Proc. Natt. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 83, pp. 1006-1010, February 1986 Cell Biology A monoclonal antibody that cross-reacts with phosphorylated epitopes on two microtubule-associated proteins and two neurofilament polypeptides (neuronal cytoskeleton/protein klnase/evolutdonary conservation) FRANCIS C. LUCA, GEORGE S. BLOOM, AND RICHARD B. VALLEE* Cell Biology Group, Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, 222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Communicated by Philip Siekevitz, October 3, 1985 ies. Reaction is with a phosphorylated epitope present on both proteins. The antibody also shows an additional unique feature: it cross-reacts with two of the three major polypeptide components of neuronal intermediate filaments (neurofilaments). A monoclonal antibody is described that was ABSTRACT raised against bovine brain microtubule-associated protein (MAP) 1B. Immunoblot analysis revealed that immunoreactivity was abolished by dephosphorylation of the antigen. The antigen/antibody reaction was also directly inhibited by sodium phosphate. In whole brain tissue, MAP 1B was the primary immunoreactive species. However, the antibody was also found to react with MAP 1A as well as with the high and middle molecular weight neurofilament polypeptides. No cross-reaction with MAP 2, which is known to be extensively phosphorylated, other MAPs, or the low molecular weight neurofilament polypeptide was observed. This evidence suggests at least some sequence homology between these different polypeptide components of the neuronal cytoskeleton and points to a common mechanism for their phosphorylation. The major nontubulin proteins isolated with purified brain microtubules are large polypeptides known as the high molecular weight microtubule-associated proteins (HMW MAPs). These proteins represent substantial components of the neuronal cytoskeleton (see, for example, ref. 1) and are present in a wide variety of other cell types as well (2). Recent work has indicated that the HMW MAPs are complex in their molecular composition. Two HMW MAP classes-termed MAP 1 and MAP 2 (3)-were originally identified on the basis of their distinct electrophoretic mobility. MAP 2 has since proven to consist of two polypeptides-MAP 2A and MAP 2B-that show extensive structural and immunological similarity (2, 4-8). Our laboratory has described three components of MAP 1-MAP 1A, MAP 1B, and MAP 1C-that are structurally and immunologically distinct (5, 9, 10). Peptide mapping of the three MAP 1 species revealed little apparent homology between these proteins (5, 9). We have also produced several monoclonal antibodies, all of which were specific for either MAP 1A (9, 10) or MAP 1B (5). We have observed differences in the binding efficiency of MAP 1A and MAP 1B to microtubules and in their regional distribution in brain tissue (5). Other laboratories have also noted the complexity of the MAP 1 polypeptides (8, 11-15), though the correspondence of proteins from laboratory to laboratory has not been established. In the course of characterizing antibodies prepared against electrophoretically purified MAP 1B, we found one that appeared to cross-react with MAP 1A. Because of the potential usefulness of such an antibody in evaluating the structural relationship between the MAPs, we have characterized its properties in detail. We report here that this antibody, termed "MAP 1B-3," indeed recognizes MAP 1A and MAP 1B as defined by immunoprecipitation with monospecific monoclonal antibod- MATERIALS AND METHODS Biochemical Reagents. Bovine casein (technical grade), egg yolk phosvitin, calf thymus histone (type II-A), potato acid phosphatase (type III), bovine intestinal alkaline phosphatase (type VII-N), Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (type III), pepstatin A, leupeptin, and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride were products of Sigma. a2-Macroglobulin was obtained from Boehringer Mannheim. NaDodSO4 was obtained from British Drug House. Microtubule and Neurofilament Purification. Microtubules were purified with the aid of taxol from calf brain gray and white matter or whole rat brain as described (16). MAPs were prepared from the calf brain white and gray matter microtubules by exposure to 0.35 M NaCl in the presence of taxol and were used without further dialysis. Neurofilaments isolated from bovine spinal cord (17, 18) were generously provided by Anne Hitt and Robley Williams (Vanderbilt University). Neurofilaments from rat brain (19) were generously supplied by Ronald Liem (New York University School of Medicine). Electrophoretic Techniques. NaDodSO4 gel electrophoresis was performed according to the method of Laemmli (20). A modification of this method was also used in which NaDodSO4 was omitted from the stacking