Advancesin NeuroimmunologyVol. 6, pp. 309-346, 1996 Pergamon © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0960-5428/96 832.00 PII: S0960-5428(97)00028-9 Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse Elzbieta Biesiada *, Perrie M. Adams~f, Douglas R. Shanklin$, George S. Bloom§ and Stuart A. Stein* II *Division of Neurology,Children's Hospital of Orange County,455 South Main Street, Orange County, CA 92868, USA tDepartments of Psychiatry and §Cell Biology and Neuroscience. University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX 75235, USA +Department of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology,University of Tennessee-Memphis, Memphis, TN 38120, USA [tDepartment of Neurology, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL 33136, USA Keywords~Hypothyroidism, hyt/hyt mouse, human sporadic congenital hypothyroidism, TSH receptor, TSH receptor mutation, tubulin isoforms, neuronal process growth, thyroid hormone, gene expression. Summary The hyt/hyt mouse has an autosomal recessive, fetal onset, characterized by severe hypothyroidism that persists throughout life and is a reliable model of h u m a n sporadic congenital hypothyroidism. The hypothyroidism in the hyt/ hyt mouse reflects the hyporesponsiveness of the thyroid gland to thyrotropin (TSH). This is attributable to a point mutation of C to T at nucleotide position 1666, resulting in the replacement of a Pro with Leu at position 556 in transmembrane domain IV of the G protein-linked TSH receptor. This mutation leads to a reduction in all c A M P - r e g u l a t e d events, i n c l u d i n g thyroid hormone synthesis. The diminution in T3/T 4 in serum and other organs, including the brain, also leads to alterations in the level and timing of expression of critical brain molecules, i.e. selected tubulin isoforms (M~5, MI]2, and Mt~l), microtubule associated proteins (MAPs), and myelin Corresponding author (at Orange County affiliation). basic protein, as well as to changes in important neuronal cytoskeletal events, i.e. microtubule assembly and SCa and SCb axonal transport. In the hyt/hyt mouse, fetal hypothyroidism leads to reductions in M~5, M~2, and Meal mRNAs, important tubulin isoforms, and M~5 and M~2 proteins, which comprise the microtubules. These molecules are localized to layer V pyramidal neurons in the sensorimotor cortex, a site of differentiating neurons, as well as a site for localization of specific thyroid hormone receptors. These molecular abnormalities in specific cells and at specific times of development or maturation may contribute to the observed neuroanatomical abnormalities, i.e. altered neuronal process growth and maintenance, synaptogenesis, and myelination, in hypothyroid brain. Abnormal neuroanatomical development in selected brain regions may be the factor underlying the abnormalities in reflexive, locomotor, and adaptive behavior seen in the hyt/hyt mouse and other hypothyroid animals. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 309 310 Advances in Neuroimmunology hyt/hyt mouse (see Table 1) Thyroid hormones and brain development The Thyroid hormones exert a broad range of effects on development, growth, and metabolism. Thyroxine (T4), the primary secretory product of the thyroid, is relatively inactive and is converted to the active hormone triiodothyronine (T3). The actions of thyroid hormones are primarily the result of the interaction o f T 3 with nuclear receptor proteins for T 3. This T 3 receptor (TH-R) complex then binds to thyroid responsive elements (TREs) of the target genes to modify their expression (Chin, 1992; Brent et al., 1991). Thyroid hormone receptors (THRs) are members of a family of hormone-responsive nuclear transcription factors that are similar in structure and mechanism of action (Lazar, 1993). THRs contain a number of domains: a carboxy-terminal portion, which is important for ligand binding and interaction between receptors, a DNAbinding domain, and an amino-terminal domain, which does not have an identified functional role. The hyt/hyt mouse (see Table 1) has a severe and persistent primary inherited hypothyroidism (Stein et al., 1989a-d, 1991a-d) that is related to a point mutation in the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHr) receptor of the thyroid gland (Stein etal., 1994). This reduction in thyroid hormone, similar to human SCH starts during the fetal period with normal maternal thyroid function and is a reliable model of this human disorder. H y t / h y t mouse demonstrates specific brain, particularly cerebral cortex molecular and neuroanatomical abnormalities (Stein et al., 1989a, 1991 c) and pathological motor behavior (Stein et al., 1991c). These behavioral abnormalities are manifested by delayed and abnormal reflexive, locomotor, and adaptive behavior (Adams et al., 1989; Anthony et al., 1993; Adams et al., 1997) in comparison to hyt/+ euthyroid littermates and BALB/cBY +/+ progenitor strain controls. In the hyt/hyt mouse, the autosomal recessive hypothyroidism begins in late gestation and persists throughout life (Beamer et al., 1981 ; Stein et al., 1989b). The fetal onset of this hypothyroidism after fetal autonomous thyroid hormone secretion at 15 days post-conception (d pc) is also temporally associated with fetal process growth from the sensorimotor cortex (Schreyer and Jones, 1982; Jones et al., 1982; Wise et al., 1983). The timing of the hypothyroidism corresponds to the crucial late gestational and neonatal period of appearance of reflexive motoric behaviors, cerebral cortex neuronal differentiation of pyramidal neurons, corticospinal tract development, and new specific mRNA and protein synthesis in pyramidal neurons and other cells of the cerebral cortex. Because of these facts, this mouse is an ideal model to evaluate the effects of thyroid hormone deficiency on cortical pyramidal neurons that give rise to the corticospinal tracts. Similarly, the timing of the hypothyroidism corresponds to the molecular and anatomical development of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus, visual cortex, and the olfactory cortex. Therefore, the hyt/hyt mouse has relevance for understanding the role of thyroid hormones on a number of critical neuronal systems. Disorders of thyroid hormone level Thyroid hormones have been shown to play significant but poorly understood roles in the development and differentiation of the rodent and human brain. In humans, disorders of maternal and fetal thyroid function include maternal and secondary fetal iodine deficiency, and maternal hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, and disorders related to deficient fetal autonomous thyroid hormone secretion, i.e. goiter or sporadic congenital hypothyroidism (SCH). These disorders are identifiable causes of mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and other significant neurological abnormalities. The different human conditions of thyroid hormone deficiency include endemic cretinism, maternal hypothyroidism, and sporadic congenital hypothyroidism. The timing of the thyroid hormone deficiency and its duration can be used to classify these specific thyroid hormone disorders in humans and in animal models of the disorders (de Escobar et al., 1989; Porterfield and Hendrich, 1991; Stein et al., 1989a, 1994; Stein, 1994) (see Fig. 1). Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse The hyt/hyt mouse as a model of human sporadic congenital hypothyroidism Although no animal is exactly the same as a human, the hyt/hyt mouse is specifically relevant to SCH because of the following factors: (1) (The time of onset and severity of the fetal hypothyroidism and its persistence postnatally; as with humans, the timing of onset of the autosomal recessive hypothyroidism in the hyt/hyt mouse at 15 (d pc) (Beamer et al., 1981; Adams et al., 1989; Stein et al., 1989b) corresponds with the beginning of autonomous fetal thyroid hormone secretion. The severity of the fetal hypothyroidism in the hyt/hyt mouse is similar to patients with SCH and severe fetal hypothyroidism who are more likely to demonstrate learning disabilities despite early T 4 treatment. (2) (The hypothyroidism persists post-natally, which simulates untreated SCH. (3) (The hypoplasia and hyporesponsiveness of the hyt/hyt thyroid gland is similar to a broad group of identified human etiologies of SCH. The hyt/hyt mouse is a model of severe fetal SCH due to glandular hypoplasia or TSH hyporesponsiveness; a number of cases of hyporesponsiveness of the human thyroid gland to TSH have been presented (Sunthornthepuarskul et al., 1995; Medeiros-Neto et al., 1979; Stanbury, 1968; Codaccioni etal., 1980; Takamatsu etal., 1993) and are similar to the hyt/hyt mouse biochemically, physiologically, anatomically (e.g. thyroid gland hypoplasia). Hypoplasia is a cause of SCH in 63-83% of reported cases (Foley, 1991). Hyt/hyt hypoplasia gives us insight not only into cases of TSH hyporesponsiveness but also the whole spectrum of SCH associated with hypoplasia, whether the gland is in a normal or ectopic position. (4) The specific hyt/hytmutation is equivalent to certain specific etiologies of SCH patients. (5) Motor abnormalities (referable to the corticospinal tracts) and learning abnormalities are observed. 311 (6) The use of an hyt/+ euthyroid mother for mating assures fetal hypothyroidism related to fetal gland dysfunction rather than maternal hypothyroidism. Further, compared to other models of hypothyroidism, the hyt/ hyt mouse has a primary inherited hypothyroidism and is superior to mice with secondary hypothalamic-pituitary hypothyroidism (Noguchi, 1988) or artificially produced pre-natal or post-natal hypothyroidism (Porterfield and Hendrich, 1991). By the use of an hyt/hyt father and a euthyroid hyt/+ mother, relatively equal numbers of hyt/hyt progeny and hyt/+ euthyroid progeny, an internal control group, can be generated (Adams et al., 1989). Moderate to severe human sporadic congenital hypothyroidism: a persistent cause of m o t o r and learning disabilities In the industrialized world, early human neonatal diagnosis by the mandatory neonatal blood screening program and treatment with T4 have effectively eliminated mental retardation and short stature (reviewed in Stein, 1994; Glorieux et al., 1992; Rovet et al., 1987; Wolter et al., 1979). Currently in SCH, the contribution from and treatment of fetal hypothyroidism, the appropriate dose for severe neonatal hypothyroidism and the maintenance dose, and the timing and type of post-natal clinical evaluations are not firmly established. Current early treatment guidelines and maintenance recommendations are based only on normalization of T 4 and TSH in the serum. The principles of nervous system treatment of SCH are predicated on the results of studies by the American Academy of Pediatrics 1993, which differ in their findings and recommendations. The New England Collaborative Group (New England Congenital Hypothyroidism Collaborative, 1985, 1990) has suggested that early post-natal therapy and adequate follow-up and maintenance therapy are all that is required to prevent lowered IQ and learning disability. Despite early T 4 therapy of SCH, a number of excellent longitudinal neurological and neuropsychological studies have 312 A d v a n c e s in N e u r o i m m u n o l o g y GEPR Rat A ............. [PostnatalHTRat ] Maternal Hypothyroid Rat [ Iodine Deficient Rat I I cog/cogMouse I I hyt/hyt mouse ............ Birth 15 I I I I Days I I I I Weeks 0 12 24 I Birth RODENT HUMAN I Sporadic Congent. HT I Endemic Cretinism .......... I PrimaryMaternal Hypothyroidism I I PrimaryMaternal Hyperthyroidism I B (FORMATION OF BRAIN STRUCTURES) .... ( BRAINSTEM ...... ) ( BRAINSTEM ..... NUCLB ( BRAINSTEM ( CEREBRAL ....... ) PROJECTIONS CORTEX ) ) ............... {CEREBELLUM) ......... ( BASAL ............. ............. GANGLIA ) .......... ( GLIOGENESIS } ........................... (CEREBRAL CORTEX NEUROGENESIS .............. CEREBRAL .................. ( CC AXONAL .................. ( THALMO-CORTICO ...................... ..................................... . AND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) CORTEX MIGRATION) ................... DEN DRITtC GROWTH PROJECTIONS ( CC SYNAPTOGENESIS ) ..... ) .... ) ............. ( MYELINATION ) ................................. Fig. 1. (a) Comparison of rodent models of human fetal and neonatal hypothyroidism and human thyroid hormone syndromes. (b) Temporal relationships between human and rodent syndromes of thyroid hormone deficiency and normal sequential development of the fetal and neonatal brain. The iodine-deficient rat is a model of human maternal iodine deficiency with secondary maternal hypothyroidism and secondary fetal iodine and thyroid hormone deficiency during pregnancy. The maternal hypothyroid rat is a model of human maternal hypothyroidism. The hyt/hyt mouse is a model of human sporadic congenital hypothyroidism with normal maternal thyroid function but deficient fetal thyroid function. The major brain structures, such as brainstem and cerebral cortex, are usually formed before about 8 weeks of gestation. Following neurogenesis, migration, and differentiation of neurons, synaptogenesis, selective cell death, and myelination occur (Sidman and Rakic, 1974; Jones et al., 1982). Myelination can occur for prolonged periods post-natally; refinement and pruning of neuronal processes both of axons and dendrites can occur up to at least 6 years of age (Conel, 1938-42). The maintenance and plasticity of neuronal process efficacy and dendritic spines occurs throughout the life-cycle (Stein, 1994). All events are sensitive to changes in thyroid hormone level. The hyt/hyt mouse is useful for evaluation of the effects of thyroid hormones throughout the lifecycle, but is particularly relevant for the period from 15 days post conception to birth, a time of synthesis of critical molecules and process outgrowth and elongation, particularly of pyramidal neurons in the sensorimotor cortex and hippocampus. (Reproduced with permission from Advances in Perinatal Thyroidology, 1991, by Plenum Publishing Corporation.) B i o l o g y o f the congenitally h y p o t h y r o i d h y t / h y t m o u s e 313 Table 1. Characterization of the hyt/hyt mouse Index/observation Level/presence Reference ~" (5-- 10X)~ ,1. .