Document 14362964

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School
2350 Hurontario Street South Mississauga ON, L5B 1N1 P: 905.277.2448 F: 905.277.5910 School Newsletter
April 2014
An Easter Reflection
G. Pedroso
R. Scicluna
Head Secretary
S. Waugh
Assistant Secretary
S. Jones
D. Amaral
B. Iannicca
St. Catherine of Siena
2340 Hurontario St.
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 1N1
Fr. Camillo Lando,
C.S. Pastor
Fr. Santo Cigolini,
C.S. in Residence
Fr. Mario Lorenzana,
C.S. Associate
School Council
Ms. N. Thomas-Davis
the resurrection of Your Son
has given us new life and renewed hope.
Help us to live as new people
in pursuit of the Christian ideal.
Grant us wisdom to know what we must do,
the will to want to do it,
the courage to undertake it,
the perseverance to continue to do it,
and the strength to complete it.
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, shall live.
And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” John 11: 25-26
Administrator’s Message…
The month of April is upon us, and as always we continue to be a faith-filled community. In the
month of March, we celebrated the virtue of Kindness, and in April, we focus on the virtue of Love.
March was another busy month at St. Catherine of Siena; it began with our Tribal Vision
Assembly giving students an opportunity to learn about aboriginal dance. On Shrove Tuesday,
our male staff put on a breakfast, in support of ShareLife, for staff and students at the Breakfast
Club. The following day we began our Lenten Journey with distribution of ashes on Ash
Wednesday. We had two outstanding Virtue Assemblies, displaying the many talents of our
students. We also had many community building events take place, including: Peel Family
Literacy Nights, Parent Conversation Circle, and Catholic School Council. We had the joy of
watching our Grade Two students celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. To finish out the
month we had over 400 people enjoy watching 'Frozen' on Movie Night. We also continue our Lenten journey and as a community of faith, we continue to reflect and renew
ourselves spiritually. We continue to engage in prayer, fasting and almsgiving as we prepare for the
celebration of Easter. During this Lenten season, as a community we reach out to others in many
ways. One of the ways we have chosen to help is by donating to ShareLife through many staff
fundraisers and our school’s Pretzel Day. As we come together as a community, we not only help
others but also strengthen our bond and caring for one another.
We take this opportunity to thank, as always, all the parents of our Catholic School Council and all of
our parent volunteers who continue to be vibrant members of our community supporting our
students in so many different ways.
God Bless,
G. Pedroso and R. Scicluna
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Parishioner Update: Registration Campaign
Virtue of the Month: Love
God wants us to serve and to see goodness in
everyone we meet.
God has given us many people in our lives to show us
examples of LOVE. Our families, teachers, and
friends show us their love every day. Love can be
seen in the simplest acts of kindness, such as sharing
a pencil, playing a game, or even saying Thank-you.
We should always show our love for others because
love is about seeing the good in people even when
they make us angry. Sometimes the greatest acts of
love happen when we are angry, such as hitting our
sibling back or not screaming at our friends. Jesus is
always with us and we should always try to remember
His most important lesson, the lesson of love,
because love is not about us-it is about looking out for
the good of others.
Our Daily Prayer for April:
Let us pray...for the virtue of love so that we will never
be satisfied until all are satisfied. AMEN
A loving person…
wants the best for others
is willing to make sacrifices for the good of others
knows that we are all lovable
prays for others
St. Augustine's thoughts on love:
Love has hands to help others. It has feet to hasten to
the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and
want. It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of
others. That's what love looks like.
note: All Virtue–information
December is
9 included in the
School’s Advent Mass – December 12
Parish Information:
St. Catherine of Siena
2340 Hurontario St., Mississauga, ON L5B 1N1
T: 905-272-1454
April 8
April 18
April 20
April 29
May 5
May 10
May 28
June 10
School Reconciliation
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena Celebration
Crowning of Mary Mass
Sacrament of First Holy Communion
Sacrament of Confirmation
Year End/Graduation Mass
All parishioners (registered and non-registered) are
asked to complete a church registration form to update
the Parish data. This important campaign and forms are
available at the main entrances of the church, and
attached to this newsletter. Return completed forms to
the office or give to the ushers.
