magnificence of Your Love for us as You
humbled Yourself and gave Your Life on the Cross that
we might receive the gift of Eternal Glory with You.
Masses for Ash Wednesday at
8am, 5:30pm, 7pm, and 8:30pm
Stations of the
Cross every Friday at
6:30pm during Lent.
Feast of St. Anne
Will be celebrated on
March 1st at the 6pm
mass followed by
fellowship in the
Scalabrini Hall
Let us pray for Fr. Aldo
Uderzo, who passed
away last year March
1st. He is remembered
fondly for his dedication
and work with the youth
of our parish.
March 22 and 23rd
Bundle Sunday
St. Vincent de Paul
Society will collect
clean, usable clothing in
our parking lot.
2013 Income
Tax Receipts can be
picked up at the office
on weekdays during
regular hours. Thank
you all for your
generousity this year.
Volume 4
Web Resources:
Clifford Big Red Dog Measuring Up
People with measurement sense have an
understanding of the “howmuchness” of different
standard units. (A Guide to Effective Instruction in
Mathematics, K-3, Measurement)
Units of Measure
Family Math Activities
Grades K-2
 Compare large cans with small cans and large boxes with small boxes. Which one
is big? Which one is small? How do you know?
 Talk about heavy versus light items in a grocery store
 Find the shortest and longest line in a grocery store
 Estimate the number of footsteps between two trees on your walk
 Keep a record of the daily temperature outside and your child’s outdoor
activities. After a few weeks, ask your child to look at the record and see how
the temperature affected his or her activities
Grades 3-6
 Have your child use a measuring tape or ruler to measure the dimensions of
various household items (e.g. food containers). Encourage your child to estimate
the dimensions before measuring
 Discuss how far a kilometer is
 Walk a kilometer together – estimate the distance between two objects while on
your walk
7 and 8
Measurement Game Show (OERB)
Ontario Education Resource Bank:
user id “dpcdsbstudent”
Password “oerbs”
Elementary Program Team 2012 Learn to Help Your Child with
Why are educators teaching
math that way?
How can families collaborate with the
school to help make math meaningful?
Open to all parents and
guardians of elementary
students and future students
of Dufferin-Peel CDSB
March 3, 2014
6:45 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Catholic Education Centre
40 Matheson Blvd, West
Mississauga, ON
Room 301
Come spend a highly engaging evening with
internationally renowned Author and
International Professional Development
Consultant for Improved Mathematics Education…
Dr. Marian Small
Catholic District
School Board
Register online at
or by calling Carol Fernandes at 905-890-0708 ext. 24235
Free Children’s Dental Clinic
March 3rd – 28th, 2014
Peel Alternative School South
1239 Lakeshore Road East; Mississauga ON
To Make an Appointment Please Call:
The Ontario Association
of Parents in Catholic Education
In association with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
MAY 23 - 24, 2014
“Parental Influence on student well-being and Catholic Education”
Mass Celebrant:
His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins
Conference & AGM
Philip Pocock C.S.S.
4555 Tomken Road,
Networking Reception,
Mass & Gala Dinner
Toronto Marriot Hotel
901 Dixon Rd, Toronto
Register online at
Mark Your Calendars!
Summer Literacy Camp 2014
A Literacy Reinforcement and Enhancement Program for Students
SK through Grade Six
Oral Language:
Listening and Speaking
Fluency, Motivation, Comprehension
(Retelling and Proficient Reader
Foundational Skills:
Phonemic Awareness, Letter Sound
Identification, Concepts about Print,
Hearing and Recording Sounds in Words,
High Frequency Words
Text Forms and the Traits of Writing
Writing Process
Spelling/ Phonics/ Working with Words/
Grammar / Vocabulary Development
Friday Fun Days!
Reader’s Theatre
Literacy experiences
Literacy Camp provides a fun and innovative environment for learners!
Small group and individual attention for students
Balanced literacy curriculum with lessons planned for your child’s individual learning needs
Registration is available only through teacher referral.
Monday July 7th – Friday July 25th
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
$300 for full 3 week session
Registration forms will be available at:
Dufferin-Peel Elementary Schools
after March Break.
Please ask your child’s teacher for more
For registration information please call 905-891-9263 ext. 0
Offered by the Department of Adult and Continuing Education
Registration Forms to be submitted to school by early June.