and separating gels, and 2 M urea was added to the separating gel (5). Gels were stained with Coomassie brilliant blue R250 (21) or ammoniacal silver (22). Anti-MAP Antibodies. Monoclonal anti-MAP 1A, now referred to as antibody "MAP lA-i," has been described (9, 10). Monoclonal antibody "MAP 1B-4" was one of four anti-MAP 1B antibodies described in an earlier report (5). Antibody MAP 1B-3 was obtained from the same hybridoma fusion, which was performed by using spleen cells from a mouse immunized with electrophoretically purified calf brain white matter MAP 1B. Antibody MAP 1B-3 was found to be of the IgM class using isotype-specific antibodies (9). Hybridoma cells were cloned twice. All positive wells from the second cloning step showed cross-reaction with MAP 1A and MAP 1B, indicating that this was an inherent property of antibody MAP 1B-3 (see Results). Immunological Techniques. Immunoblotting was performed as described (23). All washing steps were conducted in 50 mM Tris (pH 7.4) containing 150 mM NaCl (Tris/NaCl). Bovine serum albumin (0.25%) and Nonidet P-40 (NP-40) The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. Abbreviations: HMW, high molecular weight; MAP, microtubuleassociated protein; NP-40, Nonidet P-40. *To whom reprint requests should be addressed. 1006 Cell Biology: Luca et al. (0.05%) were added prior to the first antibody incubation and prior to and during the second antibody incubation. To evaluate the role of protein-bound phosphate in the antigen/antibody reaction, nitrocellulose strips to which electrophoretically separated polypeptides had been transferred were washed with Tris/NaCl, exposed to bovine serum albumin and NP-40, and then incubated with protein phosphatase. Conditions were based on those of Sternberger and Sternberger (24). Exposure to phosphatase was for 2.5 hr at 370C in 2 ml of 0.1 M Tris buffer containing leupeptin at 10 pg/ml, pepstatin A at 10 pg/ml, 2 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and 1 trypsin-inhibitory unit of a2-macroglobulin. Calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase was used at 10.5 units/ml (pH 8.0), E. coli alkaline phosphatase was at 10 units/ml (pH 8.0), and potato acid phosphatase was at 5 units/ml (pH 6.0). The nitrocellulose strips were subsequently rinsed three times in Tris/NaCl, treated with bovine serum albumin and NP-40, and then exposed to primary and secondary antibodies as usual. Immunoprecipitation was performed as follows. MAPs (1 mg in 200 ,l) were incubated in a boiling water bath for 5 min in the presence of NaDodSO4 (1%) and 2-mercaptoethanol (5%). The samples were chilled and diluted 1:10 in Tris/NaCl containing 1% NP-40. Primary antibody was added as ascites fluid (50 ,ul) and the samples were incubated on ice for 2 hr. Six hundred twenty-five microliters of goat anti-mouse immunoglobulins coupled to agarose beads (Hyclone Immunochemical Reagents, Logan, UT) was added, and the samples were incubated overnight with gentle mixing at 2°C. The beads were washed with Tris/NaCl, taken up in 2 vol of NaDodSO4 electrophoresis sample buffer, and centrifuged. The supernate was used for subsequent electrophoretic and immunoblot analysis. RESULTS Reaction of Antibody MAP 1B-3 with MAP 1A and MAP 1B. Fig. 1 shows immunoblot data for antibody MAP 1B-3 in brain tissue and purified microtubules. The antibody showed a limited reaction with a HMW polypeptide species in whole cerebral cortex (Fig. 1, lanes A and B). In purified microtubules, however, reaction with two bands corresponding to both MAP 1A and MAP 1B was observed (Fig. 1, lanes C and D). Reaction with a band below MAP 1B, presumed to represent a fragment of MAP 1A or MAP 1B, was also seen sometimes (compare Figs. 1 and 3). Reaction with MAP 1C or with MAP 2 was not observed. The structural relationship between the HMW MAPs is still incompletely defined. These proteins are electrophoretically complex (Fig. 1; refs. 5, 9, 11-15). Most of them are very sensitive to proteolysis (9, 25, 26), which might further contribute to the observed complexity. We, therefore, considered it important to establish whether the result shown in Fig. 1, lane B, reflected true cross-reaction between MAP 1A and MAP 1B as we have defined those species in our earlier work. To this end, MAP 1A and MAP 1B were independently immunoprecipitated with specific monoclonal antibodies. The immunoprecipitated proteins were then subjected to immunoblotting (Fig. 2). Immunoprecipitation was performed with MAPs that had been incubated in 1% NaDodSO4 to disrupt protein/protein interactions that might complicate interpretation of the experiment. White matter MAPs were used as starting material for the isolation of MAP 1B because of the greater abundance of this protein in white matter preparations, whereas gray matter MAPs were