[.(16x) ~ ]'(100x) ~ "I'd +(5x) + + + q'(2x) .1. ,[. Stein et al., 1989b Beamer, 1982 Stein et al., 1989b Stein et al., 1989b Nogushi, 1986 Stein et al., 1989b Stein et al., 1989b Stein et al., 1989b Stein et al., 1989b Stein et al., 1991; this paper Shanklin and Stein, 1988; this paper This paper .l. Stein et al., 1989, 1989b ]" + + + NL 1" $~ Minimal NL NL .l.(3x) ~ $(4z 16x) ~ NL + Absent Present Present Shanklin and Stein, 1988; this paper Stein et al., 1991c Stein et aI., 1985b Stein and Taurog, unpublished Stein et al., 1989b Beamer and Creswell, 1982 Stein et al., 1991c Stein et al., 1991c Stein et al., 1991c Stein et al., 1991c Stein et al., 1991c Stein et al., 1991c Stein et al., 1991c Stein et al., 1994 Stein et al., 1994 Gu et al., 1995 Gu et al., 1995; this paper Delayed Delayed Delayed Abnormal Abnormal + Adams et al., 1989 Adams et al., 1989 Adams et al., 1989 Stein et al., 1991 Stein et al., 1991 Crawford and Stein, unpublished data Stein et al., 1989, 1991 + This paper ,[, J-l]" Stein et al., 1991a, 1991c Stein et al., 1991a, 1991c $ Stein e t a l . , 1991a, 1991c Thyroid function: T4abc Intrathyrod T~3 T 3" TSH ~ TRH Thyroid gland hypoplasia "b~ Varied folicular diameter ab" Small follicles "be Reduced follicular cytoplasm "be Follicular cell number "b~ Size and number of microvillPbc Amount of follicular endoplasmic reticulum "bc Amount of colloid "be Nuclear ARC ratio (measure of share of nucleus and cytoplasm per follicular cell) b~ Bioactive TSH ~ Iodinated thryoglobulin Mono/diiodotyrosines Thyroglobulin processing Thyroid gland iodine uptake Thyroid gland cAMP "~ Thyroid gland response to TSH "c Thyroid gland Gs function "c Thyroid gland adenylyl cyclase "c Thyroid gland TPO mRNA ~c Thyroid gland thyroglobulin mRNA "~ Size and level of thyroid gland TSH receptor mRNA ~ Replacement of Pro with Leu in TMD IV of TSHr Binding of TSH to TSHr Processed and mature TSHr protein Expression of TSHr on cell surface Somatic/neurobiologicah Day of eye opening ~d Day of ear raising cd Reflexive behavioffa Locomotive/cognitive function ca Cerebral cotex/hippocampus cd Development Fetal cerebral cortex mRNA reduction (ECF, tubulin isoforms) ~a Fetal cerebral cortex protein reduction (tubulin isoforms) ~d Sca and Scb axonal transport Axonal levels of tubulin/calmodulin cd Axonal transport of tubulin, actin, spectrin, neurofllament ~ + = present; 1" = decreased; .l. = increased; aTSH regulated event; babnormal in fetal and neonatal thyroid; Cstatistically significant changes; aT4 responsive; GS = G stimulating protein; TPO = thyroid peroxidase; TSHr = TSH receptor; Sca = slow component A axonal transport; SCb = slow component B axonal transport. 314 Advances in Neuroimmunology shown that learning disabilities (Rochiccioli et al., 1992; Rovet et al., 1987), reduced IQ (Rovet etal., 1987; Glorieux etal., 1992), fine and gross motor abnormalities (Rochiccioli et al., 1989; Fuggle, 1991; Koolstra et al., 1994), hearing deficits (Laureau et al., 1986), and abnormalities in visual evoked responses (Laureau et al., 1986; Giroud etal., 1988) and in somatosensory evoked responses (Laureau et al., 1986; Giroud et al., 1988) still occur in some patients with SCH, particularly those with evidence of severe fetal hypothyroidism manifested by delayed bone age and T 4 levels below 0.5 ~g/dl (reviewed in Stein, 1994). However, all of these studies suggest a contribution from fetal hypothyroidism, particularly when severe, to irreversible damage to the motor system and brain, and to postnatal hypothyroidism, which requires adequate treatment throughout life. In these patients with severe fetal SCH, definitive fetal identification and treatment options need to be evaluated. The hyt/hyt mouse is relevant with respect to answering many clinical questions related to the timing, rapidity of replacement, initial dosing, and degree of T 4 replacement during the neonatal period, the prevention of secondary brain hyperthyroidism, and the optimal doses and timing ofT 4 to maintain or normalize brain T 4 levels throughout childhood and the adult period. The hyt/hyt mouse: initial studies of hypothyroidism and general description The hyt/hyt mouse has a 5-10-fold reduction in T 4 compared to hyt/+ litter-mates and progenitor strain BALB/cBY mice. The hyt/hyt mice, in comparison to hyt/+ and +/+ mice have been characterized (Table 1) from a multidisciplinary standpoint to determine the mechanisms of hypothyroidism and the effects of thyroid hormones on the developing brain (reviewed in Stein et al., 1991c; Stein, 1994). The mutant phenotype was first observed in a sib-mated pair of RF/J mice, when females failed to grow or reproduce (Beamer et al., 1981). The mutant gene was transferred by outcrossing to BALB/cBYJ mice to circumvent the poor reproductive performance of RF/J mice and to test the effects of the mutant gene on a heterogeneous background (Beamer et al., 1981; Beamer and Cresswell, 1982). The mutants are characterized by retarded growth, infertility, mild anemia, elevated serum cholesterol, very low to undetectable s e r u m T4, and elevated serum TSH (Adams et al., 1989; Stein et al., 1989b; Beamer et al., 1981, 1982). The thyroid glands are in the normal location but are reduced in size and are hypoplastic (Stein et al., 1989b). Hyt/hyt mice respond to thyroid hormone therapy with improved growth and fertility (Beamer et al., 1982). The hyt/hyt mouse offers several advantages over hypophysectomized or thyroidectomized animals. There is no surgical trauma or uncertainty about the completeness of gland ablation, and mice can be used at any age and without prolonged pretreatment with anti-thyroid agents. Mating between homozygous (hyt/hyt) and heterozygous (hyt/+) mice produces relatively equal numbers of hypothyroid and euthyroid littermates, and BALB/cBY progenitor strain mice can be used as additional controls. Therefore, ideal control animals including hyt/+ euthyroid mice, which can be identified on the basis of serum T 4 levels, are available, as are the BALB/ cBYJ mice. Based on studies of the synthesis and processing of thyroglobulin in the hyt/hyt thyroid gland (Stein et al., 1989b), this reduction is not due to an inherited defect in the thyroglobulin molecule (Stein et al., 1989b). Histological analysis of the gland suggested no potential immune mechanisms for the defect. However, the hyt/hyt mouse has a 100-fold elevation of TSH in the serum (Stein et al., 199 ld). Using a mouse bioassay, serum TSH samples from the hyt/hyt and the hyt/+ mice were equally bioactive (Stein et al., 1991c). This suggested that the hypothyroidism observed was not related to a mutation in the TSH molecule. The hyt/hyt mouse is a model of thyroid hormone action in the developing brain The hyt/hyt mice and their litter-mates permit testing of a model for thyroid hormone deficiency Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse and action in utero (Fig. 2a). Furthermore, the hyt/hyt mouse has a specific mutation in the TSH receptor that leads to hypothyroidism and significant molecular, neuroanatomical, and behavioral effects in the brain, as represented in Fig. 2b. C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of the hyt/hyt mouse From 6 days after birth, hypothyroid hyt/hyt mice can be distinguished from hyt/+ litter-mates and +/+ mice by T 4 levels, the time of eye opening and ear raising, and by delays and abnormalities in reflexive, locomotor, and adaptive behavior (Adams et al., 1989; Anthony et al., 1993). A simple T 4 assay is sufficient after 7 days of age to distinguish an hyt/hyt from an hytl+ mouse (Adams et al., 1989). The hyt/hyt mouse has a severe hypothyroidism that starts during fetal life and extends throughout the life of the animal. Prior to 6 days of age and during the fetal period, the distinction process is more difficult. From birth to 6 days of age, hyt/hyt mice cannot be distinguished visually from their hyt/+ littermates; at this stage combining T 4 levels using an ultrasensitive T 4 assay (Germain and Galton, 1985), the ratio of T 4 levels, and qualitative (Shanklin and Stein, 1988), semiquantitative and quantitative ultrastructural indices together can be used to distinguish hyt/hyt from hyt/+ littermates. In neonatal mice, the serum T 4 levels of the hyt/+ mice were 50 ng/ml or greater, while in hyt/hyt animals the levels were no more than 10 ng/ml. However, within a litter, the absolute level was often not useful; instead, ratios o f T 4 greater than 3:1 were of value in distinguishing hyt/hyt from hyt/+ mice. Initial electron micrographs of the hyt/hyt thyroid gland showed that neonatal to, t/hyt mice could be distinguished by observation of a reduced colloid level using electron microscopy (EM) and histochemistry (Stein et al., 1989b). EM was further used to study the appearance of neonatal thyroid glands to define the anatomical features of the hyt/hyt gland, to determine how early these features were seen, and to use this as a potential means for distinguishing neo- 315 natal hyt/hyt from hyt/+ mice (see Fig. 3 and Table 2). Extending this process, EM studies of the thyroid glands from the day of birth of hyt/hyt animals, identified by previously established histological methods, demonstrated a smaller amount of colloid and minimal intranuclear gaps with closely packed nuclei. Mitochondria were fewer and more immature as compared to hyt/+ litters. In the hyt/+ mice, unlike the hyt/hyt animals, tight junction material commonly protruded into the colloid space and there was an increased number of thicker dark microvilli. The capillary network of the follicle was more closely apposed to the follicle in the hyt/+ thyroid gland in comparison with the hyt/hyt thyroid gland. The latter two features correspond functionally with greater production and secretion ofT 4 in the hyt/+ mouse. In the hyt/hyt mouse on the day of birth, the endoplasmic reticulum has begun to balloon, a feature of the 8-14 day old hyt/hyt mouse (Stein et al., 1989a,b). These observations indicate that the hyt/hyt mouse can be distinguished at birth from an hyt/+ litter-mate, but the task is more cumbersome prior to the 6th day. The hyt/hyt m o u s e is a m o d e l of severe fetal h y p o t h y r o i d i s m that begins with a u t o n o m o u s secretion of thyroid h o r m o n e s As with humans, the timing of onset of the autosomal recessive hypothyroidism in the hyt/hyt mouse at 15 d pc (Beamer et al., 1981; Stein et al., 1989b) corresponds with the beginning of autonomous fetal thyroid hormone secretion. The severity of the fetal hypothyroidism in the hyt/hyt mouse is similar to the patients with SCH and severe fetal hypothyroidism who are more likely to demonstrate learning disabilities, despite early T a treatment. T h e hyt/hyt m o u s e is a m o d e l of severe fetal S C H due to g l a n d u l a r h y p o p l a s i a or T S H hyporesponsiveness Thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) made by the hypothalamus stimulates the production of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) by the pituitary gland. 