St. Jean-Marie Vianney Catholic Elementary School School Council Minutes Monday, February 9, 2015

St. Jean-Marie Vianney Catholic
Elementary School
School Council Minutes
Monday, February 9, 2015
Present: Tim Waters, Melissa Daddabbo, Juanita Celenza, Grace McCullough, Lorraine
Galifi, Jennifer Medeiros, Andy Milne, Marlow Vella, Monique Nejmeh, Rocelyn Esposo
Absent: Nick Abdo
Meeting in session: 6:30pm
1. Introductions made around the table. Welcome to Marlow Vella.
ACTION: Rocelyn to bring opening prayer to next council meeting.
2. Minutes from December 1, 2014 meeting approved by Juanita Celenza and
seconded by Tim Waters.
3. Treasurer’s Report:
a. Movie night was a huge success raising a total of $984.40 in funds. 300
people participated.
b. Subway and pizza orders continue to be successful.
c. 18 classes are outstanding still to spend the allotted $150 each for class
d. $800 budgeted to be spent for grade eight graduation awards and décor.
Since banner was purchased last year, this is a savings in expenses.
e. $1000 pro grant to be allotted for fitness night being held February 19th.
f. Prayer books and rosaries to be sourced by Rocelyn again from St.
Jerome for the upcoming sacrament of Communion. Numbers to be
confirmed by Mr. Waters.
g. Quote has been received regarding beautification project which will be
moving forward after mock up received. The painting will possibly happen
over the summer.
h. Funds remaining after all commitments is $4,317.43.
4. Chair’s Report:
a. Council discussed at length the possibility of another Chocolate
Fundraiser. Due to the amount of time required from Council in
committing to daily work for two weeks in counting money, dealing with
returned boxes, etc.; Council made the decision to move this initiative to
the next school year 2015/2016 during the last week of September or first
week of October should it move forward. Completing it near the beginning
of the school year allows Council to determine how much funds are
available for the remainder of the year. Also agreed that each student
would get a raffle ticket for prize redemption for each box sold as opposed
to most boxes sold to give more students an opportunity to win.
Representatives from World’s Finest Chocolates and Nestle will both be
present at the next Council meeting to discuss logistics.
ACTION: Rocelyn to contact Nestle for representation.
Juanita to contact World’s Finest Chocolates for representation.
b. Juanita brought forward suggestion of doing a Much Music video dance
next year as well. In addition, will discuss possibly distributing pancakes
to the students on Shrove Tuesday.
5. Parish Representative Report:
a. Rocelyn advised the date for Reconciliation is February 28th and First
Communion being held on May 9th at St. Jerome.
b. Date for Confirmation has not been decided yet due to discrepancy in
numbers of grade eight students. Once confirmed, the date will be posted
in the Parish bulletin.
c. Items are being collected over March 7th and 8th at the Church for gently
used clothing, school supplies and soap.
6. OPACE Report:
a. Two meetings have taken place, one at the end of November which
elected the Board of Directors. Parents brought forward concern
regarding sex education curriculum across the region. Reminder that
Bishops in addition to OPACE are reviewing the material that they are in
agreement with. Feel the media is blowing this topic out of proportion.
Second meeting took place at the end of January with the President of
Financial Literacy regarding ‘Centsible Students’ workshops. Discussion
surrounded when is a good time to discuss child expenses and introduce
concepts of spending and credit cards with children who express interest.
It was frowned upon to give an allowance for chores which ultimately is
the decision of the parent.
b. Andy distributed information regarding upcoming events including
Financial Literacy ‘Centsible’ workshops available to schools at a cost of
$225 per grade and to parents at $800 per workshop. Mr. Waters advised
professional development opportunities are being offered to teachers
through Board education.
Dynamic Women of Faith Catholic Women’s Conference is being held at
the International Plaza Hotel on March 14th at a cost of $45 for parents.
Speakers include Cardinal Collins, Dr. Lombardi and others for a faith
based day.
c. May 3-8 is Catholic Education Week.
d. A facebook page has been created to support these initiatives.
e. Next meeting will be end of March.
7. Principal’s Report:
a. Ms. Yates has left the school to become Vice Principal at St. Gertrude.
We wish her all the best and thank her for all her accomplishments over
the past year. Mrs. Simpson has moved from the Kindergarten class to
now teach grade eight.
b. New teachers have been hired for Kindergarten including Mrs. Sophia and
Mrs. Yip who has replaced Mrs. Cunningham on maternity leave.
c. Mrs. Paula Glaze is planning time in Special Education.
d. Full day Kindergarten registration brought forward 56 registrations to date
with a projected 65 for September. There will be 5 classes next year.
e. School is currently at 530 students with 585 projected come September.
f. Two weeks ago, students in grades 3-8 across the province completed a
CCAT survey concerning bullying awareness, and how they feel at school.
Results will determine where improvements are necessary.
g. Fitness night taking place on February 19th. Forms went home last week
and will cap the numbers should too many families express interest. Last
year 150 people participated. The night begins in the gym and the group is
divided into five groups rotating through various stations including yoga,
healthy eating, etc.
h. Valentines dance a thon being held on February 13 th with $2 donation
proceeds going to Share Life. Students will also be celebrating the 100th
day of school. Vianney Villages has been collecting $2 for cookie grams
over the past week with proceeds going towards a goat in a Village in
i. Artist in the School has confirmed Ray Kingsmore to conduct drum clinics
which will be ongoing in March.
j. Artist in the School Leslie McCurdy conducted two hour presentation
regarding the spirit of Harriet Tubman to grade 4-8 students which was
well received and the students enjoyed.
k. MTC Life with Miguel returned with intermediate students which brought
the school alive with his presence and the students loved.
l. Chess club continues to meet everyday led by Mr. Stone.
m. Vianney Villages meeting February 27th for next event.
n. Parent engagement night being held on February 12 th at St. Rita to
discuss Social Networking Safety with Paul Davis. Rocelyn will be
attending on behalf of Council.
o. Ski trip for grade 5-8 students held at Hockley Valley was huge success.
Next trip is on February 24th.
p. Mr. Stone organized cross country ski day for grade 4 students near
Collingwood which was enjoyed by all. The emails sent by the school
regarding arrivals and departures for both ski events was greatly
appreciated by parents.
q. Grades 5-7 students attended Silver Creek and grade 1 students will be
attending Peel Safety Village over the next month.
r. Day of Pink on April 10th at Cassie Campbell.
8. Other business:
a. Council agreed that the Garage Sale proposed for May will not be planned
or move forward.
b. Council agreed unanimously to plan a second movie night for Friday, May
22nd. Discussed offering a price for one whole box of pizza to families in
addition to individual prices.
c. Marlow suggested an event for younger students with Sharon, Lois and
ACTION: Marlow will contact their PR Manager to inquire into pricing
details and present at next meeting.
d. Pro grant for next year being handled by Ms. Mezzatesta to use for fitness
night again.
e. Discussed possibly doing a BBQ at the end of the year.
9. Important Dates:
March 9th
May 11th
Meeting Adjourned – 8:00pm
Motion to approve by: Grace McCullough
Motion seconded by: Juanita Celenza