used as starting material for the isolation of MAP 1A. The immunoprecipitated MAPs were devoid of detectable contamination with other MAP species as shown by total protein staining. Immunoblotting with monospecific anti-MAP 1A Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83 (1986) A B C .4 _-1 1007 D - ~~~ A 1A_ I Bz iC- 2A2B- .4 FIG. 1. Electrophoretic and immunoblot analysis of antibody MAP 1B-3. Lanes A and B, whole calf brain cerebral cortex was dissolved in sample buffer and subjected to NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7% acrylamide). Lane A, Coomassie blue-stained gel; lane B, equivalent sample transferred to nitrocellulose and allowed to react with antibody. Lanes C and D, similar analysis of purified microtubules from calf brain white matter subjected to NaDodSO4/urea/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (4% acrylamide). Lane C, Coomassie blue-stained sample; lane D, nitrocellulose strip allowed to react with antibody. Arrowheads denote positions of top and dye front of gel. and anti-MAP 1B antibodies showed reaction only with their corresponding immunoprecipitated species. In contrast, antibody MAP 1B-3 recognized polypeptides immunoprecipitated by the MAP 1B- and MAP lA-specific antibodies. In further experiments, three additional anti-MAP lB antibodies (5) and one additional anti-MAP 1A antibody ("MAP 1A-2"; F.C.L. and R.B.V., unpublished results) reacted only with MAP 1B or MAP 1A, respectively, in this type of analysis. None of the antibodies, including MAP 1B-3, reacted with immunoprecipitated MAP 2. The unique behavior of antibody MAP 1B-3 raised the possibility that it recognized an epitope with unusual properties. Several antibodies have been described that recognize phosphorylated epitopes (24, 27-33). To determine whether this were the case for MAP 1B-3, microtubule proteins were separated by NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide electrophoresis, blotted to nitrocellulose paper, and then exposed to calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (Fig. 3). This ttattnent completely abolished the immunoreactivity of MAP 1A and MAP 1B (Fig. 3, lane B). Potato acid phosphatwe azd E. -coli alkaline phosphatase also reduced immunoreactivityj though not as effectively as the calf enzyme. To determine whether the inhibition of immunoreactivity was due specifically to the phosphatase actiity of the enzyme preparation, 50 mM sodium phosphate w"a included in the preparation as a competitive inhibitor during the phosphatase treatment (33, 34). Under these conditions immunoreactivity was preserved (Fig. 3, lane C). Thus, the epitope recognized by MAP 1B-3 was judged to include an essential phosphate group. 1008 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83 (1986) Cell Biology: Luca et al. A B A B A B A A B WG B C 1A -- -7B .2B MAP 1AMAP JB- MAP 1B-4 MAP 1B-3 MAP lA-l BLOT SI LVER FIG. 2. Reaction of antibody MAP 1B-3 with MAP 1A and MAP 1B. MAP 1A and MAP 1B were individually immunoprecipitated with monospecific monoclonal antibodies. MAP 1A was immunoprecipitated from gray matter MAPs with antibody MAP lA-1 (9), and MAP 1B was immunoprecipitated from white matter MAPs with antibody MAP lB-4 (5). The immunoprecipitates were subjected to NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (6% acrylamide) and visualized by silver staining (Right). The immunoprecipitates were also transferred to nitrocellulose and allowed to react with antibodies MAP 1B-4, MAP 1B-3, and MAP lA-1 (Left). Lanes: A, immunoprecipitated MAP 1A; B, immunoprecipitated MAP 1B; W, white matter microtubules; G, gray matter microtubules. MAP 1A appears to split in this preparation, possibly due to proteolysis. The heavy bands at low molecular weight in the silver-stained material in lanes A and B are the antibody heavy chains. Arrowheads denote positions of top and dye front of gel. We also observed that inorganic phosphate directly inhibited the antibody/antigen reaction. Inclusion of sodium phosphate at levels as low as 50 mM during the primary antibody incubation almost abolished immunoreactivity. That this was not simply an ionic strength effect was shown by control experiments in which levels of NaCl as high as 1 M had no effect on the reaction. We noted that the effect of phosphate was most dramatic at short times of antibody incubation. After 1 hr in the presence of 50 mM phosphate, almost no antibody reaction was observed. However, after 3 hr, substantial reaction was seen. Reaction of Antibody MAP 1B-3 with Neurofilaments. Recognition of a phosphorylated epitope raised the question of how broad the cross-reactivity observed with antibody MAP 1B-3 might be. Presumably, most protein phosphates were not recognized because of the very limited reaction observed with whole brain tissue or