Lenten Season
Our Liturgical Season of Lent is
well underway and continues until
Easter weekend (April 18-21).
During our six week Lenten
journey we recognize and discuss
with our students our human
frailties which causes us to sin. We prepare for the
coming of Easter through reflection, prayer and charity.
We respond to Jesus’ call for a “change of heart” by
becoming stronger in our will to say ‘yes’ to God and ‘no’
to our selfishness. We look forward to our Lenten
journey together, a strengthened and renewed faith in
God’s will.
First Holy Communion
Our Grade 2 students, with the guidance
of their teachers, have been busily
preparing for their First Eucharist
celebration. Their Eucharist celebration
will be celebrated on Saturday, May 10
at 3 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena
Church. More information will be
coming from your child's teacher.
Grade 8 Confirmation
Our Grade 8 students have been preparing all year, with
the help of their teachers and staff at the church for the
reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is a
special moment in the student’s spiritual journey as they
are confirmed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. The
celebration will be Wednesday, May 28 at 7 p.m. at the
St. Catherine of Siena Church. The
students are now seen as young
adults in the Church. It is our hope
that they continue their spiritual
journey and maintain and nurture
the relationship they have
developed with God.
Parish Feast Day Celebrations!
Come and join your fellow
parishioners in celebrating the Feast
Day of our patroness St. Catherine of
Siena! A special Mass will be
celebrated on May 4 at 1 p.m.
followed by an outdoor procession
and “street” party. There will be lots of food, music,
dancing and a talent show.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Newcomer Fair
Siena Awards Award Winners!
You're invited to attend the St.
Catherine of Siena School's
inaugural Newcomer Fair on
Thursday, April 3. This event
provides parents the opportunity to
connect with the different
organizations who serve our community, and to learn
more about the different FREE programs and services
designed to help people integrate into Canadian society.
There will be food and refreshments for those attending.
When teachers notice a
student(s) living out the virtues,
here at school, they will give
out a SIENA Award Slip to the
WHEN: Thursday, April 3 (2–5 p.m.)
WHERE: St. Catherine of Siena School Gym
Peel Career Assessment Centre
Tangerine Counseling
Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre
Employment Ontario Employment Suite - one
stop shop for all employment/job search
Language Instructions for New Canadians (LINC
English programs)
Ontario Early Years Centre
Newcomer Centre Of Peel
Education Recreation
> K-3: Ethan M. (Brennan) and Breanna C. (Venchiarutti)
> 4-6: Larissa G. (Hyacienth) and Ryan H. (Thrasher)
> 7-8: Alexie C. (Sgro) and Layth A. (Torun)
These students have been acknowledged school wide
through a PA announcement and have their picture
posted on our SIENA Award / Virtue board. Teachers
focused on, although not limited to, the virtue of the
EQAO Parent Information Session
There will be an EQAO Information Session
for parents of students in Grades 3 and 6 on
Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. The
purpose of this session is to provide details
related to this annual assessment. This
session will be open to parents of students who attend
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Elementary Schools
EQAO Grade 3 and
Grade 6 Testing
The EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office)
testing of our Grade 3 and 6 students is rapidly
Test Dates:
Pretzel ShareLife Fundraiser
This year, St. Catherine of Siena is
dedicating a week to ShareLife
beginning April 7-11, 2014. As part of
this Lenten project, we are selling
pretzels. Money raised will be used
to help the less fortunate. Please participate in this spirit
filled fundraiser by purchasing a fresh bread pretzel for
only $1.00. Order forms will be sent home on Monday,
March 31, and are to be returned no later than Friday,
April 4. Pretzel Day will be on April 10, 2014.
Mark your Calendars
French Café – Thursday, May 1
Talent Show - Wednesday, May 7
(Day and Evening Performance)
Grade 3
May 27
May 28
May 29 – p.m. only
May 30 – a.m. only
Grade 6
June 3
June 3
June 5 – a.m. only
June 6 – a.m. only
Please try to avoid scheduling any doctor’s
appointments or anything else that will take your
child out of school during the testing dates.
