SOS!!! Save Our Subscriptions! The QSP Magazine Sale is Returning Fall 2011!

SOS!!! Save Our Subscriptions!
The QSP Magazine Sale is Returning Fall 2011!
Please help us by saving your magazine orders and renewals for
our QSP Magazine Fundraising Program.
 We get great magazines at great prices. QSP will honour any
price coupons. Save up to 85% off of newsstand prices!
Our School earns a profit while you save on your magazines.
 Our Children - Any reading material, including magazines,
encourages children to read or model your reading behaviour
can help to improve your child’s literacy skills.
Plan Ahead and Help Even More……… Ignore those renewal notices from the publishers and order your magazines through our school this Fall. If you can’t wait, order anytime at! Consider giving magazine subscriptions as gifts this year! Let friends and family know about our fundraiser and ask them to save their orders for our program! Remember, if you have any questions regarding your magazine order; please call QSP Customer Service at 1‐800‐667‐2536 Thank you in advance for your support. We count on your participation!