D I G I TA L M E D I A P R O G R A M Course Syllabus — subject to change with notice DIGM 4378: Senior Project Spring 2013 Professor: Lab Instructor: Lab Instructor: Professor’s Office: Professor’s Telephone: Professor’s E-mail: Program Web Site: Course Location: Course Day/Time: Dr. Jerry Waite Mr. Harold Halliday (hhallida@central.uh.edu) Mr. Can Le (chle2@uh.edu) Room 342 T-2 (Main Campus); George 217 (Sugar Land) 713-743-4089; 832-656-3089 (cell—use your judgement) jwaite@uh.edu http://www.digitalmedia.tech.uh.edu 386-T2 (Main Campus) Wed 1:00–2:30 PM (Main Campus—section 18669) Office Hours: (Main Campus) M 8:00–12:00 Noon; W 8:00–8:30 AM or by appointment. Open Lab: See separate handout available from Can Le. Course Description: Prerequisite: Credit: Course Goals: Directed research project. DIGM 2351, 3374, 3252, and 4373. 3 semester hours This course is the culmination of the Digital Media major’s research project begun and continued in previous courses. Students completing the course will describe, demonstrate, compare, analyze, integrate, and critique Digital Media concepts related to: 1. carrying out the method portion of a digital media-related research project; 2. analyzing the results of a digital media-related research project; –1– 3. documenting research utilizing APA style while adhering to the publication requirements of the Visual Communications Journal (VCJ); 4. presenting research findings through websites, oral presentations, and posters; and 5. presenting and explaining technological processes through participation in the annual Senior Show. Required textbooks: American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th Edition. ISBN: 9781433805615. Lester, J. Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide (14th Edition). ISBN 978-0205059331 Important Information: As a student of the University of Houston, information available at http://www.uh.edu/provost/stu/stu_syllabsuppl/index.php will be critical to you in insuring that your academic pursuits meet with success and that you encounter the fewest financial and academic difficulties possible. Please take a few moments to review each of the areas, and become familiar with the resources detailed on the website with regard to: The UH Academic Honesty Policy: the UH Academic Calendar; Students with Disabilities; Religious Holy Day FAQs; and Other Information. Overall course extra credit may be earned through participation in the University of Houston chapter of the International Graphic Arts Education Association (IGAEAUH). Students who join IGAEAUH and attend a minimum of three association meetings will earn three points extra credit on their final grades. IGAEAUH officers will receive five points of extra credit on their final grades. Extra credit: Should IGAEAUH not meet during the semester, Dr. Waite will assign alternative course extra credit assignments. Full-group attendance: Attendance at all full-group class sessions is expected. You may not miss any of these class sessions. Full-group class sessions will be held: • January 13 (Main Campus) (Overview) • April 10 (1/2 student presentations...bonus for early presentation) • April 17 (Graphic Excellence Awards Banquet—6:00 PM) • April 24 (1/2 student presentations) –2– Meeting attendance: Assignments: Each student must schedule at least three one-on-one meetings with Dr. Waite. One should be during the first or second week of the semester; the second should be the week prior to Spring Break, and the third should be at least one week prior to the student’s presentation. All three of these meetings are required. Final Research Paper During DIGM 4378, you are to conduct the research plan you devised in previous classes and then write a paper that meets APA style requirements as well as the publication guidelines of the Visual Communications Journal (see the last few pages of any recent VCJ available on igaea.org). Finished papers must be of submission quality and must be submitted to the Journal’s editor by the last day of the semester (commencement day). Papers must contain the following sections: Abstract Introduction Brief Literature Review Method Results Conclusions and recommendations References Website Prepare an attractive web site to disseminate your study. Web sites should thoroughly explain your study and its results to a nontechnologically-oriented person such as a graphic designer, media buyer, media salesperson, student, or customer. Completed web sites must be suitable for publication on the College of Technology’s Digital Media Web site. The completed projects may become part of the digitalmedia.tech.uh.edu web site and will be useful to alumni of the DIGM program as they attempt to explain concepts to others. In addition, the projects will be available