Students will complete the three tests during these four
days. The tests will be administered in the morning and
early in the afternoon. Students will not receive
homework during these test days, although they are
encouraged to continue with their daily reading each
evening. We encourage the students to get plenty of
sleep and eat a good breakfast in order to ensure the
highest degree of success. Please provide your child
with an extra beverage (water bottle) to help keep
him/her hydrated during the day and throughout the test.
We will also be providing an extra snack in class during
each of the tests days for all students.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Green News: Growing a Green Community
The Grade 6 classes
are extremely pleased
to invite you to the 4th
annual Eco -Fair. The
Eco-Fair will take place on April 22nd 2014. The times
that you can come visit our Eco-Fair are 9:30am12:00pm and 1:00pm-3:00pm. The inquiry based EcoFair is an educational presentation that provides
potential information about several important topics such
Global Climate Change
Green Innovations
Green Energy
Endangered Animals
If you are interested in any of these topics, you can
come to our Eco-Fair to learn about these things.
Sincerely, The Grade 6 Ambassadors
Green Team Upcoming Events
Earth Week Events: April 22 – 26
Tuesday, April 22 (Earth Day!) Rock Star Lunch,
students are encouraged to bring in 3 reusable
Wednesday, April 23 – Walk, Bike or Roll to
School! All students are encouraged to walk, bike or
roll to school and not drive.
Thursday, April 24 – Boomerang Lunch – Students
are encouraged to bring a waste-less lunch to
school. All garbage brought to school will be
returned home.
Friday, April 26 – Earth Afternoon –
Lights/electronics off all afternoon!
Classrooms will also be encouraged to sign-up for
yard/community clean-up during this week.
Go Green!
Along with many schools
across the city, we are holding
a Walk-a-Thon in support of
Leukemia Research at Sick
Kids Hospital. Our event is scheduled to take place on
Thursday, May 8. Hats off 2 Kidz is a charitable
organization in the support of Leukemia Research for the
Hospital for Sick Children and the Sick Kids
Foundation. We invite all members of our school
communities to “be the voice of children” and join us on
this very special day. On the Event Day, the children are
asked to wear blue and white, with a baseball cap.
“Today, we can give a child a reason to smile,
Movie Night - SUCCESS
St. Catherine of Siena School Community held Movie
Night on Friday, March 28; the feature presentation was
Frozen. This night was open to all students and their
families; there were over 125 families and 400 people
that came to the movie. It was a fun-filled family
oriented evening enjoyed by all. Thank you to all the
teachers, especially Ms. Leo and Mrs. Cimino, and the
student volunteers who helped make this day possible.
10 Years for Terry!
Congratulations to all staff and students at St. Catherine
of Siena! This year marks our 10th Anniversary
participating in the Terry Fox Run for cancer research.
In recognition of this significant achievement, we have
received a banner from the Terry Fox Foundation which
will be displayed in the hallway opposite the gym. We
also received a letter of personal congratulations from
Rolly Fox, Terry's dad!
Terry would be proud to witness Canadians like the
wonderful community at St. Catherine of Siena
Elementary School who bring honour to the work of The
Terry Fox Foundation. I wish I could meet every one of
you, to shake your hand and personally thank you for the
difference you make in the lives of so many. Terry made
me a proud father - you make me a very proud
The letter itself can be found on the school website.
Thank you again to all of you for your generous
donations and active participation over the last 10 years.
Together we are keeping Terry's dream alive!
Class Placements 2014
The staff of St. Catherine of Siena will meet during the
month of May to begin discussing an appropriate
placement for each student for next year. When
determining placement, some of the criteria we consider
 Academic ability
 Individual work habits and study skills
 Maturity
 Date of birth
 Social considerations
 Placement history
If you have any concerns about your child’s class
placement for September, please complete the attached
‘Parent Input for Class Placement’. You are asked to
return these forms to Mrs. Pedroso and/or Mr. Scicluna.