purified microtubules (Fig. 1). In the latter case, in particular, MAP 2 is known to be highly phosphorylated (35-37), and tubulin (see Fig. 4) also contains close to 1 mol of phosphate per mol of protein (38). Neither protein showed detectable reaction with antibody MAP 1B-3. Nonetheless, we did notice in calf brain tissue, particularly in white matter, weak reaction with two polypeptides of lower molecular weight than MAP 1B. In rat brain, the antibody recognized a major polypeptide of Mr -200,000 (Fig. 4). This species was completely removed by centrifugation of the tissue homogenate, in contrast to the immunoreactivity observed at the position of the MAP 1 polypeptides. Though the cross-reactive polypeptide was prominent in adult brain tissue, it was absent in young rat brain. In view of these properties, and reports of the high frequency with which antibodies to phosphorylated neurofilament epitopes could be obtained (24), we examined the reaction of MAP 1B-3 with purified neurofilaments (Fig. 5). FIG. 3. Effect of phosphatase on MAP 1B-3 immunoreactivity. Calf brain white matter microtubules were subjected to NaDodS04/urea/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (4% acrylamide) followed by immunoblotting as described in the legends to Figs. 1 and 2. The nitrocellulose paper was incubated with Tris buffer alone (pH 8.0) (lane A), calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (lane B), and calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase in the presence of 50 mM sodium phosphate (lane C). The nitrocellulose strips were subsequently incubated with antibody MAP 1B-3, and the immunoblot procedure was completed as usual. It may be seen that two of the three subunits of neurofilaments were recognized by the antibody. Reaction was most intense with the HMW component but was also detectable with the middle molecular weight species. A trace reaction could also be seen at the position of MAP 1B. No reaction with the low molecular weight neurofilament polypeptide was detected. Similar results were obtained with a preparation of rat brain neurofilaments (data not shown). In separate experiments, it was found that immunoreactivity of the neurofilament bands was abolished when rat brain samples were exposed to phosphatase, as was described in the legend to Fig. 3 for microtubule proteins, or when phosphate was present during incubation of purified calf brain neurofilaments with antibody MAP 1B-3. To examine the specificity of the antibody further, immunoblotting was conducted with several proteins known to contain high levels of covalently bound phosphate. No reaction was observed with 5 ,ug of phosvitin or histone. Occasional weak reaction was observed with a single casein polypeptide at a total protein loading of 5 ,g. No reaction was observed at 2 ,ug of protein. DISCUSSION We have found that one of a series of five antibodies raised against MAP 1B, a recently identified MAP in brain tissue (5, 9), cross-reacts with an additional microtubule protein, MAP 1A (9). Reaction was with a phosphorylated epitope, indicating that MAP 1A and MAP 1B are phosphoproteins. Further cross-reaction was observed with two of the three neurofilament polypeptides. It is known that all three neurofilament polypeptides contain phosphate and that the high and middle molecular weight species are extensively phosphorylated (17, 34). This raises the possibility that the H E H P E .< Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83 (1986) Cell Biology: Luca et al. p S -M AP IA MAP 2AB -4P. - 1_W A VW _ 1009 B _4 -H _ -M q - L -TUB C BB BLOT FIG. 4. Immunoblot analysis of rat brain subcellular fractions. Microtubules were prepared from whole adult rat brain tissue, and the preparative fractions were subjected to NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7% acrylamide) and immunoblotting. Lanes: H, tissue homogenate; E, cytosolic extract; P, microtubule pellet. CBB, Coomassie blue-stained gel; BLOT, immunoblot; TUB, tubulin. Arrow indicates immunoreactive species present in homogenate but absent from extract and microtubule pellet. Only a single MAP band was detected in the extract and microtubule lanes due to poor resolution of MAP 1A and MAP 1B on higher percent acrylamide gels. Arrowheads denote positions of top and dye front of gel. observed cross-reaction is a simple function of total phosphate content. This seems unlikely in view of the limited cross-reactivity of the antibody in whole brain tissue (Figs. 1 and 4) and the failure to observe cross-reactivity with MAP 2, which is itself extensively phosphorylated (35-37) and very abundant in microtubule preparations (Figs. 1 and 4), with brain tubulin, which contains close to 1 mol/mol of phosphate (38), or with high levels of phosvitin, histone, or casein. It should be mentioned in