316 A d v a n c e s in N e u r o i m m u n o l o g y (A) :, Abnormal Fetal or Neonatal Brain Levels of T3/T4 Interaction of T3/T4 with Specific Receptors in Specific Brain Sites Alterations in Expression and/or Stability of Specific mRNAs Alterations in Specific Protein Synthesis I i I Specific Neuroanatomical Abnormalities t Specific Reflexive, Locomotor, or Cognitive Abnormalities Fig. 2. (a) Model of thyroid hormone action and brain development: mechanisms for production of abnormalities. Alterations in fetal serum and brain T3/T 4 levels, following interaction with specific thyroid hormone receptors in specific brain sites or with specific proteins or the transitional apparatus in specific sites, may lead to alterations in expression and/or stability of specific rnRNAs or specific proteins. These mRNAs and proteins may have particular functional roles. These mRNA or protein abnormalities in specific sites and at specific times of gestation or the neonatal period may lead to specific neuroanatomical abnormalities. The neuroanatomical abnormalities affected depend on the events that are sequentially occurring at the time of the molecular abnormalities and the hypothyroidism. These neuroanatomical abnormalities, in combination with other neuroanatomical abnormalities, may contribute to some of the changes in reflexive, locomotor, or adaptive behavior that are observed in hypothyroidism. (Reproduced with permission from Advances in Perinatal Thyroidology, 1991, by Plenum Publishing Corporation.) (b) Model of sporadic congenital hypothyroidism, fetal hypothyroidism, and hypothyroidism throughout life. The hyt/hyt mouse has an autosomal recessive, fetal onset, severe hypothyroidism that persists throughout life and is a model of human sporadic congenital hypothyroidism. The hypothyroidism in the hyt/hyt mouse reflects on hyporesponsiveness of the thyroid gland to TSH. This is attributable to a point mutation of C to T in the nucleotide at position 1666, resulting in the replacement of a Pro with Leu at position 556 in transmembrane domain IV of the G protein-linked TSH receptor. This mutation leads to a reduction in all cAMP-regulated events, including thyroid hormone synthesis. The diminution in T3/T 4 in serum and other organs, including the brain, also leads to alterations in the level of timing of expression of critical brain molecules, i.e. selected tubulin isoforms, MAPs, and myelin basic protein, as well as changes in important neuronal cytoskeletal events, i.e. microtubule assembly and SCa and SCb axonal transport. In the hyt/hyt mouse, fetal hypothyroidism leads to reductions in MI35, MI32. and Mo~I mRNAs, important tubulin isoforms, and M[35 and M~2 proteins, which comprise the microtubules. These molecules are localized to layer V pyramidal neurons in the sensorimotor cortex, a site of differentiating neurons, as are the thyroid hormone receptors. These molecular abnormalities may contribute to the observed neuroanatomical abnormalities, i.e. altered neuronal process growth and maintenance, synaptogenesis, and myelination, in the hypothyroid brain. Abnormal neuroanatomical development in selected brain regions may underlie the abnormalities in reflexive, locomotor, and adaptive behavior in the hyt/hyt mouse and other hypothyroid animals. Reproduced with permission from Molecular Endocrinology (1994) by The Endocrine Society (Publisher). Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse 317 (B) SINGLE BASE CHANGE (CCG---~ CTG, PRO---~ Leu) IN TSH RECEPTOR RESULTS IN HYPOTHYROIDISM IN THE hyt/hyt MOUSE Receptor T 4,Thyroid Gland cAMP I v 4, T3/T4 I Alteration inv Expression of Functional Brain Molecules Developmental Neuroanatomical and Behavioral Abnormalities TSH released by the pituitary gland into the circulation then acts on the thyroid gland by binding to a TSH receptor (TSHr). In the normal thyroid gland, TSH acting via the G proteincoupled TSHr plays a pivotal role in the normal growth and the normal synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones (Nagayama and Rappaport, 1992). The TSHr is an integral membrane protein with an unusually large extracellular domain and transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains with seven membrane-spanning regions. Following ligand binding, the actions of TSH are transduced by TSHr interactions with regulatory G proteins and subsequent activation of adenylyl cyclase and increased level of cAMP synthesis (Nagayama and Rappaport, 1992; Vassart et al., 1994). This TSH interaction with the production of cyclic AMP sets up an entire set of events in the thyroid gland that leads to the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones. Iodine is taken up by thyroid follicular cells and added to tyrosine residues on a thyroglobulin molecule by the action 3 18 A d v a n c e s in N e u r o i m m u n o l o g y Fig. 3. Electron microscopy of day of birth hyt/hyt CA, B, and E) and hyt/+ (C, D, and F) thyroid glands (original magnification: x5000; print magnification: x 14,300). The hyt/hyt thyroid glands show a smaller amount of colloid (F) and cytoplasm in their follicular cells, which are designated by their nuclei (N) (1EL than the hyt/+ glands (IF). lntranuclear gaps are prominent in hyt/hyt versus hyt/+ glands (arrowheads) ( IE and IF). The hyt/hyt glands show scant numbers of mitochondria (M) (1A), scant tight junctional material (J) (1A and I B), and a paucity of endoplasmic reticulum (E) (IA and I B). Small and irregular microvilli are seen in the follicles in the hyt/hyt glands (V) (IA). In the hyt/+ glands, a more distal placement of capillaries from the follicular lumen is seen (1C), as are prominent mitochondria (M) and endoplasmic reticulum (E) ( 1C and 1D). In the hyt/+ gland, numerous tall microvilli (V) and abundant tight junctional material (J) are observed (IC and 1D). For the hyt/hyt mice, the T 4 values were not detectable (IA, IB, IE). The hyt/+ T 4 values were 3.5 ng/ml (1C), 5.0 ng/ml (ID), and 5.8 ng/ml (IF). The ratio of hyt/+ maximum to hyt/byt > 3.0 was used in all other situations. For distinction of hyt/hyt mice and hyt/+ mice after 6 days of age, T 4 values were sufficient [hyt/hyt = 0.61 ~g/dl _+0.18, n = 41; hyt/+ = 6.26 _+ 1.43, n = 21 (t = 25.1, 60 df, P<0.001]. The bar in B equals 1 ~m. (See also Table 2.) Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse 319 Table 2. Distinction of day of birth hyt/hyt mice from hyt/+ littermates 1. Electronic microscopy criteria A. Qualitative criteria: Arrangement of and distance between nuclei Size of gaps between nuclei Number of nuclei separated by gaps Amount of cytoplasm and colloid Number of mitochondria present Amount of endoplasmic reticulum present Number and size of microvilli Closeness of follicular capillaries to follicular lumen Number and thickness of follicular tight junctions B. Quantitative criteria: Nuclear arc ratio 2. Serum T 4 level (ng/ml) (range:0-20 ng/ml) hyt/hyt hyt/ + 0-1+ 0-1+ 0-1 + 3+ 3+ 3+ 1 + 1+ +1+ Distal 1 +, thin 2-3+ 2-3+ 2-3+ Close 3 +, thick 0.895 + 0.007 0.589 + 0.014 (Chi square = 20.4, P <0.001) Ratio of hyt/ + to hyt/hyt > 3.0 The nuclear arc ratio was derived using polar coordinates centered on the midpoint of the follicular lumen. The relative size of the lumen can be adjusted for the magnification, yielding a value for thyroid gland colloid volume. From this, a determination of the proportion of space taken up by nuclei within the follicular cells could also be carried out. This was designated as the nuclear arc ratio and represents a quantitative measure of space taken up by nuclei versus cytoplasm/colloid. Serum T 4 levels prior to 7 days of age were determined by an ultrasensitive T4 radioimmunoassay (St Germaine and Galton, 1983). (See also Fig.3.) o f t h y r o i d p e r o x i d a s e . T h y r o g l o b u l i n is transcribed and translated and forms the backbone for iodinated tyrosines, which will eventually be cleaved to yield thyroid hormones. The iodinated thyroglobulin is taken through microvilli into a colloid space, which is a repository for thyroid hormone precursors. Thyroglobulin is transported from the colloid space and then cleaved to yield thyroid hormones, which are then secreted from the cell. The hyt/hyt thyroid gland makes a reduced amount of thyroid hormones, as well as all the other necessary components for normal thyroid hormones. Although the gland is hypoplastic, all essential anatomical structures are observed. Compared to its euthyroid hyt/+ litter-mate mice and progenitor strain B A L B / c B Y +/+ mice, the hyt/hyt mouse has a 5-10-fold reduction in serum T 4 ( A d a m s et al., 1989; Stein et al., 1989a,b), a 16-fold decrease in T 3 (Stein et al., 1989b), a 100-fold elevation in TSH-like activity (Stein et al., 1989b), an increased number of pituitary TSH granules (Noguchi, 1988; Noguchi et al., 1986), reduced hypothalamic TSH releasing hormone (Noguchi, 1988; Noguchi et al., 1986) that is responsive to exogenous T 4 (Noguchi et al., 1986), and a biologically active T S H molecule (Stein et al., 1991d). In fact, the basal level of cyclic A M P in the hyt/hyt thyroid gland is reduced compared to the hytl+ mouse and the response of hyt/hyt glands in vitro to TSH is significantly reduced in hyt/hyt versus euthyroid animals. N e v e r t h e l e s s , c A M P p r o d u c t i o n is equivalent when the hyt/hyt and control thyroid glands are exposed to forskolin, cholera toxin, propranolol, and PGE2 (Stein et al., 1991d). Anatomically, the gland is hypoplastic, despite a 100-fold increase in circulating TSH, with small follicles, reduced size and number of microvilli and reduced colloid space. Reductions in TSHc A M P r e g u l a t e d m o l e c u l a r events are also observed, including statistically significant reductions in individual hyt/hyt gland levels of thyroglobulin m R N A and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) m R N A . The abnormal observations in the hyt/hyt 320 Advances in Neuroimmunology thyroid gland are consistent with TSH hyporesponsiveness of the gland. A defect in the TSHr rather than an inherited hypothalamic or pituitary hypothyroidism, a generalized or selective G protein disorder (reviewed in Spiegel, 1996), or a defect in the adenylyl cyclase molecule was supported by our work (Stein et al., 1991 d). Since a normal sized hyt/hyt TSHr mRNA at levels equivalent to those in hyt/+ and wild-type +/+ mice was seen, the putative defect in the hyt/hyt TSHr did not appear to represent a major deletion/ insertion or promoter defect (Stein et al., 1991 d). The hyt/hyt TSH receptor gene has a single nucleotide difference in transmembrane domain (TM) IV that could affect TSH binding and/or signal transduction leading to hypothyroidism Anatomical, physiological, biochemical, and molecular data point to a coding region rather than a promoter mutation in the TSHr underlying the observed hypothyroidism and TSH hyporesponsiveness. Southern blot hybridization with a TSHr probe for genomic DNA from hyt/hyt, hyt/+ and +/+ mice indicated no gross insertion, deletion or duplication of the hyt/hytTSHr gene (Stein et al., 1994). Direct PCR sequencing was used to sequence the entire coding region and portions of the 5' and 3" flanking regions of the normal and hyt/hyt mouse TSHr. Lambda genomic clones and selected PCR products derived from total genomic DNA, lambda genomic TSHr DNA clones, and total cDNA were used. Total thyroid gland RNA from hyt/hyt and +/+ mice were microisolated and poly A + RNA isolated. These RNAs were used to construct portions of TSHr from both mouse types by PCR using degenerate primers. All lambda genomic clones from hyt/hyt and +/+ TSHr were isolated from +/+ and hyt/hyt total genomic libraries in EMBLT6T7 that had been screened with TSHr exon 1 and exon 10 probes. All PCR primers used for fragment production or direct PCR sequences were constructed using degenerate primers or conserved regions derived from rat, human, and dog TSHrs or regions where we had established the sequence. The DNA sequence of the TSHr from wild-type BALB/ cBY +/+ mouse is 92 and 94% identical at the nucleotide and the amino acid levels, respectively, compared to the rat TSHr gene (Akamizu et al., 1990). When comparing the entire coding region of the TSHr in hyt/hyt versus +/+ mice, along with adjacent noncoding regions (2510 bases in total), the only difference found between the TSHr from wild-type and hyt/hyt mice is a single C to T transition at nucleotide number 1666. This transition (Fig. 4) was confirmed by direct sequencing of two different lambda genomic clones (lambdaM770-1, lambda-M770-5) from the hyt/hyt genomic library, from PCR products derived from these genomic clones, and from both strands of hyt/hyt genomic DNA. In the hyt/hyt TSHr, this CCG to CTG transition makes a Pro to Leu codon change at amino acid 556 in TM IV (Fig. 4). This Pro is highly conserved at this site in all other glycoprotein hormone receptors and at least 82% of other G protein-coupled receptors. Hyt/+ mice represent the euthyroid and littermate heterozygotes for the hyt/hyt mice. The partial nucleotide sequence of the hyt/+ TSHr from PCR-amplified total genomic DNA revealed both a C and a T at position 1666 (Fig. 4). The presence of both C and T at position 1666 in the hyt/+ euthyroid mice affirms the observed autosomal recessive inheritance of the hyt gene and the classification of the hyt/+ mice as heterozygotes (Adams et al., 1989; Stein et al., 1989b). Therefore, one normal allele may be sufficient for a normal TSHr and euthyroidism. The Pro to Leu replacement in the TSHr eliminates binding of the TSHr to TSH The Pro mutation in the hyt/hyt mouse TSHr was the first demonstration of a naturally occurring mutation in the TSHr with functional consequences. Using a PCMV (Clonetech)human-TSHr expression vector, site-directed mutagenesis was performed to create the C to T mutation at nucleotide 1666, similar to the mutation in the hyt/hyt TSHr. This hyt/hyt TSHr and a wild-type human TSH were then transfected into Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse (B) *5' (A) * 5 j G A T C Leu Leu T Ala Ala 321 (c) G A T C * 5' G A T C C ,! c c_. Leu C T G T Leu T Pro 556 Leu556 T c Leu Leu Met - ' Met 3' +/+ G~ 3' hyt/hyt hyt/+ Fig. 4. Comparison of DNA sequencing gel autoradiographs of +/+ (A), hyt/hyt (B), and hyt/+ genomic DNA surrounding the hyt mutation. The sequence is from primer 1869as (GTAGATCTTCCACATAGCAGG) on PCR-amplified genomic mousetail DNA. The hyt/+ PCR product used for sequencing was derived from PCR amplification with primers 1345s (GGCAATATCTTCGTCCTGCTC) and 1869as. The hyt/hyt and +/+ PCR products for sequencing were derived from PCR amplification with 1345s and 123as (GATGAACTCTGACCCTATG). The corresponding coding sequence reading from 5' (top) to 3' (bottom) is shown for each mouse (*) to the left of the anticoding sequence. The presence of both C (+/+) and T (hyt/hyt) bases in the hyt/+ heterozygote at base 1666 is noted, (Legend derived from Stein et al., 1994; the methods involved are described in detail in Stein et al., 1994.) Reproduced, with permission, from Molecular Endocrinology (1994), by The Endocrine Society (Publisher). COS-7 cells. A similar sized mRNA of higher abundance than the wild-type was observed in the COS cells transfected with the mutant TSHr, suggesting that the mutation does not produce a defect in transcription or mRNA stability of the TSHr mRNA. Abolition of TSH binding to the TSHr was noted in COS-7 cells transfected with the mutant TSHr vector compared to the human wild-type TSHr (Stein et al., 1994). Gu et al. (1995) have demonstrated that solubilized membranes from cells making the hyt/hyt mutant receptor also do not bind TSH. The Pro to Leu replacement in the mutant TSHr and hyt/hyt TSHr may abolish ligand binding by a structural effect on the binding regions of the TSHr (the extracellular domain) or by interference with translation, trafficking, or appropriate insertion or expression of the receptor on the cell membrane. In defense of a trafficking defect, EM of the hyt/hyt thyroid gland shows ballooned endoplasmic reticulum with electron-dense material (Stein et al., 1989b). However, this is not seen in CHO cells that are stably transfected with either human mutant or human wild-type TSHr (Diedrich and Stein, unpublished observations). Further support for the defect not involving trafficking comes from Western blot analysis by Gu et al. (1995) that demonstrated that hyt/hyt mutant and wildtype receptors were processed through similar precursors and eventually a similar 95 kDa mature TSHr was seen in both. The hyt/hyt TSH receptor is expressed on the plasma m e m b r a n e To determine whether or not the TSH receptor was expressed on the plasma membrane in the wildtype or hyt/hytmutation, immunofluorescent experiments with an anti-human TSH receptor were carried out with CHO cells transfected with the wild-type or hyt/hyt version of the human TSH receptor. The mutant hyt/hyt receptor was created by site-directed mutagenesis of the normal human wild-type TSH receptor (Stein et al., 1994). Constructs were created that included a human TSH receptor construct that had been converted by sitedirected mutagenesis to exactly simulate the hyt/ hyt receptor mutation. These stable transfected cells were incubated by double immunofluorescence with an antibody that was specific for the TSH receptor. This antibody, provided by M. Zakafija, was created from the sequence YYVFFEEDEDEIIGF, which represents a unique region at the terminal end of the extracellular domain of the 322 Advances in Neuroimmunology TSH receptor, hnmunofluorescence with this antibody to both the human wild-type and the hyt/ hyt mutant containing CHO cells revealed staining of an equivalent amount around the entire plasma membrane in both groups. This suggested that the TSH receptor was appropriately targeted with both the wild-type and the hyt/hyt construct to the plasma membrane. Further, the orientation of the extracellular domain was such that the antibody to the terminal extracellular domain could recognize the TSH receptor. Further experiments looked at immunofluorescence with this antibody to CHO cells with both the wild-type and the mutant TSH receptor, where the cells were permeabilized with Triton. In this situation, the immunofluorescence for the TSH receptor was indistinguishable for the hyt/hyt and the wild-type TSH receptor. Staining was seen both on the plasma membrane and intracellularly involving Golgi apparatus and other intracellular vesicles. The latter data suggest that the TSH receptor is trafficked and targeted to the membrane. Taken together, these observations suggest that the hyt/hyt mutation does not interfere with the transcription of TSH mRNA, and transport, processing, targeting and plasma membrane insertion of the TSH receptor. With regard to the latter, our studies indicate that at the very/east the extracellular domain, including its most terminal extent, of the TSH receptor achieves an extracellular position with respect to the plasma membrane. These observations suggest that the obliteration of TSH binding to the hyt/hyt TSHr is related to a change in tertiary structure of TSHr brought on by the conversion of a conserved and functionally important proline to leucine. This also suggests that TM IV is critical for normal TSH binding to the TSHr. The abolition of binding interferes with the normal transduction of a TSHr-cAMP response, leading to TSH hyporesponsiveness and a significant drop in thyroid hormone synthesis by the hyt/hyt thyroid gland. What is the importance of the hyt/hyt proline and other transmembrane IV mutations? The site and identity of the proline mutation in the hyt/hyt mouse is critical, because this proline is highly conserved at this site in as many as 82% of G protein-coupled receptors and in all glycoprotein hormone receptors (reviewed in Stein et al., 1994). The Pro556Leu mutation occurs at a similar site to naturally occurring mutations. Pro171Leu is seen in retinitis pigmentosa and is a naturally occurring mutation in the rhodopsin molecule that leads to blindness (Dryja et al., 1991). Pro201Ala substitution in a muscarinic M3 receptor leads to a 450-fold reduction in binding to muscarinic agonists and antagonists. Prolines are also important because: (1) they are conserved in other transmembrane sites in G protein-linked receptors; and (2) proline substitution may significantly alter receptor function (reviewed in Stein et al., 1994). The hyt/hyt mouse has a mutation of the TSH receptor similar to h u m a n patients with sporadic congenital hypothyroidism The gene defect in the hyt/hyt mouse TSHr produces TSH hyporesponsiveness. Hyporesponsiveness of the human thyroid gland to TSH may be present much more frequently than previously reported and is similar to the hyt/hyt mouse biochemically, physiologically, anatomically (e.g. thyroid gland hypoplasia), and even clinically. Hypoplasia is a cause of SCH in 63-83% of reported cases (Foley, 1991). Therefore, the hyt/ hyt hypoplasia gives us insight not only into cases of TSH hyporesponsiveness but also the whole spectrum of SCH associated with hypoplasia, whether the gland is in a normal or ectopic position. Moreover, the TSH hyporesponsiveness of the hyt/hyt mouse has relevance for understanding the thyroid gland and its dysfunction in human SCH due to maternal TSH receptor blocking antibodies, a cause of moderate to severe retardation, molecular mutations of the TSH molecule, and disorders of the Gs stimulatory protein with hypothyroidism, i.e. pseudohypoparathyroidism. Human SCH cases now include a TSHr mutation in the extracellular domain (Sunthornthepvarkul et al., 1995) and in TM IV (Vassart, personal communication) that are similar to the hyt/hyt mouse. In a reported kindred, a compound Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse heterozygote with elevated TSH demonstrates different point mutations in exon 5 at different locations in the paternal and maternal alleles, related in part to mutations, similar to the hyt/hyt mouse, that convert proline to alanine and threonine. Related to this mutation, as in the hyt/hyt mouse, the proposita had a 25-fold reduction in binding that corresponds to a 25-fold elevation of serum TSH, resistance to TSH, and hypothyroidism (Sunthornthepvarkul et al., 1995). Other mutations in the TSHr in thyroid disorders The hyt/hyt mouse and the patients of Sunthornthepvarakul et al. (1995) represent mutations of transmembrane domain IV (homozygous) and the extracellular domain (compound heterozygote), respectively, that lead to congenital hypothyroidism via interference with receptor function and/or binding. In certain disorders where excess thyroid hormone or hyperthyroidism is observed, mutations in the TSHr lead to the expression of an altered receptor protein that possesses constitutive activity (reviewed in Morris, 1996, and in van Sande et al., 1995). In these cases, the TSHr is activated and leads to increased production of thyroid hormones without TSH, the primary ligand, being present. Mutations in the TSHr that lead to hyperthyroidism have been observed in neonatal non-immune hyperthyroidism (de Roux et al., 1996), families with congenital non-immune hyperthyroidism (toxic thyroid hyperplasia), and in patients with autonomous functioning thyroid nodules and hyperthyroidism (reviewed in Morris, 1996). The mutations may be germline or somatic. The mutations may involve the second, third, sixth, and seventh transmembrane domains, as well as the third intracellular loop and the first and second extracellular loops. It is clear that certain mutations occurring in certain hot-spots may cause activation, but in vitro evaluations of the mutations reveal variability in terms of origin, germline or somatic, constitutive activity plus or minus increased liganded activity, and activity of an alternative inositol phosphate cAMP pathway in 323 the thyroid gland. Interestingly, mutations in the extracellular domain may lead to Graves' disease and immune hyperthyroidism by presenting an antigenic stimulus that triggers this disorder (Bahn et al., 1994). The spectrum of different functions of the different regions and nucleotides in the TSHr has been reviewed (Nagayama and Rappoport, 1992). Similar changes are seen on activating mutation in another glycoprotein hormone receptor, the luteinizing hormone receptor, in the sixth transmembrane domain (Shenker et al., 1993), and the third intracellular loop (Latronico et al., 1995). Behavior characteristics of the mouse hyt/hyt The hyt/hyt mouse has abnormalities in olfactory system mediated behaviors The behavioral testing was designed to test reflexive, locomotor, and adaptive behaviors that depend on motor and sensory functioning. The testing of olfactory orientation has been defined in the rat (Almli and Fisher, 1977; Altman et al., 1975). This utilizes three different stimuli that differ in their strength of olfactory stimulation, which include Mennen skin bracer, similac formula or Hershey's chocolate. The latter is the weakest and Mennen the strongest stimulator. A positive response is defined as turning of the head toward a stimulant containing these odors (Adams et al., 1997). Testing of hyt/hyt versus hyt/+ mice at days 3-6 post-natal with the weakest stimulus (chocolate) revealed that the hyt/hyt mice performed more poorly on days 3, 4 and 5 relative to the wild-type +/+ group (P, 0.05). The hyt/hyt mice were poorer on day 6 versus the hyt/+ litter-mates (P<0.01) for the same stimulus. No differences were noted between hyt/hyt and hyt/+ mice for the stronger stimuli. Olfactory deficits have been reported previously in hypothyroid mice and rats (Paternostro and Meisami, 1989). Neonatal hypothyroidism reduced olfactory epithelial cell number, the surface area of olfactory receptor neurons, and axonal sprouting from neurons in the olfactory tubercle (MackaySim and Beard, 1987; Gottesfeld etal., 1987). In 324 Advances in Neuroimmunology the hyt/hyt mouse, neonatal and, perhaps, fetal hypothyroidism may influence the development of the olfactory system, as evidenced by diminished sensitivity to certain types of odors (Adams et al., 1997). The hyt/hyt mouse shows delays in normal motor reflexive behavior with subsequent normal performance, dependent on the corticospinal tracts and brainstem pathways Motor activity and learned motor behaviors are impaired in the hyt/hyt mouse Hyt/hyt mice demonstrated hypoactivity and hyperactivity in locomotor activity compared to euthyroid mice on different testing days (Adams et al., 1989). For learned motor behavior, the hyt/hyt mice were unable to learn swim-escape or the distal Morris maze, which also involves visual cues (Adams et al., 1989; Anthony et al., 1993). In the proximal morris maze task, the hyt/hyt mice were significantly slower than the hyt/+ and +/+ mice in solving the task, but showed some improvement in response time over the total period of testing (Anthony et al., 1993). Permanent impairments in cognitive and complex motor functions are seen in untreated and latetreated human SCH cases (Klein, 1985; Macfaul et al., 1978). Delays in cliff avoidance and negative geotaxis were found in the hyt/hyt mice versus hyt/+ euthyroid litter-mates at 5 and 6 days after birth (dab) that normalized with time (Adams et al., 1989). These reflexes and early behaviors may be sensitive to the function and anatomical development of the developing cerebellum, brainstem and vestibular system, which, in turn, are altered by pre-natal and early post-natal hypothyroidism Anatomical localization of spatial learning (Narayanan and Narayanan, 1985; Legrand, and other rodent behaviors 1982-83). Similarly, assessment of early motor reflexes The performance on spatial learning tasks has that may involve corticospinal tract functioning, been related to the number of pyramidal neurons including placing, grasping and the crossed exten- in the CA 1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus sor reflex, showed delays in forepaw and hind- (reviewed in Anthony et al., 1993). The number paw grasping between the hyt/hyt and their of pyramidal neurons and the extent of their proceuthyroid litter-mates and +/+ control mice. esses may be reduced in the hyt/hyt mouse hipForepaw grip strength was significantly lower in