AbstractID: 11973 Title: Commonwealth of Virginia's Medical Reserve Corp.

AbstractID: 11973 Title: Commonwealth of Virginia's Medical Reserve Corp.
Integral to the success of a Medical Reserve Corp is the process of identifying individuals in each state willing to serve as volunteers. The
Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP) is the national network of State-based programs
that effectively facilitate the use of health professional volunteers in local, State, and Federal emergency responses. All states have developed an
approach for meeting the requirements of these initiatives. This talk will discuss the purpose and requirements of ESAR-VHP and discuss how
the Commonwealth of Virginia has implemented the requirements.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand what ESAR-VHP is.
2. Understand where to obtain information unique to your state program.
3. Understand the purpose of ESAR-VHP including the role of volunteers.