this context that little is known about the extent of MAP 1 phosphorylation. Phosphate incorporation in vivo into some component of the MAP 1 complex has been reported (3, 11, 39). The correspondence of these species to those characterized in our laboratory is not certain, and the extent and mechanism of MAP 1 phosphorylation are unknown. The present study has served to demonstrate that MAP 1A and MAP 1B as defined in our laboratory are both phosphorylated as isolated. Since immunoreactivity was observed in tissue directly dissolved in electrophoresis sample buffer, we conclude that MAP 1A and MAP 1B were phosphorylated in vivo. Whether phosphorylation of these proteins occurs to an extent comparable to that of the neurofilament polypeptides must await further work. Until the present study, the accumulating evidence on the properties of the MAP 1 polypeptides had shown more differences than similarities other than their obvious similarity in molecular weight. The two proteins had largely distinct peptide patterns (5). In addition, four monospecific antibodies to MAP 1B (5) and one to MAP 1A (9) have been produced. Six additional monospecific monoclonal antibod- FIG. 5. Immunoblot analysis of purified neurofilaments. Calf brain neurofilaments (6 Iug per lane) were subjected to NaDodS04/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7.5% acrylamide). Lane A, immunoblot; lane B, Coomassie blue staining. H, high; M, middle; and L, low molecular weight neurofilament polypeptide components. Arrowheads denote positions of top and dye front of gel. Arrow indicates position of very high molecular weight species present in neurofilaments at the position of MAP 1B, which showed barely detectable reaction with MAP 1B-3. ies to MAP 1A have also been produced recently in our laboratory (F.C.L., unpublished results). In addition to this structural evidence, we have noted reciprocal developmental changes in the two MAP 1 polypeptide species (40) as well as differences in their microtubule binding properties (5). Indeed, MAP 1B had remained unnoticed until recently because of its low efficiency of copurification with microtubules relative to MAP 1A and other MAPs. Despite these observations, the evidence presented here indicates that at least some structural homology does exist between the two proteins. Since inorganic phosphate inhibited antibody binding, the antibody must recognize a phosphorylation site directly rather than a separate site that is indirectly affected by phosphorylation state. However, since most protein phosphates are not recognized by MAP 1B-3, the antibody must also recognize a specific sequence of amino acids. Thus, MAP 1A and MAP 1B must have some sequence homology, at least in the immediate vicinity of the immunoreactive phosphate group. It is too soon to conclude whether the common presence of this epitope in neurofilaments and the MAP 1 polypeptides is indicative of some fundamental relationship between these proteins, either in their function or in their evolutionary development. One of the more intriguing possibilities raised by this finding is that the epitope represents a common sequence recognized as substrate by some normal cellular constituent, such as a protein kinase or phosphatase. Perhaps phosphorylation of neurofilaments and the MAP 1 polypeptides, which are all components of the neuronal cytoskeleton, occurs by means of a common mechanism. So far as we know, cross-reaction of neurofilaments with microtubule proteins has not been reported previously. It has been observed that the components of the neurofilament triplet polypeptides are particularly immunogenic (24, 41) and that antibodies to phosphorylated epitopes can be obtained with considerable frequency (24). Whether these antibodies react with other proteins, such as the MAPs, has not been investigated. Perhaps among these antibodies, some with the properties described here will prove to occur with significant frequency as well. 1010 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83 (1986) Cell Biology: Luca' et al. We thank Anne Hitt and Dr. Robley Williams, Jr., for their generous gift of calf spinal cord neurQfilaments; Dr. Ronald Liem for his generous gift of rat brain neurofilaments; Dr. Christine Collins for preparation of microtubules; and Dr. Collins and Dr. Jeremy Hyams for their critical reading of the manuscript. This study was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant GM26701 and March of Dimes Grant 5-388 to R.B.V. and by the Mimi Aaron Greenberg Fund. 1. Hirokawa, N., Bloom, G. S. & Vallee, R. B. (1985) J. Cell Biol. 101, 227-239. 2. Vallee, R. B. & Bloom, G. S. (1984) in Modern Cell Biology, ed. Satir, B. (Liss, New York), Vol. 3, 21-75. 3. Sloboda, R. D. Rudolph, S. A., Rosenbaum, J. 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