pocampus (Crawford and Stein, 1992), similar to the hyt/hyt mice at 8 and 9 dab, and then reached results seen in other work with the rodent hippoca normal level at 10 d a b (Adams et al., 1997). ampus (Rami et al., 1986a,b). However, spatial The corticospinal tracts, as well as other pathways, learning also involves complex motor function may be involved in placing, grasping, and crossed and visual processing that may involve the visual extension and these reflexes normally appear soon cortex and other associated regions of the mouse after birth (Donatelle, 1977). The delays in brain. Fetal and neonatal hypothyroidism may forepaw grasping suggest a slower development affect a number of different sites within the of the corticospinal neurons and of rostral-caudal developing mouse cerebral cortex, other brain motor function maturation. In humans with SCH regions, and their interconnections. Based on the treated before 1 month of age (and later), altered, timing of behavioral abnormalities and the timpersistent, or asymmetric grasp reflexes reflect ing of neuroanatomical events, fetal and neonaaltered motor function or hemiparesis. The tal hypothyroidism may affect the brainstem, the performance and precise timing of these sensory olfactory system, the motor system, the hippocbehaviors (olfactory orientation) and motor ampus, and the visual system. reflexes may be required for the normal development of more complex motor and adaptive behav- Neuroanatomical effects of hypothyroidism iors in the rodent, i.e. swim-escape and Morris One of the most consistent neuroanatomical maze activity. abnormalities related to fetal hypothyroidism in Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse both rodents and humans is persistent abnormalities in process growth and connectivity. In the developing hypothyroid brain, disorders of neuronal process growth (Eayrs, 1968; Lauder, 1989; Legrand, 1982-83; Garza et al., 1988) are observed in both central and peripheral neurons. These abnormalities are manifested by diminished axonal (Lauder, 1989; Legrand, 1982-83; Eayrs, 1968; Marinesco, 1924) and dendritic outgrowth and elongation (Lauder, 1989; Legrand, 198283; Ruiz-Marcos, 1989) and branching (Marinesco, 1924; Ruiz-Marcos, 1989). In hypothyroidism, there is direct alteration of synaptogenesis (Ruiz-Marcos, 1989), the number and distribution of dendritic spines (Ipina etal., 1987; Ruiz-Marcos, 1989), and of the subsequent myelination of neuronal processes (Almazon et al., 1975; Sarlieve et al., 1983). These alterations in process growth and connectivity are observed in pyramidal regions of the cerebral cortex and visual and auditory cortex and frontal cortex, with reductions in the levels of thalamocortical fibers and corticocortical fibers (Marinesco, 1924), and in the size of the pyramidal tracts (Rosman, 1975), as well as in hippocampal pyramidal and granule neurons, cerebral cortical neurons, basal forebrain neurons, and cerebral Purkinje neurons (Gould and Butcher, 1989; Lauder, 1989; Rami et al., 1986; Eayrs, 1955; Ruiz-Marcos, 1989; Marinesco, 1924). The sites of these abnormalities in process growth and connectivity are related to the motor, memory, and visuomotor abnormalities observed in human and rodent thyroid syndromes. Thyroid hormone acts on the cytoskeleton to determine neuroanatomical effects The foundations of the abnormalities in process growth and maintenance and connectivity are changes in microtubule number and function, as well as function and number of the neuronal cytoskeletal structures, including neurofilaments and microfilaments (reviewed in Stein et al., 1991c; Stein, 1994). Normal process growth during development depends on the synthesis of cytoskeletal proteins, their assembly into cytoskel- 325 etal structure (i.e. microtubules, neurofilaments, and micro filaments), and on the delivery of these proteins via axonal transport to the distal axon and growth cone (Fig. 5, Model 1) (Smith, 1988; Mitchinson and Kirschner, 1988; Lasek, 1988; Brady, 1988; Panda etal., 1994; Hammerschlag et al., 1994). Growth cones are motile structures at the growing tip of extending neurites (GordonWeeks, 1991). Neurofilaments are the major determinants of axonal caliber (Cleveland et al., 1991; Hoffman et al., 1985). Microfilaments consist of actin subunits, which couple with microtubules in the growth cone. Microfilaments are particularly important in axonal growth cones and process growth (Smith, 1988). Alteration of the thyroid hormone level may affect process growth and maintenance by altering the cytoskeleton at multiple levels (Fig. 5, Model 1). In a specific neuron at a specific time, these various effects of thyroid hormones may be operating simultaneously or individually. Synthesis of the constituent polypeptides for the cytoskeleton occurs in the neuronal cell body, followed by assembly into cytoskeletal structures, and transport of these structures to the distal axon, presynaptic terminal, or growth cone (Lasek, 1988). Each of these steps may be vulnerable to hypothyroidism at different stages of development and maturity. Each of the skeletal elements may be affected by thyroid hormone levels through various mechanisms (Stein 1991c). Microtubules are composed of two classes of proteins, tubulin and the microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) (Mandelkov and Mandelkov, 1989). Tubulin is a 100 kDa, dimeric protein that exists in the forms of equally sized c~and [3 subunits. It serves as the structural protein of the microtubule wall, and can polymerize to form microtubules under appropriate in vitro conditions in the absence of other proteins. Numerous isoforms of both c~ tubulin and [3 tubulin have been described (Lewis and Cowan, 1988; Sullivan, 1988), and each has a characteristic tissue and cellular distribution (Lewis et al., 1985; Burgoyne et al., 1988) and developmental pattern of expression (Lewis et al., 1985). In the mouse brain, for example, mRNAs that encode the MI35, 326 Advances in Neuroimmunology o= .L~'-~-~ .~,"= ~ ' o r---~O'~ ~1 ~1 I I ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t- o~ ,-- ' ~ I ~. • ,-: -~ 0 t-oh- I-- o~ o 0 .. z , a oX .oli ~ 0 c ® ~ ~ ~ ~) ~ \, ~L.#i'; ~i ¢ \1 II ~ I -~ _ I /.i#. 11 " ~1 1 1I I I .- 0 m z ...1 .-I w o z 0 IE w z ax ~ ~ w ~ ~'6 H~ ~-_~ ~ I-I '~> <-~ [ q VG I .~ I .~1 ~ w / ~ ¢ / , / II <./~ ¢ w ~ f ' II--~'~ ~ / " " ' - / <~ I~1 II ~ 1 I I~1 "->" I I , , , ~ ~[ 0 ~ I--.- <,, I-"1= IE'I~ a¢~ -~ ~" ~ I 1I:~)._ ~ o=~ w~ __ Ill ~ // / / / / / / ~LLI~ 17, $ i-E rr ," "u,r"-~-'~_ / ' ~ I~1 ~ \ <~ I / /-~ '" z / ( .=" ~ o~ <~ o ~ . ~ C~ <~" i- ~ ~ iT \~ .<.., "b/, fli~// ~-- ~h~-, 0 ~....-- :~ ~ - <"6~ ~ ~ -_-~ ~7 E 0~ ~ / / 0 . ~ = • - ~"-'- "E'~ ~ ~ w / • * / < OU ,-- o_ ± 0 ._o B i o l o g y o f the c o n g e n i t a l l y h y p o t h y r o i d h y t / h y t m o u s e 327 Fig. 5. Model 1: potential model of process growth in the developing axon, its relationship to cytoskeletal structures and their molecular components, and thyroid hormone regulation (*; see in the hyt/hyt mouse #) (Stein et al., 1991). Normal process growth is dependent on the function of dimers of a and b tubulins, and having side arms made up of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) (Mandelkow and Mandelkow, 1989). The a and b tubulin isotypes and different MAPs are transcribed in the nucleus of the neuronal cell body, which may be regulated by thyroid hormones (*, #). Following translation and selected post-transcriptional modifications, equal quantities of c~and [3isoforms are assembled (Nunez et al., 1989) together with MAPs into brain microtubules (MT) from soluble pools of tubulins and MAPs in the neuronal cytoplasm or distal axon/growth cone. After assembly in the cytoplasm, these MTs are transported through the axoplasm of the axonal process to the distal axon and the growth cone (Hammershclag et al., 1994). The transported microtubules may be added to the distal end of growing MTs and may be in dynamic equilibrium with free tubulin isoform and MAP subunits. Alternatively, soluble pools of microtubule components at the growth cone add assembled microtubules directly to microtubules at the distal neurite (Gordon-Weeks. 1991). Concerning axonal elongation, the assembly of microtubules in the growth cone may be functionally more important than in the cell body or neurite (Adams etal., 1989). Similar to certain tubulin isoforms, MAP1B is present in extending processes, and occurs in particularly high concentrations distally and at the growth cone (Mansfield and Gordon-Weeks, 1991) and is essential, particularly when phosphorylated (Mansfield et al.. 1992) and assembled with microtubules, for initiation of neurite outgrowth in cerebral cortex and PC12 neurons (Mansfield and Gordon-Weeks, 1991). MAP1B is upregulated by thyroid hormones at the time of neurite outgrowth and is localized by in situ hybridization to the processes of extending corticospinal axons (Gordon-Weeks, 1991). Certain post-transcriptional modifications of the tubulins, including glutamylation (M135), acetylation, phosphorylation, and tyrosination, and MAPs, i.e. phosphorylation, favor microtubule assembly and process growth (Gordon-Weeks, 1991 ; Audebert et al., 1994; Mary et al., 1994). The amount of [3 tubulin isoforms, including M135,available for assembly is regulated by a feedback mechanism. The 13tubulin protein subunits interact in an unknown way with the amino-terminus of [3 tubulin polysomal RNA bound to ribosomes to stabilize or destabilize the bound RNA (Cleveland. 1989: Bachurski et al., 1994: Pachter et al., 1987: Yen et al., 1988). Thyroid hormones regulate certain genes at the transcriptional level, i.e. for growth hormone and myosin, and/or mRNA stability, i.e. for growth hormone. For transcription, regulation occurs by the formation of dimeric complexes of ~ and/or [3 thyroid hormone receptors, or TR (thyroid hormone receptor)-auxiliary protein (TRAP) (reviewed in Chin, 1992). o~1, l] l and [32 bind T3 and are directly involved with activation of transcription, al is expressed in the fetal cerebral cortex plate in differentiating neurons (Bradley et al., 1992). 131is expressed in germinal zone dividing neurons and in the post-natal rat cerebral cortex (Bradley et al., 1987, 1992). Dimeric complexes of the ligand (T3)-receptor bind to thyroid response element (TRE), commonly present in the 5" flank of TH responsive genes, and this binding activates or inhibits transcription (reviewed in Stein et a l., 1996; B rent et al., 1991 ; Chin, 1992). In developing brain, thyroid hormones regulate expression of genes involved with axonal and dendritic process growth, e.g. nCAM, tubulins, MAPs, synapsin I, CAT (Quirin-Stricker et al., 1994), calbindin, calmodulin, NaK ATPase (Corthesy-Theulaz et al., 1991), and RC-3 mRNA, and myelination, e.g. myelin basic protein (Farsetti et al., 1991), MAG, and PLP (Bemal et al., 1992; reviewed in Porterfield and Stein, 1994). As shown, M[35 and other tubulin isoforms may be regulated by thyroid hormone at the level of transcription, mRNA/polysomal RNA stability, or both. Modified from Stein (1994). M ~ 2 , a n d Mc~2 i s o f o r m s o f t u b u l i n are p r e s e n t at h i g h a b u n d a n c e in t h e m i d - g e s t a t i o n e m b r y o ( L e w i s e t a l . , 1985), b u t d e c r e a s e s u b s t a n t i a l l y in the early n e o n a t a l p e r i o d ( B o n d a n d F a r m e r , 1983; Stein et al., 1989a). Although functional i n t e r c h a n g e a b i l i t y h a s b e e n d e m o n s t r a t e d for different tubulin isoforms, certain tubulin isoforms and certain MAPs may have functional effects on m i c r o t u b u l e s ( A s a i a n d R e m o l o n a , 1989; C u m m i n g e t al., 1983; H o y l e a n d Raft, 1990; J o s h i e t a l . , 1987; J o s h i a n d C l e v e l a n d , 1990; L e e e t al., 1989; L u d u e n a e t a l . , 1989). D i s t i n c t t u b u l i n isof o r m s M135 a n d MI]2 a n d M A P s are p r o d u c e d in the developing neurons and differentiating n e u r o n s , a n d are p r e f e r e n t i a l l y a s s e m b l e d into m i c r o t u b u l e s in e x t e n d i n g n e u r i t e s ( J e a n t e t a n d G r o s , 1981; L u d u e n a , 1993). F u r t h e r m o r e , the tubulin isoforms have distinct carboxy-termini that may be functionally important in postt r a n s l a t i o n a l m o d i f i c a t i o n a n d b i n d i n g to c e r t a i n M A P s ( S u l l i v a n , 1988). M A P s b i n d w i t h different affinities to d i f f e r e n t c a r b o x y - t e r m i n i . S e v e r a l d i s t i n c t t y p e s o f M A P s are k n o w n , a n d e a c h o f t h e s e p r o t e i n s a n d t h e i r m R N A s also e x h i b i t s its o w n u n i q u e p a t t e r n o f d e v e l o p m e n tally r e g u l a t e d l o c a l i z a t i o n at the tissue, c e l l u l a r a n d s u b c e l l u l a r l e v e l s ( M a t u s , 1988; B l o o m a n d Vallee, 1983; B l o o m e t a l . , 1984; S c h o e n f e l d e t al., 1989). In b r a i n , the m a j o r M A P s i n c l u d e M A P 1 A , M A P 1 B , M A P 2 a n d tau ( B l o o m a n d Vallee, 1982; V a l l e e a n d B l o o m , 1984; M a t u s , 1988; Tucker, 1990). A h a l l m a r k p r o p e r t y o f m o s t M A P s is t h a t t h e y act in v i t r o as s t i m u l a t o r s o f t u b u l i n p o l y m e r i z a t i o n a n d m i c r o t u b u l e stability ( N u n e z e t a l . , 1989). It is likely, t h e r e f o r e , t h a t t h e extension of axons and dendrites during development depends upon adequate levels of appropriate types o f b o t h t u b u l i n a n d M A P s , b u t d i s t i n c t M A P s , s u c h as M A P 1 B a n d fetal tau, m a y play a part in early n e u r o n a l d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n . 