Please refrain from making a request for a specific
teacher as staffing is always tentative and changes
often take place between the time of tentative class
placement and September. Our decisions are made after
careful consideration of all relevant information and are
based on the individual strengths and needs of each
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
School Council
Kiss ‘n’ Ride @ St. Catherine of Siena
Next Meeting: Wednesday,
June 4 at 7 p.m.
The driveway at the front of the school is set up as our
Kiss ’n’ Ride, allowing parents the opportunity to drop off
and pick up their children in a safe and effective manner.
To this end, the success of this requires the mutual
understanding and support
of all our parents to assure
as smooth a transition as
possible to the start and
end of each day.
Communication between home and school is greatly
enhanced by parental involvement with the Catholic
School Council. All parents/guardians are
encouraged to come out to meetings and participate.
Attendance and Punctuality
All students are expected to attend school regularly and
punctually. In the event that your child will be late or
absent, please call the school and follow the prompts to
leave a message. This can be done 24 hours a day.
For students who are absent and for whom a call is not
received, we will attempt to contact you.
PLEASE CALL: 905-277-2448 Press # 1
If the bell has rung, all students (Gr. 1‐8) who may be late, are to go to the back of the school and join a line. If there are no students, and the doors are closed you are to come to the front of the school and obtain a Late Slip. Please leave the following information:
Date of the absence
Student’s full name
Grade level and teacher
Reason for absence
Before School Hours Supervision
For your child’s safety, we request that children not be
on school property until supervision begins at 8:45 a.m.
Medical Concerns
Follow the arrows on the driveway to the dropoff/pick-up area (in front on the Kindergarten yard).
Please do not use the Bus Loading zone (right next
to the sidewalk) as this area is meant for buses or
emergency vehicles.
Pull up as far as you can, it allows more cars to use
the Kiss’n’Ride.
Do Not Park or Get out of Your Vehicle in this
area, even if only for a few seconds. Parents who
wish to get out of the car are asked to park in the
designated visitor parking in the front and at the side
of the school.
Students are to exit the vehicle on the passenger
side (right side)
Once your child has left the car, please exit right
away at the south end of the school, driveway closet
to the Fire Department.
Please drive slowly and carefully in these lanes at all
Please do not walk your children through the Kiss’N
Ride lanes, this can be unsafe.
If your son / daughter has any medical concerns, please
ensure that you inform the school. Information may be
shared directly with the classroom teacher / office. If
medication is required, forms will be sent for completion
by parents and the family doctor. All information is held
in confidence.
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
Wet Clothing
Homework Help
With the long, wet winter and the
unpredictable temperatures, our
schoolyard alternates from icy and
slippery to soggy and muddy. When
conditions become dangerous or too
wet, we close the field to student use.
On most days, however, the students
have access to the field and complete paved areas.
The Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School
Board is pleased to announce that once again it will be
participating in the Math Homework Help pilot project.
This project provides access to live, interactive online
math help through the expansion of a pilot project
funded by the Ministry of Education. Homework Help is
free, real-time math tutoring by certified Ontario
teachers. The project’s goal remains to provide students
in grades 7 to 10 with an after-hours online support in
We have been encountering some issues, however, with
wet clothing. Often times, especially our older students,
students come to school without boots and snowpants.
We ask for your assistance in ensuring that all students
come to school with appropriate attire for the weather,
including boots, to ensure that they are comfortable to
learn when returning indoors.
Please also consider leaving a change of clothes (or
even just socks) in your child’s backpack. This will
alleviate the office from having to call home for a dry
Are You Moving
If you are
planning a move,
or have already
moved, please let
us know. If you
are moving to a
new school we
will give you a
Transfer Form to take with you to the new school. We
will be preparing classes for September 2014 and this
information will be helpful in determining class sizes. In
the past we have had to reorganize our classes in
September due to unexpected transfers.