to the vast internet audience and, as such, will help explain digital media concepts to all visitors. Oral Presentation Students are required to give an oral presentation, supported by a PowerPoint or Keynote slideshow, which must cover: • a one-minute “elevator speech” that quickly describes your project and findings to a casual acquaintance; • the problem; • highlights from the literature review; –3– • methodology; and • results. Presentations will be of 15 minutes duration with approximately 5 minutes for questions. Orals will be attended by students enrolled in the class, invited faculty, and guests. It is your responsibility to invite an appropriate guest and have that person approved by Dr. Waite prior to your presentation. Suitable guests would be persons who work within the digital media industry in any capacity or non-DIGM faculty members. Friends, other DIGM faculty members, spouses, significant others, and family members are inappropriate guests. Projects will be presented at Main Campus on either April 10 (1:00 pm) or April 24 (1:00 PM). The evaluation committee (Dr. Waite, an additional faculty member, and an approved guest) will grade the oral presentations. Each evaluator will submit an evaluation and the three scores will be averaged. Those who present on April 10 will receive early-bird grade consideration. When evaluating student presentations, the evaluators will be given the following instruction: “C is a presentation that gets the point across accurately. A B presentation not only gets the idea across, but also is attractive. An A presentation gets the point across attractively and also makes good use of presentation techniques. A presentation receiving a grade of D or lower fails to communicate the idea effectively or contains fatal errors.” Poster Each student is to create, print, and mount a standard poster (see examples in the lab hallway) that illustrates the research problem, method, and results in an attractive and graphically-pleasing way. Your poster is to be displayed during your oral presentation. You may refer to it. Your poster should be describable by your elevator speech. Senior Show As a part of the overall assessment of the Digital Media program, all students in the DIGM 4378 course are required to display their portfolios of work from all Digital Media courses. The senior show will be part of the 2013 Printing Industries of the Gulf Coast Graph Excellence Awards (GAE) Gala. The GEA Gala will be Wednesday, April 17th. The Gala will start at 6:00 PM. You will need to be there before 5:45 PM so you can set up before guests start arriving. –4– Attendees will rate your portfolio. The average of the evaluations you receive will count as 15% of your Senior Project course grade. Grading: Item Percent of grade Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Final paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25% Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20% Oral presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20% Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% Senior Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15% Percent/letter grades: A. . . . . . 94-100 B. . . . . . . 84-86 C. . . . . . . 74-76 D. . . . . . . 64-66 B+. . . . . . 87-89 C+. . . . . . 77-79 D+. . . . . . 67-69 A- . . . . . 90-93 B- . . . . . . 80-83 C- . . . . . 70-73 D- . . . . . 60-63 Grade expectations: Due date policy: Adds/drops: Please refer to the University’s Undergraduate Catalog and the Schedule of Classes for the appropriate add/drop dates and procedures. Those procedures must be followed to the letter. Incompletes: An “incomplete” grade will only be issued if the student is maintaining an acceptable level of achievement and cannot, due to some factor beyond the control of the student, complete one or more major assignment. If a student wishes an “incomplete” grade, s/he must explain the situation to Dr. Waite in advance and make specific arrangements to make up missing work no later than one year after the “incomplete” is issued. Classroom cleanliness: Janitorial services are rarely provided in rooms 102A-T, 102B-T and 102F-T. For this reason, and to keep the equipment clean, no food or drink is allowed in the room for any reason at any time. Please clean up after yourself! Any student who may be in need of additional help under the ADA guidelines should contact Dr. Waite ASAP. Americans with Disabilities Act: Dr. Waite expects students in the course to be capable and motivated professionals. No such student should be content with a grade less than “B.” Please provide the attention, motivation and effort necessary to reach this grade expectation. Late work is “yesterday’s news.” In keeping with this idea, assignments must be turned in as scheduled. –5–