328 Advances in Neuroimmunology Use of the hyt/hyt mouse to study mechanisms of process growth Since the hyt/hyt mice are deficient in thyroid hormone, starting during late gestation, these animals afford a means of looking at the effects of thyroid hormone deficiency during a critical period of molecular biological and neuroanatomical development of the brain, with particular relevance for the cerebral cortex. These animals may be used to evaluate the presence and potential effects of specific brain mRNA changes related to fetal and neonatal thyroid hormone deficiency. Neuronal differentiation, particularly of cerebral cortical layers V and VI is temporally correlated with general brain (20,000-30,000 mRNAs) and cerebral cortex specific synthesis of new poly A + mRNAs (17 d pc to birth) and the onset of fetal thyroid function (Chaudhari and Hahn, 1983). The late gestational and early neonatal hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse and its euthyroid hyt/+ littermates provide a means to dissect out thyroid hormone effects during the narrow period of initial differentiation of layer V pyramidal neurons and their corticospinal tracts (Jones etal., 1982; Miller, 1987, 1988). Since the hyt/hyt mice only differ from their hyt/+ litter-mates by their T 4 level, specific brain and cerebral cortex molecular and neuroanatomical abnormalities (Stein et al., 1989a, 1991a-c; Noguchi, 1988), and delayed and abnormal reflexive, locomotor, and adaptive behavior (Adams et al., 1989, 1997; Anthony et al., 1993) differences reflect o n T 4 level differences and, possibly, regulation. The hyt/hyt mouse has been used to test hypotheses developed from the model in Fig. 2. These are predicted based on the following points. First, fetal and neonatal hypothyroidism cause abnormal motor behavior by altering the anatomical development of differentiating neurons in the late gestational and early neonatal cerebral cortex and their associated axonal tracts (as illustrated in the models in Figs 2, 5, 10 and 11). Second, the anatomical abnormalities in process growth and connectivity are based on alteration by hypothyroidism of the cytoskeletal structures, particularly microtubules, and their molecular components that contribute to axonal outgrowth and elongation of the scaffolding neurons, such as pyramidal neurons, during the fetal and neonatal period. Third, these abnormalities in axonal growth are predicated on the selective effects of thyroid hormone deficiency on the number, molecular composition, and function of axonal and growth cone microtubules. Fourth, hypothyroidism alters the level and timing of expression of certain tubulin isoforms, i.e. M[35 (see below), and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), i.e. MAP1B, fetal tau and MAP2, that comprise the axonal microtubule in the developing cerebral cortex. Fifth, M~5, M~2, and Meal tubulin isoform mRNA and the protein tau mRNA, MAP2, and MAP1B mRNAs and protein are reduced and/or demonstrate changes in the timing of expression in fetal hyt/hyt (Stein et al., 1991 c, see below) and hypothyroid neonatal rat cerebral cortex (Nunez et al., 1989). Utility of the hyt/hyt mouse for studies of tubulin isoform expression, thyroid hormone regulation, and process growth abnormalities in pyramidal neurons in the cerebral cortex For the tubulin isotypes, particularly M~5, the aims of our studies were to use the developing mouse: (1) to define the normal timing, pattern and level of expression oftubulin isotype mRNAs and their translation products and total c~ and tubulin mRNAs and protein; (2) to establish when and whether these specific and total tubulin isotypes are altered by hypothyroidism during a specific period of cerebral cortex differentiation; and (3) to determine if reductions in specific tubufin isotype mRNAs might underly reductions in specific tubulin proteins and total tubulin in hypothyroidism. Certain tubulin and other cytoskeletal mRNAs and their proteins may be expressed during a narrow window of cerebral cortex development in the mouse Our studies, using Northern gel, solution hybridization, and quantitative immunoblotting Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse on individual fetal and neonatal cerebral cortex samples have revealed several points related to the MI35, M ~ I , and M[32 isoforms of tubulin. The general developmental pattern of expression of mRNA for several isoforms in total brain tissue of normal mice was previously determined (Lewis and Cowan, 1988). The following study began by focusing on the cerebral cortex, where thyroid hormone is thought to exert significant effects (Ruiz-Marcos, 1987), and by measuring tubulin mRNA levels at more frequent time intervals than had been examined in earlier work (Lewis and Cowan, 1988). Northern blot and solution hybridization analyses were used to measure the levels of total [3 tubulin mRNA, and mRNA for isotypes of c~ tubulin (Mc~I) and ~ tubulin (M[32 and MI35) during post-natal development of normal, euthyroid mice. Data obtained prior to birth were from the +/+ (wild-type) progenitor strain. For postnatal mice, we found that +/+ and hyt/+ animals were indistinguishable and, therefore, data from both groups were merged. First, in developing euthyroid mice, the mRNA for M[35 was shown to follow a developmental pattern of expression in the cerebral cortex which was quite distinct from that of whole brain (Fig. 6). The peak of expression was at 17 d pc in the total brain and on the day of birth in cerebral cortex. Hence, different brain regions must employ di sti nct programs for regulating the levels of M~5 mRNA during early development. Second, the levels of M[35, M[32, and M ~ I mRNA, when expressed for the fetal cerebral cortex, peaked on the day of birth and declined to low levels 7-16 dab. This low level of expression persisted throughout the adult period. Similarly, the translation product for M~5 peaked at one day and then declined significantly over the next six days. Thus, M[35 and the other tubufin isotope changes demonstrate that the composition of microtubules in the fetal and neonatal developing cerebral cortex normally change in a manner related to constitutive patterns of expression, i.e. turning on or turning off certain tubulin isotopes. These patterns of expression in mice and rats are noted for other important functional 329 molecules, including other isotype mRNAs (Lewis et al., 1985), total tubulin (Bond and Farmer, 1983; Farmer et al., 1986), MAPs (Nunez et al., 1989~ Lewis et al., 1986), actin mRNAs (reviewed in Stein et al., 1991c), EGF (Stein et al., 1991c), and GAP43 (reviewed in Stein et al., 1991c). Taken together, the above findings suggest that common endogenous signals or constitutive developmental programs, operating at the transcriptional level (Sullivan, 1988), may exercise tight control of mRNA and protein levels for a number of mRNAs and their translation products that are essential for process growth in the developing brain; this must be considered in any analysis of thyroid hormone regulation of these genes. M[35 Protein levels follow a different profile compared to M[35 mRNA M[35 protein also peaks on the day of birth and then demonstrates a precipitous decline that differs from its mRNA. The more rapid fall in M[35 protein versus M[35 mRNA after the day of birth suggests that protein translation and/or stability may be distinct in some ways from the constitutive mechanisms for mRNA decline (Fig. 6a). Also, the expression of M[~5 mRNA peaks in total brain at 18 d pc, which differs from its peak for cerebral cortex on the day of birth (Fig. 6a). Similarly, total [3 tubulin peaks at 18 d pc in cerebral cortex (Fig. 6b). These facts suggest that other brain regions rather than cerebral cortex are utilizing these tubulin isotypes at an earlier time in gestation; perhaps the brainstem, which differentiates during mid-gestation (Narayanan and Narayanan, 1982; Sidman and Rakic, 1974) is one such site. M[35 tubulin mRNA and protein and M[~2 mRNA are significantly reduced in fetal and early neonatal hyt/hyt cerebral cortex Having established the developmental pattern of expression o f m R N A for several tubulin isoforms in euthyroid animals, we next performed similar studies in hyt/hyt mice. M[35 tubulin mRNA and 330 A d v a n c e s in N e u r o i m m u n o l o g y O ,'7 (A) ~LU 0_ O ! 150 I.U ~ lOO MB5 mRNA ABUNDANCE IN EUTHYROID BRAIN ~] 1 +/+ TOTAL BRAIN ~ r ~ +/+ AND HYT/+ CEREBRAL CORTEX Z< <>.. m< za 50 --ffl ~-- 0 m -6 -5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AGE (DAYS) (B) 4000 -- TOTAL [B-TUBULIN mRNA IN EUTHYROID CEREBRAL CORTEX I T O T A L fl-TUBULIN m R N A 3000 8 2000 1000 < 0 -5-4-3-2-1 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO AGE (DAYS) O IJ_ (C) o LUll nO 03Z 200 - - Oz l.lJ~ Orn Z< 15o Za 100 M~I, MB2, AND MB5 mRNAABUNDANCE IN EUTHYROID CEREBRAL CORTEX E:3 M~I mRNA I I M!B2 mRNA M!33 mRNA -- < a~ 'IFl,.u o - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 -1 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 AGE (DAYS) Fig. 6. (Caption overleaf.) Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse 331 Fig. 6. mRNA abundance of M[35(2A, C), M~2 (2C), Meal (2C) and total [3tubulin in hyt/+and +/+ fetal and neonatal cerebral cortex (2A-C) and total brain (2A). Northern gel hybridization in conjunction with visage scanning and betascope analysis of these hybridizations was used to determine abundance. Each point reflected the mean of a minimum of three abundance determinations. In the cerebral cortex, all tubulin isotypes peaked on the day of birth (2A, 2C) and then fell in abundance. Total ~3tubulin mRNA peaked at 19 d pc and then fell in abundance (2B). M~35mRNA peaked at 18 d pc in total mouse brain (2A). Days on which no bars are shown were not sampled for mRNA abundance. For all figures: day -1 = 19 d pc; day -6 = 14 d pc; day 1 = day of birth or 1 dab; day after birth = 2 dab; 7 days of age = 7 dab. RNA was isolated by the methods of Kedzierski and Porter (1990) and Ilaria et al. (1985). Quantitative solution hybridization was modified from Kedzierski et al. (1990). protein and M[32 m R N A are significantly reduced in fetal and early neonatal hyt/hyt cerebral cortex. Reduced thyroid hormone as reflected in the hyt/ hyt cerebral cortex compared to hyt/+ cerebral cortex leads to: (a) a statistically significant reduction (1.5-5-fold) of M~5 m R N A on the day of birth (1 d ab) and 2 days after birth (Fig. 7) using solution hybridization (Fig. 7c) and Northern blot (Fig. 7a) analysis with single-stranded c R N A probes; (b) a reduction o f M ~ l m R N A in 5 d a b total brain (not pictured); and (c) a significant reduction of M[~5 protein on the day of birth using quantitative immunoblotting (Fig. 8). These reductions are statistically significant and have been replicated for M~5 m R N A . This m R N A is also reduced on the second day of life (2 d a b ) , but reaches a normal level at 3 d a b . Preliminary but statistically significant trials with M~2 show that this m R N A and E G F m R N A (Stein et al., 1991 c) are also reduced in the hyt/hyt versus hyt/+ cerebral cortex. The differences in specific m R N A abundance between the hyt/+ and hyt/hyt animals may reflect on thyroid hormone regulation of late gestation and early neonatal m R N A and protein synthesis. The specificity of these changes in tubulin isotype m R N A abundance is suggested by the lack of change of: (1) 9A6 m R N A (Sher et al., 1997; Stein, 1988) and other tubulin isoform m R N A s , and (2) total brain and cerebral cortex Poly A ÷ R N A (Fig. 9) and ribosomal R N A (Fig. 9) in day of birth hyt/hyt versus hyt/+ mice in Northern gel hybridization and solution hybridization (total R N A is made up of both poly A ÷ R N A and ribosomal RNA). In mouse cerebral cortex, there is 98% ribosomal R N A and 2% poly A + R N A (Fig. 9). This suggests that thyroid hormone deficiency does not cause global changes in all RNAs, but rather specific changes in specific m R N A s in specific brain regions at specific times, which is corroborated by the elevations in Mc~l and M ~ 5 m R N A s in day of birth brain remainder. The degree of reduction of M[35 m R N A and its protein are similar, which m a y suggest that the fetal m R N A reduction has a direct effect on the expression of its protein. The mechanisms of regulation for M~5 by thyroid hormones are not clear. Given the above facts, the depression in M~5 isotype m R N A and its translation product at birth and the rate of fall in abundance of these molecules in fetal and neonatal cerebral cortex could represent a complex regulation by thyroid hormones o f the M[35 m R N A and its protein at the level of transcription, m R N A stability (Fernyhough et al., 1989; Cleveland, 1989), or both, interacting (Diamond and Goodman, 1985) with developmentally timed genetic programs of expression. Our results suggest that M~5 m R N A declines more rapidly after peaking on the day of birth in euthyroid brain than in the hyt/hyt brain. These observations are consistent with a transcriptional turn-off at a particular time, requiring a certain level of thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones can work simultaneously on a single gene to regulate m R N A levels by transcription and m R N A stability (Narayanan and Towle, 1985); the mechanisms of activation on t u b u l i n i s o t y p e and M A P m R N A s are unknown, as are the potential TRE 5' flanking regions in their gene. The reduction in certain tubulin and M A P and m R N A s and alterations in their pattern of expression in fetal and neonatal hypothyroidism can be related to: (1) thyroid hormone effects on gene transcription and translation and/or m R N A stability; (2) constitutive programs of expression of groups of genes, i.e. tubulin isoforms and M A P s that support neuronal differentiation in cerebral 332 A d v a n c e s in N e u r o i m m u n o l o g y o') I I uaoov7 CO LU ~ o I-x <w z I- .... ::: ::::: uO'~ ::::: M!:: :::: :: zer "=N°==o< +~±,~H .