If you currently live outside the school boundary and are
attending St. Catherine of Siena on a flex boundary
request, you will need to request flex boundary for next
year. The “Flexible Boundary” procedure is
reviewed annually. Please note that flex boundaries
will be looked at on a case by case basis and are not
guaranteed from year to year. If you are requesting flex
boundary, please note that transportation is your
responsibility. The Board will not provide either
transportation or additional supervision for students
admitted under this procedure. Note, the students
admitted under this procedure do not automatically
become eligible for the Secondary School serving the
school. A separate request must be made to the
Secondary School Principal.
To register for the site, visit the website Scroll down and you will
find the link to the Homework Help Line. Students will
need their OEN number to register. This number is
different from their student number, and can be obtained
from your child’s teacher.
Catholic Education Week
Serving in the Love of Christ” is scheduled for the week
of May 4 – May 9, 2014. The scriptural passage that
guides our theme is: ‘I am among you as one who
serves.’ (Luke 22:27e)
This year’s five sub-themes, one for each of the five
days of Catholic Education Week, help students to
understand the rich meaning of this year’s theme:
Serve with faithfulness
Serve with humility
Serve with compassion
Serve with justice
Serve with joy
Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to
highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of
Catholic education between our Catholic schools and
local Catholic parishes. Throughout Catholic Education
Week, we ask you to reflect on the significance of
Catholic education’s presence and contribution in our
Church, and in our society. We invite all members of our
community, to participate in the celebrations and
activities that will mark the celebration of Catholic
Education Week 2014 in our schools.
For more information about Catholic Education Week
and to access OCSTA Resources, visit
Many Hands, Many Lands, One Heart, One God
March 31
April Fool’s Day
(Gr. 3-8)
Newcomer Fair
2-5 p.m. in Gym
Pretzel Order
Forms due
Tournament @
St. Mark
Pretzel Day
Building Event
EQAO Parent
Evening @ 6:30
Gr. 8
Orientation Day
at St. Martin’s
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Good Friday
Earth Day
Feast of St.
Catherine of
Celebration @
9:30 a.m.
Youth Diversity
Jr. Head’s Up
Movie Day
Building Event
Catholic Education Week May 4-9
French Café – May 1
Crowning of Mary – May 5
Talent Show – May 7
Mary Fix School Council Presents: Kids Are Stressed Too
Thursday April 24t h 2014 at 7:00 pm ‐ 8:30 pm Mary Fix Catholic School (Library), 486 Paisley Boulevard West, Mississauga Kids are welcomed!! 
Learn how the brain functions under stress and why the body responds the way it does.
Improve focus, eliminate stress and bad behavior.
Learn how the body brain connection can be accomplished with simple body
movements such as Brain Gym®.
This workshop is fun, easy, interactive and practical for the whole family.
You have more power than you think!!
Leah Dilley is a registered massage therapist, certified acupuncturist and Brain Gym® consultant with over 13 years of experience in the wellness field. She has helped thousands eliminate and understand their stress. Working with the body is essential to create the body brain connection for optimal performance and health. As a mother of a son with high needs, integrating Brain Gym® and body work allowed him to improve his focus, emotional awareness and general anxiety to become an interested and confident learner. Working with kids and not focusing on the behavior but the stress behind the behavior can turn the child’s world into a positive when the right systems and treatments are in place. R.S.V.P. to Mary Fix School by April 21st, call 905‐270‐3140 St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School
Many Hands, Many Lands,
One Heart, One God
2350 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B‐1N1 P: (905) 277‐2448 F: (905) 277‐5910 W: Parent Input for Class
Mrs. Pedroso, Principal and/or Mr. Scicluna, Vice-Principal
From: __________________________
Consideration for Class Placement for my son/daughter
Please refrain from making a request for a specific teacher as staffing is always tentative
and changes often take place between the time of tentative class placement and
Dear Mrs. Pedroso and Mr. Scicluna,
I understand that the staff of St, Catherine of Siena School will soon begin the process of determining
class placements for September 2014. Kindly take into consideration the following information when
making a decision regarding my child’s class placement:
Child’s Name:
Current Teacher:
Current Grade: _________
My son/daughter has experienced the most success in the following learning environment. (Please
touch upon the factors of a learning environment that are relevant to your child’s class placement, i.e.
teacher’s instructional style, peer relationships, child’s learning style, etc.).