[,~H/±~,H • . ~ b~ ~.., ._="~ ~ < ~. <: BN~Z= co : :~:::::~:~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :: ~,~ zp.'~ • ................ : ] ~ i i ~ : ........... ~ ~ ~ ..... :: 7~7': z +/1AH : 11HI11H iI oi- ~ > 1,kHIIAH _ .~-~. ~.~ ~ ' - ~ ,,, ,,, .- o ~ ' ~ m v X ILl Ira X iii l-n- I I I I I I I n" ill ~.~.~ o n" Zlll o <m + ,,¢: Z mi-- I nr" 0 E I~ g~ z<~ m-r E~r~ 1- 8a < 0 w , < ,'~'~ >>. Z I-"r" 7I-~" I < 0 o -,- + >.- >,. I -r lr 0 = oo> ~ ~ + p'r~ ~,~ I z ~ ,~.~ O ol o o I I I o g o o~ o9 ¢~ I I I I 0 0 ~ ~00 oo~ X BONVaNnQV ÷//AH / 3ONVQNRSV ±AH/$AH o 0 I I o o 0o o o co I o o (1N31/~lV=IEII 39V37ONN EI31-1V 0310310Wd £±NnOO) 3ONVaNnQV VNWW < ~: --= .~. ~ Z< ~ z ,oZ~ Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse cortex motor neurons; (3) the timing and location of expression of thyroid hormone receptors (~1 receptors) to pyramidal neurons in layer V sensorimotor cortex; and (4) endogenous autoregulatory mechanisms that modulate ]3 (Cleveland, 1989; Theodorakis and Cleveland, 1992; Yen et al., 1988) and c~ (reviewed in Bachurski et al., 1994; Theodorakis and Cleveland, 1992) tubulin levels by reducing the stability of polysomal tubulin isoform RNAs (Fig. 5). Potential relevance of M[35 and thyroid hormone for microtubules and process growth: reductions in M[35 mRNA and protein may affect microtubule composition and function in extending axons of the developing cerebral cortex MI]5 or Class I tubulin isoform represents a ubiquitous isotype that is made in a variety of organ systems (Lewis et al., 1985; Cowan et al., 1983) across the phylogenetic scale (Sullivan, 1988). In the fetal and neonatal mouse (Lewis et al., 1985) and rat brain (Bond et al., 1983) this isoform is abundant and common. During this period, M[35 would be expected to contribute as a major isotype to microtubules. The evidence for the potential linkage for M]35, microtubules, and process growth comes from a number of points. First, in the cerebral cortex, M~5 and other tubulin isotypes (M~2 and Mc~l) are expressed (starting at 15 d pc) and peak (day of birth) during a narrow period of cerebral cortex development that correlates temporally and may contribute molecularly to the initial axonal outgrowth from layer III neurons and layer V pyramidal neurons. During this period, the outgrowth, elongation and branching of basal and apical dendrites for these neurons, and the ingrowth of afferent thalamocortical fibers, are also occurring (Miller, 1988). Second, by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, MI35 mRNA and its translation product (Burgoyne et al., 1988) are localized to neurons. As an example of this, on in situ hybridization, the M~5 and Mc~l mRNAs (Stein etal., 1989a, 1991c) and its rat counterpart, Tc~l (Miller et al., 1987), are 333 localized to cell groups in superficial and deep cortex on the day of birth (particularly layer V pyramidal neurons in mouse sensorimotor cortex) (Stein et al., 1991c). These neurons are the forerunners of layers II, III, IV, and V of the sensorimotor cortex. The layer V neurons are the origin of the corticospinal tracts. Total tubulin protein is also evident in pyramidal neurons (Stein et al., 1991c). Third, layer III and layer V pyramidal neurons are: (a) areas of active differentiation in the developing fetal and neonatal cerebral cortex, particularly the motor cortex (Miller, 1987; Jones et al., 1982); and (b) sites that have shown abnormalities in process growth related to hypothyroidism (Marinesco, 1924; Eayrs, 1955; Ruiz-Marcos, 1989). These regions are also: (a) specific cellular sites for certain developmentally expressed MAPs; and (b) sites for localization of specific thyroid hormone receptors, i.e. al, that peak during late gestation and the neonatal period (Bradley et al., 1992; Fox et al., 1987; Strait et al., 1990). Fourth, MI35, as opposed to other tubulin isotypes, may affect microtubules through the effects of its distinct carboxy-terminus (Sullivan, 1988; Burgoyne et al., 1988), the glutamylation of this C-terminus (Audebert et al., 1994; Mary et al., 1994) and other sequence regions (Luduena, 1993) by preferentially promoting microtubule subunit polymerization (Joshi and Cleveland, 1990) in vivo and in vitro in extending neurites (Luduena, 1993), and by selectively promoting certain MAPs, i.e. tau (Paschal etal., 1989; Audebert et al., 1994; Mary et al., 1994). These MAPs may directly stimulate tubulin polymerization and alter microtubule stability. MI35 is a component of microtubules with dynamic instability, a requirement for microtubule elongation and axonal process growth. The implication of our results with M135 is that diminished levels of M[35 and/or M~2 in the hyt/hyt mice, along with effects on the timing and level of expression of certain MAPs (Hargreaves et al., 1988; Nunez et al., 1989), might alter microtubule composition and the composition of the growth cone, axonal, and soma pools of microtubule components at critical developmental times of axonal outgrowth 334 Advances in Neuroimmunology e~ ~X ~+ I-.- t.-.>.- >.- + n- -r- "~ LUC: So >< Zrr LId ¢r < ~LL/ _JOO So F/1/1////1////Hill//////////! f- I, I , l ~ l , I , o o o o o o o° o°° O O O O O C~ O O oo oo o aNno8 o s~l o 04 77771TTT V,'HIHIHIIHIIIIHIII~ 00 u,,,zz,.,,,,.,,, F.,- x w ~r I.--0 ~ 2:< --nzm = IH.','H.'/.'//.'.'.'HJ//J////g O< rrrr l~_rn + I->32 d VlH,'.'HHIZ,'I.'.'I/H/:/II/II rlllllllllllZZllllllllllllllllllllllll zr.r" t, oo o SJ.NROO Z -U.I I--~r. 0 Z ~r'r" n E I:1, o° o I co r,.. .~ tm m (9 -- < Oo ~. '-'r ,,, Z ~ c~ m>c~_ " r >-m Z"~ ~ Z _ _ I I I 1 , o o °[ I , , , 1.0 >.. '1- + I ~ < v I->'l- S8 -->" No I o ~ I .... 0 m )~VQ :INO I .... 0 0 0 I , , , T l ~ , , , I , , r : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -IO qONVGNnSV/ ,,KVC] 0 1 - . 1 1 0 3 c l S .40 3C)NVGNPISV £.LNNO0 C]NNO£ sz~l Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse 335 Fig. 8. M135and total tubulin protein abundance in hyt/hyt and hyt/+ cerebral cortex using quantitative immunoblotting. M135 mRNA and protein fell after peaking on the day of birth, but the level of M~35protein declined more rapidly (5A). M~5 protein was depressed in abundance in hyt/hyt day of birth cerebral cortex (5B). Total tubulin, as assessed by a monoclonal antibody to c~tubulin, was unchanged in hyt/hyt versus hyt/+ cerebral cortex on the day of birth (5C). All data points were determined by the mean of at least four separate immunoblots, which were repeated at least three times. Standard SDS-PAGE was utilized with electrophoretic transfer of proteins to nitrocellulose lnembranes which were used for quantitation. Primary antibodies included rabbit polyclonals specific for either M[32or M[35, supplied by Drs Nicolas Cowan and Sally Lewis, and the DM 1A mouse monoclonal (Amersham, Arlington Heights, ILL which recognizes all forms of c~tubulin. Primary rabbit antibodies were detected using 125Iprotein A. Following gel autoradiography,immunoreactive tubulin bands were excised and counted by gamma counting. In addition, for total tubulin, quantitation was determined in relation to an established tubulin concentration series. and elongation. "A cell may adjust the relative amounts of isotypes which it expresses as a means to regulate the dynamic behavior o f microtubules . . . . Subtle changes in the ratio of tubulin isoforms could have important consequences for the cell" (Luduena, 1993). Changes in microtubule composition, in combination with other c y t o s k e l e t a l effects o f t h y r o i d h o r m o n e deficiency, m a y influence the assembly, stability, and, perhaps, functional properties and distinctness of neuronal microtubules, and may contribute to abnormalities in process growth in hypothyroid developing cerebral cortex and in hyt/hyt hippocampal neurons. Relationship of process growth to thyroid hormone, tubulin isoforms, MAPIB, the hyt/hyt mouse, and molecular regulation The localization of certain tubulin isoforms to the developing cortex, the molecular structures with various termini with distinct affinities and other unique sequence regions, the selective timing of expression during late gestation, the importance of selective tubulin isoforms and M A P s in supporting process growth and their role in forming functionally important microtubules, all argue for the roles of certain tubulin isotypes and certain M A P s in normal process growth. Such processes are compiled for the molecular effects of hypothyroidism on neuroanatomical abnormalities and behavioral changes for the hyt/hyt mouse and other rodents (Fig. 10, Model 2). The level of thyroid hormone, particularly its deficiency, may regulate the cytoskeleton and process growth by (Fig. 11, M o d e l 3): (1) reductions in the synthesis of certain developmentally regulated tubulin isoforms and MAPs, i.e. tau, related to effects on transcription (Stein et al., 1989a, 1991c; Nunez etal., 1989), splicing (Aniello et al., 1991), m R N A stability, or translation; (2) alterations in the timing and site of expression of microtubule components; (3) altered kinetics for microtubule assembly (Nunez et al., 1989); (4) reductions in SCa and SCb for tubulins, microtubules, neurofilaments, and actin and reduced axonal tubulin content (Stein et al., 1991a); (5) elevations in axonal calmodulin (Stein et al., 1991 b), which may affect microtubule assembly and disassembly; (6) assembly of actin into microfilaments by a non-nuclear mechanism (SiegristKaiser et al., 1990); (7) p h o s p h o r y l a t i o n of neurofilaments (Marc et al., 1986), which affects the stability of the axonal cytoskeleton; (8) tyrosination of ~ tubulin (Laksmanan et al., 1981), which contributes to dynamic instability of the microtubule; and (9) regulation of RC3 m R N A , a protein kinase C substrate of dendritic spines, and of N - C A M m R N A (Munoz et al., 1991 ; Berhal et al., 1992). Hypothyroidism affects process growth by altering the slow component A and slow component B axonal transport of selected proteins that are critical for process growth and maintenance: studies utilizing the hyt/hyt optic nerve The growth and maintenance of neuronal processes and connectivity depends not only on the synthesis of critical molecules and proteins in the cell body, but also their delivery to the distal axon and growth cone. Three separate rate components, fast, slow c o m p o n e n t A (SCa), and slow 336 Advances in Neuroimmunology (c) (A) POLY A+ RNA SOLUTION HYBRIDIZATION STANDARD CURVE OF POLY rA TEMPLATE AND 32p POLY dT Ribosomal RNA 1 day Cerebral Cortex (CC) I 1 ~ . . . . .~ I-ILl z I- 10000 - - ~_ ~ "~ 9000 (/) ~_. 8000 7000 rr .s- 6000 I1. sooo z o ,0o0 / o ~ - ° ~ ° I I I 3000 .... 7 ~ 0 2000 Q'>, ..E >, .,c: ~>, .1:= >, + ~ JE I •= POLY 28S RIBOSOMAL RNA ABUNDANCE IN HYT/HYT, HYT/+, AND +/+ CEREBRAL CORTEX I~ 4 ~ zl--(:3 >- 1:3 LU N I (D) rA TEMPLATE I I I I (NG) CONCENTRATION POLY A+ RNA CONCENTRATION IN HYT/HYT AND HYT/+ CEREBRAL CORTEX E: nn Tn'>" (/) oo oo 4a (/)v rr I 8000 HYT/HYT (DAY OF BIRTH) HYT/+ (DAY OF BIRTH) +/+ (DAY OF BIRTH) = _z 4,,, <o z. =4 om _ I 0.00.1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 5 0 . 6 0 . 7 0 . 8 0 . 9 1 . 0 (B) 0Z 1000 -t~ ..E 0 Z HYT/HYT HYT/+ +/+ D r[F'/T'~ HYT/HYT (DAY OF BIRTH) ,o006°°° 2000 10 m < TOTAL 30 CEREBRAL 35 40 CORTEX 45 50 -- RNA (UG) Fig. 9. Determination of ribosomal RNA and total poly A+ RNA content of total brain and cerebral cortex in hyt/hyt and hyt/+ day of birth mice. Using Northern gel hybridization, 28S ribosomal RNA was not altered in hyt/hyt, hyt/+, or +/+ cerebral cortex or total brain on the day of birth (4A, 4B). Total poly A + RNA content of total brain and cerebral cortex in hyt/hyt and hyt/+ day of birth mice (4C, 4D) was determined. Poly rA (Pharmacia) was transcribed by MMLV reverse transcriptase with PTTP (Pharmacia). The single-stranded poly dT probe of a specific concentration was then hybridized in solution with known amounts of total RNA from hyt/hyt and hyt/+ total brain and cerebral cortex. As assessed by S 1 nuclease resistant 32p counts per minute, the rise in amount of hybridization with increasing amounts ofhyt/hyt versus hyt/+ cerebral cortex was essentially the same (4C). Total poly A ÷ RNA was calculated to be 2% in hyt/hyt and hyt/+ cerebral cortex by a standard curve based on hybridization of the poly rA template to the single-stranded poly dT (4D). All data points represented the mean of triplicate determinations. component b (SCb), carry distinct groups of critical proteins distally. Fast axonal transport includes movement of membrane bound vesicles, including synaptic vesicles, certain proteins (e.g. dopamine ~ hydroxylase) and plasma membrane components. This rate component is dependent, in part, on the efficacy of axonal microtubules and is reduced in hypothyroid axons (Rasool et al., 1985). SCa, the slowest rate component, is primarily composed of tubulin and/or microtubules and neurofilaments. As such, this rate component plays important roles in supporting neuronal shape, growth, and function (Brady, 1988). SCb moves more rapidly than SCa and typically carries actin, brain spectrin, HSC70, calmodulin, clathrin and associated proteins, and glycolytic proteins (deWaegh and Brady, 1990). This rate component functions in energy Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse MODEL 2 337 Reduced Fetal/Neonatal Brain T3/T4 ,~ MAP Synthesis " / Delayed ; A P Expr7 ~, MI35 mRNA in Day of I~ I \ Birth Cerebial Cortex I ' 1% ~, MI35 Protein in Day of I ~ Birth Cerebral Cortex 11 - .. ~ Other Tubulin - - ~,- t Hippoeampus isoforms/MAPs 1. ~, Mossy Fibers 1. Delayed Granular Cell Migration 2. Purkinje and Granular Dendritic Abnormalities $ Axonal Transport of Tubulin and Tubulin isotype Proteins to 3. Parallel/Climbing Distal Microtubule and Growth Cone Fiber Abnormalities \ of Growing Corticospinal Axons \ \ \ \ Altered Microtubules at Distal Axon and Growth Cone \ \ \ 'i 2 . D e n d r i t i c A b n o r m a l i t i e s - i Pyramidal/Granular Neurons | Visual Cortex and Optic Nerve 1. Dendritic Abnormalities of Pyramidal Neurons 2. ~,SCa of Optic Nerve \ \ \ Delayed Abnormal Corticospinal Tract Penetration into Spinal Cord Grey Matter Below Cervical Region \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Delayed or Altered Placing an Grip Strength \ Altered Visual Development Altered Spatial . / , . ~ ¢ Learning "1. . . . . . \ Altered Complex Juvenile and Adult Motor Behavior Fig. 10. Model2: modelof thyroidhormoneactionon motorand other systems.Reducedfetalthyroidhormonelevelsmay effect specific cytoskeletalmoleculesthat contributeto the formationof microtubulesand subsequentnormalneuronalprocess growth. Reductionsin certaincytoskeletalmolecules,and potentialchangesin the numberand functionof specificmicrotubulesin selective braincells and regionsat specifictimes of developmentcan affect the motor system.This may be manifestedby anatomical changes and subsequentdelays or permanentalterationsin early reflexes or more complex motorbehavior.With respect to the latter, similareffects on other systems in the hippocampus and cerebellummay contributeto the total effects on the brain. Reproduced, withpermission,from The Damaged Brain and Iodine Deficiency (1994), by CognizantCommunicationCorp. metabolism, growth cone mobility, receptor scaffolding, and regeneration of neuronal processes (Hammerschlag et al., 1994). To define the potential mechanisms of process growth in hypothyroidism, we used the hyt/hyt m o u s e optic nerve to look at the level and composition of SCa and SCb. This employed the pulse labeling method (reviewed in Stein et al., 1991a) in the optic nerve of 3 month old, agematched hyt/hyt, hyt/+, and +/+ mice. For SCa, the velocity of transport for neurofilaments and tubulins was significantly reduced in the hyt/hyt optic nerves versus the hyt/+ and +/+ nerves (Stein et al., 1991a). This may also be generalized to certain MAPs, which may be complexed to SCa components. Furthermore, the actual amounts of tubulin within the axon were reduced, which may be a reflection of synthesis, assembly, and transport difficulties and the actual reductions observed in axonal microtubule number. Taken together, these observations suggest that the axon, and particularly its distal aspect, where these components are required, would be relatively deficient in the hyt/hyt optic nerve (Stein et al., 1991a). Hypothyroidism may also affect the axon and 338 A d v a n c e s in N e u r o i m m u n o l o g y Altered Late Fetal and Neonatal Thyroid Hormone Levels CONSTITUTIVE PROGRAMS OF TIMING AND LEVEL OF GENE EXPRESSION or t3 Thyroid Hormone Receptors Reduced Abundance of Mt35mRNA, M~I or ? MAP mRNAs Reduced Actin Polymerization Reduced Abundance and Altered Timing of Appearance of M135, Mot1 and Certain Other Isoform Proteins and/or Reduced Abundance or Delayed Appearance of Certain MAP Products 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reduced Assembly and Numbers of Microtubules Altered Microtubular Composition Reduced Axonal Tubulin/Microtubules Altered Timing of Appearance of Specific Microtubules Altered Microtubular Stability/Function Reduced SCa -~- Axonal Transport of Tubulin and MAPs Reduced Fast Axonal Transport of Organelles and Membrane Proteins Alteration and Delay in Fetal and Neonatal Cerebral Cortex Axonal and Dendritic Elongation, Branching and Stability and in Later Process Maintenance ? Reduced SCb Transport of Actin/Miirofilaments [ _ Altered Neuronal and - - " Glial Microfilaments Altered m Dendritic Spines Altered Neurofilament Phosphorylation and Number and Reduced Axonal Transport of J Neurofilaments ,, Altered Neuronal Connectivity Fig. 11. Model 3: an integrated model of thyroid hormone effects on the cytoskeleton and their relationship to process growth abnormalities and abnormal connectivity with respect to the hyt/hyt mouse. Molecular, neuroanatomical, and behavioral abnormalities in the hyt/hyt mouse and other animal models and the human neuropathology suggest a more specific model of thyroid hormone effects related to the potential functions of specific mRNAs and the observed abnormalities in process growth and motoric behavior. Alterations of thyroid hormone levels as seen in the hvt/hvt mouse lead to alterations in the levels of specific developmentally regulated tubulin isotype mRNAs and their translation products, which are precursors of tubulin. This occurs in neurons, such as the pyramidal layer V neurons of the mouse sensorimotor cortex, that are differentiating at this time and whose axons form the corticospinal tracts. Microtubule associated proteins (MAPs) that complex with tubulin isotype proteins to form microtubules may also be altered. The delivery of the tubulin isotype proteins to the growing axon is also reduced. These reductions in tubulin isotype levels and transport may lead to alterations in number, composition, assembly, stability, and potential function of the microtubules. Similarly, actin polymerization, microfilament axonal transport, and neurofilament expression, transport, and phosphorylation are altered. The results of these events may be alterations in the extent and timing of process outgrowth, elongation, and branching, in process maintenance, and of connectivity, with noted abnormalities in growth of the corticospinal tracts and other tracts. The potential results of these neuroanatomical alterations are delayed, abnormal, and irreversibly changed reflexive, locomotor, and adaptive behaviors. These behaviors may be predicated on normal sensorimotor cortex and corticospinal tract development and function, and other components on the motor system, as well as the hippocampus and visual and auditory systems. (Modified from Stein, 1994.) s y n a p t i c c o m p o n e n t s by a l t e r i n g SCb. In fact, the ATPase), clathrin, spectrin, and calmodulin. rate o f n e u r i t e e l o n g a t i o n m a y be directly r e l a t e d C l a t h r i n , s p e c t r i n , actin, a n d H S C 7 0 s h o w e d p r o t e i n s are s i g n i f i c a n t r e d u c t i o n s in t r a n s p o r t velocity. A c t i n i m p o r t a n t in g r o w t h c o n e f u n c t i o n and, using a to S C b transport. Many SCb is a m a j o r c o m p o n e n t o f the m i c r o f i l a m e n t s that s i m i l a r p a r a d i g m as above, a x o n a l t r a n s p o r t w a s f u n c t i o n in the g r o w t h c o n e to p r o m o t e p r o c e s s e v a l u a t e d for actin, H S C 7 0 (clathrin u n c o a t i n g g r o w t h . Its r e d u c e d t r a n s p o r t distally, c o m b i n e d Biology of the congenitally hypothyroid hyt/hyt mouse with the effects of hypothyroidism on increasing actin depolymerization, may contribute to observed process growth abnormalities. Spectrin interdigitates with actin in the growth cone and with other cytoskeletal structures in the axon. As observed here, changes in spectrin may influence axonal receptors and process growth. Calmodulin was not significantly reduced in terms of transport velocity but, unlike the other proteins, calmodulin levels significantly increased in the axon. Although calmodulin works in many ways on the neuron, it is involved with regulation of microtubule assembly in vitro. Increases in synthesis of calmodulin mediate reduction in microtubule assembly. Elevations in calmodulin in the hyt/hyt mouse may contribute to alterations in the numbers and stability of microtubules. The transport velocity of both the clathrin heavy chain, a major component of coated vesicles, and HSC70, an uncoating ATPase for clathrin coated vesicles, was significantly slowed in hyt/hyt nerves (Stein et al., 1991b). Axonal HSC70 was also reduced in terms of its level. Clathrin coated vesicles function in the recycling of synaptic vesicles, uptake of materials at the presynaptic terminal, and in receptor mediated endocytosis and secretion. Changes in clathrin may affect synaptic function, retrograde transport of trophic substances, and process maintenance. HSC70 and free clathrin have roles in protein trafficking and transport in the neuron, which may be altered in undefined ways by changes in transport and level of HSC70. Changes in clathrin, when combined with changes in fast axonal transport, may effect the supply of membrane organelles for process maintenance. Changes in SCb may underly reductions in neurite outgrowth, synaptogenesis, synaptic efficacy, and neuronal plasticity. Since the molecular mechanisms of SCa and SCb are poorly understood, it is difficult to mechanistically relate reductions in thyroid hormone in the hyt/hyt optic nerve to these events. However, alterations in SCa and SCb provide one basis for understanding observed alterations in process growth and connectivity in hypothyroid humans and animals. Axonal transport and tubulin isoform abnormalities, in combination with other 339 molecular effects of hypothyroidism on cytoskeletal and other critical molecules, give a tentative road map of how reductions in thyroid hormones may affect process growth and maintenance, growth cone motility, synaptic function, process stability, functional and anatomical connectivity, and excitability. This is emphasized by thyroid hormone effects on the following genes and gene products and their potential associated functions: (1) tubulins, MAPs, i.e. tau, MAP1B, MAP1A, N-CAM, NGF, preproEGF, calbindin, calmodulin (neuronal process growth and maintenance); (2) synapsin I, NaK ATPase, CaATPase, RC3/ neurogranin, acetylcholinesterase (synaptogenesis and synaptic function including dendritic spine functions; and (3) myelin basic protein, myelin associated glycoprotein (myelination) (Porterfield et al., 1994; Munoz et al., 1991; Farsetti et al., 1991 ; Bernal et al., 1992; CorthesyTheulaz etal., 1991; Iniguez etal., 1993; Stein, 1994). The wide range of these molecules provides a broader base of evidence, suggesting that the observed neuroanatomical abnormalities may be predicated on alterations by thyroid hormones of many different molecules that act to produce a "normal" event. Furthermore, taken with our molecular observations, a common mechanism for thyroid hormones in the developing nervous system is to act on molecules that have critical functions. The hyt/hyt mouse provides a model to evaluate the effects of thyroid hormones during the life-cycle from a molecular, neuroanatomical, and behavioral standpoint. Work on this mouse emphasizes that initial molecular effects of thyroid hormones form the basis for both normal and abnormal neuroanatomical and behavioral and cognitive function that may be general across the phylogenetic scheme. Thyroid hormone regulates process growth and connectivity, synaptogenesis and myelination by regulating critical molecules at the molecular level: the hyt/hyt mouse has direct relevance for clinical management and pathophysiology of SCH The appropriate diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of human SCH is predicated on a better 340 Advances in Neuroimmunology understanding of the fetal and post-natal effects of hypothyroidism. Compilation of human and rodent clinical and basic research suggests that there are several critical p e r i o d s o f t h y r o i d dependence for normal molecular and anatomical development and maintenance of the nervous system. This including the human fetal period, corresponding to 15 d pc to 10 d a b in the hyt/hyt mouse. Since the SCH continues throughout the life of the animal, this mouse can be used to determine: (1) the critical periods and dependence of fetal, neonatal, juvenile, and adult brain on thyroid hormones; (2) potential diagnosis, pathophysiology, and therapy of fetal thyroid deficiency; and (3) the proper timing and dose of T 4 to normalize and maintain euthyroid brain thyroid hormone levels and to prevent molecular, neuroanatomical, and behavioral/cognitive effects in the motor system, the auditory system, and the hippocampus and other brain regions. 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