(You may use the back of this form if more space is required).
I understand that it is not possible to accommodate all requests, but that staff will take into
consideration the information provided above and use this information to form part of the decision.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________ Date: ______________
Please submit this form by Friday, May 3, 2014.
A Tradition of Excellence in Catholic Education
HOLY WEEK Schedule
Monday-Tues-Wed, April 14 - 16
April 17th ___________
8:00pm Mass of the Lord's Supper
9:15pm Parish Holy Hour
11:00pm Church closes
April 18th ___________
9:00-11:00am Confessions
Stations of the Cross (Spanish)
3:00pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion (Eng.)
Stations of the Cross (English)
6:30pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion (Eng.)
Stations of the Cross (Italian)
9:15pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion(Span.)
________Holy Saturday
8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass
April 19th __________
8:30am (English)
10:00am (Italian)
11:30am (English)
1:00pm (English)
2:30pm (Tagalog)
4:30pm (English)
6:00pm (Spanish)
April 20th __________
St. Catherine of Siena Parish April 2014
Stations of the
Cross every Friday at
6:30pm during Lent.
Easter Sunday is April 20th!
God our Father, creator of all, today is the day of
Easter joy. This is the morning on which the Lord
appeared to men who had begun to lose their hope
and opened their eyes to what the scriptures
foretold: that first he must die, and then he would
rise and ascend into his Father’s glorious
presence. May the risen Lord breathe on our
minds and open our eyes that we may know him in
the breaking of the bread, and follow him in his
risen life. Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Weekend May 2nd - 4th
Plan to participate in
the weekend festivities
celebrating our patron
St. Catherine of Siena
beginning Friday
2014 Parish Campaign
is underway. Please be
generous. “You can
work wonders.”
Please join us for a three day Mission in
preparation for Easter…Wednesday April 9th to
Friday April 11th in the church at 7pm.
Wednesday April 9th
Here in our parish from
9 to 11am
3 to 6pm
after the 7pm mass
Parish Registration
All parishioners new
and existing are asked
to complete a
registration form to
update the Parish data.
Please check the
church website for
further details
earth day c an ad a’ s
top 10 action s
earth day canada’s
top 10 actions
Smart Shopping
• Buy what you need, not what you want
• Consider renting and borrowing things that are seldom needed
• Buy used items from garage sales and second-hand stores
Photo courtesy: Bokeh Burger (flickr)
Simple savers
• Replace incandescent light bulbs with LEDs
• Use aerators on faucets and shower heads
Photo courtesy: Anton Fomkin
Transportation alternatives
• Walk, cycle, car pool and use public transportation
• When driving, reduce idling and maintain correct tire pressure
• Consider car sharing programs or renting
Food choices
• Choose local and organic foods that are in season, and support local food producers
• Eat less meat
Washing and Drying
• Wash full loads of clothes in cold water and hang to air dry
Earth Day Canada strives to make every day Earth day!
We need your help to make a difference! Check out
earth day c an ad a’ s
top 10 action s
• For summer air conditioning, set your thermostat to 24°C or 25°C
• For winter heating, set your thermostat to 19°C or 20°C
• Install ceiling fans and programmable thermostats
Photo courtesy:
somenametoforget (flickr)
• Vacation, travel and work as close to home as possible
• Take short showers instead of baths
• Close water taps while brushing your teeth
Photo courtesy: John Loo
• Choose natural, non-toxic cleaning products
• Make simple, natural cleaners with ingredients like vinegar, baking soda and water
• Donate, reuse and recycle items before throwing them into the trash
• Harmful materials like chemicals, batteries, electronics, etc. should be
taken to local hazardous waste depots or recyclers
Earth Day Canada strives to make every day Earth day!
We need your help to make a difference! Check out